F *t we recommend that rrttWr.rDerd approach the Coun- , cl " both Kitchener and ' '.i',i',rii' at an early date to re- 'soa, . them to provide the nec- "Airs lungs to build and equip iii; " tt ma Vocational School, , ya-tet Mures tor whit-h il ' be ascertained In the ' !!iF, 'ue." by a careful ealcur lil'iie, ‘ u to the cost of equime- - '" amount at Government u". ‘ "atlatmr" , tomcat-mulls mu moo-mm mom ‘wuthedoorintosnsd- why munch this end they stood " It , ,he discovered the tirel s window until the 'tg-tt srrived. _ - driven beck by he“ A lsdder Ins quietly run up and K _ He Quickly turned in ii!, the frightened trio were esrried , he department nude tl down by two of the Bregrtqtt, The Lau. , l,arsartment dwellers were uninjured ; "trdru "tt Frozen but lunsnd considerably by shock. F, a' _ tt " ttttt corner ot Kin: Sevemllyounx men, also living in I Streets " iirst tried the Helm Aparttrt%, had m.“ , (I its (and to be noun their wsy to the street ssiely. . t that not . drab of wster: Fire Chiei Guerin listed this M be secured. The firemen morning that the life had probably ... “a next corner. Young and started from e,',','"::','"',','::'",",',"':,': " ‘ there too a hydrant w†tlon " no person hid be in the Bd r ts.' By this time the "reTbuement this morning. The are W 1 Iouslv in the base-1h“ uncured a. load start beiore the ik h urr . firemen arrived snd it Ives burning if Lt',,'",)':,"':',':":,,",',',! a :2": up Mums floor. a... mud oth. Yr . . or materials were in the unused sec- Wmessure the firemen turtr non of the besemsni where the [(00 " gallon Phemlcol “Iâ€, blaze was tlrttt noticed. The dum- W"! “he†ot the fire they use, chiefly from wster sud the w to keep it la check fairly dense smoke will amount to several W the tanks did not last long. hundred dollars. Tm. morning's poke was new; and it was dit. l tire war the third In the same part {to get at the seat ot the blue. of the city since lest Wednesdsy. if), - Early Date ML APPROACH COUNCILS (lf Itl)MPi)irl MMll'l'lillU)()lli MATTER OF " COLLEGIATE l Aroma“ Prawn 1 ' Coon of Toronto, the consul. . libel. vu present and gun Elton): of the plans of thr “ building which met with WI] ot all tho members of gnu-moo. “In: to the plum whmmed "I Inn)! portion of the pres-mt - will be used. mmely tho m which will he turnod “ung- btfwith the slda that h not ‘0. K t W. hosplul. lacing Litiid,'; The building will be ttt lbmuoroy type hula: â€I part facing Klng an“! [M win“ to the rent Sr, mu Combined. b at bonding will be . com~ ' honor at the Hol- ‘You'c strut. mt " m In tho human . It ' o'clock on. non- ght!» mo ot c marina ’91.!“ the door Into In M. you,» “wound the the My driven but by but a. . He quickly turned In " II he department nude 3 of New Building De- d --Wotdd Start at I " I High and Vacation) with the room. of the lsttar‘ II on of the rut vim. h d lulu the two Ichooll " in Meided upon mrith I m the um. " the - nun- "* con-Momb- " fttr I vac-lion] school by do for I Conant- lulu- I‘MM 'm - man mun-m Manda-two!!!“ [whunmm-hour onssounr m drttH. 1mm it in. Mick and I! an s udder m uto- Illlbt and Sch-In . If. no umber- of Win-II “It“! “wanna... was an: was also on In. - O - vu Ion-I b to II - “or â€I " any“. oe Ion van and“ tn . loll “no In. at: ttr6ramt to an no... at the and. The m ttad only has and on (or . - uni-It- when . mlwwlurbo "not out run ‘our the hon. clung it In two. Tho Mm work“ "mummy “a pm ‘In I n.. - and um An hour'- [id an bum had boa prune-n, msttsettute. Mr. and In. luau hid m Ivan“ w thtd an hum " use. ettittfly from water end the dance smoke will Imounl to several hundred doll-n. Thin moraiatr's tire wnrthe third In the lame part at the city elnce Int Wednesday. the committee tho were prawn! n the meetinr-Cttairmtut, E. o, Web. er; Secretary, H. W. Brown; Prln- cipal, R. Merrntt. N, Schneider. J. A, Lang. w, T. Sign. E. Route]. A. Foster, J. M. Newton. M. S. Hall. man. A. Voelker, H. Wllaon; C. W. Schledel and A, L. Brelthaupt. sCHiPPEU--At Kitchener, 1mm Wth, to Mr. and Mrs Henry P. Schippel. 1 Ion. AMBR086--At Kitchener, January 18, to Mr. and In. like Ambrose, 57 Brasithatrpt Street, . daughter. ERB-At Wnurloo, January Mth, to Mr. ad Mn. Addison SH). 188 King - North, Wnbrloo. a son. Jacob Wei. A. “not. I mu about". on- mammal M an Gin-lad Quantum-um Manama. fun. all and ,Mummmm â€sanctum-imagining!» Bound by â€an Severe Burns While at Work BORN 'tttteta'. trr-th. , . “Wynne-u» _%tiituttt-tbd"f,tt#tt?'? mum‘s-I’M.“ wanton-“mum amnion-mm†ri-tti-trd-ttrm-r"- 1ttrts.uePeso".t'ttt', "ei-tstr-odor-Ito". “Motum‘ummm; "trw'satsoutictmtw"t'r" " Wlmont and am wt-t the In.“ but w any“ out srotststoumsrusrtwttohe - to be why. and " m an sound at! Old Bruin In only the lham but" nut can! of on. or the (mm. who at at I little any no. intent. tho “I. at his pro. ‘duco an“. nasal-dou- tttat the cue- C.: at had ecu-mod my exclu- m â€an! but“! however In a null tteatred “and the price of tttttar, - lad nut. Bum: sold atttesandisoettsttdeoe'"r" “a nnd We . dean. crqNrt wu Mic um Me . pin! and an†wu m um 80c u pound. Thou m not u [mo variety ot fowl for we. but the price of chick. Applets were 26c and 30c e bunt. end apple butter we: We a. crock. honey we; to be had at 22c a pound. Potatoes, been and cartons were 25c today. Fish prices were un- chased as were the prices or wood and hey. MIII OLIVE KOEHLER The death of Olive Koenler, new "tteen-rear-old dodghter ot Mr. and Mrs.' John B. Koehler, occurred on Sammy Afternoon at the loamy relidence. 137 Walter Street. She is survived by her parents, two brothers, Thoodoro and Arthur and two Haters, Violet and Nonnt. all at home. The tuner-l will be held privately on Tuud-y utemoon. services at the ruldenc at 2.30 o'clock, Inter. ment to be made ht Mount Hope Cemetery. The death _ occurred Suturduy night " 10.80 o'clock of August Hunt ot this city, The decal-ed was s well known resident at Kitchener‘ and although he had been ill tori eome months port, death came Bud. denly. The decessed Wu born in Btratstrurg on August 27th, " years ago, Mon years no he come to Kitchener when he he: since re sided and where he will be missed by a wide circle oi friends. He, is survived by one sisier. one deuxhter. Tilly of Detroit end seven none. Meesrs. Joseph. George and Leo ot Kimoner, Albert " Wllrus, Baalr, Willi-m of Detroit, leedor ot Buuaio and Edward of Edmonton. Hie wife predeceased him by all you". silo one doughter, Mn. Hem- liiion. ot Kitchener died two yeers The tuner-l will be held at St. Mtry'u R. C. church on Wodnndly mornln. " ' o'clock. Interment will be nude tn Mount Hope cem- etery. Th6 docs-nod wu born In Mich. tgan on July 10th., " year: ago. For the put " y'om he hu "-1de tn. Kitchener when he ll highly re- lpocted by a lane circle of “lands. He ha bean Ill since Soptombcr. And shout um week: ago v“ re. moved to the tocat hotpnu when he received I" poulble “tendon. but " to an “All. Ho wu n number of St. Mntlhev'l hither-n church. He II survived bald-I his vita. by mm dauhlon. Helium- P. Hahn ord M. Holt or Khulna“. and r. Andaman ol Plan-ville. than ttmr goal. Witt. I'nd tn menu-n. Him-y And Chum ‘51 bout. " Chain of Raglan. Tho Men] will In hold on Thur» any ot this wool print.†n the - “can. " Bruin aunt, hum! VIII be and. In Brian- It. Mun It her WW“ new Mia. um I- mind " mgmwuua. dim-i“ a.sitttaes-ttbemtemrrmd “I oerrtt_ttterttm"d"". LMtu'-"'","" u-buulLNcr- umnm.nau~) - Then-cum womanhm‘ml mmumo'mmdwuim - uA- -A._-_u-:‘I: OBITUARY I!†DIARY a. lIlTl I In†B. new. " Winona AUGUUT HUNT cannon-mum mud- _ tttthmVytirtg an pom which'vlll govt.“ on to cm W at tho w you brought on: In uni annul- of!“ oval-(I â€will M (,0! City Council. uni that In M this tho arm. contour mm: ht use mounds to In in“ " put than but " I“ m a. tron “no at the M6009. and in to." than on “:0onth " Jun Inside nu lid-VIII. - ' ' u um um cm “to hold ttetor.tt-tmtttrestteth.-tt scum Mr motion via brought tn by m but“ Ktpw Ind Hot-W be wu- an Will] WHO!†no use-u: In VII-5mm _ He Is lurvIved. beeldel m. em. aoodgoarJurtortedat All} by two deu‘htere. Mrs. J. E. Buck- ttat 4htngrrqm ml 1 _ lay of Edmonton end Mrs. C. J. ' n tin “of Montreal. . . l Mtsting a. HANCOCK art.-atAL'T. T--" l One of Gelt'e (not known end The Anne] bullet: meeting o'; most respected cmeenl puud. "my Bt. Anal-evejtu held but I"ft 1ii?iii' morning In 11-1111an Gen- In the School Room. There wee e ‘eral Hoeplml. In the pen-eon at good menu“; The 'devotIonel â€Rome Hancock, Br., In Me B8th exerclm were conducted by the pee- year. He had, been In poor been!) tor, Rev. G. B. Mobennen. After ‘Ior some time. Born In allegeâ€. he tn. contend!“ ot the report: tor ‘ceme to Gait " you! Mo. “(I hid ite ysug’ofk Mr. McLennan VIC:- “Ned there ever “nee. He conduct» tod iiiiVGe “a Mr. Edward But Pd 3 his drey buainetm ttere for "SYS ttt wee chosen to net In that capac- %and then tree In the mtneunc ftp. ‘ buelnees with G. H. Thom“. He: The moon; from the urIotfe de. had served: In the Ta: fer,',", 2f pertinent! ot the Commune w "ct prom a": l, their use: tNfttes iadterated that the work In _ . " “ mem " " . tk st. â€or." to In . â€may comm- M., l.0.0.F.. I.0.F..- end 8.0.2. A _ widow, one denghver end tour none tt J,tCTt',,',' ot ttur Selim; 'tsurvive, Mrs. (Bet) H. Storey. Port 1.30:2! en be e Ir,':,',,",':,".':,','," Huron; J. H. Ind George. out; A. reM0 , ‘A. It, Detroit end w. N., Toronto. Tl", “1:" I','. [2: Tent"'.': HERMAN attr4wArtY' l " _ cs. 0 ' r0- / The death occurred It In only mm tor the In" tor att purposes , i hour this mornIng oi the - reel! te,e.et pr,106.00. The report ot Hnuance. 118 Waterloo Street. or Hee- .ttCtr1e"r for the genera mu. }men Schwartz. 1 well known mat. ttl nd tht""d "at $1,387.00 Ind dent of Kitchener. ' been contributed for minion- apart - - - .. -_A___ ----4 min-b ada In only 1110 um tor tho pin number of your: bu raided In this city when he bu been all!!!“ u a piano tuner. He wu - member at the AM“- cad church Ind ot the Mmâ€: order and wu highly rounded try all with whom he cum In enact. _ He has been all!“ mr over e you. but hln death wm come at I. shock ‘to his mum friends In this damn: l where he I: held In high "team. Re {In- a member of t. Matthew'l Luth- ‘cnn church. an!“ I." Alluuvuvn. The deemed we. so": in Ber; many Limo-i 56 years "O, And tmttrt. gnted to canada " yem no. He took up his residence in Waterloo, but " yeera ago came to Kitchener. when he his raided since that time. _ ADOLPH ITOIOIR I um um luminance has been re [ coived In Kitchener of the deals In ‘Glennllen only yelurdty manila; Ea! Adolph mount. . former well- (known resident. of Halo city. 1 The decal“ In born In Jo.- ‘ephnburg " you“ no and attotgt Mammy you: .110 he removed to _ *~-‘J--l an.“ He in aurvlvod bende- trig II“. by one son, Olen. at! two nap-child- ren, LuelIn Ind Eds-r stie. one slute’r, Mrs. Alvitttt Trio or mm more use lurvlvu. 'f,?sCiLi.' hi It the mum“ l. U. (II-nu. Much "asratttr ll fol! for It. to rand “any. MIC. CALLIOTA I'LII . I The can: mad at tic 'ttemo. or-wnurloo ttoaMP1 on My ttt Mri. can“. W. I) lick-cl m been“ m Mn to m - awed!“- 37 "on "ttB, Tai; votkgc of a. "" - In.†a m“: and to mutual MIC "r. . an. m I "hulk.“ GU of urn-m"! " . â€ICU†Vi '?t'ii,)r9it)li)ri l‘ te;? BlilllllPi)ll'lS, _ '71 .1! "li'i5iiiiiletrtiti1,,'."at2L" tkrekteHt"t"tT'1.P'r- 2rg'gti't't,a1T2t','l'lrf. ' Magma-Illa in (“fund “d can“ - 'rkreftit'.estrrt"tboPt"""t mum In M - and “momma-hummus. tummyo-nhycimmmw mvumoduummut 1:0 - o! “I!!! tt. [an ‘voud m Wm mun a a. and my! alumna. m 'riira" air all! trrtnw ot “soâ€... Is" â€an m - tr wugam‘mo AM (In um mm mm bylaw of â€1.000. nun-um» The Annual humus media: ot St. Alluvial-I bold but evening In the School Room. There use . good autumn The -devouotutt qxerclm were conducted by the M tor, Rev. G. B. Magnum. After me cmtsit"eutiorr ot the report: tor ite ter-re Mr. McLennan nea- an an.th and Mr. Edward But The report ot the Mun-con show- ed I MIT “knee. The total re venue for the not tor :11 purposes exceeded â€5,100.00. The report at Ao, In!†School While um â€13, mm . tom for " million purpol 0- Apart from [he Font-rd love- mon: ot 83.10.30. Beside. um tits Woman Work Commit“. rall- ’01! the sun at that.†The no- "rort ot a. Mon at Bt. Andrew whom a bum a. $85.00., 'p,i)tti,'p, for the your“ mis- "on' an unwed tttnt $3,357.00 Ind trAd con-album tor mum-u um ttom the roman: linemen Thank Offering. In- nddltlon to thin the Women's Minimum Society raised "89.43. the Young Women'. Aux. $310.00 "It! the Min-Ion Bald tt24.- The and†School ranch will or tretest), unifying. the work of thin depurtmeni. being carried on by I devoted and efficient bond of work- er], the enroilntcni. Ihowod " la create over In! you And the reven- ue Ipproximliod 81160.00 The mum; menu" M-rg. W. C. Tracy, A. H. Davin and M. Sch- ledel m “mummy reelected end Mr. t A. Mum end J. W. Kirk- land were elected to an “cuck- thet hed.occnmd. Votu ot thunk- ud Marcel-Hon were tendered to the manual board. the Choir, the who", the Sundry School worker- nd to Mr. and Mn. lichen“. tttttar-Tumi' A quiet voddlnl m Iolomhlud It at. In†R. C. church at nine o'ehtet nu morning. when I!" Cuber“. Tut-lam We the um.“ lichul Krill. both of this ettr, Rev. Mar HIM-Jam" ornam- d. xu- Vietgtrtt Turin-kl Ind Nich- olu Tun! won "a. ulna-nu. Mr. ad In. [not will raid. In m. an. . ttnAt8--t"tqLRttBAGrt" _ A and '06th m solo-ulna ummdlr.u¢lu.LA. lolldm. 'tor Street. at two om "turdâ€. than that unch- Aer. Illijmo. m no bad. of ‘Jpln I. - a and». .11.. "ue MI. um. unmana- I... 'te We “I given “my by be m no the my. " an "a. up. - NW " in. L. lun- WW“ I"; A. E not!†per. ...“ tso'eet.a' In (I. met "attriatoitmi,asto mm- ot as mu - W‘ 1aiu-etutsirr' WEDDINGS Wynn-two. esteem In which they no held here. HALDtMANO--43. Stevens. Csy- WArEWAro--P. P. 5m. -. The he" wishes of scores ot friends m N. Ci? follow them to their new home. . "AT.rrttg--E. A. H . Burm- CPI"""'" G. Willa-n. m Social Service 1 Council Organized I In Kitchener The group ot canons who were appointed " the round table con- ference on Such! Service at the D. R. B. Club room. to look into the advuatt1litr of tanning Inch B coun. cil here and who at their meeting on Friday last recommended an“ a council be formed. met mt the Y. W. parlors Friday and decided to form an ornnlxation. The nom~ inatinx committee prelented the following report which was adopted with the chance of Mr. E. D. Camp bell's name replacing that ot Rev. H. usual-Ford who tor various reasons found it lmpouible to act as Prenident. the Mat follow-z Pr_tt-rll. D. Campbell. vice-Pr-tb-A. Martin. Second Vice Presldent~A. R. Goudie. Boemtarr--MUts O. Snyder. Tr-r--h. W. Augustine. Public Health CA-tttr-Dr, H. P. Hamilton. Law Enforcement Cott--it. J. Bmyth. ‘ Recreation Co-r-l. T. Car- wirrasrzmaororemi-rratrratta? . amountoxmwmm lay. Relief con---'. P. Benny. Tho one. ot convenor of the Hon-In; Convner Wu left open owing to Mr. Cunpboll‘a election to the presidency. wt musit dispose of this t two Weeks _ BRANT-W. Shelllunon, Burma EuMN-B. E. M. Edna-n. My mud. Tonlhlp, Town-Mp. 1aRMY--R. How-y, Hollnnd Town The beat suitin our stock .......... Better than ever before. Agoodstrongauitfor...’........... Prices range from $8.00 to $23.05 Ihlp. Winter Weather Hard on Little Ones We are cleaning the 60 coats left at . . . . . . $.50 $10, $12.50, $13.50 and 815.00 Our (in-MM vino;- no “coed- luly M In the halt]: ot mu. out; m min [I can: so u- m an an author qtangtttt tnmr tho mm on“ out tor u an“. Th mm In that - to lOOSweatersVneck,reg.$4.00to$6.00 at o................ 100 Sweaters, pullover, reg. $4.00 to $6.00 at ........ ....., 258weaterCoatstoclearat .....................o..'..o. OUR STORE IS FULL OF REAL BARGAINS 8 King St. East EtMgMat.--rt. A. Huford. Snnd'lch. rRONTENAC--0. M. Drew. Olden] WAIDINI ILICTID Here is It nuns that we on {breed to sell an tables of a, dbldipi out: at 40 cents.on the doNr---" pot cutle- “Hula“; 's, ME0l'll'0llt'8 (FORGED) SALE Stop and think "_/i..")"')))".-'.-',")"'", what this means ( s' GARN ER'S Overcoats 1iArToN--B. A. Hum. ton. Sweaters ville KENT-O. W. Ward. Oxford m. LAMBTON - W. J. Dim. Eu- phemln Township. LEEDS md GttBNVTLL6- --w. Jelly, Elisabeth Town-hip. LENNOX and ADDINGTON - J. Hmnuh. Camden Township. mmnter Township. NoRrouC-A, O. Stadium. ONTARIO - F. M. Rich-Maori. Pickering. oxroRD--A. Bachelor. Tnviswck. PEBL--', ship. bard Townlhlp. PErrERBORo--0. C. ammo. Lairttfhrid, PRESCOTT ma RUSSELL - O. Demon RENPREW--R. Rune“... leNnb _ Township. BngCOE--Dr. J. T. Entry. coon- town VICTORIA-R. J. Paton“ Ono Town-hip. HAtgT'tNGB--W H. Kettles. HURON-W. Tram Holmr MIDDLESEX--'. Cousin. LmCoLN--A, Welatud. Grun- Aatrrr-a. A. Cohtuottoun. naiuiure and ty,,It,tnf, 100 per cent. pure news about the people n whom Jr,', are moat 1ttritte'rp,',1'J, relativesan friends . of the Old Home own. ' ,3 SUBSCRIBE TODAY F01? Tllys ct2teti1',','hrgt,' in Tite. Home .Town _tiittji Where Real News Is Paramount In the country t'll',Vo"lr,',r,', sensations, scan- dals--the recording id uman misery-iss al- most taboo. At least it is te,ehli2,etete: ary to the printing of real news a at peo- ple and things. For the province of the country per - your Home Town Paperr-iss to 330 com- munity interests first place, printing the more or less sensational personal items only when necessary to keep aith with subscrib- ers who pay for ALL the news. Therefore, four Home Town Paper, The Chronihle- elegaph, pan ginxe you, in full .E. A. Orr, Toronto Tauru- rfi5ti opportunity C-j' West WELLINGTON-4. “by, HI Township. Bethany Mennonite Church People Pleased With Progress Made The “My bulbs-I new†of Bonn†Manna!“ church In. hetdinttust-ntoeths+ but night. Pruning - p. Candle - in chm at tho a“: very good condition ttnngtMMtr pd the ditNrmbt omen-n -" nun-elm " was much W with the “vacant - an: tho Inn am an m - which were very BneourF. The - Wm"- arait 7 V ‘ .3 G. R. v0 _ it?) "' [Mi-I.“ 2NM, 2rs.E ' 'il' MMQRQIIIQWQ l ORE (3mm MINING co. um. ' b0Jisr dent, pure Kitchener Ck