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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 12 Jan 1922, p. 5

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an - B"otitiq or " Pnul'niWeek. 91nd In. held Tuesday 5 Mlllbank u b no Ichool room of ttu/the "We. a ' The following ulcers!!! Kerr and -.--. egrnululonn my: Committee __- Councillors A r, Mulch, Header-on and Sny- g“. China-II; B. J. Billet lh the vex-tout botrda'nnd commit. iii; an “no: Is "ex-omcio" which “a 1 member ot each body, f mp were received and mo- , d ttitir “option passed L M’s Church Young My Pe Annual I gin“ a track which is by $ by an Council. A report D - has been submnud to Wu”. attic." at our." u no dam-He solution an 'q" The matter was referred tflMtet Committee, l . emplllm- Received. P. Walton. who wns present. re- bl the Count“ to remedy nu!!- “w- by In!" flooding his {will detective drum". ”(@1- was refeerd to the 19' Work: for prompt action, E, msmmurtteattans. I 'i-communication, were re»; ‘34-. principul of which ”'4 1r'tiits, support of 3 local‘ f.i.e.f her two dnughte's who, 350:“ out from Scotland by; (.l?,,ii'iii' Amy there. and Tho, '- Pr"' for by a Wuerlom "OFFICERS ( ilf THE GUILD: Illa! Committee-Mayor W. G. "l, have Header-on. Deputy 'B ram. Councillor: Snyder Dlotrlch. Chm-mu, W. G, In“: H. . Weilor. . mid Lulu CommutHoun- "I lam-a; Snyder um Wen". an. J. A. Btuman. Hob” Committee - Councillor- n' Utd Henderson. Chulrnnn, I”. Committee-tte Mayor 'tt number- ot the Council. r9, A Fasten' " ot wipru--coeutors bps-mu. arm. Dietrich. For M 'resatsraort. Charm: L. 9'tiouaittmatttortt t " M’s unten- Ttl bk m with o! n m! Hmhmm:mmmu Minute-notion“. Ii”! Mum-a which an. " be”... of .5. - tart 5750-.th of the usage”. {5“ a menu. at 3100. I ' Drown-Ly Commltttm-couas. Britt, Foster and Waller. tr, VII-on we“ I .". .. “Minimum Rum} .. ..Mq. lube) Wat-on ..IIII Lornlno Inch-IIJ mun, "In Bunch. In" nun“ by the Council two M“, L. F. Dietrich than)” of Board ot Worn, It" Honduran. chum-n ot mm... The chglrmen t lumber: of the various md committees no u toi- at noun. J. 11min; , I)...“ won mm”. IIII Mull. Thom“ F _ 7110'". Thoma- I}... Allen Lock- Oému. l "at. war. road) )qM6ttrt vu IOOI 1% “Mon. Inc]: l MPH-bod a: an an new In I not founda. hum. {tumu- Jun Hon “It od the wuuloo m My "can: I VG. ant-(u to: ammo com-amt. I and“ Honda Ila-Imam id Vim any..." "9'" M A. nne: to M Human om. Email-mm D. A. hoc, -ttqru r+ giitmtjifjiijiir, Prountnuou The Swarm [Alma not H the home of Mr. J Rutherford the other "can: Ind with!“ I!" in Rttth6rtord with a club his and I mtt (In: “no. .Tho adam- in an " It. I“. Ionian. Ind the manual nude by um Inns Coma. Th "on!“ wu cunt In feet" and new “at. . Mr. Ind Mn H, B, Kerr t ed a number or friend. one _ Mlllhlnk was fortunate the rave. Ind a council Mm Strider of Linwood Mm Vegan Nuru over mo and. Min Alice Raid 1 Gutiprt where she lln’l course u the Mr Bert Smith returned 10 Br: ford. after Ippndlnt a couple weeks gt Mr, June! Lauri". Min Alice Reid In" "all week " A Bylaw wt: pan-ed appomling 'a Court ot Revision to be comprit- [M or the following: Mayor, Home, Deputy Reeve Ind Councillors. L F ’Dietricn and in Border, ( To mot school sum. l Clerk Httlght qsttttm that the Haiti: IContra last your coat $2100. tho Sep. ‘srate Ind Public Schooll bearing ‘31340 of the coat and the town the Palarttte. Deputy Reeve Foster “in 'tho citiun‘a derived much food from the mum Centre. and on motion of Councillor Baum-n. Clerk Hugh! and Deputy Reeve Fuller were ("and to rem-clam the court. MI and arranged a meeting with top-J resentutivo. from School Bonds to) discuss the nutter of continuing 1r} rangement of last year. 1 "an In")! an lrinnds in Toronto Fence Viewers-g, Schneider and] J Brox. Pound KeepersuM. Lorenz 1nd J I Schickler, l Town Planning Uomma.lort--t: Schloase . d E. Menus can Revision The following ouch]: were " pointed tor tha ensuing your: Tat Collector-J. {mum-n at a “I"! ot $460, , Board of Hts.ltts--g. H, Thomp- son. J. Hull and L. R. Detenbeck. Public Library BonrdvRev. D, A, l,sGi,','.'aU",'r". Hospital Board W D, Briil Collegiate Board-st, S. Mailman Fark Board-A. McIntyre and Geo. Grosz A by-Jaw Wu pinned providing tor the borrowing of 370.000. u the rate or six per-cont Interest. trom the Manon! Bunk tor now improve. menu. . The - itt “was!" his views I, the "hue: sud that It I: all the puns it the council pin out Chnrltv [to the unemplond or [on into u mud our. expats In luring the "'rMtt counocxlonl and give the un- employed mean- of supportlng them- ulveo attd their dependents. On the lactation of the" Hondonon I motor: In. piped to tho elect thtt the work be left over until about‘ Much lot, maelduwuecoodone butht [View or the not that the by!“ ot newer: In cold weather neon-Stated more are. lam tort end more ex- puue " might not be Mun-Mo to proceed with the work even though the question ot unemployment u much (router u we present time. Bun-nu which W ot col. lam». thou-ion, Ill re been the tart" of pun-m which m an pints. so» all. during th. In put at up: unmet. Com- mas an the -ttoes of Con. m A. him tho nub." outed 1 "no. AM to " Th "tut. I...“ "ablated by cull-nu Fm "owed that the ttttal than “can“ Le. tor "not: iaettiri- of an luv It.“ I). In: nun an “0.00. WANYO .‘WIR‘ coua‘rnucuo A Win by Gwalior J. _ 3am By Laws, Puma " vorxunme In securing Id a councillor. Mr H Mr W Wink!" Con she will! (Ike . (“all In: o labor of week um with 0,AC Linwood Halted Kerr 'ttttertam week for div Int Bran Week of f . 00060000099900. " f Harvesting of Ice 9.; From Park Lake is To Be Done Locally It was I jolly party thlt “that“! ut tho home ot Mr. and Mn. Jack Suffolk, " Scott Street on Saturday evening to relobrnta the twetttrhrst birthday annlvemtry of their only d-uzbtor Ivy. Gunmen mere pllyod, noun sung Ind other rm: of tt, amusement lndulzod In. a " wblch a lunchOOn was served‘ Mr. Chas, Neal than read the tol lowing addreu: "atittuirrGuir-rttot. Hy. D. Kinzie First Motorist To Secure License Miss Ivy Suffolk Is Recipient of F Handsome Present The people will be pleased to note that they may now expect In ammo supply of ice. For some Mme local people have been obliged to ttet Ihelr lcerrom Kitchener which has proven more or lee; tttr satisfactory The question of harvesting the ice from the park lake was Brought up at the meeting ot the Waterloo Town Council on Monday evening Mayor Welchel. on the suggestjon ot the Council. will endeavor to have Mr. Huether give up the lease. Fool] Bron. of Waterloo. it In IMT., derstood. have commenced bar.) venting the ice " the lake and1 will house a Inga quantity for the‘ use of Waterloo Cftieemr 1 Mr. Klnlle‘s “can" plug ll mum. ll In for a Com. arc-Ill car Elot other Klt. chenor motorluu have Ilnce applied and received new Mrs-us from Mr. Bcully, The no! "can" plate In one at whlto ennmol. somewhn larger mun Int yearn plate, The "are. no In Much. The new glues are much more dil- llnct than the old black one: with the orange numerals. whit-h. when the loan bit dirty, would (nude tho aye ot the wide-unis wood can. “no!!! Thom were our 3.000 "con-o. for rommorrlnl nn.,lrneh Ind motorcycle- luuod ll North Waterloo dur- lu lull To Mr. Henry D, Kinzle. 150 Edward street. Klicnenor. " given the distinction of being the first motor!“ in Nortrt Wuerloo to new") a now 1922 nutomobilg license. Mr, Kinzle applied to Mr. J. P Scully. nmrial .ialuer of li. amas. on Sunday tor I "cons. Ind ha renelvwl m- ilru 013.000 which will likely be lowed trom the Kitchener office during the next few months ' l "HULTe.-RoEHtt _ St. Mutthew'a plrsonue was tho Icons of . quiet wedding ll. ' o‘clock Loni-n Root". dnughter or Mr and Mr; VII-mine Roehr ot Centrevlllc became the brlde of Occur Schultz or this on}. Rev J. Schnleder omcluted. Mr and Mrs. Alton Schalmlu were the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz will take up thelr residence in Centreville. _ LEWmttTotirotEtttEtt St. Mullhow'l Lamonn 'puronuo In tho some ot n cum voddlu u an: o'clock on “turd-y "win. ,whon mu Len “on” Semen" ot Waterloo, In: married to Jun“ Lowlégton at tht. city, The young people were unattended, Rev. J. Schnolder omcluea. Mr .Ild Mn. ‘Lewington will (IKE up their rest.' jdonce in Kitchener, 1 WALtNtGHMittr.tCHADE A quiet wedding w" solemnlzed yesterdly when Miss Viola S. Schado of Peter street, became the bride ot Schdolder ottlclued. an: Jud Mr; 'Hlsh School Board-E. o. Web”. tttm w" In W “a "" "td MI Levangton will an up their my Norman getuteider, A, L. Broittssttpt, "no 1. Know" for twenty-In deuce itt Kitchener, ‘w. ' 5"" "m comm hm from Woolwieh _ - ; Library Board-{mung Waging lunch!) where also Wu bun. Tho WALtNtGHMmttCHADE Bond ot Heurittr--Aidermsn 000ml“. In. 30'!!!“ ttaa bunt-Jun. A Quiet wedding w“ solemnlzed Bucher, T. H, Urto1, R E. Mucky. itt but": tor the In: "I". in" yesterday when Miss Viola S. Schtdo Couttty Board ot Audit-Alderman dud had to 3". " 59'1””.th tn ot Peter street. became the bride of L, o. Breithaupt. August Ind had tivig MBee qrittt tter Albert WBldtsctunidt, Weber Ilreet. Pu!” Vl---F'red Ptlug, Mo- "ughtor ,rtttro 'tte died. Rev, H. A. Sperm}; officiated. _"' Banner, J, P. McKay. l Eh. wu . dgvout number ot II. l Pound Keepers: - cug, Zubor. pm". Lutheran Church and I very "HULTa-RoEMR iJu-tul Hottatot, (fu"' number ot the [Adler lid all St. Matthew‘s plums-(e was the Park Boartr.-jomer Ford, W. Tet-! church, 8b. In nurwvod by 011‘ scene of . quiet wedding at ' o'clock Knectttel. kiteh.ner; Mu. E, maul", 'iii'? Louisa Roehr, daughter ot Mr "a: Wnterloo County Health Arra:--/et"tr_; Mfl.~Wll. Mr". Kitchen- Mrl. Vuantlne Roehr of Centrevitltr, Alderms’n Chaq. Ma6t"rl. if“ Ma. Rd. W.” Kitchen»; Mrs.! (at mm. or an "my. Tho noon it a Italian": but.“ an: of ‘WI .1} thottrtde,wturia- an in Y.W.C.A. Ind church work. his I bout ot (mu. in the city, AM (In. New You Mr. and Mrs. Pom will b. at homo u m anon Btrtot. -- muna- (cum Duly him. no it“. wanna-Inna); [ow-pt In brou- colorod nun crop, win he to Intel. and won t can“. If", Wu Wow" nun-cu. Wm 1'5."qu cu. “Commune-Mr t't"tettotu-arsuaioe nowmmmm_ ”trimming-uni» ugly-“mm,“ “Winch” "eetethoM.tL-.e-tt A.aA.m-"ttat" Bundling Committeoz-C, J, Ma" cl. chairman: C. Bun, F, Ahrcnl. J, jLnnx. L.Htttredorn. '; Ottiery Committee:~A. mum-IL Ichurmnn; E. Rats, W. E. Wine, F. ‘H Ahrenl. w. Hnruung, Motorist Skids into Street Car; Windows ‘ Smashed in Collision: City Hall Building Committoex~ W. Harunng. ch-Irmun; A. Km;- m-n. C Butt. C, Mun]. W, E Wing. I, 0 Brelthtrupt, A. A, Arm. brunt . Anne-amen! I'ttmtttittettt:----G. Zim, mermnn, phalrmun; G. Bucher, A Kinsman. C, Blott. n. P. Conan Reception Committee: «A “nor Grab. chairman. nu member: of Council, Railway and Deep “nanny: Committee:, J. L. Holt", ehair. mam W. Hurttung. C. Bun. A. Armbrust, L. Hissedora. Public Welfare Committee,- Rntz, chairman; G. Bfttttttttrttttttt o. Butithttupt, A. Armbrust, C Masselv Pubilteity Committee: -"- L. Hate- dorn. chairman; J. Laur J, Holtre, A. Klugman. Board of Works and Cuba:- Committee: Geo. Bucher, churn-n of Board of Works; C. Mm]. chairman ot Garbage Ind Spunk- ling; other members ot committee. (has. Beau. R. F. Cotton and L.' Hagedorn, Fire ttttti Us!!! and Market Cowjler, Kitchen". and In". brothers, mitten: J, J. Lung. chnlrmun “er. John “sandwich ,fOlwn. Trod Tire and Light; F. H. Ahree",lH"tmertets, Gordon, Ohio, ind um chairman ot Murine; when on Hemmodch, Eitnira. _ committee --W, E. Wing, W. Hart-, .--- lung and A. Kinsman. - .°"UL71 Sewer and Cemetery Committee: I The Bad Intellllonce V“ rteeieqd »E E. Rate, chntrmln of Borer; J. [ ltt Waterloo PPMar afternoon " L. Hnlue, chairman of Cemetery; Mr. John Schultz ot tl" "qttt ot other members of committee, A. A. his brother. Mr. Henry Schultz of Armbrust, Geo. Zimmerman and L. Tulstock roundly monks. Be. o. m'eithaupt, aides Mr. John Schultl the d.C.to. Board ot Works and aubu- ed nu rumor. Mn. Alfred atom. Committee: Geo. Bucher. murmur 'r.tto rum-I 1ttHtitt9sotsqr. Waterloo County Health Au‘n;-)ener; Ian-Wu. Baum. Kitchen- Alderman Chan. Mussel. 1": Ma. Rd. We“. Kltchonor: Mm. mute:r--Louit, "clu. 'J. Bullock. Punch; and Hm Hulda. The variouu standing communes Damn " home; tttttr ”up. Witt. ot the City Council will be compou- tarts, Waterloo; Eta-wot Hutu-l; ed a. follows: JRm Karl Bowman. an. Flu-Int. Finance Commlttee:--L. o. unwind!» luv. Henry Penn. New haunt, chairman. and an memben. _ Hettmrr, on. “it". “Pl. K. Gunn- Huh School Board-E. o. Weber. Norman Schneider, A. L. Brallhaupt, W. ' sun. Library Board-43mm" Woome Bond of Hulth~AldermIn tloo, f ' - it iiira. {uuummutummu .li/n'T.t'gut.,1" . 'ttte nnu-noo- mule-o! It. may Kish, “1: (eater City Con-ell. "id. no. tlo '.., 'llatt m tr% (rutttrtns at a. "not" net lltl (la. A. w), {null ”90an " a. 'lr WMW(M1 In; Comm... Tht. mm m M) " Plan. _ _ In u long unwa- nted. no 011- The M W W " Kenna. bonus that Vang In ion- "r, Deuotee Nth. " ts., nor ”an the Inn “an a! the W - tite "I“ " o npolntmonu, wore my: thrmm to Zion Bm-tttrr-m, out much mun-non. this you: than than to In: M m um mm and (our “no. Imut- um‘ " for ovary one ”and "' Dulut- -- In; on nearly ovary elk. In found masonry. “it MART ”WMN Appomgmmu Mldo. Tho In, trim. of In. A complete lUt ot ”whim-guinea“ will be any}. In (OUOWII Ill-r Anon -hl-L ------. - _ Ropruontuln to Helpful Bonn --Aldertnttt A. A. Armbragt. “name new“ of the iiitaii7l5ilrtllihl= tft Onion An Also IitdN'utih'ppiiui,ii. W Th o P3:- l 'ie7r1,12."dllh1','2'ett l The doom“ null“ ht in col- le, I menu in that eitr, lid (had " tired bl. shim!” India!“ 1. "W" fawn. The In. in. MM]- [Iol w“ A former when" of (In "It. JOHN J. HAINII The lulu-cl: dam took place itt Hamilton on aunt! non!- of In. John J. "Ar-m {no “In“ luau-an) an» a mum of m- an! month. The mad-n dmsth of Mr «an “WWW in "can”! I. use»... "It“ m on. We and": M! 't'att me. M‘- II. no at t In“. 0.- -. OH 'I I. M - bu of yarn ‘from his had us um]. mm no complaint vhntovor of tooling un- well. Ho at down by a me. to tum Maul! :36 u ho It! In tho chair " luddnly "pint DO- cenod ttM "not "In." tron nurly the costume" of the w" to an on. “In on ot th- only volunteer; MILTON ROY IOIINCON. IA. The luddon «an of Into: Roy Robin-on. B.A,, occur“ In Toronto on Baum!" last. H. bid “on In!- mm from . cold. nu had rim-Ila! It the homo ot his mm for a “w turn, sunrdny morning he got up Sh. in survived, Maide- hur hur Mr. Edward Hahn in upgrading I bud, by [our mm, Mas-n. Clar- wool with Mand- in Detroit. ence of Detroit. Norman ot Mon. Ill-[Viola Brandi. In. coin I.“ trul. Louis of Minn nnd Henry of ( for Toronto “(or wot-din: the boil- ihiu city. Ton grandchildrtn Illa 1 dlyl will! her ”mun. Mr. and In. survive, I Btlondlt. Tho tuner-I nrvlco wu hold; Mr. J. Linlolblch or “vi-lock. Mondty at , pm. at the rnidoncrud Mr. and Mn. Goon. Jumbo no in trt. Hatthow'l church u 210' um dauqtttor of Milvomn. "out pm with burn] at In! End Luth. Christer- with Mr. “d Mm. A. N. "an Cemetery. Tho “In": hu- the Wober. , Iymuihy " tht community in ihoir Mr, John Linolbach of Tuiuock.‘ boron-mom. In vimin with Mr. no In. A. N} Blue In born In 00mm)! sir; you: no but at an early use ttti. mlxnud to Clint]: and It" rum-I ed In this City for the but " you". In religion ah. In a Ltgttteratt and wu I dovotod number elm. Matt. huv'l Church in the city. Shy wu' mm In mu "mun by in with) whom no elm. In contact Ind Incl will be "only mllud In the com- mnnlly. _ l The dean-ed had been “Mn; tor only a Ihort um. put and the new: ot her, dank will can. u I wool to Gr may friends In the City. MRO. HENRY DOYlINROTH Death claimed I wolLknown tad huhir.remtteeterd resident of Kltch. ever u 7.30 o'etoce on Friday at the (wily reudonca, a Ello'n at. Blast. In the pcnon ot MrIS'Honry Dolzenroth, The funeral took pl.“ from hll home In 1‘.lele on Mold-y, hrnuary tho 'th. Interment was madn_ " the Sohuupool Ccmuory. nu. MARY ”WM" The In! fugu- " nu. Mary Bomtmas qrtitbe may luu- or Mr death which no.“ III-ray W. a an In. a: he an“. m Mm. J. Imnr I... an“. lt',gt,t,'ee,,ieiii2eiiiiFii (Imam). Duct 'httHrrteut-rieArpaG mu)r¢nu-. "'MW Mid-M ftr"?"d-rru..tts.ekiG !Pt.t.rtrte-atuotiiui, ttt “on Bmtssettoartmumi, Bad than!“ ariui'iri"a; “*‘N'iéuii Show". lay "a. The "on!“ wu Manually - In “an. ad during m can“. of It I dainty lunchoou um and. Th can! In may May“ by nl? 'ho won pro-oat. 1 0- Saturday "on!" or lot wall in old-um new qvtqt (out plan. at no but. at Mr. And Mn. W. H. "Ann. Weber Itrnt But. than Mr. and In Abode-I In“: who [on nanny can!“ In Toronto. var. “rm-Ind (in. " I “all!" at Ibolr true. and proton!“ with I bountiful Du clock. Young Site, Were Roch) out: of Gift In. Harry Kmhlor upon! tho woolund with mom“ In Kitchen”. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Waht of av. Jacobs. - Monday with Mn. B. WIN, Mr, John Magellan: of fumed. In mm" with Mr. Bttd In. A, N, Web“. Mr, and Mm, War J. Bum-r and Mrs, J. Samar up“: Tuna-y with Mr, and Mn C. "but. don-men, Bourke end Hotel. III" ‘; the to mourn the Joe. at e devot- ‘ed wile lad o kind mother. The new daughter, hon. died uverol ', week: no. Her mother, woven lio- rtorl end we brother: oloo ourvlve. The late Mn. Homer woo o (.1:qu member of Trinity Method“! Church Mace childhood. The fun- ‘orol will be held on Tuesday oner- I noon at 3 o'clock. from the Me re- oldenco. " Victoria street. to )Mounc Hope ceneury. where low Mormon! it}! be mode. 1 Mr Eric lulu bu tgattt I.“ tor 'Vaterfoo to raun- hll ntudloru nu Kitehnnu Conga“ If!" unholy. tho neulon with his par; can. Mr. “a In. J. a. lulu. ( Dotemd Piymgnll FF' inch-azure hummus" U Haul rum Co. ..-. .. Jldul Inclnontor & Con L Co.v.... .. ., 'r..r. .. ‘Pnul tterrmatut .. .. .. ‘.. iPurk Board .. .. ...... " "tuna" .. .. ....r_..rt LConotory. Caro of Lou i "rand" .. .. .. '..q.. 151w Cemetery “Fund" .. Dop n B'y-luv no. .. tb \Wnrron, B, Paving Co., surplu- bum". .. .. .. .....t "" " Dob. on Pay-bl. Prioelul 2848 " Deb. on Punk [nut-cot 23“.” Bull luv-bl. (Dink) ....448tr00,00 In. on Lou] Imp. Loam. 1304 u Workman! Coupons-non LIAIOLITII. Promum 1nd Du. on Dr "Immune“. .. ..ter' Trimming Tron. been In- Pro-ta .. ....s. .. wir lulu. Hell In- wanna:- .. .r'r.... Oran-nu] Linn". late al Improvements .. F... . Water Comm-donor. . Islam: Advanced .. .. .. pronoun .. ....,...+ u cm. a: Guam. been! luau Local but". _ molt... .r.. .r.. ....IIM1" Wan Loo-I [nun-Eu. um " ram, (An-u) .. .. .... I‘m “no.“ .. .. AWdM-uI-h HIIDILIIIO Loul 1-wa- l :. 93¢; AUDIT. IR "ONT' " “"080 " t IMO " "ON" " "" tt "" " 1005 " 355 " 1780 " 120 00 "" " .I "o" ”I” " 47t " 903 " 30 00 "" u “15 " an " "" u "" ll "' N I" " " M Mr. one" mm. not“ Into their It". on no» “no; “a Mr. - Ratt loud tour..- “In tar, mm ”do.“ a In - u um In and!!! m no. Mr. NtMo. , W. Angu- WQIckor or Culnry. a! It. Willi-n Wolnkor of Bull vol]. Album..." hm ol a vim to Aer We. in. no» WoIckor “a “It? '0“th Mr, “a Mrs. “any W011. of "ttttrd, - the wool-cud with no man labor. Mr. Hem“: Wil, Mr. “a In. Chart" “(mama attended the tune"! of tho farmer'- not!" In mutton! on Tun-d”. Mt. Charla. Zurbrit. of Luau no“! the walk and with his panama. Mr In! In use): anbrlu. Mr. Hurry Cook bu Icceptod a petition with tho Bent of Hnmllton " Junior. ,) DIID AT IYRATFORD I A former woll known rul- (dont ot New Hamburg pun- ‘ed uwny In mutton! hut Sut- urdly In (no person of Mrs. Cathtrr. ho Christin. trihtArast4, widow ttC the [no Goon- Hlldabnnd. " ”mi “Hand In of " you-l. Tho le' In. “lithium: van t tttttive or; Coma-y. nod cum to Cuna- our, any you! Mo. Th. family mend: In" In tttt from Suntan. Ettd rsi all“ hot for “out " "an. rotun- Iu qua to Sanford. when (In a. cpuod ruldod duo, Her III-Mud pronoun!) Mr About olovu you". Fic. loan and that daughter“ ‘IBHIVO: cum- ot New Humbert: but. of Port Huron; Emil And Rabat ot ltntford; Mn. iriiil Ion". Btrattord; In August Kink". of Toronto; and Mrs. H. E, App“. ot Port Huron. The moon! was bold In mutter-d onJ‘uo-dly " _ (Irma. , Tho 0.H.A. "non will open her. on Tuna-y. whu the Icon Int-r modal" will no“ tho Kttchcncr Itt. "mum " the Now Hamburg rink In t Ichodulod “me. The locu- Dhyod their Brat out at town guns in and» on may mam. Ramon.» the Ornam- Cup" "Tb. Ctmntor of Nunroth” to be rend-rod on Thursday Ovonlu, "a." nary mu. at I o'clock in tho Eun- nllcnl church A llunry ind musl- ent tron f The New Hamburg Band v“ out lint Manny making their "lulu 1N¢w Yur- mud and furnished ex‘ {comm music. Ther wish to "loud Muir nutty than tor tho gonoroua .donnuom remind from the citizens. Mn. Cum. Becker Ind In. Cu- ua, of sermon. spent Frlduy In town. Mr. Arno Mun attd M!" Nelda Man, who - tht holldnya with tholr ”mm. have returned to Lon- don and Mllyonon. In. Oliver Kerr tad dunner MttrtN ttt Strum)”, went a couple at wak- with her par-emu. Mr. and In. Pred Gocbol. Mrs, morn Rumor And dlu‘hter Curie of mutton-d. ”out the week- end with Mu Simpson Homer. nus-u Nollie no Alice Dubai spun! a vat " the hon. of Mr. and Mn. a." ot minnow. A In. tumtret Lamp of Tut-tack upon! . any this week with Mn P. C. Dub“. In. John Haunt" who wont n my]. " wooi- with Mr watt. Mr. and In. John P. Schmidt. It turned to her how in Wound on Sammy. Mr. Ida Gnu ot Elwin. ”out I luv day. with {than here this wook. Mr. Barre, gonna who amt. A on”. ttt nun In. " ”at... Mr, and Mm. J, Roma, “and to nu homo in mum: on “and”. Mr. and In. 1mm BehIMNth. who an! men! any: with an (other. tuber Mr, Wullun lewd- roth, "can“ to ttMr home in Do- In. In “unlock. who ”out my“! I.” I!!! "hum hm to "P" to her pono in Toronto. New Hamburg NeWi m " by a We... 'i,'lttitthi5,ilit?tti1i'tf', David Bonn _ Song, LII: My thr-Seto-r-, Umtteg W " a... ifairia7c'iir1 'uauaT0VN9 I of - 1tet'th to It; Mt"'"" (up A "'tTe-t-vtotutnstemt'iit, 2:8 Print“ notion column ttgrttter ',,?:'ii,r'lti,t,i':,s,i, u ttt madam: " I)" pond Comma! may be "Ott m Piottt forml of Tender m h nbulnod u the Panama! ot “M. loo, Heidelberg. St, Clothes“. It Jacob“: and at the oftteq of ttt4 Pon- orttee Inventor: London . _ Pontomcf lumen)” ciitm t It?! Jot., "" t - D. J. HeLzAN. _ ' Ht. mum“ (Mr. -- v - - --.N..6 SEALED TENDIRS. «am In the Paula-nor 00mm). "I! be h mlved n omu um: noon. on m an. tho 17th FOL "M, In ttte con- voynnco of H1- Munly'o In“. on I proposed Contact for Mr run. ' Hum por uni: on the ml. Water loo No. I R. R. from the In of April 1012 nexL _ f OTFAWA,Jm. 1-11.. Gamer, 'il ‘imcouncil has commuted ttre m:- . ', Hence of deuth mud upon Witttad liau're, u farmer’s Ian. of _ worth County, Dublin, to Mt “3339 pruonment. Huh»; m “at“: ' by Chief Janus at: mum: in til; at Hamilton. The date of ”an?" qr; yu- m! for"nuary 18. HO up In found guilty of maria!“ Dr. “L .ti worth of Hum Comm wmk qn- T Ad (Aged mm (on: other mu 9 ‘va- f" bin; a "are. h A, v,4 ooors my not a... Mr. and m- can) minim}: spent Saturday 1n Knots-”r. _ Mr. All» Donna In trtundiV Balines- Conan " mum". Mr. cad Mn out» Ill M131. ”out Sundly with "when In Pull. SENTENCED COMIU'I'E 080110 Mr “a Mrs. John Mu at. - ot Huavmo. up“! Bum 9;] the home at Mr. and In. emu Porter, Mr. tad In. CHI. ”out Sundu with unu- Mn. Albert Bench! at I Mr. about here. Mr. and Mn. £91:th EiiiiGst landed the former: new. ‘ " the [an urn. Hon" B. 2drt Kitchen“- on My _ _ , Mr. Nuance Ill-hm of KM. . upon! the you and no: Miro end Mrs. Luckhlrdk loft for A wedding trip [minimum their return they will till 9 Att . residence gt the groom's up. 'rFiri.. ', Mr. Samuel 8mm em .. weekend n his home in m , _ The tau-duo " him-M it tho mum Puma. Roy Tthe, burr, on Thruway. Dee. Mth, At 1 o'clock, when In. M M, hold. clam dangtttor of Mr. and he Wlluun Wlodnlold In an“ tm, m holy bond. of mm tragr. Nolson Luckhlrdt. Ion of It.” [menu-dc. After tho '""F MALLEQHTRACI on Human ("and tho 'eq min; . an: on W Wd would know About uw," all Mabel Ichvmm my a In. Anderson, In. AW". I“: D. Doctor. In. M. BeeBeag, " 'Chan nad “In K. Being. in.“ hogan.- tor an loch! In! “up. t my Adam. I!“ f'rets 'es mu Bullion and It!” 'i'Jtti3, who no nth-ding mu BeWeit “69:35 ”on: the wool-cud " W: In. iitth" Walla-Icy. Cf'iii' Mr. Wilfrid Hunt of Fue"."; spent the vat-cad qt lb MI. ,'ii.lifli Fyt""'A'""-ormtietur'"1 --.:'F-" “-1 m. In? t$ttett$eo in? Hun My. 'e, II:- MY I!» tuaik"' mom aw w "

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