Wait Until Saturday, Nov. 19, at 8 m, wheyn the clearance 'ii'sii)s7igjeonomies in 'every department. You an save big money f) ',r,'i'itiirttsiitG,ri'iu- 2"'iGiri, hai, «ï¬rnst’s Anniversary w my high out bootsboots; We very latest on the l, _ _ N" again will you get high class goods for so Lu' "ar honey, regular $8.00. Sale price ............. $4.95 we have attained the RECORD BREAKING SPEED in OUR SUCCESS. We are selling unmet number of men. Our custom ers have come to the cod t tt to th giggle] tt ‘2!“95 obtainable. If yanking ta tgtataiiiiauiaid"itdt iethtemsairtted with our powerful mstueitFiiitt, it will payyiu to cross the bridge anaemic; that:a tg, r',-,'"" ve Ising. ‘ , OUR ADVERTISING WE TOLD THE TRUTH, NOTHING BUT THE TR in“ m DU't miss this item. Come early and get m or than pains. mg. $4.00 $5.00. Sale price w.. . $1.98 E "hid Auneversary Sale means Big Savings in Boots, ' (he Ina see for yourself these tremeadous basgahrs, L“. ,taehet in style, finish, material and workmp- ..»M “It sell everywhere at $10.00 and $12.00 a pair. _ m in Menu and Young Men's styles from the world's [t M, and a splendid example of what real tailors can . Amwwt, price cut for this sale to ........ $34.30 Ea“ m: Now isyourttwaetmtit-tapair is made nrm%nit shoes, all sizes, while they last $3.43 5543,,_ e MEN'S $7.50 TELOUR f x 7 at splendid quality calfskin. Medium toe with style. They are worth every cent of $7.50. Sale " -.-.s.-.-.....w...w........teea.".".". $4.95 .' jijatri: SHIRE OF tiat titjijtgiiss. When We start!!! {his live stare tit"'ji"otii'iit'gi'iojiii,riwestiiaev1rs years _ ', Edie power of perfect meiiisiiiiittie ',"rlit11tt Servide td work. Wis Spread the stiiite of welcomg Over 13% _i,,i,j,f jyry1 Ruined the whole or, aiiitz.itrotr to G , ATER VALUE GIVING. We made our Big Buying Potver still ind $'iit"iie by MEETING OUR gum; ATION' before it was due. _ '""". / . - j "litsiaiqh Grade Lace Boots. This includes some of ‘mt tthes; certainly is a wonderful opportunity to . lip-W shoe for about half price. Regular $'L00, I†.ev..r.vtt..vem..".'e".""""..""'. $3.95 udietsrDomrola Kid and Gunmetal boots_in mostly 'pm; 'Hif8lt an BROWN ENGLISH sum 58088 itliMMiefeggintptt,u,etetN'l'l; 'tl-Qi,'.":,',?.,',','."'..'.".".?.'." shoe. Beonhand J, A.) aorr.rn.....................9S5 a w _,itiG'a'tit'iia-aoNsamiss us'rs EXTRA HEAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS ,JE i mid an without mm: tteBrqea, can â€â€œ11; sizes T to 11. Sale price. . $4.08 m _ 012.com mom. thatâ€. JuIarethettmrtshatuesof _ itrta;atitobtaek with round tooth: LADIES' FOOTWEAR FALL and WINTER SUITS Lot No. 1-$35.00 Young Men's fall suits in a collection of fancy stripes, wool sate lining, mm unwed in single breasted. All sizes and they go at Lot No. 2--Men's and Young Men's fall and winter suits, smgle treated. well made. Originally made to sell for $30.00. Sale price _ . . _ . . . $16.90 $50.00 and $60.00 BUSINESS SUITS These are the highest grade of silk mixed wot-Ms. heavy all wool wor- steds. No merchant tailor would pro- duce this suit for less than $0.00. We have cat them for this sale at $30.50 - MEN S SHOES . . $22.95 Harrie; of sizes in any color. Very best makes in tlel,.ot; Radium and Hole- proof. ' HERE'S MOTHER SPECIAL Black. white and brown cashmer- ette socks, regular 75c. Sale price 43c Men's $1.00 black cashmere socks, special ...w.................. 65e All sizes in black only. [ Men's heavy grey wool socks, (not all wool) regular 50e. Sale price 330 price ' Men's dark grey all wool socks. special to clearat ............ 50c MEN'S COMBINATION UNDER- WEAR; CLEARING LINES Men's $2.50 natural shades. com- bination, stmrpriee . c:. . . . . . . i" $149 Men's $4.00 natural shades. com- bination, several lines to clear, per suit m..................'... $2.95 Misses" school shoes. good strong leather, solid soles and well made. Can't be bought for less than regular $4.00. Sale price . . . SPY . . . . . $2.98 for .....,.""'"""" ostH'sreottesnr,i%efor .... berw' rubbers, $1.25 for .. Ytntths'rubttert, $1.00 for .. 'Men's $6.00 and $6.50 natural wool combinations. best vame in the trade at theuegular price. Say: N - MISSES' aiuC:CHuapREN's FOOT. Girls' box calf and vici kid boots. made of aoeti. ttolid leather, the kind that will stand the wear and 1mm her feet dry and warm. Regular $3.50. Satepriee .................. $2.19 Childrest's shoes in large and Aar- ied styles and leathers to select from, sizes 3 to 7, regular $2.00. Sale nice ...e.m..'m........"". $1.19 You can't beat them. Youths' shoes in box catf and gun- metal. in a good stylish sh solid leather (Imminent, - l to a. reg. $5.00. Sale price .,....:.... $3.49 , Boys' boots in all substantial leath- an: splendtdly made, weights for school and rough wear as well as for best and Sunday wear, sizes 11 to 2, re; meep‘ice ....._.. $2.98 IR3BBMttrt MRS! Att thm'induding hunbemsan's, a sun was. T Nun's rubbers, $1.60 for . . . . . . $.19 Wm's rubbers. $1.15 661-..89c Ghil' or Misses' rubbers, $1.00 SOCKS FDR EVERY MAN Everybody knows that Ernst: lave the but hits in the city and the m â€was! prices. This record cut, ting we is simpty mother positive proof. $5.00 block. and “bred felt hats, at b m.............".....'. $3.75 luvs $3.30 and $4.00 Med hm nth ..e..tr..b.c.......r. $1.98 , mmuwwmt may: page Asserted collars Ind shes with a Hem's a bargain. $1.00 and $1.25 k sucks. during at ........ 65c 87.00 All $8.09 hats cut to $5.90 'Ah'iht) t BOYS' mm WEAR MEN'S HATS tip breaks Records in low _-fi-i-Iii:,':-:,:',- in Clothing, Gents? iiiiiis. Boots. Shoes 311113111) 61‘s: ---' _,":")'. he; "the clearaoce savings are ready to greet you at every turn. Wonderfulg save big money for 15 days at this Anniversary Sale. :; iid MAN I sooo Pairs Men's Trousers I Overcoats ah. T): $3.89 83e 69e 89c Me Boys' Boys' Boys' des' buys be}; "suis, regu- buys boys' two pants lar up to $8.50 suits up to.$14.00 _ buys boys' suits regu- buys boys' two pants lar up to $12.50 suits up to $22.00 Boys' $4.00 Sweater Coats for . . . . . . . . S2 98 Boys' $3.00 Sweater Coats gof . . . . . . . . $1 89 Boys' $2.00 Sweater Coats for . . . . . . . . SW Bisrs' all Wool Jerseys, good quality, ' . reg. $3.00 for n.............."..... S1.8f) Boys' Heavy Worsted Hose, reg. 75e for. . 48e Boys' $1.50 Wool Gloves for .......... . . 98c Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts and Draw- ersftw................,............ 59e Boys' $1.50 Fancy Shirts special for . . . mp Buys Boys' Ova-coats. regular up to $8.50 Buys Boys' Overcoats, regular up to $12.50 Buys Boys' Overcoats, regular up to $16.00 UNDERWEAR FOR EVERY NAN "' . Here Are Some Great Bargains In Ditxonthttted glues "' 32.50 men's English knit shirts GREAT SNAPS HERE an drawars. Mt knit natural Men's heavy rib new True Knit ttty. (PM allsizes) to $1.49 shirts and drum. 192531.50 to clear, 1301 gnmegt ...... $2.25. Not all sizes in any on. hMen S It', rib $111.50 to $1.75 range but all aim in Int $1.29 s irts and rawers. a sizes a ial to clear per garment at.. 98e IHtra _ __ r'reTf'lt U - " - gun's 'best†imam titted shirts Men's all wool Scotch knit shirts an drawers, al sizes per and drawers, rec. $8.00, gaxmwt ....._r_r....... 79c toelearpergatanent .... $1,98 “is Store Recognized by Careful Dre-en as Headquarters For Men's Fine Furnishings Shim. Neckwear, Socks, Glows. Nightgown. Pyjamas. Sweaters, Coats. Etc. STYLISH GLOVES CLASSY SHIRTS " SALE PRICE At hstrt than present mak- I $1.49 V STYLISH GLOVES At hut than present mak- u's price. Men's $2.60 my suede was. Pariah make, sic prfee .......... $1.49 Men's $1.75 and $2.00 litttd Moves, spedtl pair $1.39 $2.60 wool times GIGANTIC SALE OF BOYS' SUITS, OVER. COATS, BLOOMERS and FURNISHINGS Four Special Bargains in Boys' Suits buys best $6.0.0 English Tweed buys best $4.50 Trousers buys best $2.75 Trousers M.00Sw terC t for........ i . IC, ex. oa s Ot $2.98 â€I! c, B.00 Sss eatm Coats gof . . . . . . . . $1.89 t 52.00 Sweater Coats for . . . . . . .. $139 _ w 3 all Wool Jerseys, good quality, $1 89w-.-, '. A J / $3.00f0r...............'..... . ‘ Heavy Worsted Hose, reg. 75e for. . 48e ‘ a 'r $1.50 Wool Gloves for ............ 98c ' tl Flecc Lined Shirts and Draw- . _ 1 (',f."'.c.e..c.'.n.e.1.i2'.n.'.".s.l.".r.1".T... 59e O.“ 4 $1.50 Fancy Shir’ts ts?tcittl for ... S8e Atl'" HUGE OVERCOAT VALUES-FOUR GREAT BARGAINS $5.95 $15.95 , $1.95 $4.30 $8.95 $5,95 S3:30 An1sers Selling at Less Than the Present Price of the Cloth. $12.89 $8.95 Buys best $7.50 an wad heavy Haw-son bars best $8.00 English Worsted Twead Trousers $5.95 Huygens“ surfs. gig!) best Can. mm $15.95 $10.95 Buys classy f?t.isrrAtiru, all one: SN T", “.4 300 pair of Boys’ $2.00 Tweed Bldomers for .._ Buys Boys' thrtsToats, rtgular up Lined thtpttghout, have govern- or futeners. all sizes _ f EXTRA $1.95 MK I 81.29 to $22.00 7 $4.55 buys best $6.50 Ttouserts _ buys best $9.00 Blue Sag! Trousers buys beat $5.00 Trousers $1.29 Again the combined buying power of Ernst’s deals hum} costs 3 mighty blow, and this event will be mother wow; full demonstration of Ernst's position and ability to give tht,'. working man the beat values in the city. '5, They go at ...... Lmg Ulsters, shhwl and two way collars; shorter Chad . terfields. Here’s where you save a big chunk of r/grab) penses, all pizes in the lot, regular $20.00 to $36.00. 1; price . .. . ..-.....-. .. . ..- .l...‘................... $14-30} GREY STORM OVEBCOATS With those big storm roll collars. They are all extra heavy weight, made of good wool storm overeoartttttr materials, with belts. All sizes. Bought to sell at 37.50 MEN'S FUR and FUR COLLAR ovmooA'rs - Kg, Men's Black Beaver cloth, rubber interlined, fur egg: lars, sizes 35 to 46, regular $35.00. Sale price .... $24. Fl." Men's British Melton cloth, fur collar. curl lined our: 'd coats, rubber interlined, all sizes, reg.945. Sale price $30. -.' NAVY TWEED WATERPROOF COATS is“ Many smart models, sport coats, dress coats, a 'd) automobile and business styles including the belt all nomad , arrays, browns, greens and fancy mixtures. specially mi jf far this sale " . . . . . - . . . . $9.80, $12.90, $14.50 and 'MLN, OUR WONDERFUL WORKINGMEN'S DEPAnmNrTi Men's and Young Men's models, handsomely tailored garments from jCamdals best makers, Garments made of all pure wool, belted, semi- belted and plain models. The lot com- prises 120 garments. We do not know how long these will last, butwhen the door opens they will gh " $19.80 The best English Melton made with black velvet eotiars, wool serge lining, all sizes. The regular price would be $45.00. Slaughtered at .................... 827.60 $2.50 values cut to $1.50 $3.00 values cut m$138 MENS REAR] P OVER. ALLS Cut from $3.50 to SL65 MEN’S WORK SHIRTS $1.50 values c'ut to. 98e ALLS ' Cut from $3.50 to SL65 MENS BLACK OVER- MAS Cut from $2.60 to $1.50 Cut from 522.3070 Sl 65 MEN'S WINTER 'ctunt.:; MENS BLACK om. $1.76 values cut to 98e' ALIS ' Lt, Cut from $2.50 to $1.50 $2.00 values cut to $1482? MEN'S BLACK ml BLUE $8.00 values eat to Slat; man OVERALLS 3 Cut from $2.75 to $1.75 $3.50 values cut to 52.4% Mull: MENS wnmvns AND SWEATER cons ,; You don't buy I sweater awry day in the'yur, so true may to be an you buy a sweater which will} you 10.; and “autumn war. That’s the kind we h Hmmmdmphunsforyoutochoooefmn‘: 88.60 3m. prio- cut to . $6.00 Swuters. price cut to . . $7.50 Swan". prion cut to . te.mi Sweaters, price cut to . $10.00 Sumâ€, price cut to MEN’S $25.00 to $40.00 OVER- COATS MEN 's BLACK OVEBCOATS MEN'S AND YOUNG MENS OVERCOATS MENS FUR COLLAR OVERCOATS .....'$2l-80 $1.26 values cut to $1.50 values cut to $1.00 values cut to. MENS WORK ms ttfi).'. t..----. $1 69its, 98af _ ... if; 494t; bt