PW.- V. -_,, . -.'} .Xhes regular meeting of Alma) Th â€w U. B. Women's Missionary lows {Dainty was held at the home it) Pr 'Ps. B. H. SIIHI. Eby street. Tues- visit; 'Br. It was the tirst meeting ot) m I society in the new year and was Rum tyi, attended. Much business _ Be muted. l are! â€The “men! of the Infant daughter Mr and Mn. Fred Becker who . uvny late Monday evening. b', [thee on Thursday afternoon Lu no o’clock from the runny retr'c "' â€mm-y. , "The (“new of the Infant daughter _ serr---MU.q Lillian Brellhaupt. "Boba' Mr and Mn. Fred Becker who‘ Assistant srre--Mrts. Allan A. _ IN , .VIY late Monday m'vnlnl.‘ Treasurer-Mrs, H. A. Huber. don J, Dues on Thursday afternoon The worhing committee will couyitrood 'dt 2.30 o’clock from the family reat- am! ot representative" from J'l'iTs.'s.F.i, neoms, on Erh Street West, Warvr 'rhurttt and gammy interested. xllltll [tus Servires were conducted a! Excellent report' were rem by work“ m house, after whleh inwrmwn' fsechary. Mm Brelthaupt nnd the (bra M mule In the Mt, Hopr' t'f'rn" ervasurer. Mrs. H. A, Huber. which Lu“ Human-mm cumin. {or} I - I'D I'D '0 It. ' J. Cnpllng was the speller ttte - Young People’s Society 4w Evangelical . church last . "Better Alliance Make ty Bet. SMCQ." was his subject and 'ist." contained much helpful ' . There was a large at- We. present and the meeting . cum enjoyed. "Nr' P.--'" - bl my friends ot Mr Charles '.'ttte Waterloo Town Engineer. “(ltd to hearth“ be Is up Md utter an Illness ot over humor Eph. ztneanul _fll’lt of man Monday‘ ts, then nu muw Th made two ur- t,t,,dll1 mun tor mk- mr. “in. some of the h' “‘0 “holy. The two Kym come up boron-o County m Blake " Preston Tues Th. revenue otneer* have - in Preston at Mr. Blake's up..- --- - pt by Miss J. Clarke and P Pi. A can: on “Women Misalon in" n. given by was A, Shelley I I“ much Appreciated. Miss um Hymmen and F. Karrow I contributed a piano-violin num- "which added much to the success ttte evening. There Was a large labor of members present. mu! Thursday The Inner†of t I Mr and Mn. 1 rocking Leann -ttr* letters from Miss A. to. who is en route to Bolivia as Mary from King treat Bap- church, were read at the Young pten Meeting of the church last It by M155 J. Clarke and P --e A Ill--|Al\ Indod Pnubytory Meeting. IN. D. A, McKeracher and Mr. M. O. Inchead ot Waterloo and t. G. B. McLennau of Kitchoner mded the meeting of the Guelph tattrtorr Tuesday. They report on Interesting session ml». Cup. Mr. Own Rumpel has again been Mod the silver cup of (he Knrh- in Horticultural Society for the at top! rosldennnl grounds in the my . Announcrmmt or this award u made at the annual meeting of l. thretety but us the cup was " ply In Mr. Rumpel'a poneulon u h VIII!" ot In! year. no forms} Nation In made. Eiiieiit?', T my. ttN â€use m" 'f come up in Duke . 1n“ revenu pr Romerlnl my friends ot ll '13. Waterloo Tom lumbar- ot the null of Grean'n â€M. of Hamiltott, departmental; Do. visited Kitchener and Water- . " Tuélday and attended the} [but furniture uhxblts ot thr., . the" Messrs. Bond and Wehw‘ IP. Win. Mr, Hurley. head shlpp‘ " It. Hawkinu. branch More marrl ', Mr. Webb of the 33193 do‘pnrt-‘ Ft and Advenmn‘ Mung" C, "rat" termed the party, They in nu enjoyable any visiting the ' new menu Md bdoro _ doclnred that Kilt-honour van I. in the {roll in ttw r'oduc- at Mummjur “no. Design. 1.! Munro J: no In you _ our Inked. m Workers M at. ttttart Iuyorl More. “I t-tion. “a. Principal J. F. Curmu- " Wind-or. representing the as: Public School Bond at “I! and" of the Urban I “and Allodab’an of the unmen1 and F. Harrow; lulled a piano-violin num.) dded much to the success ling. There Was a iui; members present. I Ity The annual meeting of the Free- rrowiport Sanitarium Auxiliary was held nurwlin the Y.W.C.A. parlor Wednesday Oceaipfternoon, The executive tor In! large) year was unnnimoualy reelected. ,the past president. Miss Inckson. again accepting office only on concil‘ Hon that an attempt be made to " ‘cure a successor. This was greed Mr. l to by the ladies. other clung" in I and‘ihe executive were: Mrl. E. C. '"""":Gretr't' name was lubetituted tor uelph that of Mrs. Dr, H, Lackner and that "sport; Mrs, Allan A. Eby was added a: assistant-secretary. Mrs J. B. "rearver took the etmir during the election. - Alma) The executive now unad- u lol- 1s,T1.tyriliary of Ia‘ Freeport Sanitarium mi Hold Annual Meeting , --__ e __ _ iMagix‘mte Blake declaring that it l comes under Magistrate Weir'u iur- ‘ isdiction. Corsv'ertioms Beginued. Kitcht Ber revenue offi+ wm in Prenton Wednesd-y and!!!“ in County Magistrate John Blnh'l eourt, Four conviction! won Inw- ed and fines "rying from 8800 to M00 were imposed with option. of time in jail. The cues were the out- come of several raids made by the “cease and revenue men in different parts of the county. T he Fisher use will be disposed of locally, Representative: Reappointed. W. J. Mots has been reappointed as the separate school band's rs- presentative to the Kitchener Pub- lic Library Board and John A. Lang to the Collegiate Board. Harold Young is again clerk of the Separ- ate School Board. 1 Third vice-president-Mrs, L Weaver. i ser,---) mum Bretttw visloml, First Vice-president -- Mrs. o Rumpol. treasurer. Mrs. H. A. Huber. wmcn werp extepllonally nuifylug for! the llrsl year work. These reporto‘: will be given In a Inter lune. 1 After the oleollou ot ortTeerB, was and man: were dlucusud for unk- ing money for me next year and It was decided to hold . Valentine to: and bnklng sale and Madame. Grab. All†and Eby. were elected a com- Imlllee to secure quarters for the and mun: were mac ing money for ttus m was decided to hold and baking ask and I Alias and thy. were mlllee to "curt an event. ( Collegiate Will Not _ Play in Inter-City Basketball Circuit Ladies were appointed to visit the nunarlum tor the next month. This annual meeting concluded 1 very rr,urcesMul year's work. A “munry of the lreasurer'u report thawed the mul amount raised to be ..t506 " Expenses 'e-.-"" .. ..-» 168,61 Presuient--Mitm Second viee-pretriderrt---Mr' nuance on Mad The K and W, Collegiate bu w cured Rt Mary‘s pariah hull when sports will he pllyed m. wilt". The noor ot the mm [ymmlum It {ha Com-[Into ttaa radially worn through nnd lhe renal ot the" hull wlll help buiotbull Ind other lndoor spam comidmbly. Though Kitchen-r in â€a ground with bunt.“ uric- it in not likely In! Kitchen" will â€My“. in my â€cont friendly - will up out-do mum; Kitchener but“?! has bun unmanned†M at pncuu “a they call not ban. to hold tMir on “than no other mm. I“ ot M in†- luml in Mr MI» W - will as...“ h [and m- than. ,sr.ttgr.nrsqmoetmCo1t'. mum-“Known!†'ue-as-eta-thott"' â€nigh-mm I I t P 1. ._ Ap't,5 A, Jackson. PW t an: 93770099090000 Kitchener Red Cross Has Good Surplus The than“ moon“ ot tho Red Cross society wu held In [In Y.W.C.A. prim-I It 3.80 o'clock on Tuesday. The annual reports were mud by the vomu'l mercury. In. A. H. Dovlu; the women's tmluror, Mrs. A. B. Pollock. and the trauma ot tin Inn's council, Mr. J. B. Wuvor. reported ed President-Mun A. Jackson Ire elected). " First vice-president-Mrs. G. PL. Stockton. 3 Second viesr-pretriderrt---M". A. H.' Devin. tgeerotarr--MO. George JRiel:- mend. Ttx-ret-Mrs. A. B. Pollock. The men‘s comic†elections ro- Iulted as follows: Pres/dent-R. D. Lang. Flat viceorwdertb--& Smyth. Second viceoreoeut---dohn Hes- aenaur. tsecretary-tr-rt-M". J. B. ttar, Au4itorw-H. M. Cook. B, D. hang, The committees were not " 1 pointed. London Baker Pays Visit to Kitchener “deg-mu B. F. Brighton ot Landau has been renewing “minimum" In Kitchener this week after and lib-once of ova: tw.rstr-iHe, years. Some thirty- nlno yuan no Mr. Brighton left the employ of a local bnkery to Mart ‘buslnen. In London. Later he re- (turned to the town to purchue the Duty luxury. He nu thin for a yen and then sold out to Mr, Jack Davey leuvlng for London once idea, where he ha- Hhree terms u ud The following among During his quarter century In Lon- don Mr, Brighton bl. built up I good bakery on Emory Street in South London And has attained no little prominence In municipal Cir, J. A. Hallman Re- Elected President of Horticultural Society The annual meeting of the Kit- choner Horticultural Baden watt held in this Cauncll Chamber of the City Hall Tueldty‘ There was a representative â€tend-nee sud ex- cellent report! were pro-outed which â€WWW-..†m", collent report! were pro-outed whicht Accoununts Committee _ Arthur thawed an intern! bola: “ken in Lang (convenor), R. Ritchel. D nonhuman! matter- In this city. ly: (Sn) A. Schmiedel. E, D. Lung The followlng ofticrtrtg were - and H, Holmes. M: H Auditors“ Commtitee--H. Holmes Pr---0. A. Hanna (ro. (convenor) . A. E. Pequegn-L $100M). Pianist Prlyer Mtsetimm----Mrtt. P I mm vtu-PresMdsttt--1Bi Hll-l C, “moron. born. Anni-um Plum-t -- Mm Mnbel - -.. - ~--u-...#u...h Am.130]co. "tong. Lady Dir.ctore--_m" Eph- rlun Scholar tttd Wm. Oppermnn. I Condom» mroetorq--1. Inn-no. M. W. Brown, W. G. Bain. The uncrowy-trmurer. Mr. H. a. Wood, w“ rHlocud by the bout Mr. Wood gun on Imam-Ling ver- bat report in which he polnud out that vhlla tho notion were m can. M In†" In! you n good not! at work but! but Accomplish“! but you sad that more VII o good bank Runes. AND OTHII LUNG DIIEAIII Olalma many View" In Canada and that“ In guarded walnut u iGTiGr- mm". the on“! Me- In Want in “If" Bocond vieerProatdertt--Himts Arm PN EUMONII? mum's name!!! ',--liM" A. Jackson (rt he he. In [or the pant u udermnn. sung; m. ttV ot Mo- EM. man'- in mm“ W were elect I e ----- .. l “I! Undo! t,f"ltgNt,Q and warm t "e""""" --- MINI Catueint. Institute ot A --.. . --- -_J Mod venom-w awn-w" - ontu'lo Mud the limb-lot and Wswrloo Collegian and TM ill LEAVE In‘Ih‘l‘nl Vida-h). H. W Wuwrloo Collect“. ad: Tum “who. wtar-d.rel" W quite qheerftal Mu education? _ n _ ,IAX_.. .A t A “... _.--- "r - plum hm. Spa-kins to the 0mm- nu "and an th- depuunant of mm n- ma- Bod that um and “who would go ahead " the when pol- We..- '." -_--- - dbl. tune with . projeét for . creued high school secommodatioo. No prawn would he brought to bear upon the local ofruOlt' u it was felt that the duke here wu for the 1110“th of the causation and that action could be looked for. Congestion In School outlined the congestion at the Col- leginte where some classes have to wonder from room to room to find accommodation, where the floor in the toy gymnasium has worn through, where the unmbly hell is on assembly hall no longer, and when the eomstruetion of the entire building is of remote architecture. new technlenl and high school wings hove been planned and better days I are in sight for the pupils Ind staff n. the Collegiate. Good Time To Build "This is a good time to build," stated Inspector Rogers, who in- stancedorotrress being made on Ren- ‘frew and Semi: Collegiate Institut- es where building costs were found .to be surprisingly less than they were a few years beck. "Of course, construction should not be hasty and the addition ought to be carefully planned. If a start were made early this spring, suggested the inspector. l“then work could be provided for a ‘ great many unemployed of Kitchen- m planned. If a start were made early l this spring, suggested the imspeetor,, "then work could be provided for a great many unemployed of Kitchen- er. It would be a timely work and workmen for the building could al- most all be secured locally." Will my OneJ'lalf The provincial government is ready to pay one-half the cost of technical buildings. New laws are in force which required the school district served by city high schools to pay go per cent. of their percent- ( nae of attendance. “I find a very healthy spirit in this school," commented the proven- cial inspector. "There is co-opera- tion between pupils and teachers The pupils are quite up to the igttstt- dard elsewhere in the province." In. spector Rogers is making a two-day visit in Kitchener and Waterloo. Kitchener King St. Baptist Church En- joys Successful Year One of the most successful years in the history of the King Street Baptist church was concluded With the annual congregational meeting which WIS held last night. The election of otricerts resulted as tout-:-- Clerk-H, Johnston Auntan!#S. Gillespie. Tre-r-R D. Lang Mistsitytt--D. A. Huif, 'rrmsteer-A, inrig Deasontr--R, ft. Lang and H. John Btort Finance comrnittrye--E D. (convenor), C. B. Kerr. it C lord. H. Holmes. L. Shelley Muslc Committee-A. E, Pequot hat tronvenort, Mandamen R. " Lang, L, R, mstetttrech. E. " Lang nnd H, C. Wniford. Usher's Committor--W, o. Much- oll (convenor). John Joyce. B. Shark, D. turn (Sr.) H. Helwlg. A. Schmledol, A. Ittrig, B. thcble, A, Hlllor. P. Shelley, Lloyd George. s, Gills-pie. J. Bowmnn, H, Holmes. J A. Good und P. P. on"... Lady Maccabees of City Held Annual Meeting Last Night The election of encarh of the may Micahâ€! who held their Minn-l muting Wound-y " the C, o. r, Hull remind " follow: Corn-tur-Fry Ruthie, Lieut. Commander-til" Grab. Put commander-0. Wow. I Bacon! Kayak-Mods Kuhn-r. llama " Arm.-intan 0» mm . Ct-its-Mk Fromm "rent-M. In“!!! -rteb--C. on. man-J, molar. 'Wtteqrtrte an inatntlattttn of omn- GGGL" m n- mend by m he already ijt'."t"lt, _ booodoooooooooo Lang Wal- A out] of twenty Kitchener. Wat- erloo, Mn, out and Vilma; curl": loft Thur-any for London an Detroit tor the eighth nun“! buy Mon ot mole cluel. Tho pair will include Mann. N H. Davin. H. M. Wetlluuter, H. l1 Sims, E.‘Kouelr1ng, C. Hammer. J.‘ C. Kreu. Dr. Rude“ and Mums-l true T. J. A. Weir of Kitchen“) Menu. lil. P. SOI'TIM. Thou. Sea.-l gum. Wm. Hogs, w. Kunu and Mayor W. G. Watchel. of Waterloo; Maura. Wm. McDougall, Allot Kar and Ald. Willard of Call: Mr. John Short. Mr. Thou. Ballantyne and Dr. Elliott ot Preston. Mr. Thou Than- ‘bum ot Brampton and Col. Behnarr \ot Portage la Prairie will tuso ac- l compIny the curlers. Crafttrman's Club Elect Officers; Koeppel President The popular "Doc" Koeppel will . - head the crattsman's Club activL n,M5 iililtlll) ties for the pear 1922, following his election to the club presidency by; -----.. acclamation at the annual meetlns‘work W i 1 l commence on Saturday evening, There was Bl . . . . large turnout ot members Early In tspring-Will and much interest evinced in the Give Employment work at the club throughout the -------- past year, as outlined in the ver- Work on the new wntorworhr' lotttt reports presented, plant to be installed by the Kitchen- The complete list of Mncers elect-[er Water Commieaion will be cot> ed follows: menced as soon as the spring opens. President- L. A. Koeppel The excessive cost ot oporudonl Vice President---) H, Wood (would make it tut expensive under. l secrrstar.v--E, Wackett 1tnking lf started at the present time _ Trestsuler---J. R. Kirkpatrick. but everything will be in readiness ' oireetors--L. A. Galloway, F. S. for an early start. lRoutley, A. lnrig, ll. Waifoni. L, At present Superintendent M lCaya, E, D, ('apbell, E. R. Shaun. lpeouetrnat and the commiuion ut l _-.".- min.- And (int. on the "rt Home Department l of Zion Church Elect Officers The annual meeting of the home department committee of Zion Evan- gelical church was held on Sunday. Excellent reports indicative of a good year's work was read and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. E. Bilzer. Secretary, Mrs. H. Schweitzer. Treasurer, Miss Mary Good. Rev. J. P. Hauch presided at the meeting. The meeting was aim of l an inspirational nature and gave the i work a good impetus for 1922. ‘ Ivory sncoensnn â€nan-can "nu..." ituiniy rolrrshnwms were served by 'lhene Indies At 1hr Dunno" meet- ting It was decided to hold a hard ltlmo danco in the near tuluro. There 'was a large allendam‘r of Indies I present. Waterloo Anglican Ladies' Aid Were Guests of Member The Ladies Aid of st. Saviors Angnran Church “as enloruined nt mo home ot Mrs. Burt Nichol Thurs- day. Mrs. R Moore and Mrs. Nichol were jolnl hostesseB. and after a very successful business meeting dnlmy ro'rt-shnwnts were served by chu- Indies At ttie bur-Ines. meek l Intoxication and the possesaion of: 13400 in Victory Bonds canned n bun (ky young Polo to bro-k out In song Ion King Street on Sunday His " tor" were not appreciated by a com }nmblo Ind this morning the joyful one and n tine, of $25 In the police court. The Fuller use us. remand ed until Thunday by Magtertretet J. .l A. Wolf, - .. Magistrate Deals With Several Cases tat DETROIT After apt-mung "var-l om/WTO . Kitchener nun who had :buaod hi: wife In let out to try to male arm ends Ho wu out or work nod bum- ed this for My home trouble; Tho auditing pointed out that thln was no reckon tor thrutomng the "to of '(he worn“) to whom he wan [hurled and _ him to thtuh of his ehil Minn. who nhould be permuted ti live In 'uct' I - nlmnlphoro " inlay had been. Bemw Mennonite cnurcn w.†the scene of Interesting urvlcu you i, may. Evunniln J. A, Port." of Human. Nah, In In charge. " "NtttNt. Wm moat holpml um pro- - at much good. The unkn- GI' to cull-led until Ind†night Manny NW‘Ml d “I.“ Mennonite church evinced m the throughout the led in the var- o,.....-.-' I Bricker-ce/i-iii/im Co. Ltd. Tlh'flillllli)fllG _,, PLANS READY Work on the new waterworks plant to be installed by the Kitchen. er Water Commission will be com menced as noon as the spring opens. The excessive cost ot operetionl would make It an expensive under- taking " started at the present time but everything will be in readiness for an early start. At present Superintendent M. ‘Pequegnat and the commiuion no; [securing prices end data on the veri- oue machinery end other equipment ‘which will be necelnry. Tm. will be completed ahmtly and the orders ‘plaeed as noon as the debenture (money is secured. WI! WHAT? Why Brfelar6ertntutn Company, limited, warm!- â€(5 corner store, just received a big Mpmont of "ai-ttti-tmc F" Officers Elected By Congregation. Of New Jerusalem The annual conerrmrostiont" mach in; of the Church ot the New Jona- saiem Wu held at'ihe church on Friday night, Excellent reports were read which showed the church to he in a good condition no regard- iinancel and membership. The past oftiee" were nil re elected. ihe list follows: C. A. Ahrens, president. The earliest arrival of spring merchandise in 10 yarn. Come in and see them. Bright new patterns and colorings too. Something you hem't seen for along time. Price reasonable. Mrs, Goo der and Fred mmee. H. Translu- Lehnen 1nd 1 Traffic Bony. _ Truffle on the Grand River Rail- way on Saturday was very heavy and the junction station of the K. and W. street railway wu wool! largo enough to hold the mm at timos. Several of the m L E. l and N. cars were being uud by the G. R. R. and it it expand that be- ‘fore long new an will be uni m- tlrelv on the G. R. R. and ttttt L E. fore long tirely on and N. Social HatFHour, I The flrgt of the Sundny evening loci-l nm-nonr- utter the regular service wu held at Trinity Metho- dist Church last ennln‘. A llm‘ number gathered In the Ichool room trnd (he newcomers In the coun- nuon were introduced. Bonn worn sung, under the leadership of D. E. Turner, I solo w“ mummy un- dared by Mrs, A. B. Pollock. Bttd n pluno solo unlondldly pity“ by mu Ada my. Studenu Conduct Denice. The Runduy owning "rvieq It 1110‘ mm English Luthorn church wu‘ under the ample" of the Hum: nod Calm-n Minalonu'y society ot the W-Iorloo Golluo. Sundan- Flochor and Koch]. wore In our". The church '50 Iliad to tstoaeitr with the student: who attended In . body and 1; "pronoun" number ot >01. comet-Hon of the church. Good Inurut w“ maintained throughout. Enchanted PHINW Rar. D. A. Mex-radar of Wu"- loo occupied the pulpit of St. An- drn'l I’m-Wu: Chunk In! night and Ru. o. B. lob-III cul- ducud an uerVictl " " huh W“ church. Wgrgsrtee, Can Hardly Bellieirit But It's True' Wright, "rotary Geo. Tts-slew, J. um Fred Ahronu. council Blue Prints, Ginghams, Cottonades A and shirtings Tuvalu. J. M. Schnei- Schnolder. nuance com Waterloo c, w. Hutu. A, )mmiulon ue'ipdltiu. months "It The fact at the mutter u tint! ther equipment! thin "rtit ot road was nuueouttsised' an. Thin Willi twolve or thtrtpon your: no on ti tUtd the orders), Mm!) you debenture lune. This the debenturoi than: that the payments In" null two year. to run and it would ttot) - be tumble to burden the mplyen‘ of the section with addition! my- ted manta before the present deben- ",renfLar, turn expired. WHY ROAD IS l, I I NOT nm Debentures Have Two Three Years to Go Be.. ton Expiry Twin City motorists. who hovel had cum to criticize the condltioni of the strip of road on King Street} Waterloo. between tho Mutant Lite Building and Willinm Street, will be interested to loom why thin section ot the street bu not been pond. thul completing the the stretch ot pom-neat roadway connootlu the buolnon notion- of the two mimic, At tho um. tho road was Ind and debentures veer issued It tel lolly expected that the road bed would outlast the payments on the debentures which toduy prove- to be u. mitscalcultstiort on the pun of the councillors who outbound the llylng of the road, This to one - to the oddluonnl amount ot weer that the road has been lub‘ holed to tor tho In! low seartsi mine. the motor Home has when such on not!" part In tho Inor‘ port-non batman the two cluel. Another hondlotp before the Water- loo councll In Authorising the lay- 1ng ot this perm-non! stretch of road II In the Double tracking of tho: urea runny lines in thlo lecuon. It would not be roulhle to luy I perm-non! pavement before ttrat double tnchlng this line, as it would prove unneceourlly coolly to by when tho time come to tdopt .3 Bvtt mlnuto Ionlce. NEW YORK. Jan. ",---teterlum exchange nun. Demand. Grout Brit- an. I.†" Camdlm dollnn. 6 14 ' cent discount, Mlnard'o LInlm-M tor Colds. “a. "tt I'WIWI L',"LU=-,,-=,.----r-a====s=s'ttr5.'r1'. N. Y. Stefano. NEW YORK. Jan. " .. 'l’" me _- - tiem M the Telugu“- David Bean & Sons. Ltotttad1 k rum-Mn mm L.“ C ".,-' Duly Telefnph b1 Mull .-__, Chronicle- clegnp md Fsmilr Humid sud Weekly Sur .'ri..r'.'.'l'C.7'.7.'.irr.--Y2 ch,onieu-T+irw!t and Fumm' Advocate . . . . . . Jt8 'tj'iiGiiire-Te+sr!t and Weekly Wlmu . . . . . . . . . irrGiGqe) nod Wukly Farm and Dairy “a†'éirraiiie-pruH8 nnd anorl' Sun . . . ' . . . . . . . . " ét7riiiiiieiertru8t 3nd Canadian Fain . . . . . . . . . . éiiaijiuqe!-? and 03111 Glob. .... . . . . . . . . . .w iftrrareieqeyira8 Ind 03117 Mall .... . . . . . . . . . . .830 i5irriiiiiiiterrrus.h Ind North“?! lump: . . . . . J3.†Chmnlcle-Tolo‘nph mil Daily Stir . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. “J. The “on nut do not tpply to tho United m a above publiudon- "my be obtained by WHO-Tub- suburibon In any communion. the pm for my pilo- du the {inn rim lcu 81.50 "pro-mung the "in d OI THE CHRONICLE-TELEGRAPH caroaseie-t.uerrnrt [no to m __." v.3...- , Hun Street, will be Tt why thin section I not been mud. the tttttt stretch ot Clubbing IM for 1922 Wow-ho or Tii0ibarr I, Ontario lii1)i)gilllillilli W/ l 1'HMillililili It" Provincial Gathering Belt in City on ttBturrur--- Degree oonferrrtd Saturn! Moon and mm saw Kitchener tho Mews for loom hem Lem member- m In“: parts ot the province. m and!!! being the man! Frolic of 0M1 Lesion No. 187. L. O. O. M. an at temoon delegation of the Punk Fe: were nrrlvM. Manual! m in; In an Imam-co from Talon“ Hamilton, Wellnnd. at. Catharine ‘Nhgm F1111. Student may» at .trom the local lodge. SALE AT LINWOOD A urge crowd turned out n m sale of nook and implements bt longing to Mn. John From a Linwood on Tuesday am An: tianeer Walter Friday of Wat erloo conducted the me and Boo' ‘pricoa wen rtsaliaed for m and ‘Mn. Friedman bu rented an {an Ito her son. Honda Fur. Cut of town mouth“ on "tar as y night and Sunday monk) found ronda in WI dim-let tn you c: rdition. There Ins little bad drift in. of the snow and only those wb we". out in open an [unwed frmet the buffet-gin; St the rm mu. Nm, Hamburg and Guelph and. an r. p: nod to be in good candida; II: tor License! lined. During the put week that i$0i automobile and truck "can. wen inned by the local lion-h. oftioe Last woek wu the first that the an number plates ware avdhblg. Met ' Ms who have their an mm d not need to secure “can“ until the: put their muchlnu In nu. WIN a. To [damn-o LONDON on. Jun IC-at-tr' A, C. Blnzhun. pastor of - Street Baptist church In Me tht unulmoul all of [about Memorul church. mun. - wlll complete mu m In MI at " FebrW! Mt. p: Offer .o.ertbe" In. C 4, Ind 'siiairy.riift _i.r.i.'..'..'.j.r.l,i,i.,t, ".i.iir..r.y.y'd'd week that " 'Ta' $tt