_i'6i'is, and it-wats suggested in the annual 'IF' that it would be to the advantage ‘of ',rltiirmirs and insurance companies of a “rate were charghi for unrodded build- riiittd a greater difference made in the in- ktt rates in favor of those farmers who ‘1me protect their buildings' with light- e_close and careful attention given to the Fr 'of the eompany'ts affairs by the board ‘tor_s and management is indicated in F cellent reports presented from year to IC,,',';) should be a source of much satisfac- mi it. policy-holders. _ k, ANGUNFRENCH RELATIONS te company in investing its funds has al.. mued a sound, conservative policy. Its Merits are almost wholly in bonds and itures of the highest character, including kibyly all companies operating in Can.. & '6,278,000,000 in Weed heavy fire losses during the' The fact that paladins the Waterloo Mutual, due to‘Ithe line have felt W business conditions generally ‘ a broken foreign: Lung apparently less careful as to may at, human losses on farm properties werei ---.- i191: of Calm m bondr'and Provintrial Mrtd debentures of growing towns and for which it is reoejying exoellleni rates have}. Nth. maze of despatches respecting Anglo} Hon, ilir', negotiations and relationships there is sent in [hie s note of relief, as if a crisis has being it and and the pleasant valley of friend- 'yl'itist more entered upon. There are yet The Email spots on the road through that on jur ' But force of circumstances compels the opportu "tations to help each other across these. a Mass us they do on the threshold of the "e conference, which will spell a new Crir ‘9‘ continued chaos for Europe, there is decreu ‘10! eonfldenee. Raymond Poincare, who. amount ' Briana as Premier of France, we: a twenty dd persistent critic of " wxrdetxtttsttr'ts Land tl F He now professes 'to be anxious to ., the negotiations with Britain. . He, One i it the same time on "equality." Behind 'cidents the determination of France to night-in l Hsmilt "0"“ , 'e."'"""'"""..""","'"'""":":""'.-"", 'n-v-anMV-m - . . . . ' _ ------------ _ . " ' 1 M e Pt ', tttiS'." ~8.mw.“,}__m i?',lriiir'r','e,ii'ili.rii) a... IM 2 " a. Ntt on 'r' _ was 'mitrnemaithrtr' _-'. I an". ' Nr-?--.'- “I. Bl, 3m wit nebt.mted m{k__‘j_____(:____.___â€"â€" . 2?ttt: m; Sr,'ll.'ftc W _ “I e irhieh trarther . . ..,,- q V ' . " . tlfrlf'Jdi','tf,',l','ot'te,Q','lf,i'l'tl', Aa-ear-tIso-rt/tot!!?.?")",".);"', new WW tRI Ne tal 3130515795 favorable trade balance of the United States “:u‘m no. {rm 'm . ,trttf.ttrto We†'. . . mm 1921 is indicated in the foreign trade 'qrs.-ur--r+ "L W BI?!. ' lheavyhnlouee dunnztho . iatiesistsusdbr theCommemW gy2.tat',e,tr,gti"'ffl1u'd IiMht , I,'r,'tt,h,t,fil . 'ttttdd " Washington new dare "o. ','l,'r2t'dl'i' a; laziest“: ., _ -"_ t fl em There Exports decreased in value in 1921 by 88,- new... no, P-tuno- IN. " ' 2'tg ty,',':','. Ittltt5 gage iiUG of 1diiiiiriii and imports by t2,TTT,000,000, the Itt M†" 2t"t,'t't' J,': ree' . . .'"i ' ’. . _ etioniheetir2ie-t"' '2,',e.te by the venous mpames an import sud, attributing tl? girth; tte of my; candidate. Harry moor. 'fgefuetintt the general trend of buli- to the material .decline y T br us. “than This was due in large "riirtleontniodities which made up the bulk of the m 0mm“. wan“? in, , . . . _ l . . t -imss federal nae coc- Mutioetinvaluets whiehhas taken .tt.','tr1',tgi',", 1"gtne,2,t, amounted to $4,485,- ‘13.. em; 1917; new (Unlontlt). in! amount of insurance, however. car-i unng ith 8,228 000 000 during 1.311; 1311. new (Conservative), stile Waterloo Mutual shows an inerease,0N000, .16 column-edge: 'CC'CC'. r2'ii,U, (â€In no. _ I County Council this week debated thel tility of replacing the present systemi gship mild improvement with the county‘ l,- which would centralize all 2,,7a'i',) instruction work and put it under tles) , Road Superintendent and his stem Iatttre would appear to be a very desir-l ' Roads do not stop at township boun- , q Caiordination in road building work' . individual townships is usually con- ati by its absence. The county system remedy this and at the same time . expert supervision not possible under Inship methdd. The roads of the county be treated as a whole instead of various [lip units, thus stimulating inter-town- we on the question of alert". aubmu'ine pub-continue to demand that Germany â€and a a conquered country. There a; be no doubt, however, that an ar- ht Mil be nude between Frau end them the letter. will - Joint Fm. event of guru-ion 13y Gummy Em T rttttrtetraneaah, than in 'tkiita-eitetatoqr-tttesteat) 1):, Bath mu tho ma- all-cov- - m-‘mu. It in statatikuetarttttnttkmtdBartd mumhumm ty anti-Mints. Thom- arm tti'tjrtAattl,itrt'0ertos TO CHANGE SYSTEM fPt P'r, ' -- , I" 3“â€; -l.e"_""Pe"'.'I'fPy"'i: -..,," -', ", ,,._ T? .... a" ' . . umï¬mh?miï¬z that...» “it. W f _ aggretut, Bin]. mtseteetf .m‘. - re "' A _ .. r.' w . "rtt*sas “a a†iv“ :oopenm‘mmmunrw 'r"i1iii'i'i 'GL. I mg. M‘onflmlMIW ritherthauonttkril. r,J2',,1't'hT1r,U. PM. Inn-Inuit; (iii':;';',,;'.): ,jiiiFijtiiii-.il.' may with. malt-to - LalhGiuri limb-é: E During 1921 exports amounted to $4,485,- 000,000, as compared with 8,228,000,000 during !the>previous year. But imports dropped from "6,278,000,000 in 1920 to $2,508,000,000. " The fact that the industrial chiefs across The line have felt and are feeling the pinch of ia broken foréign market is not to bt wondered " Too much care cannot be taken with the " furnaces when there is a cold spell. q hi their effort to give their patrons everyL comfort and convenience, and of keeping thor- oughly unto-date, offieiatts of Canadian Paeifie Ocean Steamships have arranged to have all their tramhAtlantic vessels fitted up with cin- ematographic outfits. Thee wil ddd consider-l ably to the entertainment of ocean tsve1lers/ besides offering educational facilities of a high; order. This new departure is to be equally available to those travelling steerage as well as in the saloon. "The films to be used on C.P.R. steamshipe are of the non-inflammable kind, eliminating any possible danger from fire, without which absolute assurance the new departure .sioitld I never have been considered," says a recent an- nourieement. "The steamships will give three performances, lasting- about an hour, on each voyage, on both eastbound and westbound tripe. Though the pictures shown at the outset are of the kind usually termed 'edueatioif and 'scientific' in their appeal, it is intended later to vary the programwith comic and feature films of other origin, which will compare favor ably with those shown in the best theatres" All the pictures to be screened will be chu- acteristically and distinctly Canadian. Apart from giving amusement and diversion to the ocean travellers, the pictures will give inuniV grants enroute to Canada a deffnite knowledge of the country which they have selected as their future home. Canadian life will be de- picted in a comprehensive manner through agricultural , scenic, travel and industrial mov- ing pictures, which are the product of one of the newest Canadi» industries, manufactured in Montreal. Emmy»: â€was ON THE OCEAN l _---,-------------- . Hon. A. Meighen will be able to take his seat in Parliament without the formality of being introduced as a new member. There might be less objection to serving on juries if the jurymen were then the opportunity of sampling liquor, as was done in 3 Massachusetts court the other ‘day. Crime in Great Britain is reported on the decrease, the police court conviction: in 1921 amounting tin 84,489, as compared with 187,100 twenty years ago. The people in the Mother land must be improving with use. cidents, u 'advoeatod'br iriL'NLiG Rollo " Ha.milton, might have the etreet of encoura- iu melesaness by putting a premium on minor accidents. On the other hand, it might also increue the' Menard! against accident. qheMedieimithof6rrofthetmmaf Waterloo is muting foe a more Whit ino- Mon hospital. This is nun-randy n on; a! hunch Iuolntion. It would twat that“! ar.4btane" berind whichlth 'rtrxptdirt.t, Gui; man e... We! the... new with cont-440mm u -- -tti.1era,tt.ttie..ttettyt,tt,,tt,tEttt?et') commnaitturr.andwAy+ettee, Men-10W!!!†'e.teiytetiy, One hundred per cent. granulation tor lo- :....4.. -. ‘..z......+.a ‘1... m. hum Rollo " NOTE AND COMMENT. PM . ' '5' . Lttrr,,eixioi'prt, we: Th Granville worme- In an no previous radon! xenon! 01w um 1m: 1917; new (Unionist). 1,171; 1011, Reid (Conservulvo), Galician Woman l Charged With the Murder of Grqndehild OTTAWA, Jen a.--NUIrta Pry- tuln, “ed " a 6:1ch women. charged with the murder‘ at no: newtrbom Illegitimate grandchild‘ under most brutal drama-moon st), her hm in Glance-hr town-hip on November 2T, m arrested this morning It " Ella-hath street. Ac- cording to the police. the women ad. mitted doing any with the body of the child by burning it in the kitch- en nova. but denim that line had unmoved it. She said the child was Ittillbon: end that line we: attempt- ing to hide her dmghter'n shame. Mimons Are bert- Ana mxlzcnewau. Out of Work _ T-TT- - In England Say_s Qemgnd Fy Silo will appear tn county police court tor u preliminary honing. NEW YORK; Jun. "-Btasphen Leacock,.humorttst tad protuaor of polltiail economy in McGill Tmtver- sity, was in New York yeltomy on his wt: back to Iona-1 tram I mu to Europe. Profs-tor Leccock arrived on the Preach liner La, Domino yesterday. "In England." he told an Inter viewer here, "there were 2,000,000 idle baton Cttrttstmam Ind it will be (“mum to nine (and. In the con- tempt!“ budget to aka are ot them. although drum: cuts hue been Innis by the "Goad“ are.. " Classes Hold Joint Meeting at Bethany A united clue meeting In: held at Quinn)! Mennonite ourctt, Wed. night when all in?! the country allâ€! were present. Rev. A. G. Wnnur w“ in charge‘oi the ner- vico Ind mny testimonlnlu were hard which Ihowod tint help had been received during the In: mur- war-tron the service's many telling of alum-noun overcome. The bus- lnm moduli: ot the church will be hold on â€as! night. -" Ontario Government Headache. Cone) Will Participate in Ciiiii'rianui. _ _ che- in: In d1lt'.aUh9itkCil'r'2,'ri; iir"rairrCiiu+ -1r, " huh-ditch“. Ila- 'firiGuirercftta",re.- ".Pe"""'v"""""T.T"C" v “win-oil... I†iteiteNrt ““'°"'" addicts-Hunt» iiritraro-a.ft Itch“ .‘ .‘ .._Au~)...tA..-h i =iWiiuriOGuei.itrt “mp-i..- [MM iiiiii"iii','ii'lif,1te2y/. - - m t nil-v. Aihtqj52"tl!itTir,'i', tuiuieirsthuuter. Mm.T-A.3htritECy.err iiGGaite Chuich ‘“ ‘I‘Il I tle,'er,.1:. .V - . “with“ _ . . "Siii.qrNiiiruAr isti-qe, 1. .. oot'oo0oto0."0ro'lM,trter.ths ' 1.stsdiiisitir, ' _-u.Ls'.....-u------- . J' _ awe-m . "3.,1m. "trh.t'. ',' _ . 1 id?“ in" m. _ 'r_"t.t?,rth'.r1'tr.tn. '+ “I and _ .. . ikaeiFte'ktiatosi-. _ “mm _fhwy‘ommhlh‘n e-rar-ra-rt-trr Mmotmnaumru l ----. ana-tie-eat-tht-tttea. . the-ta-ttmst-tnitro"' tFtlington Under ArreriT,'"rihriiU'ii%TiTaiaTt, andBoudaArrA11 batbrt2tort.trMHrorthroitt'm' WM â€sandman-diamant- ' tt-andinttterrtnsmrtrdimeb "ebrDr.Ltvi-tms.AtttV-. TORONTO, Jul. 8T.--After , t"cadds,omrmsbatqritttttte' put-nu- woritrwMe much. Harold R. sun- Mum Huston. (armor “mm“ ot the The deset-eon-dthateutder the London and Weaver-n Tm: can- Guam Aetaemstradttoidrortho puny. London, ont., wtttl no" ttt purpose of was; In an deemed to Toronto. wanted on u chartm ot be nude (will we“! eastdaratMrs. the". or 8100.000 worth of tremdtt Juuce Samarium uphold. an. con- trom that institution. haa bet6gt " cannon. and than that the word TORONTO, Jan. 8T.-,--Aeter , world-wide much. Mold R. sun- 1m former moon-mt at the London and Watch! Trust. Gam- puly. London. Ont., well known in Toronto. wanted on u chum of that! of $100,000 worth ot bond- trom that mutation. bu been " wetland“ try the Pinkerton Detec- tive Agency tn MIAMI]. 800W, and every bond bu been roeovérod. Sneh' m the mango roam by Bupertrstmtdertt Wall of the lot Pinkerton “any! thi- sum-noon Bhiliingtmi Gu, wall tad (Ivonb- ..,-_-_- "CT" , 1y known in formats up until the , mm a m dumps-ran“- He wus Lower Pr‘iceg f6r the sole Inpport of " mother and younger membm of his umuy- Food mum Among on bond. taken were " _ Are General Domiatmrof ca'andn Mnd. ot $1.000 - denommetfom'ud " Grand Trunk WASHINGTOL Jam. 17 - (By Paeeitte brunch uno- Ind other bonds Cancun PreG.r--A bullets}: mud manned br thet DNV‘IC" of AI yesterduy by the Food-tum Bhutan berta and tgaatruettttnrtut, _ ot the, Demon: of Commerce 'rokoNro,in. fir-ll u Inbr- view t"sr-tatrdmr. Ton: loom president of the Trades and [AMI president of the Trades and labor Canaan of (hands. outed 2,tl',o,) en In the waning macs through-1 out the, country no “Izmir" in da- mndlng mm more ha I reduction in wages as " attempt to [bier the cost of living. V He nld the worker should not be culled upon to am an undue pro- portion of the burden. that it was up to the employers to the less pro- "Wages did not go up high enoogh during the war to ell-bio {hem to be‘ lowered very much further now without lowering the madam ot living.“ he remarked. “Well. who wlnu I lower standard, of living? Hntr the worklngm-n got too high . eundurd of living now, or bu the overuse well-to-do employer trot It? It ellhor one of them hu it, surely it is not hard to ‘uOIl which one It In.†W. F. Nickle _ is Nominated By Conservatives KINGSTON, on, Jun. ".--At . largely attended meeting ot “an. ui,uriiAoo-rviuve. of Kim luv. "emu, William P. Nickie, K. c., u~M.P.. wn “animal: nonm- uod u “mind I,“ to! the Knit-ton by-docuon for the Out-:- Io Giutisre. Mr. Nlcklo accept- ed the nomination nd In: Mold- no ttottBdeqtt "at he will be elect ed. . TORONTO. Jun. 'T.---The . . OIL-11° Waning“ In: - . . In admin-Council to the elect . . that via.†Imam-nu" aw . . mm- - in]; 13mph!- . . new: -'e'redhq to "etiutimts . . layman m. up . o ’ â€uhmmdnchb o - '-irasarAititearo . .. mndtemgtrrttttPmwf .meestr'ttt'tq at mum" Overt"- .twmu. a. mu. o'ie-ttaeu-.,ef -Auemra,rn_e0, p "L-,rdti,tit." 1“ - "raors,tirtstt'r-t.Pt .t.. --yrtjtet,te.,af.,feftt Reduction of Wages "Unfair" Relief Measumi g: an. flit-I45 t-iiiu'kiautettttt.i no my .pW-m'm Burttnel oetsoftoe,o.t.,ta,r-rrt-tudsth"' rtnr0l-titet'toetemue"P'"" “100(vathan "r,0l.etueteetst.FrP"t""r puomamgmmu -tl-tttrAt,tirrr-1tPri't', “Opp“. FP",? .‘ â€(Evie '>'tV6hrr6Arifti..t! . - “mist-'03:.‘lll- mgudmm.¢no nmmer-um “tune" tit Booth-'1 on... Gunning Ag: helm!!- Yortse racing. For mi poisoning puma: un- not milltdm'mé action. vac†ii du. anisied. but under ui, drumm- vrlthont costs. "Gradual lowering ot price. throughout (tttes wand for lion :t his Important. food productl bu ro- und In [anal-h! spicultuml dis- tract In Jrretiealtr all the annulus product; 00!:an South Ameri- ca, Anita“... Cumin with; UAW ed Shun on selling freely. syn It Oran In general Mt tn some ot tho paro- peun cannula: by the farm organ. nun; which maid nan/their m Inn-lea no hating dmtomlued through the pouring In or chew America: when uni moot. m our um countries where price - null holds good. such so was and Pound, the price of home grown when! and rye In lower than the In portal article.†" a result of (his condition. the human lddI. there In: been u: oe gullted movement in uncanny all ot the surplus countries asking gov- ernmom tenet. Chinese Eggs Found Unfit For Human Consumption nonncemant that the win-d of Chinese - held ltr bond here not released Menu-(um on: were "not tit for human consumption." comes trom the Dominion Lin-met Brunch of the Department of Agri. culture In In can nut-t report The report up: "The inn-Io! I. - and higher for local nun. some noon. from Ontario country will“ In“ that rt can)“ In 60 m can bumr m- you: "Tho at of Chino-o a: that Br. rlvod In on." In band . Nor any! 510 bu bin round "In“ by the cum!!- -taustt on the report by tho Mm] Dop‘rumnt of Health Radial Girl Are Order!!! to Mop OTTAWA. In. M.--th On» an Pram-4- . Mun-t but! may by no runny ugh-{uno- gamingâ€!!! Mon attissmAtrd'afttidrr_" OTTAWA,' Jun. gq.-otBeial w- than for the sum ' - 1m mm for hum-n Before Cruising limo lut mahndhlnllm,hdt(c milk the WW: “clam! Woman Under Double Watch with mud her locked up In his tramwt1hnhome'or-h, Sh. - - but way out and phrmod [or the when. She ta held on n) nominal Me of may with . double vetch kept. as when she Ind previously charged Brynn with such an otregtt-td he run committed for tHu-ot", Bwa1iowed- potion In the police witness box. Da'viaBoan&Soiu. “Say Mother, this is Great!" _ In Brantford mrmmu-vw,hu‘ .3 -irit-tmrt.t9" _ ". H' "j 'I wonder lf Frank is ill? Lead’t unekr, stand whywe haven't.heard ttran him." "Don't worry, Mother, he's all riglit. He has just forgotten to write." _ But Mother couhin't help wtorrying. No letter for ten days from her "boy" titCoileget "Call him up right now," said Father--- “just ask for the number. The landlady will tahirntot1pe'phtP.e. lt’shalf-pasteishtand you'll get the waxing rate on 3 Steam.“- Station call." . In iusty'tx 1nintytyt9,tr argl It,'? ite s,ta'"i"' i'e7irCt7Giii/CtiiiL "FEa'nk had written a Meek tir-trut-had mm to post the letter! _ ' _ "Well, what a relief." said Mother. u an turned from the telephone! "and tothinkhow dmpleit wastoeuiutmiridsatreat. I†I'll call him every week." ' 'm, J'.' 'ti'tirci'iaiGirGiGR, Him; a Mount an, "tt would he foolilh to deny 'ttre,, A..- _1___._ n .' . wtttodisheiditittg the “butâ€. a mum sas..i,iil.a-taiiGia -.- - v"_‘" i"iriiii'r:sr?ra"rt Mb. edoes.Both look forsrardto.thtttm. C r1 evening rats on he: Stallon-to- cs'ti. To Be seem “a To Entire Imttii/-1, curt-us. no In Ina-maria: grin: wwwum‘l sacrum to “In “in“ mm to: the r-ns-Ms-ri-? (was. it vu mm "aAiyie,; I an norm manual.» , mulled try tho masurmistbW'A6sl,rl-t?' dangle Antwan!- In? E†, munching Geno. mrmme5:'/ " OTTAWA. ha. m.- “9'â€. were name by Maul m itr-tt Mend minor any I; n are which thmsated to -rr.tr L, Butterwonh Bum-u. lain-ii: Strut. last Bight. Thu mm‘ restricted to 812.800. _ 1W, i', ' 591%;