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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 5 Oct 1922, p. 7

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$23 I watch well for chafing and irritations of the skin. Many skin troubles will be avoided by careful washing with "Mignon Morena. It is pretty, don't you thlntrt" "Very." "My fathen thought no. He w“ to good to me!" "Quite sure, He is one of the heel, fellows allve.' "All. he cannot hp as good as you, though my lather said he was noble and brave, My tather was ne- ver mistaken." “You loved him?" 1 "So much! It was because of me that he was killed. Ono of ”1030' dendlul men carried me away. My. (other tollowed, . They shot mm.'. They allowed mp, to he with himI when he was dying, and that was! when he told me what to do. 011.: It '33 horrible, horrible!" A shudder passed over her. "Don't let us speak of that now," uld Quinlad. “feeling 'id',',",',,;',,":',,',) 'tsw me-what is your primal"; lf Baby is Fat--- BABY'S OWN "Nat, now," interrupted Quintard "m" klndfy. "You are Agitated. nervous. "TIr Wait until Colonel Chimes comes. will , and you may tell us together. Have Gttuu; you had your luncheon?“ "iii, "Nothing since yesterday." told u "Great heavens! Hero. Francois, "Ch, bring a good luncheon as quickly lumin' as possible, and be sure there is "I' for plenty of it." 'le n The girl smiled. he an; "I 110111 Fel hungry. I think I ily ay, had forgotten it until you mention- thun ed it. Are you quite sure that Col, arose one! (Ihildes will not sund me away "Nu when he comes?" l han "You are so good!" she cried. " thank you so much! I-I-H don't know what to say, but I know my father, who is looking down from heaven upon his orphan child, is grateful to you, too. Del. me tell you all about it." "Cetalnly not." To Quinmrd's amazement the im- pulsive child seized his hand and covered it with kisses. It was also moist with her tears when she re. leased It. "Then you will not send me away?" "My poor clllld," be said softly, "sou must not distress yourself like this. Why, you are trembling like a frightened fawn. There! you are perfectly safe here. you may take my word for that, though I have not the honor of being Colonel Childes," "You are not--" "Now dan't get trig1ttenea. It is quite the same thing, in a certain ‘W'BYL Colonel Chimes lives here, and is my most intimate friend, therefore you need not fear to trust yourself to me." _ She paumd at has. breathless from her long, eager speech her lips quivering. her great magnificent eyes lifted to his with a pileous pleading that touched him to the soul Mun before he had recovered his com- posure. When she had ceased, he took her hand and placed her gently. respectfully. in a chair. "My poor child," he said softly, "sou must not distress yourself "Oh, Mr. tell me that’l may stay. Ghosts bdrrihle men at the place where my father died would kill me. I should pitch myself into the Seine before I would go back to them again. Oh, sir, tell me that you ‘1.) protect me" "My tamer would never allow me to know people, and now there Cl no one-+o one at all to take care of , was, and I am afraid even of dear: fans in the hands of these dreadful'; meal You will help me-H know, you wlll! You took so big, so noble' and brave Ind true I know that' you will not send a poor, helpless' girl back to those wretches who would run her l "Oh, Mr. tell me lhafl may stay. The Lady of P1...” tho - exacting tasteo:m Quality - Economy H Purity - Flavor Always Assured. Beaufort Park BY WENONA GILMAN TILL Even n he lay there. deathlll’c In his ulllneu, that door opean to admit Brio Chlldu_ CHAPTIR XXVI" F “IDIOT"! LMNNO'. IIORIT Tho girl M1rtMk away trom him, her eyes fixed upon [ha haggard tare with wildest (right. Instead of tho, furnm Mignon vvidenlly ox sing slrmlo suddenly grasped her by tho arm "Your nnmn is Mignon Human." he gasped, his face distorted with "motion. "What was your Ymher's mum? Quick!" you to our ma hum Hts, stars. Miss Mignon Moreau, lt-t um prestmr Mr. Lansing" particularly lhr-mxvlvr-s “link and {rah then wlnm n in many days In a rd, m told me y rnlvrml He, ut'io1t , ersprttading h wo" Ct'ts "Did you noun" pm to stimuli" "Ot cuurse not, My father and I always travelled. c'r"tvwhorc--every- where'. We were never still. We romuittcd in u unmu’) until he grew tired of it, and then we would go to another. I lngg-‘d him so often "CH and t should lik Sh "HOURS! t llul album "ook,. with them?" "Don't you tra "No, I Ili'vt't' r "Did he teach you English'." l "Yes, and Spanish and German. I. Itl should nu find my grandfather, I', can make money in America to repay Colonel Chlldes tor what I i cost him, fur I have no money now. , You don't think he will mind that. ' do you? I am sure I could make money in America, tor 1’ know a , great deal." “I know a grval many I My lulhvr said I knew the intuitively. When shall I teach you ?" "As soon as t can get th Il "And you will really let me teach you?" man.” "Do you laughing“: hays You , once hr 1m mu No hunk! Did 3 'pt by Th 'l can't read como, in “Don't you speak it?' "No." What , N0. No out take that And can't you?" qo. My father nov 21.1 n H rhs, Quint ‘Hl wn u l d " 1mm th thot u ith her " In thot pp It "l mink h HIP quirk ty I Shall "', Lansing gnyly lhun Ill HIM (urn n w i th 1d h gnu h In ,hlful ?" exclaimed Quinlan] her ingenuuusness. "Per. .vould like to begin at Twilling " ll " lon't Wh, lh in ort trsft I an " at!) from them ly an ho had spok- I must intrudul'e d " al pull ll get the books." know anything " do you want II an; tho lk, Nome Val" which he had ll 'rward and pit wn hm t book in "my bow which taught ‘r taught me Merl If It (l W 1m t t Ib y Ct u m; at l: tl to begin at I speak (hm ' slowly mun-r1 an: nut is your: -u make. , [I] n almost begin to miHan. y well tl h Quin t'h Ill. hm) me lid "g ogh Ih tue In my " ml he 20 YEARS FOR MANSLAUGHTER ‘This illirit tratrlc in cocaine, morphine and other drug poisons. lilis Mnur‘gl‘ which is tlaying our province. must Btotp, I am going to rumlc-r a terrible tMyttteace--tttyt only for you, but as an example to min-rs, hath mm Ind women, who muy hr tempted to imitate you And in “time i think I may give lite len- innrps to thmm found guilty of a rimilar kind ot ounce before me." With the” words, thundered In I volu- whirh resmndod in - mnwr of the Court ot Klng's Hom‘h, Mr. Justice Mono ot Mont. real. on Friday condemned Willie Arurnier. " ymrold drug initiator, to 20 years in the Penitentiary for manslnughter, through hnvlu Liir ad "I: death ot Albert "port. on June as In A (my FUtt “can. divs. when In an nu an: at». at m - " to IM w- ti'aq-hm lik wheat Inc-r ‘xluvluwml any life, Into the wry bosom nml heart ot your fam- ily? Why should you have deceivod ynur inrurcent daughter Into bo- unlnmg my wife when you knew twi) wcll that I had no love to give but that terrilslrt pl to He was scacely prepared. however, fur the still, white horror that awr- spread the suffering tace. The (\‘.it('lling had ceased. The frozen stillness ot the face was that of "lt was Eldridge Appleton Chimes. my uncle." returned Chimes slowly, his eyes holding those ot the man before him. For a moment Childes stood in moody silence, then leaned against the foot of the bed, his eyes fixed curiously upon Lansing's disturbed. ghastly countenance, lifted so eager- ly to his own. “I went to-day," he began at last, "to call upon-upon-Miss Virginia Beaufort. While there a wounded man soul to ask it he might not son me I went to him and found him dying, perhaps. Who do you think it was, Mr. Lansing?" The white face had ghown a shade paler and twitehed horribly. 'r How should I know?" Lansing exclaimed. almost fretfully. , HUI] haw d "What? Go on! I must hear everything! If you have any pity go all!“ "What I have to say has nothing to do with Mignon Moreau. I know nothing ot her except that Quin iard told me her father is’dead and send her to me, asking me to take her to America. I have scarcely spolr en to her. What I have to say to you upon is a different subject terr tiruly."' "No, I must hear it now! Can't. you see that I'm on tire? Don't you understand that the anxiety, the suspense will kill me?" tun “Nothing that I cannot tell you another time." "How strangely you look at me! What is the matter, Has anything happened?" "No. You [tightened her before, and you had better be quite youmu before you see her again. What you have to say to her will keep." "No, no; not now. This is no time for illness. Let me me her. Bring her here. won't you?” “In the omeriroom with Quit uni. She Is all fight an lab on- cash. calm youruu. my Mend; you will be lll_" quietly "No, Bo; not Bebe! the other one linen! Mignon lama m I.“ her me In. When II we?" 'lth “Whats “”50!" I. m hour-cu. mm than u. " el-bov. And all" CM“. III. "Por God'- uko. telt In an I an not dream It. that 1 M10 (all In: at hut!" may w 'rrn..t,MU un- in.“ Child“. "A - MP. - p. room "July. V '_-.. l-Zldrldgr cnving tlt haw omrustnd to you. What it moan? Why should you have lo mo. an ultr‘r stranger. lo in my hands a largo fortunn m " I had no right? Why should haw taken mo, a man whom DH t rnnfc Ill Th0 MOM am an flvr (To be Continued.) Wonk m " "I! I can see there ls some ANT?! underlying all this, must know what that ae- pl for r saw tretore. but who wax Edge Chimes!" he whisper ‘r a long, terrilrle silence. mm that he was killed by ng in of a mine." wwn- told that he was kill- pliml Chilling coldly. "And mm mm that you were be. , when he died. You told ltr, Iutt his large fortune, hands for Int'. You Rave zwy in!" my iiepittg. Now 13' uncle alive, if dying. I t h” has always been [In and pour. I find that ho mum) " dollar whloh he most horrible han that "ds that I have tool all through, all that. and: a] Bebe?" IHo, mm the ”had Child“ an but I idiot give ctod Haw "and Mirtnrd's Llnimc-nl in my homo, huuling and lumbar r‘nmpa for Mara. and rough-hr it the host whim llnlnwnl on the market. I find that it glvns quick relief to minor allmenla, such all apralna, hrnlaou and all klnds of I',':',',':",','. Also it Is a gnu-t. remedy for my”. colds, em, whlch one In llnbla to calnh when log driving Ind crulslng durum the winter and spring monllu. I would not be VIM! Kim‘s LttmmNT All Ono of Ihn III-st knmnn Nova Scam] zivns “us In ot MINAHU‘S LINIRIMNT Haw mind Minnrd‘s I.In Canadians only to buyer thvir vole attained by irrosmmsi‘hln Immi- giants not In oxnmllmiion was (loridrl; try unlil th iulo iwonu lulu): arm“ "It peril taught " tho whvn wlto h Wonk! :mul thud" l boys Would unit. list i llll GoNwnrn On twin h “I itrirr h plum Unis pLan_ "'rlrure ar in England Mr. Nixon said " Was of the Department to get number ut' (‘nmpvtmn will W. c. Nixon, Agmn-Gonv land fur Ontario, told n the local Baum ttt' Trad»: business men at a lumqu his hullul‘. The iiiattp,uatiotr trt A "farm cadet plan for tho purpusv oi' bringing out to this country buys from the Bri, ish Isles is rum-unwanted by the Ontario Ih'parlmunv of Agvicultare, v v - ,.v_v "E""'"".-.... , C T , . ' , _ The _ ' t 'sh May t mun (rry In. Purlr,_ 'rt wring)“; out huw dhl yuu him“ my name? ( = 'x'ofd"i,'d fruitntes the "S'h 'io Ihr, MNHHV hm; th tlr', I] ' Uri» [ Bl) T."eree5rstem.mavs 'tew8uo1g _ , _ mr" Ili.', “r . 33- _ new Veins, Used [whim MI [MN is rank mplurml by the POOR PA. ( ,tst?e"t1',"p.mpt,tbti"Q ()nmriu “vim-unwn- ot' Ag)iolture, "So you have got twins at your 1m!'an'flJaffi’Xm'Fn[&3;?1“££3. W, 1g 1’ k _ L'r ;, _ 9 h J pn' . 'F 'sal' l . , b to lit- for“. seittltdmtxhes.oruiiiU,iiG ah fi tl n. A: 1At(1ur_.1 IU Lug I lt"":'.',', said Irs beaum e t9.oureceipforprice, t'l',%',2','rafgifd',!t,t land {Hr (Imam), told mmnbem of lsr. 'rornmy. "'""o-"iaiitsikEa"iiriiiiiiiGiE the. 10ou Hum; " Tum and (IC) "Yk‘s, ma‘um, two ot 'em." "ttsi-rc, mm: at a Jmuqu“! given in' "What are you going to call , --------"-a7-=----7r-========== BRING BOYS FROM ENGLAND ulna aud otpl Ontario Dept. of Agriculture May investigate Farm Cadet Plan, Says Nixon mung ‘HH "rtuitwtives" no sold by all laden “we a box, a for 5-2 m, trial tle Ma., or sent postivi! _ F“ It-a, 70: Limited, Ottawa. (l [. _ ' The t I oh mod t. Aft Ei'i:fit, ttuInt a. "lte: tii.,?,', l tr Min.“ I obtained further supplies of mody And continued the treat- t. AM usingnbout eight boxes, iii have]; were this to perform their function without aid. ". rdlcfin my case has been luring to date, I have new! had any trouble. I can recommend 'ruitwtires" to all sulrerirttr as I tidand I am sure they will derive - Walk". um ry About: two you: Mo, a friend ' a. " by "Fruio-tives". which I ly, Tho tUst box helped me so much “It nun. I m troubled with tt-rritton, And had to an lum- leu snd_ pug-{duly} tu time, t SIN" GiiiiGriiaiiii7iUii _ - the be"): and. to I hiotr Ind nun-db. rat i an fun within mailtrtttttttMMd whii Him tlt rs fur 1w in: the would hr {IHHRV‘d t WIT-“IVES" I"!!! they whic y n um " H “Tm hu In that h host knmxn guides In gives this Instimonlal m bring up " hm! qua pninlln 't rinripally hr Old (3.1 II tlt M A. W. FRANKLIN. Hi ugh ll 1' tTl th ot gl out " a large Hcrs front by " suction Would he tact mas- n'r of the would en- lulu rltu [trs. Ten [lion at py same that it prq-nr‘ul irtua 11y pvakor. .mll buys and the to the (in: undvr- r that to this hould mum gum] under ms of in or. 110W Lads tlt in Tim And More In the morning they [uund him dead. The other lrog shouted: “I'll have n gum! try, Tu, pail may be deep, but I don't wish to dle." F Ho rhurned un the milk wlth his Inga fore and bind- 'l‘lu-ro'n nothing like having A - tortul mind-- For when tho next morning this lrnzgle was found on a put at fresh butter he floated "round. warp; Hts. sank to the bottom as heavy as has]. “My, "What's dat mean Judge?" "'oa9s the soumnce; you are .‘I'Illilli‘ll." ' still looking somewhat confused. Sam said: "Judge! do an mean I Huh m give de watch back? And ono pour frog did nothing but At (mu examination one ot the mu-sliuns was: "Who formed the The Ready Answer N l city business man was very lu-vn on having proficient clerks in hi; mnpluy. Beture a clerk could Miter his office he was required to pass a written examination on his knowledge ' business Scott's Emulsion 1h em , my frogs tell into a milk pail deep, an mun. The, judge was not con m ml that he was guilty and said: "You are, acquitted, Sam." "Acrtuittcd," repealed Sam doubt, "hhrgt Haste, thanks, ma‘m," re plied the 1mm of the spade. "But how did you know my name?' nourishes the whole body. " contains element- that build tho-1:: baggage!!!” mean a weli.nourished bodrnnd thebeyetnyttms "Well, and how is my Sweet wir !i;un this morning?" 'unity supplied with tand. Sam Was Confused. A nngro charged with stealing 9. ml. had been arraigned before WHAT NERVE. A lady engaged a new gardener, and after dinner one day she saun- turd out among the flowers. See} mg the new man hard at work, she -\Aidl GOOD TEETH rs; company'." _ t certain bright youth was a lie. puzzled at this but was not In! t'loored. He wrote: "Mum tuu$utststuliy floated a unpuny while the test of the mid was m, 'Hquidwuon" He, paristed.- London Answers IN DESPERATION. An Italian who kept a fruit stanl “as much annoyed by pppsible cun- tmuers who made a practice ot handling the fruit and pinching it Ilzcrcby leaving it suitened and of. ten spoiled. Exasperated beyond endurance, he tinally put up a sign nhich read: "it You must nincha " mm tr “Thunder and Lightning." "Why than: are strange names to M1 children." "Weil, that's what pa called them? 't sl"rtt as he heard they were in[ “It's between two places, Mr. Johnson." "Which two?" "Ma says its to Switzerland. and pa ways it's to the poor-house." MOST LIKELY BOTH. ‘Have you decided, Miss sua, where you are going tor the sum nun?" ' The patient-looking mu heaved I sigh: "My wile was mum; to no." he repxied. "And new plan all the Court." said counsel, "what you were doing when the welds!“ occurred." - - Ivl-l'u . _ Edith-- "That's why I mteetad ' him; 119'- to largo-hearted that ho can love nu: u - g6). " on some tune." 1 / ----... S hf trd In” when Me-att grdth "And now please tell the Court," in box“ 1 S 6thr--tNt pub said counsel, "what you were doing A - tuartmt taunt." "u you must pincha da mm, urlla Ja cocounnt." u-arts-ttrim-at 'tr"tett-"'Wu6sttgei to” Btowod---Nt. m; it." mum-”M. 6.1 - 'aouse £53: KEEP ON MOVING. ”QM you going to call I Abingdon . . IAllislon. . .. IMvinslon.. I [lemon . . 3 Palerthehn.. I Brockviiie. , , Calortortitt. . l i'hatsworth Delaware, A I Dungannon Embro. . . . I Erin. . . . . . _ Florence. . I Fordwlch. . Freelton. . . I Georgetown Gooderham I Harrow. . . . Iron Bride. ' I Kagnwong . “List of 0.11tario’s Fall Fairs Dates of Fall Fatra for 1922, is; sued by tho Agricultural Societies Branch of the Ontario Department at Agriculture, Toronto: DR. J. Ax iWLlIRP, DEN‘I‘IST DR. S. ECKEL. LD.S., 0.12.3, Graduate Chicago Cullvne of Don- tal Surgeons and r. ual College ol Dental Surgeons of Toronto, hun- r tal office in new Mummy! Bank Building, Waterloo. Demi 1r) practiced in all its branches. mt. F. G. HUGHES, DENTIST Oddfellows Block, Waterloo. the Canadian National Railways are marking records between Winnipeg and Toronto yards. Trains ot trom' forty to titty cars of stock are quite usual, and last time is made POB- slble by the splendid agents and the lick ot curves by this routs. A train of " cars ot cattle was re- ceived recently at Union Buick Yards, West Toronto, making the trip from Winnipeg in " hours. " having left Winnipeg on Sept 13m. This probably is the longest train cf live stock ever received at Tor. onto from the West. Minard': Liniment Lumberman'e L D. S., Royal College Denta‘ Surgeons, D.D.S , Toronto Univer- sity. All hranclms of Alnntistn practiced. Office Weber Cham. bers, King w, Kitchener. Ont. TORONTO, Sept. ".--Mnoe Att- nnt 'trat the movement a; live stock from Western Canada to the Eastern markets has been 'tgutaual. ly heavy, npd shipments consist " most entirely ot beet cattle. The character ot this business In inch _that that. service by the railwaya Is an essential. and in this respect the Canadian Nutinnsht Radium-“a -..- HEAVY CHIPIENT OF LIVE .TOOK. Friend. Annullloo may ho pun-hand on - link We. Cr on the Hm of two pot-on: jointly. After contract luau. no mark-Hon u " mm. Employer- may lunch... for their omptoroo.-Sehool Boud- for their mocha" ~Connognuona Gr that Mull-tan. Cannot be "bod or livid upon. No modlul cumin-don roan-Ind. Froo from Dominion Incom- Tun. murmur DOMINION " MA nflordu an ur equullod opr'orturtltr for tho (tumult-n! d an.“ or Urge QMounln Hr the punk”. " an annuity cl from “0 to ",00tt a your per "lo, to bum Immodutolr oret my "rtvro In “M, and to ho paid In monthly or -torir tnrtat- A'Ls,J?tf9,s.t"tpttsNE. m DQMINION commm mums smut Wu but!“ my ho ohtaHod by to tho ma. ITA “may; nap (no. term hm! Mia! Ma‘mtm NiGG" 'r""' M mu -d--t." HM. INDEPENDENCE DE NTA L ..0ct. 6 & 7. Aht 5 & 6 . .Ocl. 9 &10 Oct. 10 & ll ..Oct. 5 & G ...Aug. 22-24 Oct. 12 & " Opt. 12 dt l3 ... Oct. 11. ...Oet. 5 & q _.... .Oct. 6 impelw on to Leek the lid on a.ii% medical: without delay. There " M better-- no surer-no "fer-dun a proven remedy. . T energy; inability to deep M. ache, biliousneu, C,",.',,',?,',',,?,',') era] duggishncu chain and he gay sign of digegtiv; “unrest" 1 Oct. 10& ll ,.0ct. 6 t tf .. . .Oct 7 ......Oct. 6 . ...Oct 5 Oct. 9 h 10 .'....0ct. 6 ..0ct.6&6 Oct 'Kenora.. .. .. 'murth ... . . Leamington. . . JMnrkhmn,. . . . l, Middlevine.... Millbrook. . . . . Mount Brydgea Norwood. . . . . . 0dessa.. ...... Oshwekin. . . . Port Elgln .... Pricevlllo .. . . Wt Queensville. . ., RIdgetown. . .. Roblln's Mills. . Roleneath. . . . . Suhomberg. . . . Tweed...... ..r Wallacetown . . Walter’s Fnlln.. Warkworth. . . . Welllnd. . .. . . Winchester. . . . Wyoming. . . . . . . D. S. BOWLBY, B.A., LL.B., Bar- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office Manh- ant's Batik Ihuysiiryr. Telephone A. L. Bitzer, BA., SUCCESOR to Conrad Bitzer, Barrister, Solici- tor, Notary Public. etc. Money to loan. German spoken. 0ttteet, Pequegnat Block, next to Market. Frederick St., Kitchener. D, G. McINTOSH. BARRISTER. SIMS, EBAY and MetNTOBH. Htr. vey J. Sims, LL.B.. George Bran B.A.; D. G. Mc lntosh; tet': Notaries, etc. otnts, ups! rs, Economical Block, King tgt. Well. Kitchener. CLEMENT, HAT'WN and SNYDER. law ofriceis, Waterloo County Satan Building, corner King and Foun- dry Streets. Phone 77, Kitchener, Ont. Notary Conveyancer, etc. " Web- er St. East, Kitchener, Phone 190 247, Kitchener, thid JAMES C. HAIGHT. HARRIET“ Solicitor, Notary Putstie,.conv'rrr ulcer, etc. Money to loan. Once, Molsons' Bank Building, Waterloo. SCELLEN and WEIR J. A. BOIL- Ien, B.A.. LL.B.; J. J. A. Weir. Master in Chancery, Barristers. Solicitors, We. Money to loan, Offices, upstairs in the Hush- Block, King West, Kitchener. ELE6TR0THErtAPttuTteT 5 Helm Apnrtmenu. Yam at, Phones, 08106 18231, H. 133W. "tMmoetuWr,imtatMttt-. Km St. Int, mum. DR, A, noun, D. c, omnovnAcfon Aug. " I " . ..Oct. I h C .001. ' l C ..Oct. I d O Oct. " I " .. ”.00... b11 ”Dotti? .0c!.ll a" .OCLIIOII .Oet. C d C ..Ocl.l“ Oct.“ " ...Ocl,4&§ ......oet" ...0cl5&6 ... ..0cL ' Oct. 10 u: ..0ct.5&l Aug, " I " ANR. " Oct "

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