m 1:4 " 5 pieces of Mercerized_ Table Damask, a ne even weave, variety of iratterna.................... 81.25 10 dozen Pure Linen Nap- l liintr,oerdozen....,.....t.. $4'50 price li ed? I(inly lsilvemone coats, self collar 1-2 n egu ar $38.00, sale mice............,......, $18.00 Whité Huck Toweling, per 'ttrd,..........-........., -. Glass Towling, blue and red check,peryard w.............., 40 inch Cotton . . . . 15x33.................. Fancy Turkish Towels, l7x38.................. Fancy Turkish Towels, 21x42..‘................ Fancy Turkish Towels, 22x40.................. _ V Fancy Turkish Towels 23x42.................. All Pure Linen Toweling' 16 in. widexperyt1rd ..r............... 40 in. Long Cloth, lovely fine Cottpntr,eryrrd-..-.... 42U. Embroidery Cotton, per 10 dozen Ready Made Pillow Cues,40in.................... 10 dozen Ready Made Pillow Cttstetr,42dn.,each.............. ing..... 82 inch Heavy Bleached _tetimr-...,.....-..., Linen -Hemstitcha towels "x86....................., 18x38... l9x40....... Fancy Turkish Towels 'ld"""--""" _ t' . A' t, _ .""tr--t"rV'i5,.lt, T, HAVE the goods, y ou want them. Prices , no just about 1-2 of last year's Come' preparéd for tttii-l' ttyahag. You will be fas cinated with‘ the goods and the prices in every department in our Big Store in this iii" Circular Pillow Cotton, Circular Pillow Cotton 40 inch Grey Cotton, per yard 36 in. Bleached Cottons priced at 22c, Mc, 30c, Me 72 inch Bleached Sheetings Fancy' Turkish Towels, size 36 inch Heavy Grey Cotton _ 15c, 18c, 200 White Turkish Towels, size 72 inch Heavy Bleached Sheet- Unkm Huck Towels, 19 x 38 White Turkish Towels, size Union Huck Towels 19 x 40 Union Huck Towels, 19 x 37 StaBle Department Pltafehtd, Sheeting Bleached Canons Tuiiki'ilfi" TREE Pillow Cottons Grey CottdiL Pillow Cases F all Coats Toweling Tabling , Heavy Grey Tash On]: size size size size 40 in. 44 if 450 in. 500 . 25c . 500 . 75e . Me $1.25 . SOC l 650 $1.25 600 550 600 300 450 350 200 350 Me 40c 50c 29c Me 100 FILET NET SPECIAL 75e 35 and 40e values in white, cream and "ru. FANCY MARQUrsETTE PLAIN MARQUISE'I'I‘E 40e White, cream and t'rru, 36 im wide, former price was Ta.. 40, 45 and 50c Shadow and Nottingham Net, plain and scalloped edges. 75 and 85c Lace Edge and lace and ihtser. tion, 36 inches wide. They were $1.25 and $1.45. Rowe, blue, green and hrown, in plain and lwo-lom- rolorings. FILET NET CURTAINS . $3.50 and $3.73 2 " yard- lon finished ith plain and lace 'JL'." 'il Genuine hand made button- burg in can color. 36 and " inches wide, values to $1.20, shown in white and ivory. White and Cream, "In" to 38.40 a pair. SCRIM TO CLEAR 25 BATTENBURG CUR- TAINS $4.45 to $4.95 MARQUISE‘I‘TE cum TAINS $4t45 to $4.95 price Ladies' Fine all wool Coatees Saleprico .....ew..q........... Ladies' fine Coatees, long sleeves, sale price .............. Children's Sweater Coats in old r0 F and American beauty, belts and pockets sizes 24 to 26, $3.75, sale nrice ...............tMt._.M... $1'75 Fine all wool. Pullovers, _ long sleeves, C)ltisyg.to,As,1t,"ipdeB.e.a.1.1t.s.' $2.25 1133:?“ .‘T '.".'.l Fig.1??? i‘. . . . . $2.95 sale T331331? .u.".".'l. 79'}??? 'l . . .. $4.25 Ladies' Sweater Coats, Black and white, Regular $9.00, sale price _........................ $51)“ Black and white, Regular $0.75, sale price ..‘........7. . .. ($6.90 Ladies' fine all wool duvetyn coats, full lined, special$25'00 Extra fine all wool velour, full lined, large beaverine collar, sizes 18 t042,special ............_ 830.00 COLORED MADRAS $1.50 and $1.73 full lined $6.50 all woorPuiiovevs saleprice .q...m.........e' $8.60 all wool Pullovers, saleprice ................, LAI Ladies' Ready to Wear Department CURTAIN N FIT Wool flaps and Smurfs Children',, Sweaters _Salts5 Esquimette Plush, sizes IS to (Mp Sweater Coats w inter Coats, Coateeé $41.00 to $45.00 Ge size 4-6x6, minor halls . . . . . size 4-6x7-6, selling from . . . . size &9x9, selling from . . .' . . size 9x9, selling from . . ' . . .. size 9x10-6, selling from . . . . size 9x12, selling from . . ' . . . TWO PAPERS that sold as high as 75e a roll. There are Oatmeals, varnished tiles, tapes- tries, near plains, plain and fancy . Wines, in short paper for every room in the house. Use Kirsch Rods, WE SELL THEM Guaranteed not to rust, sag or tarnish. We can fit any window or set of windows. Your eurtainiwill hang and look better. \ Try them. THE FIRST SHIPMENT OF THE 1922 PAPERS JUST PUT INTO STOCK. BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY and AXMINS- TER RUGS, MATS and RUNNERS SIMILAR MONEY SAVING PRICES. . v?r-,,PES.e,s., Mc and Mc ' $2.25 $2.50 BUY WALL PAPER NOW LINES _WruroN BUGS Ladies' corset covers, lace copen, black Ladies' white cotton corset covers, lace and embroidery trim 59e . . . idriii é" b'o’ula'ei 'c'o'ée'li' 'ia'c'o’ . . . mm lie '3, , 43e, Girls' Coats 8 to rl yours, full lined, fancy lining, colors green, brown, navy, spe- cially priced $10.00, $10.50, $12.50 Taffetine unde/skirts, full line of col- ors. Regular $1.25, sale price 98e cial for 1 only serge suit, size 38 Reg.$52.25f0r ...t...t...... 1 only Silvertone suit, size 36, Reg. $53.00 for ........... Ladies' heavy fleece lined undevskivts, large SIZES sale price Clearing Sale of Odd Suits The odd suits of this suasnn's spring crdts as foll9ws . 1 only black serge suit size 40, Reg.$37.50 .............. 1 only serge suit, size 42 for Ladies' and Misses' Skirts 3 only Jersey Suits, fine all wool, one turquoise, l seml, 1 millard, 36, 3S and 40, special price to clear $12 50 value Ladies' silk underskirts, shades rose, 1 only, size 18, price $45.00 Ladies' grey knitted underskirts, spe- ,.;......317. i o2,'dil $20.00 to $28.00 from bah: $33.00 to $48.00 ty designs. $45.00 to $65.00 m.------.- $48.00 to $75.00 37 f" $82.00 to $83.50 t o,','; It,'.' Knitted Underskirts Silk Underskirts Corset Covers Cirls' Coats s " S 9.2 $11.24 $11.54 $1.00 and $1.45 $3.98 and $5.00 We'll meaéure your house and hang shades without extra charge. LINOSHINE FOR LIN- OLEVM . About 1-2 of 1920 price, oi painted cloth and Hartshor. rollerrs, Every shade 'syaranteee, SiLKOLINES 25e and 30c GOOSE NECK RODS 20e. Round and flat extension Nils in assorted lengths. _ .Thero’s nothing better. l-2 pints :ior, pints 90e, quarts $1.73 Values to 81.20 a yard. splen- did weight and the designs are unusual. Ideal for comforters and drapes, a yard wide. 37 in. wide. I good weight that sold at 85c last hen-on. Around brass extension rod, length from 28 to " in. Extend to 4 feet. finished with white ball ends. ‘ Absolutely down proof 2 from borders in I More of pret- EXTENSION, RODS 15c DOWN COMFORTERS $12.00 and $14.76 ' WINDOW SHADES CRETONN ES 40c CRETONNES 65c SASH RODS We to 20e $22.50 $2315 $26.50 $18.75 $31.00 - Special sale Men's Work Shirts 93 ' . in black and white stripe . ' . . . . . . . C Men's Flannelette Shirts, sizes 14 to 17, large roomy body, special 81 25 Ladies' and Misses' fall and winter coats, 1-2 lined, fur collar, English velour, size: 6, 18.39,. ycial " sizesl ___ 1'/Tfl'11T1 $19.50 . 36 inch Duchess Satin, Black, Navy, dark brown, blue, tomato, orange and pink, Regular $3.50, special $2 50 Children's Chamoisette Gloves sizes3t06.special _............. 75e Woolen Mitts, grey. brown and navy. sizes 2 to 7, prices qqn to AW., 36 inch Silks, black. sand ,navy, brown and grey. Regular $2.25, special price ""C' 3. . ._. . . . "_' . ._. . = 31:59 Special .- r -iam Beach and Repp Dress Goods col- ors navy, fawn, dark grey and 59 brown, 36 and 40 inches wide _' . . ' _ _ C 7‘ v iirieces fine serge, 40 inches wide, col. of.V.rtavy, copen, black and grey speéial 9..... .p.....e...r.m.'. 750 1 piece AfWool Cheviot, l0 75t, 42in.dide,speciai........... 'tlr-' 1 piece 5l inch Botany Serge $5.00,special..-..-.. $B.00 6 pieces Coatings 54 inch, fine all wool navy, brown and reindeer, $6.00 toclear 'm"""""""""', 82.90 in. 1 piece Navy All Wool Serge, 64 inch wide. Regular price $2.50, special 81 s 1 piece all Wool Serge, 40 in. " ide, special .1: IC' . "_' Cf.' . 'Y . . .. Meny well made, special 'f' l V e -iien's Colored Cotton Sox, black tan and brown, special . . . . . . . . . . . Me Men's heavy Cotton Sox, black and brown, sizes 10 1-2 to 11, special V tp, o . ai . ' 35c l 3 P l $1.00 Men's Heavy Work Sox, sizes 10 1-2 Men's Heavy Work Sox. sizes so 10 L? and ll, special, per pair .. C Mia’s Merino Undershirts, 9Oe' sizes32to44,pergarment .......' Penman's Merino Shirts and. 31 m Mayra, 32 to , per tpa,gt . enman’s eavy 00 shirts and ttaTci',2, t. 44, 81. _ Natura AMtt 'nations, "ert2rient,y/'oi,ii,i,iai,i,i, "oo Watson's Com ination Suits 34to44,persuit ............ 331,0 Boys' Fleece Lined Shims and Drawers sizes 22 and 24 65e; sizes 26 and 28, Net sizes 30 and 32, per gsrmeni """': . .. trie hVWMeti’s Nah-gee Shirts in a' good assort- ment of stripes and colorings, sizes 14 to 18, priced at . . . . . . $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 "iiiiks' Pajama suits, heavy quality of Flannelette, special per suit » $2 65 2 pieces Black and White C heck Dress ioods, small and medium check 39 3...â€.LJ c Men’s Furnishings . _' Jieces All Wool Cheviot Dress Goods Work Shirts Night fpsyrys InanGeiette Night Gowns, large, sizes 14 to 16 1-2 $1 75 Fall Coats Cloves Silks Mc, t0650 1 980 $1.50 $3.00