Ah, the Farm ii i POULTRY WORLD HALL or f FAME l C (Experimental Farms Note) "A chart time no the death ot t m Wyendotte hen No. 5162 oc- E and. Since this hen bed so much {to do with the present high produc. in. in our strein ot White Wynn- [i7l'd' new kept at this Bunion. her t “a delerves a place in the halt ot [h of the poultry world, and Ber, Weather“. told in story. l “No. B.162 was botched May let. in“, endaluid her first egg tttd limb. 1917, being 182 day: old. Her "ttat record was; let year 257 ens.“ atd your 153 eggs. 3rd year 107 eggs. _ in: your 4 eggs. making a total ot " at can. Of these " were laid in 1 _ he winter ot the first year, " dur. l E I. the winter ot the mound. 32 dur- i h “the winter of the third. and 41 . during the fourth. At time of lay- " her first egg. her body weight . ml " pounds. Her eggs averaged F ounces to the dozen. l Thu her pullets inherited her high . producing qualities was evidenced by -' _ heir production. In 1919, twelve . thar pallets sue an average at Pr " ml. the individual production _ yin: trom 176 to 289 eggs. Ot ,voipullem hatched no M8 eggs and MB. with two mom] .1 *" to Inn that my war Lin 0010!!!!“ their golden a abort and; no. I not “was uhooll " Rou- I ubool house, north ot ' III". a D. Y. Stunti- church.‘ Fa! Eldon. And at Free Moth-I pinata; “about M. to“. tor the cradle unwed M. whom. an Solomon ro‘pullem hatched In 1920, one) no 388 eggs and one gave 243 3.. with two months to complete, If "ar. The second year aver-l :0. tor her pallets were also sood.‘ “t a yet are not complete, Ba" was never Moody, She II “tending no strictly to her bugl- ".u of a“ production. tint she had , time. lt would seem that this T meter Vila also transmitted,, tor ly three ot her daughters have " Ion time beau†of broodlneu Inch bu been said Ind written Icemint the Importance of the lo In the flock trom the allnd' 'tait -ehee. 1"a',Cl:iiiiiinrdiigu: u. an: M'“‘“‘. 'ff"te11f'eae1 .1121..an at of high production. He does "C'" . Prev -.-" _ l playing one morning in my fuckers} :uprturirnportartt place but we 'ii) farm yard with two or three other 'Nt “d more convinced with â€ennui fellows. One of these had in " (but it we no to obtain high , his hand a Inge whip. Presently he duetiors, and to hold it, that thtsleiirnbed to the top of a large heap t mun be in the blood of tho of manure, struck I pose.crucke(l his l u well u tn that of the Mre. whip severtrl times and shouted, --------" 'Who says I am not king t'" -.--ur. David Dam oti (in. u yum; Mr, "cotti at out, n uncle ot m12r"-"l *3, . .4- In “an mm" k Ill tau Dsmu lure dam-Idol t _ human: of German alum! . , hum In their rocoumwou.‘ , l f and tho mum: of Liner-l A t logic-- to or-ue . MORE! k::' d put-bu “New to an. . .-.. a on no “can“. - 1 m.- AF, and“! um that who. "'33.!"- “:10ch by no mort- ' 2 In Dam you". "-asvl'a"'"a"i"cCiuTiiiriir_rftet'e Ut Nu mu... um w- n": no may. Notar-- a Not". _ Elmer sum: spent Sunday at as. with In. friend Mr. Edgar eh, Wilt!“ Wanner. ', T. And Mm Clnyton Swnru orlr of Enxlllh Settlement. are kn; to our vitlture this veek. Mr, I r1: bu bouxht tho property re. ly belonging to Mr. In. Bruce. I '. Bruca has numb-and a small‘ I M. Black Horse Corners. 1 .'. Ind Mrs. H. Blcile visited at wills on Sundly. l 'n Cleo Fried visited " Near 100 on Sundny with her ulster,\ Wilfred Winner. t P. Ind Mrs, Austin Stunt udi ly vtitted with ramm- mi 'nport on Sunday. I u Bugle Wanner winked at New In on Sand-y with her brother. a}: ., comm "III rim the 'ee - '. and Mrs. E. G. Hullmnn via with tenth" ln Kitchener on iii Quantum u â€M- t. Eu Mush-ll Inn return“ "tterr spending u low dun with I!!! in out. DIMAND IMPLOVMINT utm,. In. g.-mbatrttattt' of mi don-tam vllluu along the John's-d0“ ROSEV|LLE My HALL OF -iiik V '0. Mm i " -rttfl't no". I'M “Viv â€In.†“Cw‘n t'ie,ie'rtriettetgt'.'.t jirivrierttte.ehr2 m: muun on a. an and, Mth, no.1“ m demq M -ttt; n I“ - Mr. wok JC. Brt not on of " I.†Into the - your will. “In; wood; 'twu no badly - uhd that tt was unwanted jut to low the knee. tr-tr â€chain can. double-handed to that homo. u It mm mind by Ilene-I, And their noun In “no burnt down s few month. no. l:7'71‘0 Play at Wedding l Mb tau-lam: B. museum: “a Wllben J. McArthur were married on the 31st. A young Ion arrived at Conrad Haw: ot Detroit, The Grave-Mr. Chu. Guides died .tsddesrttr--a8 yarn; My. sul- uol Short ot MittttiqtMt kid I stroke Ind died ttr-trom--" you". Dr. R. R. Terry. the organist ot) Wentmiuier Cathedral, who w.iui, play the wedding march when} the Princess Mary marches down‘ the aisle of Weatrnintrter Abbey! to be married to Viscount Lem‘ cellos. earty in 1922. For the plug ing or the wedding music he will} " terprise it shows In bringing such outstanding musk-June to (In city. Lenine Objects To Reference To Him as a King LONDON, Jan. 10.--hikolai Lev) ine, Russia Bolshevik premier, is; greatly incensed, according to a Rus- sian newspaper. over a satirical re- ference to him made by President Masaryk of Czecho Slovakia. When asked by tt Prague newspaper for his opinion of the Bolsheviki, M. Masaryk replied with the following story: 1 "When I was a small boy I was “playing one morning in my fnther's farm yard with two or three other receive BERLIN. Jan 7_--0rririal figures of the cost of living in Berlin show an eleven per cent increase tor De- cember over November. downs the tall of the mark, Thin represent. I " per com. increne ovar the same mouth In! your. L: "urinal r. whu " Ll, You all . "gtdirta ( wool- 01 Winter Weather 1 Hard on Little one!r Our CnnndAnn wlmerl Ire exceed» tally hard on the health of little ones. The weather in often an ac V vere that the mother cannot take "mi little one out tor tut Ilrlnsl The con ( sequence In [hut baby ls confined tor overheated. badly vemllnlod rooms; lake- cold and becomes cron nnd l peevlnh. Buby'l Own Tnbloln should We given to hop the Halo one heal. tthy. They If. n mild lmtlvo whteh regal-(o the ctomnch Ind hovell Ind fun†prevent coldl. The Tnbleu no ‘ sold by medlcina dealers or by null lat " can“ a box from Tho w, Wil. 'o-...-' Ba-atros. Cat., Brochmo. Ont. u 367:2“!- . box from Tho w, ttami Medicine co., Brockvmo. -Advt. FARMERS: W111 yen moan your wit. or -atstesr whether uh. could Inna afoul-Akin. “not It the in" no. to out :36 " TM "on†vain: can I". In an "uh-um mm mm. not!“ who. uh. in†to at I tun-ant. You mhlpmmuumiy mdlu not to on who! tor u an: wooh cum “a ttttttttt mum. w. “not I - ole. no! menu. Our - It. on can. with. not". - mo- und children'- COST or me0 (was UP -t'"2t'r=it'tiFa"iiaaa'n7 the small sum of $2,500. 'r4 "acauFiiLLrveted' ‘- "MeJha' Jhdt - d a.“ bmwww um an In - has ulna to mind. In: u can - it! Brsd you an MOI! Inodiciu. " 'art-ttv-"--" from M In“ 3uie---tmt mama-(04.3“ tnt-ttob-ts do M Sta-ad and Laa.uurwaaae-ieee"r "rigor-the - M [at Head dd. Candy-HOD. bdietis Jursous - and Dal thr---its the world To be do“, m "rruitwtires" 600 I box, a tattle, trial sin car At Man or Int postpaid t, “IR-IAIN WM. mun. WILL ACCEPT BIG LEGACY l MIDDLEBORO. Muse, Jan. 10. - ( Charles Garland, who, 14 months) ego refused one million dollars from I ‘the estate of his father, the late 1 James A. Garland, of Boston, on the 1 ground that it would be inconsistent with his views regarding property. yesterday confirmed a report that he had had a change of mind and that l he would accept the legacy. T I Hamilton Garland, his younger ibrother, has also reconsidered his de- ‘tcrmiution to reject the legacy and :will accept it, according to James ‘Garland, the oldest of the three " brothers. [ Charles Garland Changes Mind Respecting His Pather's Estate Tttimilriiu"tit ‘- ttttMtimitlhil i: iiTiiitiitt'tt I In a statement made at the time of his rejection of the legacy in No- vember, 1920, Charles said: "I te- [ fuse to accept the money because it _ is not mine. A system which starvcs lthousmds while hundreds are SUI?- led condemns itself. It is such a i system that offers me a million doi- Charles Garland and his wife are l living on a farm in North Carver, seven miles from this place, When‘ he was asked for a statement of the reason for his change in attitude, he said he still thought the property; system against which he revoked all year ago was wrong, but he had) come to the conclusion that he ought L not to continue to refuse the;moncy and allow it to stand idle. Be te- lieved it should be put into cireula- 1 i tion. l Take a ween or um in January and spend them in Algonquin 11t) Jun the outer-thew†sort of placel to dispel the Cobwebs trom the) [broin and build up your system. Any lone who Is recovering trom an ill- neon will find the air in thla wonder- ': iul region better than any tonic. l The "Highland inn." owned and up- erated by the Grand Trunk Railway system offers comfortable scram.) , mootion with good couiaine. Skating l LSkl-lngTobogganlng and snowsho- ‘lng Among the sport: you can in- _i:"i'eis, in. Billiards in the evening or a same or bridge. Pure exhillratlng g air in thls territory which is 2,000 I that above the on. level, Bring your rrcnmera Along, Illustrated booklet 1 us." JANUARY mny be had tree on application to any Grnnd Trunk Agent, or write to N t Clarke. Manner. Highland inn. Algonquin Park Station, Ont, Mayor Maguire Gives No Hope of Lower Tax Rate TORONTO. Jnn. min the outset ot his “alumni address a! the ttrat meeting or the city council l0_duy. Mlyor Mumlre. all" ramming think: to the citizens tor election by ncclun-uon. plunged lnlo me any tton of the clty finances, sutlnx mu It this juncture It would be difficult to format 'hll the tax rate for the present your would be. "The rue In 1.21 w“ " mlllu." he Wu--. _ - "The rate In 1.21 w“ " mlllu." he uld. "In vlov of prevM1tng condl< “on: It It not probable that a lower rats an be hoped tor thln your “own, our! effort consistent with "ttdent adrnitsratrattort will be land. to hold to that an“ nnd to “he! I roductlon If " all mulble, The "tattng huh run we vIry DIN-Mono to the tux-pun", ma. It II rallied that . prommmo ot "New“! " emphatically culled [on tgAraF-rrorN* TOURING CAR with who" and summer top at I but“! Wilt who u good cow I for put 93an Puma Nos. l xmw or In: Kimball“. um POR â€I BHORTHORN Bth. tgettin, mm (1501") m M 18th ms. the 1 tall calve- ' - on by Kohl-3n (my) may IN THE HIGHLANDS , enormous BULL. L3.†“L1 "we in January .--.tt-rree"1tt Ji"iriiiiiriktuaterf1fft CiriiGrGaieettttte - _ ...e'.r'" _- um“ I.†" -ti$. on tho mum on an " "m "rm. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY can-and" I HOW - mm , - old - ywn old tBonn" ml" 8 you" old. 0 1w-- ___. cArrrw--8 Good Duty Cow: my posed to be In calf; Pure Brod Dar-k ham cow due In May, Home“: Grade cow fresh In October, Holstein Tail cow fresh in December, Housela) Grade cow due In April, , msutetrsi Grade CON" due In June, Red Cow _ due In June. lousy Grade cow due In September. Pure Brod Whom Butt IT months old, 4 You!†Halters. 2 Spring (Dunn. 2 Full Cdvu. PIGS AND POULTRY --. 8 Pure Bred Yorkshire Brood Bowl, , with litter at side. li) Shot“ mm 100 to -- _ " -.osthq I’IUB any .VV_V Bred Yorkshlre Brood no“, , with litter at Ilde. 10 Shou- mm 100 to 125 lbs. weight, 6 Shouts 3 months old. 30 Chlckens. curmrrsrorrs--'21i't Intent Clonal Mogul Gas Engine, - Harris Binder Trt. cut. nearly new; McCormick Mower 5 ft. cut. Mule! Harris Side Delivery. chCormlclI (Dump Rake. Dull: Hay Louder. Me \Cormlck Disk Drill, Svrlns Toou (mulvalor. Planet Jr. Corn Cuttivw _ tor, '3 Section Iron Harrow. Disk Eur ‘rcw, Steel Land Roller, Scuttle: Tudhope Manure Spreader. 2 harm! Plow. 3 furrow Plow. 2 I’m-ta] Walking Flows. Stone Botrt, udder: RForks. Shovels, Crortreut SUV. it libs. Twine and numerous outer not Hui articles. {Farm Wagons. 3 Wagon Boxes. 2, 'stork Racks 2 rm Hay Racks. Rub} itrer Tire Top Buggies. Steel The Top Buggy, 2-horse Democrat, Cutter At Sets Bots sleighs. 1920 Ford Tour- ing Car. 2 Sets Heavy Team Harness brass mounted: set Plow Harness. ‘ _ mu...“ Harness. Set Slngle lug Car. 2 Sets Heavy brass mounted; set Set Carrlage Hamel Harness. VEHICLES AF Bamberg, Dec. M, 1921. The Chronicle Telegraph Office. Waterloo. .__. A- Persona having estate ot Michael Wellesley, County died on December requtred to hand the underaixned mm of J-nuary. date the said at up. All incorpo" notmed that it the Legislnlure puma! Act was own: being B corporation liable to par-l ment of has under The corvor.l â€Jon: Tu Act Ihnii without no] tico or demand to that elect mulls out. verify And deliver to" the Provinciti Sacretlr'y on or be _ tore the 8th day ot February‘ each yen. I detailed autumnal or return containing cumin in- formntion u ot the 3ist d†ot Dccamher next preceding. it a corporation males dot-nit in complying with the above, Inch cor. porntion Ihnll be liable to a penal- ty under section 135 of The Onurio Compiniu Act. . .-- i..- A".-- a 14 you! oM; - out, In" old, - Bar gunk form. tor Return In" N ot non " "N Prom! 0mm. Pulumen‘ onto. On or before we nru "." February In each and very 3 every corporttti0u. whethe In porawd under the luvs o Ot io or Oman-wine. when bu head or other office or to d bualnéu or any part 1110th the province ot Ontario, and being I curpornuon liable to ment of axes under The Cm â€Jon: Tu Act Ihnll without the or demand to that a mike out. verify And’dallve Dntod N DmN'I NOTICE NOTICE “it†o‘clock - incorporated â€cum chnoxm having claim agnlnst (no; Michael Strauae. townshtpi , County of Waterloo. who) member the 18th, 1921. are to hand In their alums tor rslgned on or before lho‘ Innu-ry. I922. utter which said estate will be wound Andrew DIobold. Jacob Strung, Simon Strauss form. tor making the ubovo any be obtained on Innuen- the Provtttcitst Seaman‘- Pulumenl Bulldlnu. Tor. u Toronto AND HARNESS - Harness. before the tir" lily of In each and very yen Trortttiou. whethe tttcor' under the luvs o Ont-r- nerwhe. whtch bu In other office or In doing nr nnv part thereon in pornted compnnlen no at the luv. Sea-Ion of ,ure The Ontarlo Com- wan amended as toll- TO CREDITOR! f1 I") nl, ll, SW15; Tooth Jr. Corn Cuttivtr- “grow. Disk Har- Roller, seamen TO communes JU'-tt,P. lateral“ Engine, ','l2"ii'i) cut. nearly newn 5 ft. cut. Mule!" yen" McCormick HIV under. Men c. NIXON. â€any†Provlnolnl Stun“?! ader, 2 furrow r. p. Pre-ton Bod. maiden. you! "w, M) ~oun omer use- Dnvot l, PETER asnoux, Proprl ROOTS -- 7rrl, when. Enrlij' ZIMMERMAN, Auctioneer -.-.-----rr---.----.=r=--- d mixed hay, i ==C==r-',-.--au%u------" 10 Bags "ssl) Auction Sale LI! .‘ ------ thi- 21nd day at ttitithit The “M an on" be all. by will. you» on an.» - and“ a no at... and mm all...“ :y, - ma of mum". on. MN on. - " â€numb. was all. new 00 Wand... on 'TunoAv. JANUARY arm "a: Communal“ at LN pm. sharp, m “Howl" valuable property, VII: REAL EITATI PARM-4ymaut1rstr ot 210 an“ of land (man or lean) on which ll mu- uted I urge bank turn will: strut PARM-4ymautlrhtr ut no usru at WWW". JANUARY MTM, "tun run. a you out Ind (mom or Ian) on which h “N Commencing n " o’clock um, I CATV-l cow, not on no»: ated n lune bank barn with “aux sharp on um. I Cow (mined near an h','."; Ihed, pix pens. root cell-r, mo and HoRfrEs-4leneral Purpose my w "nut. 1 0.. N J“. 1.." driving lbod. orchlrd with tM'cemmg mm ' yum old, he"). Cow and any a, 1 can land N variety of Apple "can. runutntr water Gold!!! " nun old, on.“ pm. 30, 1 Cow bud any! It, 1 0" m and 20 no". In ml what. so mu 90.. scum; u "a. old. Dec. IS, l may on mum at taut plowing done. the Mince In My cArrLW--Cow my, Wtttt all " 4 was, " months old. t - no pastures. Thin u . wit-Na hm foot. a and. Durham Stun mm vagttyt" "BB. 'tor my kind of mums. no new N 2 you. old. , Bolton mm. 2 m.‘ mos, am an roam“! - IMPLEMENTS. ETC. - Front " Wood Binder. Frost k Wood Mower, Seed Drill. Mnxwell Hny Rake, EH min Hay Lender, seamseyaarsisl Cultlvntor. Ind roller, Riding Flown: Walking Plow. lro nHarrow. 3mas.l I H. C. Gas Engine. Circular mor,' Funk); Mill, 2 Lumber Wagons. Bott-tstems with Wood Ruck. Open‘ Buggy, Root Slieer, Stewart Home ‘Cllppmg Machine with Sheep can! ping attachments nnd many other G/ titles too numerous to mention. k TERMS OF REAL mg'ra'rgr--10% 'ot the purchase price to he paid on day of sale. 20 per cent. 30 days at ter. and for ttaitutce terms will be I made known on day of sale. Further ',lmrrtretuars may be and from the ', TERMS or CHATTELS -- All \sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over “hat amount 6 months' credit win be i given on approved Joint notes or 5% g Inlay. 1% mllca aouthwolt of Ban- berg, a mile: tsouth or Wellesley village on the town line. Jun. 28.~Samrdly Finn Stock and lmplemnts belonging to Sydney Relcbert at Konuth. February 7th (Tuesday). 504ch (arm. (arm stock and implements' belongln; to Irwin Llchte. alumna“ one mile northeast ot Freeport, tour, miles north ot Presto. ' February 1., (Saturday) Farm Btoeh Implomonu and Houuhold - ( " w.' J. Wiggluwonh, In the village " Bridgeport. I Feb. "t. wedr"ootr-100 urea ‘hrm Ir not nrdrouuly sold. Farm â€lock and mplcmentu belong to M0.- l†Lichu Lot T Conceulon 2 on the lthird llna ot Welluloy. 3% miles 1'est of Walla-Icy, 4 mile: east of Poole Petr. 15 (Wedneldny) Farm stock and Implements of Mllton W. Sellert in the Twp. at Wellanloy, Lot No. 49 4 mile. Iouthwelt ot Linwood, 4 mllol northeast ot mumk. March ' 1Thunaly) Farm tstock, implumenu belon‘tn; to Jean Mar. "its. _ muo- south of Bloomlmu. End th mile! out ot Bridgeport, I Much M.-- Saturday 4km " ‘Iute and noun-hold effects ot Print Schuenemnnu. No. " Lydia SL In the city of Kitchener. West or wane-w†. ._.‘V_ Poole (hardwood bush. balance nil in goon Feb. 15 (Wedneldny) Farm stock state of cultivation: never falling 1nd implements of Milton W. Salton spring creek running tttrough the In the Twp. ttf Wolluley, Lot No. Cy".'.: good orchard with a, "new 4 mile. Iouthwelt ot Linwood. 4 ot fruit ireâ€, good fencing, lama stone house comprising 8 rooms 1nd milu northeast ot Millmk. Hummer kitchen. troot cellar, bank March ' 1t,'J:r,',',2" “m ICI',: l barn 72x76 with strut shed attached Implarroertt' eioni' " to JttttiMt ""42153, part of naming cemented. MB. V- milo- south of Bloom-till. silo 12x30. Windmill, never inning 11nd " mm- a" ot Bridgeport, inn u hum. driving house 25x30. K MINT! M.-- Saturday --Rmu SI-‘lnrge stone pl: "able. Thin farm ‘uute nnd household elects ot i. in A-l an.†Funk Schuenemnnu, No. " Lydil‘l TERMS OF Cl}.\TTEi,S -_ Grain, tet. In the city of Kitchener. iPoultry, Veal Cali and ull cums at 1 March 23.--- Fnrm Stock. 1trou/tts.oo And under. cash; over that menu Ind Household Effect. ot’lmonm 10 months' credit will In 1013; s. such. 2 miles northeast tec',,' on nupmved John notes (pro- kuerlo on the Lexington Rota, 1 party owners only) or 6% discouni 33nd one bait mllel northwest “)0†tor cub myments of cred“ --r. and one t Brtiport. Fob. qth--6rm mock. immew menu und Household - of It cob Oturboln situated on the an “no at Walla-lay. 1% muc- Iouur out of St Clement. and , Hillel mums-t of Holdalls"; rub. "h-w-r-r'""' "out lmvlomonu. my ad (all: of Daniel Good, attuned % all. northvou of “Idaho PM! offteo oft Albert " Waterloo mphnunu. â€will. mum. anvil]. on (In Huron Road. I». n. -r)-l" an.» m use! at bile-nu balm- " t Amt cm Inland I at“ an at milk. I rob. M. (Thanh!) mama. Fur, ohm 3nd Houn- - bola-(Inc to 3.115qu - mnm 1 all. M ot t x. tIMMIRMAN su ii?) --PBrm "ttctr, “or. am .0 cold by Public Auction on be â€at.“ a the and-aloud mud In an township of Wallaby LotAegtthetomnt "no Wu Wu. mu Gd mummy. a mu.- out a Wolhdoy vitlntte, 1y, all» out» BC want of liming, ' mm- north.“ pr, IMPLEMENTS - MtusaerHarrits"i Binder, an. r L: nearly new; Deering i Binder, m. cut. McCormick Mower, I so. cut. Hay Rake, McCormick Slde l Delivery nearly new; Massey-Harris 1 No. 4 Manure Strreader nearly new†Front & Wood Sprlng Tooth Cumin-H P" nearly new. Land Roller, Peter l (Hamilton 13 Tube Drill combined.‘ 1'ii'v"i',iii 12 Hoe Seed Drill, 3 Walk-V log Plowa. Oxford 2-furrow mow/ Cockshnu 2»furrov mow, Ollver Rid. ing Plow nearly new, 4-sectlon Iron jHamws, 3-soctlon Iron Htsrrows, ‘Scuffler, l4-plote Blssel Due. Fur-' tune Tractor nearly new, Massey/ Harris 2-mrrow Tractor Plow nearly‘ ‘new, International 1 Fh.p. Gas En- gine. Waterloo Separator 33x42 with Chart Blower and Carrier in good running order, Jolllett ll-ln. putt rWhopper. on truck; Speed Jack Pul- \leys and Belting all in good shape. Overland 36-h.p. engine, Climax Corn iBlov’rer and Pipes, Pea Harvester and Bundler. and Household WNettt i HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. --l ‘Copper Kettle, 2 Iron Kctlles with', 'stands, Sup Paul 50 Spools. 20 Sap‘ Palln. Corner Kitchen Cupboard. Good Cheer Kitchen Range, Imam itro, Stove, large Heater. 2 Kitchen; 1'l‘ublea, Flour Cheat. Sewing mummy i REAL ESTATE __ At the “moi ‘nlnce and date there wlll be ollered ‘lor ale without relorve in order to 'orind up the estate the vuume ‘Farm. c3nslsllnx or 164 acres of “had (more or less). 10 acres of {hardwood bush. balance all in good GRAIN--600 bushels Silver Mttintt, Seed Outs. IS tons of good Mixed) Chop. 70 bushels Seed Pen, 15: bushels Seed Barley, 25 bushels of Chicken Feed, small quantity ot Timothy and Clover Seed. 'i TERMS OF Cl}.\TTELS -_ Grain. Poultry, Veal Cal! and nil sums ot ti6.00 and under, cash; over that Amount 10 months' credit will be given on sppmved jolnt note. (pro- perty owners only) or 6% (Human! on tor cub payments of cred" amount; TERMS OF REAL Fianna. -- 10 per cent. or the purchue non-y to be paid on day ot we. Mince within 30 a". thereafter when poo- Ieulon VIII be given. Full tmrtieuta" can u the undersigned Ponlu nerve u anything will the huh"! bidder In on up um "tate Auctionoe "ml. JOE LIINHAIDT, LOUII LllNHARDT. . Inconv- of tho Mrs. r Lurch-rd! lot-u. OUIRINO A IHANTl. Amman." ___ -. - a,†of vaun- mun an: ,rANTno-1, In tor Mayor! A JR BALI-Yorllhlro Dom from an. to Mqtst month old. Apply P. . Wat-r. M. '" Inch- acumen chm i'iiiiijiijijiiiiiirijillt REAL BETA?!) -- the purchue non-y dar In order to wind Auctioneers' dad-Inn (In Mrs. Andrew nn be Md from Positively no re :. A9911 Atta. I†tat bemldm agAtt3UBD " m-tr-tCt-terr'" M_¢msmnou.lcnnh ikGeet,rttee'1:det': yunold.l'm13m°u' On - u. can. -r, M Tun». 1%. mm north " Ftemd" on WIDNIIOAY. IANUAIY t M Comm-In- " " - “up an Stock. Mimi Produce up! Wold ictder Barret, Churn. Butter Worker. iButter Print Ind huddle. Butter Box, " Tuba. 40 Gal. Steel Tank, 5 Gal. gun. 4 Gulon Can. Cracks. Large Tray. Open Cupboard. other cup board. Ttble. 3 Sinks. It mower‘ Stands, Copper Kettle, Honey Extra: tor, Bee Knife. 3 Bed-tends. with Spring and Mun-eases. Sound Bedg dintr,'Benehrstr, Chairs. 2 Iron Kettle! Furnace. Kettle, Pig Hangers, Sau- sage Grinder. and sniffer; large Vat. YMllk Can. Cream Cats, Milk Cans.‘ f Syrup Cum. Milk Pails. some Dishesy blnwn Mower. Gut-den Bake. , Hunt- ‘lng Lumpa. Allndln Lunp. other iam. Cream 891:.an, Walnut , Machine. Number ot'Pu1ters, Sewn“ . Machine, Etc.. Etc. I " TERMS-Har, Gum. Fowl, store ‘Plgs. Small Pica. Potato" and Ill‘ " sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over t (but mount 1 1months' credit will , be given on uppmved joint not" or "6% off for cash payments at credit 1 ‘ amountn. _ T _ i CEO. a. WV: Jnnunry n. (enmity-20 Leg horn mule“. “Male: and hon-o hold effects belonging to Lehman Sttlrh, tsituated in the - ot German Mills. 2 mm southeast ot Kitchener. Feb. I Wodnamy u had of Hot. ntolnl. Emir. Fun Stock And Implo- menu ned Household qttqctat belong- mg to Raymond Ban In the villus o" Richmond oppoma “In Buck thn!to shop. Fob lith - Wodnudly -- It“: Block ind Imminent: Domain); ‘J Philip Becker Inn-"d 1 mm cut of Muznhelm. I Inna won ot Wtb iumlburg. Feb. " Wodnoadny. '.80 mm. " head pure hm 'horthom and It ttoad but: grade “tortuous. " hornet Entire {Inn “out Ind m plum-nu. belonging to David Bol- hurl unnamed 1 In“. out of plum»- bur: und ' mue- west ot m. " ‘uhn. no Mme. Fobruu-y It, tT-darts-- lmplemenu. Hny. an": no hold effects. Minimum to Emu. situated 2 a.. Ioumout ot Hursritie ad ' Inno- nonhvut of Na. Danaâ€, Fabâ€!!! " (“Ila-y; - r...“ Stock. haul-Dunn. Product and Hon-chow - bclonsiu to Rudy shun. 1 mile vat of WIHIIIIIDMTI um I all“ out cl “Manual. “on u "no David Shun I“. 'tttt ---ettro' WM - iiU'iiu-r-y1r',r. a“. A.» m G. ettih I. m. amen-gut ' r0. aowmo, Clerk. RUBEN EBY, Proprlom a. CLASS. Atretlortr.r, I. H. TOMAN. gov, Premium, 2.4%.. mm Md. " (Tn-Ids!) -- M Box, " mu WI " all by†J In the Twat-Dy 00 “I'm my m .'oo't'e't Tf PI? my, the“ and on,†n, noun " Ind-II. on - ; TUESDAY. JANMIV tr. N. coal-0nd†at on. "teq'r. â€In - Nun on WI. _ RortBBtb-41ood M m and...“ 14".;qu 13OWBs-43etq' a. In I l HARNESS AND HOUSEHOLD AitPECTs--Srrt New Tum Inna... ISet Single Bane“. Quantity of ‘Houehold Furniture tad VIM! I other articles too numemul to no- â€don 1-8t a". eon: mum-k. has M. b section lid-row. 2 sum. Curl-cu. Democrat, Lumber Wm. 'V Rack. Turnip Box: Cutter. Top nu- -a2ust, sfeizhs. nu sumo sum New Scum", hum mu. No Ronni. A. Farm In tbead 1 TERMS or SALE-RAY, run "' tun. 3nd Ill sums of 810.0. and l under, cash; over that aasmsd ' '2 months' credit will be given on . proved And joint notes or " couit for cub payments ot anaemia. iFIED MICHALOFOKY, Prorrf.tor. ( l c. M. CAWLEY, Auctioneer, ft. R. No. C, Guelph tdt ' ad Hominid " marco-o-d at.-etr-srotttr" Chino†Mngth-u 1t1, 'tAT-tor""" oe Bo.- AUCTION SALE 0f Valuable Poultry and Household Effects 3.. The untHraittned luctlonoor W mind humane“ from In Lehman arm-k, will u" by ' Pub": Autttitttt hm VHM'. of ae'rman Milk, on SATURDAY. JANUARY 2t, "" Commencing at I o'clock (sturriot/si Tim.) the fot$owttttt alum†property: . Empire Anne Cook stove. - or coal with water pipe “mum ' ',1 Large Fancy Bookcase, 1 Beast Ewmplrte. 1 Single Iron gamed. _ l,set Bed Springs. 2 Mattresses. tt2, (secretary, 1 Dre-set. 2 Harman!†Icnimoniers, 1 Corptr 'ciiiiiii7i7ii?i, tHurcIom Counch, 1 lichen Cupboiré‘i t. Good Centre mm, 1 'ii'iiii7i) Dresser and Waahaund. t trptroa'oe'i'ii ed Parlor Chairs, 3 t,r.tjt,tttt'lf , Magma U'holstered Amend-alt .1 /1o,i'i' Crate Rocker, a Kitchen may. ' 1 New Raye Dump, 3 Sun“ _ i Tapestry Rug 3x4 yurdl, W . Machine. Wringer, Hnmlnock. ' I Can. 2 Granite Rout Pun. , I} r Coolers, numerous other In, ' i (kitchen utensils. Apple Poem, " ; Pots, Pans, Lard Pug: "It! Sir} _ Grinder, lea Cream “out, I - 9 (like new), Window screen. tes' Cart, New Broom, O'Cedu “an gallon Oil Can.“ a meyrtratttittd Egg Crates, Churn Pump, Rte, Wuhboard. Flour Rural. M You. Garden Rake. Hon. ". Wooden Tubs, Melt Tub, Barrel. Lawn Mower. Root and table Pulper for Poultry, Building Paper, Cypherâ€! hum“ and Broader In good order. all a :other articles too numemé" _ ptsrticultsr"e. i VEHICLES -- 1 Automobm . Capacity 2% tone: 1 C Jumper Cutter, 1 Steel Tm. Buggy; tuned Open Sawmi Wagon Springs. , r POULTRY-MO Pure Brod ft: Leghorn Pallets, 10 Pur- Brod horn Cockrolu. , Water BtsaMtt' and Netting. ' TERMS or SALB-A3aatt. , _ LEMMAN sHmK, rum h. M. TOMAN, Autrtlon'-, pit L no mm. and! lull- '0" P". one mm mm on u 4 goon-e on mummy» m I 111"de will; an - Mftr um mt mm In with vmr. two - . Iii.'?, m and MM v, I "e, amp-I'- o,,yc',v ARTHUR LEARN, emu. w. w. PRIOR" A Much 2nd, T'ttrtrs6nr--, Itnplomcml. It". - and bold etteeU hm ttt 1mm. shunted on. all. . mum-mo a mu. not at I Waterloo M and Emu-n ill-‘- FAR M FOR CALI pple Pectin w. nu Ind an? V , New, I I... a: Screen. C0-- 0'Cedu Mms':. [ Hutnptratuttttrr, ns