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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Sep 1922, p. 12

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M. - “Find-Ion Mn - m -rt0-AMttu ”A. M; at“. and. Active. Wynn. may to Me. when I." do." Ne. to “0.1""; hav- hl lg“ to not." a ".15 to 81.80 will I. mun in m MOO. M um M 85c hm " " . .135. with con-on to Indium at M to sun. wnmmmuuwsa; In" bull- “, $4.35 1085; union an and." naive u mu Show -r-- Receipt... 3,963; iamtm - It $11 to 811.26; trood nun than told up to 85.60. ©.tve.-qtoeV M6; A low Lop- - FIS, with bulk of choice at no to tu; [mun brought " to " Hog: - Receipts, 2.290; [was and), 812.60. ted and watered. Envy choice beet steers choice .. .... .. ..$7.0 Butcher “can, cttoice.6/7 do, good .. .. .. .. 6.0 do., medium .. .. .. 5.7 Butcher heifers, choice 6.6 do., medium .... .. 5.5 do., common .......4.0 Butcher, cows. choice . 1.0 do,, medium.. .. Cannon and cutters Butcher bulls. good Hogs, fed 91nd watered. selects .. .... ..12.50 do., “(his ... “1150 do, heaviest .. ...10.60 Sewn .. .... .. .. 8.50 TORONTO GRAIN MARKET Toronto, Sept. 11.--Board ot Trade quotations today were: _ do., common .. ... 2.50 © Feeding steers, good 5.50 6 do, lain. .. .qtmr. 300 6 Blockers. good .... .. 4.50 @ do., tair.... .... ..3.00 @ Culvel, choice veals .,xu.uo @ do, medium ... 'rm 8.00 @ do., common .. _.. 5.00 @ Mitch cows, choice ...60.00 © Swingers, choice .. ..70.00 o Show. not. .... .1000 Manitoba wheat-No. l northern, 't.14 1-2. No. 3, $1.06 3-4; new crop, No. l northern, $1.09 1-2. Manitoba outs and barley-Nom. American corn~N0, 2 yellow, 80c; No. 3, "c. Ontario otyta-No. 2 while, 33c to 97c. Ontario wheat-No. 2 winter, We to 97c. Ontario barley-Matting, 55 to 52m. Rye-mo. 2, 62c to 67c. Millteed - la canola. delivered, Momma] trotghls, bags iuvluded; Bran, $21 a ton; sorts. $23 a ton; good teed “our, 31,70 to $L80 a bag. WINNIPEG. Momtmal tttsights, bags included;| Another petition, was presented. Bran, 321 a ton; sorts, $23 a ton; 1 signed " J. A, Stalk-n and three good feed nour, ttn'0 to $130 a bag} others praying that their assess- WINNIPEG. _ moms be mixed from $400 to $1200. Cash prices: “undiliunal and that the increased Wheat No. 1 hard, 98 3-4, No. Il rerenm- 1ivrived therefrom, be INV northern, 98 3He; No. 2, 97 3Ac; No, [mush-Al along with an equal amount 3, " 3-4c; No. 4, 87 late; No. 5, ol the Township's funds. for the 80 tMe; No. 6, 71 3-4c; teed, 61 (Ha improvvtututt or IIH- road leading track. Manitoba, 97 1-4c; Saskatche- around to the Paradise Lake, wan, " 3-4c; Alberta. 36 Ttc. ( The alum-H are giving it their oats-No. 2 CW. 46c; No.1 " lee; extra No. 1 feed, " 1-2c No. l, 39c; No. 2, 37c. rejected " l-2c; track, 43 lac. Barter-No. 3 U. W, 57 580; No fraying tlte exp: B. " 58c rejected. " 58¢; h-ml, ploughing luau-I " 5-80 truck. 66 6-8c. Adam uigam m F'ux--No. l N W. (I. $L98; No. octotsvr, I922 TI , C. w., $1.94; No, 3, $182; rejected: tNhute0 by 1hr Flax-No. l N W. C. 31.9! , C. W.. WSC, No. 3, 3182; CP. 81.82; tuck, $1.93. Rye-No. 2 C. W,, 69 1-29. DAIRY PRODUCE Jobbing Price: Toronto mart L I I mm In I a Buller~ Extra uncy .. PV9V Creamery solids. No is where the auctioneer comes from whoee motto is to give prompt and active service TO ALL Anyone wishing to purchase 'a farm will be well repaid by consulting the undersigned. A variety to choose from. Anna. raving a "rm to all, In! " wlth mo. I IIOUN you nnI'M both... and good nrvlco. Anyone wanna. to no“ In Autttltrn Ogle will be bononued by "curirttt my "r. vlou hr conducun' mo. I have "canny open-d up an tyftic. " M Frederlck Bt., Kluhonor. Anyono wanting to buy a Farm or any Pr-Ny will do we“ to - my In” " " I have tor "In. .0an In the but!” tor I long time put. mo In a poll- tlor, to conduct your III. In n manner that wllI to pro'lublo LIVI noon E. I. Shania NEW DUNDEE C.W. 46c; No. 3) runsideratiun Real Estate and Auctioneer I. H. TOMAN You! [or good and“, $7.00 6 87.80 .575 o 7.50 0.00 a 6.50 5.75 a 6.00 , 3.50 o 7.00 5.50 a 6.25 A.00 © 5.00 4.00 a 6.00 .250 a 3.50 1.00 0 2.00 4.00 o 5.00 2.50 o 3.50 5.50 a 6.25 . 3.00 a 4.50 4.50 as 5.25 .3.00 @ 4.50 10.00 a 12.00 3.00 @ 10.00 5.00 @ 7.00 50.00 a: 00.00 70.00 o 90.00 ,.2.00 a 5.50 IL00 © n 25 .3l% to 3214 I 31 to 32 E. J. Shanta 34 magma W., Kilo!” “In mtqttnal. u’ - w - w- -- Chum. _ ”M M Ototaut- on churning m M -=r-=-A-- mm tiotivery u. “nanny Me. PM no: nu. to Me.' not Itt., mt; t.o.b my”. --- pom Con-lulu (I 100 m n ma- 4teotatlom to the an.» Tru- "te ot WW, “I '9‘“ mgttor-- but “can. “No.1,!“ Creamery who, my not-thus: at Dunbar; - - Dairy .. .. ctMMttMy--- New, large Old, large Current receipts ..... 019 to 0.30 Poultry, per lb-Lire. Dressed. Hens, over 5 m . 20 to 00 " to 00 do. 4 to5 Ib..n6to00 20to00 do. under 4 th 10 to 00 15 to 00 do., swingers, 3 1-2 - lb. and over ..25 to 00 30 to 00 Chickens. broilers. 2 m and aver ..10 to 00 30 to00 Duckliugs, 4 1-2 m and up .. .. ..20 to 00 30 to 00 Roosters .. .... " to 15 20 to 00 Turkeys .. .. .. 25 to 00 30 to 35 Whoteaale Prices to the Retail Trade Eggs. selects. doz, . . 30.38 to $0.39 do., No. l, duz. .. 0.34 to 0.35 do, cartons, doz. .. 0.41 to 0 43 Communications, bills and ac counts were received and disposed or during the day's sitting. A petition signed by Menno Sherk and six others praying that a Union 5(1an section be established in the Township of Peel. including the Municipalities or Peel, Woolwich rand, \Vellesley was presented no this Board for their consideration. Wellesiey Municipal Council held their ninth reguur session at the Tuwuship tran, Crush“! on Monday the 4th day of September, 1922, at the hour of 10.3u in the toreuoon. Alt the members were in alien dance. J. Bridal, the Reeve, pre- sided. The minutes ot the August meet mg were read and adopted. Owing to mu reservations under uhirh the ratepayers ot this Town- ship signed the petitions. This Council derided to take no action at this moment. Two members of the Junior F"ar, mers' Association, Linwood, asked tor a grant of $25.00 luwards de. fraying the expetuws of bulding a ploughing match at the tarm of Adam Higam on the lllh day of lh-lulwr. 1922 The amount was run- PROCEEDINGS OF WELLESLEY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL-SE' SION HELD Sept. 4th, 1922. Mmiicipal "trard. Sheep Cate. After taking the evidence of Ale lmn Kunlwl and his witness, re the killing at 2 lambs by a dug or dogs, It was moved Ivy W. H, Knight, swundml by J. *3, Meyer that the “,Ncl......” to EV, large .. .... ..t8% d, large .. .. .w.. " do., twlnl ... .. 24 do., Simona .re. 25 Em and Poultry In bulk delivered. Toronto. do., No. l .. do. No. , .. Mvmbora of the " " 029 to 0.30 Dressed. 00 " to 00 00 20 to 00 00 15 to 00 In“) to to to to to " 31 tl 25% 26 19 gtagmroaoagaF-rtt. “MW-“1‘1“ mtnhmmmu war-014),.Ihk “.0!” new kid chum. ”ply an . Berth», 3mm. 86-1-0. Now In the an" " look " I hm Sue our 192 new turn with Btotth 4nd implements. Beat ot emulated land and pasture with plenty ot " tar Ind shade In pasture, near school church and rtulrotu1 on mun rand. All at a very reuomble price. Apply Alex. J. Schnnr. thy-ville, Sl-lmo. " acres, 1 mile north of Bamtrorg, In good sum: od culauuoa. 4 mm bush, 7 acres In 'ttli what, double [name house, bank barn, bl; MM and two trtrrtntps. Terms 81.000 down, Price $4,800. Consisting ot 190 acres, Inland 3 miles west. ot St. Clements, land m good state ot cultivation On “an in six roamed alone house and but barn and straw shed. Spring crook running through property. A100 30 acres bush. For further particu- lars apply William Foot-tar, St. Clements 84-1 mo. 200 acres, Lot 10, Concession t, Tuwushlp ot Peel, County ot wk Huglon, 160 acres under cultiratiom 50 or it seeded down, " acres hard. wood bush, T acres ot pasture land. Land is clay loam and a good pro ducer. New modern twoatorey brick house, 9 rooms, good bank barn, 761 60; straw shed, 40x46; driving shed. 30x40, and good hen house. Good orchard, spring water pumped under shed, convenient to school and church, 5 miles trom Wnuensteln tstation,tacouaty road; rural mp0 and telephone. This tarm is the old homestead, never been rented, and must be sold to wind up the H. H. Jackson estate. Also 33 acres ot tusts, Lot 10, Con- cession 3, convenient to above farm. Land could be divided to make two It6-acre tuAns. Apply to J. " Johnson, No. 2, WaL Ieustein, onc, or Ileo, G. Class, R. It. No. I. Elmira. nun: ot $16.00 be paid to Alban Koe, September 16 (Saturday) -- Valu- bel as compensation tor his losses. ab.“ and high class turaiture and -Carried. household ertects or A. Mall, 121 The sum of $7.50 was paid to Charles Mt., Waterloo. Abram Siegner tor one lamb killed Sent. 16 (Saturdaylw930 am. by a dog or dotgs, according to the sharp. 35 head cholce one and twin valuation ot J. J. Freeburn, sheep year old shortttorn steer: and valuutor. heifers. belouzlnz to J. Atwell " Payment of Accounts. Moved by W, H Knight, second- ed by J. s. Meye'r that the (allow. lug u('l‘0llnls be paid and that the Reeve issue orders In payment” Tht, Wellesley & North East hope Agr, society grant 175 00 W H Kaufman. printing ‘ contract, part payment ....160 00 It. Y Fish. tor shingles.. ..116 tro Mnnu-ipul World. printed torms 69 Corrugated Pipe Co supplies 381 68 Josrplt (Hat. cutting weeds. George Abram tliegner, compensation tor 1 lamb 'tter' .. .. .. Carried, Tot-I. $1674 " Moved by c. Quehl, sm‘ondad by J H. Meyer that this council [run the sum of 817600 to the Wells-Icy Pall Ptgir.-AUrried tumul- INN}!!! Hy, " Schlualor, labor and nuppllea,,...... .. . ___. W. J 'Mrmingtuun, Kit-"lane drain conlrat-l pt payment Quin Barbour hnnndod in MI resignation u‘Tnnnt Ollie" for ml- TowmtMP. owing to the weep- Ilmce of I which with tho Do minion Government. Peter Mow-d try 1, 0mm. mended by C, Ouch! that this Council adjourn to moot noun Oct. m lid. "" m " o'clock In In. Mama, " nu 38-4t gravel it. 1921 and suppllus .-t..P... .. Purgv Vogun, burying dead horse o c, hours., FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. dir, 69 JOHN M. HELM, Schummur, salary Martin, balance Klonweuar payment 250 00 Bumbag om. 346 " " 26 00 4066 10 00 " " 10 " 600 750 26 Thom In: in acid by PM. Aggty 1020 Humming, EL Horton. tou- uon on the “has ot A. Ball. 111 In; lit not 911va aunt) 'g12"ltylrllrd'mtr,'l'el Utgaetor utmkboolcuouul commencing " 1 o'clock “up on um, the (album: Bolid mlholuly leather 2 place llbrary who; when” 3 piece pr lor mule, Ink tape-try, tapestry re- ccpuon chnlr, mahogany parlor table Bell piano. " small centre ables, out leather Davenport, ' leather up honoured chairs to match. Morris chur, oak library table, book one. Harmonic phonograph. a number at cushlons. lnhud American quarter- cut fumed oak dining room table, 6 turned out chairs to match; mined oak sewing table, turned oak china cabinet, turned oak buffet. antiques silver centre piece, enameled read- ing lump, ivory piano Japanese lamp. 3 piece white birch, mahog- any finish bedroom suite fancy ma- hogany dressing table, 2 tuphoiater ed bedroom chairs, 1 white enamel< ed brass trimmed bed with spring and mattress, 1 oak, large oval mir- ror dresser, 2%x5% teat bevelled mirror, British plate glass, 2 bed- r00m chairs white enamel; Singer sewing machine, Wheeler-Wilson sewing machine, 3 upholstered chairs. 3 piece walnut bedroom suite with large British plate bevel- led edge mirror, oak rocker. Terms of Sale- Cash H. B. DUERING, A._BALI:, - -. -Auia,eiir' Proprietor Phone 136 Waterloo Ed. Reuel Clerk The undersigned otters tur sale' his (arm situated at Josaphsburg,' Con. 2, comprising 67 acres. 60 ac- res ot which is under a good Itale‘ ot cultivatlon. balance ot 17 acres? in good bush nd pasture land. 000M bank burn and straw shed, driving'l shed and other outbuildings, silo. abundance of [and um not: wean,“ good house. For further particuW ms apply to JOHN mm”. Joy! ephLburg. Ont. 3b4t. i Sent. 16 (SuturdaylvaIJO am. sharp. 35 head choice one and two year old Shorthurn steer: and heiters, belonging to J. Atwell a]. the tarm of Geo. Diet: In the town at Waterloo. better known as the ('leason Sham: farm. Sept. 21 (Thursday) Farm Stock IV VV BN V. and Implements of Joseph Uberach- lager shunted one half mils, north of WAT! Jotsepturburg and 3 miles southeast. ot Bambertr. LOCAL {MPROVEMEI Boot. 23 itgatarday)-- Valuable ,,,.__A household attach! ot Mrs, (Dr) J. TAKE NOTICE THAT H. Webb, 37 Erb Bt,, K. Waterloo.‘ .. - A“ Saturday, Sept. Myth.-- Valuable real estate. comrutiatr ot a Crowned red brick house. kitchen and wood- shed. with electric lights And tur. nnce and household affects, belong- lng to Mn. Wm. Hauck In the vll- Inge ot Mt. Jacobs. Oct 7 (Saturday. Valuable nlne roamed, red pressed brlck house, sun room and all conveniences; buuuehold enacts belonging to Alvin Shaun, 66 William St. corner Foun- dry St, In the townayt Waterloo, Oct. 14 Saturday) 1.30 an). var uable houxwhold efforts belonging to the estate of the late John Frei. burgar. situated at 26 Rose St. In the city of Kitchener. Nov. 7 (Tue-day» Fhrm noel and Implements, teed and house Hold effects, belong-lug to Paul Psutkl. one mm, '0'! of Elm-ville. “A miles out ot Jmseptststrurtr, near "tttttut Lake. No reserve. Tue-day, Doc. 18.-Nrm of " 'tr rat. [arm mtoqh, implement: and mod boloulnng to P, J. Wlmlml. situated 56 In". out ot lrbullle And 3 mun sodium“ of Waterloo, on Woolwlch And Waterloo town Illa, known " the Doorbeckor hm. WMMIMO. ‘IMM' ot W. ‘m uncanny-Hillel"! , mum.” PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1 6 H. B. DUERING, Aucuonecr Auction Sale List FARM FOR SALE. HIGH CLASS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ' FRICKEV, Auction." Port BALI. " TALUABUt Dru bed with nprln‘n end mari trees 3 upholstered tarse oak rock- era, 0 unsorted rockers; ”mini-tor bemoan rug; bedroom wuh rug; 1 Wilton bedroom main " Axum-tor mu rugs; 1 hasutumute Turkish yu- ior rug; in“ Anninnler dining- rqom rug; Turkinh living room rug. A large number ot good pawn»; 1 extension Mia; 8 kitchen chain; 2 arm chairs; Thor electric vacuum cleaner; crockery dishes, and ginnswnre, etc. Thor electric copper washer; 75 tL multiplied garden hose and reel; new Pennsylvania. ball-bearing inwn mower, with gun catcher, garden tools; 30 gal. gaso- line sieel tank and 5 gal coal oil can; a lot of other useful articles too numerous to mention. writing dock mum; pond dam. Three verandah wicker and rope chairs; 2 vgrandah mats, hammock, croquet set,? Bissell carpet sweepers 2 self feeder parlorl stoves. l brass tea or candy scales, 2 wheel ware. house trucks, 1 barrel cantor oil, 2 vinegar barrels, 10 common barr- els, 1 molasses barrel, 2 gasoline lanterns, 1 coal oil lantern. 1 mam goods offered are be sure and attend this gale as the shape, TOWN (hi tle clock 8 days. 2 store eight clocks. a lot ot coat hanger: CHOICE LOT OF 36 HEAD OF There will be sold by public auc- tion on the premises of George Dielz Ibeuer known as the Clem-Ion Shaun (arm! In the town of Wat- eNoo, on 1'ommeneing at on time: Furl-hers and others In need ot good cattle should not miss [Ills sale. H. " DUiibR1NO, Auctioneer, Phone 136, Waterloo. Specially choice lot ot 35 head of one and two year old steers and hulk-rs. l, The council ot the Corporation or the Town ot Waterloo intends to construct as Local Improvements the following works upon the streets and between the points hereunder set forth, and Intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land ubuttlng directly on the respectlve woro:-- 2. (l) A concrete pavement on each side ot, and u an addltlonll width of pavement to, the pave- mom. now being constructed an I County Road and Provincial Conn: ty Road pavement on Klng Street North. trom Young Street to Halo Street. The estimated cult of thll work ll $14,467.00, ot whlch H.462. J, ATW ELL, Proprietor, In to be paid by the corporation. The estimated special rate per toot frontage In $8.30. The “new In. acumen! In to he paid In 10 MI. nml Installment; (2) A branch lever on Erb Bt. But trom the trunk - cross: In; Erb Street to I point one hm- drod and .lxleen (so: westerly therefrom. The satin-ted can of this work In $412.00 ot which '" II to be puld by the Corporation. The estimated Ipoclal rue por‘fool (roam. In $1176. The speck] - nanimont II to be and In 20 - null "walnut: (I) A mutton min-t alum at an aid torn wlll not IVI" to prawn! m 'to-tr-tttts. Dated " Widen 0h ttmt “I LOCAL {IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Anyone wanting good furniture sHohTHORN stems AND Saturday Morning, Sept. 16th. muneuclug at 9,30 o'clock, sharp PUBLIC SALE WATERL00 HEIFERS. store eight day In tirst class Town at Wuorloo, on Thu. xritt-UrPtrN$eAtser. Malignant-oil“. (Din) J.H.Waa.87nrtrt$t..tnt" commencing " 130 o'clock p.ln. the (allowing "liable wordy. nlll0l Filmed oak parlor “his. a lumbar of mull tables. wunut drainer, walnut VIII]: stands, wicker rocker, urge “my lather uphol- stered chair, a large number cum oi vurlous kinds, larger number a“ good pictures, good tapestry couch.‘ chiltunisr, bedroom chain. shoe black box wardrobe rockers, [urge fumed oak hall stand. largo lull mir- ror, Mk sectional book an. war nut bullet, fumed oak writing desk with bevelled glass, not ot lather buund Encyclopaedia. large hncy tapestry sense. golden oak attics arm chairs, hand vacuum cleaner, kitchen table, clock. kitchen cup board, good sized box tor retriger ator. small was): stand. 3 toilet Bets, crockery, dishes, pots and pans wheelbarrow. hand sleigh, long lul- der step ladder. chlld’s cot, ollcloths, sertsudah chairs a lot of one-half inch pipes and a lot of one-halt articles too numerous to mentions TERMS CASH. MRS. (OR) J. H. WEBB, ' Proprletreu. l There will be sold by public auc- tion on m. premises ot the under- signed. 51 “led in the Township ot Wilmot, in the County of Water. loo. bt mile north of Joseptrstuirtr, 2 miles southeast of Bamberg. on Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects, ' Etc. H. B. DUERING, commencing at 1.30 p.n1., sharp, the following. via.: iiottta'lttti---Bay mare, 5 years old; dark brown gelding, a years old. CATTLE -3 sum] dairy cows; red cow, fresh 2 months and bred; apol- ttd cow, [rush 3 months and bred; black cow. due to salvo April 18. PIGS AND POULTRY - 3 good brood sows: sow due to (arrow Nov. 1; now due to [arrow Oct. 27. now supposed to be with pig; 6 chickens. VEHICLES. ETC. - Rubber-tired buggy, nearly new; uteeltlre topl buggy. market carriage; Portland cutter, nearly new; set or gravel! planks. set of slngle bob sleight“ alraw cutter, lurulp pulper, wheel” barrow. cow chains, lung Uuider,) lurks, rakes, shovels, 10 cedar posts»; scythe, carpenter's bench and car- penter tools. gram bags, 3 balls bin- der twine, 2 sets single harness, une' nearly new; heavy set at nlngle harness, blankets, robe, dustlesa nr, net. I youLL’I IUUIB, 'o'" was», a lulu: v-u . -".- Geor Diebel Pr der twine, 2 sets single harness, one' 11'dlfl'dfi,"fl, 2,'gf,'g','f: 3:33? nearly new; bt-avy set ot single 5;). 'ertttst,,2tt,tl, , . own on Gut! harness, blankeln, robe, dustleas tly, S. B. Brlckor Watch”. D. net. I Richard Rosella)“, Kitchener "RAIN- 150 bushels mixed (ruin. 'fi, G. 2ef.Wet,r. n. V _, on auer alarm uousmwm) “burrs 2 ll! I Manon. iriiiriii; Lhen stoves, 2 parlor heaters, Bttitr j n E, BECHTEL. Ilium board, wash boiler and stove ulen~ ARIES: FOSTER. Aut- Km ails. extension table. 6 dining room f A woe. District A” chairs, sink, 2 wash stands. dreasorn ('=-=========z======c=a=== 2 bed room carpets, wash tubal; LICENSED ‘UCHONEEB . , l Nana: meat barrell, " lbs. can lard, wood) Poaltlvely no reserve. an tam " sold. TERMS or SALE~0r-1n, poultry,| "“"'" '“"'”""“ household etrects and all sums all JOHN ZIMMERW 81500 and undsr, cash; over t"ti====u--======-===='a"'"' amount, 10 months' credit wlll Ml CIDER MILL OPEN. given on approved Joint notes, or .i per cent. " tor out. payments all Fishers Mills Older Mill in open credit ”noun“. (for custom work every Tue-thy. H. B DUIiKlNG. Auctioneer, ‘Viednesday and Thursday. Appoint- Phona m. Waterloo. {‘ments are not necessary until hm JAN, UEBERSCHLAO. Prop. ther notice‘ A J. Shana, Prop. ft, ED, KAUFMAN, Clerk. ‘R i, lie-paler. "it. ROYAL BANK OFCANADA MTUIDAY. OIPT. M 1m Auctioneer, Phone IM, Watttrioo. ED. REUEL, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE Of wank mum mm TUESDAY, SEPT. at, 1922 onversion of Victory Bonds T HE SERVICE of this Bank we offered {no of nhnran on thrtao who wigh In nrrnmre the conver- , charge to those who wish to arrange the conver- sion of Victory Bonds maturing on December 1, 1922, to the new five or ten-year bonds. Applications should be made as early as possible. but not lator than September 30th. V The Maatir of my ot our Dru ch“ will b. glad to m- an. Ml Moll." upon request. gi) THE Incorporated in 1868 TOTAL ASSETS OVER ".000.” Officers gnd Directors Prompt gunman will be than to all sales entrusted to mo and ad.- The conception of The rum faction (numbed. JOHN ZIMHEW Call. "on I" - of It sonny promptly "tqqtNd I. UNDERTAKIR. AND FUNIRAL DIRICTOII Phone 0. My!" PM" MW Situate near St. Clements with crop, for quick sale. On farm is 8-roomed frame house, bank barn, pig and hen stable. Price for all it only If no. haw your walla our plied hero. We nlwnyo kn, on hand chalet First Beef; Pork, Lamb and Home-Mada Sausage Why not buy your ma more and on the but? Successor to J. I. FIICMI' Phone 248 Wall 4'7 Acres Real Estate Waterloo Phone 185 “Till I ”IIISIMII entity of Wm mm Wm w c. A. MINI. NOT. an. A. K. Gressman UNDERTAKEBI Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company “pond-w. thou-dual u-N" no You Atrttreotate $3800 moo-mam an I EDGAR FISCHIR Class Meats :3;

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