3+ _ AN OPEN ROAD residences have been brigh % with a fresh cont of ‘paint e are sorry to report that Mrs. ;wml' AWn ioh j i ie on en e e en e e c 00 Do oo oo Open three days a week, Tues. day, Thursday and Saturday. Phone 503). 34â€"3t. Mrs. John Knarr spent a few days in Waterloo with her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wittig and fam. Hy of Kitchener spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. August Schnarr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. P. Helm, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Frity, Mr. August Schnarr spent Sunday in Bamburg with Mr. and Mrs. John Moser. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schnarr, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heim motored to Preston to spend Sunday with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Holtz and Mr. and Mrs, Moogk of Waterloo visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown on Sunday. Mrs. George Witt and sons, Owen and Gordon and and Mr. Edward Kunimer of Heidelburg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter _ Kummer Bunday. taka} Mr. and Mrs. John Hemphill and family of Wagerloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Grass. Mr. and Mrs. William Frity and Mr. and Mrs. T. Frity, Mrs. Schanâ€" bechler spent Sunday in Preston with Mr. and Mrs. Antona Muttanus. Mr. P. T. William‘s mother of Torâ€" onto is spending a couple of weeks ters, Era and Nelda of Waterloo spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. Henry Gisel is on the sick list and 1&“!‘!’7}‘00'"7- ""aer flm sister, Catharineâ€"of Ger. Mills spent Sunday at Henry FIRE is a relentless gamâ€" bler playing for high stakes, and snatching away your possessions. Insure your property for its full value and put your mind at ease. This is the only method of being sure of reimbursement when l'ha savings of years are swept away. Insurance in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company is a sure way to be safe from loss. I‘: Theodore Brown and daugh. 'lolnhunh-lmm-mflnommlfllâ€â€˜.l- tion to conduct your sale in a manner that will be profitable 1 have recently openéd up an office at 34 Frederick 8t., Kitchener. Anyone wanting to buy a Farm or City Property will do wel to see my large list 1 have for saie. Anyone having a farm to sell, list it with me. | assure you atraight busintss and good service. Anyone wanting to h_d_l an Aufl’li Sale will be bonéfitted by securing my ser. CIDER MILL C. A. Boehm WATERLOO Just Call or Phoneâ€" 26 King St. North to the ERBSVILLE Real Estate and Auctioneer . 1. Shants Yours for yood service, Waterioo The party of camp girls who have be encamping in Mr. E. H. Tye‘s flats returned to their homes on Monday. All reported having had a splendid outing. Mrs. AMMesel and son, Harold of Kitchener spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Shramm. Mr. Clifford of Brantford spent a few days last week with his daugh. ter, Mrs. A. 8. Mitchell. Mre. H. Walker and daughters, Marjorie and Mary and Miss Lucy Tye spent Friday with friends in Milverton. Rev. R. M. Bultee! of Brantford occupied the puilpit in all‘three Anâ€" glican churches here on Sunday. Miss ‘Thompson of London spent the weekâ€"end with the Misses Walk. er‘s. Miss M. T. Zurbrigg of New Hamâ€" burg spent a few days last week with Miss Edna QGufford. Mrs. Tom Callsnan and Mrs. Patâ€" terson of Plattsville and their nephâ€" ew, Jack Nairn of Stratford spent Tuesday at Mr. A. W. Callanan. Mr. R. W. Graham spent Saturday in Kitchener. through an operation at t was q y iâ€" itor tn‘t two weeks Ago. â€" sA . " .K Mr. and Mrs. G. A. MUier apont the woekâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love spent BUD~| onts here day in Gait, Miss °. MacKk Rev. and Mrs. A. 8. Mitchell and | upending a wook family spent the week.end in Brantâ€"| Miss Jean Carm Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and little som of Brantford spent a few days last week with<Rev. and Mrs. Waterioo Spring Company Write for circulars and prices to the This is the Machine that every person should have.It has the power and no enâ€" gine is too small to run it These machines pay for themselves in a short time by keeping all tools with edge in shape including knives â€" plough ploughâ€" shares. etc. The Cress _ Emery Crinder Waterloo, Ont. Jno. T. Wilford and Mr. Thos Winâ€" ford Were Sunday visitors at New Missos Lissie Lodge and Nancy of near Wollesley spent last week with her mother, Mrs M. Birmingâ€" Lorne Rennie‘s. Mesers. D. and J. Lather of Mich. spent last week with their uncie, Mr. Peter Lather. Mrs, Dan Stricker Mr. and Mrs. R. Btriker, Miss Millie and Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glaister spent Sunday with friends at Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Campbell of Lis. in this vicinity. Mr. Fred @Stricker Sr. Mr. and Mr. Jake Diebold and son of Kit. chener spent Sunday with his moâ€" ther here. Building New Barn. Mr. August Dammer who had his barn struck by lightning a few weeks ago and burned to the ground has been working at the timber very rapidly and expects to bave the Sctual raising in about & week or ten days. Mr. Musseiman of St. Jacobs is in charge of the portable sawmill and traction enâ€" gine and Messra. Josiah Bauman and jSchnarr have contracted for the carpenter work. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Nurse of West Montrose spent Sunday with the formers‘ parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Reble spent Sunday with friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Strupp of Kit. chener apent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mrs. John Diebold. Miss Freida Kalbfleisch of New Hamburg spent Sunday with Miss Mr. James MacMurray, local asst. C.P.R. agent, received orders on Saturday to report at London on Friday, Sept. 1st where he will be in charge of the ticket oftice. Mr. Battin, now at Elmira will replace Mr. McMurran. _ Will Open Highway. A meeting has been called by a few interested ratepayers to be held at Lenhard‘s hotel for Friday night, Sept. 8th for the purpose of considâ€" ering a proposition to celebrate the opening of the new Linwood High. way. it is proposed to hold it the day Premier W. L. Mackenzio King is in Kitchener and, if possible, to bave him present it only for a few minutesâ€" and to finish up the cele bration by bolding a large dance on the square with the Kitchener 25 piece band present. _ Everybody should be out to the meeting and encourage the proposition and apâ€" point a live committee. Mr. Oscar Schummer is spending a week‘s vacatiom with friends in Detroit. 114 boxes of cheese last Monday, Augst 21st, being the first two weeka in August, selling for 15 and 15.1.8¢ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carnochan spent Sunday with friends at Millâ€" bank. Miss Maggie and Mr.â€"John Gibbons spent the wookâ€"end with friends in dances at Newton and Wellesley last ‘Thursday and Friday nights, respectively. Mr.. Jus. OGlbson of Toronto and Mr. Rugene Hayes was a visitor to Kiichener one day last woek. We are sorry to report Mr. Henry Barlett seriously ili"ut present. We spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. Barbour of Scotland is visit. & her nephew, Mr. G. Barbout. The local cheese factory shipped A few young people attended the CROSSHILL. Mr. @‘clock. Mr. Irvin Laatenschlager motored «o Hanover on Sunday. | Mr, RB4. Beckman of Detroit, who as been spending a short time is the village, has again returned to An open air band oomcert will be given in the village on Friday even ing a short time with friends at Hanâ€" aver at present. Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Bristol and family of Langton, called on friends in the village and vicinity on Thurs. day and Friday. A warechouse separator 6f the latâ€" est type has recently been installed 41 the New Dundes flour mills for the purpose of cloaning wheat for Rev. Geo. A. Shepherdson, former.. ly pastor of the U. B. church here, occupled the pulpit at the evening service on Sunday last. The Misses Lily and Emma and Mrs. Richardson of Toronto, is at present the guest of Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hilborn, Miss Gertrude Hilborn and Miss Alexanâ€" der of Kitchener, called in the vil. lage on Sunday. Arrived at the home of Rev. and Mrs .M. D. Hallman on Saturday, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. Lealand Jones and Miss Marion Jones visitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Page on Sunday. Personal and Local The Misses Elire and llah Hall. man have returned home after spending a short vacation with friends\at Milverton. In the absence of the pastor, Rev. 8. R. Knechtel, who is away on his vacation, the pulpit in the Wilmot Centre church was oocupled by Mr. Mahlon Zurbrigg of New Hamburg. Owing to the Rosevilie congrega. tion holding their Children‘s Day on Sunday evening the Y.P.A. meeting at Wilmot Centre was postponed so as to emable them to go to Roseâ€" ville. Threshing is the order of the day, as farmers have all their crops in Mrs. Henry Struth and family. vis. ited at the home of Mrs. John Hamâ€" acher on Sunday last. Misp lda Kunts is visiting with friends atâ€" Brodhagen.. ~~‘ Miss Luelia Huchu has returned home again afterâ€"apending her holl. days at the home of ber uncle, Mr. Mrs. Vera Botterill has returned to her home in Lakefeld after spendâ€" ing the past three weeks the guest f Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Kline. . _ Miss ‘Lilly Kunts, who has spent the past two months at the home of her prents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry in the West. 2 Miss Annie Kunts, who has been Mr. and Mrs, Werner Huss have left ftor the West, where they will visit their son, Manassuh. h Mr. John Heubach has left for the West to assist in the harvesting. Aged Resident Passes m Another aged resident of Victoriaâ€" burg has passed away in the person of Joe! Erb. Deceased had reached the age of 87 years and had been iv ill health for some time. The funeral was held on Monday morn. Ing from his late residence to the Bteinmans church and cemetery and was largely attended by a wide cirâ€" cle of friends and relatives. > Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shedier of Michigar, who have been visiting friends here, left on Monday mornâ€" ing for their home again, Mr. Adoiph Hofstetter is still conâ€" fined to his bed. * Dr. and Mrs. P. R. Urie and son have returned home again after a motor trip to Alvinston. Mr. Wm. Huehn has had his cider mill all fixed up in excellent condL tion. He has erected a big smokeâ€" stack and he is now ready for the day for Niagara Â¥Falls, N.Y. They made the trip by motor and were sccompanied by Mré. J. A. Ballio ang son, who will spond some time i# Ningara Waelis, Toronto and Hamil. NEW DUNDEE Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoesser and Mr. and Mrs. Egidus Mosburger and son, Herbert, Mr. and Mrsa. Simon Wagner and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ebulin. Miss Florence Merts returned bome after spending the week_end Mr..and Mrs. Peter Dietrich and family, in company with Mrs. Lorâ€" enz Hauck and son, Albert, of Petâ€" ersburg, were guests at the home of Mr. George Brown of Erbsville. Misses Cecilia and Theresa Hoyâ€" mier returned home to Waterloo afâ€" ter spending a couple of days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Anna Mosburger returned trome after spepding a few days with her sister in Kitchener. Personals Miss Emma Steckie of Bamberg, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Antonio e uute 1 sls aatint 1 i. % 4c +6 ts 4 > assortment, leaving us \~«<. These Remnants and Leftovers are all marked pr â€,fil .-!-‘ cad Ornfgrlysoto | ¢ ' Half Price * .* The new Fall and Winter Dress Goods and Suitâ€" ings have made their appearance on our counters and shelves, providing just the materials for dressâ€" makers and those doing early sewing: The best English, French and Canadian cloths are repreâ€" sented in our early showings and you are invited to inspect them. _ * Come in and rummage around. You‘ll find Ginghams, Prints, Voiles, Towellings, Stiks, Dress Goods, Silk Hosiery and Underwear at the lowest prices ever offered this Season. New Autumn . Dress Goods ana Suitings Waterloo LADIES‘ NEW SUITINGSâ€"Spienâ€" did all Wool Cloths of British and Canâ€" adian Manufacture in , Tricoâ€" tines, Gabardines and H and 56 in. wide at special Cloths, Armeur and Tafféta Cloths in Fine Wool, Fabrics of French and Brit: ish Manufacture, in the newest shades, are among the first m-lr-.lsâ€"- all at POP“I“ pl'icfll, | 1 85¢c, $1.00, $1.25 New Autumn Dress Goods and Suitings $1.75, $2, $3, $3 JOBEPHSBURG Brickerâ€"Germann | V +M fite, s4aving wexoith... _ + 4* se Short Ends and Odd Lots _ Santoys, Ottoman Mrs, William Bell and Miss Laura Moyer of Seattle, left for their home on Monday. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Henry Baer, Mr. Norman Baer and Mrs. Rellinger of Mannbeim, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Baer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reinhart of Kitchener, visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bruder on Sunday. , er, made a short call on his sister, Mrs. Henry Stossser. Mr. and Mrs. John Kipfer of St. Agatha, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. John Mertz and son, Nelson, visited Mr. Jack Mertz. Mr. and Mrs. Arno Steffier and family were the guests at the home of Mr. John Schneidér of Bamberg. with relatives in Waterloo. Mr. Jacob Frieburger of Kitchenw $1.50 * Mr. and Mrs. Eli Shantz and Rev. BRESLAU New Fail and trimmed and smartly designed. Prices range from, $15, $20, $35 * $65 A very large choice of the newest Fall and Winter Coats are now shown, made up in the most popular cloths, such as Duvetyne, Normandy and Polo Cloths, in rich dark shades, neatly Ladies‘ and Misses‘ New Autumn Suits, neatly trimmed with Embroidâ€" ery and Stitching, Fancy Panel effects and some fur trimmed, Ladies‘ and Misses‘ sizes Prices from, $37.50, $41.50, $54 * $61 ZLadies‘ New Suits Winter Coats A number of young people from the Doerr Candy Co., Kitchener, held a very successful corn roast at the mill park last week. ‘The pulpit in the M.B.C. church was filled by Rev. B. Bowman .of Brown City, Mich. _ The Sunday school convention held last Wednesday and Thursday at the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church was well attended, delegates being present from all parts of Western Ontario. _ Many helpful thoughts were présented on aggres sive Sunday school methods. ~ Mr. and Mrs. J. Woolner of Kitchenâ€" er, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Cressman, Mr, Woolner oc. cupied the pulpit in the Cressman Mennmonite church. Mrs. S. Moyer and Miss Barbara Moyer left on Tuesday on a trip to Camden, N.J. Miss Ella Cressman, Miss May Smyder and Mr. Almer Cressman visited friends near Hespeler on Co. Ltd. ty $ ul Pacs ~<f