5m At Hm Yarmouth YMCA. Boy: Camp. held ttt Tunis! Falls In Aug- ull I found Mlnlrd'n |.Inlment molt b-ttcut for sunburn; An Immed- luo Mild for colic and toothache. And lo the dut'k and duvkllng In just about as lempllng an in a npeck- led trout to Ihe hungry [mailman man at dinner. Fuilhful husband, thou art " rostrum†we meet 'sttMtr---Boattm Transcript, REOTING AWHhE. An epitaph on a tombstone In the cemetery at Middlebury, Vermont, road: I: copied by one ot our Butt. scribe": Adding insult to injury to the long suilering iaruwr, the droughl of the past avastâ€: has nut only shown its effect in the grain but " has been the inventive tor myr- iads of ducks to rly to the fields in heart-h of the ripening grain. These ducks are much so, in tact, that farmers living on land admitting Beaver Lukv in Alberta. east of Ed- monlou, haw made application to the Alberta provincial pour" for spmlal shooting privileges until September, when the season opens. no that they may nave their Cropn before Mr and Mrs. Durk waddle of! with the entire trout Duck: Use Their Heads. A duck posuvxnes more than a mere "quack." " has a last think. ing apparatus which works with the precirsion of a wall drilled machine espmially when it C0utete to t4cent, ing the daily mnnu, The thought rennin-d in a uhnrtago of straw and tho ttmtris of wheat this yo-nr in mmp districts are only a few inches above the ground, The feathered friends of the hunter realized this more than a week ago Grain was no", but today it is past that Matte not to their liking when swan and DUCKS PLAY HAVOC WITH GRAIN CROP. Communication by radio is the wonderful neu"development of science-which is the sen- sation of the day and its usefulness is being demonstrated to a marvellous extent. Great in, terest was displayed by the thousands of vis, itors to the Canadian National Exhibition this year where daily radio concerts were given. To sit down and enjoy a program of music and addresses gin-n in some city some hun- dreds of miles distant is an experience which demonstrates it to he one of the wonders of the age. Radio has in it un. This Sl as Mr. King's fivst visit to North Wat- erloo since his elevation to the Premiership. It will doubtless be long remembered by him on account of the old memories. recalled and the eordiality of the reception tendered him. The tribute paid to the distinguished visitor also happily had in it the touch of the personal and many former school mates and comrades welcomed him home as "Billy" King. Inter- esting reminiscences of the days of his boyhood spent at his home in Kitchener and of his school days at the old High School under the Principalship of J. W. Connor were given by the Premier. He also made touching references to his father and mother, the late Mr. m Mm. King. _ Premier King is a speaker of splendid gifts and in his addresses he made a stirring and eloquent plea for the unity of all classes and creeds that this country might fulfill to the highest degree its great destiny. . Canada's Premier, Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, could not but be gratified with the warmth of the reception accorded him on the occasion of his visit last week to North Waterloo and the County where he was born and spent his early years. All classes of citi- zens united whole-heartedly in honoring its native son who has risen to the foremost pos- ition in the gift of the Canadian people. Pol- ities was forgotten, the only desire being to pap a fitting tribute to the man who now enjoys the high distinction of representing his country as its first citizen. ADVIITISING urns tht q.iieatit= Advertising copy mun reach an oefi_atorthaar_darnooatoi- mania. 'e'""'""""'.--""-"""""" Wuhan-nu. Waterloo Chronicle PREMIER VISITS NATIVE COUNTY. IMHION um m. â€It. I- dunno ......y..., COMMUN ICATiON BY RA DIO. Aural _ m loo’y. “Mark was (‘rnlrml on voting by proxy, Tlu- tirrtt test came when It “as nitempted In c-xpungr- trom the "mum-n of the last annual meeting Ilu- m-mvlmlnn mulling for proxy voting A lengthy tiuwuimion ensued in which hound rMrrenr'rm wore made to the "tfort to hunt the prtr son! directors and Damon-Hum! Imlulgnd m Th9 motion. which was muvod by H J. McDonald and sup- ported try Alex, Noble and J. G. Whitman was ruled out of order. A little later, howevor, the lame came .mbrtslr before the meeting. when the trhtrrtrtto1der. were and to approve of I by-lnw prepared by the directors. bringing the own! by-Inw- Into comm-nil†with tho In! which, Gordon Wuldron. KAI., point- ed on, ml!- my young Irm- pocun of whom" an. by-hvn " provod it or not n. “and“ but. out In": In. m. C . Publishing Company, ut thetr annual meeting on Thursday, “Miler-ted the board of directors. The election [allowed " long druwnout. discussion Ill whkh the three shareholders whos" mum-a were, attached to the first circular sent out attacking the board, vigorously criticized tho prouwnt munagomu-nt at The Bun and its attitude towarda the Drury Government, They found not? sup port in ttit' nun-ling, hul tit" areal mayrrity of those prvsent wpre cgainst them It was revoRrtizm1 from the outset that proxy voting, which was endorsed by the tshareholders ms! ypur, would show a large Imdy " opinion among shareholders DIRECTORS 2li4iuiail) " opinion among shareholders lhruughoul the Province opposed to the Mtrmm to change the course and control of The Sun, and th" Shareholders of Farmers‘ Sun Elected. Old Hoard Retain Control After Lively Contest. Thv shareholders of the Farmers‘ V At the reception tendered Premier King) here last Week attention was called to the fact; that North Waterloo had been represented atli different times by "Billy" King, "Billy ' Weich- l el and "Hilly" Euler, the name "Billy" evident- , ly beingu pdpular one with the electorate. All [ three were on the same platform at the de-l monstration given to Premier King and hum] orous references were made to the contests in, which they had engaged as political opponents“ in this County. , Autoists in their journeys about the county find many of the roads closed to traffic. However this is a necessary procedure when repairing roads. Motorists will look forward to the time when the splendid system of roadways now in course of construction is completed and ready for the use of the public. Other counties are also similarly situated but in the course of the next few years Ontario will he covered with a complete network of roadways which will be a credit to the province. Hon. Manning Doherty, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, speaking recently at a luncheon of the Canadian National Exhibition Associa- tion Directors, predicted that the British em- bargo on Canadian cattle would very shortly be utterly wiped away. He gave all the praise for the success of the campaign to Lord Beav- erlrrook. The early removal of the embargo will be welcomed by the farming community generally. . September and October are the months of the Fall Fairs which are being held in many places throughout Ontario. The Fairs in Wat- erloo County are again attracting large crowds and the exhibits are of the usual high standard and reflect most creditably on the exhibitors. my and damn; aimed: Camdits fir-t ndio mention was held in the city of Tomato but not when thirty or more booths were equipped with the latest de velopments in radio 'qatamttts. Seven! hm delegates were pmaent evideminx the but interest being alien in radio. In our own com- munity there are quite a number of mdio en- thusiaats who have installed a radio mums ttrr the entertainment of theniselves and friends. A number of Fall Fairs are being visited by a Radio ear through the enterprise of the Toronto Star when many will have the op- portunity of seeing this latest production of radio science. . autumn-BMW‘ququ tai_tbttts.formot-rtrx-arsd nddr-.Atlthati-dadiath-- receiving equlxlnent. , f EDITORIAL COMMENT. Om (hm day- I to“, Tm our, “and" all My. I... ('. Good. MP.tt, 6Jtl: COL J. Z. Frust-r, rm. and W. L. Smith, .556; Hon Manning Iluherty, 44, M. A, (‘unmht-II, Ah; F'. u. Sandy hrt'n', Mo, and R. J, Merllal. " The first tivo eIm-u-d yonstllulvd tho Imurvl of din-Mora as it stood dur- ing t9'.t1-2g. IAllPr the hoard rnet and "lertot PM Fmsor a» chair nulluru was not rettistered, how- n-n-r, until vnllng tor the election or otticvrs war! ttvached, when it be- can)? apparent that the was! major ity of tsharehohtvrs had sent In their proxivs to Mr J. J. Morrison, Col. J. Z, Fraser or other tthare. l.olders favorable to the board, Eight mum-s were placed in ttout- iuallon, and pulling on [he tirst ballot roaullml as follows: W. A. Amos, GUI; J. J. Morrison, 594; w. ('. Good. MP.tt, $5,501: COL J. Z. mun adapted. About twenty to twouly tive voted against it. The full slrvuglh of rural sup port tor In»; continuance of The Sun as the voice of organized agri Isulluru was not m.xistered. how and " M OPEN ROAD Phone so Night Phone 207W Funeral Director- and limb-Iner- Cnlls from all parts of the county promptly attended to Undertakers LETTER and DREISINGER CIDER MILL WATEKLOO Mr to the I l'ol Frau-W as chair Amos an vicorhairman Waller as mmrolm‘y. Waterloo sup The AN EXPc:ANArtoN. A well-known wholesale lnvrrlmul who has a wide Iratronage lhmugh- out the Piedmont region or the South. received the fuln wing Idler hum mm of his customers a few "Two dentists discuss shun 01w remarks: 'My treaiment is so palnh'ss that it often happens that my patients tall asleep white I am attending to their teeth.' 'Pooh! that's nothing!" saw the other; 'you should see my place. My pm dents nearly always ask me to. send a messenger to fetch a photographer su that they can be photographed with "tho r-xprvssiunr of gludm-ss “hid: my dvntul lrvulIm-nl alone can give them."' To A Man With a Bandagod Hand "Wlsat's up?" "Furious driving." PAINLEBS DENTISTRY. From "Kurikaiurem" of Christ tiania, Norway: wmamumA-imi-rub Wm mu may. not. “0.000. MI been mind by It. 'mHiestnrtottoort-r-tors. " Isn't a}... No prune mull-tor hu not war tell I book whllo itt out“. The prime mluluor'n oath n . numb†ot the navy council pied!“ him to secrecy. People will wonder how Mr. Lloyd George wlll get around that tact. Will he (all what he h pledged not to tell? Or will he tell what he is privileged to tell, and that alone. " he takes the ht- ter “tentative, will his ,book be Worth anything? DANGERC OF DEFORESTATION. When'by reckless tree cutting the Scott & nownt. Toronto. Ont SUMMER COLDS Scott’s Emulsion PHI-Ill To WRIT! BOOK. “ma-t an It. " It promptly, pleasantly and effectually adds strength to the body. It builds up resistance! usually leavea trail of weakness. Build up on No-a nail."--Londort 11aiety, lFJ our WORLD EVEIiifs Smiles This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors The bonds to be iuued under this proposal will be substantially of the same character as those which are maturing. except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the new iuue. OF A FULL MCYTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION PRIVILEGE. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to lat December, 1922. the new bonds will commence to earn interest from tst November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS 1 of these hnn'ds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing sh per cent interest, payable half yearly, of either of the following classes:-- Dated at Dunn, thh Aunt, I922. reckless tree cutting the prairies HE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders To Holders of Five Year Sl per cent Canada's Victory/Bonds it, fa) Five year bonds, dated lat November 192; to mature lst November, 1927. Ten year bonds, dated lat November 1922, to mature lat November, 1932. '.rl-/EallEalligNiEiuEayigifiyaw Issued in 1917 and Maturing lst December, 1922. other, He was midnllungm! and his run 11ml r-xlmuslrd him. As ho walked hark. "My annuyml and puffing hard. a sympathetic purlpr said: "Mishid the 3.30. sin" lt was too Inurh human polite- 11053 would no! slunl llu- slmiu "Oh, no, thank you!" Brown alm- wvrwl "itlerly, l insl hated tln, look ot" llmwu had Just missed the train urn-r n dtsperute rum- I Hu- platform HE DESERVED SOMETHING During the ptutormurwe :11 a s urban picture sin-w the [Wow notice was flashed on the sm'x‘r-n d ing the interval. "Lost. ln-hu-vn Maple Road a tni, ihoatre, A nun-5v containing, s an com I: who. - gal numb-1 m.b an a I“ a. mttr--ato by. at It“ Mb. a... or on» "an“. m In“ mi “out" In". " met " I 3min“ "all tho not-cure. manner. u come gnome. the mun run at! in tor ‘rentu. and Utes nun:- to which it should anon: a regulated supply thryuxhout the year are uoodod In winter and dried up in summer. In- ctdonulIy, the son its waned III! and the hillsides, once bountiful with freak growing verdure, become so much barren desert. tni,, F'i ml Almost al (mm a man went to the booking "Hint "ICs found." he said. Thvy mum-d thrs manager. "Have ynu gut it?" he asked. “Uh. nu,' ra-pliml tlte man. “But I've only just rumv Mung that war uml it watm't Hie-r0. So it's found." weeks ago: "I â€waive your letter about what l owes you.. Now be pachent. I ain't forgot you and soon as folks pay me, I'll pay you, but ir this “as judgmogn day and you no more prepared lo meet your Maker than In tth way the water Supply ot certain areas ot country has been practically destroyed. The forests ot Ike hills and mountains are annual storage reservoirs. Destruction of these reservoirs means ruin to the runners In the valleys and on the I am to meet your account then you sllo going lo hell."-Harper's Mag- azine tal ion Ask for Minard's and take no CONVERSION PROPOSALS INSULT TO it tm-en Maple Road and ' " pursv rullluining $75. muted." l Irliiteoui it on! of INJURY just hated th -n dur "win a sub Mung Itut .Wm: The surrendered bonds will he forwmded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa. where they will be exchanged for lmwh of the m-w mm», in fully registered. or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable lst May and lat November of each year of the duration ofthe loan. the first interelt payment accruing and pnyahle lst May. 1923, Bonds of the new issue will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered bonds. The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposal will be paid off in enah on the lit December, 1922. . open aid and diet for 'vuisevcutmsiss' patients. wuulcl not be o,nsigereu,i Mr. Spmul said. Ths, run- must he' slu-rifir, such as a serum. or some! thing: that definitely kills the germi of particuh-l' disease or will restore: tlu, impaired torgans lo uormal1ty. I A hour-l composed of tho surgeons gvnvrul of llu- [11mm] States army.’ navy and public health svrvicv is) prul'idml in Hm hill In puss "ooni all run-s ullvgrd lo Ire ur,':'::,',':,',") lton ol only Ib'irtistuttittiv" S Ihut Ito. nfl'uring of I'rWitrd would In! " Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottuwa, will receive their December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds wm detach ond retain the last unmanned coupon before surrendering the hand “we†for conversr m purposes. x-nynn any Chartcred Bank In Canada and receive in (xchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered. containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. $|,mm_m..lu nunl tuHI finds a '. tatlosi,H. " Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th. to a Blanch of svnlatin' Elliot! w. Sproul ot Chic ("will Lure ot a million dollar reward is lwld out in a bill introduced in the house at Washington to physicians and scientists m' the world who dis- mver and give to humanity speci- Iic cures for half q duzen preval- rm diseases which have battled doe. tors and surgeons slurs the when! trt" rttetlituul science. MILLION DOLLAR REWARD FOR SPECIFIC CURES. Ill‘o- has 11001] Systems of trruxtmsmt. such as Und Th. Hu- running of " mini-m dollar; the System, Hall‘s Catarrh Med "l would In! loose the world's rim- restores normal conditions an humus .scictttists in an mum] allows Nature to do Its work. l-ulllu wit" th" gn-nlnst ene- F'. J. Cheney & teu. Toledo, Ohio or tho human race. i All nruggists. Circulars tree. rpm-my Must Be Specific Cure, n! upon 1 that th autlmr of the hill ls Repre- tlisea THE policy of The Bank of Toronto}. to encourage the dew-1mm d This policy is expressed in terms a! service to customers and help in the win- tion of problems arising from the difficult business conditions of the present time. cum-I $5,000,000 THE A Policy of Seniice Fi': ' to' entourage the development ot Canadian industries and business in a sound way. T The Bank of Toronto service is thor- ough and it is rendered cheerfully. You are invited to consult our nearest Branch Manager. , the n-rms " the measure would tu' paid in 10 am :uuwnls to any one who suvvessrtrl cure fur tuber- 'MtCt't' BM K’FTORONTO wards aould be mad" “Mull-'5 [mm the detuonsstraietl unnuim-nvss of the WATERLOO mm KITCHENEB (North Ward) pututtuouia, parai- deruvntia praecux Spl’uul's w. s. FIELDING, idts;t BRANCHES Minister of Finance. Catarrh is a local disease great- ly influenced by constitutional con- ditions. Hull's Cularrh Medicine is a Tonic and Maud Purifier. Br a Tunic and Maud Purifier. By cleansing thu- hlood and building up the Hysteru, Hall's Catarrh Medi, vim. restores normal conditions and rtspl y "Mary, what became of the meat thut was left over trom dinner." "Why, I didn't thluk you wanted i1. mum, so I wave it to the dog." "Oh! does the dog use a knlfa and (an; then?" 'sarensticalry in- uuiwd hvr mistres"s. "Not h-ry wvll yet, mum; but I'm The mislress or the house entered Lel- Litrhen and round that a plate and knife and fork had recently been used Suspm-ting that Mary lap. had been treating the good-looking [mm-mum: outside. she said: munching him to Touuny-- “Wasn't there anything else you could do around the 91100†Tommy-"Out ot I job?" Jimmy-"Yes. The boss and In was Iositt' money on the thin: I was making." Jimmy “I think not. Anyhow, In said I didn't seem to be able to do anything else." Torumy-"And what was you making?" Jitunty-"Mistaki' I...“ $1,000,000 A QUICK LEARNER. WHAT HE MADE. CATARRH II yet, mum; but I'm u." was Mary's quick It“ :5 'rrs'u'?tft'F,"r Purifier. By