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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 10 Aug 1922, p. 6

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eryâ€"necessary and impor ig :to obtain a passport. ired from the government A. passport is absolutely &_yufm allowed . to vario countries, and it ;..u to : have i always as you never know when : asked for it.. ; Fqi'ubtd of some forty ‘él ‘rMeh we met at ‘the others at Montreal. ! eal excitement preâ€" one was anxious. reâ€" ag , as it was imâ€" se‘that it was delivered (‘L‘Wa were transferred to the dock and were ‘"the S. 9. Melita: and 4. we getia good view ©perations on the dock ig M process, with stewâ€" er and thither deâ€" beee to the passen: fÂ¥, In due time all is ;~and ‘the warning whigâ€" ed :for. allâ€" passengers to rd:> Friends bid one anâ€" and in a few minutes offier blast of the whistle, 4s lifted, and we slowly E._ ‘tfrom the pier, while _waved to friends as we ‘the river. on ‘deck of the steamâ€" be city as we drift along ny Ylags are unfurled mber that it is the 54th s ‘ native land, Canada f whuumnl day it was, Em‘o sky and the thrill i jan océan liner sailing hinfly for the great i(”_lnc railway bridge the St, Lawrence seven the city of Quebec. This ?,Iu'\lct“ll"- being douâ€" ith a driveway for Eg foot walk for pedesâ€" bridge is 200 feet above ind as.we draw near we ) eabtain‘s bridge to imâ€" »such as if the mast strike the bridge, ifely ugder it, but as ib the wonderful struc: "a veritable forest wrence trip under such Mther conditions is simâ€" wdorned with pictures i‘d Mfarm houses along fany of ‘the houses are L_gnd these in controst m fields present a very hee.. There are many irch . with tall spires, mow and then, .and the .‘ is very restful and F‘:’. gcity dt Quebec we 741 fim.flu for conâ€" and : act ‘as money ou ‘have>no difficulty money‘of the country ‘wou are traveling. s were attached to party, she had made i that you know from ificent St, Lawrence nu Quebec to take gre we had the last fitfi off letters to enttine out to sea. EW DUNDEEâ€" / | tirm is estab all countries of may:better. un p ‘you to â€"plan make all train a must â€"refer ipany‘a conâ€" ‘Mrs. Buider ;.“'.IOW Walhrow of leave home + clares: "Love is the allbi for a mil meer comes from whore motto is to give || mnde ‘of meannerses and many & service TO ALL . d bride taketh its name in vain. and ...'»il e 3. 2 ol S ds? w 3. m o s t us 1 0 1 Sn _.;..“ m ?'!’1? “M‘.!.é_‘_‘! to have purchase a farm will be well: was going continually. As:we pass Into ‘the open: ocean the .sea‘begins to roll and ‘the weatherâ€"tyrus quite chilly, ‘more ‘like. November than July." ‘ We passed several Icoberks mbout 200 nilles edst of Newfound: We ‘had four & fferent pair=es on Frard, two Cadasd in and.tw> Ameriâ€" can, with.a passenger list of 900 and a‘crew of 395. .On July 4th, Indeâ€" pendence Day, as is customary, the Americans got up a concert and with the help . of the Canadians of course, we had some fervid oratory. Rov. Mr. Knowles (formerly of Galt) gave an . address â€" on Lincoln,â€" in which he did credit to the subject. 1.‘)5 @anadians also gave a concert ome evening in which Mr. Knowles and Rev. Mr. Martin of Brantford helped materiaily in making it a success. A concert company, the Dumbelis Co. was on board, and were quite gengrous with their songs which made our concerts quite ‘enâ€" tertaining. â€" The passengers as a rule mix up quite well: and one nnernliy‘ tinds a kindred spirit, who makes an agreeable, companion during the voyage. _ The steerage passengers have everything more in common and it is interesting to watch them The 8. S. Melita is supplied with a Mbrary containing books to satis ty the tastes of everyone.. Masic is generally provided in the ‘evening, and of course the inevitable dance is sure to be part of the evening program. The inner man is provid: ed with three meals a day and light lunches between times. For exerâ€" cise ome can join in the ~various games or promeunade the deck ten times for a mile. One day we wero shown over the ship from engine room to captain‘s bridge, and the structure, mechanism and manageâ€" ment of a modern liner is highly inâ€" teresting 'uB .some problem. . We lost about a day eastbound on acâ€" count of the presence of icebergs and fog off the banks of Newfoundâ€" land. Life on board aTiner is â€"quite inâ€" teresting, but after several days on the Atlantic, one is glad to see shore again, and toâ€" set foot on terra firma. Fine weather. adds much to the enjoyment of the trip and the blue sea is always interestâ€" ing. ; fous games. The first glimpse of the shores of troubled Ireland was quite a welâ€" come sight. As we swung into the morth channel to the north of the Emerald Isle, we were ~reminded that here submarine . operations were very active during the war and many merchant as well as war crtaft were sunmk. Continuing, we Temarle into the Irish Sea and pass the Isle of Man to our left. The island has an interesting history, end although a British possession, it has a govermnient of its own of 24 members. Their coat of arms is three legs, â€" evidently . implying "hands off," as far as their larger nefghbors are concerned. The Isla of Man is the home of Hall Caine whohas written several books tha scenes and aubjects of which are laid in the TIsle. We shall never forget our sail across the Irish Sea, which is often véry rough, but we were favored with caim weather and the sea was as smooth as glass: It was a trifie hazy in the west, and as the setting sun came to the level of the sea, a golden glow was cast over the waâ€" ter from the horizon ‘to our boat, and this glow gradually changâ€" d to an orchid color. ("his color scheme‘ formed> a broad pathway across the sea, and numefous Y s sels crossing it presented an en chanting appearance. . It was on the morning of Sunday,‘ July 10, when we sailed up the Mersey Rivâ€" er to Liverpool, having covered a distance of 2802 miles from Montâ€" real. o a farm will be wellâ€"repaids || py marriag A variety to énoose froms, .. || a sente of the upper deck at their varâ€" Ane island of ApHco8U! | «ng ‘Altred Kunm ot ;Waterloo 1 “':':'“_%;:“_%:l:'w «isitors.at.the home . of (Té be Continued.) +9 home after spendingâ€"a few wegks in Kitchener. . .. .. x4 family, of . Haysvilleâ€"called on thoir ~; Mr. and Mrs.. Fred: Daub and famâ€" ify of Waterloo, visited at tha home of Mr. Auno Steffier. e Mr. and Mrs..George Doerfle and femily of St. Clements, spent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Merowiâ€" ski. R tamily, were: the. guests of the tformâ€" et‘s parents,.._ Mr..and Mra. ‘Thebold Dietrich of St. ‘Agatha. §: : _Mr. and rMs. J. Olfenisck are at present staying a few ~days with friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoeser were on a business trip to Kitchener on Saturday. â€"Mr. and . Mrs. Eugene Dietrich Mr. Allen Dorscht. . Mr. and rMs. Nickolas Kettel nad family spent Saturday in Kitchener. What might have been a serious accident occurred near Rockwpod on Saturday, when & car collided with an automobile in which Mr. Orlas Spyder and Rev. O. Burkâ€" bolder and family were driving. Mr. yder‘s car wasâ€" seriously damagâ€" ed. . However, it is believed no dne 'wu hurt seriously. One of the Burkholder twins was rather badly cut about the face.. The party was en route to Markham. Mr. Burkâ€" holder and famil yâ€"then‘p roceeded to ‘Markham by train. Items of. Interest. ' . The Hagey clan held a watermel on social at the home of Mr.: and Mrs. Vernon Zeller on Saturday evâ€" spent. _ Miss Nettle Hagey left on Sunday for Philadelphia. where she isâ€" a nurseâ€"inâ€"training. ® Miss Livinia Schweitzer and a few of her friends from Wellesley, were the guests at the home of her sister Mrs. John Oesch. , â€" Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Reist: and family of Ohio, called on friends in. the neighborhood. ' i Miss Emma Hurst, accompanied by Miss Hahn of Waterloo, is spendâ€" ing her vication at Toronto, Hamilâ€" ton and other points along the lake Miss Ilda Bowman of Waterloo, was the weekend guest of (Miss Ada Snyder. > To § On Satirday evening an exciting softball game was played between the local "big". girls and the> small boys. Some very fantastic playing took place, especially. on the part of the ladfes. We will not mention the score but will only. say that ths small boys won. Don‘t be discour aged, girls. You will do better next time. > * Mr. Oliver Snyder of Hespeler, formerly of Goshen College, Goshen. Ind., occupied the pulpit, both at the morning and evening services. Rev. Chas. Moyer of New York state, preached.Jq the M.B.C. church on Sunday e:;fix. The sermon was appreciated by all. Acclient. _ â€" The many friends of Mr. Chrit. Reinhart will be sorry to hear of his death, which took place at Walâ€" erloo neu-mly. Mr. Reéinhart,. was well known in ‘this locality. . His death was â€"due to heart fallore. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Parr spent Sunâ€" day and Monday inâ€" Guelph.â€" Mr. Parr ‘had the misfortune toâ€"be in a motor accident and is confined to his home with a sprained ankle. A successful Chaytaugua lecturer, who is also a: lawyer, was presented to his audience as follows: "I am very glad to.introduce to you, ladies and gentiemen, Mr. B., who will give his lecturé,.‘The Trinl of Josus From a Lawyer‘s Standpoint‘ 1 can imagâ€" ind onlyone lecture wnich might prove ‘more intéresting to this audâ€" trom (JestW Standpoint.‘" The evening.was enjoyably BRESLAU at | â€" Rev. Mr. Reble‘left:lsst Friday on |an eftended :yisit to the Lutheran congregationâ€" at . Pembroke and iunvflu, as. a delegate representâ€" ‘ing the Waterloo Seminary. ~Rev. ]Prdr Henkel and Student Bosarne of | WaterlOo, are occupying the pulpit, IAnn-t P. Dammier, residing: about three milés northeast of here. Mr. innpmior is at present sulfering from bloodâ€"poison in his â€"right 3rm and was in Elmira at the time, but ima son, Alvin, was working in the barn. _ About 20 small pigs were burned and some of his implements, including & ‘large threshing maâ€" ‘chlue. ‘The driving shed and other outside buildings ~were totally ‘deâ€" molished. ‘The total loss is estiâ€" [mmd at $3,500, mostly covered by ilnsun’uce. ~Mr. Dammier has alâ€" ready comémnced building and will ‘}be ready for his big crop.. ©~ < C‘ | Woman‘s Institute. > â€" | ‘ The mouthly imeeting of the Woâ€" men‘s . Institute was held at the home of Miss M. Schnurr last Tuesâ€" ldiy eveninig, @bout thirty members being present.. The evening. was spent with @very good prokramme and a contest first prize being gwardâ€" ed to Miss. J. Shorten and Miss Ber: lett, the :prize being a large box of chocolates, _Mrs, â€" Ale.x Beggs 8i Mrs. Snider received the ne::} prize. ‘The programme was supplied by music by the Misses Ward and Morrow, a reading by Miss Adelia Schnurr and music by the Misses 'onjoyed by all with Miss Dolly Macâ€" Shorten. _ Community singing> was !Kny as pianist. _ A letter was also ‘read by the secretary from a memâ€" ber, Miss «K. Selp‘ who is visiting ;mum in Manitoba. The Septembar ‘meeting will be held at the home of : Mr. and Mre. J. â€"A. Fish of Detroit, spent ‘a, week at the home ot R. Y. at the home ofâ€"Rev. Mr. Reole. .. Mrs. Ruby | Gates of ‘Toronto, BHundy, at Colborne, on Friday, Juiy spent Rer vacation with During & quite severe storm paseâ€" ing through bére last Tuesday, light Young of Listowel, spent a few days Mrs. W.â€"J. Collins on‘the fifth of that month at 230 p.m. Mr. ugene Hayes was a visitor to New Hamburg one day last weék. Mr. J. W. Burgess of Kingston reâ€" newed . acquaintances : here a few days last week. Miss Hazel Burnett of Guelph is spending her vacation with her par ents here. Mrs. Wm. Carnochan | and Mrs. Adamâ€" MacKay spent a féw days in Waterloo visiting the former‘s daughâ€" Mrs. Cook spent a few days with friends at Niagara Falls and Pt. Dalâ€" houste. & Mr. James Murray was a visitor in town last Thursday evenifg. The young men‘s club are holding their next ‘dance in their hall on Friday‘ evening, Aug. 1ith. Elmira orchestra. Don‘t miss it: _Mr.. Harvey: and Miss Marjorie Beggs spent a few days with friends at Orangeville. . â€" Farmer‘s Ciub Meets. ‘ A very enjoyable . .evening‘ was spent by the Junior Farmer‘s Club at their monthly meeting held gt the home of . Mr. Adam Bigam last Fri; day evening. Different games were played on the large lawn after which an interesting programme was &râ€" ranged ‘consisting . of songs and reading. The J. F. A. 5 piece orchesâ€" tra. supplied the music, about 50 membefs being present. Mrs. Bigam served .a very. delightful lunch be fore breaking up in the early hours of the morning. Their next meeting will be held jat P. L. Krustswisor‘s m:xmm equipped to hear all the concerts and programnies broadonsted in the U.8.A. Who will be tha next one in Linwood? Linwood was largely represented at the Waterloo tattoo held last Friâ€" day evening, everybody repotting a Mr. Wm. Collins "listened if" on his new radio outft last Wednesday evening for the first time. It is |One ‘of Linwood‘s oldest and most Mr/ andâ€"Mrs. Arthur Pesbles ard m Jack: apént the Holidays »with s\ inâ€" Hespolgr (last Wednes g;m-qmmem Pepplef of Heidelberg,"speut |_â€" Bésideihis wite heis survived ‘by K ~with‘:Mre. <Phillp‘ Kruein|two brothers.: James and Thonlas, t3 :A S : / uh -Ufimuln on‘a farm near here Thomas| Ransom of Toronto, | 240 fwo @isters," Mrs.. W. Baeseler a ‘few days last week at m~mlfilÂ¥w.?-n.unmnm ot/J. G. Belp. . :; +. ... \@hert had never) been . blesse} with and Mrs. J. A. Fish of Detroit, | children. ‘‘The funeral tuok place to a. week at the home of R. Y. |the Macton R.: C. church for services Runstedier and John McGlory. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peebles and baby spent the holidays with the latâ€" ters"‘ parents at Atwood. _ | _ _ . Missâ€"Veronica Farrel of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with her parents ‘Mr. Edgar. McTavish . of Guelph spent the holidaysâ€"under the parenâ€" tal roof. \ Mr. Joh# Schneider has. sold ‘his terment." ‘The pall bearers ware Mesare, :Poter Leakard, Jos. Hayes, Jos. Farrell; Thos. Farrell, Herbert Messrs. Jack Dechert and Isaat Currie *motored to Goderich on Sunâ€" tin of ‘Hefdelberg, a cousin. of Mr. Menno K. Martin residing near the Schneider farm. The price paid is no known.< Mr. Schneider expects to buy another‘farm in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carnochan and daughter,. EKdna, spent a few days with the former‘s brother, William, Misses Mary and uqmet Mcâ€" Kenty of Kitchener spent the weekâ€" end with friends here. Mr. ~Dave Gibbons of Guelph spent a few days at the home of Mr. Joseph Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. John Runstedler and daughter, _ Margaret . of Toronto apent a few days at the home of Mr. Joseph Runstedier, Sr. Mr. &fid Mrs. Theo Daub of Kt*ch» ener wpeut the holiddays with Mr. and Mrs. John V. Brenner. Measts. F. H. Schummer, Louts Heimler, Gilbert Dehler and George Heimler attended the laying of the K. of C. monument at Penetanz )n_ Qnndav T Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Aléex. Mcâ€" ‘Tavish on Tuesday, ‘Aug. 1st, a daughter. ~ | Jos. Lenhard of Waterico spent a" fow days under the parental roof. ‘ Mr. Wm. Cornell of Preston spefit the weekend at his home here. ‘ Mr.:‘ William Gaines, section foreâ€" man on the C.P.R.. Listowel: line had the misfortune to have his gasâ€" oline section car completely burned about 8 o‘clock Saturday night. The car had not been working properly all day and he had repaired it that night since work. Then when he took it out for a trial trip there must have been a short circuit connected with a backfire as it exploded and burhed, although Mr. Gaines himselt had to keep the car in repairs, the ilc;u was the C.P.R.‘s. It‘s a mystery how Mr. Gaines escaped being s> verely hurt. (Mr. Melvin Ament of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with his parents here. â€" Miss Florence GehI of Kitchener spent a few days at the home of Mr. Frank Brennap. | Mr. Jim McCardle of St. Marys #pent a few days with his brother, Frank, here. All stores whd places of business were‘ closed on Monday,. Civic holiâ€" day. However, the weather was very uiifavorable, many people being dis Mrs. L@ng and children returned to their home in Toronto after hay ln;:c:t a few weeks with Miss M. Gibbons. Miss ‘Millie Schnurr motored to Mildmay on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lutz spent the holidays with their parents in the‘ weekâ€"end: at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Copley. _"NMr: and Mrs. E. H. Thamer called on friends in thavillage last week. Nr.‘and Mrs. Irvin Lautenschlager and family are spending some time Safaras and Romald Tontan spent Sunday . evening with friends at Bricfs. â€" â€" Messrs. J. O. B. Gleason, Wilson day, at Grand '1 ‘Nr/â€"and ‘Mres. Rdward: Re‘chari Miss Playtord of Waterloo, spent ith relatives at Hanover. Miss® Idélis . Spastzel. spent Sunâ€" car surkep. NEW DUNDEE _ojIr.dadln.Llfl- 14 Mr (London Sunday Pictorial.) ‘ Sacha Guitry has set an example lied | to English.actorâ€"managers in marryâ€" sok. | ing~Yvonne Phintenips: She is a deâ€" iger | lightful . and ~accomplished actress, ime | and in "L‘Mlusioniste" at the Prince‘s | Death of Gustave Moser. ! The hand of Providence has taken the soul of Mr. Gustave Moser. He ipuud away at his home last Satâ€" 5nrdny at 4 o‘clock. Burial took ‘place on Monday at 9.30 in the ‘ morning. Rev. Mr. Holm held the ‘requiem mass. and interment was made in the local cemetery. | Personals. ~ struck by a motor car and sustained C severe gash in his leg and seversl bruises.. : .No. bongs were, © however, broken. : The driver ‘of the carâ€"renâ€" dered .all the assistance â€" he could. The lad is getting along»nicely. Personals, " Ey \ +)3 ol > Miss Maggie : Gooding of St. Marys, if<@ visitor at the home of Mrs. Erb. Miss Mabel Stecko of Buffalo; N. Y., 46 on a visit with her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Allemang. ~> ; have been on‘ & Viait to the West, | «19908 Y"MQW have returned. " couple. J & Mr. .Geo. Buigin attended the funâ€" eral of lifs brother at Gueiph. _ Mr. and Mrs. Fridolin Meinoski visited. the former‘s mother, Mrs:. hn ~Meinoski. : Miss Dorothy Brentâ€"is holidaying at ; Blackwell.="" / Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaefer of Toronto, have returned to that city after a week‘s visit with the forâ€" mer‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johd Schaefer. se â€" Mr. and Mrs. Hepry Carnegle and childern of Lea Salle, N.Y., visited the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Riffer. They motored to E+ mira. Mr. Con,. Bolender of Kitchener, has been appointed distributor of the Eimira subâ€"station by the Imperial Oil Company. He moved his houseâ€" hold effects from Kitchener and is occupying the Geo. Ruppel apartâ€" Blessed : Beil. mony took place at our localâ€"R. C. church, when Rev. M. Holm, dean of Waterloo county, blessed the new yell. Rev. Mr. Lemhardâ€".of Carlsâ€" rube, and our local pastor, Rev. Jos. E. Wey, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Forwell and family spent Sunday in St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kroetch, Mr. Leo Kroetch and Mr. John Kroetch spent Sunday with the former‘s mother, Mrs. F. Krostch. Miss Elizabeth Bulgin and Miss Bertic Lewis are spending a week with Mr. and . Mrs. Geo. G.. Class, © Mrs. Weber, Mrs. Charles Schaeâ€" fer and Mrs. John Schaefer were vigitors, in . Hanover, . mtooring to Mr. Alex. Bremner of the Twin City, spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Geo. Rosenblatt jand Mrs. Josephine Marks epent last‘ Friday in the Twin City, to fenew old acâ€" quaintances. ‘Miss Adela Rosenblatt spent the weekâ€"end with Miss Johanna Esâ€" baugh, of Waterloo. â€" Messrs. Jos. H. Lobsinger, L. C. Rogenblatt and Urban Helm spent Saturday in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Reide! and famâ€" ily of Kitchener spent Sunday with their Eoocflvo parents Mr.%Geo. Veidenheimer spent Sunâ€" Quite a number attended the ta:â€" too last Friday night at Waterloo. Mr. Louls Eisemenger of Linwood, is spending 'n;dhtlm'. Miss Oliva Stoesér of Joseph* burg, spent a few days‘ vacation with ‘Miss Agnes Gothene. day in: our ‘burg. \ Mr. Louis\ Veidenheime: ~f Hesâ€" son, paid a short visit to his ~rothâ€" er, Mr. Peter Veidenheimer. list woek : was altogether engaging in the part of a© variety artist. It is a pleasure to see theke two got together. : For once the wife of the manager is not the Olot on the comâ€" When about to cross the street on SACHA AND YYONNE 8T CLEMENTS Mr. Peter Brenner [ Mr./ and Mré, Sangster Geiger ‘of Waterldo, are‘ spending the ‘holiday Mr. Glen Crawftord of Camlachie, |M pess entrusted to him. | spent the hollday with friends here, X 4k ts sw. MF. "and "Mrs. Gec. Foerster ‘Of youn PATRONAGE Vancouver, ‘ are ‘spending* vacation soLiciTeED. with Mr.â€"and Mrs. Fred Foorster. 73. v +i2 MNr. John Huehn ‘ot Calitornia, is | [ . E. SHANTZ Mr. Bd. and Mr. Herb Huehn were busitiess visitorsâ€" at. Hamilton. . Mrs.. Wm.\Hahn,â€"Mr. Edward and Willie Hahn, and_Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Krauter spent Sunday with friends in ‘Hamilton. * , ~Mr. John Steiss of Kitchener, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Steiss. Mr. Erie Steiss apent a few days vacation in ‘Toronto. . Mr. andâ€"Mrs. Leander Gies of Watâ€" erloo, are spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gies. Mr, Ed Huchn is spending.a few days with friends in Hamburg. Miss Laura Frickey of Waterloo, is spending herholidays with Mrs. Frickey. Mr. and Mrs. N. Demm spent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mre. Levi Kerâ€" cher. 5 y ts It is with regret that we report the iliness of Mrs. Levi Kercher. We wish her a speedy recovery. Messrs. Wm. and John Hartung and Miss Emma Harftung of Baden, apent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Ed Hartung. _ ‘Mr. and Mrs. Louis: RanWspent Sunday with friends in Waterloo. Mr. Emil Schneider of New Hamâ€" burg, spent Sunday with friends Miss Hannah +Braendle entertainâ€" edâ€"a number of:â€"her schoolmates to a picnic last week. 6t Quite a number of people from here attended the annual tattoo ‘at Waterboo. f The funeral took place on Thursâ€" day morning at 9.30 o‘clock from the house to the Aumish Uppef street© church and cemetery, ne&r St.. Agatha for interment. The death took place last Tues day morning of Alice Nafziger, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Danâ€" ie! Nafziger. On Sunday her iliness Became serious and she passed away suddenly early Tuésday morning at the ager of 10 months and 29 days. Her parents and three brotaâ€" ers and two sisters survive. _ People from this neighborhood were out in great force to Water loo‘s tenth ammual tattoo last Friâ€" Death of Child. Mré. Joseph Albrecht and . family of Poole, paid a visit last Sunday to Mrs. Hammer. Mrs. Wm. Schmitt of Kitchener, spent several days last week with her mother. > _ Rev. F. Dubpernili, Messrs. Adam and _ Theodore Lautenschlager of Petersburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Wagner on Sunday. â€" Mr. Waiter and Alma Wagner spent Sunday in the Twin City. \ The Women‘s Auxiliary. held their mesting at Nirs.C. 1: Howman‘s la«t Week. . Miss Grazam of Guelph gave «h. address.> ‘Thare were Alao aever s ‘other â€" ladies _ frow the Guatp‘ Personals. Mr. Oscar Wagner of Stratford, was a brief business visitor. Mr. and Mrs. B. Letson of Preston spen tthe weekâ€"end with the formâ€" pr‘s ptr?u. Mr. and Mrs .L. Letson. _ Migs Gladys Marriott and Miss M. MacBrain of the K.â€"W. Hospital, Kitchener, spent Sunday with Miss Mabel Letson. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clayfield and litâ€" tie daughter of Kitchener . spent Sunday with Mr. as i Je . Joaes. Mr. o« lt Parkes sper: list week in Gue!â€" n. The Misses ~Carria and Emma Vogle sp.nt a fow days under the parental root. A, Mrs. Clarence. Marriott and two children and Miss Gladya.Rickert of Gusiph are visiting w.th selntives Personals Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bowman of Eonnsylvania® are visiting with Mr. BERLET‘3 CORNERS wWEST MONTAROSE. WANTED â€". AN : EXPERIEN cook® general : for family: bf_ adults (three .males).; State and ‘ reference. . Apply: 69 Al Ave:;, «Toronto. pee Sn sn d s d ‘general office work. Must education. ‘‘No previous | e ence necéssary. . Apply in w to ‘The Waterlcoo Chromicle, erloo. £ 0 6 M e CR ge REGISTERED Yonxamm,kd Sows and hogs; three , $0° & months old. Ford J. Wilison; R. R. 4, Kitchener. es * FOR â€"SALE â€" FARMER‘$ * SOLID leather shoes, all sizes," tan Of black, best quality, regular $5.00 for ‘$4.40;. â€" All kinds of fepairing: Satisfaction guaranteed. E. ‘Nier‘ garth‘s, 27 Erb St., Waterloo. 2%4 , Now is the time to:lok at a‘f® Fee our.19%. acre farm with st and implements. Best of cultiva land and pasture with plenty pf . ter and shade in pasture, near scl church and tailroad on main r¢ All at a very reasonable price. Ap Alex. J. Schnarr, aysville.. 321 H. B. DVERING,; Auctioneer.{~4 September 6 (Wednesday,)â€"Fetm stock, implements and household «f+ ects, belonging to Peter .Be 1%& miles northeast . of ‘:a beurne, 3 miles southwest of: Threshing ,Outfit For White traction engine twenty 1 seâ€"power Waterloo Separator . " straw blower and selfâ€"feeder and. terâ€"tank all in firstâ€"class : condit Apply John Broynuu Jr. Bref R. R., No. 1. * a E. J. Shantz, Auctioneer : ©: Aug. 15 (Saturday)â€"1.30. Stap« dard time, valuable . household ~ef fects of Daniel Reass, in the village of Breslau. td August 7th, Monday, at 11. o‘t¢iock a.m. standard time the real eatite Of Adam Bechold, situated: about : five‘ miles west of Kitchener, on the fi road leading from Kitchener to Aug. 26 (Saturday)â€"Valuable 1 storey frame dwelling consisting of 6 rooms, if not previously sold, and household effects of Hy. Brodhecker, " corner of Shanley . and . Waterlo® | streets, No. 89, in the city of: Kitch / Thoroughbred j Staillion. â€" Foaled 1918 s Purchased in England . Canadian Racing Associati for the improvement ‘of â€" Light Horse in Canada. j Horses and Hunters. A Horse, bred by the Earl of Z land, height 16 hands, °V compact and bloodlike, good action and sound co P ttention will be given to | rompt a on . i all nluor.mut«lbmndma‘. The congregation of The Wirst . " Quartz Rock, _ Will stand at the 8 FARM. â€" Fee for mares $5.,00. Secil Mansticld, Mr. and jotson and Mr. Edgar Lotsc lunday at New Dundee with \irs. 8. Waebsar. J i0 +h GENERAL WANTS â€"â€"â€" is 648C LICENSED AUCTIONEER .. NOTICE / wea Auction Sale List FARM FOR SALE, , OHN ZIMMERMAN tm io

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