/ _ _COUNTY NEWS " ** The property owned hy tio 4o Mary Kopf, was sold by in / feale last Weannsuay oy Age:: "* ;Weir of Milverton. Part of the erty was purchasod hy Mro {â€" Hergott. â€" k 7 Mrs. Louis Lobsinw .*‘Joseph paid a visit to 0 %~ Lobsingor in Kitchener .‘ mesday. * Mr. Peler Bronuer sp 5 "Jast Saturday at I‘reâ€"ton 4 : wl{:lnrm anid at hi a% ‘Goo Bremner. Kitchener ? x\ Mrs. V. Heric of Wats \xCÂ¥Awit to her sister, Mrs. P K0 C Mss Helen Veilonhe: E, week end visitor at her € ul' and Mrs. Amlinger ind d “kl‘l. Genevieve, Catnerine an sqmuica from Elmira paid n i Mr. and Mss Poter \oid ul #" M. Cletus Heric was on bu in our bursg during the prst ;. Mr. Simon Kochet has mire ‘@‘ Chevrolet in the past week .â€" Misgs Agatha ifelm of Toror »@th; a few days vacati yher home here ww BMr.. Geo. J Brenner pald a $ is brothor. \ir: Clomont N&.. at Linwood ... Visitors Coming and Going _ Mr. and Mrs. Jos: Graff of . pald a friendiy visit t> frien relatives last Tuesday T itchener Mrs. Geo. Rosenblatt ter, Adela, spont last s Mr. Andrew Schefiner was a vis 7 ¥¥6rto bis parents for a Sow hours ': w8Â¥ Senfiay to sce his mothor, who KR the sick list for the past fow C "SHOP IN KITCHENER THIS WEEK and make Substantial Savings | â€" > Lh where the auctioneer comes from whose motto is to give prompt and active service TO ALL M¥és Anotta Stooser of Josophs Anyone wishing to purchase a farm will be well repaid gonsulting the undersigned. A variety to cnoose from. mmginn~ _ OO OO â€"_â€"OOâ€"t <‘nger Minard‘s Liniment in the hous*. _ Mr. and Mra Jno. Staub and fam ST. CLEMENTS *]xcepéimm! Values Await You at the Coâ€"opera NEW DUNDEE I. H. TOM AN M parl Ifred Wedâ€" renn 1 it his h Mra. Jno. turned to her itor with her Ar he irg was with M M Mr md he w M moth Mr thous f Macers M th ff Tener Mr nts Mr induy ind ind M H fre Cecllia itive 1 Mrs. Frank t a time Gearge and Louis He ib spent Sunday here ecilia Koebel retrrn aftor spending a frw last Fri etto We i1 Su Mrs. 5; Mi 1 Mr Mr M nipf ow imitar of Hamilton ore home after being a vyis sister, Mrs. Louis Lob effects from Waterlon gk is moy im pf t fis Han tt Alex h la v h ummer Ar att 11 the M ni here aga Mi 1ak vi 1 Kitceh andpar 1 XMr IR rent ng part of impf and th 11 ind t amer nwe rent t paid im reth for pril h M 11 In ind Mr sh 1 Mr. W. D. ling pail a f Rosenblatt. M Mr. Charles Valance of Atwood was a visitor at Mr. Geo. Coghlins one day last week. Aelm over the w Mr. and Mrs.oFr ind Miss Katy Mc Mr. and Mrs Miss May Gillia ealled on Mrs. . Holl dat last wee Dr. and â€" Mrs. Donald McDows and sons of Atwood were visitors . Mr. Geo. Coghlins one evening la week. I\ day Mr. and Mrs. Ruby of New H burg were week end visitars atot son‘s Mr. Norman Ruby. Miss Mildred Cockerton of Hamburg spent the week end her cousins Ethel, Florence Leona Ruby Rally day Was very fittingly ob| = 0000 0) 0 2 2202 C 00 served in the Methodist and l’ruby-‘ Quick Relief. terian churches here on Sunday. Apâ€" PUT A BOTTLE IN YOUR OUTFIT Mr Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnston reâ€" turned to Toronto after visaiting with thefr parents Mr. Jas _ Rutherford and Mr. Alex Johnston. Mr, and 'Mrn. Gordon McCloy of Stratford were visitorm at Mr. John Jewings on Sunday. Quite bread aturdas .. Mr. Beat o MB JS M SOn M M Ar Helm A J. Harron,. Mrs. W. Hem d Mrs. Sam Miller, wore b isiters at Stratford on Na +o9ur rd wet 1P Wie Â¥ MILLBANK n moved ub Ir i1 edolin 1 rowski w mother from â€" Hamil Mi M W mil klin G3 M M their alad Mo with it n { K | W W atine 5 d wOoOLwICH COUNnCIL PROCE INGS adjourn to mort Chamber, Cone: 6th day of Jun am. and thait the Conrt of Revision and Appeal on the Assessment Roils for the rurrent year be held on the same day at 2 o‘clock p.m Carrled W. J. Snider, U Em Her Fishermen and Campers Quick Relief. lat Maon rh hal 1. M. Nait nd WoH« M W H Mu ht th YARMOUTH, N. 8 Canestogo on Tuesday the i 1 icipAt â€" W th the IOrCs n Brox and Alex S igain at the Connci ipplie in | w Nento t ext th ipplies the t] wincil â€" do Udadiyd Millbank. t h pT at 3 o‘clo the 1 by th Bderion o Metiin &4 m Re Clertk Enjoved Social Evening Last â€" Wednesday _ evening thet members of the Kanuck Klub convt vened at the home of Mr. Simon‘ Baer. A constitution was drawn up' and other fusiness was attended to.‘ The officers of this new organizalion} are: President. Mr. A. Cressman nml" seeretary treasurer â€" Mr. R. Gimble.| Elect Officers Shantz gucsls weiller We wish the club cvery success. Local and Personal Among the weekâ€"end visitors in the neighborhood were Mr. Simon 6) Yes, these sure are days of rigld economy. Everybody is saving someâ€" thing. In the olden days people felt mighty lucky If they managed to save a few pennies for the rainy day, but now it is reported our aister town is starting to save daylight. Here‘s hoping they won‘t bag all of the sunshine or the rest of us poor morâ€" tais have to content ourselves with "moonshine." rd Mr. J. Detweiler of Kitechener preachâ€" ed at the M.B. C. church. It is reported that a new bridge will be built over the Grand River and also that the report is correct as the bridge in its present state is in poor condiiion and the croasing i® ene of ihe most dangerous in this viâ€" cinity non Baor, Miss MUr. Arthur Haer The Masseyâ€"Marris shop will i1 future be open every day from 7 a. nt to 6 pm. C. R. Gies, Waterloo. On T in Mr.C Mr. and Mr M M un h nel NOITCE TO FARMERS. W our local ehur kholder T Â¥is of Kitchener it the home 1 t‘s Day was fittingly obsery arene motored to â€" Mannh in of Eimira \D BRESLAT lav evening the Farmers® i secial at the home of oller. One of the special as an oldâ€"time | spelling ernteriainment was heartâ€" H Ephraim Kinzte . of Mr. and Mrs. Titus hener were Sunday ome of Mrs. N. Detâ€" ckloy of Guelph was ir with Mr. and Mrs. Rurk with kendorn. Miss Ver nd Mr. Tom Hamburg and Mr leda Hecke holder of Stouff his brother Rev on Sunday ndorn Heek im on ary and postage ........ 1 j1| Isaiah Cresman, . assessor 7 a.| salary and postage ........ loo. | Levi Molitser, damage to 19â€"3t. lane and field .......... | _ Don‘t fail to come to New Dundee ‘on May 24. The Great Event of the season. Football match. New Du»â€" . dee vs. Ayr, At this time both teams [ will assemble on the market square land after a selection by the band ’wi]l be escorted to the grounds. Game at 6.30 sharp. After the game h|he Musica] Society Band will rendâ€" | er their first concert of the season to which the public are cordially inâ€" vited. Don‘t miss it. ! Quite a few from the village motâ€" lored to Galt on Saturday afternoon !to hear His Majestys Scot‘s Guard {Band, who are now | making the‘r 1Canadian tour, ‘ Mrs. (i. Heald and daughter. form erly of this villaage is at persent reâ€" !nwwing old acquaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hullman, Mrs. H. Einwechter and Mr. ‘and Mrs. Heury Bauer at the fuperal ot Mre. Schrader mmon on Wed nesday Jast. 4 + Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Scherfele Messrs. Allen andn Haryey Scher fele of Lonestogo were Bunday guests at the homg of Mr. and Mrs. George Hallman. Mr. Willie Dorscht spent the week end with his parents at Bamberg. Mrs. A. Sheard hass old her prop erty to Mr. Moses Boshart who will take possession in the near future. Miss Violet Thamer of Toronto and Master Orville of Kitchener were weekâ€"end guests of kev, and Mrs. M. D. Hallman. The Union Bank of Canada New Dundee, acknowledges the following additional subscriptions to the Russâ€" lan Relie{f fund. Willing Workers 8. S. class U. B. church $5, D. Bergey $5., Geo. Hallman $10, Ed. Stoltz $10, K. Goldbeck $1, A. C. Hallman $10, A. Bryden §$2, J. C. Hallman $5, M. B. Shupe $1, John McDonald $5, M. Baer $2, Mrs. Lizzie Hilborn $3, Abe Toman $2, Alex McDonald $5, Abe Stager $5, E. B. Hallman $5, Mrs. Clemens $1, Thomas Hope §$5. u-m.uul;-fuu-'-l «y of Toronto have moved ito the I Fifth sesslon of the Waterloo Tp. Council for 1922, j The Council met at the Townâ€" | ship Hall on Saturday, April 29, purâ€" \ suant to adjournment. 3 ’Thv‘ members all present, the reeve i in the chair. | _ Minutes of the previous session } were read and approved. | _ Communications _ were read and ‘ considered "‘ No. 6 South be read a first and sec ‘ond time.â€"Carried ‘ Moved by Robt. J. Veitch, second | ed by M. S. Snyder that ByJaw No [ 134A be read a third time and pass l ed.â€"Carried. $5 will save a child. The starving children have no part in Soviet rule or misrule. They are the innocent victims of war, disease and famine. If you saw a child drowning and $5 would sive him you wold give it if it was your fast gent. $5 will just as surely save a Russian child. Mrs. Sheard has purchased a small property from Mr. A, Bowman. Mrs. Richard Coutts of Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hallman of Watâ€" erloo called on Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hallman on Sunday. On Wednesday evening a popular young couple of the village while out canoeing, decided to take a dip. The iemperature, however,not being at a comfortable degree the geut at once escorted his fair lady to shore. WATERLOO TP. COUNCIL MEETS Moved by Allen Shoemaker, secâ€" onded by Irwin C. Hallman, that Byâ€" luw No. 134A to divide School Secâ€" tion No. 6 into two sections and said divisions to be known as School Secâ€" tion No. North and School Section ed that there were no absentees dur sickness Ing the month except on account of The average attendance was gond. Home permits issued 12. Employment certificates 2 W. Luft, school attendance efficer Moved by M. S. Snyder, seconded by Robt. J. Veitch, that the following accounts be paid: Mrs. Ada_ Sapasworth, Pat A. J. Roos, disinfectants s J H. Schmidt, disinfectants C. B. Dunke, supplies . 5s Miss Emma Nuse, typewritâ€" ing J. B. Snyder drain ... News Record, printing, re Board of Health ........ Treasurer Puslinch Tp. 4 cost on Tp. Line...... Milton G. Weber, labor ... Wimn. Rutherford, drawing logs and JumbeF .)222ucns5 u0s J. Hamacher, sawing lumâ€" BOF . ons ces ons s e U. K. Weber, movw. 7 crush er and use of tractor .... C. T. Groh, assessor salary and postage .......... Albert Snyder, asseasor salâ€" ary and postage ......... Geo. Rahn, assessor salary SHC POSLAR® .::..0s0:~~: E. L. Wilison, assessor salâ€" Th# Luu s snn mt gs Mrs. Martha _ Cornell, Pat Ins. 220. mis e . School Attendance Officer report 248 101.00 128.00 96.00 40 18 96.00 1000 10 00 17.40 £3.00 25.00 15.00 5.00 7.00 6 00 00 The desth of one of Kitcheners best known residents, Prof. Herman Theodore Zeoliner, took place at the General and Marine Hospital, 8t Catharines on Wed‘ay where he bas been a patient for several months. The deceased was in nu1 68th year, and has lived in this city the major portion of his life .He was one of the most active and successful musical directors in Western Ontario, and his death is a distinct loss to musical circles in this county. The remains will be brought to Kitchener and will le in state at Scbreiter‘s undertakâ€" ing parlors from Thursday evening until Saturday afternoon when the funeral will be held, from Bchreiter‘s chapel ty Mount Hope cemetery. The late Professor Zeoliner was one of the pfoneers in the musical life of the community. Back thirtyâ€" five years ago and more when the Saengerfests were inaugurated here Professor Zeollner was the musical @irector and one of the leading spirâ€" its behind the movement. So successâ€" ful were these annual gatherings of ;slnsers that the little town of 8,000 or so people became noted all over the province and throughout the Norâ€" thern States, male singing societies coming here from Toronto, Hamilton, Detroit, Rhester and _ Buffalo to take part in the singing competitions under the directon of Professor Zeo!lâ€" ner. â€""can be quickly banished through ' the use of Baby‘s Own Tablets. They jare a mild but thorough laxative !whl."n_ instantiy regulate the bowels jand sweeten the stomach. They are lxunrantood to contain noâ€" harmful drugs and can be given to the youngâ€" The deceased was for a number of years on the instructional staft of St. Jerome‘s College. In the yeare 1904 to 1906 he was engaged as orâ€" ganist and choirmaster at St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church, leaving there to accept _ a similar position at the Church of the New Jerusalem, with which he was connected until about 1916. vook‘s Cotten xoot Compon«. est baby with perfect safety. Conâ€" cerning thein Mrs. Alcide Lepage, Ste. Beatrix, Que., writes â€""Baby‘s Own Tablets were of great help to my baby. They regulated her bowels and stomach and made ber plump and well. The Tablets are sold hy medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢ a box from The Dr. Williams Mediâ€" cine Co., Brockville, Ont.â€"advt. The ailments of childhoodâ€"consti pation,. indigestion, colic. colds, ete FOR SALEâ€"NEW RUBBER TR buggies, $155, open: luggies $9 Meilotte cream Separators $80. Aj ply 27 Erb St. Waterioo. 14â€"3 WANTED â€" SECOND HAND INCC bators. _ Apply Box 40. Chronicle Telegraph. 3t the Administrator wlll distribute the assets amongst the partles entitled thereto, regarding only claims of which he shall then have had not stLOS We furnish a Stave Silo made of Select Norway Pine, complete with roof. Write for prices and full inforâ€" miation. The Elmira Planing Mill Co., Ltd., Elmira, Ontâ€"â€"19â€"2t. RE ESTATE ELIZABETH HOND: ERICH, late of Baden, Ontario, Married Woman, who died 26th March, 1922. PURSUANT to RSO. Chapter 121, Section 56. all persons having claims against above named Deceas cd must send same with partienlars te the undersigned before the 15th day of June, 1922, after which date D& d at Kitchener. Sth May, 1922 Clement, Hattin & Snider, Solicitors for Christian Honderich, 19.3t Administrator Fromp¢ attention will be given to ail cales erirusted to me and satisâ€" The cougregation of The First faction guaranteed. fOHN ZIMMELRMAN C GENERAL WANTS Childhood Ailments P ASSES AWAYV |«r vain« LICENSED AUCTIONEER NUTICE s Bold by all drfl!l‘ln; erta }‘ P pinginte" Telnn: b co, . AAiaTE INt, Aroriedp Uieke] A onfs, relfable remuatin medicine, Bold in three d: nes of streng! No. 1, $1 No 2 §3; No. 3. 85 per bos P. A. SNIDER, Township Clerk . Ap 19â€"31 ‘There wil Be sold by PubMHe A tion on h.â€â€œâ€˜u of the . signed, dituated $% wma ip the Cify Of Kitchener, on _\ sATURDAY, MaAY 27, s08g. * commenciny at 130 o‘clock, p. M (elty time.) * 4 suite, 2 parlor tables, good pario® . , carpet 11 x 11, 2 Small tables, n&,jâ€"%, er. jardiniere stand, lounge, a number _ of pictures, wicker pedestal and jarâ€" . diniere, hall stand, 2 kitchen tables, . 6 dining room chairs, 6 kitcheB _ chairs, 2 kitchen cupboards, $4Gay‘ / clock, alarm clock, 2 bedsteads with springs bedroom suite complete, uew lincleum, rug 9 x 10, window ua 2 gas plates, kitchen stove, coal off . heater, stove castor frame, large _ cabbage cutter, water motor washing‘ machine, wringer trom kettle, garden tools, new garden hose, carpenter‘, tools, _ mason tools,; grindstone, 4 scythes lawn rake, lawn mower, tiee ~ out chain, cider barrels, long ladders, _ long shears, buck saw, axe, crossâ€"cut : saw, large feed box wheelbarrow a quantity of lumber work bench, 24 chickens (mostly Rhode Island â€" Reds), and many other articles too numerous to mention. â€" ' REAL ESTATE: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale a one and oneâ€"half storey veneerâ€" ed dwelling 25x28 feet situated 224 Waterlo0 street, between Kitchener and Waterloo, comprising 6 rooms, 2 halls with a brick veneered kitchen attached 12x23, gas, electric soft a city water new hot air Sunshine nace, good large cistern, large frame barn 16x25. The lot has a frontage of 86 feet on Waterloo 8t. and 134 feet in the rear, depth of ap proximately 22%5 feet, measuring by iadmeasu.rement oneâ€"half an acre. TERMS: Chattels casr; Real Es tate, 10 per cent, of purchase price to be paid on day of sale, balance on or before the 12th day of June, when possession will be given FERDINAND BIERWAGEN, Prop. H. B. DUERING, Auctioneer, PUBLIC SALE at 8 o‘clock, sharp. solid oak sideboard, oak buffet, 4 plece library set, leather bottom rocker square dining room table oak desk and book case combined; kitâ€" chen cupboard, number of kitchen chairs, washstand, bureau, armchair, 2 heds and springs, good refrigera: tor, number of sealers. kitchan table, couch, kitchen range, 2â€"burni gas stove, laundry stove Belle Y.::i er Ford half ton truck, in good ning order, and numerous othor ar ticles. May 27â€" Saturday, 1.30 p.m. Val uable house hold effects belonging to H. S.. Haliman, Bingeman 8t., Kitchener. at the Kitchener Market 20â€"1t June 3, Saturday 1.30 P. M.â€"At 309 Frederick . treet, Kitchener, var uable household effects belonging t) Mrs. H. M. Brubacher and E. Shaefer. W. B. DUERING, AUCTIONEER Phone 136 Waterlioo May 20, Saturduyâ€"Valuable house hold effects belonging to J. Rahn, 85 Park Ave., in town of Waterloo. Wicker baby buggy nearly new. June 3rd, Saturday â€" Valuable fousehold effects belonging to the 8 Snyder Est., 39 George St. Waterloc Terms cash. H. B. DUERING, Auctioncer, Phone 136, Waterioo. May 20. Saturdayâ€"Valuable house hold effects, al nearly new, belong ing to Emil Diebold, 445 Dominio: Helghts, off Wilmot 8t ' the eity: Kitchener â€" May 20th ~Saturday, 8 a.m.â€"â€"Val nable hnusehold effects at the Kit chener market 1 Bicycle nearly new. Saturday, June 3%.â€" Farm llo' and implements, belonging to Josept 7. Koebel. Situated at the Th yard. one quarter of a mile South ® St. Clements, also 1 new §â€"1¢ Aver; Tractor. 1â€"14 horse power portabh steam . engine, 1â€"18 horse pow@ traction steam engine, these engin@ are in good running order. No re serve as the farm is sold, . ...« May 27th. Saturday â€" Valuable Real Estate and household effect; belonging to Ferdinand Blerwage 224 Waterioo St in the City ofd chener CHATTELS: $ piece onk parlor of Valuable Household Effects:s. > ~ Phone 136, Waterloo SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1922 E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioncer. Auction Sale List E2 REVUEL, Clerk W. W. FRICKEY ED REUEL, Clerk $8