way Thermit nu (amiltm .mmxnial Ta'" It In romporlrd n" aluminum ' d Iron rum. both Kinny ooi’dnrad 1nd thoroughly mixed mum“: ;W|un raised In high tompernuro by Ell. letting " of a amt“ Hull!) ot INth Civic-h C. the oxynnn in ' 1m hm rulho- over to thr. "bert - iMlelea (for which l,' Mai It Echunlou amnscy) with such, vie C:" to convert tlrtt whole urn: Magma; nuns _ I ' a lm‘rudlnrg Bomb.) Ara skilled ttt'rttert over L9 in": ed “on." Ivmur‘ t " Ishttn: (rota . "'lrsrnrtgtrsCr-r, wk tro' L‘It-f‘iHC‘d. install!» 1m- mm I-rpnrr- Md no; men drveiotud it) in; great; (Inna. o to in mum-p.101. of my at» war. but during toat magnum. coctttet the) were multiplled um} Into» man-nu“ ably more atheism. Even now. “my, nmmla‘a 3w working hard at the nrohlem. m the expectation that In thm next war sm‘h Aunts of deu.rtttuiost will tie amt": so much more ratrrFrr'tr, Early in the "bre mm phtw- phorus mamaâ€) tux-$05!": Mimi nu m Incvndlury agnm To put " nut fn almost tmpoaMtrle. and :1. small peH"L put it falling upon a man will ".r.tnrrt pnlntul burns that Jake works to heal. Hanna tho common us» ot phonphorus bombs A solution‘u wallow phosphorus In c.rbomtrintr1phidr " 'r 'sl' Sr" of in mm award on F'pcyz‘A’A trr “n- rho mixture linaâ€: u,rr,,; m." 're, nest by our (’1'lean I’ 'url'rv» T't I’Icv. for Ily? in when human“ I'm Mug of than â€no man-men's to [cum with benu-nc. heavy on. and I anal! quantity at TNT. This mympound was 19.st by hunting a an of it, from a nupporr and Bring rifte mum." than ter an, A “nun than mound without ignition until the liquid "amen tit" ground. when it took tire u " 511mm! Thrown upon warm, it Inn-m. ruvldly and burn tteimrelr, but for thin sort of "an, to lunar!) ignition. small chunks of Jodiun :whinh is net on fire bv wont-ca " _ water) an added. A mixture of ltitrrieait,o'.! with " per cent. of ammonium hunts! given. when tMetthars;er. "ottt homhu, mmr‘nsa name: whst'r. him for ten or twelvn minutes, 'l.'hi." mmpound. uled togelhar MU; Whormdt." prov mt the most offm-Mxr “mcrndkrw' during the war, TI. newest "intene'rA t Cr.'2at It loaded wlttt worms». mum. _ ya lodlum nitrato ma u. semi-ht O (hermit “quell" mm all. no I!!!" te,', time the conulnm In burned 1rth and mollod. more. Is A In- 'Nlf,t", bunt of Btune, cr all of the bomb. dropw-d by the OOflnun In Enxllah ctrrrirM (hermit, The Drum. "may "World†bomb." dun-holy and during their". VII I ed with ttre nine acumen" Q 'il."",",', vhlch barium rum-nu we. . on Immo- um “I ', “a a but can“. - J Mod ln s and moon- men. tteeordt" to hold ', _ jut: an oeit'btrt.s.,..oA0 :99; ahi.. 1".\l (ll itp.'R Momma; 10 tret 91mm a . by v udort. ", " In": (in: in rucm: {wager if! was." hr'rmxr t tt r1rp1'1")’ . I; ua-lm! , rertl . r-rl'l lilOi“bU"!UI WT. in tor-Pug; bom'mng Lirnlnne coma" (hat-H â€.000. They mum be .ropped l tfl up. mummy. to tty Ul all diree-i â€any ulna. ' ccpiosiors mutated 'lnPIPV I ,-'tb, we Trourtr l llrcrm euterpriury m lbs Paulie dim-'4 that ts.ucrtr-cauetune mttr In mmmnn‘Ia‘lly premature. Shari.- “my oil contains all the hem Shari.- mm on contains a); the best 0"0D"l'w(‘h or oil eUraclen from the www- "l we C As a fertllmen, mum men J sumrir-r to doriUtt. The head or the shark contains (In. uf a \Muablv- gull“: Its tina are a delicacy much prized b" the Chlnue. Nylon tr'totor. the works Mon clan-mm. 1 ' - l . titty-Mo mm old I.“ rot-arr I; i " hu- "ierssu-srrrbttt but -1n tnese waters maria swarm In Lhmrands, They are caught with a ewlwllvd hook. Driven h) a small motor. the ml- chlne is fed " on. 'xrttt with toma- mu ot all an... They It our!» and thelr “my on to a phtforrn In which are nun-arou- bolus at "nun In. {or the length of the mtchlne. TI. musk)" are. then automluctlly amend In order. , (the am cotton gnnufurl‘nrmg Wu (than I. war Lv more than t , you: old. ret',tte union km a; bu 1.360.000 lDrln‘lea Ind iTho power looms. [Inducing luau» Illr.150,000.000 pounds of yarn tad 00,000,009 - of chm Gram I%.riqtsr In Elba-la. mumâ€, hut-whim of Kluhu his tho " axon of ham; Hun gran a; bur in r In mam-Ia. n. n Tomntoqrowm bu been the chief Anions: _ In my (“sum tor nun! was; the work of sorting the pro- Uuce into also. bu provldI-d I con aldrrable amount of work during the (3VOB. A machine whlth does the work ot "',"Prtttr men at a small cost ha Just Deon invented, um 15 In no. at Warming, England. The new Ira-mine will do away with this, for its Chin: u to chap» nnu In no idle bout. ‘l( I. and (hut the invention an 60-h: an hoar the whrk of but!" men. gr a roar of huh â€Henna“ “Monitor“: (mun In Chm... that TWODIA nave felt tempred to about sharks was! the little girl "d aim-av wasp- -epitt5 did 000 LCD Iltrtn , Money-Mm: Machine. Tt TA F"",.,, ., mt“. u., "r “ch- Oi tho Pear Itll In in. I _-.- pttrutAr. Ipi'q1tAIT,_'iiItar_e1qt..ut1E.t19r2.Ui, Visit Kitchener Store sDuring This Big Eve ntTUES'DAY, NOVEMBER m1. ,TO in J. "L: ' - , 4,1. ‘4' . Ain‘t" . _',es tit A Aliti, [NM " " *H rludol in W aterloo great many hare the t per cent. Sauna» Arr' white "(hum have the 5 prr osttl. lk-iwnlun" ahsolute wwunl) and good run-s hf mlrrrsl. Vt "trt [Ind " better plum tou Are uniln-d to Huh-um anllu'“ prr-un or " mail at either of llll' (human. People from Ptet'y wt‘lmn ol [hr country ar rd in the large numher of tquImPr. ol crhm County Loan and Savinuu~ ("I-um") 't many hare the t per cent. Suing» Acro t) t) hiql MINER H \TI'HLUU y woman ol Ilw country an m " tNI "tttrr"" ul||rr "Illn- tor vull U tiATt' RIM Y NOVEMBER 12 Weakest!â€