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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Nov 1922, p. 10

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iiGi " Good cow-Judy“ "so g. " with m0 at nub. " mammal-uh“ 'nt-ere-ar-att' too." Mbmmm "te-ts-ter-ttA-n cunt-mm“ Tor, can. In - and an Iowa. with up at 811; men! hundred wan won on 8.55 lo " Goo, --Receiptr, 4,918; good lambs no“ tram $12 to $18 with bulk " $11.50; sheep cold up to " siGLitoeetsrts, 1.797; no dtgi1u- It. not prices are lVllhble. Qua cutie, nun Butcher steers. choice do., good .... ... do., medium ..r... do., common ...... Butcher heifers choice do. medium ....... do., common I.....' Butcher cows, choice . do., medium Gunners and Cl Butcher bulls, Feeding steers do. common do., mir ... Shockers. good do., (Bin. . Calves choice do. medium do., common. FRIED-At Roseville, Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Fried, a daugh-~ ter. [ BURKHART--At 'i'loradale, Oct. 12,1 to Mr. and Mrs. Menno Bark.) hardt a son. 1 WATSON-At Niagara-Ott-tite Lake. Oct. 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Sher- wood Watson, a daughter. [ PADDiCK-At Waterloo. Oct. 16th.: to Mr and Mrs. L. Paddick. i) dughter. I QUiLE'rTlir-nht Ktchener Oct. 18,, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quilette.‘ a daughter. _ GRWAmoW---At Kitchener, Oct. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman (insh- ow, a son. } BULLIVAN-At Kitchener, Oct. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sullivan, a son. I BCHELL--ht Kitchener, Oct. 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schell, a daughter 1 KRIW,i.NG--At Waterloo October 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kress- ling, a daughter BrpmirL--At New Dundee to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sippei, a dugh- ter. BULLE1C--M Kitchener, Oct. 17 to Mr. and Mrs. P. Bullec, a daugh- tar. TARGOSH-At Kitchener, Oct. lt, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Targosh. a. daughter. CRIitssMAN--At Kitchener Oct. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. V. Cressman. a son. KEMISKiEb--At Kitchener, Oct. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kemiskie, a daughter. BrirExOHLLER---Nt Kitchener, Oct. 16, to Mr. and Mrs, William Seeg- miller, a son. KIA?,-'---:" Kitchener. Oct. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Elchert. a non. wruMrN--At Kitchener, Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson at the K-W. hospital. a SOIL MEr1AJHiN---0ct. 24, to Mr, and Mrs. Herman Melchln, 100 Louisa St.. a son, KRUSPD- At New Hamburg. Oct. Mtrt, to Mr. and Mrs. C. o. Kruspe a son RUPPEL~M Elmira, Oct. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ruppel. a son. mEX5--At Waterloo, Oct, 29th. to , Mr, and Mrs. F'red Git-s. a daugh» ter. WrBE-Near Heidelberg, Oct. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Wlbe. a daughter. BCHNWDER---At Parkdale Private Hoaplul. Oct. 19th. to Mr. and In. Rana Schneider (nee Annie Peters. 18 Fuller Ave., Toronto. 3 mmmuwu tat"tl Ignatius, u they an“! In. Bordon of an at. M Dam.- Rt'lpt con-Inn- mm”. MAL * CAMRRE can: " n mention“ M. Dolmen " eaumt6 tx la- mina: ot the mum: In; of “in; Tune. mtyy, an. an, In VoLU-At Waterloo, Oct. 28, trtt' Allan Street Jo Mr. and Mrs. mu von, 3 son. - KIESSLING» At Waterloo. Oct. 22, to Mr. to!) Mrs. Chan. Klee-sling. 1 (humor Ror'uCH-To Mr. and Mrs. John Honlch. " North Foundry street. t daughter. " - aha-W" "nail" it'll-m __ mm“: ”I iiiLTiG in” $t"fS,i"e' atl1mart-_ ‘44.; 1.3;... a... A A .4 and cutters bulls. good steers good BIRTHS. $7.00 a 00.001 .535 o 0001 .515 q 635 .550 a 6.00 .3.00 0 450 y 5.50 a 6.25 A.50 o 6.25 .3.50 0 4-50 .330 o 4-50 ..3.75 a 3.25 ,.1.75 O 2.00 ..3.00 @ 4.00 Ar.00 @ 5.50 ..2.50 0 8.00 ..4.00 O 6.00 ..3.50 a 4.50 ..2.50 © 3.50 .1000 @ 11-00 ..7.00 o 9.00 .3.00 0 6.60 Ion. m - I... q "' Willi?“ WINNIPM. Oct. at“ - Wttaat--lrtx 1 MM 8135*: No. I 't.06li; No. ' 31.01%; No. ' as“; No. 6, "e; No. t 'v. mad, 73c: trick _31.06K. Our-No. , C. W. 46%e; No. I. O. W., "lie; enr- No. 1 food, Que. No. 1 teed. 3Mie; No. , lead. 88e; mission! We; trick. Me. Barter-No. ' C. W., M3ke; No. 4 C. W., 82.41; No. , C. W. and re- jected. 81.78%; trick, 88.16%c. CAIN GRAIN CHICAGO. Oct. 80.--Ahurh elm: wt"sat--No. 2 red, 3122; No. t, hard, 81.19%. Oorn-No. , mixed, 68%e 6 70c; No. 2 yellow, 68%e . 20%e. oats-No. 2 white, 43%e o 4Mic; No. t, 41% 6 43550. Rre--No. 2, 82e. O "e. Barier-69e. 6 Toe. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 80.- Cash close: wheat-No. 1 northern. 51.12%; May, 31.11%. Cora-No. 3 yellow, 66c, @ 67c. oats-No. 2, white, 35%e. qt 88%c Iriax---No. l, 82.47 tt $2.60. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 30.--43ash close Wheet--No. 1 Manitoba, 113, Md; No, 2 hard winter, IIs 3d. = you. 'fk kWh-M Lockwood. But. oft. " livi- mm - u ”an. E WiMhAMtF-9t m on. It. KROGMAN--RiTz--At New Harm) burg on Monday, Herman Krog- man to Alberta Rita, daughter ot Mr and Mrs Chas. Ritz. GtmBEL--HOMMAN -- At lager- soll, Oct. 16th, Reva. Horsumn to Norman Goebel at Windsor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goebel ot New Hamburg. BAUMxN-mMBEL-- At Breslau. Oct. 17th. Abram Bauman to Vera Gimbel, by Rev. o. Burkholder. coUzENS--LANG-- At Kitchener, Oct. 19, Margaret Lang of Kitch- éner, to Frank Couzens ot De- mNTz-RHomsrsBURN-At Kitclr Cook-tn London, Oct. " Rein- good conduct would save mm Irom hard: Cook ot Kitchener. " years. the lashes. but the magistrnte N i ENGELKR--At Elmira, Oct. IIS, plied In the negntltve. pointing outl Mrs. Harold Engelot. used " that the prisoner had been ans-1 you“. gather too frequent a vlsltor In Po THOMB--At St. Jacobi. Oct. lull. lice Court during the put two years. Gerald, non of Mr. and “to. Al. -.--------_-t=rcr:=rr=Cr---i-r= vin Tttomg, tutml " "Bro. Dyrilt3NAN-9t the K. a w. BOI- GROW - At New Humbug on pital, Oct. 28th. Jamel Duman. Monday, Oct. "rd, Mud-lens aged " yours. Echelmun, wife ot Moses (Iron. trrRMPr-Akt. 27, Vernon Eugene. in her “m "nr. ion of Mr. Ind In. Lego Street. BUCKIi--At Now Htmbnrg. Oct. Cnnnnldo. and 4 1“"- 17th, Johtt mtchttt, In " "ttt MOYER-9t Kltchcner, Oct. and. your. 979 W. King at. Kltchoner, Adam tMmNARR--ht Kitchener, October "In". "ed " "t"- " _ “in" in W “m "ut---." Kitchener. on. " trait Pearl Graft MARRIAGES. DEATHS. ummth‘inn‘omo “may nut t"rtrru, on. omuuolmulnI-O Obs-mm _ . OWN-WVMIPQ Othynuddupndulm. on. . . Oduldkn'hpummto . way on loot, only on Monday . . nor-lax. Oct. " In hoeritud . . to dhcovu an angled body. . Gammon“ my. Mum-O . ination showed that every bone . O in the victim's body had been . . broken, and her man Ind been . . churned to Jelly by the hun- . . dredge! whoell mum; over . . her. . 0060000000... 009.111.0503.,“ a an“. CUTTiNG-acHMittT The marrhgo ot Miss Vera Schmidt, daughter ot Fred Schmidt. to Gordon Henry Cutting took place at 3 9.m. at the Lutheran parsonage. TUtrt4LiNaKY--OENattb. i A pretty autumn wedding took place at the home ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dengis. " East Weber St. Kitchener on Oct. Mth, when their youngest daughter, Eimina, was married to Mr. Gustave D. Tuchiinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Tuchlinsky, Church St., Kitchener The bride’s brother, Rev J. B. Dengis of Stratford, ot- tteiated On their return from their wedding trip to Detroit they will reside in their new home on Church Bt.', Kitchener. ZiEGLEtb--HAGEN The home ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hagen, Kitchener. was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding on Wednesday, Oct. 25th, when their daughter, Alice Char- lotte, was wedded to Mr. John |Ziegler, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ziegler. Kitchener. The bride was attended by her sister, Mina. while Mr. William Nutter supported the groom. Rev. Dr. Sperliug ottieiat- ed. They will reside in Kitchener. F‘ueher of Ayton and Harold Wal- ter Massel, son of Ald. and Mrs. Chas Massel ot Kitchener were wedded Rev, Pest-on ottic'mtiug. The bride and groom wort) attended by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arndt ot New Hamburg. A wedding dinner was afterwards served at the home ot the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Massel will reside in Kitchener. MAsSEL--FUEHER. A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, Oct. Mth, at Trinity Methodist parsonage, when Miss Pueher ot Ayton and Harold Wal- .- \lqncn‘ mm of Aid. and Mrs. MR8. GEORGE MULLIN The deattt occurred at the K.-\V hospital on Monday evening of Mrs, William Mullin. [allowing the developing of 1ockiaw about three steak: ago when the deceased step- ped upon a nail. Besides her sor- rowing husband three small child- ren and mother, Mrs. Engel, survlve The tunera‘ was held on Thurs- day atternoon to the Waterloo "utheralchureh. Interment was made in Mount Hope cemetery. Gregory Lafittmme of Kitchener, was sentenced to not less than six months and not more than two years in the Ontario Reformatnry. with 10 lashes at the and of 30 days' impri- nonment. by Magistrate Weir m P0- lice Court on Saturday. He was convicted ot the then of $41 from a friend whom he was via- ltlng with his brother. Andrew La. flamme. an accomplice ot Gregory. was fined $100 and only good char- acter evldence on the part ot " employer nved him from a prison term also. - Gregory oied Magistrute Weir It good conduct would save him from the lashes. but the magistrate rc- plied In the negntltve. pointing out that the prisoner had been ano- gether too frequent a visitor in po. “ca Court during the past two years. Mayer. and u yous. i Off on ttqor Hunt‘ _------------------ "trat---" Kitchener. Oct. " Mr. I. H. Town. loot] met one", It! My mun“. use " left for TonMeo on n moons and "Nu, FOR OAMILINO nun "a 1 man. deer chm. um n will him luck 13. Crnwwrd van and 0100 In mnmutqttt6--Aned, Oct. " Lol- lvumbly “an“ Ponce Court on - for con- 'umnnmmd “Wyn-Hm swung-mourning” an“ ad iiim.udiiitieiiit%t-ttqAj, tqgh.ry,t99ymAfee,t,tr. GETS TEN LASH ES WEDDINGS. OBITUARY. nan-anilinumm Ina-(Inlmud-Q. Ila-101.0! an: mu m in. “autumn-lulu. It. cum-um-mmm Born-4'0 Mr. All In. lib. ”In! on Friday. not: I). c hum». I Mr. Henry Bohr All It Imm- Otto of N" Man "ttad It a. home of B. Ruhr but Thin-day. their pro-ll. Mr. N ltd. M. Mr. And In)!” “to: od Kitchen" sun: In. Mull with their "tttttor, In. m In“ and Sunday Mon " no home of Mrs: A. Fried were Mr. and In. Irvin mum-n 3nd daughter, mun, and Mr. and In. Wm. Knarr of Waterloo. Ion. Ala-tin Bricks. Hess“. Ernest and Grant Ging- erich visileo at their home in Blair on Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mtur ter Hannah Croal I: suffering trom an attack ot scarlet fever. Min Margaret Hannah of Gait spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. uni Mrs. B. Becker and daughter Rozy and Mr. and Mrs Allan Chapmnn of Kitchener called at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. M. Chapman on Sunday. Mr Winnie Guiger ot Manheim was t visitor in this vicinity on Judging Competition The Waterloo County Stock Judg- ing competition was held last Wed. nesday on the tarm of Andrew Free man. southwest ot Kitchener. There were 53 contestants besides a large number ot interested spec- tators, We are pleased to say that the highest man in this competition was one of our Meal boys, Mr. Floyd Becker, who obtained 864 points Floyd receives a tree trip to the International Livestock Show to be held in Chicago in the latter part of November. Mr. Eph. Hallman and Mr. David Croal motored to Guelph last week to attend the Gait-Belleville Base ball match. Sunday. Home Coming Service On Sunday evening Oct. 22 an old Folks and Home Coming Service was held in the local United Breth- ren Church. Rev. C. W. Backus, who first ministered to this congregation about forty years ago, preached an appropriate sermon for the occasion. The choir of about tirteen voices composed of the older members ot the congregation rendered splendid music. The special numbers of the choirs was the singing of the old favorite hymns of thirty or forty years ago. Mr. J. C. Hallman, who is among the number of the lon- gest standing in the church also gave a short address of a remin- iscent nature. In response to in vitatlons sent out about thirty-five former members and adherents from Kitchener, Milverton and other points were present. Mr. Nathaniel (‘lomens of .\lilverton also made a few remarks recalling the very ear- ly history of the church. A number of others took part in an open testi- mony meeting recalling? the bless» ings and influences of the church in their association with it. Altogether the service proved lu- pirlng and impressive. The pastor, Rev. M. I). Mailman acted as chair- man tor the evening. BORN-TO Mr. and Mrs. Wlltred Wanner a daughter, Cleo Freda. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lau. Er ', Hagar. " daughter. An error occurred in last wee 'g news, regarding the name ot _),;',: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sippn which ghould have been Myrl Eu gene Death of Respected Renldem. med-At New Dundee. on Thursday Oct. Mth. Clarissa Battier. beloved wife ot the late John Copley, aged 85 years. 1 month, 11 days. The ttttr eral took place trom her late re- aideuce on Sunday. Oct. 29, at 2.30 p. m. Short service at the house', was conducted by Rev. M. D. Hail- man and Rev. C W. Backus, Irv terment was made in the New Dung dee cemetery. Dellght'ul Hellowe'en Party On Monday evenlng. Oct. 29, the teacher and pupils ot the local con- tinuatlon school held an enjoyehle Hello‘m‘en party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Normsn Weber. Lemuel-I Entertain“ The Luther [Anne held thelr en- nual Halloween party ln Inver- men'e Hell on Tuesday evellng. on which occulon about thirty men here of the New lumbar; League were entemlned by the local loc- lacy. NEW DUNDEE _ J,' Ttttmc, '_'". (a: _rrv1eiii'ir'iii'iisr.ie, h autumn-mm r' *3 m‘cdw‘mm. At', At.' mull-$1. Id; " ‘1’. II “I. ”It. at m I . WED.“ HONDAY, nova-u it w 0..- Inle sun-nu ulo'cbek ”than HON 30m tlt.hRNW.r-t u at kitchen range. wool or todt. (mot-loll“ new). not use! all heater (like new). Ctttrx We. 1 burner all "tree, 1 good - I“. been]. 1 cell-r “M a links. 1 good extension table. I an in! tables. “when this. centre tale. 6kttettattethatrr,8ro_8- turhourtxsrad, parlor mite. heir elm): conch. Singer sewing machine (good as new), 1 cm chnir. writing deck. 1 new bed stood with spring And mettreu, 1 wooden bod steed. 1 Iron bedstead with syringe. hnhy carriage, , bench”. 100 piece din- ner sat,hluo design. all the (may and plain dishes, flower pots, all the flowers, picture trainee. 1 may with cage, excellent tringer. kitchen clock, Big Ben nlnnn clock. knives and torn, ell the tin, mite and aluminum wue, pots. pans, tee Rat-l tie. lamps, lantern, plain white toilet. set, Imitation buifaio, overcoat nine 40 in good inane, carpet strips, mats, curtain poles. " hrs trait fresh put up, n few crocks pre- serves, 5 gal. crock. sauerkraut, new meat tub, extra nice wood box, lawn mower, 2 new wooden tubs, 2 tralr. tubs, washing machine and ‘wringer. pails, shovels. forks, teed ibox, emery stone. quantity pine Number, tool chest with carpenter tools, 1 cord hardwood and mam other articles not mentioned. By. erything will be sold from the attic down to the cellar, so don't,miss this opportunity. I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer. JOHN B. ERB, Proprietor. HY. KUNTZ, Clerk. There will be sold by public turc- lion in front of the Equitable Lite building in the town at Waterloo on Commencing at 1.30 o'clock p.m. the following valuable property: 40 windows, 30 doors, 6 screen doors, electrical fixtures, carp6ts and rugs, quarter cut oak dining room furniture. curtain rods, 3 stoves and many other articles. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer. Nov. 17 tF'ridayp-Auction sale ot Harness and Durham young cattle ' Ad Feed of James Reaney. at Lot w. Con. 1 and 2 South Easthope. w; miles east of Stratford. 14 acres ot best loam, tive miles [mm Waterloo, good metal clad house. new rebuilt bank barn, ce- m-nt tfoors In stable, drive shed ‘and chicken stable. Must be sold in two weeks. Price only $3700. Apply W. w. Frickey, Waterloo, AutrtiorF can Phone Mw. TigItMS:--Cash. H. B. DUERING. Auctioneer, Phone 136, Waterloo. _ FOR SALE . A nine-roamed house, all conven~ was, sun room. large garden with .1 m trees. hen house, smoke 'wusn. and garage. a very desirable properly. Good location in Kitchen, pr. Reply Box No, so. Waterloo t'itrorticle. 4rtt HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. 4,1t, :‘fnlly decorated for the occulon. r.‘.l a (big) supper terminated the enjoyment of the evenlng. I hned at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Roy Goldbeck. The house was beau Revival 'erviere. Revival servloes will begin at the II nnonlle Brethren Church on Wed. ncNay, Nov. 1, conducted by the llmngellst. Ell Ecker. Local and Perm-ml It In rumored that I medicine lmupe will vlait our village In the neu- future. Mm Melinda Sandlos of Hanover is spending a few day. In the Tilt- age " prelent TERM8:--Cash. Minn Edith Weber of Kitchener upon: Bunny at her home In the village, A. lulu] the bad boys pllyed many n punk on the eventful night of Oct. tut. Farm For Sale PUBLIC SALE SATU RDAY, NOV. ttttt -o F.-. nod In in urn-i; .al that. IttlRIggmMtr. am r- In. mm, mum-w- mm mm, In- enn'l my “VIII. Purl ot Brmtr “do mu. lam 6.. m1. Beulo 11M, Vlolot "8091, Ooh Eula 180081, Dora 183738, Lord Ill-borough born an. " 1088. Mar more: ban In. M, "ft; Duo Wellington boil Am M. "M. Prbuu at Willow horn April It 1.922; Pivot“. born Jam. "tlt, 19M. GRADE tAtTtm-rive, can my posed lobe In eau,twogtsttr.oltt no posed to be in all. two-rearotd my supposed to be in out. 2 youths! and six calves.‘ The above cattle are In the very beat of dupe. ttavistg always 1nd the most careful at- tention. Durham breeders are par- ticularly directed to these cattle. PIGS & POULTRY-Three pure bred Yorluhlre now- due to furrow in February, pure bred Yorkshire boar, sixty shoats and shout 75 hens. . V HAY AND GRMN--About 40 tons of hay (it not previously sold-, sev- en loads ot sweet clover hay, about 800 bus. oats and a quantity of potatoes. 1MPLE1MIitNTs-uMtomtHArritr tl n. cat Mower/nearly new; Massey‘ Harris 36-tooth steel rake; Massey l Harris fertilizer drill, nearly new.' Massey-Harris spring tooth summ- tor; two sets narrows, one new; two walking plows, one new; gang plow, Oliver corn cultivator; one horse scuttler. wagon platform truck, nearly new; two buggies. one near- ly new; sleigh. cutter, 2% h. p. In- ternational gasoline engine. Henry chopper. nearly new; root pulper, hay rack, set of scales, pig rack, pig crate, wheelbarrow. hand wag- on, nearly new; 30-tt. ex- tension ladder set heavy trarness. two sets single harness, one nearly new; pair of light collars and names. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: "Cream tseparator, milk can, cook stove coal ' stove. coal stove, coal oil Darrel, c.hurm cream can and many other uncles too numerous to mention, ThutMS:-All sums ot $15 and under. Cash; over that amount 11 months' credit will be given on tur- nishiug approved joint notes with bona tide property owners as secur- ily or a discount of four per cent. per annum will be allowed tor cash on althredit amounts. Auctioneer's decision tiual in case any dispute should arise. PUBLIC SALE Everything will be sold without raerve as the proprietor has sold (helium. FRANK CORP, Proprietor. Property of GEO. W. LATSCH, all uatcd between Kitchener and Pres- ton on the Grand River Railway, 43-11 ton on the Gran near Freeport on M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer. FRED WEBBER, Clerk. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER tlRh, At 1.30 P. M. One bull two years old, ten cows In milk (four fresh), seven holler! In calf, 2 small calves. Cows are heavy producers giving up to M) lbs. of milk per day. The herd has had two tests under the accredited herd system. Cows are all regular breeders never had a case of contagious abortion on the farm. TERMS OF SALEISIx months' credit will be given on turniablng approved Joint notes bearlng Inter- est at 6 per cent. per unnum. I.H.TOMAN. BEN FETCH, Auc- Hanson. GEO. w. LATGCH, Proprietor R. R, t, Kiwi-on”. 03-h. 20 REGISTERED JERSEYS It will pay producers to gel in touch with us. Write, phone or call. Shannon Dairy Paid For Churning Cream Highest Prices --OF'--- 98 Church St Kitchener THE MEBGAITILE FIRE INSUBAIGE comm" . only trom both Kitchener and Wat, erloo. Good land, splendid upto- date buildings, special equipmhbt splendid farm situated a tow mik- tor dairy to supply milk to either Don't miss this chnnce. Apply for Kitchener or Waterloo milkmen. further particular: to TOTAL ASSETS OVER $1.00..“ V r: INCORPORATED 1884 hbecrlbed Capital um Assets '700,000 All policies guaranteed by the London and Lancashin Insurance Co. Ltd. with - curity of $50,260,000. Mned Wright. henna. C. A. BOEHM, DIST. AST. Waterloo. Ont. Phone 240 antldactlon gulrsnmd Call: from all parts ot ttw county promptly attended to. Offteert' and Dir-cm. s .331 i'rgnet'tl', mam 1ertt d (d, a- warm "my“. - "ut? 't E. i.riiiii2,ii,iid g , ', . award thaehA "'. Ir. I Bach. and». ., 3 UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Witcrioo Phon' M. Might Phone 207w Near Kitchener and Waterloo First " so, have your want: cup- piled here. We always keop on hand choice Beef, Pork, Lamb and Home-Made Sausage Why not buy your man no" and get the be“? EDGAR FISCHER Successor m J. B. Plush“ Phnne 248 WM) A rare oppportunlty to secure i 3. D. DWI "I'r‘w Mud 'iiiGhiiiE at“. W. a I“. Wan-loo. ,' In... .--... in-“ . Real Estate Waterloo Phone 185 LE"!!! & It 1Euuttlud UNDERTAKERS A. K. Grumman The Royal Bank l Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance . Company no You Appreciate lacy limb “who! lav,- .3 Incomnwd In 1868 Class' Meats

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