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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 19 Jan 1922, p. 3

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hdiil‘ Hm: Layla Handkorrhmh. I '93- wtth dainty thrnidowd vnrnnr War com" Reg 60r. 01 " do: lein‘ tine Lawn Hartrh'rerrhretr. in qthttr. "tttttroidrtrert In whit" and rnlm'r n, and \anMy of anPmF Rott IN at. 350 ttn4 40d, tor, nar‘h _ but“ trno LII-n Htoruroretoetr "tr MM ram-r. .1 h,'trtrlkrrrpieth 39 a M Rott Mr. tor. card C In my" Mary tbmden R; Inch» wIdn. Ro’Pndld rlhhon tor or talking rammninp. Mr R: $1.00. for . _ rr ';"i'aih'if'ii.trns Ire, . 25 pier" fattry [Human Pxttuson, wide. a good 1arietr of partnrnz. ir pink. gold. vopen‘ new mun and Barr, ptr Fir. fur 5 places only, Mnrv nretwtrm "t wide. a good an‘rmvnI M 1195”an “JIM. upland!!! rihhun tor hair [cloudy dark shad“ It»: 5W. l tor ... .. . . Wide. in "aint, "we 'ir, for half hnwu, My“ :1). tone. rod and nan for ... 'b-rt.. 50 mm Ps NM Inch". tumult” shades of Pink, L, fltstst'tmgo, TOF", F" Mr. R9; thr for ."'.rr.r. Reg FM terrl' F'"rsossrrtd _ wide. m em"! thatmc of Bvlendld Hhhnn (hr In: " pier" taney Odd m we Speck] Latites,' Model 13rastsieree ape strap. elasur insert brovadmi Sires 40 to " 31.50. {N _..., , places only " 'm rSpeciréP‘ Odd '-rr,vltrs, and sizes in f slightly soiled. Reg $2.501 Odd 5'19; and Mc Hygiene “am; Rag for 9..tBx.vr__. ls News [gnu Itrr, [Aiding Corset of bust. elasmr Mn. Sizes 20 to 28 our " mics memo Corsets. a! splendid qua} lty ping coutu. graduated tront steel, well boned, etastitc Insert at waist, hip rednc, in: elastir‘ bandlm‘s in skirt Regular 1575. tor ..t.w...._, $4.39 Handkerchiefs Ladrrss' Wlme Cotton length. open or closed st, " And " Reg 50c, Mr. Ladies Ladies' heavy ttttth neck. long Reg. non, for [adies‘ Runway-kn” atlona, v-neck, long ankle length. Sites Reg. 83.85. tor _ F . . .. “In annui- Own Mug-m IQqII‘IIIan. Mace, whim. M M. lather. hem Esfh", hm ".'....w.. Ladsetr' tirre ribbed cotton Vests, V-nock. short or long sleeves Sizes " and 38. Reg. $125, for _-.e Ladles' Nemo Corsets Ladle! natural wool C neck. long sleeves. ankle sues as. as. to and " Reg. $3.85. for . FM.; . bow “eaves, truturfr'oat'. SHE: " quad 38. Reg. 81.50, for WFr Re: 8125. for Harveraotit ladle! use white cotton Vents. V-neck. long sleeves, button front, Drawers to match. ankle IPrurttt. open or closed style Sizes " 36 and 38 "o, .., .4‘- - 30"»an Ladle; 1oasg uneven. ankle I ttae quality white mm " R's 82.50 for Lamar Mtk mixture Vests and am. was "n T. at from 3‘5: " to 50 parent. Reduction Ribbons and and 't'"les, In Corsets and Underwear :uvy weight natural color Vesta, long sleeve; Size 38, for """'t'arsrt..s ,. 59e Corsets op. rad Juan wash " ttlrhee, as of pynk. Fkr and whltr, r mam "an: ror, van] _ . 15c was; 52m 4a to " "3;; olrr uh slur: pan) Rrnt m nun: (ream wool Combin long sleeves. drop seat, ,__A ,__ --, hnn for han- bow, _ [Mr 3 _ P, 9c ”(fen Ribbon rjort mm sign up]: m Rrasaiprs ti on 36, 38 t Combustion. “nut. length. drop mt, Very cotton. 81m " u Fatin Rthtton, , Wiatirv. m gnnrl '"W’D. now- blur». "'r. main: Mark on Drawers, ankle sunk? Sizes 25 yr.. ' . _ _ ' F C van I tnv hm Irlrndi4 Ilhhnn H: W '. I npt‘n ", 29c Reg front closing at Pace. Pink Tomblnatxona length. open I' $1.98 i, _") $2.49 hair how; 'orseta. some '.r..r $1.98 15c I 39c i inrhvs rEms. If”. 69c 49e $4.39 29c nrhe hadn _ 59c 59c “deck, el 98c with $2.29 $1.29 high or 980 98c lush Style Sal :Ir Hxv'a hmn Uimu‘hed Sheeting. SI :nrhaw uirlss flrtrt “run will give the be!" of wear Forms" [mm H " Sale 75 pr cr, . c J'l atrmea trtnrv. nun wr' tiniU.' good quality Pnrrmv prim 3.3: SII“ prim Sal m or 11an yardn C"rinch Whitrs Fla] tins, nutty fittbsrh Former wire 30c Salo- [wire _ Hon iard, ll hun Fiannalmw heavy qualuy Hun so“ flnttu, [’anan 20 swim) 4ftrr Saw mu"? C The Store with the Stock Ae NEW SPRING GINGHAMS 35c sap Nu: bis; ram:p of NPW Snrdng “In: ham; up arr thawing during this Sal? Al) mm pattcrrru. ttttr' mrartHes. Mr, in Mama. Ihm‘ks, "triprs and plain 35 Firmer who run, SHIP prics, c 31.00 UNBLEACHEO SHEETING 75c Lyn: chm) Imam;- Unhloachmi Shula]; 1: s, niche; Md». ttrr'd tor making bed rm‘lu‘ =hMH. an Format nrhn ~- "“00 Hard: New Flprlng Gingham! and l‘hamhrav=, m Ianrv plaids, rherks and stripes. good rtuahty. fmn tirrirrh. tast color Furmr-r on“: My 30 Sula [who '_r.m.r..tre c vara 15f") vards New (anrv plaids. rhecks spring venom; fine mar prirr, .1er $3119 Wonderful Values in Dress Goods, Silks LADIES Bl.A('K tim COLORED SKIRTS, mad" in straight and pleated 25c COLORED STRIP!!!) FLANNEL ETTE 26c CHILDREN'S NAVY SERGE DRESSER. pleated from yoke, soutache braid. emblem on 819mm RF’L' “150 S4 tor,.,,. _ ...... 098 30c COLORED STRIPED FLANNEL ETTE ttrc pm F"". nth“ Colored Striped FHannNrtre, WM any» my]. Ptr', 29 7,0 inrhm “Mk n] ”warm Furlnbr [wire RI]: 1 " Prlr. N _ 9c $tA5 BLEACHVED 8HE£TiNG Me I‘HILDREN'S DRESSES, mm sewn. sizes-S to H years. mud: ntvlo, trimmed with whit» braid Reg. " 25, for _ MISSES’ DRESSES. m lustre colors raven. brown and sand Reg NIH). for MISSES SERGE DRESSES straight line stylst, Dong shew. etntrroiderrtrimmer, Reg :13 50 for MISSES' DRESSES, made ot tine quaflty I serge. colors black, brown and navy; some _ have tunic 'strerts, when straight. lines, , neatly trimmer! Reg 31800 $13 98 i '0 $20 ("it for ' _ o l " MN: WHITE FLANNELETTE IO: LADIES' SILK DRESSES, made of mes. Haline and tafreta silks, These are made in straight line styles. cuiors navy, black. brown and raven ombrulduy $9 75 trirrttmad Reg tnno, for _ . o 35: NEW SPRUNG GINGHAMS BLEACHEp $H_EETING Mc KITCHENER’S tg'tt!'lt'.li'iifii"iii' =-=r==i----a-a-a-a--:ra-a-a--at,0F any GOODS AT WHITE FLANNELETTE 20c NEW SPR1NG GINGHAME 30t Serge Dresses Silk Dresses stylst, Dong sleew. round neck Skirts ERING GINGHAMS 25c Jew Spring Ginghams. In , Pcks and stripes, all mew , tin" quality For , Salt: prtro 25c , " Stripnd FlannaInna armor pr] Staples Department Whilo Flannclenn SSSES, made in navy years mndv in mlddy I ood Me " 75c " $9.75 Ladies' Coats, made in Velour and Bolivia: styles. some trimmed with fur banding Regular $25.00. for "'..r.r.. .‘ LADIES' COATS new and Misses' Cmtts-Colors, navy, green Cepen, henna, grey and brown; made in Vela vertone and Bolivia cloths. These are slip-t and belted styles. Regular $20 to " $22.00 for .re.r..r....._.., Begins This Week and Continues Throughout the Month of January. Note the Following: ' m 16c $4.38 and Berg" $6.78 ( maria in snrunk, H5 Inrhvn rm. humor 35 L who 4.V SD" who _ _ V C } Me STEELCLAD GALATEA Ite 30 pQIPPa Hmnlrlnd ("Intern (m kidd‘ou urn-av tor earl) ”wing and unan. In light. mem"rn and dark rnlm'r strip“ and cherkn Former prim- Che, 31.]. nrha M [F .. _ Mr RM yards SM") Lon; Fai, WV tun tutur, nn 'trerun. shrunk. M lnrhu rid. Fm mar who so. Erna fitto qualm [mm mm 6gtss, fluffy frnish, Nttk and MI lam. size. lhnrnuxhlr St'nurvd shrunk. whipped slnglv For l mar mire 816,50 Snip prim [mu Me BLEACHED LONG CLO vau quality Blanket! Long 1 ”rind nnlsh. " inch" whip I ' "'.r' 'trt" 1trttF' “um”, iarer, sin Furnwr urim- 3m ",0 s - Sula prirsr, palr 7s"it $10.60 PURE WOOL BLANKETS 37150 In"... a..- __ B. Rr"?. Pink RIM, not! $1.25 CRIB BLANKTS 59c Win!» Flannolptm Crll, lHnuLv‘h quality. not! ttttish, Mus, hunlm‘ g Former wire, "es Sale prurv, Pl t ”2.50 WOOL BLANKETS $8.50 Att --__. --. - H25 pair only Grey Planvll‘lm inrgo all". 72x82. mm son fittrslt lulu- harder Sprrially wired. pair $7.50 PLAID BLANKETS $475 35 pair nnlv Fancy Plaid nianlmh, d hail R610. “:75. tht" 9an finisi, $4 Former nrhvn 5730 Rain [who . I 70c PILLOW TUBING Mr. Ctrrular Pillow TnhIng, 13H wry Boe Imam} Former win: 7ttr Salt» prim 65c PILLOW COTTON 45c "I‘rruhsr Pillow Cotton. " H Hte in good heavy qualltv. fftrss firtLrrb FM mm price 65r Hare or!” 310.50 UNION BLANKEYS $7.50 White Union Manhunt gnm| hoax‘. V flurry t1ninh pink” and him: buy ‘10 sin Formor prin- 'lo 30 (PH PONGEE SILK BLOlISI-ZS. stripes, made in shirtwaisv style Reg. $175. tot N.' .: H all; LADIES" KITCHEN APRONst, made of light strlped prints These up at waist Reg 450 for . 28c ' LADIES' H0USEDREss APRIIN Muir-n down from style, light and darL will” all 'rtriped. sizes 36 to lo, Reg H C'h. mmr [mm Sign snip who .34.: SECONDS IN GREY FLANELETTE BLQNKBTS AT $3.19 d Rttlsh. " inch" woi/" si, rho am Sale prtco Me ”Mano gone CLOTH 3! LADIES' AND MISSES flarrttetette bloo‘nvrs. sizes Reg, "bit, for _ _ styles. These have with belts; rloths checks Reg $750 for . . . . . . _ _ LANG TREACY Ctiarct, LA] OATS, DRESSES BLOUSES and FURS AT MOST SWEEPING REDUCTIONS. , Sula on: v Bloomers Blouses 'I,$.2.”.TT.....$7.50 MISSES' grm- and altlo2 Prs. sizes 'T, m m T, _ _ rr 65c and Bolivia: neat belted w 'hool Rlnnkm and blur, hunloru tg CLOTH ttre [mpg Hmh. mer ; made in Velour, Si! C, $10.50 ("' 33c 'slyr,'r,'1',,"/,1",'Cy"'s,,,')', v:rci:1:< “Mv 45c C ',ir/'/" GM Sale 3 (M C .RPET DEPARTMENT, WHEPE THERE ARE WONDERFUL '. CURTAINS, LINOLEUM AND WALL PAPERS porkmts and finished sprgp, poplln am! to “on", ' ' ."tqe 3.98 "il $3.19 r " $7.50 H 35r. """H qua! Ihnrnughlu km _ gum! _ ur, or r ' .,. 59c and wrap $8.50 nv ho: “I ”in $4.75 33 Wank pink 19c 45 c $1.18 sliry-through "TH“! 50c nrhes vnlm ed Rh lhln $10 , taupe. Ladies' Coats, made 60c ALL WHITE ROLLER VOWELLING Me Priro Linn linllm' anbvlina unchvd Irneh 01mm quaint ‘1‘: inn-hon wide 5 FNme prun (in: Hats, prim 4 C l,mort Rnlhr Trmvlllng nurrnw ritsr, " “1th with. ttood Ituttutiy Furmnr prwn Sin Sal:- Price Fain pH. r 35c LINEN ROLLER TOWELL’NG lath 9",. WONDERFUL [mass COT NO. t--V5tt D fulrl I tip»; in I'urlhlw S250 NAVY BLUE AND $1.50 (mu: ”RICE do "" Guess GOODS LADIES hl,nck and MISSES‘ PI'LLOVEHS rslPeres. sulnrs Jada. r0201 1rith qu‘do r-outer Ro; $125. toe an: 3300. (or .. Ree $4 an, for TN LOT NO, 2--t2 , "Mr! f HILI‘REN Tm‘m‘r,s " I'HILDRENS BRUSH WOOL and I‘ ”:4 IAP; in warlm. town and Sl “Milo ‘ NIL BEEN Eva re. , ”my, SILK I'Hlu'l'P.‘ also HABUTI SILK m wgular and owrhlmmn 4tyIas. 'olt_rf, black. “Mia mny and t,s,sh RN! $17!. on ttrio, for . ..rr.s.. $2.68 30c DIS'4 TOWELLING tttr Mt, Ladies. Coats, made in Velour with and without in: collar, , colors, _ n, Copen. grey and Imax'm' shade: bolted and ruffled stylp. Regular $50.00, $25 Fm, "r'ww--art.,.. Fr. ""rrrrr, arr" Rullvr 'lenollmz " int-ttrn mfrlo, [and I CHILDREN 'PPt3strlts, 1 5c NURSES GALATEA 5Or, my": Nrr ROLLER YOWELL'NG V10 Mark. green. grey and bro.wn Regular $37.00. for .. . . . . . .. wit-5’ Coats, made in Baby Lamb, and Bolivia, with and without fu Thoma g 5E)? RING” WOOL TAMS :nul “him Rrs: 515", 'ttttat" kit H ttt mlr all 11. [mass GOODS alas/um I-ist? DRESS GOODS 59r. " 1'lrrrul Inn-u Gootls, rioulrtrr fittish mmhln Svrg nmuh Ind. 'r-tuns:, tan gum! running Fm 19 Sam (who C REVS Low; Ind! w%tlt R " on $4 an. $5.0". S W E; ma I u '4200 TO $300 DRESS GOODS $1.29 " mr'hnq Lib,“ fo, It'sttttCar thier snln up t rs WHITE FEAR!" In hrush wool Reg. Dress Coods my“ AND SILK REMNANTS 'CHEAP rn ATER mus ‘r "m: 372:. Mst 'olorn Farmer pr. ‘an‘ an Jikovl t Hahn's 1.]:501 H WHITE FINE SCARt‘s lk " k and hard"! I haw Mun and wirM. nmrannmd BLACK SERGE " c,u $1.50 thi mum , wirh and I "DD”! and ed am] r _ Mr, (ill' EST SALE IV, $2.98 rirl 59c $1.29 121 ‘l' HALF $033 $t .53 32.25 F2.38 r nlur Ir.".",'.".'. . ., $18.50 I and an] I 50c and Cotton Bond‘s 35c DC inby Lamb, Velour, Caricu: without fur collars. color< 30c c. rad 'thu' ZTPPYL 35c " 15c I reim- KNIT and " 'oc, orcn Se 'h pr mhit VI "In Jul-la my: ttttrl srhites ,trupkfiCh" Ton on u. hoses , ttttttutr, "Inga "we , a GSr Salt! " bur m4 Delparlmonl ?5r, WHITE FRENCH REP? Mr. FUnsy Why!” ":va mnnr‘rizml Vinvzh [hr 6% BATH TOWELS, 1 FOR “no JIISSES‘ RAt rd "War. My: 3.1.3”. for All wh‘nw up; hnr t, 55c BLEACHED LQNG CLOTH 18r Eli?) colt" _ 7:13po Mr srmvzo AND case sucxen 'Mr. 'We: BLACK AND WHITE C weatt lolorn roan tar all barn", Rt FxCEr'rtotott, VALUE'?, m 117') PAILETTES an p .‘HSSES CH|LDREN'S DRESSES r HILDREA'S BLANK AND WHH'E HEPKERED DRESSER ciret , to If Jar: tirticheri with citk ho]! din AP CHILDREN‘S WHITE o, {Mural} collars, m m: it to it yaars Ree SI 25. for " "Hll.rIR55 33.50 BLACK DRESSES $2.25 Now v‘nh Mark llurhmznv Hm, , and m hr 5r NAINSOOK tun Iles; ti: 2:3 N "g ft “Mm! 4t. 'or S HIDDIES mndts rralgm Fun and BLACK PAILLETTE s, MESSALINE sum $t 7'13 or oral tlt nigh! I Prim" 5 Reg tt Middies Big Values for Your Money s SWEATER Sal» KAN ”an15 In; m 2u m M. for Htast, " n fur Q9 “Dd "“PRD. mum» col Reg 'ttur, Q 8 " 2.0 an‘. 3 fer, $1.00 WWW“ n Mr madp in an "hite and and haiku" tr . 85c ltr, Willi!" Halo nri K SEA P')) " 49c ‘III‘DIES, made, , $1.29 , WKAVE SWEAT " iadra, Crr-y and " LHECK Mir “ him 1 he, k Frve ' mun-p"; " N Sung Hill, ruh ,3”:quan , druw m . $2.25 COATS. 'n fino m: c $1 .35 25 c ‘nrnw tt uh cNor 35 38c $1.40 $1.90 d " nm tttr, 85: "Harm $3.45 $303 .9Sc 58c 'o C 1min 'oc ummr an! poplin Funnel: itt will“ with ribbon moat-t. no I... 31.00 and " P8, for and! .. .. ttttt ords C", m In!» In» Rn. I “In. c, \ar-la “7mm Kant Law" Errthr.trfor., F. rmhroidrrrrt In damn 'tqzigtra,. for "lawn: IMAM” awn-=1 Reg u m: h lenmmm v. ”mus, mg: u, a... Bihtt a (and tqriert' "r gaints " 5 mm Hor a}. Vm _ 9e I)" Lad-m mum 1lloves. in a good (winning. Pte . I uni nun-pr tum mupr It": I! and h I" Infant wral In ttrch in hing walla I 'Ladles' fitte 41' sizes. ol: and heal. he For LadiPs' pure Silk 1lose istlrs lop. duu‘JKn ~01? :11 dark. brown and nan " t. null I" Rcirutar ‘13" Lamb: “can hnml lnhmvrr '"rlovre. in 1. k r-nly Cpl-\ndu‘l " an“ (”In 'l, 'darts n to qt, Hr: Gm, V tor Lamar! fibre, NH; llv e. lisie lop, double cole and hut. rnlnrr. Cray, sflvei. mode. navy. pink, sky. white, alt sizes. 8%. 9, 'Mr. and to Regular $123. $15". 69 for _ rr . e [.adiss' Gun Main (‘21 Mark and "V‘RID. r'lr4'S Rngular t.5rs and GSA Ladiea' rmn all y.- Mark huh Ct S to and 91:. Rczu’ar 31: tor Lamar tire tt ribbret Hose. fancy shot 'TD?D!’T~ blmknurrla black-whites. Mace. trlnet, bl3rksrvsesr, Mar-Lgom. ,rr5ot and, m9rrarli‘ad mivrnro, ,n srirpa.'ttt2, 89 N. 1Hi? and In RoguBar m an: tor., C Ladies‘ fittrt Cashmere HOSE l-l ribbed top, seamlnss make, Mack out»: all sizes, CL,, 9. in» and 10 RPgular " 25. HE- Ladies' fine Mala Hoseseeamiesm make. 0 Fl top. Maw only. double Role and heel. all 91295 9, qt,, and In Half orirr, '1. Flew " pr _ tl n t r ' _ mdnw‘ “anon Hose. Mitch only Sie. 9. _ and 10. good wearing- boss. Reznlar toc (or 8"er _..‘ Ledirss' tins, (3011011 Hose. colors Mei and brown, very good quality. seamen make. a" sizes, My. 9, '.", and IO. Ge Regular HI, for . T Ladirs' fitte Cotton Hose, all sizes, Sh,, 9. 91., and 1 otMy , Misses' and boys' 21 ribbed Gm Hose, good weight, Hz" 9, 914 an" ' Mark ouly C t ROgular mar, tw PV..- _ T m $1 ('hvldrens and misses ttne "rwod6mt I I ribbed. cream only. sizes 6%, T. 7*; 8lig, 9, 8t, and 10 Regular as, $rott " and 81.50, for H .. - thinker: f, tttte Hose, colors brown thre quality Reg Special prim; " din Fur nun Ailk Rvgula I worU. m not Mr n. t Ladle? fine r, Latiiwt' c (mlrroidvri Bonnet, hzh l, com-at: . b2 of, ") j? Regular Prick Mmhmdwrg Edam; " INHMM "mNrrrMrey tttr Fr and 2ftr ram OI In [\N‘rn and _'s, Y's, 9. _ and 10. cream Regular Tar. tor , V Lav-n Ertthrtwtor., Frouttrlyr, Inmmmi I, If. . lick: top Tie 21 .tta r I I hind. um Cloves " Fur: :4 let unh- "hamoitette usaqu'nwm M 'trlmt. “do n gnarl shad“ of [awn mm! u ith hrnwn and i,iratt,e, Hosiery Q win-l “Wan _ m and lft Half price) M c and tr' ttfl, unh 40c, 50t a; and Mar " 1-1 rttttrmt mm and ban Regular "no s'ilt, Hose, vary top, douhln 'tol- ,, t ltrvttt tf gran 9, "U and “.1 um)! v‘ashmara Hose. can mamless. Jim 9 In: 1k ri, q ll 25c Hose. Noun only, M m :14"pr sou: M "ll5, 49c ml hmpro Unto, rotors “is. 9. tttr. and IO, "sh', full fashioned. and hnnl, .nlor-I a” dim» A's, W 'rit $1.50 vr's m Gordon wttltout black "2. rolnn gray, k $1.00 n m: and Ms" whim wttitrs All and tro, enamel-tuning n --PW-- -- . _ , $1.50 m and w many 50e 50c $1.79 -hite mum} 50c 19c wltit- 5' 75c 25c to 50e 75e fftte and and 50e 25c sized

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