ESKITCHENER WILL NOT TAKE _i'"-' ADVANTAGE OF GOVERNMENT I' RELIEF WORK niPi)Sl'l'li)li sc, I... Tttia mouun ouUlnod the Egon-mom'- a!" to um. "itt the MS" can of work done by mun!- kw“ " I mun- ot mending {Mm- " .,qiltNttpttsettt. ;§;Muu Piaf!!! pm 5W 0 IMHO]!!! at Km.- the pun In (om In: with _ If“. Mn] Gonrnmcnt. the "'atqtitmrtat Owen-mam! at! the mu 9m our. pm . third or um m can. This menu that In ir, an. by a mnnlclmmy u ro '1‘. and body. K“. lad we: immedietoiy picked , g get carried into I nurby house) â€I. he received Immediate lbw tttton “tar which he we. removed [ o the hospital. Dr. H. P. Hamil- . who in “tending the injured lad an. that he i. suffering I broken Maw. MVOI‘II minor new trv' tres Md numerous bruises momj ti. that It is not known but} “a "an: it there ere any lnternnll $itNeht However, he will rermrtn' " helpiul for u few days in " I to determine definitely the er: (rt,', " inlnrlu. i mm. coating. for sump". wire m u tt tt wore done It I more _ was of the you. ballad ' [who the colt. u munlcl- F F ' would only my on Ind our . ("not a. can. the two savor]:- ‘V (Wu the other two. 11.. new ordttr-lrrCouttcll . _ 1iettert the municipality" _ ' paring it down to one tttd _ on Iumer out. the red- “this to non u quickly 1llt'id', to over" out of the mutt ii, tho truck. Owing to tho alip- 'r' condition of the puement as it. thrown beneath the muhlm. W85 the when]: ot the truck I'd not pan directly over him, he 'mtatttt IBVCI’O Injuriu about the la" “hm. Yam sum. F ' t undeni unending the and Waterloo Collegiate , with n painful accident while T from Ichool on his bicycle IMoon. The Ind was. T “as down the Hospital Hill to. I I Waterloo riding closely be. , I Ford truck owned by the Not! Roe-3rd Company. Both ve- â€do. ,rere,trttvellustt at a good W when the truck driver slack- his motor in other to make the 6 down Mt. Hope Street. The no not 'seiittA3otuteit atNettng itttit wk. mud this week by “Nu-ll Oovonment. will not be an advance or loo-Hy. it is “I hon City Ingmar gunm- I), "il _ Free on .Satnrday, January 28 . Arnold Jansen _,',-'-'-"'"' " Alvin†at Your If INJURED IN COLLISION a n th- light W1 ',Te And _ Couldn't Break Tie i, King Street Baptists and Water pm Lutherans. playing 1n the senior Tn" Rangers' Hockey league " ( night at Knufmnn’s rink, battled to a 1 I one-Ill tie, which they failed to break l iitt overtime pluy. lt Wu 3 {an and l ‘furloul true“ and both teams showed {Monty ot gluur and there were Haul. jet! of good hockey. Ten minutes over 1 time was played but the boy. werei all in 1nd they could more no furth- G. Le. Scholly retereod I? r' ’T"""u r-e “1‘77? r w ' ( O Ina-Wank- ' .--p_1Pf'eetBo, ommnqmwo QM‘QBMMO .t'.ei_1refet1trt ommum.r.:.wuoo OM.‘ who“. .,r-BirPh0Br."rstnso ..tu.YttnrrtHntt.ttttuutur0 ‘omummwumo omwtnnumm. . . thstrtuott.nntr"Httrq0 ',,0 am. no auction will . . new". Mr. 1mm " . . will“ the Mtteq by “clun- . Onion. . Ii! a quilting It the home of Mn 8. B Brickor, King Street. yesterday after, noon, Mood Clothing 1 That there an children In Kitchen. er who cannot go to school beau-a they have not proper Nothing is tho _ report made by the local police Son 1 era! young-tern are in need of warm 1 clothing very badly. Citizen. hav- ing clothing which would be auiuhle I tor two girls nine and thirteen - ‘ cld. area-ea. underwear. stocking 1 and min: particularly and under-f wear. stockings and mm: tor two _ boys night â€an old, These should l be toward“ to Min Schlerholtz. The ladies of the Murdock‘Macken- tic Minion Band of the St. Paul: Presbyterian Church, Waterloo. held . millqwoullu O . "tuYttqmHatt.tittutrttee. . O aha-mum . Omwmmwm. . . Gunman-uncut“ . . “in“. no 010cm“! will . . M‘ . . mat-smallestâ€! mun:- . . Bttott. . OOOOOOOO‘OOO0,00 Well-known Waterloo Pro. perty Bought by E. Reinhardt The Alexander Hotel Waterloo, which during the put two years has been owned and run by Maura. E Liphardt and H, Wing And was sold tor a nub-tum“ gum to E. Rclnhnrdt local police wanna anl and Provincial Government: â€Wearing the rem-ind" In shares ot one-half and one-third respective-1 lr. . _ Mlubn and. I The deal wu pat through by the loul real "lute uent Schmullz and Penman on Suturduy afternoon. It " the Intention of the new owner to remodel the building Into a modern hotel which will doubtless be a credit to the town of Waterloo. lnviutiono have been issued tor the nnnunl social evening of the alumni of the Unlveruity ot Toronto. it Anyone has been overlooked, they should communicate with the were tary. Min B. M. Dunham, and " invitation will be "ttt. Anyone who has attended for one year any (an. oily ot tho University ot Toronto. is entitled to become a member or the local orqaniztttfou. Alumni Goal-I. Win-calf; j“ and by mmunrwwuo HOTEL SOLD I. , 't ara mambo" of the Commission. the chum-n, W. D. Gregory, R. L Britain and A. E. Pooock. doe; not entirely express the view- ar the ‘ other two members, Norman Somer- 1 Villa And Albert Belly", who recom- l, mend that the office of sltaruf be -combined with that of the county icourt clerk and the port of - l and high wast-bio be continual as at present. I Town Clerk J. C Knight of Wat. }erloo is n. biz-Lieu visitor In Tots l onto. . i Thu an" nrvlng at: month: with ‘tne United sum Mortgage & Trust. ‘Compuay P New York I prominent society wanna bu boon mule aasut. ant mercury of the complny. Mrs, Thomas O'Donnoll and daughter Mlu Etude O'Donnoll lo- compnnlod Mr, und In. E. H. Zlck and daughter In! Stand†tor a holiday mu of lover-l monlhl " Dull“. Texas. Mn. Le Trule cane up from Guelph In! week for . VIII! " ther homo of Mr. ma Mn E. Ptoqrde Sun-m. Mrs, Le Tulle bu [any Mond- in the Twlnclty. who no u- cordlnc her a very warm Vulcan; Mrs. Rainbow m: ot Waterloo n m. lat m. “anyâ€: and In Juana but of manner Pr-tmr-ati. mm; do!“ I." mm“ from n mum mum] m stub; m '00th M tho and: oe Mr, “town. but! ul WW: qta, In. and... a hm am am an M. nw.wuuumuuml Ae-o-, m: - In: "trtttot-rttt-!miettw.t-uttlltte "aqrttoe.-egoarev'utt' hm an. - and mu. mwmmhm- “Miami-memo! Mm Chnrlone Vulcnline of Town to University enjoyed n weekend vityit with her pnronu. Mr. and Mn JLmeI Valentine. Park Avenue. Illa 1.0qu Bmttttaupt, daughter of Mr. And Mn. J. C. Breltttaupt, I." Int val wit! a my of Mond- tot I holiday trip to Harlan. at-tftoHthtt-oteur and population. ir "new by the Ontario Nttlie We. Comm-don In I report a“. - may ll Toronto " Hon. W. . My. The report. which in “(and by three The malority report can It can- WWW tot all?! mu“ 0"“ sldernble length into the history at it" In" “W and retiring otltstt- the office of sheriff ma mm in am for the - NH“- 3"" cit-dine in imporunce and the var.' " too cid to carry a. Thi, wtrdd mu. attempts “my. to mm the de- he love the counties of the eel-riot lunch: of the Iheriffe for an ',,til,'2'; raid te. 3.013" mtd high 'W' quate allowance, The Commissioners scabies. ere all agreed that the office of ahcr- i The ado; tion of the new Behmae Hf is a dying one, and that the mm 1 w m c entail the retirement to won holding office in the different mun. i as pmticeble of nurly two-third- br are well paid for what Ln. tlo/of the present {one of litmus. lut have so little to do that they There are now nineteen of them 70 Minot urn d living income. M.. " yenrs of use or over, nearly a score k ho receive government grants are l more over sixty, five will never lee overpaid for the comparatively lit- eighty “min. and one veteran of 94 "t work 'hey perform is still drawing hie pay. The Com- Pay Sheriff‘s Salary mission advises tint the older men Haring reached this, conclusion, be retired on I air ellowuioe or I t1 e Como irsioncrs approached the l lump sum. Rich in memoriel (but make life worth while and in experience- which have but tended to unite in closer bonds, if poulble. the family lies. a happy week-end {wily reun- ion we: held " the home ot Mr. and Mrs E. Bricker, l7 Ahrene Street Welt. Kitchener, int week. when all the members of this eeieemed inmin selhered Around me feetiv. board for the Brtrt time in tttteen years. " though individually they had been regular visitor: ht the home. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs Brick. or will join in wishing them increas- ing healih and heppineu tor the en- joyment or runny such delightlul gniherinxs. Mrs. Bennie, wife of Rev. H, L. Bennie of Ustrrldtm. and little tuugtr ter as spending a fortnight It the home of her “that. Mr. Junta Her. eron. Foundry St. Mr. F', C Bmwu of this city spent the week-end with friends In Lon. dott, Miss Madeline Greene, College street. was the week-end sue-u ot Stuttord friends. Mrs. J H. Donley II spending I few weeks with animus-ville Mandi at proeem. MI.“ E. Hosmnn m I week-end visitor at her home in Btmttord. Mr. Louis E. Winner ot Kitchener spent ty vet enjoyable weekend with Men†In New Hamburg. The may friend- ot Mrs. Vale tho mother of Rev. C. H. Vale at High River. Ant. will be sorry tr learn that she in serlounly Ill and has been confined to her home (on the pun few weeks. Mrs. A, J, May and daughter of Hamilton were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. Strum of water. loo. over Sunday. “nomads-mo! unmmauc-Lm“ T nmsMUMM nun-lung Social, and Persona} l ijiflilii Mrs. Emmeline Pnrkhunt who spoke It the Cepltol Thentre int Sunday evening. under the maple“ ot the Y. w. C. A, end the Prince" of Wnlel Chapter, I.O.D.E. delivered 1 powerful we most impreulve ed- dren on Socinl Hygiene .nnd the Uplift of the Community. to I lute Ind melt Ipprecintive audience. When we oonnider whet Inch plan Ipeekin; might hue done I deuce or more ego. it in otsrttotly hoped thet what In. Penkhuret pleads for --"Ban. Educated Public Opinion to support Enlightened Legitrutlott"-- will now receive the hurty support ot the citizen ot Kitchener and Waterloo. o-ua-rd-oth, n"3¢th¢'Mh*I a ml ("wank-auto“!- rue when It It†"er, pambtdlhuuwoww aittatedoertottteri6ettV taattuaertfhberatdatt tttle ~th.“ (MMMMDSI: 500. with provide. " and new! tor.r"r-s-dthoFetrty srru-'heenieinreiretto_t" “our. Tho Combatant- adu- Mu. Punkhurnt vu t snout " thc home ot the Young Women's chrut in Association. duping Mr any In town, where her charming present and turned" person-my wore much nppreclued In her Intercom" with the young ladies. Three (nah Itudonll In the coun- try, when they not n oduen ot patrUrehtal loch. 3nd, (calla: 1‘th mood, decided to bu. l 1|qu fun with him. ' _ Mrs. J. M. Scully was the hone†l x! the Bridge Club at her much been- I med residence In! Monday um. noon, when the members neatly en- Joyed the ever popular “no, as well u the well known hospitality ot an: chermlng household. BODY TO " OREMATED LONDON, Jen. "--rho more) of Viscount Bryce will be held pri- veuly on Thursday. and the body will be cram-ted " Golden Green. Mr. Ind Mrs. Norman Sam-m at Toronto were week-end Hilton.†Waterloo. the - at Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sauna: It "Button Home." The Lord Chumberlnin mnonncu that the drea- ior India who will be invited to witnes- the mum..- ot Princes: Mary in Wutmimier Ab boy will in tht lune drtt" u " court, without lulu. walk or {nth- on. "Good morning. nth" Atsrattatn,'t ground the am i, "Good morning. rub" Inn." and the "eottd. "Good normal. rumor Jacob." Added the third. The old null-mu: lookod tho Iludcnu our tor I women. than I). um: "I am neither Am. In“ or “ooh. I un Saul. son of Kill). I Am loom; tor my uum'n mu. 5nd I In" found. til ttree."--" PIIOTON t. AVR t, AYE. on. Jun. tar-In the Inbr- modluo ORAL [no Mun“ Pru- ton and Arr tttar" hero lat night Preston won by 4 to a. 11. - "ood I to I lull] with“ I to. ID mu bum an In! [on wand. elm. Ayr‘l than. damn pica, wu donut“! “can! out (no, u the In: W. Thq may“: mum usury for - Egg}! ff m that â€minutely "to,tte would come Into ttge hovvoltts Tumult)! in tho nut; MNetor. It in: paid to shad!!- ud 'glt'tlt tary grunt.- And the am no: mid by the public ltd tho “and“ 1- than tefteqrs. This tt {I dam-M .n-uld he more than - to mac: don-Ind: tot wary paymen- 0-49: see now 'ttheme, and at!!!“ unn- a-ms for the - IWI yum are too ad to any a. This '0.le In love the countle- of the ulur'u row raid tr (toler- Ind high '0!!- scum“. ‘nzelos for the remunlur'w‘inte‘r 101111â€. *wummWIm-‘v kmmmmm‘“ “mm“ “to!“ 1teettee."IU,,','.'e.'",h'S 'l.leCiteun2eee, ' mama-unnumb- 'lgté-t-0""te The ' at (can. tho you); poo- 't, pl. ot the In. “nonunion to , nth" In bola. Hutu“: worked I out by the 14mm ot no til-Met Ind m. noun»: 1.: a " Impou- ' that It on um who. a. Luth- Amman-cm- t'eeqtetrttteete, m,mmnw My 2'â€:".'u.,mw Wu 9.’ 1,'ol.'t. 12d."l"Shlu'1Att “I w mm w my iiiirie -s- rLakiiiG iiGU 'sw1o_t,ttt,ufyPePtrtCttt nutmmuum 3-!" Wu F - Dot... mum-album .1 'ood". Aty_trii-if1et1eliiu"7riiUii'iA"'"d,7ii'. In "ttttf tn Q. 16!? "f_qt'?tt8 Mmumuwmm Maurice burnout, Who bu not been heard trom for name time. its now " work on in unmou- mean vorllon ot R. D. Mum's "lam: Doom." with u out momma Punk Kenna. Mm. Beltlmy Ind John Devon. , Mr. um In. than Memnh of Preston no spending I few any: " the hum: ot Mr. and Mn. J. M. um, Anton Strict. Waterloo. Mn J. Black ot out wu a [nut u the home of Mr. um Mrtg. A. KIIIMII ot Wltorloo "new“. Mr. Dalton Cum! of Pilot Mound, Multobn, upon nnnl days. with Mr. C. Mueller, Queen Strut. Water. IjlWllllill) ARE B'l'ill'l'Milil) at mu at - "um the “an I...“ II It. Joy-'- church. Wan-loo. and, an . my end- muo â€In... Ne "it ettt.rtatm too. -rniu-iiasrottsaeoisobudt, uwmm;ammwy mummdmw rum oi (I. load mu â€opt. mmmtomnutum [ Mrs. J. B. Want, Alton- urea out. vu the {zoom- on Monday "out“ mt. dqwrulnhl (no wash ly clubs. A very Nov-bio tune wu â€out tor a kw ham. when (he cumulus.“ vu hold Mu. D. P, #9113ch ot Toronto VIII becoming†can)“ In black he. with my, mm... Mrs. Kan: won a lovely Ny? gterrg6tta gown with “do mum!†â€a the boat- on were 1 handful (on of white was“ with "not!†he. “a unu- " girdle tad Worm. a pink sweet pea. Many " "tn Guy Ind!†took the mom ouc'rnunuy at mum; on MN. Home“ um her cunning mummy was such alloyed. Mm Joule Stunt. John street. Waterloo, returned ttits week tram Port Dover, VII-i. It. bu been mum; her ulnar. Mrs, D. Comluh. She wt. “comm!“ home by but mu. Moon. Mm Munro! Cornish. in. c. w. was no; mum: fer a VH1 ‘of Mull wool! with Mr. an In. T. u mm in“. m Mg.. D. Wm - wu ad hone-u d . “than roe-puma u I. m on mm “not hot Met, D. Wukor "satdod u the m “In. “a Mtg. In“ “about“ ot Bnnltord lei-vet! the Icon. _ Ala- ong tho you; War In the dining- roolh wan Mrs. D. newton: sud Min J. mm“; both of Toronto. Mn. N. M. Danton. Mrs. John Scully Lad Mb: F. Run. Mrs, Add†mmz etttatrtaigt. ed u M M My Mand- at her home, Atria. “not. out. on Prldny evening to . charmingly mused m. The event. in u very plenar- sblc on. um. - Tot and you: TOW. pr â€and an door to the alumnu- mum who were "ulna by tho In the Mum room “I. able VII moduli)! centred with orchid: and luau-pink role- while pink at! man w“ domlmt celor not. throughout. F mum at In. D. y. memo-h of Toronto and Mn. C. nun. son. at ttto in: nun-m um mmmmum m†Hyman of m nan. mun --------_ 1'r,it muuwmalnr". pl-esta-tIle' Bold a" W3, braltdrt-ee_tsttritiht te,tuuttti1irriiiiiFii""ri"kiii" Hum _ - pilot-dd†unmana- 1 w. R. Burnett, who was held in 'Winer (or the loci] police, up- pured bolero Muisirue Weir this morning on an illegal minppropri- ‘ntion ot funds reuniting tron: the male ot Nukol 'tttek owned by Tho. Pts George ot this city. After n ‘ comulutlon betwen the scented and in. J, any“, counsel tor the plain. ( till, it w" agreed to have the cue Hand over tor 1 week. HAMILTON, Ont. Jun. tt--Ttts d-rot" condition ot the t H. h B. crossing at Coinlvillo and the H. I D. cram-in: u Aneattter win he brought to the Attention ot the on. urio Dopmmn at Hist-uny- by Wenworth County Council. This council will and "mount-lives to the muslin; of York County Conn ell to Join in u toque“ tor In“: school grunts. The people an complnlnin; Ibout the burden of school use; -t.uu,andw-rttts mummmumn 10 Years of Eczema ThN.W.Fu-m’lntul Huh-unmet; __-_ AMI-1m - 'eP,w.Mardeett.a-tstitar. Arr-William - uIGyOIDIIIIIv'Iwm non- ttit-tte-tttHt-vt-ttmrs nationalism-north: nut .rttar,nn6attlsdofttt..ddr- 'itriettthedrtaeseseededtn-atttg Ittmtottte-. “but†We!“ WANT LARGER SCHOOL GRANT --l 81mph mum Her "iiiU' nod" 'GraGiirV/GkTreauiiuauaAi -. “I - and n. “all“! Me In pan of: mm In. In. In? 'or 0'1, Nut Lake, gun. qrrtte In " you It". 371-. tw- 2135'": ttet me. "Gia 'iin‘vuila'i" w Ami-k ' _ " â€pl: """ cl a.“ n N -te." Tired-Ina nun: Isl-n that Att I "who“: 'dl'%"d LI km of Mono-Inc "on may "a m and In“ " the Dad-Ion. uni, " col-gt band-om not ska-90¢]. - M "(W W a “and.“ an. d B. D. 1 on t%'t,'l.T2tt tfaMa'L"tg {I} D WOOD. PHO|PHODINL Ttre you. Mn and}. mono. and unisonâ€. the who“ mom Inc-n. huh: n" ttillta blood In old nun Cun- Nam Downy onphull on y new: mum. II to mum of In». him: all Nor. wduoent. Bohsbmnm "In“. and u qttttbtgV man- man. but. In the in: min“ It will be trom non. of than thin;- that he will win Immortality. but num- from his utility to write pron poetry. I" the lam handful. be cum it II T""'"" Baid Mr, In)“ ttett. “Beauty. tor Dununy, is every- vhere" declared the want. "But- tering Ind Iordidneu in to him phy- alcul min. and no naming and an in his Imagination that he In obi. to ouch the‘bnuiy when ho not. and trailer it conplotoly to the printed {use in (loving word Diem"- when it will rennin louver. bringing Joy to thouundl [on unlit!“ than htm. all." During the uddrou Mn. B. " How-rd an; "Tho Gordon of Row": pleululy. Ind P. D. Preseott, who: I: a “loom. of the lay-J Col-l Iago of Mull: ot London. £1“de contributed tum bountnully approw prints plum Iclocuonl. A than? bushes: meeting preceded the lee-f ture. 1 Bunion wu wound out on the mymont of I mo can lull. The one iq on all!“ out ot A deal between Georg. no Barnett In which the “met in Alleged to hue dlnpoud ot "ttek tor Goon. with. out turning over the proceeds. $500 Bail Alloweq waiii- WM..." iiiiaii A In.†M An nwm'nk WM. ta"ltl.Tt “In“ Ho- m. - WWI-plum W. R. Barnett; Case May Be Settled A. It. HAIHNIL. Dung"!- 'dental and Brain Wor- 30.5668 "I Mo l "iT1,fe?', I egularuptosl.00.......... , MEN’SCAPS ; Regularupm$2.25.......... f BOY& CAPS E / Regularupto$2.00.,........ 1 MEN’S FLEECE!) SHIRTS E Regular$1.26......-..., ; MEN’SSHIRTS Regularupto$2.60 .......... _ MENS SUITS , Regularupto$25.00......... GIRLS' PURE WOOL SERGE DRESSES Specialat............ $5 50t0$6 so SPORT FLANNEL BOYS' WOOL STOCKINGS Regular$1.00 .......... FACTORY COTTON BOYS' HEAVY POLICE SUSPENDERS BLACK CASHMERE BOYS' RIBBED UNDERWEAR BABIES' COA'N-White Bear Skin Reg. $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00. To clear BABIES' WHITE CORDUROY COATS LADIES' CORSETS Regular up to $2.25 . . . LADIES' HATS Regular up to $5.00 . . ' . REMNAN TS choose from at less than half 'ice. LADIES' COATS From $10.00 to $17.00 . . . BOYS' HEAVY UNDERWEAR Regular price $1.00 ...... .. LADIES' FLEECED COMBINATIONS Reg. $2.26 and $2.50. to clear . . . SILK KNITTED TIES Regularupto75c ....... LADIES' COTTON HOSE Grout reduction- on Underwear. ' no. Dress Goods, Sweater Coats, 'l'l'Ad,'l,Utl, Costa and Dunes. Be here with the curd. MENS OVERCOATS Regular up to $30.00 . . . . . MEN 'S COTTON HOSE BOYS' SUITS Regular up to $15.00 . . . . . . . . MEN'S HEATHER HOSE Regularupto$1.00 ......... Ball a Then Sale "iii')' > iiiii Surprise Selling begins sharply at 8.30 aan. 36-inch. Reg. 25c. 2 Yards for . . . Regular $2.00 . . . Red, Green, Blue. Reg. $1.50 ... Regular price . . . Regular price $6.00. To clear . . . . . Regular 40e . . . . . Regular40c...... Regular 30c Pair . . . . . . . Any'mmerp.e stogk of, tery. description WAT IV THURSDAY g FRIDAY 3 SATURDAY , _"c"'j: for everybody T; Sale 49e 59c $14.5 l 32 $3.48 $2.99 $3.69 $1.69 $1. 98e 98e 98e 53c 25c 98e 19c Me 69e' " 98e