. . TIWONBUM. Ont., Jun. 9. - V 1mm“ eman- received 3 and; l . tttatt thorium“ of the sudden t Mb of Mr. George Tmmn. neutor. t I!!! “It nu. A few any: :50] q If Tulan- connected I heavy Cttldi ‘, "tet' developed into pneumonh. .. â€In; any this afternoon. _," ttei-rod VII the scalar member Lil the (wily. And son of the late E, " mm. founder ot the town, " f. M the can received in y We. Liter the death ot their (eth- ir the two unruvlng brothers, E. V. in. George, mnducted the Timon limit Company, comprmn; tour V E". tttrue-ttour nil". pee mm. m mm and outrun! mill. Mr v! - C iiau. mm and outrun! mm. Mr I iettttttnt was pnuldont of the Tmmn /,, tlt-tlt Tut-on Company m the 3"» r: Wmervcn'ka Company. ,5†no u- born m Tlluon i; hit ad necked [all only educa. til/tid, in Maui. He bad been 1 mem- ",i,ti'irt"'iiii,i,'," Town Council tor seven! " who Cammlulon. etc, and / ho .rtoopy:tsool, one of the ttttttat 'rj: -k ttug-ttsee, WI! con-[meted un- :. n it â€pond-ton. He wu a mom- , - mm Mu No. so. I, 0.0. F. t' :I'm . widow tad one can to “iii-mm I,I l . r. KW P 'r1tiy.ft1f. 'l) 'ir.ste the auctioneer comes from whodt motto in to give if, i"mmit and active service TO ALL ' '_,,:,",)'),' .4 We wishing to purchue . farm will be well repaid 'til by muting the undersigned. A variety to moose tmm. ',1 tr." May link “nu-tie. if: my but “Junk:- lhow mu /' t "pom at London Ichooll. with c' nun†of only " can". Q: - an: In the an» an: to". of 'ts', 7 At mount Colboruo in, who)â€: loud with tn - ‘5' 9t mu. and Viotorh School I: I?) to human of the In! with I ' it. bulk segboud. per barrel. 85,00. tgittN.d---Delivererd. Montreal Mt. pun includod; bun, per ton an to $27.00; shorts. per tom + to $29.00; good feed ttour, '" to 81.78. .51.; Buy-Tuck Toronto, per _tarto wheat-Nominal 'rr"r--No. 3 extyl, (out 47 lbs. tttMer, 67 to 60c, according tn - outside. BrteAFhesat--'No. 2, " to 80tt, ".--No. 2, 86 to Me. gamma nmtr---Pirttt patents. L30: â€com! patents, 86.90. Toronto. Um nttur---MY per cent. pat- 'tttes WtteBt-- No. l, North- ':. $13536: No. 2, North-tn, m: N9. ' Northern, 31.15%. pliab- oats-No, 2 C. W. 5050 p10. 1 ma. Me. h. barter-Nominal. ttt above track. Bay pom. “I Corw--No. 2 yellow, 69e. t 10110:, 68c; No, 4 yellow 67c; _ Toronto. Mann-No. 2 white. norm Ni. , ' $21.50 to $t2.00; mixed, lam watered. mso uh ......m... us ‘My palm. boo Vacuum mum mo. Jun. '.--Oraitt dealers E ‘Toronto Board ot Trade gttahtnq the following quot» it Look Here! Look Here! " lou ' '. I'm mm and n II In! “If. Jr» qttggt to a! ',ldllllh'ri,ijirire- - led Suddenly in Tillsonburg NEW DUNDEE I. H. TOMAN 5.00 10.76 10.00 9.75 i CtttMuttr--ter, Inâ€. ti to Me; twins, 'th to 2255c; alpha. M% f" tthe. 016, urge. " to Mc; “this 25% to M%e; "inlet. it to 'te; Sultans. new. " to He. l Butt.r--Prertt dairy, choice, " to '3rrc; crumery, prints, fresh, No. 1, le to m; No. 2. w to Mtt; cooking. iM to 'oe. TO CALI m. Jul-681M. “mun-gum“ cumin ---4ter W 11. N9 tar m, " m - to: for onto Mttr6ey. M-New ue. "r, it“. " tr mound paltry-3m 63km!- t1totae;roostaru.80e;t.nrkUto 28c; ducklllxl. â€a: WI. "e; “on. " to 8te. Live porritrr--t+ chicks... " to Me; too-ten, " to 16e; ML " to we; dtsehite, no to Me; turkeys. 30 to 36c; - " to "e. Horsey-HU to "b' pot lb. [or " Ind "w. polls; 18% to no pot lb. tor Io-lb. pan. and 18% to U%tt per lb. tor 5 and 2WItr. pun. Wholoulerl no selling to the to an trade " an following We: REPORT Dre-led poultry-Spriu chickens. " to Me; too-tan to to Me; town 20 to Mc; duckllnn " to "e; tu- kcyl. " to We; - " " Me. Live trouter---) chicken. to to 25c; rooptsrts " to up; totrt " to 22c; duckling " to Me; tur- keys. " to Me; (can. 20 to 22e. 1 M-tne-N to Me. Etats--No. l mu. " to "ts; tooled. Rome, " to 58e; an “Id â€with“. lure; new 1ai6,, in car- (tons, “a. _ 739'an - Cumulus, had-pick“. bushel. $3.30 to 83.50; prttnms 8210 to 8310. Muple trroduets--Wrutr, per un- perhl tral., $3.60: per 5 mm trats, 82.35“ Mtplo Suur. 1b., " to Mc. , â€munnmn\ Hot"sr-60 And 30-min! “an. 1416 to 16e per w: 5 Ind 2%O, nu. 16 and 17c per ltr.; Ontario copl- honey, per dot. "" to ".50. WWI-Alia. u. who to “She; m I“. a .ientrv,t8to8i,e-tttg18to Eamon De Valen’s Mother Expected Son to Resign ROCHEITER. N. Y; Jun. '.---rr'.i Cubans. wttetetNttt, trf mil city“ mother of Men Do Vulcn. Dre-H dam of the lrilh mobile. eid ur) der um Ibo Ind expected nu non'p’ resignation from an Irish pro-IN detger. She "cum that m the tttsk, of Do - vim to tho United Stun two you'- no he tdd told her that he 1ntendod to "mun in the wendency only until lrelud had ‘been completely freed (mm British [rum She did not rand ttits with- ;drun‘ of his rcllgnnuon " puru- cnluly “(amount She trelied he {would ruin "gummy {annual [ot the present controverly. AUTO PAI‘fY "ytmrtr OTTAWA. Jun. tr.--Aetttnt Forum" a ctsautteur. I“ badly cut on the had frotp hula; (lug “a 111er My pus-angers received I P"" shock when a Ihuntlnl "Mn btcked Into their In] " [My we" Cronin] the C. P. R. era-Inc on m. Aylmcr road on Suntan night. The uno- moblle was badly wroclod And the escape ot the plunger. was re- ‘muhblo. Th. turn Indy Mug- Ir,', wore on thur w" to (no Hunt um Motor Chub for "In". 000900090090 FRENCH LICK. Ind,. Jun. ' 5:1er " m .oieet,od u . the owning date tor tho . Amman tad Nnuouol Duo- . ball “an". " A mum; ot . the sch-din. committee tttrs Q "andâ€. Tho "no: will . and Octobor l, the sch-dale . calling tor 164 (mu. . 00000000900. on In. ': k u . In! tho oi _ “0- . I :5 I ot . I of L." tl tm will . In his tl dt . Wlmhhnofrru “WWW TOM!“ M. L A. DEAD it and I prominent business man‘ in thin city, did only this morn. }inv alter I lengthy illness. yUNEMPLOYMENT IN MONTREAL _ MONTRIAL. In. '.--Draatie ac- }tion in - to the unemployment situution by mum of public meet. ings followed by demonstrations ad wide- through the streeLs of Hontrell. was advocated at the â€new“ ot the Trades and Lapor Council. held here Int night. Dele- ute Lynch stated that about tlt,. 000 had boon expended here in Md no the unehployed. Igainet "00.000 Drastic Action in Regard to Unemployment Taken I in neutron! , BRIAN. Jul. 6. - Prince“ loam-I ttt Pruuh. ' widow ot the former Gem minors youngest son. who coal-mu which In 1910. I: bunch. action “up! William napalm-men: tor a “nuance " loiuace on the (round that her mm» In.†contract, codeine-d in meant In“ with the. In" or the lichen- â€new. entitle: her to the [new or Iqbal-ten“. The can In begun before a Ber. lln etrurt yesterday. Counsel for the (“knee armed that than laws were no longer valid, The hearing was ndjournod In" . brief discussion to permit ot In stamp! to compromiu the‘clutm outaw the court. JOHN O'NIILL " DEAD TORONTO, Jun. tr-John O'Neill. Liberal Mash. for Southeast Toron- voted Ti) ftlilllifi)ll0i 1 DECLARATION L WI proposal also would be adopted M the mute! of submarine regula- 1 dons {bully dilpoled of " the ‘noval ' commitm mating may. my. Naval towns to Adopt the Third Root .. Proposal upon gbolidon as between them- qelves‘ol all submarine warfare igglnst merchant ships, it remained for" the (We Inval powers of the 'rn" confonnce toduy to rdnforce this decltntion through the adop- tion of the third Root proposal to (helm violations of the rules laid down tor submarines an act of pir- my for which thrsubmarine com- made: could In held personaily ac- countpble. btdieatiorus were that Viewed everywhere as the Tnosl siplficut naval "hiesvemeutUt the Wren“ since, the capital ship agreement, the deehsration prohibit- iptt use of submarines 136ml mer- chntmcn as adopted in the naval committee yesLerday. asked the tsd- herence of all nations to the new principle of international law. Amendment " Adopted Some significance was attached today to the amendment offered by the French group and adopted, in the second proposal, dung specifi- ully the mbmutne violations in the min in of nan-ms to support the declarudoa's Inertial: of the “impossibility of using lubmnrines - oommarce destroyers without violgting†the rules of inmmationnl by. It indicated that recent devel- opments in the committee had serv- od to elm- the m of my pouibility of misunderstanding bet‘vun tho two u to Prince'- attitude reord- Inc Gem-hf: use of submarines during the “I. WASHINGTON. in. "tr.-..-- Having dilpond of tho Chimera “riff question yesterday, the Far Eugen-n committa- of the whole was not and.“ to moot qua until the :11than ad can: uni quutium the hon maul. . "IDnlCTON. N. B, Jun c- Tht â€who. ot Nov Imstsswtce till all It can for and." for M to the VI)“. ot $1,800,000 for In." time development and maniacalâ€. Thou bond- tt . may." " the m. of s m aâ€! my.“ h: (than. all I K W on! mull. In the Urttted i ii t: nay it!“ run {or . period a a. 1m _-_---- dry "tttrg rubte your!“ "W mung-mm I'm- B+ “hm-Wu“ is.krs.-..raetaeet""fty HYDRO IN NEW IRUNIWICK or given in Torottto, Q'uu Aunt no would to he» M M "and“ Input". urn- oet-st.tootrte' U. uywuwmh'b- Mullah-W“' ".trtaott-ewasrt- upmwaummb- mmdwwh' “WWW?!†Jau chums " “an in a Oak Varnish Poured by Mistake into Sacramental mmelw iswastot-tbrtbt"ato't of MWMWog-mm.w GRAND RAPIDS, Itch. Jun. 9.-- Ten elders ot the Seventh Retort ed Church here were seriously polo- oned. and two may 1110. u the re in]: of drinking on tstaitt varnish tor sacramental who u the mom- m‘ service yesterday. The men staggered from the pul-| pit, where they too kthe communion, draught, end reeled in front at the pulpit, where one after another the ten elders dropped to the tloor while the congregation was thrown into an upronr. Women rushed toward the church vestry to escape the mad scene which ensued, and men rushed to the aid ot the inllen church oillcera. Fell: " Feel of Ann. It in aid lhnt a new elder ot the church went to the storercrm just hetero the morning service end' picked up a tug of the stain cos) ‘talning a large quantity at turpen- I tine Ind other paint volume. by Inla- talge. The sacrament“ wine tor ‘communion is kept on n shelf Just inhove the varnish, which had been used recently in rewiring the‘ pui- ipli and woodwork of the church, it ill said. The pastor had just completed his morning service and the communion we: served, when John Rlewold, the first elder to collapse. fell " the toot of the pulpit. Tan Made Ill. Immediately the contrretttytiott wan in an uproar. and as men rushed forward to pick up the [alien elder, the other nine succumbed to the effects or the poison, and Women be. sen to stampede from the church. Dr. E. J, Vrlcknrd was celled end had two taken to hospitals, and the rest removed to their honest Elde- Folkenuma ind Elder Rlewold no not expected to live, and the other eight Ire called seriously lll. Rev, Dmdummel, valor of the church. and that he would mike an Investigation to delermnlo lust will? elder was responsible for the shock In; misuke. George Black, M.P., Has Sustained Cracked Rib (Con-dun Pro" Service.) l DAWSON CITY, Y. T" Jtgtt, 'Icy, WASHINGTON. Jan. 1. " 2,.111,': tg,',r,t,,ut?,'i,2,1','1',1rCit/ierttyt Goddps. British ambassm or e m“ on ttrl "ML " dor to the United States, In a new: sueulned a cracked rib m an auto addreas Thursday raulewed the moblle wreck. He elpecte to catch n, , . " sleamer from Sknswny for Vancouv work of tho Washington conferenrg. er the Inner Dirt of this month," ‘He declared the results would prom P. t Congdon unsucneleful â€b‘tha most momentous over achieved oral undidnte for the Yukon. "m'bySnny international conference, Dlwmn Saturday en route to ot. Ir Aucklnnd Intimated that tho mm. when he will urge the cum-[llwmlon upon the tonnage of ar- of the Yukon upon the new covert snared cruisers and naval plans car- mom. he elated. He [wore lecith- not. already inform-Hy agreed to by lllon for better hljhvny develop we grant nntlons, would be near- mum: to beaten Yukon progress. Igor-med In the treaty. Ministers Are Challenged To Duel by Count BUDAP-T, Jan. T-Com" Sip-y hu challenged Promin- Bcthlen “a Foreign Mlulshr Buffy (of sum- monll whlch he anâ€: they nude In the "ttttttal numb†while he v“ in pruon‘ln connoctlon wittt the lat. on unchanged coup ot forum Fn- feror Chnrlel to mum the tin-hr- ltn than". It ls lapse ma Muir will be uttlod by “pin-Hons .n'l “but “all will not at. plus. Two BOS'I'ON. Jun. &---Gf.vBnn' vi'.. ordi trubbed two follow pfi'mOn " tho state prim In. W11) fat lily wounding John Ant-d and rm- it. n M II the Ithdlt " Dtm-l "' warranted after A brief strug- hlc Tooeulo. H. 1" MW†au. mad by and: ind led!“ a} All Ant-Ii died were he could be Mam an!" " unmou- tae m to Ill. when hospital, “for I‘M. a CO." would! VII mrt hum-rod ur- mmmmwm-M Dug. fpgn - thoriu- om- iiiia Say wtiirpea,riptasd Chalice Fellow Prisoners Were Stabbed in Boston Prison "I“: be! "The declslon or the Dull Elreann: m. In Ireland on Standby was. in my Ind opinion. very who-ad very welcome. them. will bring happiness and prosper- lde' lily to Ireland, I am sure. There Is} I“ no doubt whatever that this action, Mer I brlngln; into being a tree and auton- 'omous state In Ireland, is (ha wryi ttttt best thing that has happened in that ' an _ country for many an Me. Mi"ivitT rttt" I gives way to hope and anxiety is re- och placed by the expectation at a peace- ill',' Ind .prosperoua future tor Ire) nd." . L â€WV!“ ef 'eeee "rs-w In. 1,tetdlV'"T. __-__ ;mmuum land-dwi- tha' In mun-mmmmu tuemyettte.e.tetPe" -aiuo9rtrr.,dyrt'tyt'tht1tit- an. ttrrtttbrereftut_trwu Ny-ndyluduithawII-twn ammhumh‘ion nan. Nevilmoftho ind; m SHARP DROP Ill MONEY RATES ar. Slim. tho don't of Miss !lt'h. ---.. rm of ir4riiiiii, hm and, Assistance Prom Future of First Week of New Year in Financial Markets NEW YORK, Jen. '.--iwall Street Raview.r--'rt" malt Interesting tenure ot the tirrst week of the New Veer in the tinanciM market In: the drop In money rates tollawlug the releue or Inge January lntereet Ind dividend payments. Cell loans tell to 3L2 per cent. the lowest rate elnce hut July, and time funds extended into the second ‘qulrter of the year were made at a ’tnctlon under 6 per cent. on season- ed collateral. Dealing: in stocks were active and broad but a communion at “whip-1 lion and short selling caused Inbm stantial recession in almou every‘ branch at the list. nan: were tree) from pressure. but me demand tor those Issues was so small u to play 1 no part In the week's operations. ( International credits and foreign exchange moved irregularly in coma quence of the tinattciat crisis in Italy and the developments at the arms cogtterettce. Quotations stiffened Ister in connection with the decision to call Germany and Russia into the proposed economic discussions. N. S. Archbishop Says Treaty Will Bring Happiness HALIFAX. Jan, '.---ArchbiBhott McCarthy, head of the Rom-n Cath- olic Church in Nova Booth. mined the following augment today: Results Will Prove Value of Arms Conference WASHINGTON. Jan 7. Sir Auckland Geddel. British ambassm dor to the United States, in n haw! address Thursday ravJewed lhe work at the Washington conrererte. He declared the results would prove the most momentous ever achieved by Iny international conference. Mr Auckltnd Intimated that thr' l BRANTFORD. Ont. Jan 7. --- A' thief who mole u white horn. whoae1 io,rnsr was attending a church meet. l? M Wltertord, put the horse ml |the nub!†ot Edward Coombs at Dalton In pure of being In horse to in“: good. however. Coomba In out, Her the mu hm “clung“ the ‘oouplcm- thn horse tor a black ov. Thomas Hardy. Waterford. ll si, "ports the loss of a buggy. " mm. apmrenlly the thief. After the Intranet made bls way back and plcktd out an outBt, the yin when Vuliordl suddenly - his knife and struck Armti m: the hurt And that nabbed Toa- iii) J/iii-ost shoulder. Guard! Mod up 3nd wind aniordi. who run murmured an: a brief strut- THIIF EXCHANGED HORSEs it}... of no.†fer "‘ Ar'T, F' . ctitefNc' F "C.'" l a 't r" - ':t'Wia'"fs"a'ttt at,“ u _-', . 'd'vi, a = - F .a 2 LTI Fe: r" . I Ni _ r " WJ’R'IV ‘ - Cf M. _ . _ r l ' 1 ' A (â€MICE " HELD TonONTO, Inn. 6.-Thq Dru? Government "were" “loaned In decision to eo-opentq with the municipalities: of the #:011an In mm; are of tho comma. The docllion wu conveyed to "woun- utIvel of the munidpnIMes during the course of n conference attended by.“ oncul of the Federal Govern- meat, who cum: with ansurnnce that the Dominion would do its Ihnre. The plan outlined in simply an ex-i tension ot the arrangement under) which the province agrees to J.'.?.,') one-third ot the excess cost of muni~ Mpat works undertaken for the pur-i pose of providing employment. _ Where No Work 1 Where employment cannot be) lound the responsibility of taking .cnre of him and his family. the prov- lince will pay onethird of the amount so spent. This aid will cover only iexpendlturel! for food and fuel. un- iderclomiug and boots. _ The plan will cover only married 1men. but unmarried men are to re Iceive -some consideration. No do 'cision has been reached upon this point, but the direction ot the dis- ‘cuseion at the conference suggested that the Government might pay one "tsird toward expenditure on food. The point is made that provision for shelter can be made by the municipalities with comparatively little dimculty in the case of unmar- ried men in Hamilton and Brant; direction has already been made. Hon. W. E. Raney, in announcing: what had been done. said that the Government would not exercise any ‘independent supervision over the ex- penditures of the money, but would rely upon the emciency of the civic (g,':::,,":',:,"':,': No limit has been ‘placed on the amount of relief to be given nor has the plan been restrict» 'ied to the larger centers of popular ‘tion. where the problem is most pressing. Any municipality that has ‘an unemployment problem than can- ‘not be met by furnishing work on undertakings. etc., can take advant- age of the t',overament'ts otter. The Government will iuslst that relief must not be given to lhose who will not wore. It In likely that a condition of ob. Ialninz relief will be In? presonla» tion ot the registration card from an employment bureau, showing that the holder has applied tor but could not be given a'job. Wtlllllllll)ir i EXCESS Mt Mayor Will Enforce Prohibition at Buffalo BUFFALO. Jan tr--b'rank x.' Schwab, former brunt elected Mayor of Bumtitt following a ram-i mum on the issue of prohibition err, torcement, is garrying out mercies} lion pledges with a speed lhal is, causing "dry" advocates to wonder. Mayor Schwab has announced} that all dry laws will be entoreed and has asked the corporation noun sel to draft an ordinance that. will enable hlm to reduce the number ot licensed soft drink places from 6.000 to I,000. _ Scraps Former System. ’ Mayor Schwnb‘n ttrtrt act w“; to «crap the former system. abolishing prohibition enforcement and vice squads and ettectittg many changes In the police force. He then put (In iorcement up to the regular police force acting under an Advisory com- [ij:':; of one person from each or the city wards. million Govenuient is The mayor's [uniform favored the sale of beer and wine. but until this Is legally provided tor he lulu the ground that the present law must be chromed. SECOND MURDER IN FOUR DAYS. MONTREAL. Jan. 7. -- Marina. the second murder In this city in FARMERS: Witl you consult your wife or daughter whether she could nuke dreslm;k1u outer it the knew haw to cut Ind m The Image woman an new, But the "ninth: huh racking problem when Ibo unrul- to cut a nrmenl. You cm help her overcomo um by handing her to our Ichool tor I two we“: can†“a mu; comm. We tank . ch†once each month. Our - urn on cola. all"... also". urn-u. limo-o- atrd androi- drum. tun clan Mu In. t, Terms an 817.00 for full courts, cum: I" m If“. Cull or write for It}! Inter-much. Learn Dressmaking Municipalities - brawl†my annulment Do-lbuiéng-dpfngq i. I Mutual Fin Win“ mu. 'iiiairon-W' ..,.._- - 7m, * 'A.1.1'e'ir,Eiir.iqii'i'i5 m“ P. I _ ig 3m 'ttgt'."" Ail swoon. OM... ha. '.---A. I u oi Am. "tt VII m The great lingual remedy, tone-‘ and invigoratos the whole nervousl i System. make, new , blood in old veins. 2 l tiim Cures Nervous Debility l l _ Mental imd Brain Wor- ry, Despondency, Loss of liner o','; Pa'pitation of the Heart, Faiving‘ Memory. Price $2 per box, 3 for V. lOne will please, six will cure. Sold llzy all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. m1 rwoipi Of pure. New unwi- phlet mailed free The Wood Mali-l ‘cino Co., Toronto. Ont,, formerly! _ Windsor. Advt. FARM-4 1-2 miles west of Waterloo, with good frame house and bank barn and other outbuildings, splendid land in good state of cultivntion. Jett watered, 18 acres bush, offered for quick sale. possession by New Years. Apply to C. A. Boehm A. K. Grumman RealEmtc " Waterloo 1Hold-up Men in _ Brantford Got Victim's Parcels l BRANTFoRD, Ont., Jan, s-ttel Lime: Smith. market butcher, of MO) I?..'.",'.'": Street, I]: on his '11 moms Wednesdny night two not 'ny»procched him on Clarence Street. 10119 of them "touted. "Huld- up." at the same um. shovin‘ I "who: limo Emmi: “to. t Because he I†carrying I coup]. ot bully Ducal. in his urn“. Mr. Smith could not very well obey without dropping in: pacing-I, "l he uhouied loudly tor help and the ‘ hold-up nan. preuumubly atrtud that I Mr. Smith's about: would attract I attention. contented lhemnelvu i with' [rubbing his two unrul- Bttd , making of! hurriedly down I lid. , street. the space of tour days, the body ofl a Wall-dressed your); man, about 25' years old. was discovered In a shed‘ " Snowdon Junction enrly this} morning. His hands were tied be-: hind his back and a rope with which he had ev'ldcntly boon stung-l Irsd, wan found about his neck. The body has not yet been identified. E GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT King Street Inn. 26 King St. N. Waterloo Telephones, of'ice 249. R. " THE MERDANTILE FIRE INSURANCE INCORPORATED 1874 Iubzcribed Gaplul .5250†Deposit with thtt Dominion Government .w... $158.00.!» All pollclu guarlntud by the London a Lancnhlro PM m. surance Co. Ltd with has“: at $42,000,000. I Alfred Wrlght, socrcury. c. A. IOEHM, DIST. AGT. Waterloo, Ont. PM†aw One ot the DI gummy ot ttteat I at women“! shod. Company " WOODS PHOSPHODINE‘ 77 8-4 ACRES I the puree": manhood I ot ttteat 3" the on“: . pair COMPANY to PINITINTIAI‘V lo "tt Wt. First mm tim. Vii hand choloo Boof,Pork. kg.tattt li and Homo-IMO 8mm†' tttttsri/tttum, Why nod WWW†MN and on would: 'W about Puma Own-nor to J. I. Iâ€: Plano '" W Comm“ of Vinyl!“ M ' All also ant-rug)“ " Iggy!" .ttmttttrgt . Anycno mm». n tttsri" tarm lands or Cl: PM mu do wall to all on W - buylng. Lare thte " an», "cm. H. B. DUIMNI, â€no. I“. “animation gnaw Calls from all M of th county -tptty nun“ tm UNDERTAKEm Alp . FUNERAL NWTâ€. Wind†F Phone on. Night PM - LICENOID magnum ESE; JiiGrk'ad km" a Tht Attrilttt [UTE]! I BttetMttiett , Th Ch kl Te2urraprrrral, ','d 'gt at news. Subscribe for it Today ELEttTttoTMEttAPeuri" Renaud to 5 Holm ApVtdterrtta You; l Phones. Gale. 1323: M. 1888t n. Linen. and. UNDERTAKEKS out.» "on. Wm 38' 'tttmt mim WW ILI‘ LIKE AN OLD FRIEND FROM HOME E. J. IHANTI. Undertaking Class DR. A. HOLI, 3.0. CHIROPRAC‘TOI 'H I N" C â€POI“? "II Meats Mr. Yhteri.e