M the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys WÂ¥6p, fheld at Tusket FxlUs in pn. I found Minard‘s Liriment “wnclnl for sunburn, an imâ€" iwdiate relief for colic and coothâ€" And take notice that after the 13th # of June, 192%2, the said executors W proceed to distribute the assets the said deceased among the perâ€" enfitled thereto, having regard iy to the claims of which they| then havre had notice, and that f. will not be liable for the satd or any part thereof to m!l on of whose claim they shall have received notice. | & MENNO MADER , ‘"__ WILLIAM MADER, ‘ x Executors, Bresiau. Y MADER, ESTATE. I at Waterloo this 22nd day § . and Mirs. Eugene Dietrich and ly of Josephsburg and Mr. and . Ertel and family from Erbsâ€" wers Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Allan Dorst. iges and full particulars in writâ€" ‘of their claims and a statement (Beir accounts and the nature of gecurity, if any, held by them. . and Mrs. Schaff of Fioradale _ Mr. R. J. Freeborn has sold some t Sunday at the home of Mr. fine Shorthorn cattle to E. J. Milier Mrs. Honry Hewett. & | and J .T. Petch. | Meeting i Some new verandahs, painting admaster Levi Lichty and the; and renovating is the order of the .h‘p council met the local vilâ€"; gay throughout our town. trustees list Tuesday to conâ€" _â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_â€" e the business regarding paving _ 3 . David Gibbons returned . to ph where he has secured a poâ€" i after spending a few months e hofme of Mr. Jos. Farrell here. s. Andrew Tillie of Milverton t a few days with Mrs. G. G. 13th day of June, 1921, in Townâ€" of Waterloo, are required to | by post prepaid or to deliver to undersigned executors . of . the déceased, their names and adâ€" ol Inspector Mr. Norman of made his official round of the is last week. i6 Matter of the Estate of Mary ider, late of the Town of Wat lbe, in the County of Waterioo, inster, Deceased. toe is hereby given pursuant 16 Trustees‘ Act, R. S. O. 1914, ill. that all persons having any §s~or demands against the late ¢ Mader, who died on or about lon Schmidt is _ recovering i bad attack of pneumonia. and Mrs. Helmuth Wagner id Mrs. Adam Miller. recent steady rains were quite and welcome. The majority spring grains are in an adâ€" Official Visit W. J. Lee, inspecior of separ Danford, Mr. and Mrs. John ner, Emma and Emmanuel â€" on Sunday motored to St. where they were guests of rous people attended . the of the late Mrs. Huehn in ~aumd one son (Mrs. John "Â¥n Baden and Reinhold in arte the auctioneer comes from whore motto is to give Hndutivoufllu’l'om s mmwmnm'fllbwdlnpdd onsulting the undersigned. A variety to choose from. «~ _ 1 H. TOMAN at the uge of 64 years, LINWOOD Sunday at 2.00 p.m. at ALFRED STOKES, Gencrai Recretary To Creditors as will be seen by| â€" taiÂ¥ing besith for i. going through as NEW DUNDEE lived the greater ed life on the farm Mr. and Mrs. Hy und the Jast two t A large number of friends from [here atttended the funeral of the ® late George D. Forler who was laid | in his last resting place on Sunday % afternoon at PSiiipsburg. | Our football team played their first to: game Monday evening in the league 0 ‘ series with the Millbank team. § § â€"â€"_.â€"â€"_____â€"_â€"_zizi__nn_~_â€"â€" % ! News Notes ; Many people from here attended the fuperal of the late Mrs. H. N. | Huebn at Heidelberg on Sunday afâ€" | ternoon. days with friends in Kitchener. Despite the ubfavorable weather last Friday night the dance held by PC \ _ The Baptist Church is planning to | well | hold a seres of special meetings for 1 Pres ‘two weeks commenc:ng on Monday ; trea: next at eight o‘clock, each evening | follo iexcept Saturdays. . The _ meetinge whic | will be under the leacership of Rev.; L‘ruc H. A. Auckland of Woodstock, who | ben will remain _ througbout the twe | Wal | weeke 1 Cool ’ New Dundee‘s first game of the W. | _ CC |W. A. series was played at Rosevili= ings ;nn Tuesday last and resulted in :; F.. 1 | victory for the Dundee boys. Both | Giffc a rides played well, Dundea forcing the | Eoci . play for the greater part of the game. rest .‘The lineup of the locals was as folâ€" E sam lows: Goalâ€"Big Charlie; Defenseâ€"â€" | ed." "\A Kavelman, V. Dinger; Half backâ€" | M ° Guthrie, Steckle, Battler; Forwards | fam week with her parénts near Dorking. Untimely Death 2 After an illmess extending over a period of about four or fixe months Master Gilbert Koehle passed away at his home near here on Sunday at about 3 pm. He was the 12â€"yearâ€" old son of Mr. Anthony R. Koehie and will be missed in this vicinity as he was a general favorite with everyâ€" body. The boy is survived by five sisters and one brother. The funeral took place to Macton R. C. cometery much enjoyed by the crowd present. ‘They are holding their next one on Friday June 2nd. Do not fail to miss Mr. Waiter Axt of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with his mother here. of Kitchener spent a few days with her mother here. Miss Mary MacCardle of Toronto University spent a few days at her home here. on Wednesday mornlpg, Fr. Weldner officiating. ~ Personals Mr. Dinty Moore was a business visitor in town on Monday. ] Mr. Arthur Spaetzel was an aftar t noon and evening caller near Wil Hamsburg on Sunday. Victoria Day was celebrated here on Wodnesday in good style. Mr. Henry Nieb of Hampstead has disposed of some Shorthorn herd to breeders from London. â€"Wilbelm, Koebler, Wilhelm, _ T+ man, Sheard. _ Score 1â€"0. Mr. and Mis. J. Sandlos and Miss Emma Greutzner of Hanover are visiting for a fow days with friends in the village at present The first home game of the season was played on Sat. May 20 with New Hamburg. Score 1â€"1. On Monday, the Baptist Young People‘s Society spent a very enjoy: able evening at the _ home of M}. Lioyd Erb, near Kitchener. A large number were present at the meeting and enjoyed the pleasant . social time which followed. Personale Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Justice Hoffman, Miss Edith and :*r. Fred Hoffman,; ‘Mr. Henry Dockert, NEW DUNDEE WELLESLEY ll‘;::i Mr. and Mrs. Urias Nahrgang ard ilir. and Mrs. Dilton Coxson visited ing! t the home of Mr. Robt. Coxon near the | Plattsville on Sunday. ‘ Miss Carrie Brown is spending a tew days with friends at Blair and \ Hamilton this week. â€" 4| The monthly meeting of the A~Y. P.A. was held last Thursday oven â€" &)ing in the Haysville hall and was to | well attended, Mr. Bruce Graham, for | Pres., occupying the chair. The lay | treasurer gave his réport which was ing | followed . by election of officers, nge | which resulted as follows: Pres, Mr. tev. ' I‘ruce Graham; Vice Pres.. Â¥r. Reuâ€" who | ben Wran; Treasurer, Mr. Fred we | Walker; Secretary, . Miss Madge | Cook. Chas. Kagvelman of | aited at the home of mecin lhct Si haigne dhaihe in Sike to be around again a fter being cor | «e _â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€" _ Personals . | _ Mr. Max Puddicombe of Torontc spent a coupie of days last week ‘rwi(h his mother, Mrs. S. E Puddi | combe. ‘â€" Mrs. Henry Walker and Mrs. E E. Tye attended the annual meeting ; of Women‘s Auxiliary heid at Stratâ€" \ ford last Wednesday. Respected Citizen Passes Away A large circle of friends will learn with deep regret of the death ‘of Mrs. Henry N. Huehn who passed away on Thursday, May 18th, after .u.mmu-ntflull"':†years, 4 months and 3 days. ‘The deceased lived here most ~f missed by her many friends. ‘The funeral which was the largest ever held in our village, took place on Sunday afterncon. She leaves to mourn her sorrow~ ing husband and four sons, Ewin and Herman of Heidelberg, Osccr and Herbert of Conestoga, aiso 2 brothers and 1 sister survive, Louis Sattler of Kitchener, Henry S:ttler and Mrs. G. Weis of Heideibers. ‘The bereaved family will have the heartfelt sympathy of many friends in the loss of a loving wife and ;irn;r, in. Jacob Sattler. Mr. J. H. Stuss spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 4. H. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Steiss and daughter Lola, and Mr. J. Wilson of Crossbrook, who attended the funâ€" eral of Mrs. H. N. Huehn, speut several days visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fetter and son, Clayton, of Kingwood spent the weekâ€"end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cassel bf Kitâ€" chener spent Sunday with their son, Mr. Gillingworth Cassel. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Wilkelm and family of New Hamburg calied on friends here on Sunday. Conveners for the vaiious met ings as follows: Religious. Miss D. F. Walker; Missionary, Miss Edna Gifford; Literary, Mrs. J. J. Graham; Eocial, Mrs. Delton Coxson. The rest of the evening was spent in games after which lunch zas seryvâ€" ed." Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Bickle and family of Roseville spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Schramm. Mr.. and Mrs. Melvic Lachman and family called on [Ir. Wm. Love‘s on Sunday eveninw Mr. Tom Brown motored to Mt. Pleasant on Sunday and spent the ‘ay with his brother, Everard and family, who just recently moved there. Commits Suicide After Attempting To Kill Parents REGINA, Sesk., May 23.â€"Angus McLellan, a farmer, aged 20, is dead and his father and mother are sufferâ€" Ing from buliet wounds as a resuit of a suicide and attempted double murder at Bavas, sixteen miles north of Yorkton, Sask., Sunday. . After shooting and wounding his father and mother, McLellan turned the gun on nimself and fired a bullet through his head, dying instantly. The father was only slightly woundâ€" ed in the cheek, but the mother was more seriously injured, the bullet being imbedded in her shoulder. Proâ€" vincial police are now invastigating. AMBASSADOR TO GERMANY. BERLIN, May 22.â€"A special desâ€" patch from Moscow announces the appointment of Leonard Krassin, Russian _ Boishevik roprlnuuvo in London, as Russian ambassador to Germany. He will succeed M. Krestinsky, the present emvoy, wh> is said to be called back to Russia to take up the ministry of finanse. HAYSVILLE. of St. will be greatly her sorrowâ€" ef fifty or sixty persons stormed the Wilkinson County jsail early toâ€"day and after a fight in whichâ€"one of the guards and a member of the mob were slightly wounded, seized Jim Denson, a negro sentemced to hang June 16 for attacking a white wo ‘The mob placed a rope sround the regro‘s neck and took hin away in an automobile. No trace of him had been found early today by the sheriff and his deputies. Denson was convicted in the sup erior court here more than two years ago on a charge of attackirg a T}â€"yearâ€"old white woman. His exeâ€" cution was postponed severaltimes Denson was removed some time ago to Macon for safeâ€"keeping but yesterday he was brought back to Irwinton to be reâ€"sentenced. Weather Good For Seeding in ‘The Northwest and the United States supreme court finally ruled on the verdict of the buwer courts. affirming hi« conâ€" viction. WINNIPEG, May 23. â€"(By Ga.mdi-‘i an Press)â€"Intermittent local showâ€" ers throughout the West have slightâ€" ly nampered work in some districts, but on the whole weather has been. good and seeding has proceeded rapâ€" idly, according to the crop report iseued yesterday by the agricultural department of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Soil drifting, usually prevaâ€" lent at this season, is entirely absent this year, and splendid moisture conâ€" d‘tions practically preclude all danâ€" ger of damage from that cause. Grass is growing fast and livestock is improving quickly on new pasturâ€" age. ‘Told Stories of . Welcome Before the ~ Arrival of Boat LONDON, May 23. â€" (Canadian Press Cable) â€" Premier â€" Lloyd George‘s _ reception on Saturday might upon his arrival here from Genoa was admittedly organized, but in any case it certainly wou‘d have been a popular display of weicome. Amusing stories are leakâ€" ing out, however, revealing how some of the ultra coalition newsâ€" papers overstepped themselves in making the most of the occasion. One Sunday newspaper van drove up to the station carrying early ediâ€" tions of the paper containng full reâ€" ports of the welcome while the welâ€" comers were still waiting for the train to come in. A Manchester piâ€" per bearing similar news was sell ing in the north when the train on which the premier was travelling was twenty miles distant from Lonâ€" don. â€" Another paper belonging ts the same family had a story of how a Calais railway porter, hearing that he was carrying Lloyd George‘s luggage, bared his head, knelt at the quayside and kissed the labels. Conestogo Is Included in the Elmira Bus Service Â¥. e ne. IRWINTON, Ga., May 3.â€" (Special to the Telegtaph) CONESTOGO, May â€" 23.â€"Messrs. Burnham and Britton, operators of the Kitchenerâ€"Elmira bus, have now arranged for a service to this village three days a week, running on the following schedule: â€" Wednesday, leaves Kitchener 10.30 am., arrtive here at 11 and proceeds to Elmira, from where it again arrives hereat 1.15 p.m. and proceeds to Kitchener. It again leaves Kitchener at 5.45 p. m., arriving bere at 6.15, and leaving on return to Kitchener at 6.15. On Saturday the bus leaves Kitchâ€" ener at 9 a.m., arriving here at 9.30, returning leaves at 10 a.m.; leaves Kitchener at 2 p.ï¬.. arriving at 2.30 and returning leaving here at 3; leay es Kitchener at 5.45 same as on Wed nesday coming and going,.and one leaves Kitchener at 9 p.m. arriving here at 9.30, returning leaves here at W45 in the evening. On Sunday the bus will leave Kitchener at 9 a.m. to this place, on the same time as Saturdays, coming and going, and one leaves at 6.45 p.m es Bowling Competition _ _ | (On Wednesday afternoon. begianâ€" Ing at 2 o‘clock, a competition beâ€" tween rinks of the local bowling club will be held on the greens. Besides assuring a good afternoon‘s sport, the games will help to get the new members under way for the season‘s activities and all are asked to attend. Hang for Attacking a White Woman. M. Tchitcherin Lauds ‘the ‘Treatment Received at Hands of Italians. GENOA, May 22.â€"â€"M. Tchitcherin, head of the Russian Soviet delegaâ€" tion, in bidding farewell to Premier Facta and Foreign Minister Schanâ€" zer, who are returning to Rome, said yutadlythnhewuglad&obe able to state that the reception of the Italian government and the useâ€" ful services rendered "have surpassâ€" ed our most optimistic hopes and have been a revelation to us." j Trotzky is reported to have said to the future red officers, "Don‘t believe in the Genoa speechâ€" es; trust only in your bayonets and your batteries. Conferences will ‘not give us what we need; this can lonly obtained by having the Red: ’army cross the frontiers of capiitais: | states and the red flag wave over the lwhole of Europe .Perhaps during the summer the red army will be called upon to give proof of its |fighting force." More Terrifying Than Ever Meanwhile, reports just received \from Novorossisk, to which place the steamer Serivia has taken a relief mission of the Italian Red Cross are more terrifying than ever. Southâ€" ern Russia, the reports declare, has been transfgormed into ~a great |cemetery of starving people. Men, {women and children are dying of '}starvation, not by the thousands but \by the millions. He placed emphasis on the followâ€" ing passage of his speech, ‘"The Rusâ€" sian people do not forget that the Italian government was the first to proclaim the necessity of resuming relations with Russia, nor that the Italian representative in the suâ€" preme council was the first to bring up the question of recognition of new Russia." At the Same Time Italia Steamer Marte is Sunk by Russ Batteries. Italian Boat Stink GENOA, May 22.â€"â€"The declaration by M. Tchitcherin, head of the Rusâ€" sian delegation, to the Italiart deleâ€" gation is contrasted here with news received from the Black Sea, accord â€" ing to which the Italian steamer Marte was fired on and sunk | by Russian batteries and haif of her crew killed, and with the address of Leon Trotzky, the Soviet war minâ€" ister to communist cadets. SOFIA, May 22.â€" The ambassaâ€" dors‘ council has ordered ths Bu.â€" garian government | to proceed imâ€" raediately with the disarmament with the Wrangel troops in Bulgar ian territory and the dissolution of their military organization. The milâ€" itary party has been called a great congress for May 28 to approve the government policy. WELKERâ€"At K.â€"W. Hospital, May 19, to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Welker of St. Jacobs, a daughter. FLENNIKENâ€" At West Montrose, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Flenniken, a son. _ CLARKEâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Frea Clarke, 1 Oak St., Kitchener, a COLLINSâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. M. T Collins on May 18th, a son. §m:1mâ€".\iay 18th to Mr. and Mrs Chas. Sachs, Peter St., Kitchener, a son. WILSONâ€"On May 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Wileon, 637 King St. W., Kitchener,, a son. WOLFENBERGâ€"May 18Sth at K:«â€" chener to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Wolfenberg, a daughter. iSRAELâ€"At Kitchener, May 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Israel, 80 Charon St., a daughter. MORRISâ€"SHAWâ€"In Hespeles, May 17th, Ben Morris and Clara Shaw. NIEBERGALLâ€" KUHLâ€"Rdgar Wilâ€" liam â€" Niebergall to Nora Mary Kuhl, on May 17th. BECKERâ€" On May 2ist, at Koseâ€" dale, Mrs. Annie Becker, aged n.' HERGENRODERâ€"May 2ist at Bufâ€" falo Mrs. George Hergenroder, agâ€" ed 80 years. ‘ HUEHNâ€"May 18th, at Heidelberg, Mrs. Hénary N. Huehn, aged 70 yrs., 4 mos. and 3 days. FORNERâ€"May 18th, at Kitchener, Géorge D. Forner of Wimot, aged l §4 years. . 1 vORGTLEâ€"WISMERâ€"On May 17 Oliver Vosg!le and Edith Wiamer MUST DISARM TROOPS. WEDDINGS OBITUARY BORN VARER _| on of the Association otf Children‘s [m w . m £54e¢ in Tereato on Prigey ware a. | of Valugble Household E; R. Goudic and Miss Ours Sayder °* | ~ foots and Real Estate . f Kitchener, Children‘s Aid Ingpector Lauds ‘the| Aribst Pubman _of Heselet 400| _ There will beâ€"aold by Public Auc comved 8t iss McKenzie, . secretary ;{ttonâ€"on the promints OF the under ¢ connty organization, signod, situated 2% Waterioo street, alians. The delegates spesk highly of the | in the City of Kitchener, on ; gethering and particularly of the ez sATURDAY, MAY 27, 1922 H O P E § ceptional excellence of the addresses commencing at 1.30 o‘clock, p. m., . made by the best‘known‘ workers| (city time.) me Italian among children who are to be found | CHATTELS: 5 piece oak purlor‘ in the province. Among the speakers | Suite, 3 parior tables, good ~parlor is BUNKE |wno particularly impressed the Kit. | CA"DP®t 11 x 11, 3 small tables, xoek-' tteries. chener delegates was Judge Mott, of | °* Jardiniore Stand, lounge, a number \ * the Toronto Juvenile Court, . who | f Dictures, wicker pedestal and ""l . Tchitcherin,|strongly urged that the Children‘s | C‘tiOre. ball stand, 2 kitchen tibles, Soviet delegaâ€"| Ald Societies of Ontario to take im.| 6 4!ning room chairs, 4 kitchen ell to Premier | mediate steps in their municipalitios chairs, 2 kitchen cupboards, $â€"day linister Schanâ€"| to put the Juvenile Delinguency Act clock, alarm clock, 2 bedsteads with o ho nild| mo se en on sn uen as glad to be| wINNIPMG, May 20 â€" With the ie minchen orscen i e reception 0/ | red River dm"’[:‘ stéadtty ::‘ l;n 2 gas plates, kitchen stove, coal oll it and the USE~| crson and at most polnts between heater, stove castor frame, large "have SUTPASSâ€" | inat city and Winnipeg, srd with cabbage cutter, water motor washing ic hopes and the Assiniboine falling in such a way inachine, wiinger fron keltle. ganion n to us." 8| pmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrumurummmmmes,,,,.... | €0018, DOW §87G°TM 106€, carpenter WINNIPEG, May 20 â€" With the Red River dropping steadily at Em:â€" erson and at most points between that city and Winnipeg, ard with the Assiniboine falling in such a way FOR SALEâ€"A HEW SHORTHORN bulls, ready for service; a few _ cows with calves at foot and a few heifers. AF above are pedigreed FOR SALEâ€"TWO FRESH COWS. Apply Jacob Riehm, No. 2 Kitch ener. 21â€"2t FOR SALEâ€"NEW RUBBER TIRX buggies, $155, open buggies $95. Mellotte cream Separators $80. Apâ€" ply 27 Erb St., Waterloo. . 19â€"3t. WANTED â€" SECOND HAND INCUâ€" bators. _ Apply Box 40. Chronicleâ€" Telegraph. st. RE ESTATE ELIZABETH HONDâ€" ERICH, late of Baden, Ontario, Married Woman, who died 26th March, 1922. PURSUANT to R.S.0. Chapter 121, Section 56, all persons having claims against above named Deceasâ€" cd must send same with particulars to the undersigned before the 15th day of June, 1922, after which date the Administrator will distribute the assets amongst the parties entitled thereto, regarding only claims of which he shall then have bad notâ€" Dated at Kitchener, 8th May, 1922 Clement, Hattin & Snider, Folicitors for Christian Hondcrk-.h.‘, 19â€"3t. Administrator siLOS We furnish a Stave Silo made of Select Norway Pine, complete with roof. Write for prices and full inforâ€" mation. The Elmira Planing Mill Co., Ltd.. Elmira, Ont.â€"19â€"3t. NOTICE Frompt attention will be given to all sales ertrusted to me and satisâ€" ‘The congregation of The First June 3rd, Saturday â€" Valuable Rousehold affects belonging to the 8. Snyder Est., 30 George St. Waterloo faction H. B. DUERING, AUCTIONEER Phone 136 Waterloo May 27th. Saturday â€" Valuable Real Estate and household effects belonging to Ferdinand Bierwagen, 224 Waterloo St. in the City of Kitâ€" chener. W. W. FRICKEY Phone 48, Waterloo. May 28th (Saturday) â€" Clearing sale of valuable heusefurnishings, belonging to Fred W. E. Reilly, 186 King St. E.. Waterloo, opposite the shoddy mill. May 27th (Saturday)â€"At 10 a.m. at Dietrich‘s garage, in the town of Waterloo, chattel mortgage sale of one Chevrolet 4 cylinder, 5 passenâ€" ger~motor car, with tools ana atâ€" tachments. Saturday, June 3.â€" Farm stock, and implements, belonging to Joseph Z. Koebel. Situated at the Tile yard. one quarter of a mile South of St. Clements, also 1 new 8â€"16 Avery Tractor. 1â€"14 horse power portable steam â€" engine, 1â€"18 horse power traction steam engine, these engines are in good running order. No re serve as the farm is sold, stock. Apply to David Trussler, Wellesley. _ ulâ€"4t June 24 (Saturday) â€" Valuable household effects, nearly . new, . at the Kitchener market at 8 p.m. May 27th (Saturday) â€" Clearing clearing auction sale of nearly new house furntshings belonging to Ferd W. O‘Reilly, 186 King St., opposite Shoddy MiHi, town of Waterloo. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer May 27 (Saturday) morhing at 8 o‘clock â€" Valuable household efâ€" fects, belong to J. C. Pogue, at 9 o‘clock. June® 3, Saturday 1.30 P. M.â€"At 309 Frederick : treat, Kitchemer, valâ€" uable household effects belonging t> Mrs. H. M. Brabacher and ©. Shacfer. Household effects belonging to Miss Thain, at the Market Square, Kitchener. GENERAL WANTS LICENSED AUCTIONEER Auction Sale List Â¥t ,JOHN ZIMMERMAN trom u'n. j scythes lawn rake, lawn mower, uo‘ pp»y | out chain, cider barrels, long ladders, tew | long shears, buck saw, axe, crossâ€"cut: few| saw, large feed box wheelbarrow a reed| quantity of lumber work bench, 24 sler,| chickens (mostly Rhode Island u!â€"4t| Reds), and many other articles too numerous to mention., )WS.| REAL ESTATE: At the same time itchâ€" and place there will be offered for 21â€"2t| sale a one and oneâ€"half storey veneerâ€" ed dwelling 25x28 feet situated 224 ‘IR" | Waterloo street, between Kitchener $95â€"| and Waterloo, comprising 6 rooms, â€" APâ€"| 2 halls with a brick veneered kitchen 19â€"3t. | attached 12x23, gas, electric soft and city water new hot air Sunshine furâ€" ‘CU nace, good large cistern, large good frame barn 161%5. The lot has a frontage of 86 feet on Waterloo St. and 134 féeet in the rear, depth of apâ€" prokimately 225 feet, measuring by admeasurement oneâ€"half an acre. TERMS: Chattels casr; Real Esâ€" tate, 10 per cent, of purchase price to be paid on‘ day of sale, balance on or before the 12th day of June, when possession will be given. FERDINAND BIERWAGEN, Prop. H. B. DUERING, Auctioneer, Phone 136, Waterloo ED REUEL, Clerk PUBLIC SALE There will z sold by Public Aucâ€" tion on the premises of Mr. A. H.{ Snyder, 39 George street, in the Town of Waterloo, the Chattels bo-‘ longing to the S. Snyder Estate, ‘ SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1922, commencing at 1.30 o‘clock p.m., White enamel dresser, 12 ft. dinâ€" Ing table quartered oak goliden finish, combination . sideboard nd{ china cabinet, quartered oak golden finish, small buffet or side ublo,1 quartered oak golden finish, 2 arm dining chairs, upholsered seat and back, genuine leather, 6 small din ing chairs, upholstered seat and back, genuine leather, genuine leaâ€" their mission cotuch, quartered oak, golden oak wash stand, mahogany wash stand, 2 oak rocking chairs, reed goâ€"cart, ‘music cabinet, mahogâ€" any finish, plano stool, walnut bedâ€" stead ‘with springs and hair matâ€" ress, marble top walnut drouer,‘ marble top walnut wash stand, ma-‘ hogamy finish reception chair, upâ€" holstered seat, reed high chair, white enamel finisb, uphoistered walnut sofa, stuffour sette in Tapesâ€" try, white enamel crib bed, 2 white enamel single iron beds, quartered cut oak hat rack, child‘s sleigh, 2 electric ceiling fixtures, a number of carpets and many other useful articles, too numerous to mention. PUBLIC SALE Terms Cash. H. 8. DUERING, Aucioneer, Phone 136, Waterioo. ED. REUEL, Clerk. on the Market Square, Kitchener Saturday Morning, May 27th, 1922 commencing at 8 o‘clock: Kitchen cabinet,. 4 kitchen tables, *â€"burner gas range, 4 kitchen chairs, ? parlor tables, 2 tron beds, cabinet ghamophone, nearly new; a lot of phonograph records, large plece floor olicloth, 2 rockers, lot of bedclothes, Jinens and ladies‘ clothes, dishes, pictures and other articles. At 9 o‘clock I will seil for Mr. Wm. ‘Thain, the following: 6 dining room chairs, kitchen table, 3â€"burner gas range, good couch, sideboard, rug. cane rocker, fron bed, spring and mattress, white enameled dreuor.‘ wash stand, rocker and chair, parior table, tollet set, some dishes, kitchâ€" en utensils, 8â€"day clock, glass wash board, fruit semiers, and numerous other articles. Terms, cash. E. J. BHANTZ, Auctioneer of Valuable Household 34 Frederick. 8t. m L J. C. LOGUE, Proprietor. 21â€"2t the complete contents of ANe ises situated at No. 186 King street, south, apposite the Shoddy Mill, in the Town of Waterloo, on‘ , . * SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1028 O‘Reilly, comprising high class Haynes fumed ogk pianés and stool, fumed oak library table, new quart ered cut oak parior table, quarteréd cut oak rocker, quartered cut osk nut stand, 2 mabogany parior chairs, parior stool, $ osk finish parior ta bles, 2 large leather rockers, large leatner chair, oak dining room suite, sharp on time. desk and book case, settee, 2 electric parior lamps, cosy corner, new brasé bedstead, ivory bedstead and. dressâ€" er, white iron bedstead, white dressâ€" er, oak bedstead and dresser, 4 cofl springs, 4 mottresses, iron cot and mattress, axnfinster rug, 3 brussels kitchen stove with water front, gas stove, 2 kitchen tables, 4 kitchen chairs, electric heater, electric cook: er, electric iron, marble clock, 2 wooden rockers, 2 verandah chairs, carpet sweeper, 3 jardinieres, verâ€" andah rug, window seat, dishes, ching crocks, light feather pillows, water motor washing machine, wrinâ€" oil heater, oil cloth, curtains, curtain clothes horse, mops, brooms, picture blinds, garden tools and many other useful articles too numerous to menâ€" tion. The kind of an Auction Sale you always like. No reserve as the owner is leaving town. â€" TERMSâ€"CASH. FRED W. O‘REILLY, Proprietor WALTER W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone 48, Waterioo. dâ€"19â€"25â€"26â€"wâ€"1t. ALF MEYER, Clork of Valuable Farm Stock, Implements, New Tractor and Two Steam Engines. SPECIAL: One new 8â€"16 Avery ~$ Tractor, 1 18 h.p. tractor steam enâ€" i:“‘ gine, 1 14 h.p. portable steam enâ€" .iN gine. These engines are in firsty _ ; class running order and will be dom-é";j onstrated on day of sale. ** .& IMPLEMENTS : Massey â€" Harris (‘i binder, Deering mower, 13spout #4 Deering disk drill; good as new; Mas | seyâ€"Harris steel hay rake, spring tooth cultivator, cultivator with seed 1 box attached, 4â€"section tron harrow, 3 No. 21 Ayr plow, gang plow, Chatâ€" o ham fanning mill, rubberâ€"tire buggy with steel spokes, whoels nearly new ; steel tire buggy, 2 cutters, heavy % wagon, suitable for teaming; wagon with new style rack, 2 good farm " sell by Public Auction the Farm EStock and Implements belonging to JOSEPH, Z. KOEBEL, situated at the Tile Yard, oneâ€"quarter mile south of St. Clements, on SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd commencing at 1 o‘clock, sharp on time, the following valuable proâ€" LIVE STOCK: Two good cows, fresh about two months. wagons, set bob sleighs with flat rack attached, carriage shaft, attachâ€" ment for binder for tangled grain, corn cutter, tongue #upport for binâ€" der, head light for tractor engine, hay knife, 6 grain lifters, bundle No. 9 fence wire, gaivanized extension smoke stack, 3 36x48 Waterlco champion cranks, pea concave with spikes, grain concave with spikes, fire door with frame suwitable for making a stationary oven, short bagâ€" ger, long elevator, 2 doz. Cotton grain bags, grain cradle, 2 doubleâ€" trees ‘for farm ‘use. double tire for wagon, set double team harness, 7 lbe. clover and timothy seed, 3 big lamps, 50 lbs." twine, neckyokes, chains, shovels, forks and . many other useful articlés too numerous to mention. + Also 1 Pandora range and 1 clal Ideal range in good uh‘po.'w _ Positiveliy no reserve, as Mr. Koeâ€" bel has sold the farm. TEHRMS OF SALEâ€"All sums of \us and under, cash; over that :nmonm 12 months‘ credit will be given on approved joint notes, or 6 per cemt. discount for cash payâ€" ments of credit amounts. JOSEPH Z. KOEBEL, NOITCE TO FARMERS. ‘The Masseyâ€"Harris shop will is future be open every day from 7 a. m. to 6 p.m. C. R. Gies, Waterico. Proprietor, St. Clements. WALTER, W. FRICKEY, Trade Auctioneer, Phone 48, Waterloo. SAL ho w