g Bargains '; AT * L. Sattler‘s ‘M Mrs. Smyth and children «Atratfordâ€" spent Easter with Â¥. 3. C: and Mrs. Morlock at the i%p_vuek. . and Mrs. Norman Hollinger Elmira spent Sunday at the Doâ€" Kessrs. Urban Helm and Louis senblatt motored to Kitchener t Saturday. They réported fair 48 all the way except a strip at + morth end of the town of Waterâ€" : This stretch of road will be pavâ€" this summer. Mr. Joseph Lobsinger was on the k list for a few days in the past Aeves it a few days with her grand parâ€" ‘Mir. and Mrs. Michael Weber. v& Rosa Koebel from Kitchenâ€" §pent Sunday with her parents, MHO Mrs. Simon Koebel. â€.‘ Jno. Guitar from Hamilton Wisitor of her sister and brother, Â¥A. Lobsinger and Mr. Joseph mpf respectively. * Sus Frieda Helm and Miss Florâ€" MS ‘being conference week in .ebBurch, Kitchener, a goodly berof local Evangelicals have F faces turned toward Zion. â€" and Mrs, Harry Murat of i sgnent the holiday with Mr. Mrs. F. E. Welker. © t3.°G. Hurst attended the trusâ€" section of the O.E.A. as a deleâ€" for .Woolwich Township Counâ€" . Sylvester Meyer and Miss i. Meyer are visiting under theis 8 Helen Veidenheimer from rener is staying for a few days her parents. Andrew Scheftner spent Sunâ€" sys. H. V. Ratz and George BJatt were on business in toh last Saturday. Leo Stumpf is spending a few with relatives in the Twin _ Gustave Biesinger â€"returned wfter spending a few days in iee the marriage of their 6r, Mabel, to Mr. Stanley er on Weduesday, April 12th, Rev. J. P. Hauch at the parâ€" M . They will be 1e to their friends after May / Waterico. ~Mabel‘s many . here wish the young couple joys of wedded life. wal from here attended the he absence of Rev. A. D. tâ€" of Kitchener, who was exâ€" ko take the service in Calvary ; lJast ~Sunday evening, Mrs. r made a very acceptable and ble â€"substitute. «.. NEW DUNDEE Marie Weber from Waterloo "4 inch, specially priced Vimy in Kitchener on Wedâ€" ST. CLEMENTS do so through the public ich is receiving gifts for im and benefit by singer, who has been 1 weeks at his old ’Tnuwurlo- nuctioneer comes from whore motto is to give ‘wishing to purchase a farm will be well repaid g the undersigned. A variety ‘to choose from. &# is connected at Span of Carriage Horses in Harâ€" nessâ€"Horses owned by Sam Miller, *st; horses owned by Wm. Jacobi, 2nd. held last Wednesday was a suocess in spite of the unpleasant weather, and condition of the roads. ‘The â€"prizes were awarded as tolâ€" Heavy Draftâ€"Lyvie Pearl, owner by Jacob S. Meyer, ist;" Lord Maiâ€" colm, owned by Jacob 8. Meyer, 2nd. Canadian Draftâ€"William of Watâ€" erloo, owned by Alex Habn, 1st.; Baron‘s Crest owned by James Hom Agricultural Brood Mare not in ‘foalâ€"Horse owned by Lorne Rennie, 1st, horse owned by Jos. Runstedâ€" ler, 2nd. pnessâ€"Peter Wilton, owned by Wesâ€" ley Battier, ist; Best Bean, owned by Jacob R. Kaufman, 2nd. Heavy Draft Brood Mare in foalâ€" Horse owned by David Hearn, 1st; foalâ€"Horse owned by Geo. Rennie, 1st; horse owned by Jacob S. Mey. Agriculitural Colt rising 3 years oldâ€"Colt owned by Lorne Rennie, Ist; colt owned by Jacob S Meyer, 2nd; colt owned by D. Hearn, 3rd. Group of 5 horseJ‘ owned by 1 man, other than entire. Span of Roadster Horses in Harâ€" nessâ€"Horses owned by Ed. W. Voisâ€" in, 1st; horses owned by Chas. Doli, 2nd. Agricultural Brood Mare in foalâ€" Horse owned by Jno. K. Wagner, ist; horse owned by Geo. Rennie, 2nd; horse owned by David Hearn Heavy Draft Teamâ€"Horse owned by Geo. Rennie, 1st; horse owned by David Hearn, 2nd; horse owned | by J. S. Meyer, 3rd. Agricuitural Teamâ€"Horses owned by Jos. Runstedlier, 1st; horses ownâ€" ed by Lorne Rennie, Znd. Heary Draft Colt rising 2 years old and underâ€"Colt owned by Jaâ€" cob S. Meyer, 1st. Horsea owned by David Hearn, Ist. Roadster Horse other than Stalâ€" lion in Harnessâ€"Owned by luhh Fried, Ist; owned by Harvey Begzs, 2nd; owned by Chas. Doil, 3rd. Percheron Teamâ€"Horses owned by Addison Weber, Ist. Heavy Draft Colt rising 38 yrs. old and underâ€"Colt owned by Jos. Casâ€" sel, 1st; colt owned by David Hearn, 2nd. Single Carriage, other than Stal tion in Harnessâ€"Horse owned by Sam Miller, 2nd; horse owned oy Ed. Boppre, 3rd. . Special for Beat Heavy Horseâ€" Horse owned by Geo. Rennie, 1s:; horse owned by Dav. Hearn, 2nd. Sweep Stake for Heavy Horseâ€" Lyvie Perl, owned by Jacob S. Meyâ€" er, diploma. Sweep stake for best Light Horse â€"Princess Brookfield owned by Sam Miller. * Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Scm,t, Erbsville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bechthoidt on Mr. and Mrs. A. Dammier and son Erle, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wim. Sattier. Mr. Wm. Brown of Detroit, Mich., spent Sunday with friends here. spent Sunday nï¬t \W‘mt‘i Mrs. Geethaar, Miss Goethaar and Mr. Walter Geelhaar of : Kitchener, spent the Kaster holidays at the parâ€" visited at the homme of Mr. and Mrs, Miss Lenora Gles â€"of : Kitchener, spent Sunddy at the hothe â€" ot: ‘her HEIDELBERG Ladies ‘Ald: Most r‘n.w;uuug,m- Weduesday .. aiterncon at . three o‘clock in the vestry of the church where important business was. disâ€" 164 his house.. ‘The work is done by Mr. Geo. F. Makie has erected & nétw porch in front of his : house, which willbe a great improvemnt. The work was done by Mr. John A uumber from around here atâ€" tended the monthly fair held in Kiâ€" mira last Monday. 4 Shipment of Hogs ( . .Mr. Geo. F. Mackie shipped a ca> load of bogs at the West Montrose depot to Toronto .last Wednesday. Price paid:was 13 cents. + Bought Fine ‘Team ~ Mr. Wm. Mitchell has purchased a fine team of grey percherons from Mr. Charles Schiefle of Conestogo ‘The price being paid was around U With Pneumonia Mr. Arthur Hackborn of> near Bloomingdale is Ia!d up with pnewâ€" monia. â€" Dr. Nairn of Winterbourne is attending him. . His many friends hopé for a speedy recovery. Injured Hand ~ Mr, Robert Uhrig had the misforâ€" tune of injurying his hand . while starting a.gasoline engine about a week ago. _ ; Personals $ Miss Kathryn Durrant \of _ near Guelph spent the holidays with her friend, Miss Blanche Millard . Mr. Jas Burnett of Eramosa spent a few days with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Raeburn Hamilton and little son Garfleld‘ of Brantford spent the holidays with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sheriffs Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sugg and son Maivin spent the weekâ€"end with relatives in Guelpb. Mr. Jack Pine of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vietch. w The Misses Fannie Gordon and Mabe! Shyder of Kitchener _ spent the holiday at their homes here. _‘ Mr. Diefenbacher spent the holiâ€" days with relatives at Waterloo. We are giad to report that Harry Mann is getting along nicely after his recent operation. Mr. Arthur Woods of London spent the holidays with her parents here. Master Lawson Sheriffs . of Mosâ€" boro is apending the holidays at his home here. C PASTOR CELEBRATED The following taken from the Lyonâ€" ville Enterprise will be read with in terest by friends of Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Krauth, formerly of Breslau, Ont. Rev. C. F. Krauth, pastor of the Yates Baptist church, and Mrs. Krauth, formerly of Elba, N. Y., had the: supreme joy of entertaining about one hundred guests at the Yates parzonige,, on the occasion of their twentyâ€"fifth wedding anniverâ€" sary, held Friday evening, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Krauth were married| home in Toronto on Tuesday after in the town of Stayner, Ont., Canada,| spending a few days with Mr. and April 7, 1897, by the Rev. P. Cober.| Mrs. J. H. Meyors, Peel tBreet. ‘ Of the members of the â€"respective| Mr. Lawrence Berger of Stratford families on the bride‘s side who were| spent the Raster bolidays at bis in attendance were the aged mothâ€"| home bere. \or. Mrs. D. Baker of Stayner, Ont.,| Mr. John Zimmerman, who spent )u‘ a sister of Mrs. Krauth‘s, Mrs.| several months with relatives in M. Zavits of Welland, Ont., also ah@arnia, returned to his home heré schoolmate of the bride, Mrs. J. Ball\this week. { of Orchard Purk, N. Y. On the) Athistice Association Officers Elected grooim‘s side were present his siss\ ‘The annual meeting of the New ter, Mrs. C. Heckman and her husâ€"| Hamburg Amateur Athletic Associa band of Cleveland, Ohio. KHey, Mrs.| tion was held on Tugsday evening in D. Brittain, another sister, and her| the Library Hall and the following famfily of Amithvillis, N. Y. Roev. and| officers were wlected: Hon. Presiâ€" Mrs. Krauth also had the pleasure| exmmtzemmmmmmeniaeemmizmmeememmnaâ€"meane of entertaining twentyâ€"five of their| be congregation. Deacon H. G, Marâ€" former parishloners of Kiba, and|tin spoke on behaif of > the« Yaths ubout seventyâ€"fve married members|congregation., Rev. Mr. Krauth was of his present pastorate of the Yatea) also called on to make ~a f@w reâ€" The Misses. Lillian and Emma Mackie of Guelph spent Good Friday with their parents here. PA Miss Flora Vietch of Toronto spent the holidays with her parents here. Mr. Alex Brohman of Kitchener spent Easter with his parents here. Mr. John Mahood of Elmira was a visitor with friends last week. music and special singing by a male light of the host and hostess to all spent Raster Sunday at his home quartett, & Indies‘ ‘duet and a pleasâ€"|\ who.in any way contributed o make | here. 4 ing. solb were much enjoyed by :all| the occasion so delightful. Rev, M. Presentation presént. A beautiful poem, composed| Week of Eiba offered the prayer.| On â€" Friday evening, â€"~April. "th, hmm-nu;:.mumm.nmw M:ommmâ€"- Alabama, N. Y., was by him. |of the groom, acted an chairman.| bars ‘of the Rvangelical ohurch gaâ€" / ‘Mhe address maudé by Reve. H.*C. m-mflmm-{'@-k‘qntï¬muwuï¬; SILVER WEDDING OF FORMER wWINTERBORNE the confmittee would Ainspect the bridge ‘at Ayr. which is reported to be in faulty condition. ‘The Council endorsed Oxrford county‘s resolution regarding amendments to the High way Improvement Act. Upon con sultation it was found that the proâ€" vincial highway nedr Gait had been in a state of bad repair on March 18, when an sutomobile accident was réâ€" ported there. ‘The county has been notified of damages to & motor car owned by Dr. Hugh Roberts. Tenders Opened. While the committée was in sesâ€" sion tenders for various improve ments on highways througbout the county were opened and several conâ€" tracts awarded. < These‘Rosd Superâ€" intendent Lichty anmounced afterâ€" wards. ‘Tenders for the Eimiraâ€"Woolwich township provincial county road (for a twoâ€"mile â€"length, 16 feet wide and seven inches in thickness) were as follows: Archibald,. ~Toronto, $2.49 Death of Former Resident. News has been received of the death in England of Mr. E. L. Galos a former resident of New Hamburg, who will be remembered by the oli: er residents. After leaving here in the early eighties he Hived in Guelph for a few years before returning to England. * per square yard; Hamilton Paving Co., $2.37; Martin Rimira, $2.22; Lichty. Bros., Wellesliey township, $2,04; McDonald Bros., $1.99; Bergâ€" man, Waterloo, $2.23. Lichty Bros. were awarded the contract. Boys‘ Band. The New Hamburg Band intent to start a boys‘ class and boys who wish to learn a band instrument should avaid themselves of this opâ€" portunity and apply at once to Mr. E. Loehr. They have a very efficient musician as teacher in Mr. Sehade. nesday evening and will doubtlessâ€" ly furnish excellent music at their open air concerts neXt summer. Miss Audrey Hahn, has accepted a position in the offices of the Waâ€" terlcoo Mutual Fire Insurance Comâ€" pany, Waterloo. * Fire Engine in Good Shape. The town council recently had an expert boiler inspector .here to exâ€" amine the local fire engine and he pronounced the engine in good shape with the"exception that the boiler flues needed expanding. This work was done by MF. Henry Kichler who also overhauled the engine. A test was made on Monday night and the engine gave entire satisfaction. With three streams going simultaneously the water was forced to a height of ninety feet. C Tenders for 800 : feet of 16â€"foot width, 28â€"inch thick, pavement from Mrs. Raiph Yoemans of Toronto visited at the home of her grandâ€" mother, Mrs. C. Defchert for a few days. Mrs, J. H. Borland returned to her home in Toronto on Tuesday after spending a few days with Mr. and New Hambure News wa « *# + Kxe# Preston road to Hespeler, haltâ€"mile, 16 feet wide, 7 inckes thick,. were: »Mertin, $2.38%; Lichty Bros., $2.45; Bergman, $2.23. . Bergman awardâ€" _ The sub committee for each line ‘o( sport will be appointed by the executive committee. A set of byâ€" ’un was drafted and adopted at the ;.eouu‘ Mr. Alvin. Forler has ‘been appointed delegate to W. F. A. ;mooun.‘ at Kitchener and team will be entered in the intermediate serâ€" ;\ie- of the W.F.A. Waterlas town north, Included :. Marâ€" tin, Kimir®, $2.23; â€"Lichty Bros., Welâ€" Tenders â€" for â€" pavement . through West Montrose â€"village, $00° square yards, 7 inches thick, were;‘ A. Fraâ€" ser; New Hamburg, $2.12%;. Martin, $2.23%; Lichty .Bros., $1.86.. Lichty Bros..awarded contract. Contracts fot=suburban area paveâ€" ments wereâ€"mot â€"let. Tenders were apened and contracts wili> be awardâ€" ed when the suburban aréa commisâ€" sion medts next week. Several conâ€" necting links in the pravement beâ€" twéen Kitchener and Bridgeport will There passed away at her home in town early on Wednesday mornâ€" ing, Mary Christner, widow of the late James: Hastings, at the age of 74 years and 29 days. She had been in failing health for some timé p\lt a paralytic stroke on â€"Tuesday has tened her end. The late Mrs. Hastâ€" ings was a lite long resident of this neighborhood. She was & daughter of the late Christian Christner and was born on the homestead, now owned by her brother, Mr. Enos Christner. For many years she reâ€" sided on a farm in North Easthope until the family moved to town. Her husband and one daughter preâ€" deceased her in death. There are left to mourn her departure ong daughter and three sons Miss Jenâ€" nie at home, Allan of Nelson, B.C. and Roy and Oliver of North Eastâ€" hope, besides several brothers and sisters. Bervices were held at the house at 2.30 o‘clock by Rev. Mr. Wells, pastor of Trinity Metho dist church, where the family wor ship and interment will take place in the Riversdale cometery. ed contract. Liickiag:: Viee Prés., L. Hostettler; Secrotary, C. K. Merner; Treasurer, C. .0. Kruspe; Executive Comâ€"R. C.Puddicombe, . A. H. Copmbs, ‘E. Ruchty, 8. C. Miller, O. A. Ritz. . the followitig prices: Schults, Kitchâ€" ener, $2.78; Fraser, New Hamburg, $2.22%; Martin, Elmira, $2.40; Bergâ€" man, Water108, 32.34. For the retaining wall at Bridgeâ€" port prices given were: Schults, Kitchener, $4,215; Fraser, New Hamâ€" burg, $2,030; Martin, Elmira, $2,680; Blackwel}, Toronto, $4,216.50;;Bergâ€" C oï¬ p PCPs E. PPO0R er, D. Becker, L. Habn. man, Waterloo $2,790. Ohio, and Mr. S. H. Baehr of Erte, Pa., spent several days at the home of the former‘s brother, Mr. W. H. At the Anglican week night meetâ€" ing held at the home of Mrs. R. B. Puddicombe, Mr. Oiven Hamilton deâ€" livered a most able address on the Britisk Church before Augustine. The merchants of New Hamburg bave again decided to close up their busindes every Wednesday after hnook ‘duriig<May, June, July, Augâ€" ust ‘dnd September® Death of Mrs. J. Hastings for a sewing machine), battery bell, switches, 9 extension plugs, 4 exten sion sockets, 8 twoâ€"way clusters, 76 kee tire pump, 2 office files, 3 cash drawers, 2 brass jardiniers, 2 wire electric soldering iron, 14â€"4uch clecâ€" file, auto horn, pr. leggings, lever, ball mitt, foldiig .camp‘ cot, electric iron, 8 extension sockets,â€"and numâ€" HOUSES, STORES AND APARTâ€" ments, producing from sight to ten per cent. net revénues to exchange R. D. Elsley general tuner, Toronto will be in town the early part of May. Those interested _ in their instruâ€" ments phone 57W. 16â€"1t. FOR SALE â€" 18 h.p. STEAM ENâ€" WANTED â€" SECOND HAND INCUâ€" ~bators. _ Apply Box 40, Chronicleâ€" Telegraph. 8t. 34 Frederick St. Phone‘ 222 lation of the, untiring efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Umbach in church work during their many years‘ residence in New Hamburg and regretting their removal from town. The adâ€" dress was accompanied by suitable gifts to Mr. and Mrs. Umbach and their daughter, Ruth. The evening was spent in recitations, songs and speeches, in which deep regret was expressed by everyone at the deâ€" parture of a family who have devotâ€" ed so much of their time to socia. and spiritual uplift in all walks of life. Mr. and Mrs. Umbach were very active in the various organiza> tiins of the church, especially in the missionary department. They: will reside in Naperville, IIl., and the good wishes of this community wo ‘with them. P Miss Mae Schnelochk of Toronto spent the weekâ€"ond with her grandâ€" mother, Mrs. J. Graff. Mr. Kenneth Marty of Toronto is spending his vacation with his parâ€" ents, (Dr.) and Mr. Marty. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Bowman of Kitchener spent several days Nothing To Equal Baby‘s Own Tablets Mrs. Georges Lefebyre, St. Zenon, Que., writes: "I do not think there e any other medicine 10 SGUM| ~W. W, FRIGKEY, AUCTIONEEN | EN: Baby‘s Own Tabilets for little one§.| apri1 29th Saturday at 1.30 p.m.â€"â€" ladder, t have used them for my baby 204| vaizapie household effects beiong. | 4949!® would use nothing else." What Mrs. ing to Tom Evan#, 77 Park 8t., beâ€" cow . ol Letebvre says thousands of â€" Otb€T â€"jweey Hospital and Mount Hope St. ging c mothers say. They have found bY| in ime City of Kitchemer. 100 . bu trial that the Tablets always do just whent, what is claimed for them. The Tabâ€"| April 22, Saturday, at 840 &. M~â€"} quapr lets are a mild but thorough laxative| Valuable household effects of 8. A4] ° y,,,, which regulate the bowels and)oiph at the Kitchener Market Bquare. wa;3 sweeten the stomach . and . thus banjth _ indigestion, . constipation,|_ APTH 26th, Wednesday â€"â€" Chatte! o;::." medicine dealers or by mall at 350| Dlemeénts at Josephburg. known as th==== x box from: The Dr. Williams‘ Mediâ€"|the Wegner Farm. , .. | 200 M cine Co., Brockville, Ontâ€"Advt. Wednesday, May 3rdâ€"Real Estate ' hold effects, belonging to Peter L.| Miles Y _ ‘The demand for Kellog®‘s WAX| ,__,. ), ins village of Baden. | |M¢® Baby‘s Own Tabiets for little ones. I have used them for my baby and would use nothing else." What Mrs. Lefebvre says thousands of other banish _ indigestion, . constipation, coldm, colle, etd. ‘They are.â€"sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 256 x box from The Dr. Williams‘ Mediâ€" eine Co., Brockville, Ontâ€"Advt. m IMK.“" wu' L 2t adans d cce o tite Corn Wiskes with the ‘Jungie | MaYer in the Vilage of land": book for children has already l m bech so reat and so far exceéded| _ W B. DVERING, At expectations, that _ the Kelloge|_ M#Y 13th, Saturdayâ€"1i Toasted Corn ‘Fiuke Co. of Toronto|!!d brick dwolling, belor find it Imposkible to take care or| John Albert Estate, 188 the orders recéived to date and at| in the city of Kitchener, the same time produce sufficient goods to get proper distribution in this locality. The first advertisement will appear in this paper next week. in Eastern and Western Canads. Let me tell you why.. Clayton B. Eby, Suilte.3, â€" Merchants Bank Building, Kitchener _A144f gine, Sawyerâ€"Massey. . Apply Box 7, Mannheim â€"Post office. 2t tions Limited, Waterloo. 3â€"243t GENERAL WANTS seamer, piece sleever, Lpply . Forsyth Producâ€" ed | â€" W. B. DVERING, AVCTIONEER gg | MayÂ¥ 13th, Saturdayâ€"1}%. storey #oâ€" io | 14 brick dwoiling, belonging to the or| John Albert‘ Retate, 188 Quen St. N ;!pï¬umn and Mrs. J plow. (These fimplements have nev. Counter, 2 Cash â€" en‘ been used.) : Good farm wagon,! Hoads, 1 Deer; L« Frost & ‘Wood binder 6 tt. cut in 18x3 Clock:~Ofice g008 running ‘order, 10 hoe seed Pl#, 2 Hot Water: drtit, disk, good stesl tire top bugey , CP0®", Cigar _ C ï¬a-w,ugonm.lm}“‘!"" # new doubletrees snd neckyokes, 24 new 1 and 3 in. by 16 it ping lumâ€" wood, 10 new grain bags, other good burs, lodding chains, forks, hoes and HARNESS â€"â€" Good heary single harness, 2 sets single harness (1 rubber mounted néarly new) 2 sets light hames ‘and traces, 2 good col robes (1 nearly new.) HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€" Five piece.mahogany parior sulte, 2 parâ€" lor tables, 2 hall racks, quarter cut oak sideboard, good as.new, extenâ€" sion table, 6 dining room chairs, easy chair, $ rocking chairs, 2 small rockers, new mantle clock, new Rayâ€" carpettand pads, large wax plant 8 ft. high and 3 ft. wide, quarter cut canned fruit, coal sifter, carpet strips and mats, gentleman‘s fur coat and many other articles. REAL ESTATEâ€"If not previously sold, a good 7 roomed frame house with new roof, eummer kitchen and woodshed, electric lights, good celâ€" lar, mever failing bardwater well, good frame barn, cement stabling for +two horses and driving shed. Electric lights in barn. This is a nice home. No reserve as Mr. Mayâ€" er is leaving for California. TERMEâ€"Terms of Real Estate will be made known on day of saie. Chatteisâ€"All sume of\tll.ofl and under cash, over that amount eight months‘ credit will be given sn apâ€" proved joint notes orâ€" 5 per cent. amounts. WALTER, W. FRICKEY, Auctionsér. cakâ€" dresser, 2 wooden bedsteads, springs and mattress, bed room sulte, double bed couch, 2 chamber sets, harmony Peninsular kitchen range, parlor cook heater, small ink, wash sink, small cupboard, kitâ€" chen chairs, washing machine and board, large milg caw, wash boiler, 4 fourgal, stone crocks, butter mould, lawn mower, hanging lamp, 3 iamps, some dishes, iron pots and Auctloneer, Phone 48, Watenioo. PETER‘ L. MAYER, s pans, graniteware, nickle tea kettle, hot point electric fron, bread box, a number of empty sealers, some WATCH â€"FOR â€" "JUNGLELAND NEXT WEEK. â€"â€" Auction Sale List Sof on credit _ Opunter‘ and Cigar Case bo od, Regulator Clock, 3 Osk W ‘Desks, Large Osk Hat Sthmd, ; DINING ROOM â€" 6 Dining Tablea 36â€"Dining Dining Clock, Sideboard, 4 & Large Osak Tablé 10‘ ft" long â€"FURNISHED SEpROOMS 30 Furnished bedrootis, $0 Sh ectric Fan, 6 dos. Knives and Spoons, 6 dos. Plates 6: dos.. and Saucers, 6 dos.â€"small Plater a lot of other Dishes, 3 Wheelbarrow and a PUBLIC. SAL Scales, 3 Smail Scaiesa, 10 dos, ers, Laundry Stove, Klectric 1 Kitchen Utensils. MISCELLANEOUS J. W. DAVEY, Aunctloneer. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, â€" at the hour of 1 p.m., the followi# goods and chattels, vis: a 4 horses, 3 cows with calf at sidf 1.cow, 3 yearling bulls, 4: yeartht heifers, 1 sow, about 30 chickef pair ducks, 2 plows, harrow, Brét ford mower, cultivator, Noxon drill, .scuffier, . cutter, 2 'A KITGHNEN 48 N Guernsey Range, 4 Kitchen tables, 1 doz. kitchen Chairs, Mangler, Ioa Under power of a Chattel gage there will be sold by Auction at Josephburg, in the ship of Wilmot, on the farm . as the Wagner farm, Lot 6 cession 3, Township of Wilmot, 200 ACRE FORM FOR TO RENT theâ€" township of Wellesiey, sold cheap and on easy tefi payment, or rentad for the #@ 1922 for grazing purposes o8 On the property there is bank barn a8d=straw % orchsrd and sthail bouse. Th farm is in grass and the . fences are in good repair. _ Fot further particulats #70, Preston. At We N. Kellerman, cun. N. Kellerman, Clork. double harness, set single har cow . chains, forks and shovels, WALTER W. FRICKEY, A Phone 48, Waterfoc. CHAS. HUBER, Ballitt. The Rennic farm, situ miles west of 8t. Clements democrat wagon, sicigh, woéd neckyokes, . doubletrees, cro saw, hay rack, gravel box, M Harris rake, McCormick ~ b disk, Chatham fanning mill bagger, Renfrew scale, scoop ¢ whent, 2 bags peas, bag: of quantity of hay. Oak Counter, 83 ft.: Of Valuable