_ fellows won from the Foresters, _ dime Veterans from the Firemen, FJ, the tinttits the Oddteuows beat the ( Veterans by 25 points. 'r';'! ttie Elmira Poultry Association E; bit Its first January meeting on . z‘MEY evening, Mr. Fred Conrad a.†give an interesting talk on line :f‘troodhg. At the next meeting, Jan- 'icfii'a,t, gun. a debate will an; place _ Vh'Niml-al vs. Artutei'at Incubation. "i, 'Heun. Russel Ruppel and Armand C. Weber will take the natural, and Ellen. Wesley Shoemaker and J, H, .. "III-yin the'nrtmclal side. . Now Measures at Library. t its last meeting for 1921, the mix. Public Library Board decid- ' on two new measures. The first I“ the institution of what is called r' thoptory Hour. Every Saturday af- ?_,§snpon. from 3 to 4 o'clock, the KIM†children of the town wilt 'iruttShlt,1'd'-ra.:,eri"y, of the Library 'e the person in marge will tell VA ‘an: a story and otherwise enter, yr and instruct them for an hour. _ 'Elmira public school teachers, ?i,i-aaausints Klinck, of Balsam 'i/i X? School, and Miss Edna Schler- .. Ming-ht.“ mn- _ - either-looting!- I " 2 r to run: Gullah: . - m o: . clique mun-n- " I i. - In. (mimosa: ' _ . (h the In! routing of out; I All in tho now you It: with h" " to you this cheque " I 4 Il when ot the Approcuuon ot . V Ionic“ in the put, both to our lil, n and to the congregation " , l >"Vhole. May the good Lord may 1iAorr, den Futon in the new you†A health and manning canny. "k your trying work and prenarvoi . b you. in.Mra. Gaiimeier, I truqr "thtiiia to share your joys when; I“ "" in bright and cinr. And toi, et you on In time: when the In ; 'ttpre with diercouratretnent. Pt , 6" 't who" of Si. Paul's Ladies Atd 1 tt -Mrs. C. N. Klinck. President.) '.'," l Mrs. Oscar Rupplo, Secretary.: “ fhi behalf of Mrs. Gulmoier nudl P “to" Rev. Ganmeier undo I ttd , . .mpiy, thanking the donors for 1hiit kindly remembranee, und urg-i Al ', cm t't, be faithful in the "t C ' yr God's word . ,1! this the annual meeting, the 'eWiiiFiii' oMeerg were re-elected, ' 't p, President. Mrs C. N. Kiinck. I 34; 'moe - President, Mrs, Oscar i':'Mrii,me. L,,? tficretars, Mrs. Cscar Ruppel, ‘ ",ii',fi" Treasurer. Mrs. C. W. Schierholtz. F"3mr. Pred A, Vogt returned to his ', W. in Mitshawalca. Ind.. on Wed- ' My. after spending a few days 'r,1it"fttt his mother and other relatives i"be your " you. I â€w. Uh...» I tra- Cot 't iun week's euchre games the N we were not able to give you better BerNuee on S ', “an don't be ditseouraged. Come through the week or " ANExTRA 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR 2 HOURS ON ALL CLOTHING _ THIS MEANS so _.',,,',.'.,,, T" CENTS ON THE DOLLAR ,,' cannons (roman) SALE "js'i'i'iie'i' GARNER’S “E THE CREDITORS HAVE ORDERED THAT TH IS ENTIRE STOCK SHALL BE DISPOSEI) OF' . IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME W’Suits $7.50 to $28.50, regular up to $48.00 .. Shirts 450 to $2.40, regular up to $4.00 ':':'i"v, Sex Mc to 75c, regular up to $1.25 'r. .OVercoats $10.00 to $28.80, regular up to $50.00 EGARN BITS Dmiun‘non r, mm tt . Saturday Morning from 10 to 12 OVlock EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STOCK AT 60 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR We Are Very Sorry “HM tin, Miss. ciriiVk/irGrsCi'rril (in Thursday afternoon. when two Mrs. A. Winger. Mr. ma Lingner. tdaughms of Mr. Hobye, West Mont, Those who attended the funeral of rose, and a Miss Melitzer, came driv, Dr. Weidrsahtunmer were: Mr. and ing into Elmira from thn east in a Mrs. Chas. o. Stroh, Mrs. Wm. Eis- buggy. their horse became frightened when. Miss olive, Stroll. Sean“ an automobile as they turned Eisenbach. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. from Church to Arthur street. The Carnochnu and daughter Edna. Mr.‘unimal dashes tTown Arthur street and Mrs. Addison lieisel. until it reached linm‘k's store. ‘Then it turned right in towards the More. Master Claude Schroer has taken'The shaft hit the front window and a position in an office in Brantfond. broke a large piece out of the big Rev. F. Mailnnky of Alsfeldi. spent plate glass. The gum box which was/ Tuesday night with Rey. A. GaU- hanging at the corner between the meter on his way to the quae, nsiiavoutor and inner window, was knock. era) at Kitchener. . " led off and hit tho inner window ot Mr. ,and Mrs. Carl Weber. of :Stemke‘s storm rorttpletely smashing Kitchener, were in town tarday tit. Luckily the large glass was in- Mr. Henry Kaiser on Tuesday sured, though the smaller one was of Waterloo. A large number from' here attended their respective fun-l eruls. The following attended the; obaequlen of Remw. C. Boese: J. H. Ruppel. Rev. and Mrs. Gallmeler, Mrs. Detwollm, Mrs, Welchel. Br., Mry. Oscar Ruppel, Mrs. Hy. Heim, backer, Mrs, Milton Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ruppel, Mrs H. W. 211- “an. Miss Carrie Klinck, Mr. and} Mrs. A. Winger. Mr, Hy, Linttner.l Those who attended the funeral ot Dr. Weidrsnhtunmer were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. o. Stroh, Mrs. Wm. Em, enbveh, Miss Olive Stroll, Geo. Elsenbach. Mr. and Mrs. C. IV, Carnochnu and daughter Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Helge]. " hnn heard It least two persons claim the honor. Mrs. John H. Behaeter spent Sat urday with friends at Kitchener. Mr. Wm. Ritter of Floradale, is seriously ill. Mrs. Con. Hahn has oI Mr. Wm. Ritter of Floradale, is seriously ill. Mrs. Con. Hahn has of late also been sutrering much. Elmira friends Were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Rev. W. C. Reese of Kitchener, also or the decease ot Dr. F. J. Wbiderthtunmer Orrle that one vote that gave him the necessary majority? The writ, t1i,i.ttst.eeiy,ers,a,srust A 1tttt_irsreduhiitiirimr. a}. Mill Kw. Waba- vilnod reluives in mtchner‘on Monday, returning My morning. Mr. Wm. Schmidt And children ot Kitchener visited his mother, Mn. Kiliian Schmidt over New Year'.. Dr, and Mn. Hiliiu span! New Year's with friends at Guelph. Mr, Howard Whyte, of Fischer's barber shop. spent New Yearh with his plrenls at Perth. The problem now is: Who gave Juklon not». Mp to Toronto In: weak to intent"! the murmur an of the [hunt Autonom- M uni!" an be“ - for the Durant car. We war-um! that Mr. Juhon mm A good chance of "can; the uwcy. Chum. thinks the Durant " an In! word In Into- not“... zmmmunnumuuug and" m.yuruon from Ito‘o’phck. '1ertrmteayrtttb- on out to be. “in but. but all been. -tn.. In! venomous Mr. Walter Wllkcn u can; I â€can! Mary comm at tho O.A, C. Whiter I. hand to Inn Bil Alan M to loan About Elma-mk- In; 'u-tdm-mats,--, We: and Mr. W. on Saturday. Our store is small and the crowd was large. If you did not 'tr't waited k or on Saturday morning. Shop or. Saturday morning when the crowd is not so large. SPECIAL is: Who gave In of _ an “oily, and and“ on Jun-n. ‘, mm A com-u In Domenic Schne- for girls In! ho â€from Jun. Inn , to Jan. 27th. This " o Inland“! on mun“, tor tho young man tad uri- arm, â€has“ it better prom lhunulvu for their m. -e. Mt â€hm-um. J: tk, Knaro I. â€mums-u thin work. OLD ELMIIAITE RETURN. l The" " n pie'ienz uniting 1(1):. Ihomq of Mr. tad Mrs. haul Brw humor an uncle ot Mrs Brunch" In the per-Ion at Mr. David Bee-by. or Blumon. Ohio. Fifty years Ago Mr. Bouhy canted on 1 wagon- making business In . frame building jthat stood where the post office now lands. Needle†to any he sees mnny changes In Elmira. nnd find. tew old l-ndmrks that he can recognlu “no few peopin that were here any years Vo. On name mu: (he remembered van that of Mr.' iWerner. who was In those early ydnys learning the A B C ot the drug] P"t'ietesis. Mr. Beeshy recalls an in.) (eden) that happened In thoce easy] ‘dayn One day Dr. Ferguson canet" at his shop and asked tor Ills hnc<t: ‘saw. which he was going to use in 'amputating an arm ot a Mr. Frey, of Upper Woolwich, who was ever after known as one-armed Frey. Mr. Beeshy is now over 70 years old but ‘still does millwrlght work or-cnsmn- Eally, being generally employed when the work is of a kind that requires jemcmess and care. The New Year Gtr bean very [mod to Mr. A. s. Gingrich. First the ratepayers presented him‘vwlth the councillorship, then his wife pre- sented him with a bouncing baby boy. Mr. J. F. Martinson, of Toronto. spent the Christmas and New Year holidays with his mother' und brother here. _ Messrs. Harvey Class and Irvine Khnck returned to Toronto on Tues- day. A OOURII FOR FAIIIRI l'H l s OR [GINAL UUL'UMEN'I l; ' Kitchener II sry E..- Herz Y'rr, le-Honours-Margaret hrei singer. Neda Heckendorn. Sr. ItI.--mortours--Lloy “often PassÂ¥Orvllle Srhulz, Litey"3herk. [ Crr. TtL-Pass-Cart Rtrptkl. Jr. _ Ir-Honours-Vera Reming- or. oiro Kiinck, Ptare mehaidj. Paula Jr. IW-jo-sr-ia""." Hed rich. Piss--jucy Slumpf: , The annual meeting of the Elmira Horticultural Society will be held at the Library Hall next Tuesday even- ing, All members, not merely the Directors. are urged to amend and help the work along. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baler. of Sea- forth, Mrs. H. R. Hauch and little sum-of Moncton. N. B., Miss Luella Ruler. of Heidelberg. Miss Violet Euler and cousin, Miss Lnuretta was, of Kitchener. spent New Temr's Day with Ute.M)sssvi.Edler In town. _ Upcembor Report or St. Paul's Sbhool. ' , Mr. H, S. Livingstone, of Sudbury. has arrived in Elmira. and assumed his duties an accountant at the Royal Bank. succeéding Mr. Johnston, who was transferred to Brldgeburg, Ont. may be made use of during the hour. This wur give young people. and old er ones as well, an otrporttuntr'to pass a few hours pleasantly and prot1tnbly when they perhaps have nothing else to do; The Directors of the Board will take turns in presld» lug during these hours. ' Mr. o. D. Holt, of Michipieoten River, is the guest of Emil-a friends. In In exciting hockey .. guru on Tuesday evening, the Outlun. nunely, Alt. Kellerborn, Alvin Bru- btcher, Cecil Helpel. Hy. Brunch. Jack Krueger. Herb Wilton, by 5 goats to l, but the Plumbers, who had the following team: C, Ran, N. Amttuger, Claire 'rtr,stuseher, Pins Ran Tved Rudow and Herb Run. Mr. Edward Schulz. ‘of Detroit, tepert' the holidays with friends here and at F'Urradaie. a . M- Wm. McKenzie spent New Year‘s with friends at Hlllsburg, on Walnutâ€. 45 , t _ The mph» ml“ duo. um and“ the 1m: .octttq minim HupmlsAumu'y on Tue-d" trqe u may moon-M Allin: The gentle man who won when “a: Mr o. H. Ziegler, of Guelph, for winning mom games 1nd Mr. Hairy Wolt. hud for me molt Ion. M. The lady winners were: Mlu Illien mr lon tor the moat [anal and Mrs, Wm. Foertster tor the moat lone buds. . In. Ooh-l In. W " a “(It wants with“ . tot not on Thus-Ian. - ', Mr. and In. Humid Gnu ard thud-co we» yin“... &;Kltchnnu Jr. 1.-Hopours -__ Stellar! Rook "t Win?†tttm asns my m IN VER) mg; it f, Be. ",iliiNu'ri ’. “V. ter, I The S. A. meeting: next week- ‘and. 7th, 8th and 9th, will be con. ‘ducied by Commandant Cnmpbell ( trom Toronto Sat. It pm Salvation {meeting Monday tt pm. a lantern l, Brr'rvittrt entitled "The Life at Chrlut" Silver collection " door. All we]- _ mine. PREGTON VETERAN! Auocm- TION. A upecm meeting of Veteran. will be bold 'st the Manor“! Home on Monday next at ' an Mr. Hurry Hahn of Won and Mr. Wm. Window of Detroit in" returned that Iponding New Yam with friends in town. Liquor Cages STOP YOUR OMOKING The No Smoking order will be strictly enforced at future hockey matches at the nrenl. and specill police will be In attendance to see that the order In observcd. THANK YOU The Women's Auxililry of Free- port Sanntorium an thin means of thanking all who contributed to the Xmas cheer of the pllienln u the sattatoriurn, COMMANDANT CAMPBELL COMING. " I. C. CARTER OF GUELPH The annual merting at tho Prprr ton Horticultural Society wlll be held on Tuesday evening next. In the council chamber. Mr. J. C. Carter of Guelph, will Rive an ad, dress on xenvral horticultural sub- Jects. Everybody invited. FtNED $250 AND AUTO CONFIS- CATED. l A'N W, M, P. official founded up .1 man from Guelph who was trans-‘ parting whiskey The case was1 tried in Presto ncourt yesterday. He} was titled $250 and hi. automobile, contiseated. The 'case was tried! before Magistrate B, W. Zternan[ and Thomas Yates, I BltLLlARD's TOURNAMENT ATI MAca. l A Bull-ran Tnurnament will bel put on shortly at Macâ€: and all! players tlesirous of entering the; competition am asked to leave; their names with Mr. Frank Pnetzl at once Several years ago 3110‘ cessrul tournaments were hold ttnd' " is expected that many wielders or) the hit: pointer will take part in} this contest. You know the place. Hrtadquarters for the Telegraph. i ‘quarters are at the Jackson garage. f Messrs, W. Raha, N. Berringor and jaw. Kltnrk were in Kitchener an Friday afternoon interviewing Prin. cipal Merritt of the Collegiate [nutt- tute and Public School Iespeetor Sheppard "trardinr4tsrninsr classes. IThey were told to apply to Dr. Mer. chant of the Department ot Educa- Ttlon, Toronto. who has charge of this ‘work. The department will send a 'representative to Elmira to Investi- gate and If his report is favorable. the local board will be allowed to so on with the work, The department pays two-thirds of the expenses in 'conneetion with night classes and therefore reserves to Itself the deal-3 stun whether such classes shall be held or not. Mrs. Coophof Kithener. called her aunt, Mrs. L. Schmermund, Saturday afternoon. Mr, Andrew Willow; (Weldon- Jhammer), of Winnipeg. spent the week-end with relatives note. Mr. 9 Willows 1: public school inspector in zone of the 1ntspeetorat districts of ‘Manitoba . He bu had some inter, esting experiences, comical a n d otherwise, during his work or clung- lng some or the private schools - (Mennonite, Russian. etc.. into prlic lschools, In his inttpetctorate there! (are about twenty different nation- Laiitips represented. I _ Mr. Nichols has just received) ,word that he is to report for work [at Winnipeg shortly. ( -- 3. . mun In.on In: than no»! av" Thu-inn pram Mrs. Albert Dunke. ot Toronto. in spending a few days with friends in Elmira, Mr. Chas. Schafer succeeds Mr. O. S, Smith as representative ot the Ford company at Elmira. His head quarters are at the Jackson can" Mr. Wm. Nichols. at patent do“; field work in Bin-Kora district. spent Sundny with " wife And daughter at [ha home or In. smor- bolts. [ Mr. w. (Blondie) (latch upent at week with his mother " iHafqrttt. Mr. o, w. Thomson. of Kitchener m Mr. Goormr Thompson. of [with Head, dint. won on Friday, “9.! . "m. m auiur'ar1'6taoie,'U. which; renun- hero (or o "nr ml Mn. later; a In â€than on '0'.“ ll'lhh'l "no In: hybaitd. Mr. (hum-Inna, - Mr. Hurry “new In a bus-unvldtovp'monh} yd: [use Winner Md Mr. ad In. [and Grott on Friday named the (mm ot Mr. Whaler- Mount. Mr. Hon- Wlllnor. " Preston. tho burial will"; place In Kitchener. Miner of the-mm. JN0l1'l0N PRESTON In tace Court Mien In [lulu can. an very low In who loll- In] as chm out: a pound ll" weight In tho part cl lb. coca"! In com†from. He told the won that may at the farm." In the Won In In but “up; and um tho (m- onunum. would bu. to mm. than. Vlnv OMALL v0?! " ton AND t AIAlNIT Tum m a - in.“ m tor WWI 013...? UNIV hrntu l “CUILIV' DO... IN TOWN. _ Leo 00be In In town trom anle Cnek. But. Vilnius " old home town. "Curley" n he In known In "and" In I " [Inner Ind rancher In the Well. It In [In years sInce he vittited hm. HII may old Irlendo welcome him buck to town He VIII likely lay here for ma win (or. Ho In a (uncu- nlur no Meet at of (In. all]. and horn“ tn (In In!“ country. l “Put" tirrol, Cooper Street, who had Ionnl "an“ amputater1 and latterly had blood poitroes in My land. In new improving. ( MRB. GENIOR DIES l The death occurred Friday morn. lot Mn, Senior, Hamilton Street. i MRS. THOMAS SENIOR BURIED E The burial ot Mrs. Thomas Senior (took place at Preston Sunday atterf incon, and wu largely altanded by trelativel and friends ot the deceas» red. A private union was held at ‘the homo on Hamilton atreet at 2 ‘o'clork. Rev.Mr. Marriott. ot the nuptial church, conducted tin; Ber. ‘vices m the house. He also conduct. ed the impressive public services at {the Baptist vhurch. He spoke of who many good qualities of the de. iceared lady. and told many tourlr ling incidents relating to her kindly lama during her any years rear ldence in Preston. WITH THE SICK. Mrs. Ben Harvey, WIIKBI' Street, who broke her collar bone In: Thursday. Is now (owns along is well u can be expected. The rhil than. who are quarantined, are also doing well, The burial was attended by many relatives and Intimate friends of the deceased Indy. The liquor and than me against , Parliament John Chownyk ot Freeport was re mended. "Mthe." the father, is NOTICE is hereby given that an still missing. He is supposed to be? lpplicatlon will be made to the iirDestrott. " imaginative Assembly of the Pro- Another c.†was to be tried, I Vince of Ontario at the next Sega l but u Mugistrate J. R, Bats did) ion thereof. by The Waterloo not srrlva it Fat' adjourned Midi ' _ the prisoner In taken to jail tor) Count? Loan and gnu" Company a week. Theer In: some misunder-l tor. an Act:-- standing about this case. Crown At-f (a To authorize the traid Com. torney Bowiby tutd Lawyer Han/pans to carry on the business of cock were present. besides other of! " Minis. After waiting tor some ' a Trust Company under The Loan hours it was decided to adjourn the I and Trust Corporations Act." "Id court, ‘amondmantn â€sprain paid a $250 fine tt few days ago was up on another charge and was let out on $500 ball. John Herman was lined 320 ahd touts. I "r i: Sppclal Otter to _c (' Ive 'f".'" f t New Subcribers .. (s To Chronicle -Telegi You Shoula Read h "ti/et “$179 feature is our list of Indian “hi the County's Leading 1' ed this“ “unda- {is elm-aerated. It wilt 9., ,... to WWW w-re",",.,)'?,),).?,',?,,:),'! "r." n T " We on very' desirous of adding to our lists those in the wring munity not now sulxseriberito Waterloo County's leading weekly and as an extra inducement make the following special offer HESPELER Three excellent reasons why The regular price of the Chronicle-Telegraph is $1.50 for a. i'ttit', .) month's su iscription but as an extra offer to new subscribers a will send the paper from now until January 31st, 1923 for the magnum subscription price of $1.50. -. i _ le, In other words you get the pap er FREE DURING JANUARYjjii if you subscribe n ow. _ . -'nj . PAPER FREE FROM NOW U NTIL JANUARY 311.7931 Everything of_importance in your "i, ow,??. hdmer: pgper ii Subscribe through your nearest agent or order direct. Our Extra Free Offer WATERLOO CHRONICLE-TELEGRAPH Out ttt admin. to Councillor Hutch" who was at the moon" on crutch“ pl , "an! of u: 1ch- dent oom- month airs, the, .10“ (urban Molded to boll I continu- on. uulon from tt o‘clool intit t o'clock. Councillor: Ber at!!!» won unable to p. m it " connt of ulna. 1),. If... _ III . In" It. "a reiupqtt'. Ire' _ tet To change the name or the ‘Slld Company from 'The WateHno l County Loan and savingl Company ito The Waterloo Trust and Savings jormrattr. A Min Ann: Lang, one at the moat popular young ladies In Heupoler. hu left for Mulr- Full. She wIll min a roman u n nuns In training at I hmpltal In that place. Humor town council held their lamina] muting yesterday Eddie Flynn. one of Hespeler‘l most popular young men left Friday tor Chicago. He will take a course m oetsterttmthy. FNAUOURAL MEETING Hupolur'o PM. Body of Mon Get Rudy (or Next Vnr'l Iullnul Minus Lou and Violet Hill Ind Mrs. Willlnm Hill, spent New Yur- irtth relatives In Toronto. HESPELEER'B NEW LIBRARY Pt J. / Architect Albert Faber. is buay LD., gelling out the plans for Howelar's‘ IT."" new â€3.000 library" The bulldlngy ',',h'L, will be a credit. to the town ot gen,“ Heapelor " will have a concrete _------ foundation and will be of butt brick The building will be erected no" the site of Heapeler'n tine tom, hath, DR. J. E, be due to there bring no munirlpal eleMlons, The vote was, For 70; Against. One. Dated this 7th day of December, 1921 6iv6t The Waterloo County Loan and Savings Company by Long & Daly. " King Street West, Toronto. its Solicitors. (b) To cancel the powers of the Company to carry on business as tr Loan Corporation under the said "The Loni and Trust Corporr tiohi Act" after the said Company has been registered as a Trust Cor- poration. " To authorize the said Com. pany to carry on the business of a Trust Company under “The Loan and Trust Corporations Act" and amendments thereto. WILL STUDY OSTEOPATHV ai: keeps rok irtrdeied L; to: all happening: of interest, W Inc-l, whiter-trd/ue'. to know about. _ You in ntod4ut.tumtrr hike-rested in Canadian and world "an. ,gnin the Q . “Wyn: unis. Complete summary at ï¬brous}; our-o4 .," 1 . 'Herviee. V . N O T I C E of Application to 1 Parliament , ONTARIO F'r8rrr's'rt'.,it?tiq.B"' Tod Burk Ind can I. m In. Nanci-Md Madam a m Ouch " "Inn. _ _ um» mm. (t The In! â€and of mm " to In churn-n. an†Moral-ad Wu -eated I number of the loot! M d Health. _ Property: "teee, trurthar, M Oruaunqr. _ t Cemeteryzvou. Baird ,u Beer. Fin-nee. - Reeve OW. Baird 3nd Beer Flu-nee: _. Roof. m. aura, Bou- "a on. IP Court of Revhuon:--ott, m Smith and Reeve Grueund'. Waterworks: "_--. Baird. T ‘20.. Smith. Fire And IMttt:--Hverttter, Knit. Rune Grueuner. _ Ice ---'--_ DR. J. J. WALTERS. Ide'," St. S.. has resumed pr T co, 0 "ricted to office and xenon! eon- sulutions. oft/ey hours 2 b 4 M DR. J. A. HILLIARD, DENTIST L. D. s.. Ro .I College Danni Surgeons, D118, Toronto Ultim- sity, All branches of dead-try ractired. Office Weber Chad gem, King W.. Kitchener. Ont. DR. S. ECKEL, 1413.. D.D.8., Graduate Chicago College of Dan- tal Surgeons and Royal Cone of Dental .Surgeons of Toronw,gm- tal office in new Molaons’ Blah Building, Waterloo. Derttirtrr practiced in all its branch“. D. s, BOWLBY, B.A., LLB" Bari. rister, Solicitor, Notary Pubtitt2 and Conveyance OHteg Merch- ant's Bank Building. Telephon 247, Kitrhener, Ont. A. L. mrz.EI, BA: SUCCESSO] MI'LLQAR. S'IBSSnanrl BaAr,..ysiGr, CLEMFNT, CLEMENT “with" TIN, lp, fiff,igy, Waterloo Per, Loan uilding corner 'hyy Foundry street's. Phone 77, Itch- ener, Ont. _ JAMES C. HAIGHT, BARRIm Solicitor, Notary Public, (It-VI,- ancer, etc. Money to loan. oma, Molsons' Bank Building, WIWQQ.‘ SCELLEN and WEIR. J. A. 'ee len, B.A., LLB.; J. J. A. 01!; Master in Chancery, 'W Solicitors, Etc. Money but“ 2,Ty,ressypstyrs irl the M 7 to 8 pm. and by "iroiniiGiiE Phone 414. one: of the tsr./ti.tGiiaii'iii6 King St. East, Kitchener. . R. F. G. HUGHES, Dania: Oddfellows Block, Waterloo. . G. MclNTOSH, BARRISTER, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. 18 Web-, er St. East. Kitchener. Plane MAF to Conrad Bitzer, Barrister;Soli; tor, Notary Public, etc. Mung H loan. German spoken. se', at, Pequcgnat Block, next to 7 "hat, Frederick St., Kitchener. ,___.-., y-u-w In.“ until, all", J. Sims, LLB. George Bray, B. A., Barristers, Notaries. out: Of- fice upstairs Economiear Bloek, King St. West, Kitchener., Block, karwiii, "---------- "C H3173: sageuLTLyD- 6:: MEDICINAL DENTAL LEGAL , KitcLHéneE