33114“ public. t,'s, ‘Mlopmenta ot such a character I?» a bank occupying such a pro f'; test position as does the Royal. F, ‘HII be of grmst.beuetit to the. whole e" median situation lt is'otten _ - that a country is only as r. " ftnancits11y as are its leading r; the. The statement of The Royal " Mk, particularly at ts' time like the present. will, therefore, prove C of tremendous advantage in gen- oral to the country and particularly to the Bank itpett. Profit. Well Maintained. X" almost equal import to share- holders is the fact that the Bank, 'even during the readjustment per" _ lod. has maintained its profits Below to, the level of the previous year. As is well-known. business conditions tor some time past have m of an exceptional character, ond, owing to these conditions. the Bunk. in addition to writing " any losses. has made full provision for In, accounts thnt might even be considered doubtful. In view of this policy, it should be particular. ' --- -.------------ l Miss Edna Helmbecker from Tor. "e,, Hold Dan†it.", is a guest with relatives here. I Mr. Oscar Bergman from Kitttett- A dance will be held on Monday,!er was a visitor with friends in the Jan. 2, 1922. under the auspices ot past week. the St. Clements Hockey Club. I Quite a number trom here attend. Holiday Walton led the Heidelberg concert given by Mr. Alex. Brenner trom Torontoitheir local talent. The program and Mr. Isidore Brenner trom the was a splendid one and the large West are Christmns #olidayirur.with1,audience showed their appreciation their mother. -- /. 'by hearty applause Mrs. w. Snider and kisses Loretta', Nomlnahom Mrs. w. Snider, and jrisses Loretta and Marie Weber "are spending Christmas with parents and grand- parenla respec"s'ely. Miss Anna Helm from Kitchener spent Christmas under the parental Mr. Andrew Schethter was a guest 915“ parents on Sunday Mr. and Mn. Jame: Doyle and non. Timothy spent Christmis with Mrs. Doyle's parents. MI" Anna May Schummer retum- l portant buglnesa_ ad from Detroit after I tew weeks Be numbered among the thousands "tration. 1 of readers of the Chronicle-Telegraph Mr. John Bunch trom the West is) --ttew subscriber: will get paper apehdin‘ a few days with PIN!!!“ from now on until Feb l, 1923 tor sud rel-â€vet l only $1 50 Mr. Joseph bouncer is a guest The Farmers Club annual dance ot his purer": for Cbrfstrts vaca- wu held on Der, 26, 1921. There tlon. jwu a large gathering present. Misses Bella and Ella Schnarr [mm Erbsville spent Christmas Eve with their brother Mr. Herbert Schnlrr. .. Mr, Joseph Brenner trom Linwood was a recipient tor a few hours with Mr. Louis Lobalnger. Miu Helen VeidenheimeO trom Kitchener in with her parents tor a tor few woo“ holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Jun Adum spent Christin“ with their enlighten Mrs. Jos. Kniey in Linwood. Mr. Andrew Boiuoin trom Kit. chcler in holidnyin; with his perertU. Mn. Friction! Melmki and Miu My Moira“! spam. Christin-a with the former- mother. . Mr. an! In. Funk Lunatodier from Kiichnor were holidaying Marl at the home of their retrPSc- Mia: Armella Schelfner was spend in; Christmas with her parents Mn pinata. . In. Altman Hinlper‘er II spend, ttte I f" darts with he? (“lighten It Punk â€and“. . fit Join Intel In. In- Wumloo - VB! mu i'ii9'iii?ii m an may I and cumu- with Mr. can." Ilium-m trom - no 3 - vmtor in a - hit tt.NrFr. - T I var hetero-haw the orld been confronted conditions of de- the past twelve uld, therefore, be fibula to the Can- Iyltem and particu- eloctiveneas of the ton built up by The that, notwithstanding dtsthstion, it in in a report to its sharehold- ven stronger cash position I at the end of the previous r. which was the banner year In history. In addition liquid. immediately available, assets . been maintained at Nose to per cent. of the total liabilities ink-mane! The Roy-lily mama; to the Ila-rancid": Ed M will have overyhhnt ttde net proitt2, after making . to be mud with the Inland: “born provision, :mountod to yum-n: for! the am] you $4,037,836. computed with 84.253, [:Noumbor Myth. i649 In the Bank's record you. MARKED J'."", $rjillllIl'ri)fllilE BT. GL EM ENTS Period of notation, Bank Imports Stronger 'tteitton--adquid Am Are Close to 49% of is: to Putttie--alamintps Well Mbintaintd. Many from here attended the council nomination in Crosahlll luv. Monday. The" ample prom.- have permit- ted of the payment ot the usual' dividend ot 12% And I bonul of 2 per cent., and after the out: tomarr appropriation. to pension} (and, tor Bulk promises and war; tax and the Inn-fer to Relene‘ Fund ot $132,995. there us an‘ :mount carrted forward out or the} youâ€: prottts of $458,116.78. This} undo the total of Protit and Loan to be carried forward into the now! your "0ir,0M.88. 1 Just how satisfactorily the Royal Bank has met the changed condi- tions is reflected by the statement of assets and liabilities. or total assets ot $500,648,429. liquid assets amount to "22,603,630, Principal accounts among the liquid assets are current coin $16.012,.?.19. Domin- ion Notes â€8.540.553. United States Currency and other foreign cur- rency $29,9r2,018, cheques on other banks $21,594,382; balances due by other banks and banking correspon- dents. elsewhere than in Canada. t24,080,818; Dominion and Proviuc~ in! Government securities $24,050,» 584, railway and other bonds 315.- IMie.0; and total call loans of slightly over 837.000.000. At the same time the Bank has looked after its full share of the business‘ requirements of its custot more, as indicated by total current loans and discounts of $252.561.644. Nominations were also held on Monday for Police Village Trunteea‘ Many friends will be glad to learn that Mr. Louis Lobslnger I: again enjoylng the has! or health. He says with rolled up sleeve. I'm ready agaln tor work, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. K, Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lobsinger. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schnarr enjoyer a hearty supper on Christmas of Western Turkey at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jon, Lineman, After which the rent of the evening WIS spent in card semen Three excellent reasons~why you should read the county's leading paper, the CmroniclrrTelegraptt. It keeps you inmrmed as to II Happen- ing: or interest. personal and local which everybody likes to know oboui. It gives a complete aummlry ot world events through its own tour graphIc service, An important and exclusive tenure l sour "It ot In: lion sales. " you are not A nub scriber. why not lend In your order to vour "out Special otter $r60 from low until Feb. l, 1323. Deposits now total $375.616,345. and of this amount deposits bearing interest stand at $280,M7,431 and deposits not bearing interest $95,- 168,911. The Paid-up Capital ia $20,400,000, and during the rear ad- ditions made to the Reserve Fund hays also brought It up to 820.400; 000, at which Bgure it is equal to the capital. spent a few hours on Christmas day with his parents, A Ichool meeting will be held on Dec, 28th In order to [unset Im- portant business. --ttew subscribers will get paper from now on until Feb I, 1923 tor only $1 50 The Pnrmers Club annual dance Mn. Leblsnc (nee [Jule Rhubar- ger from South Band II mm" w- arm Mr, nnd Mm Dan Hlncbergor . -----------7'- v} Item. M Intgngt, Untlmcly bum I Mrs. W. Hurley of RocIutu In Dun can with naming at lmdlu I few week: with bar dun-u Mu lul m Can» not“ have. nu. one» mat of Mr. and II- Nell Hnyr-n of Damn It In. LII-um ' M II - â€new; the helm-n with her «an In up“!!! It. u - hm. ' who» by be: M .m In. lay mums. at Mt. an on. brother, in. an... In spa-mu the mum u hf mm , “- -~ Mm. . . " a... an uma Icing-ff)!" V _. w; kfci !ft"til éiéli. r-' . JOIIPHIIURO 0...... m. - a g. ITS-L (am... a " a - or 7%.. I. 0. I." till “I! III “that! the â€Iliad " an Mr on! and 'urtrtg no my“ a! CI! “a Cuoluu uul tor mm. of "may method we UN to mu our heartfelt thanks, Mr, and In. M. M. Shun: 1nd son. an†spent Chrlltqau with wanna: Midi, Mr. W. Utt. loy with (Hand- " Lumen. Mr. and Mrs, Laue at Toronto, Mm Munro: Rennie of Kitchener " her home. Mr. Ralph Knight of Kingston at " home, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Petch And three children of Kitchener nnd Mr. Elton Patch who In: spent the list 15 yet" tnvell- in: in the Western Provinces. spent a few dlyl with Mr. Ind Mrs. John L. Hummond and Mrs. Geo. Patch. .srru. Omar Rulings and little daughter of North Mornlnnon at her pun-gnu. Mr. and Mn. W. Mum dell, Mr. and Mn. W Burnett and daughter of Linwood at Mr. Geo. Richudson's, ' Mr. John Albrecht who ttad his house damaged by Brts some tlmo ago is hnvlng It repaired and will soon have it ready tor living in again. Mnny friends will be glad to know that Mrs. Geo. Glalster who underwent an operation some time ago is able to be out again. The Wilmot Centre Sunday School gave their entertainment on Saturday evening which consisted ot recitations, dialogues and panto- mime and was WM] rendered by the children. Mr and Mrs. Ted Whitehead of Sanford are vmlora with Mr. and Mn. Geo. Cluster a few dtys Read your home county paper, the Chronicle Telegraph. Special offer to new subscribers trom now until Feb. 19'23 for $1.50. BADEN New Year. Greetings The writer wilhes all the readers a bright and prosperous new Year. Successful Entertainment The Christmas entertainment giw en by the Presbyterian S S, was well attended by a crowded church The children all took their parts well, ' Holiday Vlsitors. Miss Jessie Deetun is spending her holidays with her cousin Em- ma Strum. Mrs. Godfrey beiskau who was seriously lil we are glad to report is improving nicely} Mr, Harry Knechtel of Kitchener is spending the holiday at the home of his parents Mr, and Mrs. Solomon Knechlel. Mn. Lamb at. Mr, and Mo. Tom Lumb and James Saunders of Hen- peler spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Saunders. Held Enjoy-bl. Dance The young ladies of the Oscar Rumpel Sllpper Factory gave a very enjoyable dance on Friday even- lnx which In. well amended by the young people of the town. They had the factory sulubly decorated tor the ocualon and a large table ttll, ed with 1m ample supply of can All report having had An enjoy-Me tlme. . Miss ids. Kuntx ot Brodhazon ls spending the Christmas holidays at the home ot her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuntz Abram Mariln Dead Several of the Baden people will be shocked to learn or the death of Mr. Abram Martin of Elmira for merly a resident of Baden when he was employed at the Brubecher Woollen Mills. which has since burned down. The bereaved tam. ily have the sympathy of many Bad, en lriende, Mines Barbara Livingston and Annie Kuntz of the Normal School Struuord are spendtng the holidays " their respective homes hero, New subscribers to the Chroni. cler'relegraph will receive the paper from now until Feb lot 1923 tor $1.50. Order now. \Vrs. Herb Miller Ind Mrs Henry Bt 11h spent Saturday In Kitchen. SLQ-scrlbe tor your home paper, The “Chronicle-Telegraph Orders may V left It your nearest agent or no" direct to office, Ml" Mine Foster In on the not "at. .nal-l offer ttt New auburn". The CttrorucleTelrtttrtsph will be lent to new subscrlbon from now mm] tab. In 1923 for only $1.60. be." your order with nearest - or land order direct to otnce. Mr. and Mn. Fred Holwell and Muster Rule“ and MI" Gram» Httl. well are trpesndirttt the holidays with friends in Brantford. enoumLL. LINWOOD _ WMFWU f; q, cr':" "ta-tMutt-sat" In. O'Neil an until-r. out noâ€. " Tomato. no - a. “my. I†In. John In". Mr. and In. In“ Dhbold And Ion. any, or Kitchener 5nd Mr. And In. Tony Bunch at Wnorloo spout curl-tun Day with In. And“! DIobold. Sourcnlor Kitchen range nearly) new, parlor heater for coal or wood.' 3-burner can! oil slow upmy new.‘ , parlor tabla, lam tabla, aldohonrd.‘ nearly new, human good org-n. 5 dininrroom chairs, l'pholuored Arm' chulr. Sinner "will; mlChlne. 'unMng mnrhlnu, wring", III-h bond. Inn Mirror. Rocking Chnlr. Kitchen Flo-nulls, Wuh Boiler. 2, Sun-ll Cider BnerIn. . lot of Ptetark mm". and mtny other nrtlclu. _ Household mm. will be sold nrstl TERMS or MALE-H-hold ml hcll and all nm- ot $15.00 And under. oath: ovnr that IIIIOIII" ttyi mum mall will be um: by m In!!!†Approved MM not“. or " discount for out: par-ta 0| M mun. Vlluon at Ctrnochn'l war. In: 1nd In Arthur Saunder- ot Wu»; 91100. Mr Ind Mrs Allen Hookah-i lin ot Truce, Mr. David Doll or) Briton, Mrs. Walker of Cutlass. 1 Mr. Edgar Me'ravutt spent the weekend at MI ttottte, In. (Dr.) McEachren spent. 1 few days with rehtlveu in Toronto. Reeve-Fred C. Lackner. Jno. Reldel. IMPLEMENTS ,_ Massey-Harris num off tor rash payments of credit Binder sit. cut with shear carrier amounts (this binder rut only three crops). During Mower. Noxon Sud Drill, JOSEPH SAUER' Proprietor 1'2-ft Steel Hay Rain. 10-tt. Hay DUERING a SHANTZ. Aucuonoan Rake. “annoy-Harris Spring Tooth o. 8. KOLB, Clerk. " 2t Cultivator with Seed Box, Mammy- _-----------------" Harm Manure Spreader nearly" LICENSED AUCI‘IUNEER new, Noxon Dim: Verity Riding Plow NOTICE Iron Harrow. Sing]! Plow. srumer.) New Massey-Harris Mongol Seeder.) Prompt attention will be riven " Root Pulp". good nnin Wagon. gg,e'g'a'rtie't"etl." me "Id satis Truck Wagon, 3-sentod ('arrilxe. JOHN ZIMMERMAN light Max-ht Sleigh with llox um Waterloo, ginning. Portland Cutter, Jumper Cutter. Rubber Tire Top Buggy'.}FOR SALE-Three 8horthorrt bulls. Steel Tire Top Buggy Hav Rackl two 15 months old Ind one 1 year Stork Rack, Wheelbarrow. Double-i old Apply Percy G, Sit-nu. R. trees. Norktokon, Chalrts, Fork-.l R, No, 4 Kitchener or Mannheim Shovels mnd numt-rmn other usefuI‘Rmd .3. Articles l Mr, tad Mn. John Adunl ot St. Clements spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Kariey. Mr. Roy Hosea of Toronto in npundtn‘ a. tow a." wit mm bro. ther here Mm mu Hartman ot cm: is spending a week and Mrs. Joe Knrley. Mr. Herb. Kennedy ot the West I: wendins a few days with " mo. ther here Min Ruby Gnu of Toronto " visiting with Miss Nellie Schnurr. WELLESLEY TOWNSHIP The. following have qualified tor the various offices in Wellesley township: Deputy-Reeve -Louis Baechter, w, H. Knight. Council-Jas. J. Freeborn. Jacob S Meyer, Jan. Ograln, John J. Fetch, Conrad Quehl. ST. CLrl‘ENT'S POLICE VILLAGE The _ ring have (manned: 1.ouit mush. W. Hertzog, An drew 1 ,perger. Jos. Lineman. Alphonse Meyer. Geo, Rosenblatt. Herb. E. Schnarr. Alex Hartman, returning officer. "It. WILHILMINI FIIIOIAN. frown"... A new telephone directory has been distributed by mail to Wat. erloo subsvlbers. Manager Kumpf would be glad to hear trom any telephone users who have not re- ceived their copy of the new issue‘ AUCTION SALE Commencing at 1 p.m., sharp on time HORSES-Grey Team of Horses 10 and tt years old, Black Mare 6 wears old. supposed to be In foal, Sorrel Mare H years old, Grey Mare 13 years old. Pair Suckling Conn. CATTLE-Red Durham Cow, due Jan, 3, Red Cow due Jan. 3: Red Cow due Feb, IO: Jenny Cow due March ltr, Red Heifer due Jan. 5, Durham Grade Bull 2 yrs. old. Holler 2 yrs. old. 2 yearling Calves. 5 spring Caters. 3 Feeding Steers in 2 yrs. old. 2 spring Caters. good condition mGS-2 Yorkshire Sow: supposed to be with pig HARNrcsti-'.? Sets Heavy Team Harness. 1 set rape trace Harness. Harness. 1 set rape trace Harness. Set Plow Harness. Set Carriage Harness. Odd Collars. Lines and Tie Straps. Buffalo Robe Positive" No Reserve, Winding up Esta" There will be sold by Public Auction on the premises " the late John Friedman, situated at the Village of Linwood. on TUESDAY, JANUARY IO, 1922 u of Valuable Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Effects In HOI'SEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC St. Clem, with Mr. 1 of vuubl. t Liam Stock. Implements. I and Household Effects l HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. ETC.- lCroam Separator, Daisy Cum. four ‘x-xallon Milk Guns. 4 Milk Coolers, " Milk Pails. Couch, Iron Rattle, Par. "or Heater. 2 m'ctreert Doors. ctr. l TERMS OF' SALFD--Hny, Grain. Veal Cttlven, Poultry. Small Piers, Shouts, and all sums of 815.00 and under. rash: over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on an proved Joint tttttrg or 6% per am :num of! tor rash payments of credit amounts CATTLE-IT Choice Dairy Cows- S cows fresh with calves It foot Black Cow due to Clive Feb. 8, non Cow due to naive robe 18, Rod Cow due to naive Feb. 20, Run ow due to can Petr. M, Red Cow sum-pond to calve In March, Holstein Cow due to calm March 20. Holstein Cow due to calvo March 28, Cow fresh , mthm and bred. Black Cow, fresh 4 months and bred; Holstein Heifer due to calve April 15, Holstein Heifer due to calve May M, Grade Durham Bu: one year old. 2 young cattle 1 year old. 8 veal calves. PIGS AND POULTRY .-- 5 good Brood Saws with litters ll foot. Sow due to {Arrow Jan. 30, Sow due to (snow Jan. M, 10 Young Sowa due to farrow in March, 13 about: 60 lbs each. Yorkshire Boar, 10 months all A 30 White Wyandotte Hem, TO Whit Wyandotte Pullets. number of Chic ken Coops, 25 Geese. l5 Ducks, num ber of Scotch Collie Pups. HAY AND GRAIN-small quan tity of Hay, some Buckwheat. few bushels Peas. 5 bushels Millet Feed. IMPLEMENTS -- Frost & Wood Binder, btt. cut, Massey-Harris Mower, 5-ft. cut, Frost & Wood Steel Hay Rake, nearly new (side delivery); McCormick Hay Loader. Frost & Wood Spring Tooth Cultivar tor, McCormick Seed Drill. Frost & Wood Disc. Massey-Harris 2.rurrow Plow, 2 Fleury Walking Flows. 4 section Iron Harrows, Beet Scuiiler, Manure Spreader. Corn Cultivator, Scuffier, 40 Rods of 11 strain wire fencing. 100 yards of Chicken Netting. VEHICLES. ETC. -e 2 Lumber Wagons. 2 Wagon Boxes with doubl- Shelvlng, Flat Hay Rack, Stock Rack combined. 2 sets of Gravel Planks SM of Bob Sleighs. 2 Democrats, Top Buggy, Wire Wheel Top Buggy, Open Buggy. Cutter. Fanning Mill. Wheelbarrow, 60 Grain Bags, 300 Sacks. 203 feet Rope. Hay Pork and 5 Pulleys. Hay Knife, Root Pulper. Grindstone. Buggy Pole, Doubletrees, Neckyokes. bogging Chains Scoop Shovels. Gravel Shovel. Beet Fork. Pitch Forks, Dung Forks. (‘hnfr Fork. Scythes and a. lot of other ar- tlcles too numerous to mention Prompt attention will be liven to all sales entrusted to me And satis. faction Jryeryytt..e.y1 IfftMt nl,lijittlfljt -ffrffjllf HARNESS, ETC-Set of Brass- Mounted Team Harness nearly new, 2 Sets of Team Harness. Set of Car- riage Harness. 2 Sets of Singlr Harness. 2 Good Horse Blankets. 2 Stable Blankets, JOSEPH SAUER, Propmetor DUERING a SHANTZ, Auctioneer- o. S. KOLB, (Mark. M. 2t Than will b. all " Public Aucuon on the promlou oi the undorugnod “out“ on the In"! Road, ano- half mllo not-"Iona! ot Irldgopon, known u the Brottitaupt Farm, on THURCDAY, JANUARY 12, â€21 Commoncln. at 12 o'clock, noon. “up on time HoRtiES-Bay Gelding, Bay Mare well notched tttsing 7 yrs. old weight about 2800 Ibo, Bay More it fool rum; 10 you: old, Bay Horse ll years old, Brown Mire good driver rising 10 your: old, delivered to my plan not Iaur than “OM†and: “it. Brunt“. two his and ED. REC]! Bola- Phono No. " Highest bluiijrice Win WANTED ' LIVE POULTRY 8hlpplng Hogs Wanted Every Wednesday Delivered It the Baden Station B. I. MARTIN. tMPLEMENTR-1 Good trrt. Mas tsry-Harris Binder. leco Manure Spreader used one season. Massey- Harris Spring Tooth Culllvuoz: "asses-Harris 13 disc Drill, lnterna itionat 16-plate Disc with 4-horsr eveners (new), 1 Single Walkin;: 'Plow. Two-furrow Plow, Five so" ‘ tion Iron Harrows. Clinton 1Fanning Mill. Truck Wagon, Flor Rack, Wagon Box, Steel Tire Top 1 Buggy. Good Rubber Tire Top Busy; iF'orks, Shovels. Neckyokes. Double ltrees and many other useful articles too numerous for detail. rob 'th-w-dar-iran Mock Implementljny nnd [run of Dull-l Good. situated % mile northwest of Wuur‘loo Pout omm, on AIM-rt at. POR tgAtdlF-t INOR'I'HORN BULL, Kohl“... "I“! (150196) born mil 1m. 1m. also , null «has ' and! all In Noblmun (trrttt.t â€aluminum-mum Tuesday, Jan mm, 1922 rum llork. implements Ind houwimld “for†ot the lute John Friedman In the village ot Linwood, Jun 10 (Tuesday) Parmslmk 1m- plements and Rousehold ttttml" of the Inn John Friedman .Bllun'n’d In the village of Linwood, March 2nd, Thursday-parm stock Implements. hay. graln and MUSE bold effects belonging to Simon liar-cm. situated one mlle - ot Erbsrlllo 3 mlles east of unwell The t'ruUraigrt.d Auction-or has 'o. coivod Instruction. "om Mr. Jon- mlnh Ram-0y", to u" by Public Auction wlthout r-re. on M. “an annual 1 mm mat of Petersburg and 2 mile: an of laden, on TUESDAY, JANUARY Mt, 1,22 Commcnclng at 12.30 p.m., sharp on tim.. Feb. 8 Wednesday 43 head ot ' stem. Entire Farm Stock and IIane- menus and Household Mien: being 1113 to Raymond Bon In the viiltupw “f Richmond bpposite the Black Sm H. shop, Feb 15th ____ Wednesday ---- Farm Stock and implements belonglnz '0 Philip Becker sltualed l lee mm of Mannheim. 1 mile west ot Wrl Ilamaburg‘ Jan c, 1Ttturtsdayt Chanel household ettects belonging , late August Herzog. In the x ot Hawheaville. Berg 1nd Wlterloo. " CATTLE - 2 From Holstein Com. 1 Holstein duo in km, 1 Hoi- siein due May 18, l Holstein due in May. 1 Holstein due in 1:1. 1 Shorthorn.heifer due July 12, 1 Hal- stein heifer due in June, 1 Durham heifer due by time of sale. 2 heifers 1 yr, old, 3 steers 1 yr. old. 3 Veal Calves PRODUCE-? tons of good mixed Hay, 8 tons Alfalfa. 70 bushels Oats, HARNESS-I Set Plow Harness 2 Sets Single Hamess. Veal Calves, and all sums of 31.100 and under. cash; over that amount l2 months' credit. will be given. m- 5% discount tor cash. All limp; given on amounts entitled to credit must be jointed with approved so Ur ity. Jan IO, Tuesday,--- Farm Slutl 1mm†U, but“ Ici.?'-"."... and implements belonging to J _ TERMS OF REAL ESTATEr-10% Ramseigar situated 1 mile wear (If of purchase money to be paid on Petersburg and 2 miles east of In“) day of sale. balance within thirty en. days thereafter. Possession can be Keb. 8 Wednesday 43 head ot lim- had by the first of January. Full stems. Entire Farm Stock and lliipIP- particulars can be mm from the menus and Household effects being undersigned. in: to Raymond Bon in the mm» M CATHERINE ROTH, Proprietrell. Feb. 22 Wednesday, 8.30 am " head pure bred Ihorthorua and .5 head high grade ahorthurns. [tl hortgeB. Entire tarm stock and 1m .plements. belonging to Davld Ian: hart situated 1 mile east of phlmpr- burg and 3 miles west or St. Atp nlha. no reserve. J. X. llMMERMAN Feb. 7th -Fnrm Stock. M1919 mom- 1nd Household Enoch of " cob Ottorbeln attuned on the 6th “no of Walla-lay. 1% miles south- out of St Clement: and 2 mile- Iouthwelt ot Heidelberg, 6 HORSES- Team Clydesdale mares 8 yrs. old, weight 3000 “it; Bay Gelding, 6 yrs. old. good in on harness; ere 4 yrs. old good driver Sorrel Clydesdale More , yrs, old, muck Mare good worker. Kitchen Stove for coal or wood. large Extension Table, Sink, 2 benches. Wood Box. Hanging Lamp. Parlor Lamp, numerous Dishes Cracks. C', Large Mllk Cans, Lareo Meat Tub (new). tron Kettle. Fap Pan, 60 Sap Pails and Spouta, BM stead with Springs and Muttre>~. Armchair, Good Accordian (made in Germany) like new TERMS OF' SALE-pigs. Prodtee, PtGS--1 Brood Sow due by sale time. 11 Shouts about 90 lbs. each. 'arm Stock. ‘Implomnta, Produce and HONOR! Effects JEREMIAH RAMSEYER, Prop HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. ETC I. H. TOMAN. Auctioneer E. B. Hallman, Clerk I. H. TOMAN W. W. FRICKEY of Valium. 6 mile. northwesr of AUC JV. hunk I (“andâ€) M man. my! ImplOIIOIM belonging to J... lar- DII an. 16 .1th with d 'nt-teat. 'b4t.estd " I.“ an of mm an nd 'i Jan. 10. -FUrm stock and implo menus belonging to Jos. Sonar, 'thr-quarters, or n mile norih of l Bridgeport on the Breitturupt farm. _ Jun 25 (Wednesday) Parm’stock ‘snd implement. ot Simon Thtiler. (is miles south as! of Winter it'1Cf, and 3% miles north of Bloomingdale. ( Jan. 26 (Thursday! Farm ot in acres. farm stock. implements nod I household efforts 0 (the late Mar Andrew Leah-rd in the " ot Wel. iasley. 1% miles southwest of Blus- herx. 6 miles south of Wells-lay vulture on the town "he Jun. 28. ~Saiurdly Firm Stock And lmplemnts belonging to Sydney Reichert st Kossnth, Feb. lot. Wednesdoyr l00 Art" [arm It not prevously sold. Farm siork snd mplcmenh belong to Mos es Lichti Lot 7 Concession t on Lho third line or Wellosley. 3% mum west of Wellesley. 4 miles out ot Poole, Dec M feels and ('athnrine Waterloo. Feb. Itth--'daturtur hon-chow good: belonging to A. 8 Hullmnn. 117 Km. Btrqqt Eat. Kltehoner. Feb. " (Wodnoodny) Farm "oek und lmplomonu ot Hilton W. 89!th In the Twp. at Wallaby. Lot Mo. C. 0 mile. mun-1 at Linwood. . mm mm at In!“ particulars can be had from thei THURSDAY, JANUARY s. "" 'is/ undersigned. (commencing at l o’clock run. and“ CATHERINE ROTH, Propmmn. l Ort time, the 'O'Inwlnu “out“ '7 ; Property: DUERING a SHANTZ, Au""'""") STOCK-l Durham Cow, tttttt _ . N. KELLERMAN, emu 52-!!33' l Holstein, due In Mar. ' mm 1‘4? [months old “it; DUERING ' SHANT). Audion."- Der that Suturdny-i Household moms and real estate belonxlng to Catherine Roth. 151 Erb Br. W.. Waterloo, REAL ESTATE - At the some puma Ind date there wlll be offered for sale subject to reserve bid, the mluable l!h storey new semi, bungalow dwelling, all! 24:27. com- prising of six rooms, bathroom and Anybody wishing good furniture should not fall to attend this sale, as mo above articles are practically all new. mav'r-ss, leather ticks sad other balding, new toilet Bet, bedroom rm be: new high motor speed wssh- in: machine. new wash wringer. 2 “21-h rubs, buckets. qusntity of min-Kraut sud barrel. stone crock w mired beans, lsrge number of vowed canned fruit, pickles sud \vm.up, 100 lbs. of sugar, large rum'mr of sealers. 2 butter bowls, Cr N 'Ilc iron. ironing boards, clocks, -' Large kitchen tables, new Iowa n‘nwar with grsss catcher, 60 ft. of NW lawn hose. clothes basket, "Wm-s drier, crockery. dishes. cut. lm‘ lamps. lsntern. graniteware. Q'mmity of potatoes, some apples, (arrots and beets, large milk can. window screens, new McClary fem- m;< kitchen range. copper boiler. set or" aluminum and other stove utett- sds, cross-cut sow. huskssw. 2 good axes. shovels. forks, Rakes, 5 tons or furnace coal. 1% tons nut coal. 2 Mada of short cut hardwood, kitchen glass cupboard. kitchen sink. cherry leaf table, 3 wash sinks. 12 kitchen (hairs, 2 rockers, end a lot of other useful articles too numerous to mem hot There will b. old by "in: AMI." on the prev-lug ot the Wenl'ned, Ultualtd 151 In: " Wen, In the tttwr, of Wind“. on SATURDAY, DICEMIER tt, "21 Commencing at one o'clock p.m. eharp on time llwI'SEHoLD EFFECTS -- Side- bumd new round extenalou table', a 151mm; room chem. 1011MB. Mngttr svwmg mechjne. new twee. upen- Irs parlor mu, 2 parlor rockers. new tape-try partor nu 8%s4 ydl. dlnme sands, 3 new parlor uhlel. DOW lapetry parlor m 355“ yd... kllchen unclean. dining-room oil- cloth, 2 bedroom ollclothe. bedroom carpet, number of pictures. pair tapestry curt-1n- " pair [lee cur- valns, Inge tern. number or good flower punts, [use bevelled gnu hall mirror, new bedroom tune com- plvlv dreams. 2 weak-until bureun mlmm 2 beds with springs end of Vduhlo ' Real mm and noun-hold all. summer kitchen attached 10x10 Ity water and soft water in house, mt air rurnace. electric lights and "her conveniences-tot by admens- ‘erent 40x97 tC-This makes an deal homo, TERMS OF' CHATTELs-CASH Auction Sale Lists --Saturday household er real eat-ta belonging to Roth, 151 Erb St., West, SALE IMPLEMENTS AND VEchmi 1 Portland Cutter, 1 Single . 1 Top Busty. 1 one-horse Flow: 1 ' scuffler, l lawman Harrow, t k Culling Box, Turnip Pquer. i:iiilj, barrow, Grain Cradle, Gran . New Single Buzz? Hum-I. _ I Single Harness. Set Single with Ctyllttr and Fumes. My Grain Bags, Forks, Show“. Crnwbars. Logging Chllnl. Bold“ . le Bushel Measure, Grinds“. Pm Hole Digger. Doubletrees, , Md H, Scythe. Sirklos. Cross Cut 1'llki' (man Shovel, Full set of Capo-Mi Tools sun-h as n Bonn. MIWVJ Broad Ann Ad". Level, C Augers, Saws, Plums. W, b etc, Work Bench. Tool Box... Wedges, Potato Fork. Hook. Hoes. I Goat Rope, Hon. BIN] number of Cedttr Post... ' MI" Good Hny. 30 Runnels TIMâ€. and Chitskens, grades and other articles too numoonu to T THERE mu. .u . PUILIC auction j; ' “an or Yul uuotnuauu\ ' Lot 0, Con. t, Wilma! Tm mile north 1nd , In". m Agatha, oe, _ wsounomr. JANUARY A Commuciu ll " o'clock stun, me following - pony. vig: Wood 12-hoe Drill, 5-aectlon Hunk 3 Walking Flown. 2 Souffle", M Hamilton Turnip Pulper. m: Wheelbarrow. Fanning MRI, _ Grindstones, 2 Hay Rich. 2 801 Gravel Planks. 1 Wagon, 1 Brag. with box, 1 Truck Wagon. I Bel sleighs. 1 Market Democrat. ore Busy. Top Buggy, 2 Cutters, Du“ Pole. Set Brass Mounted than: Set Double Harness. an! Plow rm ness. 3 sets single Harness, Coll-n Set Carriage Hamel. T, Sap Pl About 150 sap pans, Milk Can, . Churn, Forks, Shovels, Hoes, " many other articles too numerous t mention. . GRAIN-About 500 bushels may: 25 bushels Peas. 25 bushels 'tttqi?.. wheat. 30 tons of Hay, I "'"'"'t4 of Mnngels, Corn In shocks. ".' NIM S M, There win be acid by Public Auction}? on the pruning " the In. Ami“: Herzog, situated in the Villa. 1;}; Hawkesville, on f i" HORSES-l Tenn ot Gm emu Mun ruin; 4 "In Clyde Mare 8 you: old. 1 Mare " Yuri old. 1 Drive I you-I. CArrlay-1 Durham Cow II ttlve In June. 1 Durhun 00' In October. 1 Durham m Durham Gown. fresh. , Dttrhagtg due to a!" In June. ' In C 2 you" old. fit not previously I 5 Butcher cutie 1 your old, 1 bun Bull 8 month: ora, , I calves. 2 van! calves. $10 and under cash; on [lurch-l totalllug over that amount ' . cent, per annum off for tesBh, li! ten months' credit on approved " notes of bong fide property 0". DANIEL BOSHAIT, Proprietor, T HOFSEHOLD EFFECTS - 1 Cook Stan and Pip“. a.“ China Wishing Mnrhlno, WI.- Jar Stand, I Courh. I Soft. 1 y Iron BALE- mm! Tom Trtth ulnar ud man- "4 burg-In. Will “to . N. for part yum-L â€a. Ca Imw at no" M?! Pros-e. now: due to m N time of ale, 1 now with inter " 10 moat: weighing 120 In, T' 2 months old. About 60 Rock Hens. IMPLEMENTS-t Pro". & Wm (Mt. binder, nearly new; Pros! Wood 641. Mower; Malay-Em Hay Loader, 1 Hay Rake, may Wood Spring Cuitivate?r, mu 1 Bed with Springs And Kl! Ring]. Bed, I Set ot Ct Snatchers, Dining mom and 'tt Chairs. Pictures, Jun. Jun. 1 mum. on Cttrtn and “and. ankles TERMS: or sArm'-rrar, M Small Pies, um! I†m.“ w and 11nd", rush. drer that a I months' rredit will be - npprnwd Joint not" or If p. num (ll-com" for an -- and" amounn No M, was. Auoua‘r Hum. Admlrtlgtratrht. WALTER w. nucKIY, Auteonnr. WIMP... ' tion TERMS OF' SALE- All sums Of Of Farm Stock and f" Implements IN and Household Effects s? M. R. ROTH, Auctlonur Implement. ., S