Men‘s and Boys‘ Warm _ Weather Apparel ‘~ §$14.75 $18.75 $23.75 $28.75 eR t t 0 C V O l .‘ We alseo have a big stock is SW ; % Ad e m j t . a s j e c | l ¢ b ; n To i’ ‘98 ;ri f # ; x 3 £%, t and Mre. L. Doering of Mildâ€" ‘‘»rigited their friends in the vilâ€" over Sunday. F. &BA Mrs. Theo. F. Schmidt Mr. &nd Mrs. Wesley Heinbach Fitchemer. called on friends in r. Geo,. Gole of Oak Grove, spent Bunday at the home of Mr. and , $, K. Schmidt. ¢. and Mrs. Geo. Berdux and y spent Sunday evening with @Bd Mrs. Reinhardt Heldman, )_& Grove. ¢s. Poter Berg of Breslau, visitâ€" !e‘c Union Suits. Reg. M fGL .«...~.... . $LLO is SBilk Hose .. 69¢ aen‘s Furnishings mms s a e n e s ‘eels 89¢ iggan Union Suits. .$1.19 s Shi Reg. $3.00 . $1.85 y Socks .... .. « $1.89 ‘ Union Suits. Reg. ............. . : $1.89 BIG MIDâ€"SUMMER SUIT SALE ~ Price Isn‘t Everything 5* Rven in Our King E traw Hats Reduced PE . PHILIPSBURG d $40 se A $50 and $60 ities Values up to $47.50 Quauties ally reduced prices aren‘t the chief con â€" on in this sale of Men‘s Suitsâ€"â€"It‘s the and it‘s the highest standard of clothing kes these the greatest of values. on ionden en sn tnrmmenomnenenmremmintmmmmmmenys otrote oniosnommcmmmmnimnntenmmmer on MEN‘S RAW SILK SHIRTS with Collar to match at those Prices for Saturday a message from the wheat fieldeâ€"in Nature‘s great laboraâ€" gmmmmmlmmrw Herman Lippert |'.5J Come to our Meén‘s Suits $27.50 Surprising Values . Goup 2 . Reduced to KITCHENER & health tock of seasonable furnishings at ‘ Sale Prices ed her son, Alex. Berg, here over Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Alfred Gntsl. Mrs. Henry K. Schmidt and the Misses Isabel and Vera Schmidt of ‘West Toronto, are visiting relatives in the vicinity at present. Mr. Clayton Smith of ‘Torontc,. visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Schmidt, on Sunday. Little Miss Margaret Graber oi Kitchener, is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mre. J. K. Schmidt. Mr. Val Berdux and Miss Hilia Jacobi of Bridgeport, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Berdux. Obadiah observes that "a skin you love to touch" proves, upon closer scrutiny, to be reâ€"touched. Athletic Union Suits ..,.. 69¢ Kiddies‘ Wool Suits .... $1.39 Fast Black Hose ........ 25¢ Children‘s Straw Hats ... 59c¢ Coverall Suits .....«z1,. $1.25 Shirts and Blouses :; 80¢ Khaki Bloomers ....... $1.25 Children‘s Sandals, solid leathâ€" CL ;1 circr2sisrrirss£2, $L.2D c _Aelds! Men‘s Su_!u _ Group 8 $37.50 141 King W Local and Porsonal. & J Miss Bell of Merlin, is a guest at. the home of her sister, Mrs. Harold Mrs. Harty Smail of Kitchener, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Guyâ€" Semy ple. and daughter, Idella, spent Bunday with friends at Kitchener. 3 Miss Olive Rabb is holidaying at lunch table and seats at Fountain Park, for the convenience of picâ€" Mr. D. Becker is having the woodâ€" work of his business block: freshenâ€" ed with a coat of paint Mr.; Chr. Ingold has the contract. Mrs. Ed. Huehn and children of. Heidelberg, are holid@ying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rits. & Mrs. Lottie Ford and son, Jack, of Spokane, Wash., are visiting friends here: They afe the guests of Miss Graffy > Mr. A. F. Hansuld, B.S.A., of Charlottetown, and Mr. S. King of Calgary, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bechtel. ° Mr. Wm. Schildroth spent a few daye at Durand, Mich., and returnâ€" ed with his sonâ€"inâ€"law and daughâ€" ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hunsperger, and children, who motored to spend a few weeks‘ holidays. _ Mr. Robert Forrest returned home from a month‘s visit wtin relatives and friends in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hohmeler of Kitchener, were weekâ€"end visitors in town. News has been received of the death of Mr. Wm. H. Smith, who passed away on July $th at Edmonâ€" ton, Alberta, at the age of 53 years. ‘The deceased was a former resident of Wilmot, residing on the farm Mrs. Allan Butler and children, Sylvia and Anthsny,: _returned to their bome in St. Catharinés on Monday. She was accompanied by her mother, Mré. Herbert Hamilton, Died in the Wost. now owned , by Mr. Peter Roth. Mesars. Geo. M. Smith, Harry Smith and Fred C. Smith, all in the West, mre brothers of the deceased. Miss Marie Monaghan returned home after spending a week‘s hollâ€" days with friends in Kitchener. Store Sold. f M;.}nmu Forrest spent the holiâ€" day with friends in Hamilton. Mr. Robert Frickelton of Stratâ€" ford, visited friends here OB SPiâ€" urday. ¢ s Miss Ellen Muir .of Stratford, spent, Saturday with friends in town. ‘The smallware store which was conducted in the American Block by Messrs. Herman Appel and E. R. Helmuth, has been purchased by Mr. S. B. Hathaway of Kitchener, father of Mr. Geo. B. Hathaway of the firm of Clemens and Hathaway. ‘The new proprietor took possession of the business on Thursday. This store was opened by the former owners about one yer ago and mot with a good patronage. We wish the new proprietor greAl SNUUCE®® °7 the business. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Geo. Merner mtored to Port Stanley on Thureday. Misses Murie! and Kathtyn Bechâ€" tel have returned home after spendâ€" Ing several weeks with friends in Woodstock and Tavistock. Miss Marle Reick and Master Relck of Kitchener, were the guests of Jack Schults. _ Messrs. Bert Merner, Harley Bowâ€" man and Nelson Hanstein, who apent several days at their homes Tuesday. Misses lona and laleen Stegner of Stratford, visited their uncle amd aunt, Mr. and Mre. B. F. Walker, and returned home with them for a week‘s holidays at Stratford. Messrs. Ed. Morner, Senator V. Mr. and Mre. Henry Brodrecht. She _-wmmdlï¬l school teacher at Parkhill, to comâ€" mence duties after the summer Â¥a CWERE EVed PC m n id ® Trains Taken Off. has been renovated and will be re Two Jocal passonger trains have o’,gn_gfllr.A“Mï¬ visited friends here on Satâ€" motored back to Detroit NEW HAMBURG ï¬mvriotor great success in o by the G.T.R., owing shook, ‘but owing to ! rain some of them are Mr. 1. G. Trask, {manager Dominion Bank here. spent th day at his home in Wateric holiday at his home.+ _‘ ener, spent the holiday at ï¬n.llnry!truhnddl Emma, spent the holiday at Several.of the Baden péc in â€"the tattoo at Waterloo day Mr. John Struth and Miss Struth spent Sunday in Pla Miss Tillie Forler is spendi weeks* holidays at Grand B : Misses Nellie Fowler and Fowler are spending their h Mrs. Wood and Miss Kressa Kline and Master® Harry Kline spent Bat urday in Kitchener. + Miss Gladys Hebel ofâ€"Kit spent the weekâ€"end at her derstand, is only temporary, Ptl these trains will be put on again after a settlement has been ir the miners‘ strike. In the m@anâ€" time, the westbound train due §ere at 9.30 a.m. will stop at all stations along the line. * Annual Meeting. _ Â¥ ‘The annual meeting of the lGcai branch of the Upper Cmdalï¬ Society was held in the Evan; church on Sunday . evening. : The tollowing officers weer elected: Preâ€" icldut, Mahlon Zurbrigg; Secretiry Treasurer, Wim. Buck; Board of Diâ€" rectors, Messrs. F. Debus, L. Peine, S. Peacock, D. Eby, John Wt&. R. G. Smith, O. F... Hamilton, % Geiger, â€" H. Kropt,â€" Gideon Bechtel, Noah Steinman, Joseph Ramseyer and Michael Gerber. Miss Gaima Otto, nurseâ€"inâ€"trainâ€" ing at Victoria Hospital, London, is spending her vacation at her homa here. Mr. Wm. Rabb, Mr. and Mre. Givâ€" ens, Miss Laura Rabb and Mr. Fred Rabb of Princeton visited at the home of Mr. and Mre. John Koer beron Sunday. Soft Ball Games. The Soft Ball Leagues, recently organized in New _Hamburg, made a start last Monday evening, when a doubleâ€"header was played in the park. Results: Evangelical marâ€" ried men came out victorious in the first game, when they defeated the married men of the Trinity Luthâ€" eran church by a score of 14 to 12. In the second game, the young raen‘s team of the Baptist church were very decided victors over their opponents, the Evangelical ybung men‘s team, whom they sent down to a 18 to 4 defeat. Mr. A. Benedict, who spent two weeks with his daughter, Mrs. H. N. Culbert, returned to his home in Chesley. Miss Grace Pequegnat is spending a couple of weeks with friends at Hanover and Southampton. Mr. Lambert Bowman of Kitchâ€" aner, spent the weekâ€"end with his parents ,Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowman Mrs. _ Monteisth of â€" Killarney, Man., spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Culbert Mr. and Mrs. Howard N. Culbert and son, Willard, motored to Ches ley and epent the holiday. They were accompanied home by their daughter, Mis Margaret Culbert. Mr. and Mrs. Kinze and Mr. W. Madigan of Cleveland, and the Misses Klachn of Kitchenér, woere weekâ€"end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Messner. Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Ruby and two children returned to their home in Beaver Dam, Wis., after a few weeks‘ holidays ‘with his par by his brother, Mr. Gifford Ruby, who will take a course in ‘the colâ€" lege at Beaver Dam. ~ . â€" Coombs and Roy Luckhard compst tournament at Seaforth on Wednesâ€" day, but were not fortunate anough to carry off any of the prises. ~ Lutheran. Church Recpaning. . |Blair, Mr. and Mre. 0. Brubpacher The Lutheran charch, which has |of Grimsby, and _Mr. asd Mrs. umpumwdvm, «nd : family ot Bd % LFiy m oo l Smd T PC CC at ERBSVILLE: .+> y M [|â€" (1t was nome tattoo, it motors and of was there, save Josiah. ; The milkâ€" pail tattoo at both ends â€"of the day supplies all the "twoâ€"step" Josiah is Inclined to indulge in,‘ and Reuben "civic holiday" when<there‘s «swoét, elover to be plowed down, and ferâ€" tiliger to .sling for the Jland‘s sake, Mr. Warren Snyder:of Toronto, is chil arrived for the mill last week. ‘The #rst floor is now laid and. the brickâ€" work will be started on Tuesday. Mr. Willard Berges of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Kingston, is spend: ing his‘ holidays at his home here. Mro. Will Helst is under the care of a nurse this week. We hope to of a nurse this week. We hope to| New wheat deliveries at the m#ll see her around in her usual good |have been of an extra good samiple, health soon. going well over standard in weight. Mr. and Mre. Oliver Stauffer of| Mr. Geo. Herman of Elmira, moâ€" Didsbury, Alta., who was east for the |tored Mr. and Mre. Otto Koch and Stauffer reâ€"union, epent Sunday with | Mr. Louis Koch to Durham on Sunâ€" Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Weber. :‘ day for a few days‘ visit at the Mr. K. A. Berges and family enâ€"|home of Mrs. Koch‘s parents. joyed a motor trip to Niagara Falls| Mr. and Mrs. James James of Toâ€" and vicinity on Saturday. ronto, are . visiting with their ‘The concreting of the four mifles |friends, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. of hifhway from here to Elmira was | Findlay. finished last Saturday and as soom| Mr. Roland Harris of Toronto, is as the sides are graded the specder lu_ndlq a short time at the home will have a paradise of a time strainâ€" |of Mr. and Mrs. F,. S. Challoner. ing all his nerves, swinging around |â€" Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hachborn of the curves,. with the idea he wouldn‘t |Kitchener, spent Sunday here with -kz, but did. their sons, and alÂ¥o visiting former iss Irene Heist‘s many friends |associates and friends. Mr. and Mre. Oliver Stauffer. of Didsbury, Alta., who was east for the Stauffer reâ€"union, epent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Weber. :‘ Mr. and Mre. Appel spent Mon day with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. M. D. Brown of ‘Toronto, was the weekâ€"end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney. Mr. Elroy Schiefele of Detroit, is spending his two weeks‘ holidays with his parents in towh. The driving of large concrete spiles for the end piers of the railâ€" way bridge by G.T.R. workmen these days is quite a novel opera Mr. Herb Felil of Kitchener, spent the civic holiday with friends in the lower school C. L. â€"examination | Â¥on .spent with third class honors in grammar and 1st class honors in botany. Mr. Harry Brown, recently of Deâ€" troit, has started a tailor shop in the basement of Mr. Egerdeen‘s house, King street south. Mr. I. E. Filsinger is spending a week‘s holidays with friends in Toâ€" ronto and New Hamburg. Mr. Stanley Hodgins of Stratford, is renewing acquaintances here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Brandle and Mr. Honsinger of Eimira, visited the Misses Bemis on Sunday. Mr. Louis Peppler of Detroit, re newed acquaintances here last week. Mr. and Mre. Brice and Mr. and Mrs. Schwoob of Buffalo, called at the Bemis home last week. Mrs. D. Harper and Messrs. Stanâ€" ley and Thomas and the Mosses Gladys and Helen Harper of To ronto, are spending a few weoks with the former‘s sister, the Misses BSarah and Joanna‘ Snyder. Mré. Weston visited Kitchener friends on Sunday. Mr. John Wilkie of Forgus, is caling on friends here this week. Miss Pearl Bedtord of Kitchener, is spending some time at her home Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bedtord and Master Ross, accompanied by Mr. and Mré. Adciph Berlet of Kitoh» Misses Bessic and Helen Heist atâ€" Mré. Edith O‘Strander and two ildreén ‘of ‘Georgetown, spent last Petroit, are spending a few wosks «t the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heinteman. Mr. D.A Bemis ot Toronto, is Saturday to «pend a few days thare. BLOOMINGDALE 81. Ind., tenâ€" days or #o: i ‘The raing of the â€"forepart of last week i nteffered with the p rogress Oof cutting grain, which had ripened very quickly. ‘The thunderstorn of Wednesday brought with it a real flat to the ground. By putting in extra time with all available power and speed. quite & few farms manâ€" aged to finish the cutting during Mrs. Samuel Letson of near West Montrose, spent the forepart of last week here at the home of her son, on Thursday evening. Miss Fanny Gordon of Kitchener, was visiting her sister, Elleen, and . Quite a few from here, as usual, took in the tattoo at Waterloo Friâ€" ed to Hamilton and other points in the Niagara peninsula, where they spent the weekâ€"end. Miss _ Marion â€" Schweitser and niece, Ruth Schweitser, left on Friâ€" Gay for Toronto, from where they will leave, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schweitzer, and Mrs. N. Cress of Kitchener, for Wasawka, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hachborn of Kitchener, spent Sunday here with their sons, and alÂ¥o visiting former associates and friends. on Georgian Bay, where they will spent several weeks. The former will return by the end of the week. ot her parénts in Elmira, while Mr. Herb Huehn, accompanied by his brother, Rd., of Heldelberg, motorâ€" Miss Gies of Hamilton, spent 2 short boliday here at the home of her uncle, Mr. Val Gies. Mr. Carl Hachborn of Kitchener, spent over Sunday here with his brothers, Harry and William. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G‘ns of Hamilton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Val Gies. Miss Luella Shelléy of Kitchener, spent the holiday at the home of her parents, and Miss Nelda Shelâ€" Mr. Sidney Armstrony ot Horae Je oeiee PB l\ . S NP iss Adsa Snider of Stratftord, is â€"»Of /1 storeâ€" iding a â€" short: vacation here at ® A REAl SALE â€" AHuminum Ware at prices of Granite. MORE DURABLE, and more SERVICEABLE. ~__ _ COVERED KETTLES . .. 10â€"in, Alluminum Kettles with Alluminum emmmenmmemeen i C s ce a esneintbet 0 0 " * RD. DOUBLE ROASTERS 10â€"in. Rd. Roasting Pans with Cover Sale €pecial $1.87 Bâ€"piece Wear Ever Sauce Pan Sets Sale Price $1.98 : Yâ€"in. Cast Alluminum Fry Pans Sale Special $2.37 _ _ M. Weichel & Son, L 3â€"PIECE SAUCE PAN SETS STEW PANS 1 qgt. Wear Ever Stew Pans. Sale Price 89¢ ALLUMINUM FRY PANS August Alluminum _ Ware Sale AAs DOUBLE BOILERS #â€"qt. Double Boilers 5'2;. Price $1.89 Muehn and little Sale Price $1.98 ley of Goudies, Ltd., staff, Kitchenâ€" or, is holidaying at her home here. Civic holiday passed off rather guietly, no great celebrations being on deck. Each and every one celoâ€" brated according to his own inclinâ€" ation. No mishaps or accidents hbave been reported as a result of these individual célebrations. Miss Letitia Schmidt of Kitchenâ€" er, is,spending a few days at her Briefs. homejhere. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Miller and famâ€" ily of Kitchener, spent a few days here among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. ®4. Koehler of Preeâ€" ton were holidaying at the home of ables, wash hhrluA ics and household '""! flh&bhumuhflylfl â€"~ The‘.s . uNC We oc E l s‘ aAapma uler Busines College _ ‘ge _‘ 6 ~a y 4. e o t Ritchener, Ouffrloe .‘ y EWe will train and place you in a good ' g If you see thorough Business ' u this school. f * ;’?ï¬ Fall Term Opgï¬ _ August 28. _ Goudies i:im WELLESLEY Enroll now for the opening day. + ./ | Our catalogue is free. THE PROFIT SHARING STC Kitchener, Ontario. 8â€"qt. Alluminum Preserving Kettles: f Sale Price $1.08 ~. > . _ .. 10â€"4t. Alluminum Preserving % Sale Price $287 . __ | _ _ 10â€"gt. Wear Ever Preserving w Special $2.49 ic a : 12â€"qt. size, $2.76 ;. .. _ POTATO POTSâ€"~. . No. 12 Potato Pot, Sale Price: ‘ No, 12, Large, $2.98 _ _ Alluminurn Tes Pots, good 10l44in. Alluminum Pot PRESERVING KETTLES Bâ€"qt.. size Sauce Pan Wagner spent Sunday i? in New Hambure 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millé: Mr. C. D. Koehier and in New Hamburg. Miss Persida Ottmanm, . training at Welland; Ho#; spending her holidays with ents. y. 6e mm Th\ hn 4 w P Rev. F. Dupfernell of . PoU visited friends hére 08 Bu® Mr. J. G. Rennie, who h very severe attack of ;i is, we are glad to sa&y, 08 to recovery. C of The Misses Ruth Battenb othy Dingwalil and Esther were visiting friends and in Ciifford for a Week _