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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 5 Oct 1922, p. 5

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Tt - I'm "Mod. A urn w E in “I h vile]: were . number ','i- cl em could“ with . muck fii, um- by I “but no» vendor. is'.i.,.-ititeUttt"r,f','="ld "cc., “III was an m- Mal-g 'tfr%i'rikiiiUkoietet?tt2' LOST. MONEY RETURNED. A Waterloo citizen who works at the Minion Rubber Co. while boarding the street. car in! week lent his wallet oonuinins 8156.00. After he arrived at the factory he discovered his loss. In the evening the missing wallet was pieced ilr the held: ot Chief HcEHuumm by n nun who lound the money and requested that his name be not mule public. Needless to any the owner was pelighned to get his money. OPEN AIR RINKS. With the advent ot the cold wet ther the young people are anxious to learn whether Waterloo is to have an open air rink with suitable dressing rooms tor the convenience ot the skaters. The Gait city council recently voted $600 tor the pumme ot providing suitable out- door skating rlnka tor the young people. If the example set by out was followed by the local Town Council it would certainly be appre dated by the hundreds ot young peo- ple ot Waterloo. TO IMPROVE DRIVEWAYS. Recently the member: or the Park Board and the Town Engineer visited the park and inspected the driveways. It was decided to put the driveways in shape this fall so that the roadway Will be ready her use next spring. The Board will lay aside part ot the land west ot the Church St. entrance tor a Bott hell diamond tor use of the young- er hell players. BRIBK DEMAND FOR STOVES At the regular meetlng of the Waterloo Water and Light Commls- glen held Thursday much routine bullies: was disposed of. The man- ager‘s report showed that there was a brisk demand tor electric gloves .many havlng been installed In the he!!!“ at cltlzens thls summer. DELEGATES TO CONVENTION. President C. W. Wells and Mr. J. H. Root: of the Waterloo Board ot Trade have returned from the an nual meeting of the Associated Boards ot Trade held at Owen Sound. There were many Interest- lng and important questions discus‘ Bed at the meetings which proved qulte lnstructive. At Friday‘s ses- Ilpn Mr. J. H. Roos suggested that It would he a splendid idea to have the addressee glven by the various) speakers put ln printed form and dutrlbuted to the members of the various Boards of Trade, the cost to be borne by each member ot the Auocleted Boards of Trade. The Ingestion met with favor by those mum and wlll be conlldored by each board at their next means. The local delegates received I hehrty welcome and received much veluehle Intermeuou. J00 IN PAVEMENT. A number a! unident- on King Bt., north and a couple of member- ot the Town Council have strongly criticized we jog made tn the pave- ment on Km: Bt, north. A: the can sud “not have been laid on the west side ot King at. and or - Mlqirt St... the complaint ot the 11:09.10" comes mewhn his. " In contended by the engin- eer that he Ind no nllemtlve but to put down tho cum, utter and pvomom. wording to the weal ' - - ----" pvomom. account“ to the “mom ettot" wlod by the Town OouncII. It was pointed out by one cItlson an .eopt. will an Mule none. d III M In the cannon: mar tho bola-rd- nd In". " an. to!!! an out In nape. "tt.-strrirorh.6e.t ”wig”! - ‘99 News of Interest l Around Town 1 Right at the In” (“chaser Phat TWO ”TOR ACCIDENT. " "on!“ "rtt motor " i BEAUTIFVING Gammon. ' The past law days a an; of men have been busily engaged In at putting down a cement roadway on " the was! and south side at the On- at uric Mutable Block on m Bt. K). The houlenrdl no also being put he in shape When the work Is oom- " plated it will make a big improve» . meat to the surrous1dtutrts qMi0ei,a-0'rtt.ttamr"%8- _ .. gunmen-mama- T - “I. lthMWI-dmw'l‘mmm 'ette-soerea"tt- tum-“Numb.” .t$t.."'i'.ltatASdt, ammuniti- ,wmddoubm- mnmimdhlm- nu,nsoquu-lt.m. uwnhmmmaoooln "ti-dis-ttmow' up, -nntHthoda-qraoluV - new RGPMRING. Poop!- who have coasta- to VII“ the To" run have been um why - - to an was: and Light Commission have not Q; "paired. The brick and m - have been loose Rte was weak: and require the immediate litentlon at the Property Committee at the Council. PRICES REMAIN FIRM There was an abundance of pro duce altered at the Waterloo mar- to! Saturday morning and a good turnout ot buyers. Butter said at 391: to 'Oc per pound and eggs at 250 to Mc per down. Peaches brought 400 to 75e per basket, according to quality. An abundance ot vegetables offered tound ready sale. ENJOYABLE BIRTHDAY PARTY An unique event was celebrated on Wednedsay evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ruppell, 155 Park street, a birthday party being held in honor of the twin daughters ot Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner. Eight palr ot twins were guests tor the oc- caslon. their ages being two to tour years. A most happy tew hours was spent by the little tots in games and at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner. Eight pair ot twins were guests tor the oc- casion. their ages being two to tour years. A most happy tew hours was spent by the little tots In games and mush. after which they were served with refreshments. CHANGES AT POST OFFICE. The Postoitice in at present un~ derxoing changes to provide more accommodation tor the tree mail de- livery. The partition between the three small rooms at the rear have. been removed making one room which will be used as a warehouse by the Customs department. A large door is being placed on the south side to make the moving-of goods by express companies easier. When the changes are made the several departments will have im- proved accommodation. TO RESTORE TRAIN SERVICE Commencing Oct 2nd the Grand Trunk railway will restore the train service that was taken " on the Toronto to Stratford division, The trains that will again be put on are No 31 and No, " The arrival at the trains will be the same tus' formerly Ir40 and 2.40 pm., the t1rtyt going west and the other east. These trains were cut " three months ago on account ot the coal shortage. RETURNED FROM TRIP. Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz. Menno Street recently returned trom a most delightful two months' trip tol the coast and the western and sou- thern slates. Their journey through the west proved ot special inter- est. The grain crop in Manitoba was splendid but in the other parts of the West it is not so good. Grain growers in Snskntchewan are quite optimism: which may also be anid of those Iivlng in other parts ot the west. They visited Iowa, Seattle, Portland, Salt Lake City and Ne- braska. At the latter places many excellent crops of corn and other grains were seen. Iowa having the best. growers In an!“ optimistic which of those Hvlng In want. They Tisil Portland, Salt L trraahts. At the RALLY DAY SERVICE! In the Waterloo Methodist church on Sunday spoclnl Rally Day ner- vlces were held which were large- ly attended. The pastor, Ree. W. H. Hnrvey occupied the pulpit in the morning and In the evening I vigilant: meeting was held which wu “dressed by Mr. F. B. Hull- man and Mr. Thou. Hilliard both ot whom delivered excellent " renal In dllcuulng the question an to whether the world as: growing bet- ter or worse Mr. mum“ convin- cingly thawed that It Wu [rowing better. noting the "out our! the church pursd In prom-(In; I high (no at dun-Np. Mr. Hilliard mph-dud tho " ully Important plum tho church oocuvld In the community And In grunt haw In dmloplng high “do at! - 9m mm In a am has. In nun-molt to: m "" nd a bf man in WWIuol ot no. Milli . total or can. Laura“. at“. Hot: Coal Go., in in malt. u then we: solid-m cod cont-3' intotsheeuottheilunediste - or Ill. " order unseen s' fair distribution ot coal Allen - tel we: unpainted m1 controller tor Wnterloo. The council ordered two cerloeds of wood tron: Jot; Hall to be shipped immediately and it will be sold " cost The yeti: lion presented declnrin; John St. E. a residentlsi district In In. proved. 0n the suggestion at (but. tiller Bauer it was decided to circu- late s petition tor the paving ot Kins St. tron: William m. to the corporation line with A View to contracting a perineum. roedwny next year although the debentures do not expire hetero 1984. Severe! by-iaws were passed and other hus- iness disposed ot Coal Situation Euler. Leigh Hotttt ot the Hotttt Coat Co. was present and addressed the council regarding the coal situation He stated that they would he will- ing to arrange delivery at two cars of coal bought by the town. one car or which arrived trom the west on Monday. Mr. Hogs said they hed‘ received their tirat car ot anthra-‘ cite coal on Monday the ttrat in some months, while several morel cars of coal are expected shortly. Stove and egg coal would sell tor $16.00 and pea coal tor 814.00 per ion, as compared with 15.50 at Tor. onto, With a fair distribution he did not think any citizen would be without coal. There was plenty ot wood to be had the price being about $17 per cord, ssWed and cut. Order Two Carl Wood. Fr. Jos. Hall ottered 200 cords ot good hardwood to the town $10.50 i.o.h., Waterloo on the recommendation od Mayor Weichel it was decided to order two cars to be shipped at once, This wood will be sawed and cut and sold to cit- izens at cost. Appoint Fuel Controller. Allen Bechtel was appointed fuel controller for the town and he will see that coal is fairly distributed to citizens during the next three months. Population Now 6,000. Assessor Geo. Haehnel stated that he would complete his assessment roll on Wednesday. The population of the town showed an increase at 120 over last year and now stands at 6.086. The north and east wards showed a decrease while south and west wards had increases in popu- lation. The assessment also show- ed an increase over the previous year. Mr. Haehnel was voted “00' on salary account. l Wants Atonement lncnued. _ Mayor Weichel referred to thel fact that the town would be naked‘ to lncrease It: share of county taxes to the County thls year by n considerable amount. He declared that assessment: at present were too low. Properties, which would sell for $10,000 and $12,000 were assossed for only about $3.800. He favored the raising ot all unen- monts now assessed too low. Glad-0H to be Emblem. The Horticultural Soclety’s re- Commendation to make the gladloll flower the emblem tor Waterloo was adopted, They will encourage citizens to grow this flower more extensively. Communication. A communication trom the Om tario Safety but“ to consonan- various new relating to Ironic Inn was Bled, A letter trom the Do- minion Fire Prevention League to tire preventlog was referred to. The Council decided to (the no action re offer of Mr, Hailey re- gardlng purchase ot wood. Pdltlono Cranial. . A petition tor n - on Erb at. we“ wu (rum. Pqtrtlottq Granted. A petltlon signed by [pl-netball, all resident. on John Bt. In“. ... quested that the council declere til; street n renldentlel district end " the building line ll " Reel. Deputy Reeve Falter declered hunch; “In mould be Axed tor the town. Re favored hnvlng the Town Planning Commhllo'n net In the nutter wlth a view to hen-l handing “no. " ed And reside-tie] ammo detetBr. " Th. Mark '3' III-mom to punt. try-luv lecturing John IL I residential “not conduct- Brill. has“ I“ Batter vow! nuns! it on the no!“ that man would - no -utt. at - in this an?!“ - a: I.“ """""t2.-aTC'C"l" """"'""'r'"'-""""'"""e"" gm...“ .. " .. ,rot6t00!La'tdfrtrat.e,stiet tn "9 undue-n.7,. “2:4“! Pave King an From Irc'; 't,tl'Te, - to Chum:- Bi’uw'l row-Anom- um: tor tte Mu or mum WI oI tho louoviu Ill-nu n: -oer.---r Im- nd Inu- olm'n. - m. batten Willow yrd Goal-go. Corner Moon IN Ei- - on. , “gun " either corn! in trout of the Mutable we Witt unmet Storm Drain. The recommendation ot Chain-mun Dietrich (or storm drains on Queen and Klein and other street: was adopted. To Pave Ere it. West. l Councillor Dietrich stated that the town should take advantage ot the Provincial Highway grant sad construct a permanent roadway on‘ Erh St. from Charles St. to the‘ corporation line next year. " is likely the council will decide to proceed with work next spring. Requests $60 Dam-gee. The council decided to allow Dr. W. L. Hilliard 826 damages caused when his car waa" accidentally struck by a ttre track some time ago. The claim was $60 damages. Wants King at. Paved. Considerable discussion was ocv casioned when the question ot again repairing King St. trom Wil- liam to the corporation line was brought up. Deputy reeve Foster thought it would be Tore huslnese like to engage one lpereon to go over the roads regularly and repair small holes in road before they were torn up by traillc. This he contended would mean a big sav- ing. Councillor Bauer did not iav~ or spending any more money re- pairing King St. He pointed out that the debentures on this roadway would expire in 1924 and that it would cost the town very little more to put down a permanent roadway next year. Two years' de- bentures still to run amount to $1200 and the coat of repairing road would mean an expenditure ot $800 and then the road would not remain in good condition long with the heavy tralic. Solicitor I. C. Haight state that if petition signed by all the property owners on this street was secured it would be le- gal to proceed with the construc. tion of the pavement on King St. next spring. It all property owners did not sign the petition it would be necessary to neguon tor spec~ in] legislation trom the Ontario iii) lelature. Mayor Welchel and other members ot the council favored circulating a petition and the clerk was instrpcted to prepare one. Wants Drain Repaired. Henry Hana. Bridgeport, ap peared before the Council and re- quested that drain near his pro- perty be repaired at once. He said when sewer was laid the drain had been broken allowing the water to ttood his property alter rains. Engineer Mooglt's suggestion to place manhole at this point was acted upon To Change Curbing. business at ‘the urns, nurrlen Cl Henry Rene! addressed the Cout the scene of the lire and was ablei cil and asked that curbing be low. to get out one car and the tre) ered in front ttt his property on Mr. Liphurdt had his hair badly) King Si. N, as it present his pro- singml in doing so. The ttremen perly is flooded after heavy rains. atter' their arrival soon had the Mayor W'eichel and Chairman Diet. tire under control but there wat, rich ot the Board of Works agreed delay in getting there owing to the to visit the street with a view to alarm not being clearly given. The having cum changed so that it loss will be trom $4,000 to $5.000. would be uniform from Paul Berg- _--------------' .. .. man's residence to Reuel's proper- TURKS AGREE To ty. - CONFERENCE IN moo to Repair Road. NEAR EAST. woo to Repair Road. The Council offered to my $100 towards the cost at repalrlng the road on Dearborn jet. near Mn Bchweitser's (am. Mr. Schweitzer. Jr., who was present requested a grant of $300. This, however. w" connldered too high. Iy-Lawe Plead. A number ot by-lnwu were given necessary readlugi and pasted an tottowtr.--Br-Uw re sale ot land to: Globe Furniture Co. tor use. By- law tor lnylng mvementa on King end other streets. fly-law tor com Itructlon of cement welkl on In: Aver and other “not... Bylaw tor con-truetlon ot never on Erb St. and other etreetl. "I! tor Rental. Foe“ Bro.. were muted nee ot Ice home on um: property tor a natal ot 8100 per you. wm coin m rm "Ytte clerk we. Instructed to cm tor tendon for tho Mutiny M the Voterl' Lbu {or In). I mum. I BORN-lt thloo.‘ 8391. um. to Mr. “a In, R. a. limit. I non nom- At WW Tuna]. vary loom-mu Dunno-1' oot-hgt.Mr.amdth.'tur' mustn‘t-um and re- On Monday evening the garage ot is pro- Henry Liphardt, Ertr,St., Waterloo -le said was destroyed by tire, including his drain Studebaker touring car. A Ford , water truck owned by Liphardi Bros. and . rains. a touring car owned by Chas. L., ion to Liphardt were slightly damaged. An mt was alarm was rung in from Box M. Mr. Liphardt, who was at his place ot business at 'the time, hurried to e Cout the scene of the lire and wee able be low- to get out one car and the truck. arty on Mr. Liphurdt had his hair badly his pro- singed in doing so. The tiremen y rains. alter their arrival soon had the II] Diet, fire under control but. there was agreed delay in getting there owing to the view to alarm not being clearly given. The that it loss will be trom $4,000 to $5.000. inuWuthhi'Iéu-u . 00011!“ My m A Inmlwlum odiromnrbuntuunlm ”anthem Montreal to run. " MIII u Icon! University. Dr. and MK. I. D. Built" re- turned (ran o “with! m Clip Mr. Mex. Scholar of Wood Ave, AM bunker, Jacob. ot Wtnnr TMN' lave returned from I “no monuu’ extended trtp to mum. to Mlu Lydia Bong“ of Peta-k0,, Mint. la . guest ot he: con-In, Mr. A. B. Brubmhor " Brunei”! Bt., Kitchener. Mn. You Doe recently [on for New York City when one ts tak ing a speck] coune n. Columbh Un- irerNtr. Min Marjorie Killinrd left In". Thursday tor Toronto where she will attend Victorin University at which she in taking on Arts course. Mr, Anderson MoCorkindnle who has been ooqttltMsd to his house tot the past two weeks entering trom blood poisoning in his not which necessitated an operation In: enf- ticientiy recovered as to be able to resume " duties It the Mutual Lite. -. Mr. Varrlnek. the local tailor who has been coMned to the hospital tor some time has been removed to the home ot Mr. Krnnle, Albert B., where he its making slow recovery trom his illness. The condition ot Mm. Henry B. Dusting. King m., North, shows no tytprovement. She has been nor iously ill for some weeks and her numerous friends In the Twin City hope for her early recovery. WATERLOO DOLLAR DAY A'I'I‘RACTS MANY PEOPLE. The Waterloo Merchants held, successful Dollar Days on Friday and Saturday and many trom both the town and the surrounding coun- try visited the Waterloo stores and benefitted by the attractive otter- ings made by the merchants. _ in the. guessing contest conduct- ed by L. A. Boppre, Park Ave., Mr. Frank Roberts 36 Charles Suwa- .he winner of the hundred pound bag ot sugar given to the person who guessed nearth to the correct number of beans in the jar. The correct number was 2270 and Mr. Robert's guess was 2275. A large number ot guesses were registered. FIRE DESTROYS LIMARDT GARAGE IN WATERLOO The withdrawal of the TurkiIh lumps in “continue with tho de mand of the British and the agree ment on the out ot the Turk. to In armistice conference which in being held at Mudanh this week, has very considerably eased tho ienaion ot'the litmtion in the nu- Eut. The tomrancisod patience of the Bnllnh General Harrlngton has averted n hon“. club. The peril of wnr I: now much lol- man- being. - a. s. RALLY The Emmnnuol Bunches] church held . Sands, School rally on Sunny. In the evening "A be and of Service" " Henry Van Dyke In. [in] by If" Norma WIIIOD ot Kitchqnor which wu fol- lowed by an hpmvo cum- "Tho Countering Cross" by now hen ot the school. no man! cotstrnttgtlon mug! the “pm at the Cundhl III-luau In cum I“ method. manna-3 to ma The herd H-t.tig4 I.“ I '""a't-ttt,att0n"e" Inmate's-human Wild-mm ”'3'. Dolor. A. Inlay-m "an n ,',",t2ttttdt"ddutgd "r-r-o-ot" mmtn-m-hmnn mm” " I‘ll” My“. NP. A.o¢thownnotmm- wmwm-uuum "ttre-e-r-trl, “Mods-Ismmwn ‘1'... the cum taking their 'artaxrott. 7 loan. Bun Roth, David B. Roth, amuse-manna W.I.Sch- mrrunnosroonaiutrtrsq trip on Monday morning ud report n Mir 1rtroodeastclsotNstu Mr. and Mm. Rufus Mabel and may at Pro-eon spent Sunday u the home at the bum-’- menu. Mr. and In. Manuel Hummer. med. The sad death took place at 12.16 m. on Monday of Mrs. David Kropt or Berlet's Corner. Mrs. Kropt had been in tailing health tor I considerable time and was " year: old. The funeral took place on Wednesday morning at 9.30 a. m. from the house, thence to the Upper Street church and cemetery near St. Maths. Mr Kropt leaves a son-owing husband and seven children who will have the sympathy ot the community in their hour of bemvement. PQMMII. Mr. and Mrs. Inn. a. Wagner Joined Mr. and Mrs. J. E Wagner of Kitchener motored 6n Saturday to the Niagara Fruit Belt visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wahl at Crims- by. , Some trom Instant points helped to swell the company of the locals at the gathering held at Ma .2 Wagner’s on Sunday. Isn't This Wonderful; A number trom Roseville were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Daw ld Wagner. Two years ago on the lat of October we were shivering in an all-day snow storm and now at the same time this year we're almost? smothering tram heat. I Mrs. Hammer visited in Wellesleyi on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Gram ot, Kitchener were Sunday cauersi here. -- 1 BRIDE rd BE RECIPIENT OF Miss Ruth Bechtel, who ls to be married early in October has been the guest of honor at a number of showers recently which have been tendered her by numerous friends. On Tuesday evening two organize» done ot which she has been a vai- ued member. the Waterloo Mettur dist Young People’s Society and the choir of that church gathered at the home ot the Misses Bean, George St, where she was made the recip~ lent of n miscellaneous shower, re- ceiving many useful gifts. An im- promvtu prion ot music, read, inn and mamm- concluding with refrestunenta furnished a delightful for hours. Other showers war at the home: of MI." Kitchen", and Miss mas and Mlss Peg; Waterloo, dating the two. WATERLOO MARKET. At the Waterloo market on Bat- urday the price of butter and eggs renamed the name as last week. Potatoes sold " trom $1.00 to $1.25 Form" Dam-rt Packlng Punt, 1 lawman an, no" Lancaster SL‘ We now hue our plant In tip top 1 shape and can uluro you the quick-I at ”tibia ”Hm. Mr. John, Heldmm ot Eldon. In doing our' cooking this “non. He neod- no‘ Introduction to not! of you. u not In on. of the but men In this line. i per We will I). open from now on nary an “out“; sunning. and Along you work to make lt worth our vb". to be has "on any. It you have n1 good clean Mder uplo- tor ulo phone as. All urn-on no mun-d “I. Mr m pal" lions. _ I. A. HAML- n‘u: “not at P" M, BERLET’B CORNER. Kitchener (“DER MILL EEVERAL SHOWERS this year we're almost avers were tendered her an of MI.” Babe Bowman and Miss Florence Tho Mus Peggy Henderson, during the past week or to er+etrrtgttrd_tttSt, l, Misses Irene and Bessie Esbnngh l of Kitchener spent Sunday at their § home here. i, Miss Carrie Kleswetter is spend- ! ing some time under the parental ; roof. - can. Agenda-015 "new "In. ttqv.ani.0.mrtbttd- yummmmnu-huu Bud-y. evening proved to he a very It!" able Ill-1r attottt any d thte you»: mm In no mm were pran , Sale of Real mu Mr. Wendell Ciel-nu- bu disposal ut " luminous residence 9| Kin SL, South. to Mr. Simon now. Mr. Clemons intends modem-J another ot his availing: on In; St. Btop 300. Miss Luella Heckeydorn. who m operated on tor trppesndur1tis I: do ing inns. She in mm with friends in Kitchener " mm. Personals. MP. Peter Dorscht and son. Lo- under attended the Btetrter--Bet- telski wedding on Monday. Mr. B. Glen ot Elmlta called on friends here on Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Maser returned home after spending a few days in El- Mr. Ambrose Dietrich ot Chop- atowe was visiting friends here for a few days. after mira. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kroetsch of Snover, Mich., are visiting at the latter's homg here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kohl and son Ed. and Miss Edith Btemer visited the Mllverton Fall Fair on Friday. Mr. Geo. Foerster was a visitor to Waterloo on Saturday. Mr. Gilbert Dorsqht ity at present on the sick list. Mr. Edwin Arnold of Kitchener called on friends here on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Hamlet!) and Miss Flor- pn ' Hunk-3h ot Kitchener spent Sunday at their home. Iv“. , _ m at In. ' -irit Anretnor.ttetnttsqtdatt..tt- It will pay producers to get in touch with us. Write, phone or can Pl.one 2060 1-7le flame breathing dragon of uehrueuon hovers over you. Swooping down it may seize your property and destroy it, Let thU Inncy aid you. In unit's II Intuit". to pru- ony own-1:“ in (no. hunnd for the Ion. you will have Ion fear at ttret, troyed, you will be (all, rein Fire Insurance Company And When your property II deo- Highest Prices Paid Fir.. Churning Cream Shoemaker: Dairy 96 Church St nne 2080 Kitchener Be lnaurad In the Hartford 0. A. Boehm Just an or no”. BAMBERQ alum. um Cs" ram ‘35:?

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