iit if"Hie mreleetion of no fewer than thirteen‘ SEW-m -- , of last year's council is the best evi- g§¥ 'sd - of appreciation of their services during Iiiii2t t that citizens could give them. The work gt ., " . qtr 1921 Council was marked by sound judg- ,8; ' " and a generally careful administration ,3 f the City's business. The various depart- it? _ to oo-operated closely so that results above l , ' ordinary were achieved. 3 , ; g" " Two members of last year's Council iii'j,hrrt fallen by the way and their places will be "If; Thin by Messrs. Geo. Bucher and Geo. Zim- ,1" - .. . It is the privilege of the electors un- '; win- our democratic system of municipal gov- 5ie?terf to change their representatives and it ".2 lime for us to criticize their judgment. There ,“$.mlsing material among the new-comers. .323} in the city to the city limits this year. t . Ctr: _----------------' Thomas Foster, ex-WP., lead the polls in tr, - ithe election for the Board of Control in Toronto. (rl, I Tl“: NEW CIVIC CENTRE: I His reputation as a financial "watch-dog" at; lea",,', the; anddomliméiit of It City ““1" helped him to come hack strong. rr.,' F'"' on on ay 1 ener ra epayers mate . . o , dtxtiptisrr.rr.ysy settled the much-vexed question The economic reconstruction of Europe in†d anew City Hall by VOW“! $250000 for this is almost as great a task as the limitation of ii'l"e!?ltt and at the same time settled the ques- armaments. Two great conferences are in i'i m 11tttt of the site for it and threw in the Bowman prom?“ in Washington and Cannes. fly-h Hotel prOperty costing $80,000 to complete the h " . t . _,',".,'. Co:.?"."' fl': Hall square for good measure: ' i it is taken for granted that while the rate r}; e vot.im.r .of these large sums by, such payers voted in favor of the expenditure of 3.11.: tt 1'i maior.itiy IS f'! indication oi the nearly $40ii,()ii(i. that it will not he taken as "iopy , optimism of ibs citizens for the an indication that the City Council or any othei 'tt T“ m o Kitchener. . . _ public body should be extravagant this year. "pr, When the work authorized is completed . . . tlt tlBthrter will have a civic centre that will be) The re-election of Mr Aloyes Bauer as at ahis pi‘ide of its citizens and the envy of its '... .’ . . / . . 'r'vet,', , . . . ejinliman of the “Mellon IN ate, and Light . _Wbora, for there is nothing to compare with '.., . '... X ,i . . /. M: . . Commission is a tiibute to the business-like ', 1.,“ wowed plans in Ontario today, not ex- . . . r . . and generally satisfactory way the commis We“ the cities of Toronto and Hamilton. _ T , . . t' ' . . . [ . iSthS affairs have been conducted under hi: jr-ate While other cities are passmg through + , . hi d J h . rtf y , £3"? 4Mtknl times and paring expenses to the bone“ airmans m mini: t .e T" on years. , ' Jer', ' if; PM“. which, owing to the great variety . . [ ' . K41: It. industries, has not; felt the shock so . The man} friends of Mr. Thos. Hilliard ifi'i ' shows an optimism and faith in the veteran president. of the Dominion Life Assur E c... . that is characteristic and which will ')nce Company, will. wish him a We?“ recover: ' " to her progress and place her in a posi- trom his present illness. Notwithstanding hi to; of rapidly increasing importance in the eighty years Mr. Hilliard has been able to N til, W of Canadian cities. ain a strength and vigor and keenness of in " ' _" " wh t n h w ' . iellect hard to match in men many years hi W J t a pla at e ne City Council may Ill, in dealing with the question this year iunior, and the wish of his friends will be the Flt _ to be seen. The proposal is one of ie may soon resume the enjoyment of his cut 4“. I' the and importance, however, that now nmary health. n " _ . the questions of site and cost are settled . . * . "5.1 time may be taken to secure the expert Widespread sympathy will be extended 1 h' d ' of consulting architects in connection He family of the late Rev. W. C. Boese, pastt _ F.,, m the plans. The present city hall was of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and the " "ittht 1866--over fifty years ago. None car. ongregation, in the loss they have sustaim ___ ' u... civilian and unlimelv death of a lovin ' '3: sh ' I ', _ _ ti 'i, we. I If We _r,.te It: i: _ "'i Ir, m; ' t t' 7" of 2' ' “m t ' The sweeping majorities on all three money; W3 submitted to Kitchener ratepayers Ill M constitute a splendid endorsation of "he proposals they embodied. It shows that â€not ratepayers are ready to give ptogreib- ‘Iiw measures their financial backing. i The carrying, by such a large vote, of both at! Ball hy-laws which provide for a newt Mount in a splendid setting afforded by an, W‘site made possible by the acquisition' “the Bowman Hotel property and involving an mditure of $330,000, is a tribute to the, “have and progressiveness of the members, it last year's Council who put into concrete Item: an idea that has been in the minds of ï¬lmy of their predecessors in office and sup- pm it with an energy and enthusiasm that dually won for it sweeping endorsement. kW The endorsement of the street railway double-tracking by-law has also been emphatic In it should be. The Light Commission will now be able to proceed as soon as weather con- ditions permit with the double-tracking of the line to Kitchener Junction, a step necessitated by the extension of the service in the East End and the plans for paving the main approach 'it, I f“ A. m LATELW. B. BURGOYNE l ' " l . "mnova1 by death of W. B. Burgoyne. 'iittiltii'iiii?? the St. cubs-1m Sund- ‘ of St. Catttaptqte: ,iii tm : I _ what the next fifty years may mom ’, an growth of the city. but some idea p ’ . ‘pdbilities may, be gained from the fact I (“In 1866 to 1921 the population in- v" _ "adv ten times. Of course the same “'7 IRE CITY. COUNCIL _ tetjii,il.'i l of Mayor Grab by 1 large - ex-Mayor,' Eden and Bricker is â€to on the part of Kitchener electors to 1te.efn which he discharged his duties s"1it"tta,,tt, year. The vote may be taken I tiomto any who seek the mayor's T t the electors are prepared to uphold $13,)» of a second term for those “ "tiven faithful service during their â€In in the mayor's chair. The defeat of Ft Eden and Bricker may, probably be h attrithutai to this view on the part ot II my ten times. Of course the same i we in the future is not to be bl but the figures will give us up idea tho incoming council has to provide for. m ':ei5i'i:',s',ittiitl','"1'r'" L . Montana . MON “Tu e,rbur-..----'le 'eie-'t'elegrath THE BY-LAWS [lid “TBS ‘32 "" “‘54: viii. for. The election by a large majority of ex-) hand below;-- l Mayor W. G. Weichel, ex-M.P.. to the mayor’s "KIUCKLI'VleMJMO-n l l chair in the Town of Waterloo, is a tribute to " -totm.t, - M" 1 M. Mr. Wiechel's popularity in his home town. a------"'-""""-"'" 3 ' thand- Through a combination of circumstances 'mf "a/.ehl'i'tt girp,eppgl'de,,'M'r/' l, ', uni by the soiieitatitms of m. political friends in 11113 ie-arte" try . etsiid. ' ' .w,‘ . “Mel mined the mnror's office teV than _.,.....-.---""'"" _ ' . anâ€? the, fight "airtst reciprocity. Hir, um- w....-.---'"""""" _.... l mmvrmbrï¬ï¬‚iwywq 'iiraTriiiiree.taeye'tet "e I“ "J â€'w -- V'V" will on. u . chock ttxclt,h,f Gui 3:1dele tsimbrthei hand a the final inspection of the Chin-'- eanal . few weeks Mo. RENAMING WATERLOO It is said that u a concession to French na- tional feeling the government of Belgium has decided to rename the historic hamlet of Wat- erloo. Henceforth the place which gave its iametoanimmortaibattieisstobeknot" ‘Leholh. The famous mill of St. Helene will til come Hallen, and other spots connected with the battle will be renamed. If the French witil feel any better for this, then the Belgians are to be congratulated upon their gracious act, But no one will every deny that the French sol- diers of that day, as in the great war, fought with heroism and devotion. Whatever the name may hereafter be given it, Waterloo and its consequences cannot be changed. The name, however, will continue in history and be other- wise perpetuated by towns, like Waterloo, Ont., [which are proud to own it. The holidays are have been held. All of How many of those New Year's resolutions are still unbroken ? Commissioners in Kitchener, when they give good service, are hard to beat at the polls. Waterloo has considerable new blood in its Town Council this year, and the electors have reason to expect big things. Attorney-Geneml W an additional list of Kin be an annual New Year's Eamon De Valera and his ministry have) resigned. They ought to look for an island of! their own, and run it as they please. l The candidates for the various municipal offices who failed to secure sufficient votes to be successful, have sufficient company to- day to take away the sting of defeat. Sir Robert Borden is doing credit to him- self and to Canada in solving some of the problems confronting the' delegates at the Washington conference. Apparently the electors believe in the) adage "Leave it to George," when they elected) Aids. George Bucher and George Zimmerman to fill the new seats in the Council. The economic reconstruction of Europe is almost as great a task as the limitation of armaments. Two great conferences are in progress in Washington and Cannes. . It is taken. for gained that while the tmato-, Permits Issued to payers voted in fax m of the expenditure of D l I, T rwarly $40u,nnn, that it will not be taken as eve N, ow cr on an indication that the Cnty Council or any other The St Lawrence The re-election t chairman of the Wo Commission is a tril and generally satisf sion's affairs have l chairmanship during The many friends of Mr. Thos. Hilliard, veteran president of the Dominion Life Assur- ance Company, will wish him a speedy recovery from his present illness. Notwithstanding his nighty years Mr. Hilliard has been able to re- ain a strength and vigor and keenness of in- iellect hard to match in men many years his iunior, and the wish of his friends will be that 11e may soon resume the enjoyment of his cus- omary health. Widespread sympathy will be extended to "we family of the late Rev. W. C. Boese, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and the the ongreiration. in the loss they have sustained il the sudden and untimely death of a loving nshand and father, and of a faithful and suc- Lessful minister of the Gospel. Rev. Mr. Boese had lived here for twettty-six years and has been an influence for good in the com- munity. Write it 1-9-2-2 Make it a. big year. Let's go NOTES AND COMMENT. '-General W. E. Haney has issued list of King's Counsels. Will it New Year's event? tion of Mr. Noyes Bauer as m Waterloo Water. and Light a trihutv to the business-like satisfactory way the commis- mve been conducted under his uring tho past few years. Is over, and the elections us can settle down. US can s ffl/iii-ll/Ill "Ml-9- 16 trete'P' - - menu IAbelle, P.Q., April t8th, 192t "It lung/duty to tell you and publish to All what your remedy "Fruitw ung" has done for me. I Maui with Rheumatism for m â€with; could hll’dly move in bed; and wu miserable all the time. I tried nun! physioilna and took many remedies, but they left me at the same place, in bed and suNerintr, the Rheumatism wu so bad. Canadian Cattle Offered for Sale on London Market Mnally started in taking "Fruirtrtioes" Ind continued the treatment regu- lnrly It I found myselfgctting better. After using eight boxes of “Fruit-u- tires" (which cost only tt) I am completely well without I trace of Rheumatism." OTAWA, Jan. T-- (By Canadian Press)--According to a "cable ro- ceived by the Dominion Livestock Branch here Last Wednesday, no Glasgow prices were mentioned on the British cattle market for the previous week. Prime Scotch sold 7 le. pence to 7 3-4 pence per pound alive, while Irish went for 6 I-.?. 500 a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size Met. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-Laws Limited. Ottawa. alive, while Irish went tor ti Lid pence to 6 " The London market quotes small quantity Panadian. chilled beet or. fered. Hinds were 9 H3 pence to 11 pence and {on-s 'soid from , le. to 5 The bacon market wags quiet and unchanged, A better 31quan is air ticipated but at )0er wires†pence pence. Mary Garden is Under Protection of Chicago Police director-in-chips" of rh Grand t)pera Company soprano, to day is nnnlm Kantian after read): a " box containing a pistol cartridges and a lellvr her life, In the pump}: which containâ€! who Ihree comparimcms- VI and It]? writer said the lela wore reserved by adding he "helm! be hnvo the plvasurv of body tIrrating down the t'rtttNWAfa1a. Ont, Jan. T.--- Pre- liminary permits have horn lssund by the New York Water Power Com- mission to the lmuisvilln Power Cor, poration tor development of wntr‘ power in the St Lawrwnrf’ river. nPar ('mil‘s Inland. and to the, St Law- mncn Transmission Company for a like purpmu- on tho St, 1,awretrr"' River near tho Long Sault Rapids. The!!! are the first applications to "valve favorable r.orvsideratlon by the New York Power Commission, which was created by the 1921 1ogim lulure. CHICAGO. jun {whit} G Amazing Free Trial Offer Spells Disaster to Colds. Bronchitis Sentenced to Death by Buckley! run trut luckier. Irv-chm- ulm‘ nu- cuvn’n - t It†be accepted " [united by a child. stgtf'tt Madam J. RICHER. is nntlr‘r police pro- â€: a law days or a a pistol and nino a lellvr tun-atoning P lumwhunrd rhrlnn I.onx molt Rapids. first applications to ' r.orvsideratlon by Power Commission, ed by the 1921 1ogim a _, L.‘ the were were ompxy. missing but, him toi' her, would soon may my. ms [nadir arde dr, your Billy m. tun-bulb" uh‘ old Harlin/'MV'W. I. an ‘5†Min noir, . MW!“ My. 'nlhor'nlomlu. darn-t. â€an. Ho " usual“ In I rod hymn “no: In one ttaoa,nrtttpina.other. Hon win-main; "nil minor! old‘ WM“ nu and yawn; Gimp. " I driver that day be in a poor “than. But then, no was anyone clue who triad Iii; get that anetertt mm to be um. John King, K.C., hu um". n ttl unmsusmrioountr man In (an. u: with Mrs. King, a â€not dune ot ‘colonial are“ and mnem~"l‘ll_oy were driving home from Bt. And- rete's Church-tor the Klnp were faithful Pretsbyterituut, tnrt--- and Billy wu probably may for ‘Sunday dlnner, But the m Ind ‘reached the use when yawning tor [oats and hay had glven wny to n ipuslvo wllllngnoln to Be down and Idle right there on Queen street. Hmmnhw nub rim-‘0 arc-luau m Billy. mumh‘mum It was worth white to watch mor enter church. He strode in, turning about twice on Lhrlce lu the tourney up the aisle to see whether the rest of the family were following, as does a collie preceding hlu master down the street. He at once became busy with hymn book and Bible. The pastor. Reverend Donald Tait, told me he regarded the precoclous lad as a genuine sermon (aster. Dr. James L. Hughes declares it an educational crime to allow chll~‘ dren to tool with books before their ninth year. Precocious boys and', girls. he naseru, rarely win in life's longer race, He has many illustra< tious examples to support his con- tention, though Ben Frarlklln, John Wesley and Thomas Babington Mae. caulay can be lined up alongside of the local cases of Canon Cody, Pro- lessor H. J. Crawford and Dr. Hutrtr es himself to show that smut kid- dies often do stay smart all through life, provided that their big heads have bodies to match. Well, Billy King was a precocious kid and ear- ly contracted the habit of carrying away prizes. He wrote for the local miners wlun he was ten and, took Ira pars partin a high school debate at twPlve. l'p at the old high school he start- l ed in to be a leader among the boys. ii, Few achieve his feat of combining i prize-winning and popularity on the , campus. The one democratic innit _ union of our svhool was the literary and musical society and there Billy‘ King won his first election, He took everything seriously. study, games. or debates. Not one of us would) haw sroffed had stuns prophet pro-l (lined his being premier or Canada some day; indeed. more than one JP, the. girls were dead sure of i'CLi'il Would have been perfectly willing to] link Ilwir fortunes with him in the rat-n which. I truly believe. he at, that very time planned tor himself. ! Ott nomination afternoon. tire ot' us were missing from classes. iii) morning at prayers we were nil call-I ell before the school and asked to, give an account of oursetve.. We' all plea-led guilty to attending the' nomination proceedings at the court house liven at this late day I think‘ Principal J w, Connor would admit that he wnen't at all displeased with us But he Was wiry grave in an- nnunring tttr sentence "Just tor that," he will solemnly. "you will l emvh write me'n H) nopsls of one of mm." hc rat-h write Spending more make: women Ur conuipuion than II The liver becomes sluu'uh and torpid, the bowels corutipated Ind the system poiwncd by humanist. If you would get uwny from the myriad, of ills which result from constipation. it in only neccv ury to me Dr. Gino'- Kidney- Liver Pills. The benefits from their use an n Inna; u they are promp! and certain. Mrs. Amable writes : in ii {.1 a 'e"':,', with - I] h†I? Dr. an.“ Kiln-y; ' , :,','Ci"r72riri"Girdr" ii... an: po n: was ttput/att: l - II " l u, Urs Tfill I but tar-ID: i?tlilt't"iit IO- AA - t _ balk-H KM†m “:h an»: Indoor Life "iii-Gill' smart! t-titraott-ya!.d. wiite-t'rttu. "if"! John Barry, " Street. Quebec. l nore time indoors far more subject to sluu'uh "d. l nIi-l. At M l " â€I'M In “will b mimic-1am- nun: than! not“ II " not. We ,r-tiaetted'utrtrmr/') panama vu annually and. m otautsattsr,nokr-tttrrs. “IMO. " mon' mats. TIM maul-1m annull- ed u mun-tho man of a. 1m chap-r but M “It Kilt but ad two at PM; “all make". Mow MW] ormut) than two educators. Jun“ W. Cow not and Dull! forum. nut fool! And but uldom do“ out buy no bother with nun; who the put-wo- gnu ot our national lunar! In" been! Who one! to UK who Wood tr Lumen- or (Hugh... I untold Jarvi- or n Joule Mound". I not!» ior w-uon or m Arthur stringer? Their “ti-{mann- mull be anony- lmonl. their pride Mddon from tho mnddln; crowd. I: "i-ii-tsit/rits. Whatever happens " Ottawa. I do hope that pull-mom. will not be u unresponsive to the now premier" Giddap u (but old - whlte has which Billy King In: wrapping when I itrttt nw him. M,iltt,ili)t aglllillMl( Henry Ford Baa TI Amount of Money to Begin Year With DETROIT, Jan. 7.--Henry Ford begins the new year with the great- est amount of cash In bnnk tttat' any human bolus ever had. ' Henry Ford's bank balance today ‘ls in excess of t12t.000,000 He him. ‘sel! does not know within $6,000,000 lor $10,000,000 of how much actual! cash he has at the moment, because“ iii':,':,': has not taken the trouble to lo-‘ quire of his son Edsel. the Tram;-i urer. slnce tho foregolng t1gures) were given to him a few wegks 350:5 Pram! allay“. 1 "Our balance today." sold Mr! Ford, "ls probably between 5135.000. l no and $145,triy0,000." l l Henry Ford " a bllllonalro. In Ireply to a question, he sold he hndf ‘no doubt his holdings. baud uponj l/ie/r' earnings. could be capmllzed‘ land sold for a htIllon dons". l l "My property." he continued. (“consults of about ttit0,000,000 worth , to! buildings, $100,000,000 worth oil [machinery. and something more ‘thun '100styty,000 In cull. Al a) loin; concern, I have ‘no doubt ‘jthat these onsets could be capltul lizrd and sold for a billion dollurll,I Put this $12l.000.000. or whatever It 4“ that we have In the bunk manna .nothlng to me ereept a tool with lgwhlrh to work, A few years ago Russell 5:30, with $10,005,000 to tt6,000,000in ready cash. used to have this dia- tinctfon. Two days ago the General Motors Company announced that It had In bank t41,000.000. Keep Wheels Going. "t might. liken it to the I of an engine. the belt from m n marhlne. or to the WM feeds olerlrldly to a Holley big bnlnnce is required to I wheels going. We pay lamounnug to tir00.000 1 d: i Bishop Brunet l Died in Montreal _ I On Saturday "t might. liken it to the ttywheel of an engine. the belt trom a motor in n marhine. or to the wire that feeds olerlriciiy to a iroliey car. A big bllnnce in required to keep our wheels going. we pay wngea amounting to 8500.000 n duy. and our materials cost us 3760.000 a day Our bank balance in, Ihereinre, .uthcieat to pay our opormmg u- pens" for only 100 (inn. pens" for only 100 dun. "All the money (hi! comes to me so†Into new lndullrlen. I nevnr Ittvemt money In bonds or mythlnx ot the kind What I wan! In to make thitt I better country for all of us to live In." MONTREAL. an F, x. Brunet, Rom: hop of Mount Ll morning in thtt Ho MONTREAL. Jun. T.-- Hin Once} F. x. Brunet, Rom-n Cnthollc Ble- hop of Mount LIurIer. died iiial morning In the Hotel Diett, 1 The late Bishop Brunet arrived In l Montreal trom Ottawa two weekl‘ no, He vu sgutterrirtq from ranges-l tlon ot the lungs. tor whlch be we: (wanted on at the Hotel DIeu Int Worlnmaday. He never r|llled. Bishop Brunet was born In Otte- wn m IMI and VII educnted It the Unlver-lty of Dunn. Prevlom to In: npponltment to the bIshoprIc ot ‘Mnnnt LaurIer In 1919. he had nerv- ed as chancellor of the (“acne of loan". end " lecretnry to Arch. bishop Gluthler at Oat-wt Was: Killed by . Fellow Italians In Montreal momma In. 1.901100 om. cMI why "noun“ that Vnml Tuscan. a“ Mr, " lulu. "a van round we I mm in " bru- u no my! a up" a khan-u In". Inn-win». to! ma u .M'inliu - it I“ gtveQ 1551" 33493! i-hiiti1-. â€ain‘t. The Italians runcerned in the schnouug are balleved to have come trom New York together. The men sud to be tho perpetrators of tite flit“ shooting are known to have lett the city. mun "Wu“, ...\. .___ie ,. the city. ( FTREETSVILIJC. out. Jan 7 Whet Team)" cum! to Montreal almu: his New]! phlmzm WM a steep e"!- tour week. ago with Iwo other lml- l hankmnm and hurled Its rider 11nd- ians, and outenr'hly Marlon a rheeso‘ long to the ice on the mill pond 5" hualnonl. Hit, More, me pollrv ho- low, John Konnr'th Jephsort, asge.d a, lino. w" an up as a hl|ud for l son or J. S. Jephson,manatrer of ry wheat a search ot ihe premises was Tor‘onto Knitting Comptyts, was y math, only one piece of chemo was seriously injured last tl""'.""., that dlsrovered. I he died at a late hour last night, The lath skull wa, fractured. lit-we. was set wheat a search made, only one dlsrovered. PFIKINV Jtttt, 7 -The Fur liaslerv' repuhllr. In mogul-Is revolved hare from Chita, rlnlmn that It: Hoops. aided try reinforcements. no defeat In; the White Gunrds and approach In: Ktutrtrrovrrk, Volunteer troops: oporntln. between Khubum‘nk and Nikolsk us “M to be cumin; oft tho retreat of the White Guards DEFEAT WHITE GUARDS The Ear 1- ii of the Public! "l',) Is it waiting for your message? The Tele phone is at your elbow-and over the tele- phone you always get a hearing. How much of your traveler's time is spent in selling? While he is on the train or cooling his heels in an outer office, waiting, you or he might be talking to the customer by Long Distance, making another sale. One merchant estimates that 46% of a sa1esman's time is spent in travelling - that only 15% of his time goes to actual selling. Be sells only while the otheran.gn is listening! "It enables a salesman tb\ cover ten towns a day and stay at home," writes the, Banking Service Corporation, Limited, Toronto. A banker tells us that every day's delay in turnover costs Canadian business men one million dollars. If you placed orders by Long Distance and secured shipment the same day, or next, by how many dollars would it increase your turnover? We have yet to hear of a business that has i, not been benefited by an increased use of Long Distance. Apply the classified Long Distance schedule to your business consist- ently, and you will secure good results. Our manager will give you hearty, intelligent co-operation. . "we“. WATIRLOO KITCHINER III-manna (North wad) MD!!! THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA HEN you open an account, however small, with The Bank of Toronto, you are assured of the careful, friendly service of re- sponsible men trained in the business of banking and capable of serving your interests effi- ciently. We invite your etxtfldegte' - Ind value it. You will find our Managers and In}? ready to give prompt atten- tion to' your indlei ual nude. end the facilities and con‘venieneee fwe ttttee embrace every department 0 med": honking bueineu. 1"2'dt',t “00‘ lers' hequee. Lenore 0 Credit. Data. Money Orders end than Exchange. . ' . Saving. Accounts In â€It“ attention " - Bung / _ 'is-', ', a may 'dttttt M . urea Ir rm?! £01"? we " you! u. defeat The 1922 McLaughlin. (‘nm‘u I approach Standard Car, In the but ever. Th. bur troops same beautiful "no: and MM?†unvnk and with more power sad the price my rutllnx ottrdown, See Lockhart about on. tde Guards ‘aprlng delivery. Boy Dies Following Fracture of Skull Received in F The 1m, i, survived by his parents and two si<tcrs. A brother dial Juqt R veaT ttRo if??? ALWAVO UP AND COMING. “Una than it I Load Dictation Sudan m an!“ gnaw