Big Values in Cotâ€" ton Goods and Linens 456 WHITE FLANNELâ€" ETTE 22¢ 1000 yards white flannelette in a fine soft fluffy finish, good quality, 35 in. wide, reg. : 2o .. arpiintingeanibeiid 22c ETTE 18 500 yards fine soft white flanâ€" melette, good quality and finish, 37 in. wide, reg. 85¢, Sale Price .....,...: 18c 85c COLORED REPP 596 356 WHITE FLANNELâ€" 75c & 85c SCOTCH 45c for . “7Veiry special for July Sale fine quality colored Repp in shades of maize, fawn, navy and copen blue, pink, etc., 27 in. wide, fine mercerized finish, Reg. 85¢ sale price ......... 59c 45c & 50c GINGHAMS 35c o GINGHAMS 59c Anderson‘s Scotch Ginghams, fine soft quality in fancy plaids and stripes, reg. 75c and 85¢ for ............ 59c _ 50 pieces ginghams to . pick and choose from in plaids, checks and stripes, good qualâ€" ity, fast colors, reg. 45c and 50c, sale price ..... 35c 30c & 35c PRINTS 20c _ See these fine prints in medâ€" jum and light shades in stripes and fancy, suitable for shirts, dresses, waists, aprons . and children‘s wear, reg. 30c and 35¢ for ........... 200 35e BLEACHED COTTON 18c For July Sale only 5 pieces bleached cotton, 35 in. wide, good strong quality, fine weave, regular 35¢, Sale DrICG > ..s is cssn arcann+ 18(: 60c STEELCLAD GALATEA 33¢ 18e UNBLEACHED 20c ROLLER TOWELLING 10c COTTON 10c 200 yards unbleached cotton, fine soft quality, will give good wear, 32 in. wide, Reg. 18¢ fOF .:â€".ccarrzkss‘s 10c A real good cloth for summer wear in eight colors with strip es and fancy . patterns, . Alice blue and navy, 29 in. wide, reg. 60c, Sale Price 33 100 yards roller towelling, rough finish, extra heavy qualâ€" fy. regular 20c, Sale prIiCGG .::.ccsrrzaskrke«s 10(3 38c LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING 25c 5 pieces linen roller towelling narrow red border, good heavy quality, regular 38¢, sale priGe .;ccnccezasieassas 250 75c & 85c VOILES FOR 390 Fancy Voiles for _ dresses, smocks, children‘s wear, etc., all good colors, 40 in. wide, 75¢ and 85¢ for 35c WHITE & BLACK STRIPE GINGHAM 20c Fine quality white and black stripe gingham, guaranteed fast colors, 29 in. wide, res. 9A $1.00 BLEACHED 35¢ for . â€" 8SHEETING 70c 38 pleces bleached sheeting, extra heavy quality, 76 in. wide, Reg. $1.00, sale price mar vard cc20222...2.2. 70c 856 BLEACHED HUCK TOWELS 12%e 10 dozen bleached huck towâ€" els, guest size, fancy border and heffimed ends, Regular 20c and Bbc for 12Vze 75¢ BLEACHED HUCK TOWELS FOR 3#c Extra large size huck towels 20 x 40, good heavy quality fancy border and hemmed ends; TOWELS 19¢ 20 dozen only fine quality bleached huck towels, fancy border & hemmed ends Reg. 36¢ for ......... 19c €b, BLEAcHED SHEET 65e CIRCULAR PILLOW Regular 75¢, 60e CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON 456 300 _ yards _ heavy . quality bieached circular pillow cotton 44 in. wide, regular 60c, 45c Staple Dept. a a B a 9r ; Aams °0 e t ic te. io § ; : ie i â€" m e io + n o. g+ oo 34 ¢o% MLs ie M 3 wl I "aale <anr zoo * _ "o Nok ghont o mgnl Mc umm Satb: began on Tuesday, July 12th, when our doors were opened to the 1 ine to the cnd | Bisgest Sale event, ever put on in this city, . Hiigh clans and relinble mere handise will be.dleared qut at remarkable reâ€" {| be. * 4e C# 2 * k 5 us F T 3 es § £y Lo B o io oo t tz 000 oastienl| (teT inate .e uge 3 90( +0 U ao y. 3 . ductions and every department throughout the store will offer unusual h ‘gh * C HES (ain m (ar ied § 0C . bxew g 2 ; C ‘ e Aua i M . M YR es t sn o o eeeeeniny dhig.s 34 + aq> d it un UnE c ts _ ths o io. // > s 200 yards fite quality bleachâ€" E&mlu pillow cotton, 40 in. .. Reg. 55¢, sale 42 c BLEACHED HUCK "*~ _ 30¢ COTTON 426 .. 39e ING 48e 20c heavy full fashloned, double sole and heel, color® mavy, brown, gray and black, good quality all sizes 8%, 9, 9% and 10, Rex. $2.50 and $2.75 31098 Ladies‘ fine silk hose, full fashioned, double soles and heel black only, all sizes, 8%, 9, 9% and 10, very special, @1â€" 10 Reg. $2.00 tor 51019 Ladies‘ silk hose, lisle top, double sole and â€" heel, â€"colors nayy, brown, grey, silver, taupe, ces AGe â€" 9. and 10,,reg. $120 and $1.50 for .... 79¢ Ladies‘ fine lisle hosé, 1â€"1 ribbed, garter top, slightly imâ€" perfect, colors black, white and brown, all sizes, 9, 9% and 10, Regular 85c for * # m‘. Reg. $2.50 and $2.75 Ladies‘ mercerized ligle hose, double sole and heel, ‘colors black and brows, all sizes 9, 9% and 10, Regular 50c Children‘s 1â€"1 ribbed cotton hose, colors black, white and brown, all sizes, 5, 5%4, 6, 6%4, 1. 1%. 8. 8%, 9. 9% and 10, very fine quality Reg. ular 50 and §0¢ for .... 39c Children‘s 1â€"1 ribbed cotton hose, colors black and white, sizes 6%4, T. T%. 8. 8%. 9. 9% and 10 Regular 45c fOF i..scsÂ¥xsssra4t6«s 25c Men‘s fine lisle sox, double sole and heel, colors black, brown, and, smoke, sizes 10% and 11. Half price, t and 50e * 75¢ Ladies‘ Ribbed Cotton vests, low neck, n6 siéeve and short sleeves, Sizes 36 and 38 Reg. 40¢ for ........> 250 Ladies‘ fine ribbed _ cotton vests, low neck, no sleeves and short sleeves, sizes 36 & 38, Reg. 45¢ for ...... 290 Ladies‘ Porous knit vests, low meck, no sleeves or short sleeves, extra good _ quality. Size 38, Regular 75c Size 38, Regular 75¢__ BQa for Ladies‘ fine ribbed cotton combinatione, low neck, . no sleeves and short sleeves, open style, umbrella knee. Sizes 36, 38 & 40, Odd lines, reg. $1.50 to $2.00, for ..... 98c Ladies® outsize drawers in close style of strong quality rib bed cotton, umbrella knee, lace trimmed, Regular $1.25 trimmed, Regular $125 QB q Ladies‘ pimk jersey bloomers, all sizes, special ....... 39c for Ladies‘ Silk Lisle Vests, very finest quaity, low neck, no sleeve. Lace edged and lace yoke, sizes 36 and 38, QR‘. Reg. $1.50 for 386 GLASS TOWELLING 25¢ Extra heavy â€" quality glass towelling, blue and white stripâ€" ed, 22 in. wide, reg. 38¢ Sale Pric® q....0}0.}> 25(3 65c BATH TOWELS 35c Good quality bath towels, red and grey sttiped, size 1% x 36, a good Kitchen towell reg. 65¢, sale price ........ 350 486 CHECK GLASS 1 t _ TOWELLING 296 &6 pleces red and blue check glass towelling, fine heavy qualâ€" ity, no drgssing, will give the best of wear, regular 45¢ gale price ............. 29(3 65e HEMSTITCHED 50c HEMMED PILLOW SLIPS 39c Hemstitched pillow slips, fine quality cotton, mercerized finâ€" ish, 42 in., reg. 65e Sale PFIOG ...,....}.... 39¢ 856 NAVY VOILE 490 Navy biue vofle, sheer qualâ€" ity and weave, good wearing quality, 40 in. wide, reg. §5¢ fOF ....cisivik0... 49¢ 306 UNBLEACHED P ~__ _ GOTFON 16e Very upéciat for July sale, 5 . _ PILLOW SLIPS 296 Hemmed pillow . slips, good quality cotton, fine finish, 42 in., Regular 50¢, sale t)o‘. i7 i. Hhey fepuit 104 Staple Dept. Underwear Hosiery _ 85c $ ". F t * -":“;!':“’ . jtie * m (‘ z‘:j-::‘-,.{q:, ;'(-, we ‘-.V'Q‘Ms‘gq Silks andDrmGood ods < 5 $ 44. "".:1 fren t 282 o sh $ ,~u:.r3..,._!";u‘ ¢ A ~ .. â€" Sale Prices: â€"~ 75c. Tussah Silk 48c. i t soge o e h oi han cronnid oiclh nepans Ttarnis nak Price _ â€"â€" * .. â€"â€" AAgee $2.50 SILK CREPE DE CHEN® 31.25 500 yds. Silkâ€"Crepe De Chene in Pink, Sky, Orchid, Maize, Ivory, Rose, Burâ€" gundy, &c., all bought .. to sell : cheap. Reg. $2.50 and $2.75. July : Buale .....1.:/slslas s tï¬ gs! ‘l‘zs > dE\ »41 â€" 7 l : BLACK DUCHESSE SILK, REGULAR $3.00 JULY SALE PRICE $1.38. 6. 434 As 150 yards Rich Blagk Duthesse Silk, 36 in. wide, guaranteed not to cut, $1 ‘88 will give excellent wear for dresses or skirts, Réegular $3.00, July Sale ........4@. $2.50 BLACK PAILLETTE SILK $1.50 x * 100 yards Black Paillette Silk, 36 in. wide, beautiful finish, good wearing sl 50 quality and sold Regular at $2.50, July Sale Price ...,.......u..ll......... C 5 pes. only beautiful finish Shot Duchâ€" ess Silks, 36 in. wide in Green and Navy, Purple and Green, ‘Green and,,Copen, Cerise and CGrey for Dresses or Skirts. Reg. $3.75. July Sale Price Q@ OAAA only ... $3.75 SHOT SILKS $2.00. All Wool Dress Goods at Sacrifice Prices $3.50 BLACK ALL WOOL SERGE $1.175 v‘"Wl â€";'fn;c_evoâ€"nl-s;_aï¬ wool ;e;g;,_‘svoï¬hfé}iid‘e, guaranteed fast black, suitable for dresses, separate skirts, guits, etc., Regular $8.50, July Sale Price ........... $4.50 NAVY BLUE AND BLACK SUJTING SERGE.$2.50. _ _ _ $1.50 and $1.75 HERRINGBONE SERGE 89c . 4. 1010408 3.3 th 2 d h.A in ctnttnvintiin oï¬ tabronfmsmduc ts s sntiiiel i > 15 pieces good quality Herringbone serge for children‘s dresses or ladies‘ dresses or. skirts, 36 to 40 in. wide in all good colorings, navy blue, sand, green, copen, burâ€" 89 gandy, etc., guaranteed all wool, Regular price $1.50 and $1.75, July Sale price c ___ 2 pieces only All Wool Suiting Serfe in mnavy blueâ€"or black, extra fine botany yarn, a bargain at $4.50,, July Sale Price only ................. $3.00 ALL WOOL SERGES $2.00. . « _ â€" > _____> ks wagh w'wFi.r;;;u;livt; ;.lf:vgoï¬â€"s;rgv'; 54 in. wide in black, navy and also a few colors for suits or separate skirts, Regular $3.00, July Sale Price ....... 85¢ and $1.00 VOILES FOR 49%c. _ Good smart patterns in light and dark shades of fancy Voiles for Dresses, waists etc., 40 in. wide, Reg. 85c and $1.00. Sale Price ......:..... 490 $1.25 and $1.50 WHITE AND COLORED EMB. VOILE, 69c. _ _ _ 500 yards White and Colored embroidâ€" ered Voiles in fancy and dot patterns, sheer quality and weave, 42 to 44 in. wide, Reg. $1.25 and $1.50 Sale PrIiCGe«sirs Ladies‘ Suits, Coats and Dresses â€" . At Most Remarkable Reductions . _ . LADIES‘ AND MISSES‘â€"all wool Serge ‘ LADIES‘ POPLIN DRESSES, sizes, 36 Suits, sizes 16 to 40 in black; also a few only, colors, Copen, Navy, Grey and checks and tweeds. Thése are b and Blackâ€"long sleeve, round ’5 00 button trimmed. Reg..$35. , *98 feck. Reg. $12.75â€"to $15. for o for xrslka c lsncsc n enc k > ,... MISSES‘ GINGHAM DRESSES, sizes 16 LADIES‘ AND MISSES‘ Coats in Navy® â€"|‘â€" to 20, â€"volors, Pink, Copen and Mauve and Black Serge, also tweeds, sizes 16 to plaids. Th:iw h?l:e o;:l.';n:y collars and 88. These are stitching trimâ€" scalloped skirts. Reg. $6. ned. Reg.szzwszafm..sgogs + fors4098 @ A=04 Dressing Ladies‘ Poplin skirts in black and navy only, sizes 28 to 28 waist, Reg. $8.25 , Ladies‘ flowered volle dress Ing sa@qued, eolors pink, sand and blue, made with meat shirâ€" ring at back, reg. ipe n onkt * â€" S$1.00 $1.85.for ... .. .. .. ... O AsUWU Ladies‘ lt;lotlc combfnaâ€" tions in ‘pink and white sizes 34 to 44. : Regular $2.00 for ...... $1.18 Regular $3.00 for ...... $1.78 White Cotton gown made; in kimono style, with lace edgaj0n neck and sleeves, very 750 HBUORMRE . . : 2xzele cb s cens o I special Wonderful Bargaing in Dress Voiles Be Sur Skirts * !"" â€" 60¢ 'S and GLet Jome Of; Black Silk Bargains trimmed with rickâ€" Very special special blouses in‘ black with : white, «also pink, maise, grey And white these have fine tucks, Regular ‘Fitra large bungalow aprom tor size 44, light blue and grey colored prints, very Oï¬ a Misses‘ Swiss muslin also dark valle overblouses: made with trill and band, Reg. $2.75 tor ..‘1«89 Ladies‘~ and m volli;, aiso colored made with fine tu Housedress bungalow * * S1.36 $2.50 and $3.00 GEORGETTE $1.48, | . â€" Flain colored Georgette, 38 and 40 in. wide,. fine . French qualities, NMavy, Ivory, Copen, Pink, Orchid, Maize &c.. This is 2200 ond .00 Jaiy Sac â€" @4 A§ s s uly ho § +] _ 8 pes. Silk Tricplette, 36 in..wide, very fashionable this season for Smocks, Suits or Separate Coats in ,3 colers for ‘this Sale, Ivo;yi N:lwï¬md New Blue. Reg. $3.50. July Sale Price 4 Onlly . 4s + crrraiea ns s ns sls 6e ‘s 32.25 $3.50 SILK TRICOLETTE $2.25. $1.25 UP TO $2.00 FANCY VOILES 79c. Specially good for July Sale, beautiful patterns of Fancy Voiles in light and dark colors, 40 in. wide. Reg. $1.25 up to $2.00. Sale Price ....... 79c $1.50 UP TO $2.50 FANCY VOILES 98c. A real bargain for July Sale, all new fancy. Voiles in aH colors â€" and . designs, sheer quality and weave, 40 in. g wide, $1;.50 and $2.50 Sale Price 98c MISSES‘ GINGHAM DRESSES, sizes 16 to 20, wolors, Pink, Copen and Mauve mll;io& These h?l:e o;gl.ndy collars and ped skirts. g. $6.75 $1.19 apron braid, Pac *‘ $1.75 (ack, extra fine sz. 5 0 ma~*‘* _ $2.00 tw Misses‘ dark flowered ‘over biouses, sizes 36 to 40 Reg. $3.00 for ....... 82048 White voile blouses, lace and embroidery trimimed, also a few colored striped, reg. $2.15 to $3.50 for .... &o38 Ladies‘ blopses made of, !né voile. ‘These have fine tuc with lace and embroidery trimâ€" . ming extra special, "!'..'A‘i' to $6.00 for .i Te ataries 44 o with tie and se S @1 785 Children‘s _ cottom . . draw: with embroidery frill, sizes to 14 years, speâ€" w Olil (c>mra ds 16. + + ++Â¥kkx Ad ) for . 32..98 WH: TEW EAR y#s ""a-' l‘ g‘.ms. in good : shades Tea. beautiful i-'i:;’ol I:gqf- 1 ::: tio yo i on‘ i ts Bde and btack, worth 300 & :1 Q. Jn pe le re Lop * 1B Ladies‘ and < Misses‘ Gordon and ; Niagara . made: silk glaves in blackâ€"and.white only, doublé tipped fingers; odd sizes, only, Regular $1:50, on sale 506 DPRIF . .ls 6e css 46 .ssis%ss 4 Ladies‘ white lisle gloves, nice fine quality, fastened with two dome fasteners, reg. $1.00 pair, on sale ...... 500 lace %. to 2 in. wide, a good varâ€" tety &wm patterns, . aplenâ€" did lace for many uses, Sc Reg. 15 & 18¢ for, yard . Shetland floss in good shxdes ,of pink, sky, rose, turquoise, gold, mauve and purple, 15 worth 25c for per skein . c dresses, otc., Regular ~ $1:45. to $1.50 tor .: > : 37 in. embroidery !,lon’:l;zll: fine â€"lawa.,.. R ty dm;m Infants‘ Bs Ca 4 cï¬ dh cnd, Mss canrbcaintis in. wide, with beading | In. wide, 'm‘bullu{;ï¬o, lur: h-:ng cambric, suitable for making‘ corset‘covers, Reg. 50c for........... 290 18 in. corset ‘cover embroidâ€" ery in fine law nand cambric, embroidered ‘in ‘dainty â€"patterns Rog. 60 and 65c for 40¢o C ioh dW 9 s m f ce P t 9 400 cards Irish hand émbroidâ€" corner. handkérchiefs~ with Somstitched eage, ‘8" handkerâ€" Gent‘s lawn handkerchiefs, hemstitched edge, good large ta with lace and ribbous, a good assortment of colors, pink, sky, mauve and maite, Reg. 98 $1.50 and $1.75 tor ...... JOC chiefs Co id n o se on cce p nc a on sale card ‘...:.... CRIldren‘s _ cotton _ drawers, ~1¢ .ani¢ . 18,, Wity bhpmetitchâ€" 50 Tauy spidis . .Ms Children‘s white cotton drawâ€" ors, sizes 2 to 12 years, hemâ€" stitched, _ tucked _ and _ lace edged frills, yery spe -;†. alyo with spayy _ collar, < ;..IE.,....o‘Lm ‘Misses‘ white. drill loug midâ€" mm«mn’fl: r oufts, M.,pug..ï¬.,:..‘...‘:' 14‘8 LAGTSN aid ~mitkeb‘ buttste bloomers, c0fore pisk and white sizes 25 to 29, Regular FA.. ith embroidery :l..v: Reg. u.fl Ladies®‘ White Cotton, extri large gown in open front style %5 pieces fancy©dresdon : rib Hankkerchiefs at MigeéUt White cotton‘ Baikan Embroidery Whitewear "*"* 2‘ 200C 5)40 ad * w 00 mieen 18 tor ppt: yAP8 .. ~+>â€" «: M dn # x B;tor A*Ch.l.sny 6 sioh k +" repgt 3+Â¥A 1 e 146‘x # 4opâ€" .-,.,..-‘,,'..{..:{33 9 x 0 tor {... 2. 1. .. 0WP Â¥ x 10w‘ tor;} ;. :4;.‘34’? F4 ohin ts tm -~'&,\~> \asts T A E; 48. ADF : «5 4s > dn t WM ide . 4n al, block . and . petierse: ago¢ apainy t * 9 or .¢.. 15 pieces chints, 36 in. .wide, ; light yoq(:urk colors for ] r Ings and covering boxes, ‘reg 50 to, T5e for, per _ m yarde": A. 0. 50n io. frAgniie ‘"* .. 1800 W se y e w e d n n n en en# e i Ne ic "" ead 5o x ...-...-..."-...'.â€...“ .m‘, 4 verandahs, for ..... 10 pieces chints, extra heavy‘ quality, u*h.â€v,rlh; reguiat . $1.2b to $1.50 per yard e :l,:;’t:»ir‘y es m%‘nz "ï¬'f: 34 pleces‘ velour for hangings, bmn,.:‘rn..‘ul :mo. 50. i8.. wide, € qualâ€" 17 x Py pass:, DRA 16 only Tupestry Rugs, #eamâ€" ed and seamless, size 3 x 3% 100 rolls of wail paper suitâ€" abile for any room, Reg. 20c, 2%¢ for ... Ladies® corset of . coutil, elastie um'ï¬â€˜mpfll m i iiss .’â€â€'....\..&.,ov‘u‘_m ;’.u“t‘eoml. low MM\:M“ hip, #§126q 30. 6 fl.?lli.' e lnr $3.75, out nnldn fow x 18 fo# â€".... . â€" JC x iR t ooo onR & oul? Wihon #igk. Wike C# 7 ouly Arminister rugs, 10 only Grass, size $x9,. for . 6 ogly ‘Wilton llug._ ll‘. _0 ‘® â€"‘"â€"~~â€" $19.50 wike ds 2 ts on . se is