‘{"'i-ll the meantime, Premier Drury AJims stated that despite the vote in w and other â€" municipalities f% pesterday the Ontario Government lnl maintain its conservative policy F‘;n the matter of the building of hyâ€" 7â€",“~ radails and the guaranteeing of bmldp&l bonds for the same. Sit W Mr. M. S. Snyder of Waterloo ~ Broom and Brush Co. left last evâ€" * ,ening on a business trip to Mon:â€" r treal, Ottawa and Toronto. â€"â€" Miss Eileen Capling of Shakespeare is spending a few days with Miss ! _ Florence Rogue, Louisa Street. f Mr. Wilfred Cressman has returnâ€" . ed after spending Christmas at his â€"‘ home in Jordan, Ontario. i; _‘ Mr. Albert Kuehner who has been i) attending Queen‘s _ University | at +‘ Kingston is spending the Christmas "'. Iplldlys at his home on Glasgow â€". Street. 4 I@NTO, Jan. 8. â€" In some| ' the majorities registered | { (the two hydro radial proposals | | w “ en by the rate payers of Torâ€" | | on a yesterday are not regarded as & ol mandate" to the city counâ€"| e 1 proceed with the carrying out t t ie two schemes. One of these. | prope itions was the acquirement of | @Dou mion owned Toronto Suburâ€" BB Railway, 3 miles of which runs | m [ithe city limits and then on to | 36 ‘Fh. The other scheme con |@germed radial railway developement i“"_ & new line from ~Toronto to \ Bowmanviile. i.}merdly'u polling gave a maâ€" Serity vote of 16,087 in favor of the @murchase of the Toronto suburban | &Â¥om the Domniion Government, and | m on the Torontoâ€"Bowmanville '?ppo;ect the rate payers gave a ma ;My of 1,192, in a favorable vote [@F 15,872 for the scheme. Control .. 1e ect Hiltz said this morning in wiew of the close yote on thesa 2 tions the matter would have to i':rgone into very thoroughly before 4 ing further, especially as ixi?m‘:u a feeling in some quar ~tére that the byâ€"law was "al out of Kélam Beck, chairman of the hydro electric commission, is expected to make. an early statement on the Mr. A. Foster attended the fun eral of his aunt, Mrs. L. Harwood in Toronto yesterday Mrs. Sam Hessenaucr and daughtâ€" er, Edna of Frederick Streot are spending a few days with relatives in Hanover. Miss Mabel Capling of Shakespeare is spending a few days with relat Ives and friends in the city. Mr. Stanley Eckel is spending the Christmas holidays at his home in Hanover. Mr. "Pat" Henderson is spending a few days tives and friends in the _ Mr. P. A. Samson, Boys‘ Work Becretary left on Thurs afternoon for Springfield, Mass., where he â€"will spend New Year‘s with relatives and Miss Mary Krch visiting Mr. and N Ahren Street. Miss Mary Zimmerman of Tavisâ€"| 4 tock is spending a few days with friends and relatives in the City. Miss Helen Borland of Guelpn is spending a few days with Miss Marâ€" garet Lobsinger, Water street. Mrs. A. B. Barnes of Toronto ‘s visiting with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hilâ€" Mard, Frederick Street, for a "o w Miss M. Lean has returned from an enjoyable vacation spent at her home in Toronto. Mr. Charles Atkinson of Chatham 4s spending the weekâ€"end renewing @&equaintances in Kitchener Mr. Ivan Barr, formerly of the Woeal Police force and now attachâ€" ed to the provincial police staff at Toronto was a visitor in Kitchener this morning. Driller Geo. E. Hartley who has been drilling wells for the water @emmission during the past summer #s holidaying at his home at Oil Springs. Miss Lizzle Bean of Vineland ®pent the Christmas holidaya with "Her mother, Mrs. Schaefer, and sis ter, Miss Sue Bean, on Brubacher We publish simple atraight teatiâ€" monials from well known people, not press agents‘ interviews.. From all over America they testify %6 the merits of Minard‘s Liniment P best of household remedies. WINARDs LINIMENT CO., LTD. LE $ Yarmouth, N. 8. \ Branch Factory, St Jobn‘s, Nrid. sOCIAL AND || PERSONAT _ || TAKE â€" NOTICE Urges Caution SMAY (MANYBYLAWS UT OF ; PASSED AND ORDER â€" DEFEATE Henderson of Dundas few days with â€"relaâ€" nds in the Twin City. Krch of Hamilton is and Mrs. J. Lingner, . John‘s, Nrid tor GQarget in % & Guelph and Brampton Vote Against Daylight Money byâ€"laws for various . purâ€" poses were voted on . Monday in many municipalities. Alliston carrled two money . by: laws for $40,000 for school expan slon purposes by immense majort tles. _ At Meaford, two byâ€"laws out of three voted on were carried; the hydro and the byâ€"law appointing & commission to handle the waterâ€" works and electric power questions were carrled; the one to grant the town band a sum of money was de feated Milverton â€" carried the byâ€"law in favor of two years‘ extension of time in repayment of loan to . fur niture company by a vote of 138 to |\ _ On Monday evening the annual ‘Chri;tmas entertainment was held at Emmanuel Evangelical Church and was completely successful. The church was prettily decorated and so well known are the Emmanâ€" uel entertainments that quite a numâ€" Lis a€ meanle had to be turned At Almonte, the $300,000 â€" water works byâ€"law was beaten The $6, Ono fire equipment byâ€"law and the by law to establish & public library un Arnprior carried the byâ€"Jaw to reâ€" new the $45,000 bonds of the corpor: ation to back the Arnprior Cabinet Company. The church was preti and so well known are uel entertainments that ber of people had to away for lack of accon away for lack of ace« mmodation. The capacity crowd which did atâ€" tend was delighted with the proâ€" gramme which was of a miscellanâ€" cous nature and to which the Sunday schoo] pupils gave a fine presentaâ€" tion. "Hope of the Christmas City," ‘“‘amounts. f which about eighty took part !t FRED MICHALOFSKY, Proprietor. was weit chosen and especially apâ€" | C. M. CAWLEY, Auctioneer, propriate for an occeasion of this R. R. No. 6, Gueiph 12t kind and in its rendition the Emmanâ€" | gmmmmmermerremmmemmemmreereeem uel pupils sustained their enviable NOTICE TO CREDITORS ‘ reputation for successfully presentâ€" Bamberg, Dec. 31. 1921. ing musical programmes. ‘The Chronicle Telegraph Office, White gift contributions were givâ€" : Waterloo. en by each class which amounted to Pergons having claim against the about $300. This money will be deâ€" estate of Michael Strause, township voted to the India orphan fund. The| Weljesiey, County of Waterlon, who needy girls‘ home in Japan, Toronto died on December the 18th, 1921, are Sick Children‘s Hospital, Dominion| required to hand in their claims to Alliance and the local Sunday school the undersigned on or before the extension fund. | 18th of January, 1922. after which Much credit is due the Sunday , date the said estate will be wound School officials for the training givâ€"‘ up Andrew Dichbold, en the pupils and they are now beâ€" | Jacob Strause. y e imioo ui Asy ol o an the cverenss Simon Strause Much credit is due the Sunday School officials for the training giv en the pupils and they are now be ing congratulated on the succes which met their efforts. Kitchener lost anoiher of 18 SREU and highly respected citizens in the person of Mrs. Henry B. Cassel, who passed â€" away . a! her nome, 17 Pandora Ave. this morning at the age of 83. Counts years ago. ol ber of the Me The decease sons,. Ephraim and Samuel o! daughter, Mrs township; one Ernst â€" of El sons, Ephraim of New Hamburg. and Sammel of this city, and ona daughter, Mrs Noah Shantz, Wilinot township; one sister, Mra. _ Samuel Ernst â€" of Elmira, two broth«rs, Isaac Bricker of Blenheim township. ard Poter Bricker of Dakota. Private services will be held at the house at one o‘clock, after which public services will be held at the Blenheim Mennonite Charch. Interâ€" ment will be made at the Blenheim Mannonite Cemetery Mennonite sT. UENTIN DANCE The membera of the 8t. C Chapter LO.D.F were the ho of a delightful dancing party at tho Orpheua Hall on Wednesday Krug‘e orchestra furnished excellent music which was â€" much enjoyed by the | guests and the fioor was flled with | dancers for each number of the | lengthy programme. The Balloon Walts and September onestep were | special features of the evening. The: dainty refreshments which vvrn‘ gerved during . the course of the affair were much appreciated A representative group of Twin Cityâ€" Ites were present amonk whom were noticed many students who are spending the Christmas . vacaâ€" tion at their bomes here. Mra. Cassel was b MRS. HENRY B. CASSEL OBITUARY and CMRISTINA KRAUSE 1 was born in O:;ford rame to Kitchener tw he was a devored mem mite Church ic survived t of the St. Quentin were the hostesses ancing party at the Wednesday. Krug‘s f jits aged ord l‘ Iwo | years of ‘age and hagiived in this city for over 35 years coming here from the United Btates where she lived for a year after emigrating from Germany where she was born. The late Mrs. Krause was a member | of Bt. Matthew‘s Lutheran Ohurch | and took ar active interest in all church work. Bhe is survived by \ one som, Frederick, of this city. The ‘funeral took place on . Friday ‘durnoon at £.30 o‘clock from the residence of her som, Frederick | Krause at No. 28 on the lane beâ€" ginning at No. 164 Waterloo Btreet, | interment . to be made in Mount Hope cemetery. Mrs. OChristins Kreuse at her home i of Valuable ‘Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Effects Owing to the absence of Nurse Pell, the Baby Clinic was not held yesterday afternoon. The nurse is spending her wellâ€"earned holidays out of town but expects to be back in time to bold the clinic next Thursâ€" day AUCTION SALE There will be sold by Public Auction in the Township of Waterloo, mid E HARNESS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSâ€"Set New Team Harness, Set Single Harness, Quantity . of Household Furniture and â€" various other articles too numerous to menâ€" tlon. No Reserve As Farm is Sold TERMS OF SALEâ€"Hay, Furni ture, and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount . 6 months‘ credit will be given on apâ€" 24 NOTICE TO COMPANIES © All incorporated companies are notified that at the last Session of the Legislature The Ontario Comâ€" ows On or before the first day of | February in each and every yenr[ every corporation, whether inror-\ porated under the laws of Ontar io or otherwise, . which has its | head or other office or is doing. business or any part thereof, in} the province of Ontario, and not being a corporation liable to pay ment of taxes under The Corporâ€" ations Tax Act shall without noâ€" tice orâ€" demand to that effect make out, verify and deliver to the Provincial Secretary on or be fore the 8th day . of February each year. a detatled statement or return containing certain in formation as of the A1st day of December next preceding If a corporation makes default in complying with the above, such ceorâ€" poration shall be Mable to a penal ty under section 135 of The Ontario Companies Act Blank forms for making the above Return may be obtained on applica tion at the Provincial _ Secretary‘s Office, Pariament | Buildings, Tor onto. FOR SALEâ€"DODGE TOURING CAR with winter and summer top at a bargain. . Will take a good cow for part payment Phone _ Nos 1936W or 1922 Kitchener. . 50â€"3t FOR SALRMâ€"I SHORTHORN BULL, Nobleman, 123849 (1507986) born April 12th, 1918, also 2 bull calves 9 months old. by Nobleman (Imp.) Apply to D. H. Snyder, New Dun December, 1921 Dated at Toronto this 22nd day CLEARING Act was amended H. C. NIXON, Provincial Secratary HiBFRe@$. 1 Be° TOPE LOEVE GOROOMRIVTMAIA MV AemiUel o cos Aad ecoe s P NS it ble |\Set Plow Harness, Set Carriage® to calve Feb. 25, Red Cow supponed{JT'-'T“â€"OI-&Wt the time of sale, 1; mplements,; Harness, Odd Collars, Lines and Th‘ to caive in March, Holsteln Cow due! Sow bred November 27. 6 store pigs |Straps. Buffalo Robe. to calve March 20, Holstein Cow due about 146 lbs. each, 22 shoats, ® d EffeCbS =|" positively No Reserve, Wlndinxlto calve March 28, Cow fresh 3 m,rfs. Ewes, about 50 Hens. ~ up Estate ~ and bred, Black Cow, fresh 4 ménths| _ IMPLEMENTSâ€" Deering Binder, Public Auction:. ryppRMBNTS â€"â€" Masseyâ€"Harris| apd bred; Holstein Helfer due to| (nearly new) â€" McCormick Mower, Waterl00, Midâ€" minger 6ft. cut with sheaf carmer calve April 16, Holstein Heifer due Seel Hay Rake, Hay Loader and, gdale and N°W j;pig pinder cut only three CrOPS8).!to calve May 24, Grade Dpurham Bull} Side Rake, Disc Harrow, Hoe Drill, one_half mil€s peering Mower, Noxon Seed Dtlll, one year old, 2 young cattle 1 year) Cultivator, 2 Iron Harrows, 2 Single 12â€"ft. Steel Hay Rake, 10ft. Hayiold, 8 veal calves. ’Fleury Plows. 2 Gang Plows, Twin RY 17. 1922 |Rake, MasseyHarris Spring Tooth! pgGS AND POULTRY â€" 5 good} Fleury Plow, Oliver Riding Plow, o‘clock, PM Cultivator with Seed Box, MasSey Brood Sows with litters at foot, Sow| Root Pulper, 2 Scufflers, 2 Wagons ime \Harris â€" Manure Spreader nearly‘gue to farrow Jan. 30, Sow due to| Complete, Top Surrey, Denverate mneral â€" PUTPOS® new, Noxon Disc. Verity Riding PIOW farrow Jan. 25, 10 Young Sows due Top Buggy, Open Buggy, Root Cart, old. Iron Harrow,. Single Plow, Scuffier, to farrow in March, 13 shoats 60 lbs.!2 Sets of Bob Sleighs, 1 Cutter, 2 in March, CoW New Masseyarris Mange! Seeder, each, Yorkshire Boar, 10 months 0ld, Sets Gravel Planks, ° Hay Racks, posed to be in Root Pulper. good Bain WagOD. 309 white Wyandotte Hens, 70 White| Fanning Mill, Scales, 2000 Cap. Rollâ€" e Choice CoWw®.‘ Truck Wagon. Sâ€"seated Cartl®&®, wWyandotte Pullets, number of Chicâ€"/er, Chopper, Cutting Box, 1 10â€"Horse nths old. | light Market Sleigh with Box &nd, gan Coops, 25 Geese, 15 Ducks, n\lm<[ Power, Manure Sleigh, Hay Fork, ns of & 0 0 4 shelving, PortJland Cutter, JUMP®T per of Scotch Collie Pups. |\Rope and Pulleys, Log Lifter, Grain Cutter, Rubber Tire Top Buu.v.[ HAY AND GRAINâ€"Smail qm-/ Bags, Chains, Sap Palls, Scoop cCormick Blnd-lswel Tire Top Buggy, Hay Rack, tity of Hay, some Buckwheat, tew Shovel, Forks. Hoes, and other arâ€" nick Seed Drill Stock Rack, Wheelbarrow, Doubleâ€"/ pushels Peas, 5 bushels Millet Feed. jflcleg too numerous to mention. Horse Rack, trees, Neckyokes, Chains, â€" FOrkSs, â€" |yPLEMENTS â€" Frost & Wo0d jrarnrpssâ€"3 Sets of Team Harâ€" k, long Plow, 3 Shovels ,and numerous other \uemlsm,mfl.v 6â€"ft. cut, Massey-fllfl‘ls‘non‘ Plow Harness, Carrlage Har ingle Carriages. articles. Mower, b5ft. cut, Frost & W990 naess, 2 Single Harness, 4 Horse Wagon, Hay â€" HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, FETC. â€")|gteel Hay Rake, nearly NOW (81d€| Rlankets, 1 robe. utter, Top Bugâ€"| Souvenier Kitchen range NCAT!Y geljiyery); McCormick Hay Loade®:" rray AND GRAINâ€"About 20 tons w Single Sleigh new, parlor heater for coal or wOud. prost & Wood Spring Tooth CUIt!i¥®| of tray, 200 ushels Old Oats, 200 Bus. fall Commencing at 1 p.m., sharp l | on time + HORSESâ€"Grey Team of Honui rlo and 11 years old, Black Mare 0“ yeears old, supposed to be in fotl.‘ Sorrel Mare 14 years old, Grey Mare| 13 years old, Pair Suckling Colts. f AUCTION S ALE There will be sold by Public Austion on the premises of the late John Friedman, situated at the Village of Linweod, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1982 of Valuable Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Effects CATTLEâ€"Red Durham Cow, due Jan. 8, Red Cow due Jan. 3; Red Cow due Feb. 10; Jersey Cow due March 10; Red Helfer due Jan. 5, Durham Grade Bull 2 yrs. old, Helfer 2 yrs. old, 2 yearling â€" Calves, 5 spring Calves, 2 Feeding Steers in 2 yrs. old, 2 spring Calves, good condition PIGBâ€"2 Yor to be with pig HARNESSâ€"2 Sets Heayy Team Harness, 1 set rope trace Harness, Set Plow Harness, Set Carriage Harness, Odd Collars, Lines and Tie Straps. Buffalo Robe. IMPLEMENTS _â€"â€" Masseyâ€"Harris Binder 6â€"ft. cut with sheaf carrler {this binder cut omly three crops), Deering Mower, Noxon Seed Dfill, 12.ft. Steel Hay Rake, 10â€"t. Hay Rake, Masseyâ€"Harris Spring Tooth Cultivator with Seed Box, Masseyâ€" Brood Sows 1 Harris â€" Manure â€" Soreader | neally‘ gue to farro® new, Noxon Disc, Verity Riding PIOW farrow Jan. Iron Harrow, Single Plow, Scuffler, to farrow in New Masseyâ€"Harris Mange!l Seeder, each, Yorkshi Root Pulper. good Bain WagOon. 39 White Wy Truck Wagron. Sâ€"seated | CartI®B®, Wyandotte P light Market Sleigh with Box and, kan Coops, 2i shelving, PortJland Cutter, JumpPeT per of Scotct Cutter, Rubber Tire Top Bugxy.[ HAY AND Steel Tire Top Buggy, Hay Rack, tity of Hay, Stock Rack, Wheelbarrow, D°“me',buahels Peas, trees, Neckyokes, Chains, | Forks, . pyPLEME! Shovels ,and numerous other useful‘mnd"' bâ€"rt articles. â€" Mower, 5â€"ft. of AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Poultry and Household Effects The undersigned auctioneer hav received instructions from M Lehman Shirk, will â€" sell _ by Public Auction in the Village of German Mills, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1 Commencing at 2 o‘clock (Sharp on Time}) the following valuable ( property : Empire Anzac Cook Stove, wood or coal with water pipe attachments, 1 Large Fancy Bookease, 1 RBedstead complete. 1 Single Iron Bedstead, 1 set Bed springs. 2 Mattresses. 1 Secretary. 1 Dresser. 2 Mahogany, Chiffioniers, 1 Corner Cupboard, 1 Halrceloth Counch, 1 ftchen Cupboard vVEHICLES Capacity 24 Jumper Cutter. Buggy; 2â€"seats Wagon Springs POULTRY â€"200 Pure Bred White Leghorn Pullets, 10 Pure Bred Leg: horn Cockrels, 2 Water Fountains, and Netting. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Cash LEHMAN SHIRK, Proprietor. I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, New Dundes. ARTHUR LEARN, Clerk. 1_2t. 2 Yorkshire Sows supposed LES 1 Automobila Truck 24 tons; 1 Carriage, Ld Cutter. _1 Steel Tire, Top 2 seated Open Surrey, Set| 1 Cl 21, 1922 having AUCTION SALEAUCTION SALE of Valuable Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Effects There will be sold by Public Auction On Lot 18, Con, /, Feel /ewnship,| on the premises of the undersigned 2/, mlles north of Fleradale on | situated on the River Road, oneâ€" haif mile northeast of Brig rt, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1.22‘ known as the Breithaupt Farm, en . Commencing at 12 c‘clock Sharp ‘ THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1921 HORSESâ€"1 Clyde team of ‘O)d-‘ Cemmencing at 12 o‘clook, neon, ings, 6 and 9 years old, 1 Carriage sharp on time Mare rising 5 years old, 1 Mare 12 Iya.r- old, 1 Gelding 12 years old, 1 HORSESâ€"Bay Gelding, Bay Mare,| colt rising 2 years old. well matched â€" rising 7. YT8. 04| C&ATTLEâ€"1 Cow, fresh one month weight about 2800 lbs., Bay Mare in 1 Cow freshened latter part of Oct. foal rising 10 years old, Bay HOTS®) pred again, 1 Cow bred June 17, 1 11 years old, Brown Mare, €996° Cow bred July 28, 1 Cow bred July driver rising 10 years old. | 30, 1 Cow bred Sept 12, 1 Cow bred _ CATTLEâ€"I17 Choice Dairy COW®â€"/ mee 1$, 1 Farrow Cow milking well |g cows freen with calves at f00t) 4 Cattle, 14 months‘ old; 7 Calves of Black Cow due to calve Feb. 8, RORD! yorious ages old, & veal calves. PIGS AND POULTRY â€" 5 good Brood Sows with litters at foot, Sow due to farrow Jan. 30, Sow due to farrow Jan. 25, 10 Young Sows due to farrow in March, 13 shoats 60 lbs each, Yorkshire Boar, 10 months old, 30 White Wyandotte Hens, 70 White Wyandotte Pullets, number of Chicâ€" ken Coops, 25 Geese, 15 Ducks, numâ€" ber of Scotch Collie Pups. YEHICLES, ETC. â€" 2 Lumber Wagons, 2 Wagon Boxes with double Shelving, Flat Hay Rack, Stock Rack | combined, 2 sets of Gravel Planks, , Set of Bob Sleighs, 2 Democrats, Top | Buggy, Wire Wheel Top Buggy. “ Open Buggy, Cu%r. Fanning Mill, | Wheelbarrow, 60%Grain Bags. 300 Sacks, 203 feet Rope, Hay Fork and !5 Pulleys, Hay Knife, Root Pulper. ‘ Grindstone, Buggy Pole. Doubletrees, \Neck_vokes, Logging Chains, Scoop Shovels, Gravel Shovel, Beet Fork. Pitch Forks, Dung Forks, Chaff Fork, Scythes and a lot of other arâ€" ticles too numerous to mention. HARNESS, ETCâ€"Set of Brass Mounted Team Harness nearly new, 2 sets of Team Harness, Set of Carâ€" \riage Harness, 2 Sets of Single | tiarnes« 2 Good Horse Blankets. 2 HARNESS, ELLICLâ€"Seél O7 Mounted Team Harness nem 2 Sets of Team Harness, Se riage Harness, 2 Sets of Harness, 2 Good Horse Bl Stable Blankets. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Cream Separator, Daisy C @gallon Milk Cans, 4 MIlk gallon Milk Cans, 4 MIlk Coolers, 2 Milk Palls, Couch, Tron Ketil>, Parâ€" lor Heater, 2 Screen Doors, eic TERMS OF SALEâ€"Hay, Grain, Veal Calves, Poultry, Small Pigs, Shoats, and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months®‘ credit will be given on apâ€" proved joint notes or 6¢, per anâ€" num off for cash payments of credit amounts JOSEPH SAUER, Pr DUERING & SHANTZ, . ©. S. KOLB, Clerk NOTICE Prompt attention will be given to ail sales entrusted to me and satisâ€" faction guaranteed. _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALEâ€"Three Shorthorm bulls, two 15 months old and one 1 year old. _ Apply Percy G. Shants, R. R. No. 4 Kitchenar or Manmheim Every Wednesday Delivered at the Baden Station Highest Market Price Will Be Paid delivered to my place not later than Thursday each week. Broilers, two Ibs and over. Baden 44â€"2i LICENSED AUCTIONEER Shipping Hogs Wanted LIVE POULTRY READ THE AUCTION SALE : JOHN ZIMMELRMAN ED. RIECK WANTED SAUER, Proprictor M. MARTIN, Phone No. 47 St. Jacobs. Auctianeers | . 52â€"2t . ETCâ€" urp. four Waterloo Â¥Farm Stock, Implements, Produce and KHousehold Effects On Lot 18, Con, 7, Peel Tewnship,| 2%, miles north of Fleradale on\ HORSESâ€"1 Clyde team of ‘O)d-T ings, 6 and 9 years old, 1 Carriage| Mare rising 5 years old, 1 Mare 12] years old, 1 Gelding 12 years old, 1 colt rising 2 years old. | HARNESSâ€"3 Sets of Team Har |\ ness, Plow Harness, Carrlage Harâ€" ness, 2 Single Harness, 4 Horse | Blankets. 1 robe. HAY AND GRAINâ€"About 20 tons| of Hay, 200 ushels Old Oats, 200 Bus. New Oate, 200 Bus. Old Mixed Grain,, 500 Bus. New Mixed Grain, 1 Bag Timothy Seed,. i4 Bus. Clover Seed,| Some Potatoes. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSâ€" Kitchâ€" en Stove, Coal Heater, Box Stove, Corner Cupboard, Flour Chest, Bake Tray, Open Cupboard, other cupâ€" board, Table, 3 Sinks, 2 Flower; Stands, Copper Kettle, Honey Extrac tor, Bee Knife, 3 Bedsteads, with Spring and Mattresses, Some Bedâ€" ding, Benches, Chairs, 2 ITron Kettles Furnace, Kettle, Pig Hangers, Sawâ€" sage Grinder, and stuffer:; large Vat, Cider Barrel. Churn, Butter Worker, |Butter Print and Laddle, Butter Box, 2 ‘Tubs, 40 Gal. Steel Tank, 5 Gal. \Can, 4 Gallon Can. Crocks, Large \Milk Can,. Cream Can, Milk Cans, iSyrup Cans. Milk Pails, Some Dishes Lawn Mower, Garden Rake, 2 Hangâ€" \ing Lamps, Alladin Lamp, other Lamps. Cream Separator. Washing Machine, Number of Pulleys, Sewing Machine, Etc., Etc. TERMSâ€"Hay, Grain, Fowl, Stove, â€"Pigs, Small Pigs. Potatoes and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over ‘that amount 1 2months‘ credit will |be given on approved joint notes or 5¢, off for cash payments of credit ; amounts PIGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY GEO On the premises, situated 117 King Street East, Kitchener, on Sat. urday Jan. 7, 1922, commencâ€" ing at 1.30 o‘clock p.m. ‘(‘radlr. Sideboard. Pictures, Dishes, | Sllverware. â€" Kitchen â€" Utenalis, _ 6 \White Leghorn Hena, Wheelbarrow, | Rag Holders. Lot of other useful “nlrlu Termsa Cash DUERING FOR POR SALEâ€"REGISTERED PURE bred _ Jersay Bull. Buttercup‘s Noble. Price reasonable. Grand «on of the noted Golden Fern‘s nable. Price reasonable. Grandâ€" view Jersey Farm, R. R. No. 3, Waterlo®. Phone 74%â€"ring 5, 1â€"3t. ener NR SALEâ€"Yorkshire boars â€" from three to eight months old. Appiy P. K. W»aber, Phona 146, Kitch RUBEN EBY, Proprietor . G. CLASS, Auctioneer, FD. GOWING, Clerk, A. S. HALLMAN, Proprietor & SHANTZ, Auctioneers hen AUCTION SALEA of Valuable . Farm Btock, Implements, Produce and Household The undersigned Auctionser has re celved Instructions from Mr. Joreâ€" miah Ramseyer, to sell by Public Auction without reserve on his farm situated 1 mlile weet of Potersburg and 2 mlies east of Bagen, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922 Commencing at 12.30 p.m., sharp on time. 6 HORSESâ€" Team â€" Clydesdale mares 8 yrs. old, weight 3000 ibs.; Bay Gelding, 5 yrs. old, good in all harness; Mare 4 yra. old good driver Sorre!l Clydesdale Mare 4 yre. old, Black Mare good worker 17 CATTLE â€" 2 Fresh Holstein Cows, 1 Holstein due in Jan., 1 Holâ€" stein due May 13. ) Holstein due in May, 1 Holsteln due in Jan. 1 Shorthorn heifer due July 12, 1 Holâ€" stein heifer due in June, 1 Durham heifer due by time of sale, 2 heifers 1 yr. old, 8 steers 1 vr. old. 3 Veal Calves PIGSâ€"1 Brood Sow due by sale time. 11 Shoats about $0 Ibs. each. time, 11 Shoats about 90 Ibs. each. PRODUCEâ€"7 toms of good mixed Hay, 8 tons Alfalfa, 70 bushels Oats, HARNESSâ€"1 Set Plow Harness, 2 Sets Single Harness. IMPLEMENTSâ€"I Good 6â€"ft. Masâ€"| seyâ€"Harris Binder, Nisco Manure Spreader used one season, A\Iassey-i Harris â€" Spring Tooth Cultivator, Masseyâ€"Harris 13 disc Drill, Internt»t tional 16â€"plate Disc with 4-horse: eveners (new), 1 Single Walking| Plow, Twoâ€"furrow Plow, Five secâ€", tion Iron Harrows, Clinton| Fanning Mill, Truck Wagon, Flat “ Rack, Wagon Box, Steel Tire Topf Buggey, Good Rubber Tire Top Buggy Forks, Shovels, Neckyokes, Double: trees and many other useful articles too numerous for detail. i HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. â€"} Kitchen Stove for comal or wood, large Extension Table, Sink, 3! benches, Wood Box, Hanging [Amp_[ Parlor Lamp, numerous _ Dishes: Crocks, 3 L&rge Milk Cans, Large} Meat Tub (new), Iron Kettle, Sap| Pan, 60 Sap Pails and Spouts, Bedâ€", stead with Springs and Mattress,| Armchair, Good Accordian (made in Germany) like new. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Pigs, Produce, Veal Calves, and all sums of $15.00 and under. cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given, or &c; discount for cash. All notes given on amounts entitled to credit must be jointed with approved secur {ty > Jan. 7thâ€" Saturday household goods belonging to A. S. !Mallman, 117 King street East, Kitchener. DUERING & SHANT2, Auctioneers Jan. 12.â€"Ferm stock and impleâ€" ments â€" belonging to Jos. Sauer threeâ€"quarters of a mile north of Bridgeport on the Breithaupt ‘arm. JEREMIAH RAMSEYER, Prop Feb. 15 (Wednesday) Farm stock | and implements of Milton W Sa!fï¬rt‘ in the Twp. of Wellesiey, Lot No 0,\ 4 miles southwest of Linwood, _ 4 miles northeamat of Millbank | March 9 (Thuraday) Farm stock, implements belonging (to Jessa Marâ€"| tin. & miles mouth of nlrmmllml.‘ and 24 miles cast of Bridgeport \ J. X. ZIMMERMAN “ Feb. Tthâ€"Farm â€" Stock, Imple| mants and Household Effects of Jaâ€" cob Otterbein situated on the 5th line of Waellesley. 1‘% miles southâ€" ‘,aut of St. Clemehts and 2 miles mouthwest of Heldeiberg. Feb. $thâ€"Wednesdayâ€"Farm stock implements, hay and grain of Danftel Good. situated % mile northwest of Waterioo Post office off Albert 8t. 1. H. TOMAN, Auctlonser E. 8. Haliman, Clerk Auction Sale Lists 52â€"2t °~* 6â€"(t. binder. nearly new; PFrost & | Wood 6+t. Mower; â€" Masseyâ€"Harris *" ! Hfay Loader, 1 Way Rake, Prost & ""°/ wood Spring Cultivator, FÂ¥ost "*~| wood 12â€"hoe Drill, bâ€"section Waerre 19â€" | g Walking Plows, 2 Scuffiers, i ml‘ Hamilton Turnip Pulper, new; J ~** | Wheelbarrow, Fanning | MHIL % ing | Grindstones, 2 Hay Racks, 2 Sets "°C ‘cGravel Planks, 1 Wagon, 1 Wagob ‘9"| with box, 1 Truck Wagon, 3 BoB ""‘) sieighs, 1 Market Democrat, Opéh Top( Buggy, Top Buggy, 2 Cutters, Buggy THERE WILL _ BK PUBLIC AVCTION mile north and 1 mile west of ##, °. Agatha, on P wEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4 198§ ) _ Commencing at 12 c‘clock n#0M /1 sharp, the following vamuable p2¢ / perty, viz: € 43 HORSESâ€"1 Team of Grey m eron Mares rising 4 years Clyde Mare $ years old, 1 Ooach Mare 12 Years old, 1 Driver !m:é years. Â¥e CATTLEâ€"1 Durham Cow due to calve in June, 1 Durham Cow bred in October, 1 Durham Milker, 3 Durham Cows, fresh, 1 Durham Gow due to calve in June. 9 Fat Cattle % years old, (if not previously sold), 5 Butcher cattle 1 year old, 1 Dur ham Bull 6 months old, 1 spring calves, 2 veal calves. PIGSâ€"2 sows due to pig about time of sale, 1 sow with Htter at side 1" shoats weighing 130 lbs., T pige 2 months old. About 50 Plymouth Nock HMens. w3 Pole, Set Brass Mounted Harness, Set Double Harness, set Plow Har ness, 3 sets single Harness, Collars, Set Carriage Hames, I Sap Pans, About 150 sap pails, Milk Can, 1 Churn, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, m£ many other articles too numerous mention. y GRAINâ€"About 500 bushels O% 25 bushels Peas, 25 bushels Bu wheat, 30 tons of Hay, a quant of Mengels, Corn in shoaks. TERMS OF SALEâ€" All sums of $10 and under cash; on purchaéés totalling over that amount 6 pér cent. per annum off for cash, or ten months‘ credit on approved jotfit notes of bona fide property owners. Jan 10, Tuesday,â€" Farm | Stock ard implements belonging to J } Ramselgar situated 1 mile west of * Petersburg and 2 miles east of Bag January 21, (Saturday)â€"30 Le#, horn puliets, vehicles and hmll{ hold effects belonging to Lebmah Shirk, situated in the village Of German Milis, 2 miles southeast of Kitchener. Feb. 8 Wednesday 43 head of Hok steins. Entire Farm Stock and Imple ments ard Household effects belong ing to Raymound Bon in the vllhcooé Richmond opposite the Black Smita shop. INMPLEMENTSâ€"1 Frost & Wood, February 14. (Tuesday) â€" Fai Implements, Hay, Grain and H hold effects, belonging to ‘):3 Shantz, situated 2 miles seuth Haysyville and 5 miles north New Dundee. | _ February 28, (Tuesday) â€" | Stock, _ 1mplements, Produce ; Houschold effects belonging to Shanti, 1 mile west of Wil and 2 mfles east of M known «s the Day/d Shants Feb 15th â€" Wednesday â€" Farp Stock and implements belenging $# Philip Becker situated 1 mile :â€"x of Marnbeim, 1 mile west of | Lamsburg. | Feb. 22 Wednesday. $.30 am. 4# bead pure bred shorthorns and head high grade shorthorns, z horses. Entire farm stock and .plements, belonging to David hart situated 1 mile east of ph burg and 3 miles west of St. atha, no reserve. Jan. 5 (Thursday) Chattels household effects belonging to late August Herxog, in the of Hawkesville. Tussday, Jan. 10th. 19 stock. implements . and affects of the late John Fried the village of Linwood. | Jan. 10 (Tuesday) ParmstooK,. plemants and household ‘ the late Jobhn Friedman the village of Linwood. March 2nd, Thurgdayâ€"â€"Far {roplemenits, ‘hay; ‘@ratn and bold effects belopging ‘to Doracht, éitusted age mile Erbavilts 8 milew sast of FARM _ OFâ€" THE UNDERSIGNED M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer DANIEL BOSHART, Proprietor, 1. H. â€" TOMAN. wW. W. FRIOKEY