hh, Don’t tbrget the gate, Friday eve l vere accident last Saturday morn. Bt pe "b.3rd.at 8o'cloclcNsd meetiing, While going from the barn! 319.130 rest In the Heldelburg tschool ‘ to the hohse she slipped on the ice 1 il a B' . Bee and witness the m‘nyraud broke her leg. I la u ‘ laughs ot the dialogue--"" ll Mr. Robert Holmwood has ditsporr xi_ It. President." and ot the “fried of his farm and is moving Into: . " S1ich From Punkln Crlck. Althe village in the house helonglngl . , r can of‘amateurs playing theâ€,0 Mrs. Glennie l " - roles trt both. Everyone of} 1 Sh w. knows how to entertain. There) It is reported that Mr, Pe""' 5.. _ a†piano and vocal selections.: Martin has sold his farm and iPtsar l lik) for the very small admission of lug a Bale of implements shortly. _ g ' A!†adults. and 15c for children. Business visitors to Kitchener on! 13' - one and all and bring all Saturday were Messrs. John Durvl . ' a. Manda. Friday evening, Penman!" Orvel Sulder. Arthur Lee‘ E: bd, at 3 o‘clock at the Heidelburg Btlgtt Landon and James Burnett; a. we]. l Mr, William Veltch ls gathering‘ J: F m misses Eva and [nu Dusteufthe cream for the Elmira Creamery , d Sarah spent the week with Mrdowing to the roads being lmpeug '. kl In. A. U. Weber, ‘able for the truck. l AIL Chn. Trow of Buffalo and Mr, _ Mrs. Menno Shoemaker of he“; x m Frickey. or Rochester, Spem‘Lllmwel and her son Norman aud) well this with their mother. Who‘ lug wife trom the Northwest were; and been on the sick "at ivisikrs at the home of Mr. and) S. filut 1nd Mrs. John Hahn and, Mrs, Arch, Shoemaker lut Friday.) i 'atrlr of St. Jacobs were visiting Miss Mabel Snider of a Kitchener. .' 'tttat m our burg on Sunday. ‘Bunlnau College spent the weekend‘ A, Mr. and Mn. Frank Ball and $011.:at her home here. i g,','."),,',','."""' with Mr. '"1 Mr, Charlie Smith and Min Mag.‘ wir, Hamlltnn :nont Saturdnv In '2ttpl, t. Hunt Bickle who is attending " “min-r: at Waterloo visited 2. _.hu pmnu over the weekend. r' It ' Mrs. Milford Poll omtras- i,'.irik' visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. Eli! on Sindhi h?! been (fur. 1nd 1Ҡof m In , It. “a SKI". Williams of Hamburg is via» 'ttsq her ulster Mrs. Austen Swine: ' If: ‘vlr. John Rector of Markham. Ont. vumu u tho home of Mr, and ihi o. BurMto1darr, {In Petey byte of Markham and .tr. key of Anion werr- Sunday '* of I!" Abbla Detwaner, lin. Anon Burkholder who had ' itarirtg at the home of her son . O. Burkholder ls leaving on _ y for her horns In Stout! Pe' J"ottt. i ----__-F_ -'-------, "it. Wand." Clemens. who had WILMOT TOWNSHIP COUNCIL , I. _ t k of " rf C,',':, :33?“ at ac Pursuant to Salute, Wilmot Town "Ur Ar; 'ill:.' 'iii,, the victim 3 'ship Comm! met ttt the Town-bl in India; ucldenl on Saturday I :3; “NHL on Mend-y. Jlnunry s T . Illdod with another and“; 'i'",',',',',',",', summed new} “WIN" all Dre-ant. who, hum . tnttrrt" 'tttttttt thrs Inca, ( nude Ind oubccrlbed their rupectlv “I: . [an Knmp spent t,he week. l, dad-minus ot qrmlit1catiot" an n Mt. For.» otnee, formed for the (nu-action c , F . P. Coho! of Heupolcr t111ttd busing“, jug“ at the local M, B. C. Commutation: were rut! 'trm "an V1910! much at Plum m- h will Mr. all Mrs. N. Snyqler on r. I. not: mad with n1.- h “an on Saturday. "ferr autumn is unending - Jtttt MI pronto 1n Kitch- 'tpr? sud-y. "itpe. I. M. editor of the "Em m." spent the week-end In tur, W mg very Important W __ om. hunts Hilbert: who has 9! the public school near on open the weekend at her ohnmuon service was held m P. B. church Sand-y morning, L s. Ewart: ot Kitchener occupy- “ Wilm- r. And Mrs. H. G. Mlstele and [but of Waterloo. spent Salur with Mr. and Mrs. A N. Weber Ilia-awn Pun- it.r,','l11e'."=di"'ll'll Fit-lawmanoubuk ,mlb cteorttedonthur M b no order or the day. NI. m Ochoa! tench" Sun " it. W of Mr. and Mn HEIDELBURG h'J‘rqudllnnl "et-otttt.ct-tta - m Mr. M no In.» at! Mr. lo- -tumrmtd-ttbtm- -tt.aeMr.amd In R. IIHVILLE BRESLAU {luv-â€gusset“ - "’" murmur-um - â€.QWKUIOMU “be. I Mr. John Durant tttta mm " 1 Mamie Good rehresented Kitchener op"'" to Mr, Ben Millard and “swine atrirmuivis, and Messrs. I bought the Ramsan tarm nem- Guel- _ Brown and Williams, Gull, an the [ ph. He is busy moving at present. j negative.’ Al"' 'tsd-, In rendering . Mrs. Bett Millard met with a '"Ttheir decision and that from the ’e‘nere accident last Saturday morn- ‘very nuure or the tnrtrteet it w“ etling, While coins from the barn ‘one that was Extremely difficult to “its the 1soae she slipped on the Ice Brave. sad that while the aftirma. ty I and broke her leg. 'tive Ind the advantage both as to 1i Mr: Robert Holmwood has ditspors- the hamt,isr of points made an well Beale. Indra Dtterug, 'wu Beuu man. of mucus} upon! the week-end m be: plum: Mr. and Mn. it Dickie. Mr. Hilbert: ot Pro-ton. ad out." Ipent the wash end with their aunt Mrs. I. Hilboni. Mum. Grant and Ernest Gins- riey spent Sunday It their home In Blair. Mr. Norman Cross is visiting his Mush-J! visited with relative in Galt last week, Mr. Sun Bohr. visited with his brother Mr. Henry Bohr of New Hamburg lust Friday, Mr. Harvey Hartman is visiting his parents in Kitchener. Mr Wilfrid Koch and two of his friends of Kitchener were around here for a Guy's sport on Saturday. catching two rabbits between the (ttarert ot them. Mr, and Mrs, James Mitchell has returned to their home hero after lnpendlng a few weeks in Detroit with her daughter. Mrs. Norman Wright. Mr. Ben). .Snyder visited with rel-Liven in Toronto luv. week. Mr. Robert Holmwood has ditspots- ed of his farm and is movlng Into: the village In the house belonging; to Mrs. Glennie I Business visitors to Kitchener onl Saturday were Messrs. John Dunn} rant, Orvel Snider. Arthur Lee‘ Hugh Langdon and James Burns“; Purlunm to Salute, Wilmot Town, ship Conncl met ttt the Township l Hall, Baden, on Monday. January 9, 11922 Mr. William Valle!) ls gathering the cream {or the Elmira Creamery owing to the roads being impeuA able for the truck. Miss Mabel Snider of a Kitchener Business College spent the weektnd at her home here. Mr. Charlie Smith and Min Mug- gie Hamilton spent Saturday in Guel, ph. Mr. William Snider of West Mottt. rmw lost ODE of - jut harm which Ml on the ire Ind broke Ila leg. Mrs. Howlett of Walt Montrone went I few days with her ding!!!" Mrs. Ann. Shoom-ker. Jr, Mel'nberl all present. who, "ritttt made Ind subscribed their rupoctlve actuation: of animations and office. formed for the tr-ttoe, of bnalnou. [ Canaan wont Into mama at the whole with John Harbor Chub nun. who no follo'i. 1min!- menu VIN mule: o Moved by John Kerb" Ind V. H. Zooller. that I byluv be Introdueod to appoint auditors, “who". school attendance Mnegr Ind numb." of the local Board of Balm. Commutation: were rad ‘trorn the Sick Children] Hospml. To routo. and from the Municipal World. collating subscriptions. coli- and J. K. lei-Mt. â€col Alt-I‘ll“ ofNeer--A. I. Attdttors---Hotrr Knu “a W- inn-an. . lotion on»: or 'tealt%-Dr. ' uly. Liiuk [WA-am An. lit-hr loud at 'ulh--m- Hourly III Wdt. Wtittod WINTERBOURNE douvuLLs V. M. Bidt. W. Jo _ â€9.40: B. -1. MM "ar, Wat. mull; All “up!†“4.00; liablpl World. "st-tte a1td Inna“. ".10; Sick Chum-cu “can“, grunt. no; Gordon B. jam. mum. “1.26: N. emu. hum-3 lamb-r. 811. 1 Canadian Manufacturers Will Invedtigate Trade Conditions in South TRINITY LOSE FINAL DEBATE Moved by I. B.' Km and Sunni Hun-WW. that thte Coun- cil do new mum sud moot min on Feb. M, "M. Methodist Epworth League paid a vittit to Ainsley Bt. Nthodlst Church Gull. meetuaz their league for final honors in I eerie. of debate: held under the auspice: ot the GI“. Die trict L- Executive during the put yen, The'uubject. “Resolved that the rapid urakeuin‘ of the yer low nee threltenl the world leader ship of the white race". was handled in a very able manner by the debut- ers. Mr. Gordon Hemblin and Miss Mamie Good represented Kitchener mi, the atrirmutvis, and Messrs. Brown and Williams, Gull, an the negative} T"' his“ In rendering their decision aid that from the very nuure ot the subject it was one that was extremely difficult to art the manner md_style " present- ation, yet they tailed to wove their pains, and therefore tint Gan. In tumoidiritr the neg-Mn were decur. ed the winners. Miss Norma Wlll- con delighted her 'helrera with a reading “Whgre hindrance in Bliss" ARE GOING TO WEST INDIES OTTAWA. Jan. 31--tBY CANA- DIAN PRESS) The delegation of Canadian manufacturers which will investigatn trade conditions in the West Indies and northern South American republics. leaves Halifax February l5, it was announced herd to-day. Chelwr'Payne, former Ber. retary to Sir Serge Foster. and now or the foreign trade division of the Mpartment or Trade and Commer- ce. will accompany the delegation an a representative of the Govern- ment. The itinera‘y of the expo dltlon follows. Arrive Nun-l. February 19; Kingston. Jamaica. February 25; Puma}: Can-l. Much 2; LI Gualra. Curacao, March tr; Port of Spain. Trinidad, March 7; Damn-n. Mar, rh 26; Grenada. and St. Vincent. March 27; Bonindoa. March Mr; Flt. Lucia, Much 31; Monuerrlt, April 1; Antitun. Ind M. Kiln. April 27; Bermudl. Apr" 7. The party will‘rotnm " St (our: M, B, "11me at that port April ll, Local Vets Are Elect'ed . Tum Rheum" men w.†. Scrum: [manned at [no org“ um . elected to one†on the thttar. . Mr. Lewis Hahn Jr. and Mr. Lloyd! . lo Proving†Communal exocu- . Dobua ncted u when. After the' . My. of tttet GA.U.V. at the . ceremony the new returned to the . MVOII'JOI held here durum . home of Mr. nil-i My. H. Phillips . the wool-Ind. . when a sumptuous weddlu dlnur . AIM Manor. 9mm.“ " . wu served. The protein: were both . mum, brunch, '“ re.eleeud . “more!“ not! arTrorrri", Ind show . to tho one: of Provbchl . tho 'tttttet In which the young . Ptmt VlcoPn-ldant. the ts/e. . cough no hold. The [room] lift to . m". hr "I. report for the . the hrldolnuld up a “Ivor bar pin. . "or, “a.“ "a" “nu.“ . to no to» an (old cu! links. The . of a." union and“ a. . tC'"',',,,',',',',',',',".' rah“ 'dl "" tr: . o n " on ml pa a o",',,',':',",'.': It'? w I" ""t accompanied tr no he". will!“ of 4 1t','r.'tl,', . tl Al that may man. Luau an out- ‘00:" m to to tau-kW" ttll - rttde.e Beyer. . In: 1" , it ll- u W. W. In. G. Dunn. a _ _ . m um! h Ir Dunn-non . a. iiii)/i'a:'iiiiiii,?c',lii'i notâ€: In. an In. 1. n. u- OWW. -' In!" _ an. .59“ TP. luau About twenty members of Trinity Chu. Havel. Clerk In“. 1ii5r't'tfwt"tk/ I. if: tAhy, T mum-a an"- "ttttt that: Owl-“him. . muttusmn 'tBri9tit4ttt.k" “MED-'dhuIItu “mom-w. mLuMBhO-mm .pumu. Miranda-ham. b It. ' mm in mm an“ m an: "tte In“. loan on th- an.“ 3.1. OPI- o, ti-rt, ‘me-gdaoulusum-uu- N-Ge-lltoluw. 1-Hâ€, v,tb--wm.rttt6 m. in,“ _ u wanna: vs: a vultu- to to" a lulu. "Mr. John M. mama In all " an: ou an RIM and to Mr. Dun War. and will hav.' n _ Wound-y. Fob. In, Dumbo Junior- n. New Hamburg Junior: u an load rink u 3.15 Tha mm will be â€and In mambo, Cumm- Collector J. J. Vance, who In: charge or the you output since Int July. In: received notice of Us permmnt appointment. to the cum Service. Mr. George Morley ion on Thurs dly morning to attend the annual convention of the Municipal Electri~ cal Associuion in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cbulel Koch and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Koch and non ot Kltchemr were such: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chats. Appel on Saturday. Mr. Edwurg Loehr was very suc- cessful at the Ottawa Winter Fair with hln silver penctled wyandotten winning 30mm, 1 second and l fourth with six entries. Mr. Loehr has a number of baby ducks which were hatched this week Master Wallace Clair,' son at Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Clair In still under the care ot the doctor. The U. F. o. ho; stripping day ha been chased from Tuesday back to Holiday. Farmers are asked to kind. ly take note." ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Katzenmeier have returned to their home in New York city after spending several weeks with the farmer's parents hero. , l Mr. Ed Kichler commenced lee hauling this week. He unmanned the ice house at the old brewery from Mr. Chr. Roth, where he will be able to store enough ice to supply all bl: customers next summer. The ice is 15 Inches thick and very dear. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the Grand Theatre on Wed- nesday evening. The programme wns under the management of the Odd- fellows“ Lodge and was a success In every particular, Mr. Geo. Morley put E on a fancy dance which brought " good harsh. Mr. Sidney Miller gavrrl several musical monologues ot very high order. As an elocutiott1ttt Mr. Miller is hard to beat. Every number was heartily encored and thorough- ly enjoyed The pictures were excel- lent. Jack Pickford in "Just Out of College" was a riot an well as the short Bublects. An orchestra of six pieces played classical and popular music throughout the programme in a very brilliant manner. it was cer- tainly a tine entertainment. The We men's institute are making arrange- ments to go theoddterlows one bet- ter on February 14 and 15 when they have the, show. presenting the pic. ture "Evangeline" from the famous poem, Longfellow‘s masterpiece. Church Wedding A' very pretty rhurch wedding‘ was noiemnized at St. Peter's i.uth~i eran church on Thursday alternoon} at 2.30 o'clock when Miss Olga idu, daughter of the late E. R. Better ot this town was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Rev. Mnrtinl Bruer. motor of Trinity English Lu-f thernn church. London. Ont, andl son of the late Rev. Bruer. of cur.) ford. The nuptial knot wan tied by Rev. E. Brunt ot Sebringviiio, assist- Pd by an. H. Bauman, pastor of St.) Petgr'n church here. The bride on [ tered ‘the church to the strains of Lohenttrirt's wedding march and was given away by her brothttr-imlaw, Mr. H. Phillips. Miss Erin Bpger. nie- ter ot the bride, acted as bridosmaid. The groom was supported by Mr. Arthu'rfle‘er of Toronto. brother of the bride, The bride looked "hartrr in; in a navy blue travelling suit 1 and able turn the gift of the Broom. and carried I bouquet of sunset r0 an. The bridesmaid we! attired in navy tattota with American Beauty trimming and carried a. bouquet ofi ophelie roles. During the signing of; the register Mm. Miller rendered a vocal solo "O Ported have.†Mrs. H. i Schultz prdnided at the organ and‘ Mr. Lewis Hahn tr. and Mr. Ltord' Debua acted an when. After the ceremony the (neat. returned to the home of Mr. and Mn. H. Phillipi where a lumptuoua ,'reddins dinnor was .erreet. The pretent- vere both “more!" end appropriue and show awesome: in which the young couple an hold. The "noun [in to the bridelntdd m a other bu pill. to the but an (old on! “like. The you; my“ left an the 4.% train for Toronto and other mum poi-ta awn-pedal by the but winin- at M - My. All“ the Sqgt. Iel-kp‘m - In. M. Better. In. I. W. on“; [in O. 1 Wtte0a$t. I“! w Ir tt-eet . mtatr'ttWt In '.qq 1m It., . w It. church weddlng ctra..--e. Pubs. ls s. and)â€. Mortar. I G.-Uohtt Inst. o. G.--otto mu. A hurl, vou of tttatm, wu un- dered the visitor: tor tho lble - ner ln which they performed that duties as muslin; otBeera. Follow- ing the busineu of the lodge n we!“ hour was enjoyed uul refreshment- served, Nit Lodge will this you lave the ul',',',',,', ot celebntlnx their ttttttsth nanlverury. haviag been Insulated in July, 1872. Mrs. tDr.) Marty entertained 1 number ot her friends at her home on Friday evening. The evening In ispentlu playing cards. All those that were there spent a very pleasant. evening. A dalnty lunch was served. Agricultural Onlety Meeting The annual meeting of the Wilmot l Agricultural Society was held on; Monday afternoon in Library Hall. A number ot citizens besides the ob hcers 'ere present to hear the re- ports. The president, Mr. L. Master occupied the chair, and in his usual presidential address referred to the rear's progress as being in every1 way' substantial. A report of the1 sources at larger income for ten‘ years has presented. As the Wilmot Atrriettltura1 Society is the only one‘ of the three hundred and tsixty-ttve m i the Province that has doubled its grant in seven years. the grant is being distributed to the societies by the Department of Agriculture on the amount spent tor agricultural purposes. it retleetty great credit on‘ the ettleiency of the directors. Re? ports were presented by the heads of each department and the need of greater accommodation in many sec- tions was emphasized. There were many expressions of appreciation otl the hearty aselstance of the citizens ‘oi New Hamburg and specie] men- 'tion was mmlifot the privilege at. ‘lorded by the park and track so beautiiully situated. The election of oMcers resulted as follows: Hon. Directors: Samuel Casual. C. Wltzel. A. Kaufman, and George Lautenschiager. President: L. Master. let Vice-Pres: A. E. Kerr. 2nd Vice-Pres: H. Nahrgnns. Directors: been G. Pequegnat" Dr. Anderson. Valentine Zoeller, Geo. Z. Laniz. Henry Walker, Geo. Fow- lei, James Monashan. William Srhneller. lllingworth Cassel. Wesley Battier. and H. Krehling. At a meeting following the annual meeting Mr, A. R. G. Smith was re- appointed srscretarrtretururer at a Lsaiary of 8276, an increase of 850. [Wm, Schneller, llllngworth Cassel land A. R. G, Smith were elected re presentatives to the annual fairs convention to he held in the King _ Edward Hotel, Toronto, February .‘u'ih and 8th, l922. Mr. and Mrs. William Splhr 1nd tamlly ot Chanel, vlaited friend: In town on Sundly. Mrs, Roth of Baden ls vlsltlpg her daughter Mrs. Chnrlea Lodermnn. Mr. S. Mitrlartrtl spent Saturday with friends In Kitchener. Inspectors Begin To Investigate N. Y. "White Way" NEW YORK, Jun. 81.--rnspeetorrt tohy began In investiga‘ion of all thutres on New York' famous "White Way,' as well u all motion picture houtres in Muwatm. The survey we: ordered by Bor,agh President Julius Miller to forest." a repetition of the Washington chums disaster _ Simillr notion is lasing urged in Bucklyn. where offieiiss are now conducting an lnvutignu , iv" ' the nil-pie of the Ameri ml Tnuhe In.“ Novemnor. in whigh “oven workman ware killed uni IT injured. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. Jan. 27. --uopold Ruth, " you" old, at! his son. Stanley, were arrested Int night as.“ with having add in (110'.me of the bandits who hold ur/tte Niacin nn. Trust Company - on October " [mammal-Mada Pttta. burgh-Cw Manual with complicity tntttrtmtd-tnwttieh iiiii"reri-Vtudturr1uq totteh-e%stts ‘xwmuumu- “Nth-munch.» MDED BANDITS whim-gag» In“ 7' _ "7 '7':"" u H '7llr,'i'ijr.,ltt5,'l'/2i'tllig . r Illilll, l W _ ' _ ..'Hi = .‘_..,. At%' " " !jlliifij ". _. . "i, . '.. ls Lf..:,)'), vâ€. , 5:7." L5 . t . " ‘ NU ' W 1' my: . m: hteistdrrtiesil _ dining._ -.', _- , ELia cu , CANT Ill BY T TRINITY i1li)lll “ham†Impressively Rendered in Bong at Musical Service' The choir of Trinity Methodist church and the Kitchener Syniphony orchestra. under the leadership of Mr. George H. Ziegler, provided so: other beautiful musical service on Sunday evening, when the cant-ts 'aasmrms," composed by Clarence R. Kaqu. was given it first redadi- Man in Ontario with orchehrai so: companimmst. The‘miracle of the' raining of humus was read by the pastor. Rev.'W. E. Pescott, who sine spoke trrienr of the Saviour. Rev. Mr. Peseott sated that the mining of Lazarus caused more con- sternation among his enemies than any other miracle performer. and efforts were made to kill Lazarus after he had been brought forth from the tomb in order that the people would not believe that Christ was the Messiah. ed. The reclutlve and choral selec- tions by the large choir were beau- tifully nuns. the final chorus "Re joice" being rendered with rare power and expreaaion. At the con- clusion of the service many of those present expressed Words ot appre» The meditation on the miracle as produced In con; proved to be most Impressive, and the melon and en- themsyere most plenslngly render- ed. The soils“ were Miss Ruth Betzner. soprano: Mrs. G. Hagedorn. alto :P. A. Samson, tenor. Add L. Morlock. bass. Each ot the vocal. latn Bang ht aplendld voles. and their efforts were greatly appreclut chum: to the leader. Mr. Zelgler. tho solohls and members ot the choir and orchestra. At the morning service‘s large congregation listened with pleasure Ind profit to a torcelul sermon de- livered by a former highly esteem- ed pastor, Rev. c. L. Mclrvine. ot WInnlpeg. ' HAMILTON, Jun " m Speaking yenerday uiparnoou In the A, M E, Church It a service of ttuuthergiviug for the reloue of " Ion. Matthew Bullock. Ree. James Bullock drew at. tenuon to n [In which be regarded as u purtICulu' act of Providence. For the put few yang. he said. he had been unable to continue his church work during the winter owing Service of to Illneu. Every October he would have to oonllgn Milne" to couches. lireelde chairs end bode until well, on In April Ind leave the are of bl. flock In other hunk. Thin winter In I noel etrnnge way he nomad to hue returned to normal health mu when He service. were required for the protection ot " eon. Bo tar he bu! not been compelled to In!“ I "Hier, until coming up to Cumin In". Monde The service null formed an ttgt- vreulve and picture-nu climax to the Bullock cue. which bu "tsited two countdo- for nun! van. )1qu Fallout In u m ot I30. whim-Mud all with l ICONO- -tut nth- II- - In on- n. Emu to much a. “than. tn twat-Id MW. th1tat nun-mummies“: mdmxuuhmu monetary-IMJM ssotns,,t-htrte.sstrgitrstttttdiyr, mum-Emu mama» .11 t11e'iGGik"tairGGiiii",'ii"i flveddechalrsrgndgoumchdnmadohlm in solid oak with porcelain top, tortrtwohehets wide, full 018†enamel inside, lots of drawer room for cutlery, tin tatf2t W, bin, a complete cabinet finished irtpslden oak, - -, - - _ . " in golden and walnut finish at pricesfrpm The KITCHENER FURNITURE C0. nk 22-24 King Street East bamboo-hm Thanksgiving For Bullock All goods delivered and satisfaction manned ' Kitchen Cabinet giitliJiiirthrG, '31st Special Prise $52.00 . We have dressers I the The amount or damage is estimat- ed to be up In the hundreds the large! (can: alone being'wery valuable. The “umiorlgin of (h! tire In a mystery. No In de- J one seems In be able to supply a clue .....,.._ as to how " could have sinned. _ FIRE DAMAGES ( CHURCH SHEDS Fire of Unknown Origin at Bethany Church Sheds Late Saturday Night Kitchener was the scene of gull another serious tire late on Suturday night. when the Bethany Mennonite church sheds. two are which were housed than mud n quantity ot equip- ment which had been stored in the loft of the sheds were badly bttrtted. A young man mains lute at night saw the blaze and reported It at once with the result that the fire). men soon arrived. One end of txe shed had been par- titioned off an was used as a su- age. In this part Wilson Stoner'a tart nnd Abraham Witmen's Ford had been housed for some time and although the and had been In con- stant use nnd Mr. Witmen"s cu- bud not been used for months. it in than!“ that the fire and“ In the last named ear. / In the loft above about " tents. the property ot Elder Peter Cohen. were slated and the fire noon pro- greased to this part where " did much demlge to the canvas. The Wltmen car was completely mined and the an almost so. while the sheds also were badly burned. A peculiarny of the fire is that there was gasoline in the tanks ot both curs after the fire, sdtowtmr that despite the ranges of the fire. the gasoline had not exploded. The not that they only had one llne of hose grellly 111meer the firemen and they also Ind difficulty with the hydrants so that about an hour and a half had elapsed before the blue was completely exllngulsh- ed, M. R. ROTH. AUCTIONEER. Thursday, February 16th 1988-- (‘learlng Auction Sale of Fun: Stock Implements. Feed and Household Effect». at Block A. Lot IT, Concou- lon l, Wilmot, 4 miles South of BIA den, 1 mile East ot Haysvllle. Sale rommencea at 9.30 o'cioch slurp. Ben Bowman. proprietor. Tuesday. February 2itet,-Auctiort “In of fll'm stovk Ind Implements. at Lot M, 16th Line, East. Zorn % mite East ot Casual. Henry Lou proprietor Wednesday, February 22nd. IM','.- (‘lenrlnx Auction Sale of 50 hand of pure-bred Shonhornn and high-grade Cattle. 16 homes. Ilsa tho Farm artoek and Implements. One mile But ot Phllllpsbur; and three mitms West of St. Anlhm SIM commences a 8.30 ohurp. Dlvm BOhart, proprio tor. Tuudty. February Mth "st-- Auction Sale of nm Stock, lmple mom. and Food. " Lot M. Concu- Ilon l, South Bullion, 2% miles West of Shun-pure. Daniel Yeo- wu'd. trroprietor. Wedneldly. lurch 8th. "M--- Anctlma Sula cl Farm mock. Implo- menu at! Peal. " Lot M, Cote. Ilon l, Wllmot. 1% mo" southwest of New Humour; Jacob (Manuel: proprietor. , Analo- “a ot Fun Stock. Imme- Illml Ind Honcho!!! “fact... " 1 .11- South of mm- ldwu'd Hill "My. Much IN. 1888 - â€can In. at run Mock. implo- mu at M. u m 13. an an In lam. In" new. no Woduodny. March "Id, tFM--. $17.00 up 1 H. B. DUERINO. 1utmoiercii1", Feb. ut, w-r--"' "“623 fun if not Wily told. m." rl Btock and mplemenu m to mb, " " Lichtl use T cm a nib third lino of Walk-lei. " ' 1 west of Walla-lay. 4 all†" Poole. Feb. 4. tBaturrurF--At " e an at the Clty Hill. In“: manage ale of an cm hurt a the W015: farm, was“ In! at village ot boon on the Don and Kitchener Road. F Feiv. 4. "turi-At Lu 3., k?, farm stock and implements at Wt. It dolph Boettiir in the m ot Bridgeport. '. l Februnry It, (Saturday) Firm and " lmpkmenu and kuhold EM _ of p. J, Wigglomrth, _ W . village of 3'46..er Febnury " (“aâ€). . stock And implement: at Martin, 3 miles morals“. ot Bt6d6' _ l] Ingdnle and 1% milel south of†'lo terbourne. on the Andrew ci-i"::,, tam. _" 3" Feb. " (Wetlands!) an â€I and hplomonu 'ot mm. w. mu In the Twp. at Walledâ€, no: Nea, 1% 4 tulle: aouthwelt at Linwood. O! muss northeast of mum ai March s (Thanh!) Fun noel implements belonging to Jane In Lin. % miles south at moan.“ and " mm: out at Bred-e l Much M.-- hm Stock. 1.31.4: menu and Household mm a." on“. s. such. 2 mus. torment Mii, anrlo on the Landau Road, M and one hull mile. northwut ob) Bridgeport. ii March- M.-- Baum†---mtal Bug cute and bouncing†duct: Frank Schuenomnn, No. " L tit. in the city ot Kitchener. . I. H. TOIAN. Sunni-y, Fobrulry‘ '--wh and household effect: humming IQ! mason Saltzborry itt the villus .d, New Dundee. ' , Feb. a Wedneuu: " head at my Items. Entlro Firm Stock no! In» menu and Houuhold effect: Me In; to almond Boa In the villa. dt Richmond opposite the Nick Smith shop. Feb 16th - WM - my Stock and Imphmouu balm tn Philip Becker Inn-M ' an. an of Munnheun. I all. Nrqat of w llamuburg. Feb. 16. (Thurmrk-M “not. Implements, Har, am. and “on. hold “all helm“; to BOW qumn attuned 1 all. Eu: " Hnysvme on tho “no: Road. rm " WM". m n... I bud pure bred thank-m an. .m but! high "was lam-um t6 halal. “(In [In nook I“ is. .plomonu, below†to Duvld Bot) hm stunted 1 who cut of t,sraousgtnilmr-tete*t. can. no mane. ‘u Feb. M. trtseBdan--0." und- hm Stock and [pm-noun - my to Abraham Cream SIM 2 miles north out of Plumllh I mne- nouthwal'. of New Dtgrt6q% Lot " t 16. Con. u. 310m Velma-‘1 u. (Tuna-y) on Implements. Har, Oism and bold "Neta, below“ to u mum. “mad , an. mum-h Hay-ville and i mile. north" pom-n " (My) - Stock. Implements. PM“ Houuhold “be“ “with. " 3mm 1 mile vat of W111i. 3nd , all“ _ of III] “on u tho DIM smgl mm t (wan-dut.‘ “not. lumen.†In "i'iéi, "mtta mowu to may} but man“ a nu.- any: than!“ his}!!! Auction Sale List! “is: Kitchener, Ontario =