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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Nov 1922, p. 5

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STORE BURGLARIZED During the early hours of Monday morning the store of M. Weichel & Son. hardware merchants, was en- tered by burglars, An entrance was gained through a trap door at the rear of the store. The only articles mlssing were two guns and a gun tity of shells. The culprits appar- ently were acquainted with the store. Chief ot Police McEllustrum has the matter in hand. MOTOR MISHAPS. Several minor motor accidents were reported on Saturday. Two can came together in front of the hotel Ewald on King St. The can lortunately were not travelling fast and the damage done was slight. On Sunday at the cornér of Erb and Queen Sta. two motorists tried to turn the corner at the same time and both cars came together but little damage resulted. An interesting event took place on Saturday evening when Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hahn celebrated their silver wedding. A large number of friends were present who enjoyed a happy few hours in social chat, music and games. Mr. and Mrs, Hahn received the heartiest con- gratulations of their friends. About a score ot friends gathered at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. C. Ott, Breithaupt St. on Saturday evening where they took part in a Hallow- e'en masquerade. Fortunes were told by the witch and prizes award- ed to those in the best costumes. CELEBRATED SILVER WEDDING BUSY HUNTING SEASON Judging by the large number of permits Issued the past few days by Alfred Meyer, game warden the hunting season which opens In Nov. 5th promises to be a busy one. A goodly number of hunters leave tor the north shortly in quest ot deter which are said to be plentiful. BAGGED TEN RABBITS. Alex. Dunner and several other local hunters had a most subcasstul day's sport on Saturday when they bagged ten tttte rabbits. Rabbit suppers will now he in order. HARRIED AT FRESNO, CAL. Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Weber, 25 Otto St. Kitchener, announce the murky: ot their daughter. Annie unwell}. to Mr. E. L. Hopper at Fresno, CM., on Tuesday, Oct. 24th. F IRE is 12mm It forces you to vacate your home, even destroying your possessions and per- haps leaving you finaneui- Th. Hartford Fire Insurance Company otrttrg through this mac] to mute good the " ”will. Ion when your home to Mutton“. It may sue you 6. A. Boohm HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE News of Interest Around Town - h h “an; of lame- ”and to sun an ' M'vidual and. I m Hp your "es. So. I about it otth atratt.xrhodsnot #3"?th '10-; wit.- 1-! ml] or _ '0“un Optician Right at the Kuhn but Phone 858 It 'm’t cost anything Arnold Jansen , In}: mun-tunnel“... An event of “nu-ml inure-i ‘3. the silver wedding of Mr. Ind Mn. John Bruegeman which they eels band It their home on Victori- Streai on Friday “min; lurround- ed by member. of their - and a few (Honda. The Chronicle join! their hm drag of Twin City trio-Ila in “and“. - can.» niacin-o ad hon m n no HONORED BY FRIENDS. On Friday evening {mom twenty- friends of Miss, Laura Nahrgang gathered at her home on Foundry St. and presented her with a cut glass dish accompanied by a nicely worded address in view of her mar- riage this week. A delightful few hours were spent in games and music and at the conclusion de leoiabie refreshments were served. successFUL BALE. A large crowd attended the sale held hy Jos. Beberlck at New Ger- many last Thursday. Excellent prices were realized one team of horses selling at 8375. cows trom $70 to $85 each. Other stock brought good prices. Auctioneer H. B. Duering conducted the sale ln tttttt style. RAISED $3400. As a result of the prize drawing held in Mimection wltli St. Peter's Bazaar lam week. the sum ot $3400 was raised. the an.” proving a de- lightful social event. HELD COOIAL. On Thursday evening the mom- bers of Purlcln Chapter Eastern Star held n noclnl event. over 500 being present. Dancing And card- fnrnlahed the amendment tor n enjoyable few hon". CELEBRATED SILVER WEDDi, 62 STUDENTS REGISTERED. That the Waterloo College and Seminary is growing la favor ls evidenced by the record number ot students enrolled at present. Ttum- bering 63, When the new addition is completed next year the attem dance will doubtless go over the 100 mark. ' DIED AT OLIPHANT Friends in the Twin City will re gret to learn or the death of Mr. Walsh. a resident of the summer resort, Oliphant. Lake Huron, where he passed away on Friday. He was a fisherman by occupation and was highly regarded not only by the re- sidents of the place, but also by the many who spent their vacations " this summer resort. His wife sur- vives and she will have the Bym- pathy of a large circle ot friends. REAL ESTATE CHANGES The brick residence belonging to Mr. Fred Snider on Albert street has been sold to Dr. Zwlck of Toronto, who comes to Waterloo on Nov. 20th. Mr. Snider has bought the tine residence ot Mrs. Wm. Wallace. formerly owned by his father, the late Wm. Snider. Mrs. Wallace and family, who have been residents of Waterloo for some time, wlll move into their new home in Toronto. re- cently purchased. They expect to leave about Nov. 20th. TENDERED SHOWER On Wednesday evening Oft. 25th, Mrs, Julius Nilssou (nee Hildegard Isnt-tr) was made the recipient ot a miscellaneous shower try a num- ber of her friends at the home ot her mother. A few hours were an- joyably spent in dancing, cards and music, refreshments being served at the conclusion. ANNUAL MEETING On Wednesday, Oct. 25th, tho An- nual thank altering meeting of St. Paul's Presbyterian church was held Mrs, McKeracher presiding. An in. lemming talk was given by In“ Cora Messer ot Toronto, on the work being done In Saskatchewan. A so- cial hour was enjoyed after the meeting. SPECIAL SERVICE. HELD. Largo congregations attendant the Retocmation services held " the m. John: Lutheran church on Sun- day morning and evening. At the morning service Rev. E. Bockolxnln preached In German and Rev. A. Jacobi of Bridgewater, N. S., deliv- ered a stirring sermon in the even- lug. (ttrt-ti-mth/e, 'tLara; - " a. hon. at In. Ar. that Mr on luau "all; who- a non mrterraM. for Man were IDGII. be?!“ tho evening one of the newborn. Mims Mary Froehllch v:- mdo tho recipient of a mlmllunooul 'ho- in vlew at her approaching marlin; nmuuhumnim tHer-Noe-trea-tttt a» a. we... “1: iiiGUG'i. "lut""atturre-t. 35;“le snow" Among those present were: Mrs. Mu. Springer, Toronto; Mr. and Mn Chen. Schneider and daughter, Lorraine. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Simp- eon and daughter, Kathleen and Mr. and Mrs. I Aliendori, all of l Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs, Ferdinand Schneider end Mr. Conrad Allen- dorf ot town. The children who were unable to be present are Mrs. Char. Schneider, Tnoomn. Ween; dotnh, Nrhutord. Alta., Mrs Cline, ”one"! Vnnmnver; Henry and AV (red of New York city Ind Herman ct Grend Rapids A: a nun: taken ot the love ot are children the perenu were pre- sented with n puree or gold end A bountiful banana of noverl. A Int-uncut wedding dlnner we: "reed a the clone. w.thhuyelnof 51. um may“: good in!“ mun-mum nun-I- The first position accepted by Mr. Allendort when coming to Waterloo was with the Waterloo Monufactur- ing Co. in the carpenter department and he has since continued in the employ of the company. Their un- ion or sixty years was blessed with a family of thirteen children. twelve of whom survive. Six members or the family living in distant points were unable to attend. Among the messages received was a letter from a daughter residing in Tacoma, Washington, wishing the tond par- out. continued happiness and that they might be spared to onloy many more years of the comforts of this life. An event or much interest was the diamond wedding celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Allondorf on Sunday at their home on Willow Bt. Waterloo surrounded by memberaof their tamlly. The aged couple re- ceived the heartlest congratulations of their friends and children and the hope was expfessed that they may be spared many more years. Mr. and Mrs. Allendort came to Canada over sixty years ago. The past rortr_eartr they have re- sided in Waterloo where they have a wide circle of friends who will join the Chronicle in wishing them many more years of happiness and, good health. _ HONORED BY FRIENDS On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. L. Klenck, 22 Otto St. who were recently married were sur- prised by their friends who made the bride the recipient ot a Handsome jardinlere and tern. A tew hours were pleasantly spent, refreshments being served during the evening. CELEBRATED THEIR DIAMOND WEDDING ON SUNDAY. Lose: His Wife The many Twin;City friends of MED. M, Shantz of Chicago will sympathize with him in the death of his wife who passed away on Thursday Oct Mth, after an illness or several months. The funeral took place on Saturday. Health Centre Fifteen babies and tive older children were treated at the Health Centre an Thursday Oct. 26th. Dr, McNally being the physician in charge. Mrs. B. N. W. Grigg and Miss Eve Reid were in charge of the.retrestunent. NEW SIGNS ERECTED. Fine new signs were recently plac- ed on the Equltable Building. The gold lettering stands out c0nspicu- ously and add to the attractiveness of the building which has been thor oughly renovated and transtormed into a modern ottiee building. HELD MA‘QUERADE On Thursday, Oct. 26th. the em. ployee: ot the Waterloo Shirt Com- pany held a masquerade party in the Equitable Building, about titty being present. Dancing was followed by the serving at a delectable lunch. everyone enjoying the evening. a good price, 60 can“ per dozen being Inked. Butter sold at Me. per pound while chicken. were plentiful " " to 40c. per pound. There I!“ on abundnnoe ot vege- table: elated. The thte weather brought out a Inge number ot farmers and townspeople. Eat" me. P!!! 001:" At the Waterloo market Saturday manna; em continued to sell " coal when the cold weather at: In. (lo-W Alh- Bqethtqi. Mr. Bool- an and that about an mm for and m h..- uuu use. u totArdlneoaadlhnatromstgttee. With am can deatee. in ton m 0.171.; nip-lut- of can then should be no nous-hold" without "euatta-sGu- lam-Inuhulhm mambo-35m Thu-b- GOAL “I WWI“... no and amu- ln Wan-la an...“ Adam - A wide drone In the Twin City mourns the an": of Adam Moyer, who prttttred "my Iuddenly on Fri- dny "teyrrtoon " his home, 973 King street west. Kitchener. He was at work u noun! on the day ot " dean. being employed " the cm foundry. About {our o'clock In an “turnout he became III “a I.“ for homo. when he mud any half an lou- Hurnm. . l JAMES DUEGNAN. James Dueguan passed away at the K. W. Hospital after an illness ot two months on Saturday. Deceased was born in Guelph In 1883 and was a resident of Kitchener tor several years. Interment was made in the Guelph cemetery, Jonah scum" The funeral took place on Satur- dly ot Joseph Schnarr. whose death occurred Parly Monday morning. Rev. Flther illnsberger was the cel- ebrant at the requiem mus at m. Mary's church and later outdated at the grave. The pal|~baarerl were Mess-rs. Jos. Westenhoefer, John Helntzman. Wm. Fame". Harry Mahn, Frank Buschllne and Mr. Stadlemeyer. should Have Map Mr, Foster further stated that We should have a map ot the town and it the Town Planning Commission would furnish particulars as to the kind of plan it wished together with estimates of the cost ot the same. to town planning. The legislation governing the matter gave a muni- cipality jurisdiction five miles tre- yond its borders. giving the Kit- (hener planning commission jur- isdiction over Waterloo. No other municipality in Ontario. he pointed out, was similarly situ- ated. The Kitchener Planning Com- mission had however, been very fair in the matter, having always (an dorsed anything submitted to It. It, nevertheless, had the veto power over any changes submitted for ap- proval. In Peculiar Position Deputy Reeve Foster said we were ina peculiar position with reference Mr. J. R. Kaufman said the plan made some years ago was good as tar as it went and it it had been followed up. the town would be far. ther ahead. Mr. C. W. Wells, President ot the Board ot Tqade presided at the meeting which was held in the Council chamber. Want Better Support Mr. Wells. in referring to the Town Planning Commission said that that.hody were not getting the support they should. Suggestions‘ were, he said, ignored or not acted: upon by the Council. He instanced the case of the declaring ot a port- ion of the eastern part ot the town a residential district without con- sulting the Commission. This, he maintained was not as it should be. " more consideration was not given that body. the Commission would resign. Defer Action The attendance at the meeting was unusually large, about M being present. The fact that the question ot the union of Kitchener and Wat. erioo had been discussed by the Board ot Trade tf the neighboring municipality recently lent addition. al interest to the meeting, but after the disposal of other questons, on which there was considerable dis.) cussion. there was only time left tur1 a short informal discussion and the matter was left in the hands of the Council of the Board or Trade. Ai number of those present presented their views both for and against amalgamation but the lateness of the hour precluded any extended! discussion, no action being taken i It was deemed Quentin] to have In View ot the period of renewed building anvny we are now en- tering upon. Prominent Anon; tho oat-um, con-idem u the first meeting ot) the Waterloo Board of Trade, ir) lowing the winner months, held on Mondny evening, was the mum! of n comprehensive plan ot the town, governing the laying out ot srtrmsu) building lines, the contraction ot various services such " .iifri) water and the like. The Board pun ed a rmiution recommending that the Cmutcifaad the Town Pinning C6mmissstion. co-operate in the alt-ec- tion of securing such a plan which Reagption- Endorsing Planning CoanmiGion Faded - No Liiod on Question of Amalgamation. OBITUARY. BIG ATTENDANCE AT MEETING d"',',,',",",','- can “not (impound. H The death ocedred on Thursday, Ort. mm. of Clarissa Battier, widow of John Copley at their residence in New Dundee, used " years. she is survived by several chlldren. The funeral w“ held Sundu " tprnoon at 2.30 o'clock. A brhf lor- vice was held at her Into mldonco. After which Interment took place In the New Dundee cemetery. His widow, one son, Nelson ot Preston, and two daughters. Amelia (Mrs. M. Hueuergard) at home, and Alma (Mrs. John A. Brydon). Gait. survive. To the bereaved family will be extended the sympathy of the community. Resolution Passed Two resolutions trom the Mon, treal Chamber ot Commerce were en domed. One of them recommended that the Government make provision for the affixing of the necessary stamps to drafts by the parties re (-eivlng them, as frequently it was necessary to redraw two or three times, multiplying the expense. Um der the above plan. stamps would only be amxed when drafts are accepted. The other resolution dealt with the refunding of the sales tax where a firm failed in business. the creditor being of the opinion that he should not have to bear the addit- ional loss ot the sales tax in case ot a business failure. lug his boyhood days there. After serving his apprenticeship at the blacknmnhing trade.he lived for a short time in Elmira,. later moving to Waterloo. He was a ttittttul and energetic member of St. John's Lutheran church and tor 21 years served on the church board. He wan highly regarded by his friends, by whom he will be much missed. Amalgamation Diocuued The last matter brought up was that of amalgamation. A number present expressed their views on the subject, both In opposition and in favor, while others desired further information as to the arguments’ both for and against the, proposal,i so that an intelligent opinion or the; merits of the case might be formed 1 The hour being late an extended} discussion was not possible. so the) matter was left in abeyance and] no action taken. EN-Mayor W. H. Kutt moved "' amendment that the town apply an amendment to the Act, giving Waterloo authority to act alone in connection with town planning. but cooperating with Kitchener where mutual Interests of the two muni- cipalities were affected. The amend ment however tailed to carry. Ambulance On"; Mr. J. B. Lockie. referred to the necessity ot having definite inform- ation as to where the ambulance is located so that no time is lost‘ in case of emergencies. After con-; siderable discussion a recommend) ation was passed that the Board or Trade council take the matter under consideration with a view to pro- viding information as to where it would be available at a moment's notice. It was pointed out that Fire and Police numbers are at present prominently printed on the covers of telephone books. , Will coolant. Mr. P, V, Wilson said that more was no question but that the Kit- chener Planning Commission would heartily cooperate with Waterloo. The clause extending a municipality’s JaNsttietson was put into the act to enable a town to protect itself be- yond its immediate borders. There was not another situation like It in the province. l Appreciate Commllcion Mr. Wilson moved,leoonded try B.W. N. Grigg that this Board ot Trade desires to express its appreciation of the aims ot the Town Planning Commission and to recommend that the Town Council cordially cooper- ate with the CommJqun in in: work. The resolution wan endorled.| " I’ll ot the opinion tint timeou- cil would give it an consuming. it. thought. hommsr, it would be' o nigger tor tho incoming council to tote up on a good plan would out about “000 and the amount to qnirod would have to be included :11 the estimates. Mn. Curl-u Copley and Aim “To" 1} ii: , Telephone Thanksgiving Greetings NWT day der To a little grave not far away Where we laid our darling, Henry, One year ago to-day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Frickey and family. The day brings back sad mem cries Ot one who has gone to rest And those who think ot him to SECURED 42 RABBITS. Last week a party ot local hum .ers who went on a trip to the mating grounds in the vicinity of \yton brought back 42 rabbits which are especially numerous this 'ear. The party consisted of Messrs. H. Sturm, H. Croce, A. Croce. J. Raisig and B. Doll. HALF HOLIDAY OVER. The Wednesday halt holiday in operation in the Waterloo stores luring the summer months up to October are now over and the stores will accordingly remain open all day on Wednesday. Are those who love him best. on and oft are thoughts do wan CHARTERED TRUST ' EXECUTOR CO. I I I I ma I I I aur M . [MINI It I m I m IVIHII . . I m ‘I Gartend Trust ' Executor u. "Tell Tum I'm cutting the second joint of the turkey's leg-his favorite portion-this minute"--calls out Father, as Elizabeth answers the Long Distance call. And next to sitting down with the home folks to Thanksgiving Dinner, Tom will treasure those hearty greetings from all the family by Long Distance. They make him realize how much he means to them. We all of us crave such re-assuraneex, and never more so than on a lone]; holiday-- away from home. Our operators will have their hands full arranging for Thanksgiving messages, but we will gladly add yours to the list. Use Stirn-to-Statio.r: messages if you can. After 6.20 RM. the evening rate on Sta- tion-to-Station calls is about one-half the day rate. l In Loving Memory. Issued for any amount from $500 to $l0,000 FREE MEDICAL EXAMINATION Money not lost if you discontinue. For farther particulate write or call Before Deciding you should mung? Lower Rue: at which Gunnteed vi: Insurance may be chained from the toAatine under Government Summon) Monthly rate for 8l000 in ten yam o: in case of earlier death . 1nsiira nee? I Kitchener 73 King St. W. 13to20 By Long Distance A. J. Pam, Manager, F, b ROUYLIV. POSTPONED AUCTION SALE. The Dispersion Auction Sale of high grade cattle, implements and household effects of Anson Brubach- er near St. Jacobs and advertised for Wednesday. Oct. Mth, has been post- poned until Friday, November 21ttt. Positively no reserve. Read adver- tisement on another page. Jack Brisbrooke received a se- vere shock by coming in Contact with a live wire at the Shoddy Mill on the occasion of the recent tire. Firemen nearby tendered first aid and he was revived in a few min- utes. Minard's Lirtimertt, for ""rd in Cows. FAKE CANVAssER. The police are on the lookout for a fake canvasser who has been sol- lciting subscriptions for the ttre sufferers in the North. Citizens are warned aganist the taker who since Chief McEllistrum has been investigating, has evidently disap peared. RECEIVED SHOCK. Waterloo 7 King St. N. DEPOSIT Emma 7.70 I‘-lhlhl\ 'o""ll0igoo C, /ttt? 'iia'

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