N en n ie ce e I" LEFT FOR THE WEST. Dr .and Mrs. C. T. Noecker are Mr. Charles Ruby, Managing D+â€" enjoying a pleasant three weeks‘ vaâ€" rector of the Mutual Life of Canâ€" cation at Lake Rosseau, Muskoka. ada has left on an extended trip to Mrs. Wm. Woolam and son of the Western provinces in the interâ€"! prantrord visited friends in toOwB ests of the Company. . | last week. MANY PICNICS. ~ | AoEF ABRTIY Numerous picnics have been held motored in the Waterloo park the past 4 bOAt t! week. Galt, Preston, Guelph and Miss | Kitchener being represented in spending goodly numbers. All greatly ©MJOY® ‘Pnomas. ed the outing. : : soLD FINE RESMDENCE . ‘ Mr. A. Ball has sold his hardsome brick residence on Charles St. to Mr. C. â€"E. Robertson, Supt. of Agenâ€" cies of the Dominion Life Assurance Co., who wlll/uke possession next month. It is understood the price paid was $12,000. Mr. Ball, who has been a resident of Waterloo for the past few years will move to Toronâ€" RENEWING ACQUAINTANCES . Mr. and Mrs. George Alyward and four sons of Yysilanti, Mich., are welcome visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs#. Alyward, Weaver St. Mr. Alyward, wh ols an old Waterloo boy and left here in 1891 and now holds a responsible position in the telegraph department of the Michiâ€" gan Central railroad. RECOVERING FROM ACCIDENT ‘The friends of Mr. Henry E. Jaâ€" cobi, who on Civic holiday was run into and injured by an automobile on King Street will be pleased to know that he has recovered sult!u‘ fently to be able to return home from the hospital, leaving that Instiâ€" tution Monday. He will be confined to his bed for several weeks more. ENJOYED CORN ROAST. The choir of St. John‘s Lutheran church enjoyed a corn roast at the home of Mr. Herb. Doering near Erbsville on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Long of Brantâ€" ford, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hilborn of Preston, Hon. Mr Biggs of Hamâ€" ilton, Mr W. B. McArthur of Torâ€" onto and others attended the reâ€" opening of Equitable Life Building at Waterloo on Monday. BABY‘S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER. More little dmes die during tha | hot weather than at any other t!me] cf the year. Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera _ infantnum and stomach troubles come without warning, and when a medicine is not at hand lo‘ give promptly the short delay too frequently means that the child has passed beyond aid. Baby‘s Own Tabâ€" lets should always be Kept in the house where there are young chilâ€" dren. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles, or if the troublo comes suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will relieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. News of Interest ‘ ~ Around Town ||+ _ Righ} at the Market Kitchoner Phone Rupture (as defined) is not a tear but a dilation of the muscles ;Tl the distention of the membrane into the form of a sack (caused in the first place by weakness, and pushâ€" ing force of internal weight and finâ€" ally developing an external swelling in tl.‘foin through strain or vioâ€" lence) therefore subject to retention. Don‘t wear a truss pad where the lump is, but be fitted where the rupâ€" t'un is. lt’:. lmorn: ;rhun :ho-. . Rgan, 1 Api nce Specâ€" inlist, 1057 ï¬:;- Street, Toronto, who will visit Kitchener, Walper night) 2 nly, August 20 & 27. \ght) 2 days only, August 20 & 27. Surgical Appliance Expert Coming to Kitchener | Strange St., a son. Arnold Jansen the wearing of ;â€" ces the is: Tad viauasâ€" need ; help your eyes. See RUPTURE RELIEF who do not ‘" _ MR6 AARON LUDWIG . â€" The sad death of Mabel Phylits Lmcas, beloved wite of Mr. Aaton G. Ludwig, took place at her home, 23 Charles St., Waterloo on Wednesday husband, a daughter 4 years of age survive. > *+g The late Mrs. Ludwig came from parents whd ong sister resi( ‘The funeral took place on The sorely bereaved family will have the deep sympathy of their friends in their hour of sorrow.. Mr.and Mrs. Charles O‘Donnell motored to Sarnia where they took m boat trip up to Duluth. Miss Mary Ferns of Toronto is spending a week with Miss Florence Mr. W. Lyon Aiken of the Molsons Bank in Toronto is spending a few days with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hallman have returned from g‘pleasant motor trip to Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bechtel and Walter motored up to Grand Bend for a pleasant outing. Mrs. J. Lockie, AJlice Kenneth and Wilson are visiting friends at Grand Bend. s The Mutual Life Head Office Miss Isabel Feick is visititg &t] grounds Grand Bend. The Waterloo Park, Mrs. Charles Beam is home for The Kuntz Park, a,. week. bringing. with her Mrs.| The Public School Gardens, Whitby of Southampton. The Canada Furniture Factory ‘ Grounds, â€"â€"~ Mrs. Ross Wing and son, Donald,| William Street, Albert Street and are visiting at home for a few days.| Young Street generally. Miss Katharine Foster, Mrs. C l;rln::s::r::; vegeubl: gardens, Hemphill and daughter, Jean, are £ â€" DeSIth® vegetable garden Mr. J. K. Winkler‘s small park holidaying at Grand Bend. and garden, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Smith are Mr. B. B. Plnytor\d'n spacious lawn spending three weeks at French| gardenand shrubbery. River. Charles A. Davis, Waterioo. Mrs. B. N. Grigg has returned from a pleasant holiday spent at| AWARDS MADE IN Grimsby Beach. GARDEN COMPETITION Miss Dorethy Grigg has returfied from Whitby, where she spent a fow days last week. Dr.and Mrs. C. E. Wottlaufer and son, Taylor, of Buffalo have returnâ€" ed after spending a couple of days guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Bean. Mr. B. N. Brigg attended the sel-‘ Secondtâ€" Morton Devitt, 81 Erb slon of the Life Underwriter®‘ A8~| girget; sociation of Canada at TorOntO| ‘ppirgâ€"Helene Bahnsen, 133 Al Thursday and Friday. bert Street. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Zimmerâ€" man and Mr. and Mrs. Grier of Deâ€" troit, Mich., are guests at the home of Mr. J. M. Laing, Albert St., Watâ€" erloo § / Mr. A. A. Mcintyre of the Mutâ€" ual Life is now in Winnipeg where he will spend eight weeks at the branch office of the company in that clty. Mrs. Charles McCallum and dauâ€" ghter of Chicago have returned home after spending several months at the home of her parents, Mr. and Miss Rose Hilliard has returned from Geneva, Wisconsin, where she attended a summer school conferâ€" ence. She was one of twelve young ladies among the several hundred present who won special distinction and prizes in conmnection with exâ€" aminations held. forms for (men, women, children, inâ€" fants). These new surgical appliâ€" ances being designoi in conformit) with the wotentive principles As set forth by the world‘s latest textâ€" books are now receiving the highest approval. _ They embody all the principles as now .m of and used in New York, , Paris, Berlin and are offecting betier reâ€" sults than readyâ€"made, oldâ€"fashionâ€" ed trusses. Pln'.«hl’sl Pre and Post operative Rr-cbton w &A specialty. If un-ud-â€"mn‘rmo time to make yourselt safe for your work, so do not miss the opportunâ€" ity to call and have a personal, free demonstration and. examination of samples right here in your own secâ€" PERSONALS. es right meore in your oOwn BOCâ€" T ou wil BCOHRRBERâ€"MARTINâ€" At Kitchenâ€" d worry W'&%gt éf, Aug. 16,â€"~Mary Ann Martina and iety with a membershipof over 900. Mesers. Harry W. Brown and Chas. A. Daus were the judges and highly complimented the citizons on â€" the their properties and surroundings:â€" In all cases the judges had to be pvmmâ€ww existing conditions. Generally speakâ€" ing they judged each property under these heads:â€" + &. umudl!ulzuï¬- 2. Flowers. 3. Vegptable Garden, 4. General effect from the street, tion (5). The following we consider are the prizeâ€"winners, as well as those deserving honorable mention: 1st prizeâ€"E. W. Smith, 16 John 8rd prizeâ€"C. Schiefele, 96 Wilâ€" liam Street, . Young Street, M 5th prizeâ€"R. Kurke, 178 Park St. 7thâ€"J. L. Bowman, 50 Menno St. 6thâ€"E. Haedke, 41 William St. A. G. Heller, 45 William Street. Wm. F. Yanke, 25 John Street. V. Dietrich, 21 Victoria St. Herb. Smith, 81 Albert Street, M. S. Hallman, Allan Street. M. S. Hallman, Allan Street. H. B. Duering,King Street. F. Czerwinkski, 29 Willow Street Mrs. George Liphardt, Young St. Albert Hergott, Queen St. L. Dietrich, Erb St. Mrs. F. Schaus, 10 Bellevue Ave. W. M. O. Lochead, Union St. E. J. Fischer, 25 Victoria St. J. H. Weber, 128 William 8t. (6)â€"The following deserve esâ€" pecial mention, some for one reasâ€" on and others for other reasons:â€" The following are the award. in the children‘s garden competlition held under the auspices of the Waâ€" terloo Horticultural Society. The children made a highly creditable showing. 2nd prizeâ€"J. Uffelman, 136 Allan Fourthâ€" Walter Rutsch, 50 John ye;lrs old. Street. Fifthâ€"Rudena Koenig, 98 Peppler| CATTLE, Streat Honourable Meationâ€"Harry Gerâ€"| Cow due to caive LOC. a480% AU" ber, 50 John St., Edward Goyce, 60| Cow due to calf Dec. 27th, 2 Heilers John Street. rising 1 year old, 35 Chickens, Class 2 Firstâ€"Miriam Hamel, 179 Musselâ€" man Street. Second â€"EKmerson _ Harper, _ 29 Church Street. Thirdâ€"Susan Devitt, 81 Erb St. Fourthâ€" Arthur Shantz, 7 Elgic Street. Fifthâ€"Ruby Kaufman, 8 Noecker Street. Honourable _ Mention â€" Elmer Schiel. 115 Willlam 8t. a SCHMITTâ€"At Kitchener Aug. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schmitt, 65 Cameron St., a son. HONCOCKâ€"At Kitchener, Aug. 14, to Mr. and M s. J. Honcock, 89 MULDOONâ€"At Kitchener, Aug 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Rugene P. Mulâ€" doon, 46 Joseph St., a daughter. SHANTZâ€"At Kitchener, Aug. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alson Shants, 122 Locust St., a son. Firstâ€"Nancy Devitt, 81 Erb St | © ZRTTELâ€"ZRDTTRELâ€" At Kitchener, Aug. 14, Esther Zettel and Waiter Class 3 and 4 MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. 45 PUBLIC SALEPUBLIC SALE of Farm Stock, Impleâ€" ments and Household Efâ€" There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" t.>n on the premises of the underâ€" signed, situated one And oneâ€"balf miles nortbeast of Winterbourne, 2 miles â€" southwest of Welssenburg, known as the GORDON FARM, on wEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH. Commencing at oneâ€" o‘clock p.m. sharp on time. HORSESâ€"Bay Horse 8 years old, Bay Horse 13 years old, Bay Mare 9 years old, Heavy Brown Horse 12 years old. CATTLE, ETCâ€" 3 Good Dairy Cowsâ€"Spotted Cow fresh 2 months, Cow due to calve Dec. 2ist, Red IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" Masseyâ€" "**~ Harris binder nearly new, Masseyâ€" Te Harris mower, nearly new, steel p j rake, spring tooth cultivator,, walkâ€" J0 ing plow, oneâ€"horse plow, four8@0 33 ;, tion jfon harrow, hoe drill, scuffler. VEHICLES AND HARNESSâ€"New heavy lumber wagon, gravel box, flat rack, farm wagon, open buggy, C twoâ€"seatcd carrlage new root pulp er, cutting box, new turnip seeder, wheelbarrow, logging chains, double Se trees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, and cross cut saw, 2 sets team harness, lage! single harness, horse blankets and Jose many other useful articles. of I HAY AND GRAINâ€" 15 tons of hay, 300 bushels oats, 60 bushels barley, 30 bushels peas, 1 1â€"2 acres| , A potatoes, 1 acre of mangels, 1 acre | Off® of turnips. » Hen HOUSEHOLD EFFRCTSâ€"3 beds| ®* with springs and mattresses, 2 dres 8 sers upholstered rocker, 4 dining time room chairs, 2 parlor chairs, 8 kitâ€" Mrs chen chairs, Kitchen table, leaf table, Bric parlor table, milk cans milk pails, daisy churn cream separator, sink, N kitchen range. thei fects, etc. vuvnmnmm;-ng‘ the same time and place there will be offered for sale uuhmooull&-* ing of 75 acres good farm M,d‘ which there is 25 acres in grass and 20 acres bush and pasture, creek rumning through farm. On the proâ€" perty is a barn and frame house. TRRMS OF REAL RSTATE will be made known on day of éale or ean be had from the andersigned. Auction Sales "* wE MEAN EVERY WORD WE SA sn ol 10000 All Remnants at Less Than Cost Price Remnants in Prints, Ginghams, Cotâ€" tons, Voiles, Flannelettes, Sheeting, Pillow Casing, Muslins, Silks, Popâ€" lins, Galateas, Nurse Cloth, Juvenile Cloth, Shirtings, Suitings, Lustre, Black Cashmeres, Wool Serges, Curâ€" tain Scrims, Lace Embroidery, snn on c c ORant Ball & Co. Final Cleéring.'of' All Sun COME IN AND SEE FOR lu-.ou-u-h.oiuâ€"-cs- d im frnr ts mer Goods, which must be sold at qi i t t en C 0o c uce t BOOTS & SHOES AT SACRIFICE PRICES Be Sure and See.â€" Them This Week mm:uunnm»mwmmnm-mwmwnm“n'MI YOURSELVES oo uen k t ic oi c oo t n 0o e 0; snA in c sn nB ‘ Good kitchen range, four burner, gas range, large oak coal heater,' | kitchen table, four kitchen chairs, kitchen cabinet, Singer sewing ma-i |chlne, parlor table, 6 chairs with perforated _ seats, 3 dining room} chairs, morris chair, 3 plece parlor‘ lsulte, plush upholstered suite, sideâ€" Jbocrd. baby, buggy 2 iron bedâ€" steads, springs and mattresses, 2 | dressers, 2 wash stands, cupboards, | 2 trunks, 2 oleander plants, 2 parâ€" , lor lamps, kitchen utensils, picâ€" _ tures and numerous other useful _ articles. of High Class and Valuable â€" _ Household Effects. There will be sold by public aucâ€" tion on the prepaises situated on 48 Henry Street, Kitchener. On Saturday Afternoon, AUGUST Commencing at one thirty o‘clock, the following:â€" H. B. DUERING Sept. 21 (Thursday) Farm Stock and implements of Joseph Uberschâ€" lager situated one half mile north of Josephsburg and 3 miles southeast of Bamberg. E. J. SHANTZ ‘Au. 26 (Saturday) â€"Household effects belonging to John Zlak, 48 Henry Bt., Kitchener, off Wilmot St., near the Impeorial Oil Tanks. Sept. 9 (Saturday)â€"1.80 Standard time, valuable household effects of Mrs. John Randall in the village of Bridgeport. reptiles retreat from that odor months‘ credit will be given by furâ€" nishing approved joint notes or 6% off for cash payments of credit amounts. H. B. DUERING, Anuctioner, Phone 136, "Waterloo. Terms: â€"Cash . J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer JOHN ZLAK, Proprietor. ~Ba~ Natives of Liberia rub garlic on air legs. finding that venomous Auction Sale List We cannot quote prices in this week‘s Remnant Sale, as every article is difâ€" them quickly. Be here with the crowd and you will be convinced that this is the only real Retiring Sale in Waterloo County. * After ofur gigantic Retiring Sale we have all kinds of Remnants, broken ferent, marked at ‘:uu that will sell them ouickly. here with the â€" Millinery Every hat in the place must go. Children‘s, Misses‘® and Ladies‘, all marked this week at the lowest prices ever seen in Waterloo County. See them now. wor uoc n d l ie k e on unsc ce o e e t s uim o c i s o e e m t enc 0 t e e (stetglioey ~ertinete \o 10 TOWN OF _ WATERLOOQ | 2. The estimated cost of the sevâ€" 'eral works, the portion of the cost lor each to be paid by the Corporâ€" | ation, the estimated special rates. per | foot frontage and the number of anâ€" | nual instalments in which the specâ€" ilnl assessments are to be pald are ! also as hereunder set forth. TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo intends to construct, as Local Improveâ€" ments, concrete sidewalks, four feét wide, upon the streets and between the points hereunder set forth, and ‘intends to spechll’ assess a part of the cost upon the land frontin or abutting directly on the respective works. l Allen Street, north side, from the: easterly limit of Lot 474, Plan 248, to Roslin Avenue; estimated cost ‘3808.75; part pn(nble by Corpor@ ‘uon $86.10; estimated rate per foot frontage, $1.077; number of annual | instaiments, 16. ~ ‘ | Ezra,. Avenue, north side from ;KLng Street to the easterly limit of Lot 11, of Oetzel‘s survey; estimatâ€" | ed ogst, $609.70; .part payable by ’Corporauon, $12.00. estimated rate per foot frontage, $0.996; number of ‘lnnunl instalments, 16. Local Improvement Notice. Ezra Avenue, south side, . from King Street to Albert Street; estiâ€" mated cost, $1417.00; part payable by Corporation $13.00; estimated rate per foot frontage, $1.176; num ber of annual instalments, 16. 3. A petition against any of the said works will not avail to preâ€" vent its construction. Dated at Waterloo, this nineteenth day of August, 1922. 33â€"3t. JAMES C. HAIGHT, LOSTâ€"In the vicinity of Elmira, a surgeon‘s bag with case of inâ€" struments, etc. Finder will be reâ€" warded by returning to Dr. J. W. Livingston, 67 King St. W., Watâ€" erloo. 33â€"1t. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer Saturday, Sept. 30thâ€" Valuable real estate, consisting of a 6â€"roomed red brick house, kitchen and woodâ€" shed, with electric lights and furâ€" nace and household effects, belongâ€" ing to Mrs. Wm. Hauck in the vilâ€" lage of t. Jacobs. Thesday, Dec. 12%.â€"Farm of 75 acâ€" res, farm stock, implements and feed belonginng to P. J. Williams, wituated % mile east ot Rrbsyville and 5 milea northwest of m W a te rloo Waterloo‘s Greatest Bargain Store Odds and ends in Underwear, Corsets, Neckwear Suspenders, Work Shirts, Dress Shirts, Overalls, Hats, Caps, Cloth, Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Rain Dresses, Underskirts, Voile'Wahtl. Georgette Waists and Silk Hosiery. / YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT Clerk. TOWN _OF 1. ‘The Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the Town of Waterloo intends to construct as Local Improvements, bituminous pavements with concrete curbs and gutters upon the streets TAKE NOTICE THAT and between the points hereunder set forth and intends to specially asâ€" sess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the respecâ€" tive works. ‘The estimated cost of the several works, the portion of the cost of each to be paid by the Corporation, the estimated special rates per foot fron tage, and the number of annual inâ€" stalments im which the special asâ€" sessments are to be paid, are also as hereunder set forth. Queen Street from Erb Street to Weaver Street, estimated cost $5957. 00, part payable by Corporation, $2062.30; estimated rate per foot frontage, $5.993; number ‘of annual instalments, 10. Weaver Street from King Street to Queen _ Street; estimated _ cost, $3613.59; part payable by Corporaâ€" tion $1651.97; estimated rate per ft. frontage, $6.317, number of annual instalments, 10. * 8. A petition against any of the said works will not avail to prevent its construction. A 32â€"3t Dated at Waterloo this fourteenth day of August, 1922. Local Improvement Notice TENDING THE SICK 18 WOMAN‘S WORK. If you are «an earnest, energetic young woman seeking a vocation offering Happiness and Prosperity write to the Department of Hospitals and Disâ€" pensaries. 462 Grider St., Buffalo, N. Y. Comprising the Buffalo City Hosâ€" pital, capacity, 863 beds for the re ception of every known disease; 2 Central Dispensaries and 6 Branch Dispensaries, recording over 100,000 treatments annually. Affiliated with the University of Buffalo Médical De, partment. Threeyear Registered course fitting pupils for both Bedside and Public Salary: $15.00, per month. Food, Lodging, Uniform Laundry and JOIN THE _ NURSING [PROFESSION. The United States Needs JAMES C. HAIGHT, Clerk. WATERLOO "ay