Awue in the case of herds of native gflomm‘mw. #mmm of which HAYVE been used by the department mature animals were used for these Somparisons, thus *eliminating any differernices thit might have been @aused by the immaturity of some ©210eFences that might have been‘ Phelps of St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Pheips @aused by the immaturity of some says it is possible fdr & husband or cows. ]â€"vm to be in possession of a substiâ€" In one gfoup for which figures tute set of "uppers" or "lowers," or have been prepared were 160 cows both, without the other kpowing anyâ€" elassified as small, 201 as medium thing about it .Work Pants and Overalls ... Ne specialize in Men‘s Suits at ........... $15.00 3etter Suits at «+Â¥ )Â¥ k ks ees......... $19 and $24 Failored to Measure .................... $25 up Boys‘ Suits, special .............. $6, $8 and $10 Raincoats and Spring and Fall Gabardines «66e s e e e es e es k.+. ... . $9.90, $14.90, $19 to buy good wall papers at a bargain _ ' Here is your Big Opportunity When in Kitchener next week make it a point to inspect our wall paper displays. Every conceivâ€" able pattern in stock. ~evidence seems to show that in individual . faurmer‘s ‘berd‘it will Men‘s Plan your requirements nowâ€"â€"â€"then see us next week. # Good papers priced as iow as 4 prs. $1.00 aller ones, although there are our profits by buying better goods at less money We have everything for Reg. 5¢ each 12 for ..... Specials SCRIBBLERS g. 5¢ each gfor............ YOU SHARE Two Big 14 King St. East Oc a roll cows ‘"Dental surgery bas improved The MILLS COMPANY ’Z-’m‘" ioed 269 pounds of butter tat and an income of 108.29 over feed tums made 278 pounds of butter fat cows, 488 classed as medium, ~and w ‘Those in the first clasoiâ€" Amma,m fat on an average and an income of $9.11 over cost of feed. The medâ€" on figures for the year 1916 to 1913, high average income over . cost Jaws Can Keep Their Secrets Faise teeth are no longer a bar to TEETH AND MATRIMONY +*+~ $1, $2, $3 #% $1.00 Another great ‘man said: "Cheerâ€" ful men move through life as a band of music moves down the _ street, flinging out pleasure on every side through the air to every one far and pear that can Iisten." "When a cheerful man comes into a room bis @rrival has the game efâ€" fect on every one as the lighting of another candle in the circle around a hospitable table." â€" There are some salesmen whose entrance into the presence of a prosâ€" pective customer is like the advent of spring after a hard winter. They ‘bring a burst of sunshiny weather. The tired and illâ€"humored _ cus tomer who has been sitting on the mourner‘s bench all day nursing his A general laugh sells goods. . Invest a smile and get an order. A cheerful manner makes an imâ€" mediate wirelage connection with the heart of a prospective customer and transmite an irresistible call _ for business. Bring the children to our ‘ Toy Department Dozens of amusing and instructive toys, atâ€" tractively priced for the big Fare Refund Week. CHEERFULNESS SELLS GOODS "Good Glasses if you need themâ€"â€"â€" Good advice if you don‘t" Jansen Optical Company 10 Frederick Street â€"â€" Near King KITCHENER All 75¢ toys 69¢ All 50c toys 33¢ All 25c toys 19¢ Be good to your eyes â€"â€" They are your best friends. If your eyes become tired quicklyâ€"â€"if you have claronic headachesâ€"if you are troubled _ with "nerves"â€"â€"good glasses, correctly presttibed and made for your exact requirements will relieve your trauble. .. e â€" »',\* We will be pleased to examinmeâ€"yourt eyes â€"â€"and give you unbiased advice. + Kitchener ing have not changed, and will not change. _ What has changed is the amount of selling energy required to put sales over. The ultimate consumerâ€"the cus tomerâ€"is just Where‘ he has always been. _ Helis neither hidden _ nor © summer, $ 0 0 0 0 ¢ 6 ¢ 0 0 6 4 o o & TIME. *\ % â€" Those visiting Kitchener next @ ® wek should take not that owâ€" $ @ ing to daylight saving regulaâ€" @ @ tions, this city will be one hour & ahead of standard time. Dayâ€" @ ¢ light saving goes into effect on @ & Sunday, May 14th, and will be $ ¢ continued throughout the @ ence ‘of a prospective customer with the utterance of his opening sentence Sales Manager ‘Monthly. straight into the liking and a wmile. â€" A tactful, wellâ€"mannered & approgch will break down a pros pect‘s guard and hold. his Atténtion | in play during thetiret three minutes | lil â€" of an . interview â€" better â€" than It is purely & matter of horeeâ€" The fundemantal princtples of seliâ€" * 0 0 0 0 0 9 % 0 0 o o KITCHENER ONE HOUR $ AHEAD OF STANDARD 4 â€" _ OF BUSINESS We may hold up our hands in holy horror over some of the modâ€" ern fashions, but hardly a woman of us, however old and staid she may suppose herself to be,, does not succumb openly or secretly, actâ€" ually or potentially, to these loveâ€" ly vanities they call "undies." They make them of silk, and crepe de chine, and cotton crepe, and pale pick or blue, so that they are simpâ€" ly delectable to look upon, silly, but charming. â€" to give the best hé has to the sales man who faces the consumer. The customer still thinks, in many cases, that manufacturers, wnolesalers, and retail merchants are robbers, or at least that the goods they manufactâ€" ure or sell are still too high priced. In the maijority of cases we know that this is not s6. We must conâ€" vince the eustomer, Business demands increased horse power in the man who faces the conâ€" sumer. Those who stand to profit by that increased power must help to produce ft. . © P It is the price of business today.â€" Hardware Age. Yet they are not all folly, these new notions in underwear. Some of them i)esldea being so pretty, are extremely sensible, _ comfortable, convenient and inexpensiveâ€"ap exâ€" cellent list of underwear virtues. For summer wear, the oneâ€"piece woven union suilt in flesh â€" color, low necked and sleeveless, gatherâ€" ed into bloomers at the knees is cerâ€" tainly useful. One can wash it over night, need not fron it, and finds it of the greatest convenfence. In hot weather such a garment is a joy, _ It will pay the salesmen of the [fore, to give everything they can in _ the way of moral support; in the way of knowledge; in the way of in spiration about their merchandise, to this galesman. The price of business today is the willingness of every man in businese ‘lost, but to get him to buy the salesâ€" man must work on him. _‘ The salesman who faces the ultim:â€" ate consumer is the keynote of busiâ€" ness today. On him depends the ultimate suceess or fallure of every sales effort. The sooner he produâ€" ces the greater horsepower necessary to get business, the sooner business will pick up. _ All other salesmen back down _ the lineâ€"the jobbers‘ salesmen, the manufacturers‘ salesâ€" menâ€"are accessories before that fact. Their goods must go through the neck of the bottle, and the néeck of the bottle is the salesman who faces the ultimate consumer. 90 Jmir of men‘s brown and black fineâ€" calf sghoes in wide or narrow toes, regular $7 to $9, "‘"©21.95 60 .rt of ladies‘ brown and bi oxfords and strap slipâ€" ‘:- with hah or low heels reg. 00 to $6.00, reduced to WESELOHS SHOE STORE f Tricolette | PCautiful Summer Dresses in the ?‘mul;_‘.u“ ““I’I‘heymnflcdubwu,;.... All the. latest fabrics in new seasom Suits for women and migses. Our entire stock for your inspection and approval, # A t n n a + e win e 64 UNDIES o he t be ie pae agln Women‘s and Misses‘ Suits $3.95 at less than ALF PRICE Reg. up to Â¥%. O GOOD NEWS! s Just to remind you\that there were never bigger footwear values _ The whole fashion of bloomers is sensible and. modest. Nothing neater, more easily adjusted to our different kinds of clothing, more easily hunered. packed, or worn, has ever been devised, ‘White or black, pink or blue, the ~usefuiness of bloomers makes them a neces sary ‘part of any women‘s wardrobe. inP it Astinetsity Mh Accrnics t Petticoats â€" consider the pettiâ€"ironed, petticoat %m_Wehnwh‘i:mubw% KROCH BROS. Beautifu) Sutmm The famous Burberry Coat for women and hisses. Sold regularly at $387.50. Our price.. 317‘95 60 pair of boys‘ § every shoes, built for long wear m‘m flml-s,d‘;quln $5.00 83.95 to $6.00, reduged 10 Wpdrofflrls’ fine 2 strap slippers in brown or black, up to date styles, ar $ $5.50 to $400, rednend to 2. . .. s ... uow s ., \2°95 them. 60 pair of boys‘? Here are 6 Big Leaders for this sale and we have many other lines equally as good. We invite you to call and see We are offering for Fare Refunding Week from May 15th to May 20, big reducâ€" tions from our already low {)rices . and we guarantee every pair to be extra value for the money. , "AGNEW S‘ Your choice of six lines of men‘s Goodâ€" year welt boots, black or brown, wide, medâ€" ium or narrow toe, rubber $4 45 heel, special ................. * "Greb" make work shoes,â€"solid leather, the best work shoe on the market in black or brown grain leather $4 45 Specially priced for this week in straps, Oxfords and ties ................ $1.35 up A clearance of broken lines in highâ€" grade footwear. All sizes in the lot, patent or kid, get these while they last "Flapper" | In all leathers. Also in twoâ€"tone efâ€" fects, low one inch heel, with buckle or butâ€" tons. This week $4.00to $5.50 _: than the inferior kind. s 0 Anticipate your wants and come here prepared to buy. vewissr & County an opportunity to buy the "Good Shoes" at prices which are but little more Oxfords and Pumps Children‘s Shoes Ladies‘ One Strap cost of 20 years ago, a long, be laced, beâ€"ruffied, beâ€"starched affair, so bulky, so nolsy.~so easily soiled, torn and worn on the edges, such a task to wash and iron, so impossible to pack, so generally a nuisance! And then compare it with the plain, "The Good Shoe Store" shoes, built er t Men‘s Shoes Boot Sh(:;g 74 KING ST. WEST AGNEWS +0 0 8# m with the policy of this store $1.95 of 159 King Street West black calf oxfords, a::: for t warm weather, . $6.00 $7.00, reduced to â€" _ 90 pr. of ladies‘ fin ami) C ;atentes le:tï¬ hecle requie: $1% r » $5.00, reduced th _ without being filmasy, : are certainly in many improvement on the stiff derwear of earlier days. _ members of the Boston Sp 24 Sherme BOSTON, May 9.â€"The $5.95