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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 12 Jan 1922, p. 3

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P': 'ttu. Waterloo Schools trr A half-holiday “as g: r,ir-nrtterr1oo Publix MM F ' [than] Board an ity m ' In; trtatt' In alien a? ' ' of the late Dr. r man. l', Meat t I' Inn-1 ;. MM rf M9 I" , n Wm B an”! Du M P.qt, halt: l Wu T ' ”no at , "toh tyet K. ' ttpros t mm“?! 'tho, County. " m members of ma Woman's 9iiis, and Aid s'oF'mty of Em. -llllTl,, Evangtuk-al ('hurch ot k Ct were unnamed at the lie., pe Mr. and Mrs, H Dickman. “up“; Street, last mgm with Mes. ”a plenum: and J. Ruppel an ".. tporter-sts, Marl] business was ith.,':': at the heglnuing of {ha “a; This will followed by a pro- ”. pt New Year‘s thoughts in . teh memhor participated and ' proved to ht, most 1n~trurnvo ‘ ii?tjiii:'i,i? was mnrludr'd with - duet by Mrsdum'a " K RAH A. R. Creumln. An mun-sling rm (allowed the programme ttf W floral commlttoo of whlrh ' I _ ”or is the f‘nnvpnnr pm- T A nan-nonnay “iii grunlvd to the ~yltorloo i'ulrli.e Swhm' " me “had Board an ity In pr‘rmH the lam“ Lu attend the fum ate,', the late Dr, J, Wald":- "rmnsr, who pass-ml away last .uluurdny night. Tho rlm'oased was tab ot the school [man-m and would M" ban likeiy chairman for this L“ M's Brunt an”; A ”WHO, A very cumyable lln1rs P. - by all who men present , In. o. Storey, entertained a num- tir at young people av the Masonic tprt nutcrday. to a ten dam-ant m [ of her daughmr, Miss Marin. I.lllr Orchestra was In unend- i Ind the mum was put to good AA..-‘__V " Tht Dan-am OM. Make Merry. Tho Y. w. C A. girls who remain. " II the city (Nor va Year's on- jorod a group skazm; party in the "teton and a party at night. Thu Y.. W. C, A. building " becoming m and more a My home where the hmlly makes murry together om. Followed Home. Two young women residing in WAterloo claim that while returning to ghelr homes Monday evenlrur,they you "awning along Allan Streel, “on they became aware that a young man was {allowing them and (will; to bemme acqua'nterl with tttmn. After a brlsk wars, 'luring which the pursued took every avail method to evade Hm Intruder. mllzed that his pr%3'l(4: was desired and nlml'l I“; disappetw. \ pe. E. “‘lamur, “in mm) bud'umiy h Pro-ton nu Samnhy evening, Mmber Mth, was well-known In Kttehener and Waterloo, most ot his the being spent in and about the Fstrs City. The fun: 1.” will be held " tutttrdar with hm," services at tho residence in Preston. followed by unless at the list Mennonite Church. King Street, Kftehenrr,ctrtd, Moment in the East End cannery 1 men Wu Weft Known LocalIy one mun. Kltrhener man, who pl “wowed In police ccurt moral this tor haviax an mm: um in m- Mlloln, wu round guilty this “I; and (med $200 and costs, The sun was iontiticiited by the Crown. The (an: took up only ty' low minutes of the nmrl this morn-i Mm Own-r Fund ‘lumm Met. flu executive moeung of the Kit, - and Wurloo Musk Club was "ta yuterdny nth-n Hun} prepar- attmts were made hr their mum); in recital by Ktu'vrsstvik, a Polish “Niall! of note, and mm! a tam. OII waist ”lint "ers. F, Haizht. the president 'a‘boulllful hanks: ot nowortt (ot In Ar ME REVEAl-s {Kl'rhonar lwld A! I) 'M that abound in . f.tr.ninabeypr e " Haunt Bttt thanked the ladies for aqtbrartrrr and then A norm I. was m order. Dainty In. In any. n unplug. bl; mount“! police '" won In the Twin: City yo. Vlad way on bunineu ot (In m. They Ian today for mu. constable. are the rote than! we" heroAdurlng the war on filtration work. I 'sthisia u Communion“ I. " m that than u " outstanding I: up“ my mun than: - In. boon praqtieat. , u. “.50 um collected ' a "ttees." of “.000 TCHENER NEWS In Wm 12 Eip] ‘ A number or Kitchener "tererta ‘vun In Guelph on Saturday mund- ‘h. (in (MN unnnl rounion of tho .0 Battery, Ctr. A - ad Mm M "e' In the The death occurred It the funny maiden“ " Char!" Strut "our any of the monlhold non of In and Mrs. P, John-ton, The foam! In hold ttsur, Much nympuhy In an for tho bennvod funny, Alum!“ lo-Union ot Dr, Arthur Moody. (omerly of Rho-hen" The funenl ll being hrld at Dunnvma. the, horn. of tho d-sed. Death Ot Inf-M. Dina In winduor. The drath occurred In Windsor on .'Uturday of Mn Arthur Moody. vm Mrs, Carl Ida anternlnod O lulu- ner ot friends to pronoun!" Flu Hundred at hor home Com-thud Avenue on Monday of thin week The ttrgt prize was won by Mr, Wil. [lam Sleben. Durlnl the course of the evening a dainty luncheon It“ served by the honest The cunt was "pally enjoyed by I" who were present. virtrpretsideut; Geo Schlllhorn,'l;¢;j Meg, Ed. Davin And lumily. J"' vitte-trretsident; H Hubel. iIn-nciu lung, cards mud a ride [or “on secretary. Gordon Stein, reeorditttt child with their pony vii-n vellum secretary; s Wellheuun "cum"; condiuon- are “venue. W Horxenroeder, M, Mikel, G. Mac. Mn. H. M. Buydor, Waterloo, $26, Donald‘ Wm Sch-for. W, H Ran and1 Knight. of Columbus, Kitctttttter, J Irevttettport. directory. [35 Santa Clam Stockinlo, " boxc- Held Card Party. woi "was“, " pain of wooulm stock Mrs, Carl Ida anterulned . Inn-r up Ind sumo bookn. l A Butrereeutive meeting or ttte' Shoemaker" Dairy, (local National Council of women was Crcttm. ‘held at Mort Evangellcu Church) Mr. J. W'llmbold. C" 'F|.day afternoon. There w“. a: Mr. Ind Mrs. Joe ”urge mundane: of members nod it‘cooklel. ’was announced that Mrs. W, ill Mn. A. Miller, basket ‘lzecker and Min M. Bruce or Town-i Mn. Geo, Wagons-t. 'to will spank to the Humbled coun- {cheque $M. rll In the near future on "Movie; Gale Preatrrterrlatt Chu problems," The date has not been quilts, ciothMtr. In)". definitely decided, Lam“ The Kitchen" Poultry And Pot Stock Assorlauon hue elected the following ottrtsert, for 1922: Mnyor (iron W I) Euler. MP, N, Ammun- spn. hrpp, Dr. J. E. Hot! Ind C, Fimmerirh, Hononry Pr", A, tr, Ut. lle). presldent; J. Hersenroodcr, lit virtrpretsideast; Geo Schullhorn, ind vice-trretsid.nt; H Hubel. llnnnclul Elna! oftieers Speaker: Coming ’Succeulul Dance. Mr. and Mn. Henry tPepper, I Messrs. Is F'. Swartz. Harold W.‘Waterloo, cash 85.00, Young, Edvard G. Pfenner and Drn: Mr, M. 8. Hallman. Waterloo. 0'- irtoy 0. Wtnn who (he hosts at amuse- and travel» very enjoyable dance at the Maw‘ Mr. J. Fennel]. cash 35.00. onic Hall Thursday. Krugn orgr St. Quentin Chapter 1.01)!“ Wat. chestra furnished excellent music ("100. cheque 825- which was put to good use by the' Mrs. Jnmes Valentine. Waterloo, crowd of dancers present Features barrel of IPPIBGA of the programme were the balloon; Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol, egg; waltz and serpentine oncvetep wltictt 'andr frttit. :ndded greatly to the pleasure or the" Masonic Lodge, Kitchener. or event. During the courle of the'angue. nuts. popcorn and candy" ’evenlng a delnty lunch we: served UG. George Ebel. Erbsvllle, t2.00. The net proceeds will be doaatsd'. Mrs. N. U. Bowman and John to the Freeport tyaatitarlvm. Leroy Albright. large cake. , There was a larger attendance at the weekly market in Waterloo this morning than was expected, The large variety or commodities which were shown found a ready Elle and were quickly disposed of, There was a slight {Ill In the pcha or eggs from that of a week ago. selling for 600 and 65c a dozen Butter sold for "c per lb. Waterloo Mung I Mrs. Philip Zeilcr was elected tt.l.ytosT." . ,....-.. "mm" “mum" new president ot the New Jerusalem . ., _ [Ladies' Aid at the annual meeting “Saran: D. E. Turner. halt U” of lthe society held It the par-muse . . yesterday, The other orncerts were Ir, and Mrts. Futher, vunkteu. unanimously re-elected so that the r. and Mr" H, Lewis, Am” truit executive will be the same as Int cake. year with the exception of the pres- Mr. J, M, Scully, "tto. man The reports read were very Mrs. George Rupple. E'mira, 2 encouraging to the members. After boxts manhmnllowg and ttu'r, the business meeting, the hostess,' Mitra Haunt): Sud" " Mrs. Diephiun served light refresh. Alister Lackner and Boy Friends. meats which were much appreciated, $1.30. try the ladies I Dr. and Mrs. Harry Lacknart [in New Presidont Elected I The lunml of the In. Eda: Jim: ot Waterloo took place ruler- day enema at two o’clock from the tuldence of his tether. Junk: Brox of Waterloo took place prr ducted by Mr. Um: Weber " the house und church alter whtch in. termen: wan made in the Mennon- lte Cemetery, Kitchener. The may “was ot a”. G. I) McLeiinatr, who Ind the uniformly " tall on Friday hut, thereby break-A In; hll collar bone, will be pleased! to learn that he is out. of pain “mi 'tlil soon be able to be out stain. I Funeral Hold. Pastor Ink. Coll-r In». Mini m. Ila-60M _ The “a: Ion-mun W' ilk-Ion Ciro]: In "tt-tamqd at the how. of Mr. sud In. I. but". Lama!" 81. on Tum. Wort w: done to mm m. mush-1:11 among (ox-clun- In wanton. um which much routine but)“. war," {run-acted I aurmmwmwohmu th. in”!!! which I“. lt no slug-to I". but. M In: Trinity Methodist Church um. \Iuon‘l a. 8. (Inn. 1 bor candles Lndlu' Aid ot Emmanuel Church. w “who. organs. Ladlu' Aid or New Jams-lam JChurch. cheque tor " M. [ Zion Evangellcll B, S emu. rash (624145. klMb-At mush-nu. Jlnunry a, to Mr. and In. LOVI- Km. " Poker The “6100’ Aid ot Bt. Palm} Luther“ Church um ttte r-nm and cookies. Mn. L, Mould: dainty] n lam clunky of eookieq, Zion Eungcllcnl B, S_ lErmn shoemaker: clnu). towrls, cloth and Imp. Dr. Swirl. all: " 00. Mn L. J, Bromnupt. to" mod "Jill“. Contra-clonal Church. Blooming- dale Otrts, P, Snyder'l S. S. clan). wrap book. and mags. Community Christmas Tree. "ock. Inq .nd Christmns tree uockIn; for each child, Ind present for ouch number of sun. Mr. and Mn Sidney C. Tweed. crate oranges. Mn. Cook Ind Mrtr, Anthem half crate ore. Gale Presbyterian Church. Elmira. quilts, ciothMtr. (on, nun and candy. I”... I can Shoemaker" Dairy, 2 glle. tee cram. Mr. J. WlImbold. ctutdieg. Mrs. M. Kaufman. coffee, cake and (no ehickemr, The P. Hymmen Car, toys. Capitol Theatre, 3 dog, boxes cho. eolater, and guests tor Tuesday matinee, when children enjoyed an ttxeelient programme. Grand River Lodge, Kitchener, " bags candles, Mrs. N. U. Bowman and John Leroy Albright, large cake. Two trtertds, cash $5.60. Bcttell Brat. barrel apples, Mr. Letson ot Macaw: Grocery, candles. . Dr. and Mrs. Harry Lacknar, figs and duel. cash t4.00, mud Aid of Evangelical Church. “mm, 16 touch. Tho sun-Ila; Rubber Co., Guelph. 1 box baitoonr. A Friend, 1 chicken. O'Donndl & Henderson, Water. Ico, coffee. cake and buns. Mlu Riddle. 4 doz, oranges Mr. Sylendcr. Christmas tree. Mr. David Snyder. bag ot apples. The Pythian Busters. Kitchener, lbl. can at the Kllchcnor Orphmgo will: to that nil contributor: most umnly' tor than kind mumm- “on: to the lunar! ot the hut!- tullon) Tho contributions were u (allow-2 A Friend. tgoo, Mrs. Agno- chobl. Waterloo. " the "can; of January 2 u on has at the Orphan. and the [MI “up." tor (In month nu (mud. The contributions trom (In Maud! of the A. Miller, basket of apples. Geo, Wagon-t. Waterloo, m of the “autumn: were . The director: and tttti. Iho Ruchnor Orphmgo TttrMraDonorBot Crelsman. ting at um um nun j Lon )mmlqnuon ; The lmmlgrntlon "ttren for the out month of Decombor. 192t, It ‘Nlnxlr- Pull. were an fallout Ad, mlnlon M, rejertlona 19t. and European dinet- " For the cor- (responding month 1n 1920 the ttttttres {warm Admlulonl 108. rain-Nona ‘40.. “and Europe“: alums T16, l Eggs are slowly planing down- ( ward. Last week they were, 70c and l 76e a dozen Ind this drop in price is _ welcomed by every housewife. But- ( ter seems to be stationary at 45c a pound, cream was 23 and 26c tt pint I this morning and cheese 25: and Mr _ a pound. The market was not so largo. as his been customary lately but busi- ntsu WIN brisk althoutrh the attend- ance was tsmall. In tho fl.wh market prices are about the same. White fish and MI- mon trout are still 80e a pound while herring sold at 20e. Apple butter was 7be and $t.00 a crock on Saturday; honey 23c a pound und pup corn balls 3 for loo. There was an abundance of flow, one offered for sale, Azchas were $1GO and $2.00 each. terns ranged from ITre to $2.00 a plant, primroges and primulas were 76: each. Prices remain unchanged In the vegetable line, carrots. beets and onions are still 20r a basket. Pota- toes 86c and 40e I husket and tur- nips 5c ouch. The general conversation at mar- ket however, was about falls, and in view of the ice which covers the streets it was not to be wondered at. Th price of those egg! lost by the lady was also a subject of interest and since she had five dozen and eggs ranged from 60e to 70e a dozen this morning you an ”a that the lam: warranted her reply. Just at the approach to market on Saturday a Mule lad of about four years missed his footing on a piece of ice and came down with a bump. He was up again in a min- ute and to the kind-hearted pedes- trinn who inquired reguuing his hurts h replied "No, I'm not hurt at all." This was a very different re- ply to that given by the lady with the egg basket 3 little later who met with I similar mishap and since hers was not as polite u the little boy's we won't recount it. l A program of mums. games and lunch followed the ”names: pro ceedlngn. There w-rv- twentreight members present and " pleasant er enlng was spent Hon. President .. N. B Delweiler President .. _.. ......h'., Darnell" Vice-President .. ”Prank Shana Bec.-'rreatt. mer... Miss K, Herner Librarian . _ _ . . f ”mu E. Schledel (frills; W. Wood and N. B. Delweiler Choir Leader _...... N. G. Shamz Assn Leader .. ..." ..A. Dedels Plan'lt .. .. ....htut, E, Herner Fir-L Asst. .. ..Mrs. Clayton Eby Second Asst. .. ' ,,..Paul Snider Social Com r. ....Misa E. Schtedel Music Com, ..N, G Shana. A. De- dels and Miss E. Harrier Press Com. W. Woods and C. L'le menu. E Milady's Market K I Basket 3 The ehoir ot the Alma trt. U. B. Church met Wednesday nlghl at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. I. Shaun. The following 0111mm were elected for the new year; Choir of Alma St. Church Elect New Officers for Year ( A “an: of brother lumbar: _ conducted ttge unico- nnwu whom ‘wuo noticed a". P. him-null of _ Pour-hurt, an. P. [Almaty at Ay- , my, Pro-Mom of the Cam: My ( we: of the lunar! Synod. Rev; - {thunder or 11mm. Roe. C. Bat fmn at Mount Plenum luck. Rev. It. Ellen of Tut-tack um Rev. E. 13m" ot Wanbun. {m ""”“'" “' - ”m 't The rooms in which the ample-me (and ot the Miemri Synod. a" A. dinner no served were beautifully I ellmeier ot Elwin. Rec. C. Bun- decorum. The htide'e an. n, (m or Mount Pie-uni. man. In; “mm with tis. 'e1oetatrte weddinx Jide't,'/,rUtt',el"" aad tlee, jiiii - tn a w a mm- mm '; During the church service the _ with dainty not” of "not you ‘Twin City male quortette no: two " either end. Above the "he the telectionl.‘ The pull bearers wow "ttht dome in: encid in tb vttrtt. ”our: W. H. Bchmeitx. c. Wallet)» able cloud of pink. mauve and silver berg, P. K Weber, P. Benin, J. whuecupuuin - “fem. otptnk Shoemker and R. Bierwugen. ‘und mauve were Inspended from n. funeral I“. conducted by Mr, (tho dome Juet above the hands of the , Ed. Clan ot the Kitchener Punt itests, I care Co. The arrangements in con-1 The other able: were centred with I nection with the order of act-ammo jpink rose: while tlrty pink and motive (lotion tor the mourners and vili- ,hulb. out a rich but subdued glow tore, the placing of the many nor. of light over the feline board. Dainty] al tribute. and the handling ot the place cards and pink and mauve fev- ttreat overttow at the school hum on carried out further the color C) in: were carried out in a very cred tect, Mable manner by Mr. Class. l In tho r-tries., ...'web-.t w---.-, l During the church service the Twin City male quartoue no: two lolocuonl.‘ The pull bearers we'e ”our: W. H. Bobtail". c. Wallet)» berg, P. K Weber, P. Berdax, J. Shaun-her und R. Bierwugen. - - u. m..." u...“ bWAr .n.-u..u... .u At duo. no mum: word‘hu hon " ‘ 1 ttqtTqd from Apr, ' a warm or an mm; won m -.. to pay trite) A In. to tttqtr your. a,“ mum-a 1'me “Maggi-unleash.“ the cum States will. an tonn- M'IWMWWOG mmumum.w. Tho VIN-go or Art will uke,y rm tum Rave Ham. tl Armstrong. last you”: vim-n. provided ho Lt VIII- lnx to Accept the ttooor. Wham l"! H: Kitchen-r. Mr. Annnrou unnu- Id Mum" u doubmnl so to whatnot " would mad for mlntlon. To Anolhar rumllur fave to he seen an": lhln your In that ot Fred ”Chill. New Hlmhurg‘a populnr "no Peter 802mm. who wu once - rnturnad from Elmira. will be hack and la (ha logical person for the wardmnhlp. lollovlnu out the cuatom of pulling lho honor around the urlmu municimmlot . AT LEAST : ill NEW if COUNCILLORS I’m-Inn's new: in also a new man. N o. Hlpol. who was returned by arclnmnnon along with Deputy Reno Andrew Grieve. who unwind the same. position last year Hu- peter will rug-In ha amount-d by Raeva George A, tlrrutrner Cr,unty Council. Thoy replace M H Stroh and a Kleswetler, Wilmot Township In Mir!" roturn. in; the men who represcuhd the munlvlpality last year. .wio Gonna 2. Lani: and Deputy Reeve ‘Jnhn Barber um the man. Reeve Oliver, of North llumirioa. ts in am» mun. taking the pine. of Wm. Elliott. who was alotrtad to rows-0.1: South Waterloo m the Dominion Parlia. mtnt ut the I'm-ant election . Two {rash tacos will Uomirot" Waterloo'. Mitigation this year "Have Wm. "underarm and Ileputv‘ [leave Arthur Font". while both men or ttonnfderablo muniripul unar- lore, have yet to ink!) "at: in the 'ktrglFrri%' Another Mandy to rome bark will he Reeve John Reldel or “'nl‘an'e', Township. He is ammpam-UI try a new man. Denny Reeve Wm. H Knight. . No rhnnge ls made in the re; Mutation trom Waterloo Towns] Reeve Simon Kinzie and Dam Reeve Mennu S. Snyder Woolw Township returng one new man the person of Deputy Reeve Alex Forbes. Reeve Solomon Korn. l old reliable. will again he on l Job. - -- -9-- '-_""""-" Mayor Greh. utter opening tho 3 ---- meeting with the singing or ' 3 There will in) at lean“ six new national anthem and the prunnunvw Japan in the d'ounty Council when meat ot a brief prayer. spoke for ltsat body assembles tor Its inaugural a few minuleu on the principal bus!- Srtssion on January 24. with the tttMF ness which would some herure mu tummy of a seventh. no returns Council in the present year. from the villas" of Ayr having been MAYOR CHAS, (HUGH. retired "waived by County Clerk 8. Cassel' Formerly head of Grab Shoe Ctr, an yet. ‘Alderman 1919 and 1920, mayor No change its made in the reprr ‘1921 and 1922, For the past two "mam", trom Waterloo Township years has devoted practically hm Reeve 81mm] Kinzie and Depu'y entire time to municipal works. thi- Reeve Mennu S. Snyder wuolwhhi first year as Phairmun ot the Bonn] annshlp "(urns one new man 111‘", Works and last year as may” There will b? at Ity, [area In the bounty ( that body assemblen tor snulon on January IM, nihillty of a seventh. from the villus of Avr furnished by the Koppersun oreher tra was greatly enjoyed. The event “an a very pleasurable one and all who enjoyed Mr and Mrs Wundrsrv, kind hospitality are looking torward to thrur next anniversary, L'nfortunately the brhdesmaid and groomsman were unable to be pres. ent but about 50 guests were in at- 'tendance to celebrate the happy event. During the course of the din, ner a beautiful chest ot silver was presented to the host and bonus Mayor W, G. Weiehel or Waterloo delivered the addreu and Mr. W. Dumart made the presentation on behalf or the assembled company. Cttrdg were induiged in by the guests. Mrs. W. Alias and Mr. w. o. Winterhatt being the suvcesafui com- petitors. After the dinner, dancing was in order and the exceiient music furnihhed by the Koppersun orehmr The bride and bridegroom ot I qunrter century had the place or honor at the bride's table. In the reception rooms upsta'ts pink and mauve was all" the domin- ant color and the rooms were prev my arranged with nowerr, pink rose: while tiny pink and mlnve bulbs can I rich but nubdued glow of light over the festive board. Dainty pines cards and pink and mauve fav- on carried out further the color at feet, pl r. tad In. M. Wm and “New 811m Wedding ended fromlwho died so suddenly on Sunday ttends of the f In! VII held " St. Paul‘s Luther. fan church or which he was the ear centred with ‘I loomed water, at no o'clock um on the Hm ALDERMAN FRED " AIIRENS. "rtrtrurrtr.toturrr Ann-m Rhoe Co, Aldermnn 1920. um And 1922 Both year! chairman ot nub-n lad awning Commutoa ALDIRMAN E. E RATZ. mum at" Darvon Foundry. Only mom- bor "" Council um I- mot Al. - w. and _ m1 nu ALDERMAN JOHN L. HOLTZE. fort-mun. (‘anndlnn Cottsotidated Fall Co Alderman 1920, IMI and 1.12 Last yrar Chairman ttt Run WIYI Ind hoop Waterway: Cont- In!!!” and member of other impor um commune- ALDERMAN (H70. [shun-m. hardware manhunt "tte of tho two nnw nlderman, though not without Mrtrtrtttartirs "panama, having Ian‘- mt In that cnpicity Homo years :30 Has been chglrmnn ot Board ol Health for pun! two yearn. ALDERMAN JEROME LAN“, ot the Lnnx Tanning Co,. Aldorman 1920. 1921. and 1922. Horn and ed. united in Kitchener Ln" your rhlIrmnn ot Fire and Light Com mittee ALDERMAN CHAS J. [META prelldenl Flue” Hm: Furniture Cn Alderman 1919, 1920, 1921 and 1.022. polling high voles aurh time Last your rhalrman of Board of works ALDERMAN CHAS K “ANSI-31L menhnnlr, Alderman l920. “721 and 1922, Only Labor represpntuttre until this your "old: utlendnnr'o reward for two years' Council and F'truutce nae-alon- ALDERMAN WALTER HART TUNG, manager ot Kitchenrrr bran, ch. Walnrloo County Loan and Hav, Ingn, Alderman 1920, I921 and 192?. During the last year was Hctivrs on numuroun committees. particularly new City Hall Committee ALDERMAN LOI’IS U "REIT HAUPT, males manager, Brennan-pt Leather Company, Alderman lfllik 1920, 1921 and 1922, Two years chairman, at Pinunw‘ Committee .ipeciallzas in heading the polls, horn and educated in Kitchener The inaugural session or the Kit. atwinartivr, chener City Council which opened I'ommim-e at the City Hall this momma; proved Council. a hriet one. the full business t't'. or the "ttpr quiring but fifteen minutes from thn "WWI! the. time the Mayor sounded his gun-l "HUM ”1 the until adjoprnment was mudw to " “Ilium“ " low the Cuuncit io go into umnnil» Fur tlrat " tee. ‘Innt-n lh.. Kitchener’s City Council Inaugural her and R. Bierwatren. The tlorat tributes received were numerous and very beautiful and friends and relatives were present from distant parts of the United States and Canada After the tser, vice the church the cortege pro- ceeded to Mount Hope cemetery where interment was made. Much sympathy ls felt for the bereaved family. rue plllbearers were the follow in; frunda ot the deceased: Mt." rs. W. H. Schmaltz. C, Woltenberg P. K. Weber, P, Berdux. J. Shoema Canada district of Synod who preached sermon, Rev. A. Gall mira who preached service and Rev. C. [Weir Davin; commons“ the inn, dispose of tt in the In“! afternoon Funeral of Rev. [mummy-nah!“ My 'rp_aer.o-irVilii, hmuhdo-onwmi. mm-nymumnum on. by. In. can no before mmwwumy Inm- luudutuuanmrw III. county you“ court. The data-dun Menu-god with tta-ut-utters ”meal-amid: sullnndmuh. The funeral of Ree, W C Bone 11ttty"nryt-arn--. an may” 0. “REIT Brenhuupt Amnrhan nll‘kvl hm "'0 mm h mum, being “all mvr I'm lwr mm! nickrl as comparml with 20 par an]! in the Amortcan I‘O'n?‘ Tho vim-mu of tho trout la the sumo us on the old ruin! hut on the rent-w Is to ha found a In"! nttore 5. ma words “Five Vanna," thr, word "Canada." two mums In": and the date, ‘ two wr'rv Mrmk [w "ya: Thrre ot m now on wxhihlt in Jaimot's stalinnory shun whom may tho mu Hing much "tterrstit Tim rain! at" ttte smm- Ntr.e a< tho Amnrh an m Man HP“ ttttt tltr kit an “skin! ran! p arr man Ton toms worn will hiln-Ihr‘sr‘ “it the first run ott nth-r lhw t New Canadian Coins Are Received Here By Local Merchant “no”. dorm "has nntlm “on o "tter mmnl of the Imporzan during tho past duubt in the mir [ulluvwd [ho m I"! “H lrttf FINANCE HEAD llliapi)N' ED Tho fir: Alderman Breithaupt Will Again Handle Finances of Kitchener Council itlml ALDERMAN LLOYD E. HAGE. DORN, vice-president and manager Kitchener Suspender Co. Alderman 1921 and I922, Last year chairman ot Publitrity Committee. ALDERMAN GEORGE ZIMMEIK- MAN. plumber A newcomer in municipal affairs. l'hairmun Trades and Labor l'ouncil and one ot the tw'o Labor men on the City Coum cil. an ALDERMAN ARTHUR KLUG. MAN. treasurer Grab Shoe Co. Ald- erman 1921 and 1922. Entering his second term. Last year chairman ot Office Committee. ALDERMAN ROGER E GOP. TON. machinist. Alderman 19:1 and 19'22. also on Count)! some year! ago and for two years a. msunuer or Water Commission. Last year chairman lnduslna) Committee Alderman Th tart that may eRuiurly as yt l'nmpliwd with ALDERMAN ADDISON A. ARMBRUST. secretary treasurer Lady Belle Shoe Co. Alderman 132m, 1921 aid 1922. Born and educated In Kitchener Active on numerous Important committees. Committee 1.22. For mt two year: chairman ot Sewer Committee. ALDERIAN WILFOHD E. WING ulc- manager Kaufman Rubber Co. Alderman 1920. 1921 and 19.t2. Born and educated in Kitchener. Last year chairman Pubhc Utilities Market Watg, W ol hl - n - Once tried " never r, Boned puck.” only BlncEGz to tho Mtrtistrt hi h m nvl Ugh! [I] " 'H for tho rhang IN lh If nf 1 Louis o, Brnilh.nlm “all s rnulrmzm of thr, Finattve ot tho Kin-him” t'tty His successful bundling mm A. &MABtetutL-.. H but nnudn ml tho A newcomer in I'hairmun Trades CH and one of the on the City Conn. Murket l m E?! M M man n- I (In: tee, Cha I. Hap n the rtss wins: TEA. T r - "f " n-u“ P----'. I”! n: w Mis, Rachel, um Fiir ml boon npandlnu her ho'lld'gglwlfg ted mother m Wlterlnb tttm M to Toronto to continue " at“ " the Mount" l'mvenlty. he hockey "hrdttiA Jiir tt mm. and Trnll Ran“?! VIII“. In Nth-d lodny and Wm tdiottm In Tundny'a lama of 'heal-ati Iranh i- , .- Su edule Tomorrow, Hrs-a“ Ham. '1 ho immoral was hold In "e-c," 'ofin, 01 Ihr lam Wilmot, M 1rllr) dim) In the village of pm! nn Frldm In! . Th. d ii thas " married man. to 'rrrtrr, of an and had beam 11 ‘nmo- months ' "t 1. gun-mm! At the mornln 'rrr'd mr N W. newm. BILL; Ill' Ill',, t'uilr‘ge. was the if!“ ”M wth! Ila his text the‘gono wry MN ' ill" In (ha mix-motto the l :r'L’“ 'r'r.o Truth Shall. Make Yo‘ irsw ‘ Ho Mutt-r1 that in t! "a. v')' rl,' tho ""u""ti"yut"stee tat: fur Hmntrr I'UnHland wtt,tus.ltttk » vmlrw.‘ pRrtirularlyr in '??ttosm. thr, lmlei ans nnjuyrd the “(at :yva (ll HI my peana in tttttme-, 1"uf I)n\\'n¥ spout never“ month". (r, r 'r':tr naming unh'euu . Mm .w _ mm!» many 53:91: I)""'))})' Wm At mu "an Nl"' l'e mum Rm: w P.ii Hw‘umm‘ .v fnrmafu} Air's“: 'Hw (rr'r_tottco of Tmrttte Hn‘w‘vxtnnu try Hm Ed rm; H! thr; donnminulion wart Thr, n:m..r nary ot thttAtttt al “apartment of the My) (harm " l'unnda~ was oue.H _ t Tr‘nlly Mrrthorllst churctiNtir: - my .md lmlh st?rvictyB wasn‘t:- ls atti'ntie0, At the Mmlhl III-J Educational Alumni: tho Kithener orosiurar numb infnreated in theshriitli,tr Hr >EmrehnlrinrR of the Merflhl Hm of I'anndrl. called ttirm it v. to mnfy the sale otCthb (r, m.) Rank of Mantra}. _ trl l mnnhwr of local ritual! in; 'lrl v Tlw official In; of the terte swans tlv, Inlluvung; . ,. f livrnmm M Ward H. ISV,. "Pop" Phillip unpaired bet Commission asking certain int lion regaramg the Comil{' titude towards the Electridbg -_ which he proposes to bald» euer in ttto near future. “1'50on mxssxon acceded to certain 'y. regarding wiring and the inttittty power "cc, Kitchener People 1' Holding Stockpjm The MerchantU4k Mule other business wiRI acted at the meeting an!“ passing of the account! m5". frems or a similarly fondue y The accounts for Deme ml I0 $25,510.79 The _ sralemcnt for the whole all not been made out yet but“ ready for the regular mmsttsf?,, Commission, the two "twan- e berg having been reelectdm George Lippert, Br, i riii the Kitchener mm 'tgd during 1921. was roqu'it this office during the U. at the iaaugurat 111°0qu mission, held on smug noon. August A. Lin; "6 occupy the position ore " man. There are no out. Re-eleeted at Meeting of I Light Com GEM IS h H Services Held " Trinity Church ('athis. it..? hbiedv! lcrick w. Ortppard. T K Hing‘ham, r S. Eh): p t'Ars. . Matilda 66M. h “any, 9

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