v'(li'l,t'e, rise to a great many unsani. 'i',; sNt conditions. The method ", onâ€; bl'fiiii.' this difficulty which was sug-l Cif:,dP"d by the doctor was to extend, A' (it. â€than collecting system to " ,- â€yen of Waterloo at the An) ‘u: 'iqPt avenue ot the lawn councll.‘ 'Mt'd l lt no immodiato action will, g taken, this proposition met with', 1Htts [choral approvnl ot all members infuse board, [ fly but! unsung at td - " - Mid W“. ve " a. mum ot mum? _ was mum ul uh. me' cl ui. mt Institution in.I _ _ mum. Dr. w. m} ard . . the medical health a car 2-" , m “mum: at the an: to iuitA' â€use-non hon-non hoapttal - "udttrtnq mum if a. nu that it in - ' . h " lid but: the conv‘enleléu‘ SB. 5 - " an important "on m the - of " mutuuou ot the amd.) Ir, h- not been occupied by patient: w, .3}...qu put of the yen and at can has arrived when a better 3 r A ' building must be provided & caring: Disposal a it. doctor the referred to the .LW question. As it Ins been - _ . - " In these columhs previously iiiil _ _ too In: A most inadequah :21 . - ot disposing of garbage wh' " ;Tnuss§§ 4.;RUPTURE EXPERTS 14 Snider J“: The regular meeting ot the w. Lt «ff. 0. m held at the home ot Mrs " . ma. Park Avenue, Wednes. L.“ in. I mothers' amazing and was iiijdnned by Miss Snyder or th' Waterloo W.C.T.U. thaarr .. . ' {Hemmer ' H. Weber . May Get Gar In - of the many necessary â€I. made by the Public Health _ to vuious parts of the town, 2tiaa thought advisable by the when of the Board to provide it? with a motor car In the near 6 ¥£yor w. G. Weiehet was aimed min ot the Board for 1922, The ink-tell report which was su't,mit. ttrf try Dr. W. t Noecker was very Wow. The results are as vs: MOTHER I8 ACCUSED mum YORK, Jan. 2x.- Allnged In line poured boiling water our Ber lull-Mud nnd two r-hlltlran as W llopt_ Mrs. Tillie Mild-p. was “ivy Magistrate Falwell of Cotr b “and on I charge of felonious - pending the outcome of the , Following the task it resolved r, h l round-table ronlerencc when Inlay good Suggestions were rwx'mv- ire tor the carryi= on of the work) XIII J. Crowe conducted thrs unvo- isant exercises The meeting was yell guarded and much business; VII (taunted. _ thhri" all» mrlictmr She “Id she Myttma to learn her bulb-ad lo the m stay at homo mars. Hold Meeting at Home of Mrs. Ratz Battling AND MAKERS OF zip-mm and IMth. “magma; u an. f.lTt'lGtt, Iqbtitpthu, commo- "itgcts,nrhegtmnd" - _ you; mung: Mum-b. 9 th.tt_sth.tthettre who! may ounce tie. e. 1 t,tm'tht dh'llluTN,ul,' 1"a,'2ttff, _ - Md I care. I -8Sett.. In yun apes-:3 itfttt,tir"',rg'g,'tt'.','t, Li misnol‘hu-II your my. and l'lrrra1a"xi'ir'i; mtrttedtolem, Whitman-mum Improvements: romwesuwmm -totrvotr-sdarn 'f/tata/thed/Mal' . noun-mama...“ T"',ilMPlllPP"ll'e"'"' , 'Te""'"" y"""""'""'""'"".'" - "T7; Tiff- HI, Jhriidi" 30 III PM "'g,,ntfr.1'llt 1eiiiiiiiuri," Bree- ad lit. "a, an IT fee"--:,,, 't"MIh",'d can of "mums _ Str, thavity Per, Fat ......1032 4. ......mm _ ‘33 . .‘....10327" Te. .v» ..102a . as ew' ..1082 3.6 ..°....103] as “mums; Tt w mambo: ‘33 Tit 3.3 3.6 Vuuu- --m_ n", 7 !idiri the may ot ti. wmrloo 'Cnrunx Clubs. vh- a (dandy lune it: played. WntqtHoo curl- !en an. an victorious that n ttttrillirtq all vary My contacted Visitors [one At Waterloo Beaten by Detroit l it is announced that Stephen D. “All†has become tosoetatmCwith l those active‘ in the formation ot the Lproposed Ontario Equitable Trust ',corporntion. Waterloo. which. it is ioxpccted. will shortly make applica- i tion tor a charter of incorporatott. 1 Mr Lazier has a tine mcord tor isucceistui organisation Ind is very ‘weii acquainted with Trust Corpor- ation matter: He is n director of the Catiadiatt National Fire insur- ance (‘6mpany and of the lmporhl .Canadian Trust Company. Winnipeg. ;having taken a prominent plrLin the organization of both at these ;companies He Is nino a member of (the directorate ot tho Great West Permanent Lonn Company. whose I English and Scotch bnnches for the ‘uie of dehentureu in the British _ isles were enubilshod by Mr. Lariat I personnily. new: curlers in tho new at up mum ot the DINO tour point.- up. The Ice Wu very keen um All maniac evening wu given both the visitor: um! "I. Carnival ié Big f home curlem Waterloo rink was the Mecca for Inlay [musically whet! shun last evening, the occuion both; that of the tirat skutlng carnival which has been held in the town tn a num- ber of years. Judging from the numerous ant- ers who came in costume and the in- terest displlyed by the onloonrl. the affair was certainly a success; in incl. so weli plowed are the - agement that it is their intention to stage another carnival at the rink before the present season ends. There were between any ulq mer) entydive costumed skaters camper ing for the various prizes. the iii) prize for the beat couple going to Mr. l H. Ziegler md Mina R. Ludwig who' appeared as a jockey and u may, respectively. . I In the Individual thunder oosv tumes Miss Ranfsome as a Cowgirl, was awarded the judge's decision? while Mr. t Sumo as the Jack of Hearts weaved second prize. The third prize went to Mr. B. may who was trartred as a Zulu Chief, his clever costume being the most out- standing in the whole rink. The' Judges were Messrs. s.P, Kiesweuer mud E, Schlquer. Associated With » Proposed 0rrtarip Those responsible for the launch- in; of the new Trust Cbmpeny end the tromplrstiott ot the work required betore application tor warm may beimade Ire Inlllng themselves of sen; able services In securing the cooper-non of Mr. mien robin yéur m.“ {live 30:! ' " W Tram! nu. to Mon.†Bl.",,",,, down;- tue to thich th-oth.tthetttely cunnot stealâ€. With faithfitit"etlte mnemo- tanttrdicur,e. Out Equitable Trust In Waterloo WWI-“Mil.- aluminium-Ind -ttrttpuuerdt1et.trr'r." Shuts. Pram-uni now-'11! an» Ion. and»; a. a smut. â€and Wm. . L. W. any w. a. wants. Aloy- - Arthur roo- tor. B. E. Bochul, J. C. HAUhh, C. A. Boom. J. H. Smith. P. Tr. Wit- Ion. Clive ti. Bean and)?“ Hour. The report- unsuited. 'tearns the Net mun. company during the you um nun-lull, heavy comp-men; indie-m . um mum aluminum; of the comp-arc 'tttB- Itiogt. The total cash “not: Indlud- in; accrued Internal no gov 8987.926.“ which, with the nailing ot premium not“ of â€38,181.07 make: the total um- 't,806.t6t.M5. DIRECTOR“ REPORT The prolldem, Mr. Geo. Mabel. who acted " church“ of the meet lug, read the f,',',1"..'1'" report ot the your“: operatio '.- To the, Members ot the Wuerloo Mata, [in lnlunnoo Comm! Gehtlemenf' , Your Director- bes to “bum to you the Fifty-ninth Anna-l sate- meat of the business ot the Cour may, comprising the receipts um expenditures of the pest you. end the balance sheet shown; unt- md Mummies of the Company on the Thirty-nut any of December. 1921. with the Auditors' mtrtithmto tor the correctness ot nine eppernd- ed thehoto. The total number or pouch. luued {or the your wu 12,858, and the total amount of "nuance written was $23,300,143dt0. The total number of policies now in force is 28,894. and the total amount of insurance covered (here- under is t53.2i8.976..00, being In In- crease of $2mt6,347.00. The Company's total income tor the year. from all Source: m 3338.- 261.19. and the expenditures 8306.. 586.22. The total cash use“: no shown to I be, Includmg accrued interest, 8981;; 9tb88. Th residue at premium notes _ " 'l'lit,'l1il", mixing the total a} sets ot the Comma] $1,206,167S6. Y The nuance of cub â€sets over all "abilities In 3803A07.89. I. net shin of $33,252.90. and If we include the premium notes, we have I net bnlunce ot $1,041,639.98. The "abilities. nude up of 82; 90130 ot unpaid Ion-es. and $161.: 61629 unturned pronouns, are $164,, 517.99. There is nothing that romtctn the general trend of business conditions so much as the statements of Fire insurance Companies. and the tig- ures just presented to you show that in the pest year these has been a considerable drop in the amount ot insurance written. due lonely to the derutiort ot values. On the other hend the three year non<henrdous business shoys a considereble in- crease over the corresponding per- iod of three years ago. so that while there has been some drop in the premium income from last year, the actusl amount of insurance carried is $2.706,lHT.00 greater. Tha flrty losses tor the year have Urtpaid Lotureis (not) _ been unusunlly bun, Npt only did Re-inirurtoce. Reservn .. Ith Company antler, but prncuully Bnlnnce .. . . . .. . . . . . . . I" Comm!†doing buaIneu In (and: hue suffered from the gen- eral Increase m are: thch tprevail- Cash Bnlnnce OTCr all ed throughout the whole of the your. Liabilities ..... . . . . I _ No doubt mnny of than tirqttt were Premium Notes In" de. the mm of um changes a. balms“ ducting all Damien" common. the Inddnn drop In prIcoa thereon .. . . . . . . .. . .' mnkln; mamntIle trtos9 Ion ulu- TOW A3018 ..qr..."" this. and unnamed hullnou can. Deposit with Provincial mum". making people In“ cum“ Government _...... v- as rounds urea. In nddIUon to um. George Dlobeh L. l “shining locus on firm properties Pmldem were very numnroun. Ind " A would prob-lily be to tho “nut. AUDITOIS REI up of both tumor: and lnnunnco Waterloo, lunar) uh, I CommnIoI It I but" at: were To The Prawn". In charged tor nnroddod bunchâ€, mk- Policynoldem of the Wu: In; . gram d1tNrmMtq In Manned I‘lro [nut-nee Comp-n nun in favor ot than tux-non who ================= Inn Man the precautions to ulc- - not“: their hummus with A. lightning rods. Anon-r and. I " -estttrmietNrmttarttqttan been 1903mm continua mnn- 'rh - - . Inc - from In Ir-qt-tp _ J curd being - In tto IOVI. AI. I author tarm but. win an - 1,,i, In tho much at in. Conway. but In "itat or the In": he... " ‘mglu any". that wow-able (ii, add I uni-mun! nun-n! to our - f mm" " T'"due-_s.7: itirou-twsr-rGest. enamumoMMm.db MIMI-mucu- mum-.mmmm tr.g.eh-tdm.tesNhegeeeee mailings-mm alumina-Icahn» -tr,eeeptt.ftetrt nun-hung tui-trot - uetgovtneint - and h humu- 011mm to". and all: It was» In out at we here to ox"!- onr 59mm M "I. work an by "All!“ 0M sun "qauosrtsutbsrttuitteroe man who no biannual II pm- dnciu tho moo-gpuho company. Durlu the tttttttg, tho nun be: of HM Insulin Complies in her of Fire miuiuetftanrraaieas in CM doing A page! mine-e, has dubled. without I Wading In- cre'eee In the elite of 'tnmnnce required. Undo} Inch clrcunuuncel nny Colman, that can aunt-in its tmnty---tn spite of the strenuous communal ot these new Companies '--<"rm, n. debt of â€Mantle to the faithfulness of It: mats. meny at when em uttered tempting propo '|mone to plnce thin business else- where, nnd your Directors feel grate- ful to all those who are working so enrnectly tor the weltnre of the "Old wntertoo.". F'NANCIAL STATEMENT I The audited statements ot the 'Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurnnce ‘Compuy presented to the annual ‘meeting held (sturday, the 28th of Jnniury, 1922, tor the year ending ‘Uecember 2trst, 1921. _ Recap“ (Premiums, Cash and In emulation we be; to drawyonr I attention to the main object of the meeting, vitr., the disposal of several _ summon“ baton ybu. and the elec- l tion ot three Directors tor the term _ of three yunA _ The retiring Directors are: Messrs. Allan Bowmt Noyes Bauer and L w. Shun. all ot whom are eligible for reelection. . On behalf of the Board, _ GEO. DIEBEL. ' Presidertt. Waterloo, bunny 28th, 1932 Fees .r............ â€66.48137 Premiums, Mutunl ..... 81,718.77 “Items! _.............. _ 44.14107 Rents .......e..r.w.98. 625.00 R&lnaunncg for were! 36.06122 Prom and Loss Account. 9,237.16 Mutual q............' Reinsurance .......... Commissions ... .. . . . .. Expenses of Management Tues uprovlnclal and Municipal) .......... houses ..rr...mr.W_.t.. Rebates, Cash and Balance ........ RealEstate -mm.r_..F.. Mortgages w........... Debentures _.,........ Agenu' Balances ...... Cash on hind e........ Cub In Bank .m.t.mm.. Accrued Interest on De Waterloo, hum Mb. 1922 I Mr. Bowman. the Vice President? To The Put-lam. Director, and tss_eondrsd the adoption ot the re Follcyholden of the Wuterloo llama! _ port. Ptre mum. Coupâ€. I 1 Mr. Levi Shula. the mun-gar. who Matures and Mortgages' 20,409.19 BEAUTY or THE SKIN AUDITOIB REPORT Expenditure. which unmoun- Anet- 333836119 $155,424.55 $306,536.22 31,674.97 ' 30,000.00 8,000.00 898,95C22 803.18 1,341.34 7,915.!“ 3338,2611? $967,925.88 ' 2.901 70 161s1Cc20 803,407.89 $967,92lM8 I 3803.407.†238.2310? 18.853 08 32.42338 41.34126 55,180.22 50.000 00 Shuh. Man-(er 3,356.13 Gentlemen-We he; to report that we have made a regular successive monthly and". of the books ot ac. count. and vouchers ot your Company during the'yur ending 31srt Degem- ber Inland that we have found the same correct and according to the abstract statements submitted here, with. We have also examined the securi- ties held by your Company, and tini that they agree with your accounis and are according to the detailed statement thereof as submitted by as, In our opinion the balance sheet re- terred to In this report is property lawn up ID as to exhibit ' true and correct view nigh Mate of the Cor. poration's all-its as shown by its books. hope: dumped on the slaughter block to be sold to the public at prices that-will blue a hail W H r a led mesha of it,tt,tt,t and make a new page 1n the history of retail Ill _, . " tr eitiientrwiil be 0 y too eager, to jump at the chance of attaining this tremendous 'c' community will be amazed at our sensational values. You Acan i6ap the bandit: of r ', _ sale by coming early. Read a few of our prices helow. Hundreds more may be had It the _ s' CHEESE CLOTH . Bleached Cheesecloth, 36 inches wide. Regular 12c. _ 6c Clean Sweep ....r.rrr..."" Factory Cotton, yard wide, splendid weight. Regular 18c. 9e Clean Sweep w......""",'" "claim Large range of F ast Color Prints. Regular 24e. Clean Sweep .r..-.r..B_"'. 16e WHITE FLANNELErrE Snowy White downy finish, extra good quality, 36 inches wide. 19e Regular 325. Clean Sweep. . . All-wool Jersey and Serge gains of best quality. Regular $6.50. Cleap Sweep . . . . . . $2.75 LADIES' SWEATERS Entire stock of Coat and Pullover Sweaters. All sh es. Regu- Iar.to $4.50. 'lity, Sweep . . . 98e Entire stbck of Ladies' Coals at less than half-Pratt. See these before buying. EGYPTIQN LINIME T 146-148 KING STREET EAST Preddent‘s Address JVM. SrtLLY, F. C A J. SCULLY ‘m M' “1171.20!th 00001.†FACTORY COTTON FRIEDMAN'S ’ cut RATE STORE t' LADIES' SKIRTS LADIES' COATS LT: PRINT mama a 'it, Staple Mierehanditt ( '" Auditors ‘Icted as secretary or the meeting, ‘read the tutattc1B1 statements nnd laudltors' report. in doing so he ‘pointed out the incl: th.at.the Bur. plus of the company had increased I by the large amount of 3250.000 dur. ing the last tive years. The com. ‘pany had gradually been strength. iening its position until today it had lruyWtrs of overa1,000,000. In reply ‘ing to the vote of thanks to the officers he spoke highly of the et. ticiener ot the head office staff. Others who commented on the re- port were B. E. Bechtel, the Inspec- tor of agents. who paid tribute to the excellence of the ttttld force who had again increased the volume of but mess substantially, S. V. Wilson who spoke on the trend ot investments. and the conditions obtaining in the money market, C. A. Boehm who ,,tifted to the tine quality of the rampany‘s business and J. C, Hush! who ottered his cormrntttTaBor" on the excellent reports presented. On motion or Messrs A, Foster and C. A. Boehm, it was decided to send a later of nppreciation to the ngonts of the company commending them on their faithfulness annd loy- alty to the company. MessrB. Allen Boimun. Noyes Bauer and heir Shuh were reelected directors for a “rm of three years. Mossrs. Scully Ind Scully were re. appointed audlbrn. Tho usu-l votes of thunk: were teudered the manager. uni oMtNt o"arr, the Inspector and the new force, Following the annual meeting the dirertorn met and 'reeiected Mr. Geo. Mabel, PreBidettt. and Mr. Allen qumnu. vice-president. Ladies of Lutheran Church Hold Supper and Sale of Work The many Aid of the am an: Huh tatttteran church %eid a very -trtttttt we of work “a mpver an. D. R, B. emu room my The um: dd beam an“ wen out"? (ll-pond ot to [ha large no" of pdr patrons who “tended “a (no mom: were the mu. ot much nanny from bro an It: o'clock. At - o’clock " imam old- mhlonod gum-t upper w and at! was r'euly “may“ by the In" crowd of and W The wem mu any mention! ho- "fry N -. 'rroigtt Bttd the MIC! Will haw ', with! communion mm; ', mdotttreeAtuq9c a In, ti; "'scth, will. an int-nu than! gab an: no Mrs! 3111...). " 1Nteqht ‘m... 'r" danish"! W MEN'S DRESS SHOES Men's Dness Shoes, in black or brown. All styles.' Regular' to Vi.so. Sale...-......'... $3.88 White, red or black buckle or In Must be sold. Men's, regular $350, sale $1.98 Boys', regular $2.50, sale 81.78 Youths' regular $2.25, sale $1.49 MEN'S WORK SHOES Heavy black Calf Shoes, for, fat iiiiii." .,jriiiiilai' -t4so $2.49 Clean Sweep . . . . .. Best quality corn 4-string Broom, very serviceable. Sold at 65c. 29e Clean Sweep High top black 'd brown Kid Shoes. medium or high eels. Reg- ular tg.00. Clean Sweep . . S2.79 Boys' Shoeisimedium “Eight: sizes 8 to 10%. Regular $2.50. t Clean Sweep 'v".'"".", $L69 . LADIES' DRESS SHOES LUIkBERMAN’s BUBBERS BROOMS BOYS' SHOES Ladies' Aid Hold Successful Sale of Home Baking Three groups of the Ladies' Aid and Minion Society of Emmanuel Evangelical church were the hos- tesses at a charming tms and home made baking sale u. tho Waterloo Health centre Friday. A prettily arrange! candy booth addedato the nttncuvmess of the room while the loathsome wares sold easily as did all of the delicious home-made baking. The room vu (Iliad with eager shoppers from the opening early 1n the afternoon and altogether the event WIS mom. utishctory to both patrons and hostesses. ' Good Atténdance At Baby Clinic The usual good attendance was shown at the weekly Baby Clinic held on Thursday afternoon at the Health Centre. Dr. C. T. Noccker was the attending physician but ow. in; to the absence ff Nurses Pall the Virtm’inn Order ot Nurse was in charge. Nurse Pell Jma been granted three weeks' holidays on account of her illness. She ha. loft tor her home In Windsor and her many friends hope tbat she will return much Improved in health. "Ae"-- â€NEW wuumo mun tN-tbw-y WHEN you open an . account, however small, with \The Bank ot Toronto, you are assured of the careful, friendly service of re- sponsible men trained in the business of banking and capable of serving your interests effi- clearly. CORNER EBY ST., KITCHE We Invite your confidence - and‘ J, value it. You will tind out Inn-gen 1 end all randy to give prompt m, : tion tri your indivi III] needs. and the '_.{ fullidu and conveniences we tttter. [t embrace any department of my. q Weak-(nae, lucked?! Tnyol- , lee.' - Loner: MI.‘ ji Drum. - Order: and F,†" - Am are -tat' _ My: et my Bra-gr 's, (is. Blur. and white. 1ttt thy. Raul-($1. _ Clean Sweep ...l.-s, MEN’S PANTS. Grey sstripe-Work Pants. l vioeable. All sizes. arieisi' lat $3.50. Clean Swap a. MEN’S FLEECE I.' Entire stock of Fleece (Jada! Regular value to $1.215. e Clean Sweep w....'-.......".,. . WORK sums _ A large range, including f1amrehs fleee lined. Regular to a $2.06? Sale .............. Floor Oilcloth. beautiful patterns, Heavy Knit Sweater Goats. to $4.00. _ Clean Sweep ..a......... stock. Regular Me. Clean Sweep ......,?.... LINOLEUM .'s. Linole'ums of very best quality. tractive designs. Regular 9 $1.50. Clean Sweep . . . . . . . MEN’S 0' MEN’S SWEATERS . 3.3: Entertained ' " Church Choir "ii,, Mrs. F'. B. Rouuey. on Friday night, The choir'ot Bt. Andre byterian church mth, 'tttter tenained at the home at After the usual prune. I sanitation meeting was hates. the follow“: otticttm were - Hon. President. Mr. fd'dt' President. Dr. A. I. 'tue 1Bt Vice Pam, Mltta tum} Socnury, Miss Emu: m Treasurer. Roy Slums. i, Convenor ot the Bogint W tee-Mrs F. S. Bouncy s-" l Librarian-Miss Mum†. Convener or the MtgMeal u tee-F. McKellu'. F organut.--A. C. mum- After the auction at oerie-t socihl hour was enjoyed in} lecubla luncheon wu uni the hostess. - tt'itr understood that tho " Shoe company. Min-Ion Strut. practically double their M. noor spice this "will; by It"! Liort ot a new wing at the e4t' ot the building, “mu-r to at: sent structure and three new“ helght. They will be an. “.4 He â€1er present output. I To Erect Addltwn‘ OILCLOTH f "