»} a» $+ + J NWLG., §115%; No. j WINNIPEG G, July $1.â€"Buying powâ€" it on the ‘local wheat marâ€" raing and prices receded Hlosing with a loss of 5%¢ lay, October 3%c lower er $5, down. The mar | little support and out ittle spreading between feago trading was light. ‘ #he prospect of the reâ€" it of the wheat board is fect on the trade. Thgj yer is showing little or An Canadian new crop! iker American markets factor in shoving the b} No. 3, $1.95%; reâ€" track, §8.16%. OW., 14%. © b $145%; No :. 1 bard, $1.39; No %, No. 2. $1.204; No. 4, 1.01%; No. 5. $1%¢; feed, f14%c; o. 4 GAÂ¥.. §§%e; $ axtra No. 1 feed. K6A : .50 éholep 100 Open. _ Close. $1.304% 31.36 112% â€" 1104b 1.08% â€" 1.07 235 % 2.03% 1.93% #4 18 16 e 14% 1i%b «. F1 56% 3 .61 43% 606 to|at the car baras, who was with mep | _ â€"< ow PPrpmrmmmmmomatzname, | view without any comblination enâ€" wick when he secidast kappeots,| _‘ ‘Oold in the Hoad" !uflummuwmu«:; mh:mn-u_-l. Me sald | s mmgwm:w- !:xpudaom& j standing on an Thoie to "solds‘ *4 Farmare referred to an a ; toms [Jiior mpment t "o No aeepian| j (He s oo on 0 inss ce 50 Pirmere io bates retarent to ak n 1.95 4b 1.914%a 2.28%a 53%b 48 %a 41 61%b 4 LQUhTRY PBRopuce son to Winterbourne Presbyterian ie l wWHOLESALE > Cemptery. Rev. Dr. Biair of Guelph, @ 48.00 MWM-W»JMW‘“W @ 13b\ ter tat. at shipping points, for To\ Amoung those who attended the tuâ€" & 149] ronto delvery. merai from Elmire were: Mr. and © 650 Wï¬dm.mmwv..u.lflhlw Mr. and Mrs. & 559 | bre4, Forpate, as Lolloys: . |Geo. Glennie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. there had been no negligence of any kind, gaid the coroner, and he was ponvinced that donth was purely ao doath. aftor a ftew minutes deliberâ€" strest rallway employs otf Kitchepâ€" ,__ WHOLBALE 8UGAR ‘N)owlngmmvflounw quoted to the Toronto trade poer handredweight : Acadin granylated .. .. ,. ....$744 Po., No. 3 yellow ,, .. .. .... 744 Redpath granulated .. .. .. .. 7.84 Do. No. 2 yellow .. .. .. .. »« 1344 Atlantic grapmlated ., .. .. .. 784 Saskaftchewan _ Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, medium, 36 The Legisiature of Saskatchewan I‘o“c? cooked ham, 53 to 56¢c; smokâ€" bas been called to meet on July 20 ed rolls, 28 to 31¢c; cottage rolls, 35 in special session to consider the to 38c; bréakfast bacom, 32 to 85¢; question of a wheat board. special brand breakfast bacon, 41 Legigiation Expected to 43¢c; backs, boneless, 42 to é4c. Enabling legisiation will be passed Cured meatsâ€"Long clear bacon, by the necessary two Western provâ€" $17.00; lightweight rolls, in barreis, fuces to invoke the creation of a $48.00; heavyweight rolis, $40.00. | wnoa, porrg to handle the season‘s Lard, Pure, tierces, 16¢; \ tubs wheat crop. Saskatchewan has inâ€" 17¢c; palls, 17; prints, 18; Shorter timated this intention, while Alberta ing tierces 1¢% to 14%c; tubs 15; where the Government was hoiding pails 15Â¥%c; prints 17. hn ic s fo e na oo e Potatoesâ€"New Ontarios, $1.75 t> $2.00. + bushel, $4.25; primes, $8.75 to $3.90. Maple productsâ€"Syrup, per imâ€" perial gal., $2.20; per 5 imperial gals., $2.10; Maple sugar, }b., 20¢. Honeyâ€"80 and 80 ib /tins, 14% to 15c per lb.; 5 and 2%%gal tins, 17 to 18c per lb.; Outario comb bonâ€" Live poultry â€" Spring chickens, 30c, roosters 17 to 20¢; fowl, 20 to 22;â€" ducklings 80¢; turkeys 80 to 35. Margarineâ€"20 to 22e. Eggsâ€"No. 1 candled 28 to £9¢; selects 32 to 33¢; cartons 34 to 86c. ducklings, $0c; turkeys 86 to 40c. The jury empagnelied Dairy 31 to 33¢c; Cooking 8c. _ _ Dressed poultryâ€"Bpring chickens, 40c Wholesalers are selling to the reâ€" tall trade at the following prices: _ Cheeseâ€"New, large, 19% to 20¢; tw!n, 20 to 20%c; triplets, 31 to 21%c. Old, large, %25¢; twins, 24c to 24%%e. Stiltons, 25¢. Extra old, large, 26 to 27¢c. Old Stiitons, S4c. Butterâ€"Finest creamery prints, 89 to 40c; ordinary creamery prints 86 to 38¢; No. 2 ordinary, 84 to 36c¢; PROV1810N3â€"W HOLESALE Wholesalers are quoting to the No. tastenpd to a } the new trolg Was Accidental *r *> 87e; ____ NO TRAGE OF _ sanoirta J, J. Morrison is ; Mmmmzmmnu-! Pleased With Returns of polise haye searched the ontire wosâ€" district, no trace has been found of in an interview with the Farmors‘ the three masked and armed bandits‘ Sun following his return from the who held up officialy of the Mong North Country this week, J. J. Morâ€" Nicke? Company at Coniston, and reâ€" yison expressed himselt as thorâ€" Mmumudnmlmoww&mmmflh talning $3,000. Maunitobe. It was a fitting answer, n mrtre se ‘nuu.tompwuuï¬n Hotels in continenta} Eprope do Farmer Movement was losing its not provide somp for their guests. . | momentum. + ‘ 8000 gallons of trosh water daily. | regult," "-ltnm 68,11% divorees :“!â€uj od Par The Federai Government wilil ap point the board, which may be any puimber up to ten, but only three or four positions will command salary. Enabling legislation will be passed by the necessary two Western provâ€" inces to invoke the creation of a wheat board to handle the season‘s wheat crop. Saskatchewan has inâ€" timeted this intention, while Alberta where the Government was hoiding _ It is expected that the seesion will !mtmmmmmovun,mnda "bnuneu to come before it being the ‘vhcu. bwq question. The decigion to call a session follows a confeence of the Government with the U.F.A. members on Saturday, when the situation was fully considered and the conciusion reached that the matâ€" ter should be dealt with by the House. Practical unauimit ywas exâ€" pressed by the Farmer members as to the desirability of having the wheat board established and in view of this attitude the Government deâ€" clded to call a session at once and put the question finally to the test.. beenr practically agreed upon tor Monday, July 24. A summer session of the Alberta Legisiature wil be called by procie mation. The date, while not named in the official statement given out today by Premier Greenfield, has Mrs. A. Werner is vigiting triends in Shakespeare. * is aupposed to get into of ‘Mrs. to Summer Session od Parmers from Eastern Canada August 7, and will continue until August 25. Ex cursion trains will leave Victoria, Vancouver and New Westminster from August 14 to 28, inclugivo. Of the total number of men rp quired, 37,000 will be drawn from Bastern Canada and 4,000 from Britâ€" ish Columpbis. J railways, Western Labor Commis sloners and the grain trade interests. The rates of wages discussed were $2.50 a day for harvesters, and §4 a day for threshers. The harvesting excursions will commence to arriveâ€" in ‘Winnipeg Fortyâ€"one thousand harvesters wifl be reguired to handle the prairie crops this year, exclyusive of those to be obtained from prairie cities and towns, according to advices reâ€" ceived from the West. | This was announc¢ed following a The basis of the movement, as fer| L« as can be gathered from the slight| Ed information that has lesked .ont, is| Ro to place farmers in such a position | burg. that they will receive remuneratiop| Aln for their prodrget equa} to the cost| | Jan of their productfon. wl Harvest to Require About one dozen prominent agrarâ€" ians from the West were in attendâ€" ance at the seasions, which were held in camers. Sask., last week. ments, and the following resolyution lvumwdwl:-xuug:m: this meeting recommeng that the ICMImmmwmog_.. A new Farmags‘ movement, aimed at placing farming on & business t Would Place commending that the Council amend the present fire bylaw to conform to the present requirements. ° Gardens Judged. Ninpteen gardens were judged by Prof. James of the Ontario Agriculâ€" tural College, Guelph, last week in conmection with the anmual compe tition heid. ‘The results will be pub lished later. i mwmmmr@mi ppig| P _ s * umnrcmmnamwh’m'Am. , obteingd from the e Underwritérs‘ [ EWC‘ mn‘ At the meeting of the Rimira ’marmuumm»- question of Are protdction and of a W'ttoru»lvmmm::a. The suggestion was made by e Btumpf that efforts be mage in the Girectipn of arrenging for & better v}wmogmwm irmers of Manitoba hare as iwhed the end they bad in without gBy combination enâ€" ontstanding feature of the he said, "was that the Unitâ€" Total of 41,000 Men on & busipess|ptanding at New Hamburg, with __*~" jelass of 19 from Hespeler was sueâ€" possful. At Ayr 88 out of 24 passed. =â€"==| Out of Ti puplis from the New Hamâ€" +|burg school and the schools of Baâ€" Basis|den ant Wiimot township. only 40 The Intersigte Commarce Camâ€" wission of United States deciared the existence of a nations! omerâ€" gensy. boiding that the mimerp‘ and shopmen‘s strike have rendered the rai)roadp ynableé to mast the public one dealing with the common carâ€" hiers of the entire country, and the other applying oply to thone east of Lena Btere, 5 Wilmot. C Wallgee Thibideaut 4 Wilmot. Lyla Shants, 16 Wilmot. Violet Shants, 16 Wilmot. Garfeld Webor, New Dundse. Gizdys Withelin, 16 Wilmot. U. 8. Railways Under . Control of Government The fptersigte Commarce Camâ€" Silayton Morely second. The highest marks in Wilmet Preston aecond with 664. Qf the 170 from Gait who wrote on the exâ€" amination, 158 passed; 78 out ot T7 from Preston, while the entire _ The results of the recent entrance examinations in South Waterico kavre been amnoupced. Cora Sneath of Gelt Centrsl school hesded the list with a total of $73 out of a pos sible T750, with James Holden of Lawson Schwartzentruber, Badep. Harry Steinberg, New Hamburg. Rimer Schwartseptrubgr, Poters Viola Hesse, $ Wilmot. Mu Welland Lautenschlager (Hop.), ties Beatrice Miller, Baden. can Marie Monaghan (Hop.), 5 Wilmot. n Rose Montag (Hon.), 9 Wilmot. |,,, Clayton, Morley, New Hamburg. |.,,, Rita Reid, New Hambarg. hoid Kenneth Racho, New Hamburg. obje Victor Rosemberger( T Wilmot. gra: Moses Roth, 11 Wiknot. tor M Mm- N.' m dese John Schimidt, New Dundee. nties Howard Gordner, Baden. Harry Grundenberger, New Hamâ€" Mildred Curtis, New Hamburg. Clarence Diamond, 4 Wilmot. Fllen Hby, 9 Wilmot. * Peari Eckistein, 8 Wilmot. George Fowler, Baden. Ciara Buchheit, 18 Wilmot. Vioiet Copley, New Dundee. James Bradiey, New Bnnb;c‘. Hilla Brodrecht, 5b Wilmot. Alma Bender, New Hamburg. Ar0as. Romert Bechtel (Hon.), New,Hamâ€" Corrine Auguish, New Hamburg. Leah Baer {Hon.), New Dundee. Edna Bechtel, Baden. Res been a beary relofal orer the f#SaI0F y9r% C bis .obs, but weathor The tollowing passed at New Kam aphat | an, (al i "3 24 T0 | WB# #l0¢ late eftarnoos in the . waek, are diracted 0].*,, '.J"m.“ Snd har * to M" SÂ¥ anrcnlÂ¥ en | Ralckak Clik e ol ces eE M CR e 2 oï¬ abrens whans _ | rpsaigo imasi haks ies To | C ie e » geriously injured that she r, D;:v Dundge. Aq‘ hours after the accigent :,a’,h:-n’m: m, 16 Wilmot. _ | when 1 m&«qfluwmnm:w "“‘*U* ;v’q â€,rz“:-. n‘-: Bbm MNo.| trontage !:: 9 > & M .Lmu‘luonu ‘ ) of Government | ing at steveaeriiie. TMmWM}‘-â€"AM on happened shortly before 12 o‘clock. |said works 1 _ Commarce C#®â€"| The crosging is not guardéd in apy | its construct ed States dnclared PATED at w#y, aBS the express, which makes t July lcm’*pm’ul«mvnm“'°,“_' hat the miners‘ and ling at a high rate of spoad. The 'Wm"‘qrvumwmw*mm W‘*"'â€â€™â€œÂ«mn&nmmm w R "9;' w,‘d'. vistites were burted | ? ta comstry "oms SA | _ The déed ard: Denie) Prots. aged| . Mut ;‘:‘"-‘:‘“u:mm.mmcbm these 50; thein danghter, Rthel, aged 13, nrast gil reads B# | who ind lats this ofternoos in the Co â€"m'lu' . BRIDGBBURG, July 20.â€"§ix perâ€" sons instantly killed and anâ€" A geriously injured that she died, Yb â€"hours after the accident when lysâ€"Knight touring car was siruak 0y T., H. & B. train No. liikca io: * *4 ~ e I PW d t ealihdite tuimaticai m o ind salP J cce +2 object.‘ If permission should hbe esaments are to be | granted by . a municipal authority | hereunder set forth. for an object that is not within the| Unrion Street trop description of these words the perâ€"|Town imits to Her mission would be ineffective, and|timated cost $1082%8. the generai prohibition would apâ€"|\ bY Corporation §714 piy." "It will be further observed that the permission is confined to baâ€" Geners} or the police suthorities. It is the permission of theâ€" municiâ€" pal authorities, the theory apparentâ€" ly being that if there is a strong lmunnfl-oulnhnï¬uloflaf thing the p.-“d“.m not be granted. At ail events, the responâ€" sibility is on the Maydr or Reewve or Municipat Couneil, . These authori Onus on Municipatity "It wil be observed that the perâ€" iasion referred to in the subâ€"secâ€" Mayor, Reeve or other munjceipaliy whorein such berser is held, and the articles raffied for thereat have Arst been offered for sale and none fifty dollars." Sble or reip‘ovy object, If permisâ€" wigion to hoid the same has beon obtained from the city or other " ‘Reffies tor prizes of small velue At ABYy bassar beld for any charit is in the "Bection 336 of the Crimins! Code probibits loteries, with an excep tion in favor of rafflies (which are a form of loftery) for religilous or ment from charitable organizations for permission to hold. raffles, it seems necessary to again call the attention 6f police officers and of the municipal authorities ang the public gensially, to the povisions of the law, ) t the folowing circuiar seiting forth the iaw in connection with ratfles which will be of genera! interest: The circular states: ~ "In view of requests that come from time to time to this departâ€" ment from charitable organizations Sendiftions brought about by the| by the commission tor the domestic mmflwm~wg‘~¢m“ General Victor Williams, Ontario . anpd to bazaars that are being hadt . absolute discration. permission or they , recently issued The exception suthorities. YAKE NOTicE twar the : municiâ€" 1. The Counc#l of the Corporsation ry apparentâ€"| of the Town of Waterioo intends to is a strong |©9D9trHot, as Local jmprovements, that sort of| PitWiMJnous payements, with con will not pe|Tele curbs and gutters, upon the . the respon.| A*8OLs And between the pojints hereâ€" or Reese or | #04°" #et fortb, and intends to spec ese authori| !447 248066 # part of the cost upon the land abuiting directly on the reâ€" e discretion. ppective works. on or theY} "2. The estimated cost of the sevâ€" eral works, the portion‘of the cost of hearved tha‘/each to be paid by the Corporation, ned . to b8â€"| the estimated special rates per f060t at are being |frontage, and the number of annya} or religions | instalments in which the speciat assâ€" be | esaments are to be paid, are aiso as $.â€"A Petition e q on Ayridibacie d Farm in Woolm said works will not ay, preveut its construction. ’ Township about 4 mil P‘m“ !‘:’â€ï¬‚m tbis susht»|| north of Elmira wi Town iimits to Herbert Street; en timated cost $10828.00; part payabie by Corporation §$7101.00; estimated rate por {96t frontage §5.96; number Of instaiments 10. John Streat from King Streat to Willow Straet; astHâ€" mated cost $14604.00; part payable by Corporatjon $5092.00; estimated rate per foot frontage $5.98; number of annual instaiments 10. | Mary Street from Allen Street to Uplon Street; astimated cost $1$151,â€" 00; part payable by Corporation §$4081.00; estimated rate per foot frontage $5.94; apimber of apouel in with private power, is in the biH of aA Hamiltog comany. Faced with a Mrdhmua Mmum trom the private concern, it switched to Hydro st some expense, and whereas its monthly power bill was formeriy $140.80, its bill with the Hydro under the same consumption would be only §$54.17. have to be carried out by the Hydro on the terms then agreed to. cent. and over in their next b'flh by the change in ownership and operâ€" Equafize Toronto Rates With the â€"turning on of the new m-mhaedtyome will be equalized, sccording to the Commission Chairman. Former Nis m’â€*mywmm"n. M-W‘ottu-lom“â€r Adud o esn t AZMeBUI0 TURITICL will take care of all the cost that will acerue in the operation of the @hippawa, Ontario Power Company sad Electric Develâ€" opment Company plents. This is all based on the cleanâ€"up deal to ac quire the Electrical Mmm Mutual Fire || ; , Lara system rates, Sit Adam said: sumers in the municipalitios in the According to Sir Adam the cheapen ad followâ€"up rate should enormonsly increass the use of electrical ueuhmm«m»m:ï¬' as the redubtion afftects the whote nre alfected by the 50 per cent cut mmmwumg alil power at a rate comparable with gas At §1.00 per thousand cuble feot, Ouly in inrge centres or where there is nsturai gas has ges been ¢vaiiable Local Improvement Town of Waterloo Waterloo offered for sale at _ Po You Appreciate _First Why not moate PR 4 4o \Sug A + sdimnamneh oi Beof, Pork, Lamb l and Homeâ€"Madoe | if have your wants plled .:’on. w.y:wnyo m:.o..' UVNBDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DirEcrors Waterico Phon» 80. _ Night Phone S07W Satipfaction quaranteeg . Calls from all parts of th¢ county promptly attended to. ing. 26 King Bt, DL Wateriop Tolephones, Office $40, R. OM All policies guarentised bÂ¥ the Londos and um%’;‘ curity of $50,250,000, e : Alfred Wright, Secretary, .. 6. A, BOENM, DigTt, AGT, . Waterioo, Ont Phoue 249 THE MERCANTILE i. FIRE INSURANGE!| LETTEB & DBEISINGEZS EDGAR FISCHER Buccessor to J. B. Fiat UNDERTAKERS 100 Acre GENERAL INBURANCGE $7000 Phone 185 INCOBPORATED 1914 | | in â€"Wool M. 0. Mistsle *+9 +# P ap Meats