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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 14 Jul 1921, p. 5

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Eh.npucn‘su i8 an Awrur oL. .. }, _. FEELING. . a*. .4 t‘ro Mu}: young meir q? *_-‘wfloo‘ â€"for Camp ltast Monday nomln;‘ it /put till Frigay noon and then ‘to ‘hootf i home. Thay put in ome call to a friend who responded | jmotored to meet themp,,. Keep. oll ;;your doing fine, bub,ithere‘s no i"flke home." ie § not take PLAOK (n WwaTes : LOO. hier:mcrittigtrhm, of Weterifo. has preativ enioved A réaÂ¥ding "You tAbt secretfry, has been made secreâ€" F::;"(::’:’d' >“r:‘|::.r.y‘::.ufi of the Company, and will bring } * Aad % : ; _ . | to bis new dufles the valuabie eÂ¥petiâ€" by Miss Emma Kasts, was also " z ly a irtcuated." * ence gained â€"dbringits nine years in h Virmahs es Iniessiinn ane | itpy Aptunest Arpeftortm ht ue ho C c & fl‘lz‘?hd" ohe ‘:‘q Tils oaprit .ce coftier parvadiug évary )e into which the society |8) gogajtment of 4h87 Dn PDqnital tgtn a ghrdan perts On) [ite apd Apcidfat 1 .‘.c.tum:"; zoo The procéadi 6t which will| is spdeity found "0lly (¢ indtitduoes m}!"!fi""‘.”“!‘“m«fl“flh Iridudis have Workéd ation, : any years togethar, and apdake woll es uo oo ie t cce en mcb aieen ~ E.mfl:&..mmm.:& r::lic.l_ Church was held in the en} of the church Friddy night.. iterbating m.mm,m'{.'a.‘.fl t WRE theé hydro rhdidt thvesâ€"| tiad & cH n_an4 the G. T. R. arbitrationâ€"|Rotivities k to an end within one wéek ot e ged Tor the octision, 6f which a‘ id paper ot“l‘iO Life of David stom," by Mrs. J. ‘Bruegman| J. A. Raymond ‘ot Torolté #ak tor Th town thid wook. old Janadk. 1/ overed? chat it \en Arvoid JaneÂ¥t l..,...,,'" irrmre d in s s ‘o provide proper and Notes: of Interest ”m& he profiin whit repont [_ ’ 4 ! ‘ ‘TOWII ::-:h:::‘fln&dlm for new rooms at a . .just as , Rheumatism, Neuritis, ica,‘ etc., will to T. R. C‘s. Sold y‘ by A. B, Learn. â€"Adrto .. ... I/The Telegraph; to.state the as,(°5°W‘8 ‘BCHP JPT.&, position on the /reported in nhc:y'-‘ 'l'gll'lr!unfif'“_" TE in s td A fls ols bt take place in. ‘the Waterloo. b::“;;“‘ll We reborts ::: moinâ€" Watérlpo‘s park has been ragâ€"| "©" e BOM‘ @ »lnn«vl( aooms F frge from anything of this sort. I of ‘the ‘building and discussedâ€"refecoâ€" f sfi . % l“"’ugl‘“d _:yaripm qiher imlhor â€" reâ€" IESOMENESS 18 AN AWrFUL | DAWKitor them. regutar rhweohig 8t the LadTea‘ d Mission Soctety ‘of @mmadauet rs and the usual picnic sports tif ‘e«hJored" by‘ all}‘ present. NY 16e vathiRe to? which there Fever‘ yields to RAZâ€"MAH alâ€" se _ |_ be not faltâ€"to read tull pgrticuiads | b¢0it céiied away on > # ocmlru'!!'flh'l_'&hfit is fincss And Be Mr.â€" Mervyn. Smith. Made Secrétary~â€" Over Three MNlion Inturance e in Forese. Phenomena! : achievements seem to be the order of the day with The Onâ€" tatio Equitableâ€"Life and Accident Inâ€" surance Co., who have just amnounced ‘@ total amotunt of insurafc® fm forch }o{ over three and a quarter millions of dollars. ; p 7 The intense entbusiasm ang aggre« siveness shown by the entire field force of the Company has ‘made posd! ble this recordâ€"bréd@klnig progress and bids fair to produce a showingâ€"far thea yeéar that will be a revelation to the Insiffente &64 financidal world, Mervy Smith, witt! recently assiy tant gecretary, has been made secroâ€" tary ‘of the Company, and will bring to his new nx.- the valuable eÂ¥petiâ€" ence gained â€"dbringits nine years in Two Interesting ._ George Hickson,ytha goremap of the ’Bell Télephone gang, who are atâ€" work 'on Young street, here, was the hero of an accident which occurred at the park on Saturday morning. A young elevenâ€"year.old boy decided to awlin across the dam but wiign he got about half way across he became frightened, and seeing that he could not make it, screamed for help. Mr. Hickson heard the call and rushed to the scene where after, removing coft: and shoes he plunged into the water and draw the boy. out. Mr. Hickson‘s action was prompt and highly comâ€" mendable and the boy owes his life to it but the whole affair should serve as a warding to youbg swimmeérs. Ball & Co. are offering exceptional bargains at a. Great) Reduction Sale which opened‘ on Thursday of this week. A \wonderful opportunity to ui_v.f‘ money. ip(id’t’,fihn 1¢. fle sure to read;full page Ad. in this issge on page 7. . Telephone Gang .Foreman Rescues The mefil# was {interesting, | a tang‘ ‘dikcussion . of the ways and means for m@gre accommodation was indulged in.by the members of whom the following. were present C. O. Hergphill, J. A. Harpor, J.. Bruege man, M. Braghdle, ‘B. z..'ruyr&rd and A. E. Devitt. school rooms for the use ;'frt;‘orte;c? ‘fp» bfli pupiis. . Phe Inspector‘s and Prlluld‘, e pofts were received and filéed aid ab Appication wis .received from Miss Hedwis Linckp for ; position on‘ the . ~At M ay‘s nfi‘ was | elded to send for new maj the revised maps of Eu Auin s6 Africa which will be m“ifill Waterloo sehoot "b fngt. n y e ;:';Mlj:c::u‘?n: the :o provide proper ac aterio Ball & Co. Big Sale Announcements by Ontario Equitable 3 cndht dircheng \as Conttaiyt ‘oreman hescues a M hink Lad new maps, s t e oo o se wl Pnd Centrel and family have taken possessign, o;!helr fibe new home, King stredt North, Watefloo, recoatly purchased ‘ffom Mr. James Sobtt. i *A a â€"â€"â€", * â€" MF. and Mrs. E. Zick and little qg'utller returned to Toronto by moâ€" tor early in the week, after a pleasâ€" ant hoNdgay of saveral days visiting their nimerous Waterlpo: fritnds, the ghosts of, Mry: T. O‘Dounell, John Bt Mr. Hugh Coutts, of _ Nikg@ra Fllls, Oudt. is spending hi. vacatio® with hJ« brother .add sitterâ€"on Wilâ€" Nam street. . w 4 most enj6: Acid, Lake Hurok to dBAhU@ tie noliday at the home ot ‘” e â€" Mrs. Jake Nidrgarth is Mr, JA@gs Heviron, who had as his . H.. D, Bellinger, of Davidson. |few days with Congstogo mmy Armatrobg and MiSa |Sask., id visiting ber parents, â€"Mr. add| prosont, < .. . â€"â€" of Torornto. ‘Mrk. feo. DépPich for a wouple of|* © _ eemigtemmistcam &nd family, Horbert dtreet, have veâ€" UirAled) | ‘Troth r"flm ot â€" #Â¥veral i) manners.â€"Chesterfi@ld. Bon Voyage to Mrs. William H~ derson ond wee daughler Edith: : Mrs. John Ferguson aod yourg . son "Jack," who left ‘ast Saturday for an extended visip to "Bouny Scotland." Messrs."Henderson and Ferguson acâ€" cotmpanied the party to .Moutreal, and will join them later on for a short holiday in the Old Land. and Mrs. Charles G. Merrett, William street. y MF." Junics Valontine has returned from a much enjoyed holiday of sevâ€" eral days with his family at their gu c mier .wt&e on Browning Island, Lake Muskoka. Miss. ‘Kitty. Merritt of the General I’pcmu »staff, Hamilton, is spending boF"bo'I‘hyl with her parents _ Mr. , Rey, . B LL.and t 4 hmwomm .U‘rbrl::g Mrs. Alex.Howie bas also returned to +"Ellerglie" after spending a very beneficial noliday at Jackson‘s Point and Toronto. Miss A. Howle has returned from a delightful holiday trip of three weeks with Mr:‘and Mrs. Hedley Hilborn. Brookilyn, ‘N; Y:, who with their young son and daughter accompanied Miss Howle on her returp joutney to Wa: thrlod by nfoter, for a short visit to their hosts of Twinâ€"City friends. ener. Mrs. F.{8. Hodgins and her sister, Mrs. Fred Gro#f of Wipnipeg left this wesk to join Mr. and Mrs. C.lzyton Sunider and family at their suthmer home on Lake Huron.! U y "’}""f‘-'l anunet p ".:A' afi.fi.m.. vacation,"‘ * _ Mrs. B. U Ziegtor,* who has been visiting het or. «MFs. W.. ‘n mm-# C !m' b-flm: m l!_M’ Mr. Mr., and .Mt»« J. . C, Cunningham 6 seouritr;â€" eciqpti other people‘s and M‘.ffif‘f‘d; Haeko§i and Go00 BREEDING is own geod breading is the regg, Figher, of â€" the ‘Mutual #hd three sogs bhave returnâ€" miost enjéyable holiday at ut WRo ol o# 4 essie Van ‘Every, Era ud1 tuf and relatives Sobignt‘t they. Mr. R. O. Depplsch, who "Wis been bolidaying atâ€" Grand, Bond, is home for the weekond. 4 >« C wrt TWE AVS OUL, 29°00@ CCTEOUR “I Mr. Waiter Scatt, of Ayr, for nine present. <* years town etectrictan of Hespelet, 4 art= ‘ll a viaitop to the: city. While here he _ Mr. &nd Mrs. Petéer Shupe, of Toâ€") is the griest of Mr. Totmie who recent ronto, &re spendfd@@ théir vAc@tiOn| jy caine here from South Africa. Mr and rengwing acquaintancés in Kitchâ€" .:‘m, hgs béen_in South Africa and in enér and victnity, 1 ¢t has.beem th noarly every country l ig c aez Uih the world. s % , Mr. Carl Zarnke left on Kriday to vifit friends in Michigan from whence he will go, on a mdtor c#râ€"trip to California, which will occupy three widbtna‘ time. Mrs. A. Hollingworth of Brocktitla and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mollikgworth of Londo® are visiting at the, home ot Mrs. Fréed Koerbsr, Spridg street, at present. k * Gelph yesterday Mrk. C. Reby, of Hamilton, Ohis; and Mrs, E. R. Simpsoh, of Windsor, are apendi tow weoks with thair dister Mre: rfi.’h‘rnfi:mkhm C _ Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jacob 8. Snider left Baturday morning for an extended trip through the northwest.‘ Mr. Bert Klder of the Bank of Toâ€" “tplto.knrpendln' the week:end / at "his home in Toronto.‘ Mrs. A.;Brown, who has been visitâ€" ing at the hoime.of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hevitt. réturhed to fer houie Th Miss Margaret Morrls," who has been visiting Waterioo friends for some time past, has returned to her home in Guelph. Mr. Leander Bowman is spending o rnrroces his vacation on Minnicog@anashene I®â€"| \rs. McCaskill of Kincardine, visitâ€" land, Georgian, Bay. ed hber daughter, Nurse S. McCaskill & > 0 for a few days this week. Mrs. Professor J. Neve of Spring: Bsc ol deld, Ohlo, is visiting her sister, Mrs.| Misses Ella . and Vera Alles left Rev. E. Bockelimann at present. _ _ | on Thursday for Wiarton wnere they ; spend the vacation. The Whithy rummer: school party, coimnposed of Mrs. 8. E. Schrader and Minses mcnchs VarfEvery _ and S. Wegenant ‘and W; Shibk Bave returnâ€" ad hom» to Waterloe after a most snjoyabh and pmtuzk time. Mr. and Nos .L. J. McBrin® have‘re turned from an enjoyable trip to Chat: ham and Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace @Hd@ ‘family are ~holidaying »at Honeyâ€" Harkor. â€" Mika Ro#é Lockie has returnsd from: a..dolightful â€"holiday of twoâ€" weeks>at; [Belifontain, Ont. thag i6 5g4 [ /s 4 2#4%8¢: ... Khos: Raflantyite 1 spatina® Air Â¥4â€" Mr. and (Mrs. W,. E. Woelfle and ‘qmily are enjoying the summer at "Gien Rivor," their beautiful summer hoime at Chicopée, .. ~ _ _Mr. Asd Mrs. Smith . of~ Nikgara Fally are the guests of Mr. and Mri. L. J. McBrine for a. fortnight,> cation at her home in Misses Eleanor and Edith Watson left on Thursday for Highlané Inn, Algongquin â€"Park, to spend . their. vacaâ€" Ek 3e," Chicopes UX 446 "Mré‘ W E. Wing hi lam? â€"oAjoying a week at Grand “r‘ ‘ \ Ham{lton Spegtator: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Missos Kilean Dillion, Olivia Arnold, of Kitchener, and Mr. E. Gib~ son motored to Burlington Beach on Friday morning, joining some friends Trom Toronto who had motored to the Heach. F ‘ Â¥isitor to town. He wis at one firke in the newspaper bwkiness and workâ€" &d for the Galt iReformer 25 re â€" Mr. Arthur C. Hurturg of Detroit is holidaying fn the cfty, a guest at the honte ef Mrs. Péter Dentinger, 17 Peter street. Miss Laura Sheppard. 60 St. Leger street is holdaying in Montreal at present. £000. their youn@Â¥er daughter, Letta, to Mr. Irwin C. Bricker, of Yorkton, Sask., wou of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bricker, Lisâ€" towel!, Ont. $ Mrs. M. L, Snider .of Toronto, is the guest of her dl\{:hter. Mrs. Geo. A. Martin, King St .West, The Ins the tellow who kicks flombmw. and comâ€" Mr.. George C. Wilkinzon, who is the , for the Galt ¢Betormer 25 1 Mrs. Jak6 Nibrfartn is spénal Wiks Wors Altward, RN. of Mont al in vikiting at her home hefé at f':%?rflcufikfluee_wm;m’"fi . _ 0_ + Soopige 48 HORSE COLLARS, régutér price $5100, selling AE$LTS to .......... 3 C â€" * w P teg: t # * SWEAT PADS, any size, regular price $1, selling ‘uE ....asllL ..". rskeast%as ésé ARMY PAbS, réxular pricé $1.50, kelliny ARMY TEAM WHIPS régulir pPMce $2.25 his 31 Queen St. S. KITCHENEER. All dther goods, not mentioned above, sold in proportion. We have a $6,000 STOCK which we must dispose of to make alteratiéns for a Boot and Shqutocli we are going to open up. BICYCLES, TIRES AND SUNDRIES AT WHOLESALE PRICES 2 0 2 0 0 * WE ADMIRE COMPETITIONâ€" OF ALL KINDS AT HALF e SQCIZ!'LEI% 4@ Mr. Fred Hughes returned last ovâ€" pning frosy Oliphant where ho has bhen spending an enjoyable holiday of three woeks. . today. The two gentiomen have visitâ€" od several towng. in Westara â€"Ontario lnm:::mmdmhc up i. business.. They were very farâ€" e rankaaâ€" row is Quo§ley. W Mr. and Mrs. 8. Perschbacher, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mres. F. C. Perschbacher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snider, ot Grand Rapids, Mich., are rn‘lu the weekâ€"end at the horhe of Mr. abd Mra. Miss Adele Brodle, of Toronto, is on an extended wisit tq the home of Mrs. J, Charles Muelier. , Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hendry of Torâ€" omto have returned after~a visit in Waterloo, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Snyder. _ Mr. and Mrs, George Pfaff and son, Ryerson, of Milverton, visited relaâ€" tives in town yesterday. Miso Mary Willitms, spent the weekâ€"ond at Mrs. J. Charles Muolier. Misses Emma Sohlote and Minnie Kreas are holidaying at Goderich for a couple ot wedks. Mr. town, Misser Maryâ€" Froehlich and Olive Ro»s returued Monday evening from A delightfd@) boat trip to Duluth. Mrs..C. D. Cgllins, son Jack and daughter Jean, left on Monday for their summer home at Stomey Lake. London Free Pressâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Karl Zlegler and baby son, of Waterâ€" loo, who are guctts with the latter‘s parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Zidgler, Waterlco street, have spent the past week at Niagara Falls. Mesers. "Scotty‘" Hueglin ry Revel of Detrgit motored loo last week and are rene puaintances here at present A. E. Han)buld. of _ Charlotte P.E.1., visited with Mr. and Mrs Heppler over the weekâ€"end. Hueglin and Harâ€" motored to Waterâ€" are renewing acâ€" of â€" Toronto, the home of for All Night Ferry â€" : Operates Betwee_a Windsor and De WINDSOR, July 12. â€"â€" Hegeatter those residents on this gide o# the Detroit river who miss the last ferry boat from Detroit will not be obliged to go to a hotel or stay up allâ€"might. beginning tonight an allâ€"night ferry service between Dotroit and Windsor will be maintained. Capt. Ernest Sharon, a private launch owner,> ham received permission from Ottrwa to establish a ferry line from the (4ot of Woodward avenue to the fot of Onelâ€" lotte avenue on this side. Haifirourly ttips will be made, beginnin@ after the laat regular {ferry leaves at 1230 Foréign Trade of U. Stateés Slump# A: K. Cressman and memb¢rs of his Sunday school class of Etamai« uel church, bave returned frém & pleasant two day motor trip ta Fish+ er‘s Glen whore hundreds o_(j" thas. Trail Rangers and Tuxis boys hre in camp. The Twinâ€"City is represented at ‘camp by 33 young men. Moogk with a gang of men con;;ufenég ed work of rounding off the cortié~ aÂ¥ Young and Aibert treets. Thij hak beon one of the most dangerou&. cogâ€" ners in town and when the wotk i# fnished danger from motor acg:'lgenu at this point will be greatly lespened, (C VISITED CAMP Phone. 306 pextir+ Atg ® EH}! 28

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