/ The programme will be begun at 130 o‘clock (Standard‘time) and the td and runners who went to Waterloo on Saturday, July 1st, are W requested to get in touch B the Secretary for particulars letic Day which was to have been M im ‘Waterico park on July Ist, M be rus off on Saturday, July 15. Pafortunately the rainy weather WiHich preseded the National Holiday Bt the track out of condition and itated the postponement of Â¥e event at that time. â€" The Association now announces hat the eftries for all events will Be reopened and will close on July B, thus giving many athletes who were unable to go to Waterloo for the 1st an opportunity of going up jout reâ€"entry. Phe event on the 15th promises to h’l big one and even more interestâ€" ik thiam the original. ‘4 3 o + Pn eas e rrenreanant tis ce ie nrreng jorg, Chip and Duspnston to t bne of the finent scenic motor o Cns‘ Eie i rar g ons ranafnte emincuniedreceitae | io ad | for mation * art to be fou and the ‘orta h he weekly market was held in erlcoo on Saturday and was as i targely attended. Butter was & pound, and eggs 33c a dozen, le.red cherries sold m small basket, and were T5¢ and 80c. A LARGE MARKET beaen officially announced by und, and eggs 33c a dozen,| At the Sunday School session Rev.‘ picnic luncheon was served and th 4 cherries sold at 50c and|Mr. and Mrs. Feldges, missionaries to i event was concluded by the picnick @ll basket, and sweet cherâ€"}South America home on furloligh,‘ ers enjoying a short social getâ€"toget ) 75e and $0c. , spoke briefly. | her. f C ; ï¬;’: the R f Ni £30, . nteaBi Aipht at the Market _ ‘t. Association that the Doâ€" d C.W A. ; Will Be Held ‘ to Ianisient pohitais Ioor between Loke Sotaclo. Lake Erle snd the frieew corpmient P emeoranf im oal nc on umu "excitementâ€"eating" tendencigs. â€" _ ‘The Telegraph : geribe having heard the warning given‘ the trouble but alas and «alack no later than yesterday two of those very boys stole the purse af one of the lady picnickers who had left it th the front of a baby carriage for & moment. When Chief McE!istrum discovered it it the evening it was found that almost all‘the money was Thus it seems that the warning administered only on Tuesday fell on deatf ears and what will happen to the young miscreants when they appear in police court tomorrow is a matter of conjecture. As for our bamp of prophecy we admit, it‘s a negative quantity. Motorist is AT EMMANUEL CHURCH | The Sunday services at Emmanâ€" uel Evangelical church were of specâ€" ial interest, and were well attended. At the morning service Mr, B. W. N. Grigg gave a very interesting and practical missiqniary address. In the evening Rev. J. B. Dengis, of Stratâ€" ford accupied the puipit. ~>% The motorist, who is alleged to have bumped into an unoffending vehicle from Heldelberg on Saturâ€" day night, causing injury to one of the oceupants and then driving calmâ€" :+ away without making investigaâ€" tion to tha harm done has been loâ€" cated in Toronto by means of the number secured through the presâ€" ence of mind of the two Heidelberg residents. The name received by the police is A. W. Rennie of Toronto and he has been summoned to appear in the local police court on Friday, July 14. wed .to go having Apprehended #p in Toronto to ‘predict Iucred music was rendered by the | Waterloo Band in Waterloo Park | Sunday afternoon. The numbers iwere all rendered in the usual fine manner of the band. The weather !vu ideal and a large crowd turned out to enjoy the concert beneath the itrees of the park. Automobiles were present in large numbers, apd addâ€" ed their quota of applause 46 that of ‘the crowd. | Various games were played and a ‘ regular programme of sports . was run off fnterspersed with community singing. Then a very appetizing { picnic luncheon was served and the | event was concluded by the picnickâ€" ‘ers enjoying a short social getâ€"togetâ€" | her. He was tollowed by dainty shake charmers, tiger trainers and beauâ€" tes so nésdtul in every clrous while careful of their conduct the next day ran off with a lady picnicker‘s purse, spending <the contents freely, were on Friday taken in charge by Inâ€" spector Pullman.of the Children‘s Ajd and will be detained at Hespeler for the summer months. Three speedâ€" ers were fined five dollars and costs at the same court yesterday. The boys who first misbehaved by shooting at targets in the park and Will Be Detained miniature vehicles . resplendent: in red, white and blue and shrouded in mystery followed. * I "Ten‘t it cute?" "Don‘t you b¢e member the circus we had in our old barn once?!" were some of the comâ€" mehts which followed ° this parade crowd .will attend "Kiddydom‘s Bigâ€" gest Circug" at its encampment on William street this afternoon. The members of tne made choir of St. John‘s Church and their wives and families made merry in approvâ€" ed picnic fashion on the river flats near Bloomingdale Wednesday after moon and. evening. . ez «t BAND CONCERT An t at Coomb‘s Home of late Joseph Squder motored to the Irm of Jerry Sander~at Riverbask Wedns, afternoon to bold a family reunion. The besutifulâ€"â€" grounds‘ of the farm house made an: ideal spot for the holding of such a gathering, and nothing marred the pleasure of the day. £ Early in the afternoon the guests began to arrive and a real family gathering was held, The members was not large enough «to prevent one else, The farm and all it held was thrown open to the guests. The cherry trees proved an â€"especially favored locality, but in spite of the best efforts of the whole crowd they could scarcely see, when they were forced to cease eating, where they had been picking. * Some strange rules were formulatâ€" ed and later broken, but the game went on with undiminished interest. The older members of the gathering were occupied chiefly in reminiscing and talking over the events of the day. To all of them the farm had its points of interest and associations with days goue by. An@ for the younger folks, too, the farm held its interest for there was scarcely one of them who had not at some time or other visited "Uncle Jerry." A miost . appetising â€" supper included the day‘s festivities. Oldest and Youngest j ‘The oldest member of the relationâ€" ship present was Mr. Thomas Hil liard of Watéfloo, aged 81, while the: youngest member was little Jack Sauder, son of Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauder of Brantford. ©Among . the present were: Mr. and Mrs, Thomas ~ Hilliard, Miss â€" Florence < Hilliard," Mrs. . Flynn," Catherine MurfeÂ¥; Dr. ind Mrs. W. L. Hilliard, W and _ Ruth ~° Hilitard, ah Hilliard, _Mr. _ and Mre~ ‘Menco ‘Devitt, Stanley Devitt and Miss Hilâ€" da Devitt of Waterloo. Dr, J. A. Hi+ liard, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Sauder, Mrs. Eugene Sauder and daughter Betty, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Kabel and child, and Mr. Arthur Sauder of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hilliard, Albert Hilliard, and Misses Pearl, Beulah, Vera, and Ella Hilliard of Conestogo. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sauder, Mr, and Mrs, Abe Sauder and family, and Mrs. Joseph Hagey of Riverbank. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schiede! and famâ€" ily of Bresiau, Mr. and Mrs. John Sauder of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sauder, Miss Stellia Sauder of Galt Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauder and family of Brantfoord, Mrs. Harry Brown, Miss Hilda Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown, and family, and Mr. Harty Hilliard of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Vickerman of Speedsville. Two More Permits more houses were issued from the cffice of the City Engineer yesterâ€" day and toâ€"day. _ J. ‘Hoffman will erect a 1 12 storey residence on Pine Street at a cost of $3,000. A two storey residence to cost $5,000 will be built by H. Maves on Homeâ€" wood Avenue. Additional permits issued yesterâ€" day were: J. Hoftman, 27 Pine Bt.. driving shed, $200; J. Gilsoski, 15 Herlan St, summer kitchen, $75; J. K. Becker, 76 Benton EStreet, addiâ€" tion to garage, $50. e n uc tlag."" THE MAID AND Over seventy dessendants of the Soft Ball Game * An exciting game of soft ball occuâ€" ed a good part of the afternoon. Permts for the erection of tw» abl69 For New nomliclmerod Trust & the A note appended to the picture an nounces that anyone déstring to con: tribute to this worthy fund may do so by communicating with Mé&ward Devitt, the chief of the corps bf soiâ€" Kitchener Grocers Hold held their annual picaic on Wednesâ€"| and has beeh taking "Hydro" power day afternooh in L. Snyder‘s Grove | sifce December, 1910. Betore thit at Bloomingdale.. The "Old Time mnfluummmu Committeee," who wéere in charge| cents per Willbwatt hour with 35@ a rose to the occasion admirably and | tionth meter rental The first "Hyâ€" made this event a complete suceess.| dro" rateâ€"schedule cut that price in Games, races and contests were|}Wo. Owing to the successful operâ€" "pulled off" during the aftersoon in ation of the System subsequent re a manner which proved that every.| ductions in rates have been _ made one was thoroughly enjoying himself from time to time by the authority and herself. The ladies provided A of the Provincial Commission untii delectable luncheon for which much | ROW the 8Yerage rates are 2.30.for credit is due them while guite a domestic 2.3c for commercial, and mumber of the wholesaiers and jop | $1847 per horseâ€"power per annum for Permits For f Two Residences a and Alterations who greatly enjoyed the hospitality of their hosts, the grocers. Permits for two residences were issued from the office of the City Engineer yesterday. A. Rickerman will erect a 1% story residence on David street to cost $3,000. # The Waterjoo boys again added to their laurels at Stratford last mgot when they played in _ the Tattoo thére. The compliments received by the boys‘ and their genial director Professor Thicle were numerous and should bring a thrill of pride to the town which has produced this splenâ€" did corps of youthful musicians. Mr. Hoffstetter will build a 1% storey residence on Theresa street to enst $4,000. s Waterico Tattoo. August 4th, Big ger and better than ever. OPEN NEW Chartered Trust Co. Doing Good Business in the pany â€" which appears in â€" this issue. _ Branches of the instituâ€" tion were recently opened at 7 King Street| North, Waterloo, and at 78 King Street, West, Kitchenet, and alâ€" ready a large number of people in the vicinity have ayailed themselves of the privilages extended to clients. On ordinary Savings Deposits, 4 per‘ cent. Interest is pald ‘on the halfâ€"monthly belance, the interest being added to the principal every three months. Full checking privâ€" Mleges are allowed, thus affording to ladies in particular a splendid means for the payment of household acâ€" counts, ete. On amounts of $100 and upwards, left with the Company for a short term. Interest is paid at the rate of 5% per cent, _ ASSETS 8 â€" MILLIONS The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of the The Company has facilities for doâ€" ing a regul@r Trust Company‘s busiâ€" kind of work for a nuimber of yéars. The Guarante®d Savings Insurance System introduced by this Company is rapldly becoming quite popular. By this piah, a depositor starts out to #ave a definits amount in ten years by making small deposits monthly. If desth occurs during the term, the full amount is placsd to his credit by the Company. ‘The «ye tath is absolutely sound in every re speot, and a depositor does not loae his money should he be forced to disâ€" been sndoresd by miany of the leadâ€" Ing business man of the community. The Company is in a strong dnan olal position having assets Of ap BOYS‘ BAND IN WATERLOO s A Big Saving: in .Eimira The‘first ‘Hydro" rates in Rimira quoted. in 1914 averaged 9.5¢. ‘ per ‘killowatt hour for domestic lighting, T.le. for commercial lighting, . Suc cessive reductions authorized by the Provincial Commission have brought the average rates to 3.1¢c. and 3.2¢. respectively. Industrial ew is | uow $19.27 per horsepower per anâ€" |num as compared with $22.31 in 16â€" {| 17. â€" By reduced rates the consumers have saved $49,129.22. The load has _increased from 74.1 horsepower to JPORONTO, Ont., July 111 â€"Bum» marized â€"official reports of the Hyâ€" dro Electric operations in four Outâ€" ario towns lying between Hamiiton and London were lssued today by loo, Rimire, Baden and New â€" Hat® Waterico with a population _ of 5.888 is 97 miles from Niagara Palls and has beoh taking "Hydro" power now the average rates are 2.20.for domestic 23c for commercial, and $18.47 per horseâ€"power per annum for industria? energy. The cash value of these reductions to consumers has been $106,819,71, which sum exceods the present total liability by over The load has mounted from $23 to 1,296 horse power and although generating costs at Niagara her6 inâ€" creased im recent years the Commisâ€" slon delivers power to Waterloo toâ€" day at $21â€"as compared with $26 ten years ago. The »perating state ment for 1921 showed a revenue of 350.00::. and ordinary expenses of $50,127.93. Since the amount placed to plant renewal reserve was $7,176.â€" 87 there was a loss of $807.97 on the years business; apout 1.4$ per cent on the revenue. As Wateripo has an accumulated surplus of _ $48,262.06 the deficit of 1921 is â€" insignificant. The assets of the system are $206, 848.78; the liabilities, $97,779.18. Surâ€" plus and reserves make x total of $109,064.65. 296.1 and the rate for delivered enâ€" ergy has remained at $38 despite inâ€" creased genmerating cost during reâ€" cent years. Last year the revenue of the El mira system was $19,179.92. After placing to plant renewal reserve $1,â€" 417 there was a net surplus of $2,717â€" 36. The ‘assets of the system are $42,499.32; the liabilities are $17, 496.15. Reserves and surplus funds make 824,958.1;"% is 108 miles from Niagara is and has a popuâ€" lation of about 500, Baden‘s Excelient Position Prior to 1914 Baden, 104 miles from Niagara Falls had no électrical service. The first "Hydro" rate ayâ€" eraged 10c per killowat hour. That has been reduced from time to time until the rates now average 3.7¢ for domestic lighting, 4,3c. for commer clal. The industrial energy rate has dropped from $29.98 to $29.94 per H. P. As the records of consumption are not complete the actual cash value of the saving to consumers cannot begiven, but it has been a considâ€" erable amount. The system began operations . with =BuR _ Fables, Low Rates in Waterioo lead of only 7 and $20.28 per horte power for it\ £i» and trign «Instrial energy, as compared ‘with) , & T170 1%6.. 3n6 $2%.87 ‘Tents.> \ > * * L to consumers by tue refuctions #‘M * sions has been $20,4331.28. The losd n | witlh Vig®% huW!n-flloflï¬u_u“ E: M énergy has ropisined constant at $84. | . Mt. * . en / The operutiny statement for 1921 W' showsd a revence of $11,478.44 and | Ben Wiar ; erpenditure of $13.231.65, Jeaying a | friends ‘st Brin surplus of $352.19. ‘Theâ€"expenditure w m agazsm included $1.306â€" applied to plant teâ€" 7 Bsudl newal reseryo. mMmW.T Niï¬.‘ 050.59; â€"the Liabiities $1454771; « 7 a while reserves and surplus make a * + <â€" 312 tolal of §$26.4iL%3. $ Miss Emil Wor Annual Picnic of Sunday School Was School held their annual picaic in Victoria Park on Saturday afterâ€" noon and almost all who attended considered it to be one of the most successful ever‘ held in the history of the church. There was a long of every variety, games and conâ€" tests.. Of course the event would have been incomplete without. the luncheon and as the ladies had done their utmost along this line a deâ€" licious one was forthcoming at the tea hour. Aitogether the event was most _ enjoyable and pleasurable throughout. Garden Party. * ‘The garden party held last Tuesâ€" day evening passed off very sucâ€" cesstully. In the aftérnoon it was rather wet, but it cleared up and was a lovély: evening.© The ‘ball game was the most exciting time of all, the teams being Ariss and Winâ€" terbourne, which resulted 1411 in favor of Ariss. After the game supâ€" per was served on the fine lawn, at which everyone did full jutice to the good things prepared for them. The comcert was ‘very good, too. Mr. Harry Bennett of Toronto and also local talent entertained the crowd during the evening. The proceéds amounted to about $150. The base b#ll teams lined up as follows: Hill......... .pitcher ... A. McCrae....catcher .. H. MeCrae....1b ...... Howe.:..:::.2D ....:.« Morell........3b ...... Dickison......88 ....... Résting......!f ....... Marshali......cf ...... Kiliott.........H .....s Refereeâ€"R. Filanikan. Briefs. Last Monday evening our junlor baseball team journeyed to Mosboro and defeated the juniors of that place,, 9â€"10. > Last Wednesday evening our senâ€" lors went to Elmira and were badly defeated by the team of that place. On Thursday evening our seniors played a game with Ariss at Beth June, 1987425 Years Ago Part of the month was on the cool side. Had rain on fve days. Got very dry by the 26th, but we had.a splendid rain ob the 29th; a great deal of watet fell on that dayâ€" Camp meeting in Mr. Samuel Sayâ€" der‘s grove; was largely attended, espesially on Sunday, the 13th; clos ed on the 17th. Haying in full swing on the 22nd. Miss Rlisabeth Kerr and Mr. Danâ€" ls! W. Albright were married. | The ofadles got new visitors at Mesars. ‘W. Wesloh‘s, H. D. Lang‘s, France is preparing cabs for the atreats, Abrath M. Shants‘s, Ed. Achiedel‘s and Fred yon Neubron‘s. ‘ The Gravsâ€"Mrs. (Dr.) L. B. Clemâ€" ons, mee Rdith Wells,; 36 years. The papers say that Paris in throme on June 2th, 1887, and .A diamond jubllcs is therefore being Meary â€" rains on the Bist at tha to be & WM‘MMM‘â€KI PETER 8 " of sports, including races WINT ERBOURNE Held on Saturday Winterbourne. pitcher ....... Buiger catcher ... A. Martin Ab ......... Burneit 2b ......... Hamiiton :BD cserrress>s NR BB :1......». Murphy 4f .2...... T. Martin 500 horsaless ... Vietch .. Sherriff with ber father MYr. D; Mr. Lawrence Bergor, Of i spent Sunday_st his hbine! took part in Stratford on Bata Rev. M; Voelker of Pem) Rev. 0. Kiachn of Stratford, with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mosig Mr. Edward Hartihan of ford, visited his relatives in this week. ho t taa Mr. Osman Richards of ‘Té Mrs. Wm. Rabb of ï¬&w TAKE Noflï¬g "L. The Councit ot C of the Town of WW construct, as Loesal | Imp bituminous _ pavements,., streets and between the points: under set forth, and intends to. lally assess a part of the cufl the land abutting directly on spective works. , 3 l ‘ 2. The estimated cost of, eral works, the portion of each to be paid by the Corpo the estimated special rutes per frontage, and the number of &i instalments in which the -ni essments are to be paid, are. hereunder set forth. 35 . Unlon Street from the sout Town limits to Herbert timated cost $10828.00; part by Corporation $7101,00; rate per foot frontage $§.96; su of instalments 10. John W King Street to Willow Straet; mated cost $14504.00; part by Corporation $5092.00;, rate per foot frontage $5.08; & of annual instalments 10. [ Mary Street from Allen Union Street; M 00; part payable by . C $4081.00; estimated rath. 45â€" frontage $5.94; nWfl _‘ staiments 10. _./" "\\ _ui',""-ï¬ spending a couple‘ Mrs. Ed Merner. Mr. Osman Richards 6f T is visiting at the home 68 Mr, ette Hostetter. PeC BURTRODAT 27600 .200 00. Adpniies Hos 3. â€"A Petition uï¬',_ said works.*will not &Y "‘ its flm f ‘l k «ud Zay of July, 1928. _ © James C. Haight, Mr. Chark pointed post of the office Had rain on morning â€"of the. Of the small majority ®. A little: sttanger artived at W. &R 1 Miss Louita Bby. Snyder, both of †Mr. Joal Sitation), Miss Emil Worm The Gravé To Town of Wa ation $5092.00; ot frontage $5.01 instalments 10. reot from Allen ét; M q navable . by _ at Waterioo, . this e Y