:'{flu funcral of the late George P. *lfl. whose untimely death took at «he | IK.W. hospital _ last L» l@y afternoon, was held on ) afternoon from his late real ige, 155 Lancaster street east, to Hope cemetery where inter: & was made. _ The obsequies " e vyery largely attended, includ: welatives and friends from variâ€" Pm of western Ontario. _ The m of Phoenix Lodge, K. of P., in a body, nearly two hun m and all entered into ~@n ns with animation. Â¥/ E. D. Heist occupied the chair Those present were resolved into Wfhmittee of the whole to more y deal with the business. he members committed themselâ€" to the principle of absolute proâ€" tion of alcoholic beverages and 1 up the ideal of a more stringâ€" enforcement of the law. They ) resolved to petition the governâ€" it to include native wines in the eategory as other liquors. %u also decided to send a resoâ€" to the Dominion Government the voice of the people so beard at the polis by prohibitâ€" h manpufacture, importation, )*"transportation _ of _ alcoholic iks to be made and sent into a p" community, the purpose of hibjtion is defeated. ésolutions commending Attorney M Raney for his support of the ‘mnd to Premier Drury for his e that the act would not in y be weakened by his governâ€" t were also drawn up. Premier oil truck while proâ€" UI" up William street, between g.and Caroline streets, Water Saturday morning broke through pavement and sank to the hubs. truck was near the curb at the & end as a resulit part of the Mimg went along with it. ‘eonversation with tha Chronicle Bgraph today, Charles Moogk, l.!loo town engineer, stated that Â¥@$ due to a washâ€"out that the rete gave way while the heavilyâ€" m truck passed over. neral of Late George P. Ziegler _ Largely Attended fl Guides Organized Two â€" Companies NeR F'im held in St. Andrew‘s & Tuesday . was one _ of the enthusiastic held in the city Forme time. . Representatives present from all the different ‘For Absolute ivy Truck Goes a hrough Pavement _| ; On William Street! ) girle were then divided, . the Over 12 years old forming comâ€" No. 1, to be known as the Easâ€" > ‘Temperance _ Association ~Arnold ‘â€" Jansen en the Girl Guides of the city or their organization meeting $ YÂ¥.W.C.A. on Wednesday afâ€" )n it was found that there #o many on hand, anxious to e members, that it would be gary to form companies instead e. Out of seventyâ€"two girls Ad registered, sixtyâ€"seven ware ily ‘Company, and the younger fotmming company No. %2, the t~Wily Company. tols were â€" formed, five to a hy and éight girls to a patrol flm leaders and corporâ€" ‘ emcoh patrol elected. The honot" and the ‘color parâ€" also chosen. Each patrol on the emblem and motto M# patrol, the patrols of the "Lily Company taking the wild flowers. hibition of coholic Beverages ing the cortege from to the cemetery. qhalmntmu ut "In different part of at the Market of the Waterloo "trk i d the A PRIVATE BILL extending Trust Company Powers to The . Waterioo County Loan and Savings Company, and providing !so for a change in the Compuny‘s ~sa..e, w ° passed by the Private Bills Committee of the Ontario Legislature at their meeting not go into effect until the final sign ing of the Bill â€"t the end of the Sesâ€" With the extensive business which the Company has developed in recent years showing Assets of nearly three million and a substantial » paid up Capital and Surplus of over eight hundred thousand dollars _quite a substantial volume of Trustee and Agency work, should in time, be deâ€" veloped. "On account of the increasing la bor required in the supervision of an estates, requiring a knowledge of the provisions of the Succession Duties Act, Income Tax Act, and other i> gal points, the practice of appointt ing a Trust Company as executors of one‘s estate is a growing one, and bears promise of becoming _ much more extensive in the future. It is rumored that two or three more influentis business men will shortly be added to the Board, and that a special Committee of the Dirâ€" ectors will give attention to the Trustee work of the Company. Arrangements are also being made to establish & branch of the Com:â€" pany‘s business in the City of Galt. Miss Ruth Bechtel, wellâ€"known reader and elocutionist, has been apâ€" pointed directress of the Story Hour Department which is to be inaugurâ€" ated in the Waterloo Public Library. This action was taken at the Board meeting held on Monday evening, when Miss Bechtel‘s application for the position was given consideration. Her duties will commence on the first Saturday morning in April, the "Story Hour" being _ set for 10 o‘clock. Waterloo Library Board Inaugurates Story Hour Having decided to initiate the thought, always recelving his best Story Hour a lengthy discussion sucâ€"‘and most loving care ,and to whom ceeded as to the method to be adopâ€" § the sincere sympathy of the whole ted that would make the meetings community will be extended in their the greatest possible success. _ It bereavement. was finally decided that the children _ Mrs. Herbert M. Snyder was the should meet in the â€" Library Hall hostess of a charmingly arranged where there would be an abundance | bridge Of three tables at her pretty of air and light. _ It was _ thought home last Saturday afternoon, which necessary to limit the attendance as | *** tovely with Spring flowers, ferus the hall would by no means accomâ€" and pussy willows, most sriisticaliy arranged. At the Tea Hour other modate the number that would atâ€" tend if the meetings were thrown‘mesu pame in when ie Mofles® § | presided over the prettily decorated open to all the children of the town | tea table centred with roses, from at once. The Board finally decided | whjen Mrs. Frank Hodgins and Miss to leave the selection of the _ cl@ss | potty Kershaw of Windsor served with the Principal _ of the Publlc"h, daintiest of â€" refreshments, and School, Mr. B. B. Playford, and be | Mrs. W. H. Breithaupt, Mrs. Piper has consented to act in collaboration and Mrs. P. Heeney, the lucky prizeâ€" with Miss Bechtel in choosing the | winners, found themselves the happy apecial grades that will be invited to possessors of fragrant boquets of the different meetings. ‘ violets. It is understood that al! the youngâ€" er children will be entertained _ in succession but the different grades will not tmneet on the same day. The invitation will be extended to the childrer of the Public School and also of the Separate School conductâ€" ed by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Splendid Work Was Done By Local Council Officers Elected. The report of the Nominating Committee was accepted in its en: tirely and the officers for the new year are as follows: Pres.â€"Mrs. 8. C. Twoed. 1st Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Mrs. G. B. McLenâ€" "The Waterioo Trust and Savings ompany" will be the new name for 2nd Vlccâ€"PlPao:â€")lrl, R. D. Lang. 3rd Viceâ€" â€"Mrs. W. Motz. 4th Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Mrs. G. Wegenast. Rec. Secy.â€"Miss Olive Snyder. Cor. Secy.â€"Mrs. C. W. Snider. ‘Treas.â€"Mrs. F. Routley. Convenorsâ€" Public Healithâ€"(Kitohener)â€"Miss Public Health (Waterloo)~Mrs. F. of Mr. J. Heveron, Waterloo, wil} be pleased to learn that she is recover> ing nicely from are cent operation. mmmdh(l-v.)‘câ€".-mulh-w H. L. Bennie of Uxbridge, daughter‘ Manager and his wife by Mr.â€"C. M. Mr. and Mre. August .Lang: and Miss Kathleen Lang left Monday for Bermuda where they will spent a George C. H. Lang are spending the week in Detroit. Messrs. 0. Vogt and H. O. Weichâ€" el of Elmira spent yesterday in Waâ€" avenue, left on Monday for Toronto where she will begin her nurse‘s training in the sick children‘s hos Miss N. Scott, Young street, left today for Toronto where she will be the guest of relatives for several months. Mr. Wilfrid Dippel of Walkerton is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Habn. Mesdames Milligan and Gannon of St. Catharines are guests at the home of the former‘s mother, Mrs. Thompson, Theresa Street, at presâ€" ent. that Alvin E. Knarr has returned to A highly esteemed and well belovâ€" ed member of a large circle of rela tives and friends passed peacefully away last Sunday afternoon, in the person of Mr. William Roos of "Bon Accord", Queen North Kitchener, whose death brought sorrow and reâ€" gret to many hearts. None who knew him will ever forget his bright cheerful personality and kindness of heart and hand. Mrs. Heldman of Burlington was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Heldman, Francis Street North. after having undergone a serious During his long and active career‘ in Kitchener, Mr. Roos proved himâ€" self a most public spirited citizen, devoting himself with tireless energy to promoting everything that could be of benefit to the citizens as a whole, besides proving himself a tower of strength in his most sucâ€" cessful direction of the affairs of the wholesale grocery business of Ranâ€" dall & Roos. Mr. Roos will be most missed, however, in his beautiful home and surroundings where he loved best to be and where his deâ€" voted wife and family were his chief thought, always recelving his best and most loving care ,and to whom Mrs' Herbel’l M. Snyder was thg RUER OOM MIRINCED, PZCCUDPRCIEC u" hostess of a charmingly â€" arranged MIS. Mitchell. * bridge of three tables at her pretty| Miss Emma Hurst of Waterloo is home last Saturday afternoon, vhlch! spending the weekâ€"end at her home | was lovely with Spring flowers, ferns| in Bresiau. | and pussy willows, most nrtistlcally\ ton Street Baptist church, is spendâ€"| arranged. At the Tea Hour omer'1 ing a short holiday in Buffalo at | guests came in, when the hostess present. | presided over the prettily decoratedl‘ Mrs. W. Bluhm, 165 Weber St. is tea table centred with roses, from, visiting at the home of her sister, | which Mrs. Frank Hodgins and Mlss‘ Mrs. Markle, of Hamilton. Dotty Kershaw of Windsor served The many friends of Mrs. Mâ€" the daintiest of refreshments, a.nd‘ Wunder, Queen Street North, will be Mrs. W. H. Breithaupt, Mrs. Piper| pleased to learn that she has returnâ€" and Mrs. P. Heeney, the lucky pr!zcâ€"’ ec to her home after spending some‘ winners, found themselves the happy ‘ weeks as a patient at the K. and W. possessors of fragrant boquets of| Hospital. ' violets. | _Mr. Louis V. Lang of the Faculty | Miss Charlotts Valentine of the Toronto University was a weekâ€"end visitor at the home of ber paronis, Mr .and Mrs. James Valentine, Park avenue The Town of Fergus has adopted the Gladiolus as its floral emIlem. Fergus has an eye to beauty, and could not have chosen better than this beautiful specimen which has variety enough to sult the most fas: tidious. Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Ruby _ reâ€" turned last Tuesday afternoon from a much enjoyed hcilday trip of six weeks spent in Bermuda, with short visits en rou and Welland Maple syrup, which made its first appearance at the Waterico market last Saturday, sellling at $3.00 per gallon, apparently was not satisfied with such a high price .and _ this morning was included on the missing list. There was a large attendance at the market, both of purchasers and vendors, the latter with large supplies of vegetables, meat and dairy produce. _ Eggs sold at 25 to 28 cents per dozen compared with 30 and 32 cents per dos. a week . ago. Butter and cream remained steady, butter selling at 40¢. a 1b. and cream at. 230 and 25 cents a pint. There rv- a good suppl, of pork. A tow Education (Waterloo) â€"Mrs McKeracher. Lawsâ€"Mrs. W. P. Clement. Citizenship â€" Mrs. (Dr.) Noecker. Films and tureâ€"Mrs. A a guest at WATERLOG MARKET ro Objectionable Literaâ€" R Kaufman. W. P. Clement. â€"â€" Mre. (Dr) C. T were sold, potaâ€" p. A | Late Wm. Roos Laid I to Rest on Tuesday {Bowman on behalf of the staff, with T â€"*â€"««« 4 I.mmamuu It was a big night at the Mutual Ruby, to which Mr. Ruby responded | Lire on Tuesday.»It was the occasion in his characteristically happy manâ€" ner, giving a fine déscription of their ‘very beneficial sojourn in Bermuda, with charming picture card iustra tions of the various beauty spots and other attractions on these islands. L lus-uho(mpnmmm a popular visitor in Kitchener for some weeks, with Miss Maude Henâ€" absence in the Bermudas and Kasâ€" to know that he has returned much improved in health. ' . Mr. and Mrs. August Lang, acâ€" companied by Miss Kathieen Lang, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. H. Lang left last Monday on a trip to Bermuda. Mrs. Geo. C. H. Lang and Mrs. Reinhold Lang are visitors in De troit this week. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin for all comfort and consolation in their beâ€" reavement occasioned by the death of his mother at London, Ont. last Tuesday. Mrs. Martin has indeed been a true and faithful helpmate to her husband, Rev. W. H. Martin, in her community, her Church and her home, and her life and influence will ever be cherished as a blessed and hallowed memory, not only by her husband and family but by a large circle of friends here and elsewhere. Mrs. A. B. McBride has returned to Waterloo after a beneficial holiâ€" day of several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Middleton, Clinâ€" ton, Ont. Mrs. John Mains of‘ Torontd, a Past Grand*‘Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, is visiting in Kitâ€" chener at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hallman, Frederick Street. Premier Martin, accompanied by his brother, Dr. Beattie Martin, also of Regina, and Mr. and Mrs J. A. Martin of Kitchener are amongst the outâ€"ofâ€"town members of the family in attendance at the funeral which is being held in London toâ€"day, with interment at Mount Forest on Sunâ€" day afternoon, March 26th, at 2.30 Miss â€" Olive Smoke, Brantford, spent the weelkcend with Mr.‘ and Mrs. Percy Fromm, Albert street, Mr. Wm. E. Mitchell of The Mitâ€" chell Button Co. has left for New York <on business, accompanied by Mrs. Mitchell. â€" The many friends of Mrs. P. Gies will be pleased to learn that she is recovering nicely after sustaining a sprained wrist, last Saturgay evenâ€" ing. The many friends of Mrs. Mâ€" Wunder, Queen Street North, will be pleased to learn that she has returnâ€" ec to her homeafter spending some weeks as a patient at the K. and W. Hospital. Mr. Louis V. Lang of the Faculty of Medicine, Toronto University, was a weekâ€"end visitor at his home here. Mr. Harold Lippert of St. Michâ€" mel‘s College, Toronto, spent. over Bunday at his home here. Mrs. J. Jaeger and Mrs. J . H. Roedding of Kitchener returned last week after spending several weeks with relatives in Rochester and Buffalo. The funeral of the late William Roos, who passed away on Sunday morning, was held on Tuesday afterâ€" noon from the residence, "Bon Acâ€" cord," 116 Queen Street North. A large number of friends of the de ceased from the district and from outside points were present to pay their last respects and numerous beautiful floral tributes added their mute testimony of the high esteem in which the late Mr. Roos was held by all who knew him. Mrs. Sinclair of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end with Miss 8| A. Bush, 84 Frederick Street. The following acted as honorary pallâ€"bearers: Judge Chisholm, John Fennell, L. J. Breithaupt, J. Mc Donald Dunn, J. H. Stockton and Jullus Roos, while the pallâ€"bearers were: Irvine Roos, H. J. Sims, T. A. Mackay, Thos. Hepburn, E. G. Darâ€" idson and George Roos. residence by Rev. G.. B, McLennan, The wives of members of the staftf also were guests for the evening and as a‘result the spacious new essemâ€" bly hall was comfortably filled. The of the annua) meeting and dinner of the Athletic Association and all promptly at 6 o‘clock and suffice it fully lived up to its traditional repuâ€" tation. _ Interspersed . with . the courses lively sing songs tended to exhilarate the proceédings. On comâ€" pletion of the supper Mr. C. M. Bowmasn in a felicitous speech welâ€" comed back the general manager, his wife fromâ€" a trip to Bermuda in time to participate in the festivities. Mrs. Ruby was made the recipient of a lovely bouquet of sweet peas at this juncture. Mr. Ruby, in replying, spoke at length of his holiday in Berâ€" muda, declared that it had been very beneficial from the viewpoint of health and went on to describe in detail life in that small island. His address was very interesting and inâ€" structive.â€"Then followed the reading of the association‘s . paper, "The Mutual Mutterings," by Karl Ziegler, which produced many a | hearty laugh and brought to a close this part of the programme. Officers Elected. After the wives had retired for cards to adjoining rooms the regular business meeting took place. The reports of the various committees were given detailing the activities of the Mutual Life Athletic Association in different fields during the past year. A full programme of basketâ€" ball, tennis, bowling, softball and hockey was carried through last year and the enthusiasm shown last night augurs well for continued sucâ€" cess in athletic endeavors. Several amendments to the constitution were proposed and adopted after which the election of officers for the comâ€" ing year was held. The result of the balloting was as follows: Honorary presidentâ€"Chas. Ruby. Presidentâ€"J. M. Laing. Viceâ€"presidentâ€"H .M. Cook. Secretaryâ€"A. Peebles. Treasurerâ€"F. B. Keachia. Auditorâ€"Joe Fischer. Athletic committeeâ€"Miss G. Moyâ€" ers, Miss M. Rohleder, Miss L. South, Mr. &. W. Geddes, Mr. A. E. Pequegnat and Mr. G. M. Fisher and everyone joined in a jolly dance for the remainder of the evening. On the whole the event was a deâ€" cided success as everyone declared before they finally and regretfully departed. Fefreshment committeeâ€"Miss E. McGinnis, Miss Grace Jones, Miss Rose Lockie, Mr. K. Q. Gordon, Mr K. Ziegler and Mrs. H. Wagner. A Toronto paper of recent | date contains the following accounts of the activities of Dr. Fred W. Routley brother of F. S. Routley of this city. Following the annual meeting, chairs anad tables â€" were removed ‘The Canadian Division of the Red Cross Society has appointed as dirâ€" ector of the work within the Provinâ€" ce, â€" Dr. Fred _ W. Routley _ of Maple, _ Ontario. Dr. â€" Loutley is already installed in office at the headquarters _ of the division, 410 Sherbourne street, Doctor _ Routley graduated in medicine from the Untâ€" versity of Toronto in 1907, and has had an extensive general practice at Maple, Ontario, for thirteen years. He is a brother of Doctor T. C. Routâ€" ley organizing secretary of the Onâ€" tario Medical Association. Doctor Fred Routley has been active in medâ€" ical circles, having been largely inâ€" strumental in organizing York Coun: ty Medical Society, of which he held the office of president for six years; and he has also served on the generâ€" al purposes committee of the Ontarâ€" to Medical Association. _ As a fellow of the Academy of Medicine in Tor: onto, he has kept in touch with the latest developments in medical science. £#* If Directs Red Cross Work in Province ‘The Court of Revision which sat at the City Hall on Tuesday after vour to hear complaints against asâ€" sessment were given a busy session. Aside from the usual individual comâ€" plaints and enguiries several large deputations were present from varâ€" lous parts of the city where comâ€" plaints of a more general nature. The Court is composed ‘of Sheriff Lackâ€" mer and Messrs. Chas, Cowan and Many Appear Before : Court of Revision Death removed one of _ London‘s most illustrious women Tuesday at noon in the person of Mrs. Christina Martin, wife of Rev. W. M. Martin, of 268 Ridout street south, and mother of â€" Premier William M. Martin, K.C., of Saskatchewan. Mrs. Martin was suffering from influenza and had only been ill three days. She is survived by three sons: Premier W. M. Martin, Dr. B. Martin of Regina, J. A. Martin, manager of the Dominion Tire Company of this city. She is also survived by one brother, Dr. Jamieson, M.P., and two daughters. CHAS. HERBERT HENRY The death occurred late Wednesâ€" day evening of Charles â€" Herbert Henry, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry, 45 Erb street, Watâ€" erloo. The child who was one year soven months and three days old, succumbed to pmneumonia following a brief ilIness. ‘The funeral was held _ from _ the house on Friday afternoon. Services was _ conducted _ by _ Rev. 8. E. Schrader at the house after which interment _ was made at . Mount Hope cemetery. The parents have the sincere sympathy of friends and relatives in their sad bereavement. CLINEâ€"RADDATZ Zion Evangelical parsonage wias the scene of an interesting event Wednesday afternoon _ when _ Miss Pearl B., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Raddatz, 111 Wilmot stree:, became the bride of Arthur B. Cline, Victoria street. Rev. J. P. Hauck, pastor of the church officiated. .e young people were unattended. Aâ€" ter the ceremony they left on a wedâ€" ding\trlp to Toronto. On the‘r reâ€" turn‘they will take up their rosiâ€" dence in this city. 112248 . ht M h 1. MB , o uh. o mA io t t dence in this city. JOHN WALTERS â€"___â€"_â€"â€" ' ‘The death occurred at the family GILBERT WITTER residence 85 St. George Street at an ‘The death occurred in Tavistock early _ hour . Monday _ of John Friday of Gilbert, the only son| Waiters, a weliâ€"known manufacturer of Clayton Witter, Water Street | of Kitchener. South. ‘ The deceased, who was in his 57th ‘The deceased was exactly nine year, has resided in this city for the years old, Friday being his birth past 10 years where he has been day. He was a bright boy and a actively engaged in the manufacture general favorite. with his . small : of wood fibre products. "companions. | Recently he :m from a sevâ€" . The funeral was held on Monâ€"| ere attack of influensza which, with day at 2.80 o‘clock from the home heart complications, was the cause wE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE ADâ€" VERTISED OR MONEY REFUNDED CHEERFULLY If you cann it come to see these Special Bargains write or goods on approval. We will send these goods prepaid on trial fo factory mail us money order; if not send the goods back. Try satisfied. B || & c Waterico‘s Greatest w a 0- Bargair. House MRS. CHRISTINA MARTIN Special clearing lot of 30 and $6â€"inch Cretonne; regular up to 90¢ yard. A%a~ Beautiful Chamoisette Gloves, browns, grey, heather,â€" mode;â€"regularâ€"up toâ€" $1.50. ~Q0 24 35 all white Voile Waists, pretty designs; nicely trimmed. Regular up to $1.25. 98 Nifty Gingham Tea Aprons, trimmed with ricâ€"rac braid; beautiful pockets. 69 Eegular $100 _l....l.s.lll Adviirrus C Regular $1.00 Beautiful assortment, all sizes, 14 to 17%. Regular up to $2.25. Special ....rrill stksrrrsssrries $1.39 Your choice of any of our High class New Hats ..........}668}>> We have some real bargains in Suits as we are clc them over as we can save you money. Come, look them OBITUARY WHITE VOILE WAISTS GOODS, NO CURTAIN SCRIM MEN‘S SHIRTS EXTRA CRETONNE GLOVES APRONS # 490M &\ vices will be conducted by Rev. A. a ‘ D. Gischler. t e ABs s a OK s ABEL /:A WE CAREY A FU LL LINE OF â€"~~ MEN‘S and BOYS‘ SUITS A quiet wedding was solemnized at Zion Evangelical parsonage on the afternoon of Saturday 18th, when Miss Eva Breimer, Blucher St., became the bride of Fred L. Sipes, Peter street. The young people were unattended. Rev. J. P. Hauch offiâ€" ciated. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Sipes left on a wedding trip to Detroit, taking with them the best wishes of their many Kitchener friends. The death occurred a‘ 186 Queen street North Tuesday morning of Mrs. John Albert, a wellâ€"known resiâ€" dent of this cl'!. The deceased had beén ill only a short time and the news of her death will come as a shock to her many friends. Mrs. Albert was born in Germany 78 years ago and at an early age came to Canada and took up her residence in . Bridgeport, where she resided until about 20 years ago when she removed to Kitchener. During her residence in Bridgeport her husband, who predeceased her by about 23 years, was the proprieâ€" tor of the Bridge hotel, and the famâ€" ily was well known throughout the surrounding district. Mrs. Albert was a member of St. Peter‘s Lutheran church. She is sur vived by five daughters, Mesdames F. Kalbflelsch, Stratford; R. Weber, H. Bricker, H. Heiman, and H. J. Dotzenroth, all of this city. Anâ€" other daughter predeceased ber by some year. Thef uneral was _ held _ from her late residence, 186 Queen â€" street morth, on Friday afternoon with a later service in St. Peter‘s church. Interment _ was ) ade in _ Bridgeâ€" port Lutheran eemetery. MILLINERY ~ $5.95 [ SIPESâ€"BREIMER Your choice of our mediumâ€"priced HAtB ......... ke+k «8886 6 + * + ++ > it heas VOILE P n t s mt "rnipiits ooo " and 75c quality for .. quality. Regular 60c and #0e........ / & ‘COTTONS i â€"â€" aate Bleached or unbleached, 36 inches wide; good GINGHAMS i Big assortment, all colors, small and checks. ~ Regular up to 40¢. ~~*~~ iuiuty Regular 25c Special, yard ....... Colors in green, black, grey and brown, all sizes; new stock. Regular up to $1.25. 79 Epecisl .......s. cssccliselle. s AWUG Black only, go&d and strong. Regular 35¢c.. Sizes 9% to 11. Special, 4 Pairs for .............+ 51.00 closing out same. It will pay you to look m over and be convinced. write or phone for samples or i trial for three days. If satisâ€" k. Try us onceâ€"you will be MEN‘S SOCKS +5 BOYS‘ CAPS ORGANDY He is survived besides his wife by* two daughters, Mrs. W. R. Arkellâ€" of Detroit and Miss Ethel at homg,, and by two sons, John at home, and Edward, Shanley Street Kitchener. The funeral _ was held on Wedâ€" nesday afternoon. _ % with whom he came in contact and the news of his death will be & severe shock to his many friends.. , After a brief illness, Mr. George Dean, 151 Elgin street, passed away Sunday at noon. _ Mr. Dean was over 64 years of age but up till & week ago he was employed regu= larly by the Canadian Consolidated Felt Company. He was strickem with pneumonia and after a week‘s battle, passed away peacefully at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Woolner. Mrs. Woolner was the only living relative of the deceased. Mr. Degn had been predeceased by his wife by just ten weeks. He was born im Guelph and later lived in New Dun»â€" dee, coming to Kitchener 15 years ago. For 18 years he had been & regular and painstaking worker at. the C. C. Felt Company‘s works. He was esteemed highly by his fellow workers and his employersâ€" ysk In an intéresting and instractive address on famine conditions in §o#â€" iet Russia, at the Waterloo Labor Hall Sunday afternoon, Missâ€"R. + hay told of the. horrible in the famine affected areas of Ru sia, ‘The lecture which â€"was attended was held under és of the Waterige Labor Club. . Famine Conditions â€" In Soviet Russia Outlined in Addresgsg W#TERLOO | Bushel boxes delivered by exâ€" press. Grown in â€" Wilmot Township. SPECIALS Per Box A. R. G. SMITH, R. R. No. i New Hambur3 Limited Quantity GOOD SPYS MR. GEORGE DEAN $2.98