;'(;‘?fl.t and Mrs. J, Swartz and family ?’ ‘of Pontime, Mich., Misses: Charlty i) Miss May Woods and Reta Austin of :i,w: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swartz 'r"e{etrm and Mr. and Mrs. P. * Becker and daughter Vera. called on "â€"the latter‘s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becker last Tuesday evening. ‘Mr, W. H. Becker of Toronto call lwd on Mr. and Mrs. W. Becker last . ‘ Stylish suits in the most desirable models of LHe mmedium weight weaves that are equally {:od-in‘ ‘ or fall. Qualities that will surprise you suits priced so low. t & I j Extreme Values in _ Men‘s Summer > Wearables _ . ‘Men‘s and Young Men‘s Suits _ @2250 $25.00 $27.50 t . & FT . Come direct to the store with the stock and right % arbel- We are not advertising big daily or *E 5 aely gpecials continually but our prices are as low if not lower. Ask oneâ€"of our many, many ‘I> satisfied customers. es is . o o ; | . Phat is why the crowds are at Ernst‘s This w.t"‘? . vas sandals, white or: bw'wn‘ Vlw' soles and heels, sizes Y ;\(;†3i ,Xt“"t“..“““s‘e“ ‘Ghitdren‘s runsing shoos in Vack 4 Sizes 6 to 10, special . 98c | Ein e > â€" Mrs. A. Letson sr., left last Wedâ€" nesday. for Michigan were she â€" will visit her sisters. C ev Cs ea e _ SUMMER FOCTWEAR AT _ ~sPECIAL PRICES * + lot of n »schandise sold at he Bigger ie V _\ More Ju‘s amasnas trom wne whast asiceâ€"in matbns arat uhor+ o p CV iss Reta Woollis of Mount For spent a few days {ast week with ) Vera Woollis. > HOver > ><_ . ote is going to return happy even i he does see 8 :. _ Herman Lippert Men‘s and Boyvs‘ Outfitters f 6 Sï¬ $ 11 to 13 special /.. . $1.08 l s 4 to 5, special ... ... > #1.18| s rundiing shoes, â€"~ecial $1,38 1 nen‘s white . canvas nh.n‘a,l 'E\‘ oxfords, to clear at $1.00 | m&l‘ sole and heels il.’o? men‘s . white canyvas «trap | PR *>" 2 042 natent leather | t ot our school section ie school grounds last Why LoseTlme 7 Values the Bigger health Large Selection, Reasonably Priced Boys‘ oneâ€"piece play suits at $1.25 Khaki or nevy blue suits for ages 3 to 8 years. * Children‘s Wash suits $1.50 and Oliver dark blue. mateh. "€. = d 7 Boys‘ Overalls special a :: joyable picnic. \ During the afternoon Our worthy teacher, Mrs. D. Wilson was present: ed with a Gold Wrist Watch and boucets of roses and carnations as & for The afternoon was/spent in sports. Lunch WaS served on the lswn Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilson left on ‘Tuesday for Delhi, where they will take up their residence. ‘ Mr. Davis, Mrs. Bud Tasken, Missâ€" es Ruby and Maria Bye of Hlora spent Sur J. Letson Button shoulder with knickers to Kiddies‘ Jersey. Suits Mr. w_..VeltcH of Dakota called on _ fAelds! BOYS‘ WASH SUITS Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. leather soles and heels Twist style, in light and a qWiehip t 0 ngh en t 141 King West of the Mbgern Cheese Factory ing in first . class on The #0P | ag to Brantford last °P fl"““""@&-‘“““&.flmzï¬ frst few days, but is graduaily ‘inâ€" | yisttmg friends in Kin ereasing.‘ Mr. Sephaver has built 2| gay iast and were: g%e and is ‘entitled t# the jeupport 0f| wr. and Mrs C. F. every farmer in the: community. son Louts visited fri¢: Enjoyed Exceliént Programme afternoon in Baden. The July meeting of the Women‘s| Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 1 Tnstitute was held at the bome ‘of| ston and infant child the‘ president, Mré:. J. spent‘ a vyery pleasant evening, a The August mesting will ‘be held at the Home of Miss M. Schawn. family of Montreal, are sp@B4ing a tew weeks with relations ‘in this Quite a number from here attendâ€" ed the Stratford races last Wedues day, July 5th. Mrs. Herb Kittle here. Accident Narrowly Averted A very serious sccident was narâ€" rowly avered last Thurséay night when Mr. J: C. MacKay, motoring up main street, was â€"aboutâ€"to pass Mr. Herb Cassel‘s rig when he noticéd another car coming toward | him. thrown out of his buggy, but caly very slightly hart, and the buggy The horse was caught near C. P. R. station, but bots un,&ï¬ escaped with:very little damage. . m Antorent,; «>~,. > Famgâ€" Mro:J; 2 ‘ f:’?"‘f"": TWe %m’%téuuam‘:mmmw f ‘day at the ‘Home of Mr.â€" and > nes# visitor in town last Saturday |‘Mr. Leonrd Haipel; obly son of.Mr. LautenscHlager. ’ regarding the flax mill. und Mrs. G. Helpsi of Wilmot, The Waterioos ‘Tattoo. August 4th, Big: _ Misses Kathleon Hayes, Clara Lemâ€"| Rev. Mr. Pranschke officiated, while [ yer and better thanâ€"6Â¥P.â€" Hard.and Winnie Beggé renewed sc | Mr. E. Dists playsd the wedding FARM FOR SALE quaintances in Kitchener over the|march The bride who was . given A good farm consisting of 100 ac weekâ€"end. 6 away by her father, wore duches® ##"| _ ""____| o, seee mired loam, 82 Al Don‘t miss the next dance tb be |tin, with CBiantilly . lace overdre8®|)""/"___" un raege straw shed Atâ€" held by tre Young Men‘s Club Fri|dréped with pearls with bridal vell|"""â€"" ," . 12., ang shed cetmeSted, Don‘t miss the next dance th be held by tne Young Men‘s Club Frt day evening, July 14th Elmira fourâ€"piece orchestra. Mr. Jimmie MacMurray speni the Miss Millie Luts of Rimira is spending .a few weeks with her brother Harry Luts here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mike Engel of ~Kitâ€" chener, spent a few days with friends in town. * Mr. Jos. Lennard of Waterloo, spent the weekâ€"end with his parents Waterico Tattoo. August 4*h, Nc-‘ ger and better than ever. The Linwood PublMlc school report has been published as follows: f Jr. IV to Sr. TV.: Honorsâ€"Laura Wray, Helen McEachren. Passâ€"Givâ€" enith Steven, Edgar Wilken, Iia lDochcrt, Helen Biggs, Hilda Witten. Beggs, Floyd Ament. j Jr. III. to Sr. III.: Passâ€"Eleonorea Hahn, Viola Burnett, Kurt Rebie. 8r. II. to Jr. III, Pass â€" Mary Kruetzwiser, Otto Reble, Laverne Dechert, _ Sidney _ Arnell, Viola Or. 11. to Jr. IH, Pass â€"â€" XEWPCOET CE CC Krastewiner, Oito . Rabia. . Laverns | oo 000 ) 00|49 n sns it ol onl viek Dechert, â€" Sidney â€" Arnell, â€" Vioia\ xfy. and Mra, Hamilton of Listowe!|to New York, where ther wil! Behmetser. visited Mrs. J. Harron last week. ‘|friénds afd relatives. First to Second: Honorsâ€"Eva|! Rey. Mr. and Mrs. Jacques andson Mr. and Mre. Noah Moth and famâ€" Dechert, Violet Schlueter, Grant| gpence spent a few Cays last week\ ity of Pigeon, who nad been visitit¢ Sohnurr. Pass â€" Laureen Collins,|\ with friends at Fordwich. here for the past week, returnied. to Kenneth Beggs, Vers Hahn, William|. wrs, H. Wood and Mrs. HestéF| there KHome again. They were *¢ ‘Gaines. p ‘Tannér spent Saturday with Mrs.| companied by Mr®. David Zolr, who . Primer to First Classâ€"Edith Ko® | w1 Knight near Crosshill. motored over wich them. bie, Mervin Witter, _ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coghilin A84| ;. and Mrs. Danie! (Hngerich Fink of Kitchener spent the week end at their respective homes. . The local orange Lodge was very well represented at the Guelph cele bration on Wednesday, July 12th. Knights of Columbus attended their annua) picnic held at Lexington on Mr .and Mrs. George Breaner of ptcun-ummum home of Mr. Gust Elssnmenger. and Baitley Clrous in Kitchener beld|, wy, and Mrs. Geo. Coghlin. 804| gart, on Tussday, July 1ith, all repOrtiDE | ganghter Marion and Mra Chas, YO\ â€" ay, Loals Bchmidt and a wonderful ethibition, ‘| gan and children Lindsy and LYS!®| giagys and son of Water) ;“m,-mtm’-lbwmnAwdu&mmgmm pla spent Sunday at the Rlork Rotk$. | 42y s Mr. anil Mrs. Jack Loats and | x..lt'“"""“"“-m Mrs. Cnaries Yorke hat wont 1 | Fioya, of Mitohanes, were Suni apent the weekend with his prfent®) wincerdine to apend the wéek With| PPC, a, uoy ond Mrs. Oon Linwood was largely represented the LINWOOD aRit tkï¬w:-ï¬ Miss Hall, teacher. to Brantford last Pric the week end with trh NMrs. O. Miller 8r, 1 eral wooks hare with ! with the latters Mrs. J. B. Milier. triends hereâ€"on Sunday. _ . _ > .. Mrs. 8. Schopp spent ‘ Enjoyable. Lawn: Sociah ;. \._! ‘The lawn #0oial held by the Ladies | nome of Mr. and 4T mwww ‘_ : & x mflir‘ were delivared by W. D. . M. P.| ea the Btaifter reoubd w&mmll;:.- ., 6f Kitich | price Park on Thars ener and others. W Mr. and Mrs. B. B mmuvimmï¬ï¬f* Hamburg called on [ â€" se h on Eim c _2 AL s alct Mrs. George Heipe! We WR #9991° 000 s oll C 2o Snd COd m h happy sojourn. They willâ€"reside on Mias Reta Cockerton of Plattsrill®| . wigeee Dorothy and Déloras Lin4 .hr-nch“ Â¥<7;" and Miss Burdell Taylor 0# Waterl00 | enemith of. Stratford ‘are m! * spent a few days at the bome Of|inoir yacation with their sister, MFS. ~_ saimel. Wanner . Miés Addie Copley. . _ _ ... = _ |Rd. Shigdel. ~ * g ,dmmvT-‘s'ï¬ was solemunizsed at #t. Paul‘y Ldt uchmh.'uu-lu‘n‘?,,;&f-l Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Te n Louls visited triends dny terncon in Baden. _ V ~~#8 / Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ko® a march. The bride who was . given away by her father, wore duchess s&â€" tin, with Clantilly . lace overdress draped with pearle with bridal vell caught with cornet of . miniature mbml.lldurrhdam tiful bouquét of Ophelis roges . and wore the groom‘s gift a gold wrist watch, The bridesmaids wore Missés ‘Wdith Wagner and Martha Heipel. Waterioo Taltoo. August 4th, Bigâ€" ger and better t\o'l ever. Miss Elizs McKee spent a couple of days at her home near Atwood., Miss Bhina Tanner is visiting her cousin Mrs. Ab Hackett near Linâ€" daughter Marion returnéd home last week after viditing friends in Kinâ€" Mr, and Mra Will McNabb, Mr. and Mrs. D. McNabb and children, and Miss Wilson of Rockwood visit ad Mrs. Geo. Wray ar., on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J J Strong of Bloomâ€" Mr. and Mirs. B4 Gien and ch dren of North Mornington, visited NWr. Robert Crawflord‘s on Sunday, Mrs. M. A. Miller of Toronto, 1#\ tarongh this snc0uragement they visiting her aister Mré,. A, Milisr. â€".| will acon tavoy us with another conâ€" MILLBANK K..mnn-'aï¬râ€"-u\ ( : . | _ Mr. and Mrs, Ivan z-w snd . wore| dbughter: Miriam, and: Mr. and Mrs. fun.| Lincoln : Osase} spent Bustday al, the Koak ‘ home of Mr. and. Mrs.Clayton :OA% _ â€". feet, Piatteviiies . . : ho hi A number. from the vicinity â€"attend. dungay | 04 â€"the Mennonite camp â€"mesling Ai "__, _ | Stayner during the past two woeks, *,,,4mau-uvm-mh wmuh:mmm “-mmmmmm- * good prograame will be rendered. at with Mrs: N. 8: Bowman. fald â€?'"""Fâ€"" Rev. ‘G. A ‘Shophardson paid & A party of young folks motored mflabmmï¬"" ‘M.Mmï¬o‘: Hanover ‘spent some time _ &t th6]s nouse party. howme of Mr. and Mre. August Lant i exschinget, " Mrs. E4. Suyder and tamily are A number froms the village attend |epanding & fow days at Dunnvilie. 0 the Btaxifer reunion held at Watâ€" ,.AMQmMMMl srioo Park on Tnursday last. stock spent the woekend camplitg on Mr. and Mre. B, B. Krupp of New| Mr. E. H.‘Tys‘d fate. By all reports ayner during the gast two wours _ | "Sire Win Muifex . and. dsushtet| § Tie Childrens pay serrice Will 5¢| jean of Nisghre Falls calledâ€"on * ey :&‘ fls Aay 10%. a| *A i Pss ns rerybody weidome. w“?‘“. tew â€" days .l.ï¬:‘:u- a" Bawman. peare sad Kitchaner. gSs Hiss Addie Copley. % Ed. Shigdel.. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Buck 200| 1 papty of j &-W and Rueb®D |gouth Cayuge wWfllW"* they intend ca ut Chicaso spent the weekâ€" ind At ThQ | ; yory enfoys house: with kitchen and m“-n.wmmvâ€"--â€".-"â€"-â€"" and chéese factory. ‘This farm is Mre, J. J. Grabi nl“MmflM.mmem‘M hes never gone out of the Wagner|in New Hamburg. hands, a 1st class dairy farm. Don‘t Tattoc mm‘mmmmlflï¬m bnbewrines tur m Tor mï¬mmwm lars apply to proprietor Danie! Z,| Etm n erasss 'm“'m“'wm p.o., or L lm_mm $8â€"4t Gascho and Mr. M";“MV}#M"'- also the former‘s brother Jaceb. m,_u.m,l-m-.o time with his brother Hob here. On Sunday nignt was the tirst Sacred Band concert of the season. and was one of the largest that has ever been held in Baden. Over & hundreéd cars were parked along the side of the road. This speake very Mr. and Mrsâ€" implement shed BADEN Steinman and fam d se i on in . Pnsd ap 1 $10.00 ot her son, Mt. Emanue! Hamacher at Wilmot Centre, on Friday atter |{ â€" moon, and thence to the church and ....:‘3.‘%‘2-"’. k > * Waterios Taltoo. August ith, Big |l¢1u¢m"nnm. 4 Waterioo Tattoo. August 4th, Bigâ€" ger and betfer than ever, , ~0nrsmdd"dsi'mm deep, 25 in. wide x y “ m“o---ooounaotoa-o‘.-w ‘No. 11, size 16 in. deep, 23 in. wide x 38 in. 1 1c An Plain screen doors at . ... .. $2.20 .Varnished and grained doors $3.50 Window screens at . . .. 40¢ to 90c â€" Refrigerators . -No.l&B.dul’m.decp,mmwidox“ln. high, with large ice and provision chamâ€" MAYSVILLE mmmmwmmo{ eafriceratoÂ¥s. Well made and economical There should be a . s aie a a 6 w 4e 6 66 #{§ ‘Marion Donald called on ‘dome . of their frignds hbere the carly part 0f aus a cmn ode. ons e Amman~ -r..ummm-t»‘ troit. Mich., who had been spending 'mmumlwdmm‘ mor‘s parents near the village were ‘calling ob friends in the village beâ€" ,mmwmmh _ Mr. and Mre. Amos.Horst as well as a dosen or so othersj/of the rels tion of _ the Sthuffer: familiss on Thursday participated in the festiviâ€" ties of the Stautfor reunion at Waâ€" ThuPsday sfternpon with . . relatives | XEMT SAE TE O e hore. ® " j .cc .. _ .L. Mr and Mrs Clariga ds 3tE whil‘ Nive: Dhafles â€"â€"O. Atroh; d Trom Portini. M Mr. ‘and ‘Wra.: Aifred Stroh and fhmâ€" ding a tew Asys at. the Miss Clara Herman dil of â€" Rimira| 8t. :Jacobs Sundayed with | ‘wore visitors withâ€"relatives here on | Meyor. . . â€" y a.% w pernmepntcatc s / Mr. and Mrs. Hellerâ€"and t families of the parties as well as to wa e e s l4 6 ® THE PROPHT sHARING w4 $16.00 _itiering tal 2 burner Blue Fliame 0 8 burner at +349 their numerons ty hopée for an 04 and Miss Lucinds BueBie: with the: latters" mother mwm. a Mr. and Mrs. HWenry at the Bemig horie on ‘I Mr. and Mrs. Aif Hum y of Kitchener were | orse at Mr.and Mrs. Of Mr. Wm. Splesaman his friend Mr. D. Mre. Croster 6f Stre . day gnests ‘of .‘\“ ’;‘ (A gor and better than a% '-..ONO“.""‘: evevi caee® + N380 t