mundane-IQ“ tu-t-setM.rthue.Vtotet Minimum-.334“ A.Beuto-PYautttaettt6" Wanda). the In. It. John - Manchu“ - "hnrmther.waatmatitttttr-w "gntvorrettmt-mtirs,d- qrtthradMurrutmnadr-ltet- unload In" pm. In: Aamrs Good. mud od hgnor. looked lovely In I cunning (on a! gale blue tthtmt meteor with on- trich “a “Iver trimming! and In". pleura hat, and carried Cob od in almilu gum ot pink and lavender amen shot with diver. oil- Tfr ndium bee trimming and black picture has. with bouquets ot Col- unbi; rose». Lime Joyce and Mary Ctuomaat made pretty tio- girls, while Mr. Claude G. Ball, bro. ther at the bride assisted u but. mu. and Mn. A. R. Quirk, Mr. F. W. Chapman, Mr. I. Trash and Mr. Wiltnd Schlee were ushers. “Kuhn“ "wont-mumm- menu-11mm) but. with mm but veil all onus bio-noun. She curled I new“ Mount at Ophelia mu uni lille at the "My, sud won VMMMMM mum-“donut: mu room. The bride-mm», Illa Durant H. Fried and In†Myth Edwards were pram] are-8‘ After the ceremony a reception we: held n the home of Mrs. A. R. Quirk, sister ot the bride, where a bullet luncheon was served, after which the happy couple left on a motor trip to Chicago and Western' points. On their return they will reside on Albert Street, Waterloo. The Chronicle unites most heartily with their hosts of friends here, in villains this popular young couple much happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boehm and - hare returned home after a delightiul holiday of two months spent at their summer home, "Bonny Deon," Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Sims have returned trom a holiday trip to Ab dan and the Yukon, the' "Land ot the Midnight Sun." an interesting description ot which, starting at Vancouver', was given by Mr. Sims to the Kitchener-Waterloo Rotary Club at the weekly luncheon in the Y.MX7.A, banquet hall on Monday, Sept. 25th. Miss Eva Reid of Toronto is spend- lu a short holiday at the home or her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Reid, Herbert Street. like Bella Moore has returned to Montreal alter an enjoyable non- dly of several weeks spent at "Moorloch," with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. o. Lochead. PRINCE OF WALES NEW GOLF CAPTAIN. The Prince oi Wales is the first member ot the Royal iamiiy "to (at but to work" after the aummm‘ holidlys. He will "play himself in" as captain of the Royal and Am cient 001! Club of St. Andrew's, from which eminent ouice Karl Hui; hn just, retired. His Royal Highness will be required to drive all from mum tee before the eyes of thousands of critical spectators, “In: having in severe a test impos- ed upon his nerves as has any rap uiuiecl time the Royla and Att. cient Golf Club ot St. Andrew's was founded, 164. Mr. R. Fox of Montreal is visiting n few days at the home or Dr. and In. F 0 Hughes. George St Mr. Ind Mrs. Goo. C. H. Lang have issued invitations for the mar- rUgo of their youngest daughter, Margaret Bnrban. to Mr, Frank Conant, son of his Worship. Mayor-l Conan! of Detroit, on Thur-day morning. October the ninaleenth,‘ about": hundred and twenty-two. ttt', ton o'clock. Bl lnry'n church, Kit-i, than“, Ontario. Alterwardg at " Qua: Street N. i, Mr. A. A. McIntyre has returned from . balloon trip to Winnipeg, with to upon! the put nun yeah " The Kauai Life can. In that city. In. P. Y. wtkon “a tuirgttusr tr. ruittttg In Toronto. The dank of the Dacha; of Al, may move: A very "out und - ulna-d mamas! ot the Ron! hull]. Tho kindly Dachau will I. m and. “a unto-lions of “mum-mum â€mm-pm - no not. than grroNactory, with M â€limb! In (at, tor m “in. who win In Booth“ '1... by menu - “Mr-Ix- I In. W. J. “In and two midn- {Manama mumr hon urol- ' oqto an" a dettgtttNt Ttatt with rttr..uttrs.aee.C.te._et' and unveil the King lav-rd Kem- orlal " Holyrood Cutie and new": In uddreu trom the church ot Scotland. imam-“mutt“! “awhmw “mum-Mum unmanned-Ii King George uni Que- Mary will return to London etiuitraromt on October mu. They will any . low hour- u Edinburgh on their w†mmmmpuum alarm-h; u not It Goun- new trtirt-t lam. - tmreetu0oanetitteStat_mdt= In. -hatetattAqmndmdV Mrs. Master- and little daughter ot Ottawa are miton with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton at their new residence In the Kaur man Apartments King W. Kitchen- er. Mr. and Mn P. u. Wright of Gait were weobend viBitora at the home ot Mr. and Mn A. H. Snyder. George Btreet. Judge Emily Hunky (“Janey eunuch") declares the Angloduxon nee is domed unless the an; uar no ia lumped out. Royalty luck to London. Mr. James Sims ot Winnipeg, a Mame? ot the late Mr. Peter Sims, has been renewing old acquaintan- ves in the Twin City, the guest of his nephew, Mr. Harvey J. Sims. Kitchener. Mr, Chas. S. Forrest ot Brandon, Mam, spent a few days In Waterloo during the past week on route from a holiday visit. to his son, Robert, at California. Miss M. t Steeixson ot Britten, 0m.. a former highly esteemed tea- cher in the Waterloo Central school, and a party ot friends mot- ored! to Wplerloo lady Sunday. where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James hackle, also mak- ing several calls on old friends. Hem Canon Cody, who has just returned to Canada trom England. has won golden opinions from the religious Press ot the Old Land, An editorial In a w?.',t'eitl"f.',',',' ot The Record, the foremost 1'turctt ot England journal natal: "The Rem Canon Cody left Eng- land last Thundny on his return to Canada. During his brief visit he impressed everyone as being a statesman of Empire ot lint qual- ity, with. a wonderfully wide out. look of the glorious mission of the English race. He has proved him- sell a prince among preachers, for few will ever forget the nobility and greatness ot his sermon at the consecration ot Bishops in West- Hamster Attbey-4or which he had been specially invited to Eutriand-- and it was a personal honor as well as a tribute to the great Doniinion he so worthily represents that, be tore taking hie departure, he was commanded to Buckingham Paloma to preach before the King.-olotre Mina Margaret Lang and Miss Dolly Krux were week-end visitors in Detroit, when Miss "madame Conten- gave a dinner dunce In honor o' Min Lang and her bridal ttttettdttttta. The Talent tea glven by M189 Jackson, President of the Ladles' Auxiliary at Freeport Sanntorlum. at her home on Friday afternoon, in aid of the Sanntarinm, was tit- tended by a very large and enlhut lame number ot ladies. Tea was served and a handsome contribu- tion made towards this worthy work lncludlng also 180 quart: ot pre- served fruits, " sheets, T pair of pillow cases, and a quantity ot blan- kets. bath towels and lace cloths. Min Edna “out has returned from u enjoyable holldny spout In Barrio, where the wu the well of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. G. Hamlet Mr. Jamel Vile-tine h I ,laitor " Roth-u with hot mother, In. Charlotte MeNdb. who we rgut to lay, b In very poor with " pm on. - Mn. t acheifale and daughter are VIINOPI " the "Mun.†Ul- brldgo. 0m..- with Rev. 1nd Mrs. Bennie. Mothers, medial Impacuon In the uchoolo shown that runny child- ren no human! In their and!†beam. of autumn, tte-1qhtttd- man or on teeth. It II not luau-o they no us, or not bright. w.mmmmmw lull-cull“..- IMMdWM We Mir.AdotbrMxttatterteriatt no "gunman-a 1|th Lad-mm 'fr. Vicki: Poll who MI In. "than; no out low we.†in the Wanton has“ told- "tun- ed to his home hora hit Tuesday. Born-At out Hoopla] on Thun- du. Sept. 18th to Mr, Ind In. D. T. Crou. a IOII. Mr. Fred Knitter who hna been spending the summer in Welter]: Canada returned to In! home here Int Sunday. Mr. and In. Austin Burner And umlly visited with the Utter'. bro. that, Mr. Will Shirk, on Sendâ€. Silo tuitrtg In In In" orirtg In thin vlclnny. Tho corn um you In a bumper crop. was Violet (Roam; of Recount visited with Miss Myrtle Hannah on Sunday. Miss Cleo Fried spent Sunday " Plumes with Mlle Rose Latch. Messrs. Grant and Ernie dingo rich went Sunday at their home In Blair. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hallmn via- ited with the latter's Mater, Mrs. Fred Betchon In Kitchener on Sun day. Sunday visitors at the ttmiie ot Mrs. A. Fried were Mr. and Mrs. Melville Vietch and Bobbie View]: ot Plumes and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- tred Wanner and family at New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs: Levi Helm visited with relatives In Plattsville on Sun- Sunday visitors at the home ot S. Rohr were Mr. and Mrs. 1. Hannah, Miss Reta Human and Messrs. Ramsay and Briton Hallman of Kit- chener, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Abram Master Charles Shupe, Mr. and Mrs. Skater ot Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Nuttord Poll ot Strasburg. daughter, O'Deela Josephine, to Harry Rudolph Stanch, son "ce late Mr and Mrs. H. Stauch, the marriage to take place quietly in October. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. smaller of Oak called at Mr. C. S. Hallmn's on Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Stall: and Albert Hall- man were visitors in Nair on Bum day. - The Turk may think he's going to get away with it .hut this in a case where he ought to think twice beiore attempim to twist. the tail ot the lion. There's always a limit to patience. The Executive ot the Teachers' Institute: at Wellington and Wal- erloo are to be congrtttttlated on se- curing Rev. Dr. H. J. Cody ot Tor- onto former Minister ot Education. to lecture to them In Non-loll Street Methodist church on Thursday av- cning. October 6th, on "Present conditions in the Motherland." The public are cordially invited and. no doubt, a very large Audience will (not thin than: uponkner. Mr. and In. W. H. Bo-ills, Are enjoying n week‘s homily- at Pourboro. the (out: of her pur- enta, Mr, nod Mn. Irwin. Ila-Inn at the Victorian Order “all“: in tho norm and vat vat. Wanton. an I my he e-edt inl- uh ht the Inn-bk Miss Emma Lipp spent Sunday with relatives in Plattavii1tt. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens‘and Mr. and Mrs. Sharer ot Kitchener called at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Shrleber on Sunday. The Free Night School tor New Canadians, under the auspices of the Princess ot Wale: Chapter 1. O.D.E. was opened last Thursday evening in Victoria School, with a large and most enthusiastic atten- dance ot young men and Women ot diluent nationalities. anxious to learn the language, manners and cultoma ot this " and Vondertul Dominion at outta, where they expect to make their future home, ll.- Gonon luck-on In: returned to Kitchener after a titttt tee trip thrown the Canadhn North West on througll' Ala-kl uni the Dr. Grant Hunt of Waterloo wu . w-h-end mm: In Toronto. Yukon Minard'o Linimon! and by Phy- slchru, _ 'wg'tgm""c..m ""e' - JGidiaili m 5300;“ not tull- â€was. l --Mercurr I Wet-emu: on may tut. l In. Peter B. Ila-â€Inna - i but weak u Elkton, Inch" where j she attended the More] or one at '; her amen. I Mr. Henry Trupp of Detroit, Mich.. I spent Friday among friends ot " a, home town, and msturnirstt'tumMs I on Beau-day. he was accompanied I by Mrs. Trupp who Ind been here for about two weeks visiting her critically m mother, Mrs. John Wieland. pdaughter. Ethel, were visitor. at , the Kirchtsmrr-wyterioo hmpiul (Sunday afternoon and report that !their daughter, Eleie, who under- ; went an operation at that immu- I tion 10 days ago had made such ra- pid progress toward recovery that she was able to leave the hospital on Sunday afternoon and will stay l at the home ot a friend In Kitchen- , er during the week. I Appointed to Fluorite. ?it??fi?te'ii?tiiicri) mmmwmm 'ohrrh.i.t&.Nt-etrtr$otariit mud-mum“ ',1.'iiC.t?itF,ili'il','e'Sk) lamina-“WU " Addition to u to In“ rm m: some addition-l lip-toast. mutual. he is installing and which he ox- pecta to luv. ready try the this the Hydro power comes to ther VIII- It‘llu-ryam-Lgtn- armmmmhnnm 'staatmrhtt-Nae.gebott-tta. Quito a low trom the - and vlclnlty on Wednesday mamma- od the School Fair held In quomlnz- date while a has "pro-alum than her. were men: at the WOOL wick Township School rm hold " numb-My. scum Atte rid“ Full- Mias Louisa Hahn ot Kitchener was a guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. David Monty tor a tew days last week. 4 Renewing Old Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Fields ot Lexington, Kentucky, are visiting at the homes ot their nephews, the Messrs. Walter JDSnider and Oliver Snider. Mr. Fields is also ailing on some of his old acquaintances at half a century ago when he was living here and st which time he left for Uncle Sam's domains This being ttir' tirat visit here since then he naturally iqpnd the old home town 'and its inhabitants greatly (hanged since his days here. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ban. '0! Kitchener spent Sunday here at the homes ot Mr. and Mn. Adam Door! and that ot Mr. ttttd Mu. Louis Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dresinzer of Elmira were Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huehn, At the constant-,8 at he M.B.C. church held In Kitchener two weeks no Rev. Sievenpiper now or Tor~ onto was appointed to the Breelau and Conestoga charge and will uke over the new tteld ot llbor in e week from next Sundey. On Sun- dny Rev. P. Cuber who has been attending to this chute during the past year will deliver his [unwell sermon. On Sunday evening the young people of the Baptist church, Guelph. will have charge ot the program at a mcial service which will he held in the M. B. C. church The service will commence It 715. Mr, and Mrs. Sol. Kirch and tem- lly spent Sunday in Kitchener. â€ammonium-ll. nan-115cm;- Miss Theresa Halls of Waterloo spent, Sunday " her home here. Has Ricovend. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Good and prick. Mr. J. W. Green and Mom;- from Doon spent u (aw hour] hero on bnalnou. mud 1. number trom her. mum- ad the Wallaby wwmhlp “:th lair which "I hold at Linwood, our ochool capturing Brat In no and print tttr drilling. Tho [II-h took Mn and m. hon would. A number of who: I». “and to non. of tho not]. tor who: " mm- whieh - wall for both - um menu". Mr, a! In. M - “it“ Rev. C. hm†of the bath. church will m Sunday - con- duct the "ro services. 06ml} In the lorenoon nd an English lor- vice in the ova» " W ELLEOL " “cm. of haunt. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Waterloo, ie visiting wlth relaun- here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pirle and little son. Donald, motored to Cob llng'wood on Saturday and spent the week-end with the farmer's ulster ot that place. Mr. and Mea. Jag. Laidlaw ot Guelyh, spent. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kara. Miss Kathryn Durrant of near Guelph. spam. lttttt we“ here, vie Iting " the home ot her uncle, Mr. Charles DurnnL Miss Sarah Snyder has returned home after Ipen‘dlng a few weeks with her ulster In Kitchener. We an carry to report that Mas- ter Albert Shoemaker In on the slck list at present" All wish tor his Mr. and Mrs Horace Ware attend- 1 ed the funeral on Saturday of the; late Mn. Andrew Corry ot Linwood. , The Fqllowing Lined at? ai: FOR THIS WEEK Positively the biggest and best assort- mmt of Underwear ever shown in this Motre. Try us this season for underwear needa. Men’s Overalls , A very speck! line of bins 9nd white urine Over-lb. at“ heavy Staffer Cloth, made exceptionally large, ttll m1! to LADIES UNDERWEAR A CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR all MEN’S UNDERWEAR Ladies' and Mism’ Cloth Coats, made in loose backs, belted, square and rouM collars, embroidered, lined throughout; made in duvytine and velour cloths; colors of brown, tan, blue, navy and black; at speck] prices A 7 - __---- -_- Waterloo prices The greatest choice of Ladies' Autumn and Winter Garments ever shown by us is now here for inspection and choice. Becoming styles and in sizes to suit all requiremets. We sell "Northway Garments' in both Coats and Suits-well known for their shape-keeping qualities, their superior materials, fit and flniah. Ladies' handsome models smartly trimmed with fur, embroidered, made in Velours, botany, serge and tricotine, in navy, brown and black, at very special WINTERBOURNE JI/ape lprausree C32 $1330 $22 $25 to $50 ( $20 $28.50 $35 to $65 Bricker-Germann Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Coats Women's Fashionable Winter Coats and Suits .. $37.50 $45.00 $54.00 tn $65.00 O, Speedy recovery. H Miss Mina Hamilton bu returned 9; home after spending a week In Sur- L nla with her sister, Mrs. Leonard p0,] Crawford. home after spending a week in Pt On Friday the Woolech “no. ma with her sister. Mrs. Mon-"h Pair was held at No. 10, Wain-on. Crawford. 1 berg school. A large crowd â€and“ Mr. Bert Sobye entertained a mun-1 In the school parade Witttarttotgrgtq ber ot his friend- " In; home on{ and Weuwnber: were . tie tor the Friday evening. The even†was“ ttrat prize. Cameraman†are SE- spent in dancing and everyone rel tended to Benny Mlllud. who wu ported a tine time. I Ionmte in securing one an: A few from around here attended I prizes tor the toiiowtrttrt 50’†the dance in Linwood on Thursday/ back riding, driving Bud in the night. it being the opening ot the‘ hitching and “hitching content. nnd new paved streets. 1 also to Clarence Bennett, who so- u, â€I, “m h,“ "41,..-†â€,5 cured ttrat prize tor " beet " Mr. and Mrs. John McGovern at West Montrose, our local mil-cu- rier. has moved to Winterbourne and is residing In the house owned by the late Joseph Stork. Miss Laura Thaler at Braslau, spent Wednesday evening with her friend, Margaret Langdon. Last Wednesday the North “Inter; loo School Fair wns held " Bloom/ lngdale. The day was all that} could be wished tor and everything1 passed " tine, the Victoria school’ A few from around here attended the dance in Linwood on Thursday night. it being the opening of the new paved streets. 55} ... KITCHENER --. Linoleum and Oilclotheo f are always kept in stock. Try this pt. ular Corset next time. A mmmm WfootuneBetmt@....:.. 'tat-ds tft1et,ttti,aiiiraultttlt 6dt. Bathroom . 81.10 a. yd. 3-ft. Oilcloth 1ti,i,uci'ttstrt Stair Oileloth, " " wide. 0 ..4§e Also Lnolonm and Cambium: Ruc- at attractive prices. Beautiful warm Coats with comfort- able fur collus, embroidery trimmed, lin- ed thrpughout, in velours and Boliviaa. in brown, blue, tan and black, in sizes for women and misses. Very special prices. fur Collar Coats N emo Corsets children curring bet of the prizes. Mr. Wm. Whitehead ot Want Mont- rose, has secured the Job ot driving the mail for R, E No. l, while Mr. John McGovern of WIEIerbourno. will drive tor R. R. No. 2. . Menus. Arch. Allen. John Snider and Hugh â€nylon spent Sunday with friends hour Rockwood. " Mr. and Mrs. Herb MoN-lly tind little son, Douglas. spent Sunday visiting triends near Moaboro. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Macho um Co. Ltd. m Fdll