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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 18 May 1922, p. 4

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C 48 ‘Frederick St., Kitchener Corn Syrup, ......... Corn Syrup ......... Teing Sugar ......... Loaf Sughr .......... &Mk 6or Mixed Tea .. rnation Milk . ... .. Puffed Rice ......................... Puffed Wheat ....................... Kelloggs Bran .....~.esers se mess ces Custic Soda, ......i@risirziirrr@e.â€"zâ€" Caustic S6ia .. ........«c..esrii:~s W1 Lemons, large size ................... Oranges, sweet ......2.............2. Jelly Beans, ...................... .20 Maple Buds .................... 1 db. Butter Scotch .................... ... Old Dutch ..:...........rarzazirzex.zs Liquid VENCCT .........clzlis...nl.e. ChALMY .>:2:0=.s rararavane sndsmen iss Nonsuch Stove Polish ................ Brooms, 5 string, special ............. Dominion Stores Ltd. | Kelloggs Corn Flakes 3'pkgs and 1 picture book 29%¢ Dominion Stores eb usually x w4 2 . The «emand o P‘_”k hc MBg his remarks on St. John, Mr. Zinck said in part: are two great questions ally come to our attention, iwn; upon any large unâ€" Rkihg. They are: What does ‘éemand of me? and What proâ€" ',%>‘ hold forth for me The + Mn will honestly seek and 8r to each of these questions, re he gives his life over to any purpose. Many a soul is living y & poor strugEling dving exis e, because it did not count the of its engagements.â€"Others are y disapponted in the results h bave flowed from their exâ€" liture. Instead of fruitage for there is nothing or worse than imgâ€"a broken, hopeless shatterâ€" ' | bis word far above all oth*" teach l w 0ws Hom | ing even in Israel. He balanged the C L, * | statement "Ye have heard it sa‘d aAdd IP by them of old ‘with the staiement: t "But I say unto you." He was the !#.- | great teacher has his special depart c ‘ ment, ia which he is considered an the first place we ask "Wha: j Limited Canada‘s Largest Retail Crocers Bual eervice at St. Johu‘s ghurch in Waterloo Sunday em Rev. Professor A. A A., preached an appropriate helpful sermon. 71 Frederick St. Kitchener, Lodge 1.0.0.F. had of. A. A. Zinck Addresses Big Gathering Germania Lodge at St. Paul‘s Lutheran i on Sunday Evening. * ior oc nanm uon uvo enc as zoo n pra ue eR h auvorvervnn cce esan:evseeeent c ot GET OUR PRICE ON SUG Pure Maple Syrup No. 10 Tin $1.95 Bread, fresh daily P . ommaxt ns ans meme en seue enc ams 14 N isrissarxsrssasrrxss«s«s.. Box 280 sirrrirsrris*«srsssx«â€"=â€"» Ib. tin 80 co ns is sarasssesssis> 10 16. tin §1.1 C $IZC . +ari«.«=1s=>s.+«.., doz. 30 C6 . i2.2rssxrvarsas sasari.». UOZen 13 22 k l resrk.. .. .. ..... 1 db. Boxes 39 M s rremrr e rr es s es omcs TL 2J n nee ra es es ts ces ns cce cce M 11 T .+.@@r@rir:arasiaizs«s botlle 23 ve Polish ................ bottle 17 SPLENDID FRATERNAL SERMON 3 Ib. loaf 15¢ I would direct your attention flr-‘.l of all to that litte word "my." The Lord Jerus was not a carelessi speaker. He â€" certainly used tha:, word advisedly. When he uttered this | statement he stood practically alona; among a people who had had a rqi ligious training from early youth.| and who boasted that their religion | was from God, and therefore divine{ and unchangeable. Yeot in the face | of this. and though it meart persecuâ€" . tion and misunderstanding, he puts does the Lord Jesus demand of us in order that we may be his true disâ€" ciples?" He Himself gives us the answer. "I ~ continue in My wora then are ye my disciples indeed." It is not a matter of great sacrifices, of pood works, of martyrs crowns, pri marily, though all these and â€" more will a devout disciple render to Him who first loved us. Here buman disâ€" timctions cannot come. Whether rich or poor, high or low, humble or meekâ€"this is the supreem condition â€""If ye contipue in my word" Let us see what it involves. King St., WaterIoo «e k.k i. . .. ... 17¢ arakexess.s. 14¢ ....... Box 20¢ â€"~â€". 9 Ib, tin 8tk .. 10 Ih, tin $1.15 l2...... doz. 30¢ e....... 25¢ Ib. ........ Ibh. 29¢ ...... 2 tins 25¢ ... 2 boxes 25¢ King St. Waterioo ‘x@Â¥1s~> 118 i+« 4 tins ... 2 tins JAR . 2 lbs. saxs IB; l22.l. Ib. .. 3 Ibs. 222. db. .. tin L2€C ic 23¢ 22¢ 17¢ 39¢ li¢ 39¢ Tbe 18c 412C 15¢ 18c £9€ 39¢ ZnC Lic 20¢ 23€¢ 23¢ 30¢ 23¢ 25¢ 13¢ m\ WenUing E The s § very hi E Gold migy £, Showed wb eni dered 1, Muasic E "Wraitse § writhen _ with eas and vib pleasing The r cert cor Mrs. L. | are sn w 2| exnectod ]uu word far above all oth*~ teach | ing even in Israel. He balanged the | statement "Â¥Ye have heard it sa‘d | by them of old ‘with the staiemeBt: ing his kingdom, anrd ushering in ; the diy when truth shall have per jl‘ect sway, and Freedom flourish op | the earth. The reputation of the Thiele Conâ€" cert company as musicians and of Mra. L. V. Thicle is an elocutionist are sn well known that the audience expected a treat and they were not disappointed. Mre. Thiele‘s readings were given a clear resonant volce which could be heard with ease in all Qnrts of the house and hearty apâ€" plause greeted her every offering. The instrumental numbers were of a very high order. Professor, Mra. and Miss Thiele acquitting themselâ€" ves creditably and adding one more to their long list of successes. The concert is to be repeated tonight. _ Let us now turn to the other quesâ€" \ tion. What results are we to expect itrom continuing in the Word? The ,first question which we must decide ‘is "What results do we want?" If ‘;we are looking for material resulls‘ { which can be measured in terms of ,dn!lars and cents, we may be doomâ€" | «d to disappointment. Our Lord Jesus Masier Walter Schelter gave "Waitschet," a cornet solo specially written for him by Profe®sor Thiele with ease, his notes coming out clear and vibrant in a manner altogether Boys‘ Band Concert > Pleased Large Audience Amng the most appreciated numâ€" bers wer« the "Overture" from Norâ€" ma by Beliinl, the waltz "L‘estudianâ€" tina" by Waldteufel, the overture "Mazzeppa‘ by Mabl, "St. Vitus Dance" by Holmes and "Mar Fort Gay" by Huff. In reach of these se lections the difterent | instruments came out clearly and yet the control was so well maintained that the blending was perfect. a of which would leaveâ€"a big void in the Jife of the town. Jt is an organ) ration with honorable traditions and the concert given In the Town Hall last night proved that the prewent group are worlby of them. The programime, which was supâ€" plemented admirably by the Thiele Concert company was of a bigh orâ€" der including â€" some _ of the best known works of famous composers but it was the tulen! and ease with which these selections were render ed that roused the admiration of the cudience and drew rounds of apâ€" plause. The boys«‘ band in Waterlon has become an institution the passing Christ, though rich in glory, he" came poor for our sakes and found it | his joy, that we through Lis poverty { might become rich. Not seldom.l have men found it their joy to lay| aside all that the world has to ol’-j fer, and give himself up to a life of toll and service for Christ‘s sak 1 We cannot do better than the .‘,..L'»-; ter. After all is considered. what are the most valtable results which we‘ creat teacher has his special depart nent, in which he is considered an authority. Woulg we learn the mysâ€" teries of science we must sit at the feet of the great scientists. Would we learn the secrets of philosophy we must seach the works of the world‘s philosophers. But when it comes to matters of the soul, when a man wants to know what his relaâ€" tion is to the Eternal God, what be is in this world for,.,and whither be is going, bow he can make his peace wit God, and all such kindred quesâ€" tions, there is only one teacher. and that is the Lord Jesus Christ | In this department He alone is su-{ preme. The disciple of Jesus Christ | must first of all learn the fact. lt\ Is the masters demand. "!f ye conâ€", tinue in My word." Whatever else! we seek, and wherever else we seek | It, in the matter of the spirituai| world, we must close our »ars to all other teachers, and in this departâ€" ment Christ must reign supreme. whoc solo nutuhe himsel 1 rich feeling celebrated Little Robin Master Fo M he Haymaker were also 1aster ts which we lives? These eeking t e of sn ir hearis matter of U his d of oi 1 or a Mission Auxiliary w r’f{ Hear Letter From i+ the Member Now in China n th xten from CHRONTCLEâ€"TELEGRAPH,. W A‘ im Gordon Clemmer, formeriy of Waâ€" terloo. has graduated from the Torâ€" onto Bible School and is leaving for Dorion, Ont.. (near Port Arthus) where he will take charge of a Bapâ€" tist Missioh Chureb. He is at prosent receiving the congratulationa of his many fridnds from this district. The reguiar meeting of the Water lon Methodist W. M. A. was held at the parsonage. William street, Thursâ€" day with a large aitendance, Much business was deali with after which a pleasing programme was glven inâ€" cluding a letter from Mra. Hockey. formeriy of Waterioo and now in China, which was read by Mrs. C Moogk, and a missionary reading by Mrs. Arthur Devitt The devotional exercises were under the direction of Mrk. J. Hutton 7 Leod will give an on Formosa at St eight o‘clock torig MOTHERS DAY WAS OBSERVE field Mi Garbage Will Pollute Lakeâ€"To Take Action rear of the park Thursday after roon. This investigation followed nu merous complaints. The whole diffiâ€" culty _ orfglnated through â€" eltizens discarding refuse on these grounds and not being any too particular as to where they deposited the garbage. It was pointed out by one of the members that If this practice con tinues the water running through the park Jake will become polluted. The matter will be brought up for discusâ€" wion and action will be laken at the next regular mecting of the Town Council. Mothers‘ Day Was ! posnid. 'I'herls;] was a fair display ol |prcen vegetables such as green onâ€" 'Observed a't 'St Pa.ul’s‘ ions, asparagus, radishes and letâ€" view ol hie and made pesxl for the Christian U Mrs. J. C. Fischer, soloist of the Baptist Church, Toronto, sang an apâ€" propriate solo at the morning serâ€" vice with much effectiveness. Inspiring addresses were given by Rev. Duncan McLeod ond Mrs. Mcâ€" Leod ot the Island of Formosa. Mr. McLeod spoke in the motning and dealt with the imissionary problem and the individua) Christian‘s resaâ€" tion to it in a masteriy wasy.. He ar Appropriate Services were Held in the Waterâ€" loo Churches. In the evening he told the deeply interesting story of Joan of Arc, who in response to voices from the unâ€" known led the French troops to vie; tory. He said that if we listened to the voice of conscience which should guide us in all our actions we would live in accordance with the highest Christian ideals and principles. METHODis. CHURCH Mother‘s Day was observed in the Waterlog Methodist Church on Sunâ€" day with services specially approâ€" priate. In the morning the pastor, Rev. W. H. Harvey, made reference to the beautiful relationship which existed between Jesus and his mothâ€" er, Mary, and emphasized the inâ€" dispensable place the mother occuâ€" pies in the home and her deep and abiding influence in the life of the family and nation. Mothers‘ Day was appropriately observed at Emanue!l Evangelical church by a special service, in which Sunday School and morning worskip were combined. The attendunce was about 400. One of the features of the program was the promotion of cradle roll members into the beginâ€" ners department, conducted by the superintendents of _ these departâ€" mentsâ€" The program also included special music and an address by the pastor, in which he maude a atrons appeal for more christian homes, which are the foundation of the best national and church life. ilda M Wl his work ther LEAVES FOR DORION Meleo Mi the 1i impressive a be Christian st lite and the atul helpers in . the McLeod is a sister of Waterloo. Mr. Me meeting of the Water W M Aâ€" was held ad also gave ilustrated address Mrs_ Mel clheo} on with the work « Paul‘s church at Formosa | and ing and helprul especially _ ftor i forgothet on ay. He at ind narrow strong afo audards in world. His id effective ead dr UJ ~|Tenders For Paving Ormo iddr ;r‘n“r, was preparing to adopt Dayâ€" light Saving time. But the Council ’hrrr’ had found public opinion in the }ann overwhelmingly opposed to so ‘doing and the Council having conâ€" stdered the matter fully could _ not ’feei justified in taking any action in ‘lhal direction. Very grave inconyen fence will be caused to Waterfoo @tudents and their families if the proposed change of time is carried out at the Institute, and I khow that I am only expressing the feeling olf the people in Waterloo who are In-J terested in the matter, in protesting| most atrongly on behalf of the people‘ of the Town against such change. Yours very truly, W. G, WEICHEL, * Mayor. Ask for Minard‘s and take no other, PROTEST IS RECSTERED ested with Kitchener fu the opera ton of the Instifute. J am not at all suggesting that your Board is inclin ed to ignore the wishes of this Town; possibly the members of the Board thonght that they had reason to believe that Waterion, like Kitch On Saturday Mayor Weichel had the following â€" letter â€" delivered 10 Secretary H. W. Brown, of the Cofâ€" leginte Institute Board, which spea«s for itselt. iate Institute Board in adopting Dayâ€" light Raving time, which was done in compliance with the proclamation of Mayor Greb of Kitchener. The diff erence in time between | Waterloo and Kitchener is experienced in the ,hmno, of the NMayor as it is in the homes of a goodly number of other Waterloo residents. The pupils at tonding the Collegiate were required to get away from their homes an bour earlier than those attending the Public Schools. Mr. J. Drew from the Postal Deâ€" partment, Toronto is in Waterloo ‘n connection with the installation of the new postal delivery system. The mail assorting department of the loâ€" cal post office is being arranged in order to accommodate the new service: In conservation vith the Chron.â€"Telegraph Wed., Postmaster Diebel stated that many Waterloo citizens have expressed their appreâ€" clation of the introduction of the new system and are installing letter boxes in their re. lences. The local market was the scene of â€" unusal retirity on Saturday There was an exceptionally layge curnout of both buyers and sellers the latter being on hand with & good supply of eggs, vegetables and dairy produce. Eggs which have drupped considerably since a week ago sold this morning at 25¢ and 26¢ per dozen, butter has remained unâ€" changed at approximately 40e por paving of King Street North. Monâ€" day, May the 22nd, is the date fxrâ€" ed> when all tenders must be re ceived. _ It is expected that this stretch of road Will be paved and open to traffic sometime this fall. ‘This year‘s paving programme seems to centre in the neighborhood of the East Ward. The following streets, it has been definitely decidâ€" ed. will be paved this summer: Unâ€" ion Street from King to Herbert Streets, John Street from King to Willow Streets, Allan Street from King to Willow Streets, Mary Street from Union to Allan Streets, Willâ€" ow from Allan to Erb Streets, Erb irom Willow to Peppler Streets, and Victoria from Erb to Weber Streets His Worship Mayor W. G. Weiche! did not take long in registering a protest at the action ol the Colleg Mayor Weichel Objects to Colleigiate Adopting te New Time. uce. each selling for be a bunch * good supply of pork was offere Tenders have been called for the which is MAIL DELIVERY Work Are Asked‘ At the Market. wirse Jointly inter on, like Kitch to adopt Day 4 & [Â¥ 4 Oil Cloth for halls, bedrooms, kitchens etc., we can show you a big asâ€" 60 C sortment in 1 yard and 2 yard wide oil cloth at, per square yard .. â€"_ AN EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK mc t C Bring this advertisement with you and we will give you your choice of any of Boys‘ and Men‘s Spring Caps, all new 1922 styles, at exactly ONE LINOLEUM and OIL CLOTH DEP Come and make your selection this week if you wart any of extra good quality Linoleum for dining room at per square yard HALF PRICE. Bricker Germann Co. tdâ€" This week‘s Special Sale in our carpet department will interest every home owner and housekeeper requiring housefurnishings of any kind. Deep cuts in the prices of Floor Coverings, Rugs, Mats, Curtains and Curtain Materials, makes it easy to secure these necessities now while they are in demand â€"â€"â€" Note the following > 27â€"IN. TAF l‘\’l‘;l]\.o:;Tx\lR CARPET | SPECIAL BRUSSELS RUGS 8 pioces of Tapestiy Sins curee . $A ~ 98 o. S 27 in. wide, mixed colorings, at ... | 46x0â€"0 222222 $13.50 0 9â€"0r120 _..._ $3200 A full line of Curtain Nets at speâ€" cial prices in the different widths and COIOrE .....:...:zars uy rrgsarkkn i. 30c, 35¢, 40¢, 50¢, 60c, 75¢, 85¢, $1.50 +6 k k k + k k k s kc k s l k l l . @aâ€"ld SQ. y . | A full line of heavy brush Cocoa rras c gs se we | _ Mats and Mattings, at ............ WwINDOW SHADES 75¢ | __.... 90c, $1.00, $1.10, $1.25 to $6.00 Plain colors at.. ... 7T5e, Ofc, $1.25 | , Combination colors $1.25, $1.45, $1.75 WALL PAPER 7¢ ROLL We measure and put up shades free A special line of Wall Papers at of charge. | _ _ moderate prices .................. | â€" ...... To, 15¢, o .00 rol CURTAIN NETS 30c YD. | Te T5r, 20¢, 2b¢, to $1.00 roil A full line of Curtain Nets at speâ€" | SCRIMS 15c YD. * cial prices in the different widths and | A complete line of Scrim and Marâ€" COIOrs .:...:...lr.czar.sklerien i. quisette material in all colors ..... 30¢, 35¢, 40¢, 50¢, 60¢, 75¢, 85¢, $1.50 l <*+1~+ «+. 15¢, 20¢, 830¢ to 60c yd. A full line of choice Inlaid Linolâ€" eum for bath rooms and kitchens .. 113@ @hirkssr«ssrzzrz=~ $3.25 8q. yd. 4 doz. only Axminster Mats, to clear ft .. .csllcsyess.,. §3.05 and $4.00 OILCLOTHS 10e YD. 20 designs in Oilcloths in floral and block designs; choice quality ...... AXMINSTER MATS $3.95 and $4.50 27â€"INâ€" BRUSSELS STAIR CARPET $2.00 2 pieces of Brussels Carpet, in tan and green colorings ...... $2.00 yd. LINOLEUMS 90c and $1.00 YD. A full assortment of the good Linâ€" oleums, 2â€"yd. and 4â€"yd wide, for . ‘~>>>+>>..> .+. 906 and $1.00 sq. Â¥d. BIG BUSINESS Tomorrow WEDNESDAY Big Bargains INLAID LINOLEUM $2.25 Because Our Prices Are Right WATERLOO‘S GREAT DRY GOODS STORE $1.00, $1.50, $1.85 yd. in Every DepartnTent Housefurnishings 50c sq. yd. is being done â€" _ _ in our __ oR IF YOU WANT * ~ 4â€"6x7â€"6 60x 9 0 TAPESTRY CURTAINS $6.00 PR. A good range of splendid quality in blue, rose, brown and green, at.. «.>..... . $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $9.50 pr. COCOA MATS $1.00 EACH 4 bx6â€"0 4â€"6x7â€"6 4â€"6x%â€"0 60x 7â€"6 64x 90 6â€"9x10â€"6 6â€"0x9â€"0 7â€"6x8â€"0 9â€"0x0â€"0 $â€"0x10â€"6 4â€"6x6â€"0 dGxlâ€"6 406 x0 69x7â€"6 6â€"0x9â€"0 6â€"9x10â€"6 9#x12â€"0 SPECIAL WILTON RUGS 1 ...... $18.00 _ 9â€"019â€"0..$36 & $47.50 $â€":va»+. $20.00 â€" B:Or10 6 ..... $65.00 10600 ... §$22.00 0 9.0x12â€"0 ..... $58.00 friee :g:_‘gg 113x120 .... $79.50 6 $42.00 _ 27 in. x 54 in...$7.00 0 ...., $50.00 _ 36 in. x 63 in..$12.00 LINOLEUM RUGS ... $9.00 â€" 9â€"0x12.0 .. ... $11.50 D2 s1389. . 1061120 _ ... $16.00 0 12â€"0x120 . OILCLOTH RUGS $10.00 $10.50 $13.50 $165.50 $18.00 $22.00 $2.50 _ 7â€"6x9â€"0 $5.00 _ 7â€"6x10â€"6 9â€"0x9â€"0 . #â€"0x10â€"6 9â€"0112â€"0 11â€"3x12â€"0 11311346 9â€"0113â€"6 $17.50 $19.00 $21.00 $37.50 $6.50 $7.50

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