Eighty Cases. cages of liquor addressed to C ers, R. R. No. 1, Windsor, % by cousity patrolmen on @riroad., Tilbury East, late Tuesâ€" ;» A touring car and a speed _Mtls the booze were also %ï¬g’ggm“g_tonn Picnic annual congregational and Sunâ€" kpicnic of Trinity Methodist i was held Wednesday afternoor Ihhl’ in Victoria park. In the by the police. .The liquor, was at $3,100. . street is becoming more ‘@ street of wide rounded ; pleaging in appearance and canvenience to motorists.and other vehicles. The latest *o.come under the pI@R is that hitl Mennonite Church, at Lanâ€" "and Ringeman Streets. time ago the church author red a piece of land to the the purpose of rounding this n there were races and for the children, and at night Rd ‘ganies for the adults. More sit down to a splendid gupâ€" was said to be the largest *‘ h the history of the A reception was held for the istor and his wife, Rev. and ncou. in the evening, when ddréses of welcome were made JJ. F. Honsberger, Dr. E. D. © George Martin. Rev. Mr. d his wife replied feelingly. treet Corner Is <,~_ To Be Rounded o idinendonr c n iemmeiin ds 0h a & ‘of its staff in.E..C. Cameron, | : It is alléeged ‘that the officers found {ury. who has resigned to acâ€"| °* Mike‘s.. premises. a _quéntity. â€"â€"of: boys* secretaryship of the| imanufactured> whiskey/ and. ten: galâ€" L&c.x.mw. He wiji{Jons of mash all ready for a new run on his duties in the Quegn| The officers togk c of, the go0ds September 1. ~* Ana Mike will flnm whole thing PME 4 Gn es * dither in Galt or Preston r -'-"qâ€"“ \H 35 m P /. -;;a“y 3 ‘r’ Â¥* ce of the h â€"near Kitchener . and conducâ€" ‘ ictioneegs Dueting and Shants: im Torewie:© *>> C 0 it T. M.°C. A: is losing one hoét‘ efficient m_;hhr of its staff in.E..C. Cameron, . After looking over the the offer‘ was accepted and t: the afteration have ‘now Mdeâ€" by the city‘s engineering ‘heâ€"deeds for the: trandferring roperty, are now in the hands City® Solicitors and when the :w:;wm.lm the work will be commenced. es at Sale, _‘ _/ _ . < _ ction sale of Mesars. Oter gsunt little party was given reday evening by Mrs. J. A. , it being the birthday . of bronica Bingeman. Mr. Geo fanger of Pottstown, Pa.,. was honored guest. ] Rafegialiy s cows, brought ion sale of Mes@rs. Oterâ€" i# Cs 6 feith â€" held on Thursday, l'l‘hree MOI’Q M ifees, " ‘There was a large at the sale. igus Check %wtyrkm f City Merchants | swal merchants along St. last week were ctims Uf ‘a man phas g@ .checks. _ The ewere on the Union ; prices, were realized for k "ahd iniplevients." The Church ia (his check it was found not sufficient & till, /A local issued by the m&ment of y bore a ment seal ard At one place forger called of the Renewedactivity is being shown in the building trade, according=to ‘the evidence of the permits issued at the City Hall, Wednesday, three permits were issued.; & E. Stahl will erect a 1%% sturey house on Martin street at a cost of $4,000. C. Becker is the builder. â€" On Benton‘ #treet Plares: Bby will build a 2 storey business block at a cost of $33,000. W. C. Cowan is the architect and N. Asmussen, builder, E. W. Trask will put up another 1% storey residemce on Park street at a cost of $1,500. Reitzel Brothers are contractors and builders. This brings the total number of residences for July up to five with a value of $24,000, just$6,000 less than the total for last month. A. Caya‘s Car Burns ~â€" _ When Gasoline on 1 Walk Fired by Sun On ‘Thursday afternoon last the Ford Sedan (163,633) owned. by A. Caya, which wasâ€"standing in front of his office, King St. Kast, caught fire and the fire truck had to be called inâ€" to use to extinguish the blaze. The fire was caused â€" by . gasoline leaking onto the street and igniting there through the intense heat of the pavement. The fire was arrested before any‘ damage was done to the back part of the car, only the engine suffering; from it. The response of the flremen1 was prompt and their work was watchâ€" ed by a large crowd of spectators vho% rushed to the scene of the excitement from all parts of King street. § May Bathe in Park Lake for the Present "I can reasonably assure anyong using Victoria park lake to bathe in during the present hot spell that they will not be interfered with by the police, As long as comnion sense is used and people conduct. themaelves in a fitting manner the park lake will be opeu for bathing." Maypr Greb so expressed himsolf to the press last Thursday. Te soppl apaonl duls Sn 9t L). ‘"Last Wednes." said the Mayor, "I drove through ‘Waterloo park‘ and there must have been fully 500 enjoyâ€" ing a dip in the cool water. A largs part of these people I am sure, be:. longed to Kitchener. The swimming. pool, while large enough perhaps for some days, is far from, , being large enough to accommodate: .the crowds that would like to go. ther® during this very warm spell. This hot spoil justifies almost any meank of keeping cool. The water is thére and. think the public should be ‘@fHowed to make the best use of it pos#ibfe." One of the worst casdx of+Y&iMal; ifg. used:for the purpose. ., lsm revenjéd lotally for years whs unâ€"| . A specifl modting: of »the | : Library. covered in police court on | Friday. | board w&s keld to copsider thematter A loc®l young man, about 20 y8urs of| Thursday. . The rémbere décidéd that hge, was found guilty ,n.mm actioh should bo.takon and within :« Wair of wiltully destroying bodks, the | short time the young mikh wis in, Jajl. property of the Public Libragy: < m.#«»mqmm_ t ‘vutting . picturés nwa n «Investigation : by the. librapiafe, re young mafi Was Sned , < Which : 16} véaled ‘ that: 108 books : wark damaged . is estimated ‘Will cover the: datmages: |/Ofâ€" this. nummber were . 58. makhkine COSTS LOCAL YOUNGâ€" MAN $200â€" â€" FOR CUTTING PICTURES OUT OF BOOKS AT.THE PUBELIC LIBRARY . . o T Eosige Â¥ of thig tesue., + U =>> X#4 oo smmagnt || M g ty nA ‘Dr. Housberger explained that Dr. H. P."Hamilton was called yesterday by. ‘the Tather of the ohid to the house ’it 216 Tuetk 8t | He saw at dfice: the child wap in ® Serious . condition and. ‘was unconicious&.when he arrived. He | had> the â€"childâ€"stemoved to the Kâ€"W. Hospital at oneg, _ D. Honybérger hirs; ‘self was then‘called and:the:child died Sbout five, o‘clock. in "the presence of; ‘the two physician#. _ _ | Bs â€" Dr.|Homaberger stated. he could not. definitely ashign theâ€".cause. of. death. An ‘examination of the body showed that it was_ covered with wiiat he al~ leged were over 100 bruises. The evidence was, so suspicious w‘ the Coroner that he suestioned the :v_!fe and busband. The present Hli: Karley, formerly a Mrs. Lambkig, /. thie second. wife .Of,.. Albert Karley. Karley hd'sm'c!fl‘ <by his first wife which has béen kept by his motker since his second marriage. Magdalene Karley is anâ€"adopted shild. . ‘The mofher whem questioned safi that the child had.gotten hold of. a bettle of carbolic noï¬Auld taken.it by; mistake.. Dr. Honsberger declared Within the past two weeks lemons bave ‘taken a phenomenal rise in price from $6.to $18 a case, and there are few to be had‘at that price. Two months ago when lemons were selling to the consumer at 30c a doz dealers stocked up. . Now they are rumning short. Wholesale dealers in Kitchener Bave practically no lemons at all on hand at the present time. ‘The same condftion which erists in Kitchener prevails all over the counâ€" try. Deéalers‘ stocks have become de pleted and the lemons cannot be imâ€" ported quickly efough to supply the demand. Just at this time of the year too, California lemons are not as well sulted for ekport, From late fall to spring the softer California lemon can be imported. During the summer the chief import is from Sicily. The Itaâ€" lian lemon is much parder and keeps jonger and better than the California lemon. Lemons Are Scarce andâ€" Prices Soar With th@~present bot spell, and the consequent great craving for cool reâ€" freshing drinks, the lemon is in even greater demand than ordinarily. At the present rate of comsumption the dealers‘ stocks of lemons in Kitchener will be exhausted in a few days. Three.Months in _ Jail for Breach Steve Orlansky will spend the mext three. manths . as the guest of: Goverâ€" nor CooK at the "Castle."~ He was on his way to Toronto on Wadnps, with four galloy cans of whiskey. The poâ€" Ifee, however. thought, Magistrate Weir might like to hear Steve‘tell the whole sfory so they brought ‘him to the city hall. ' In answer to # charge of. haviog |progénce. < Magistrate Weir . Warned}rhener, were installed for the ensuâ€" liquor ina‘piace‘otRer than a private |the defendant to accépt: ofly ‘imvit®|ing term of six months by the Di¢â€" dwelling Steve told the magistrate |tions from the man himself in future.{trict Deputy Grand Master W. 8. through an‘ intérpretér, that he had‘| The cage~was #djournéd untilâ€"ca@B6d|Duncan and Suite of Elora. Many purchased the liquor in Montreal. He |on. bréthern were present to witness the was taking it to Torofito. No, h6 had | ‘Two foreign women got mited up|ceremonious forms of instaliation. mo place to go to there and/heâ€"wasn‘C/ in some kind of a scrap and aired| A close perusal Of the semiannual woing to sell the liquor. Mo: washn‘t|thoir griovances beféore Magistraté|regort submitted by Financial Secreâ€" feeling very, well,. Weir. One wominx had « doctor pilf|tary andTreasurer shows. an increasp ; After hearing his story Magistr2®® | roy 55 she wanted paid. in membership and financially, etc., Wair imposed a fime of $500 Afd C548 | | wrapiesreata Wair thancht it tan hat}And it is very gratifying to every Odd _ After hearing his story Magistrate Weir imposed a fine of $50Q and cosits or three mosiths in jail. Steve had ‘no fitoney so h& took the vacdtion. Temperance Act mighoe cce o Airge Su n ue ues in Bt "Peprtnn the S Magdalene had swallowed some i and the night before her doath, had, in slated ‘of going down to the first foor,. Bick.ms. glfe was, gccording to the nioâ€" Aher, said, the Caroner, she ‘érawled out of her cotâ€"and tried to get/down: stairs but had. fallen to th«, bottom. Being too busy to stay with the child. the mother put ‘her, back to bed again. and s§@ttiâ€"wont: downafaitrs:"~ The ‘mo ther stated the child had; gottpn out ‘of, hed and tailenâ€"down the stairs four Aimes that samenight. ‘ £ (8, _ The jury Wwhich viewed the body ito their return to Kitehepbr..© / ~. * â€"In...explanationâ€"â€" of" the. braises ~the day ‘ was. composed, of; Edmund â€"Peg wegnat, foreman, A. Z. Garner, D. S Cullen, ‘ W. K. Weber, R. D.‘ Lanj $500 EINE FOR _ 0.T. A.BREACH Bs Sh6atetaochibertint nb intmet wintninaicliiebdioac t L . 18 “‘mg{‘qflduga_jg, the case will ,h heardâ€"next Friday, at % o‘cloék. MOUIdar JCmdR in hnd shirin d iinh + 13 it irtorch + bach..J, H..Schmidt and J.~D.> Milter . There wes & fairly Heavy docket in police: court .onâ€" Wednesday." Three liquor cases, one drunk, one case . trespass and ome of assault were heard. 4 The case against Wm. Rcker of Hamilton, charged with having liquor in a place other than a private dwell ing was dismissed. Nicol Jeffrey of Guelph severely reprimandedâ€" the young man in court stating that unâ€" der the facts of the tase there was mo To a charge of having liquor in a place other than a private dwelling Henty Seiling of St. Jacobs, barber shop and pool room propri¢tor, pleadâ€" ed guiltyâ€" this morning; Nicol Jeffrey prosecuting attormey, of Gueiph,‘ re-‘ viewed <the facts of the case, adding that the accused‘ had ‘been wurnodl not to keep Jiquor there by the, inâ€" spector six months ago. Magistrate Weir imposed a fine of $500 and costs. offense. It was only the young man‘s daceit and devious ways that had gotâ€" ten him into jail. * . _A Toronto man arrested for being U@runk was let off. He had only had two or three glasges of beer in the #fâ€" ‘t.noou. he. stated, and had . only touched. whiskey ‘once in his life, tmny years ago. _Two foreigners held a lengthy disâ€" pute over a casé of + trespass. ~O#$ man. hmd agcepted the invitation ot’ brs tos adpaitiges wl un .Aimmatt hetinddetein .4 the : other‘s, wife> : to..come, . to : the Recently ‘the: offioers of Grand house. > But Alte Mdflmu;‘:fmm Lodge No. 97, 1. 0. 0. F., Kit: pregence. «. Magistrate Weir .warned}okener, wore installed for the ensuâ€" the defendant to acdépt: ofly ‘Imvit®[tng term of six months by the Di# tions from the man himself in future.{trict Deputy Grand Master W. 8. The cate~was #djourned untilâ€"caH6d|Duncan and Suite of Elora. Many on. bréthern were present to witness the Magistrate Weir thought it too hot to bear the whold case and adjourned it unlil July 14, . tel}ing Alte, familios w p&ou Neighbor‘s Quarrel Gets Airing in Court . Man Let Off â€" Cabimet of Silver J. P. Scully, secretaryâ€"treasurer of the Kitchener andâ€"Waterloo Manufac: turers‘ Association, and ‘one .of the movihg spirits behind the Kitchenes Waterloo Furniture Exhibitign, was honored. by furniture manufacturers and travellers on Thursday. The closâ€" ing social gathering of the semiâ€"annual exbibition. was a picunic and dance in the Waterloo Park. ; The feature of this gathering was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Scully of a cabinet of silver. Mrs. Scully was also made the recipient of A beautiful bouquet of roses. Th« prepentations were made éay J. H. Kennedy, of Malcolm and Hill Furniâ€" ture Co., of Kitchener. *) i?ep the exhibits at their factories for he next three or four weeks. The excessively hot weather has been a @ibterpent to visitors, ang it is known ~ _ An excellent plcric lunch was serv© ed, and some of the visitors enjoyed a cooling dip in the ï¬tert' of the park lake.‘ A baseball game was also. en joyed.. In the evening the thrée local chapters of the Deughters of.the Emâ€" pire fnited in conducting. a moaast sucâ€" cossfil dance. & * ‘Whila the exhibition u"hflunlwd by the association is at an end, it is the intentJon of the mannfactarers to that once the weather cools many ‘other buyers will come to the city. I. 0. O. F. Instal _ Officers at Meeting, § on Friday Evening knbw that O4d Fellowship isâ€"steadily mA io: _ _ _ 2M " it P t c dn m se s C Incadioea Sas 3. hivk lote ao o un L _ . e m t car : swu Q . & g. MIMI the way for cleaning. _\ _ __ _ _ 4 > 12 54.i ~ â€" _ »The oven holds all the Heat OW,to utili «ks in..amy . tHT 4Â¥ in any . trpe ‘of: ©00KNE . _ "a"name stove or range. . _ ie /r>~4 Por seventy ‘vears MeCiaoge . * ObWk oo‘ Taef ow wil.m. 2 â€" snn in seaded in Ki [E **~ _ to build what is needed in Elees [KC "*= <=~ ;Mr ‘Protected Element is different from and better than the ordinary exposed Element fromwHich dirt and greate, reâ€" sulting: often. in damage, canâ€" nét â€"be â€"excluded. McClary‘s . Electric Range oven is different from any dother, No dirt, Eeâ€e tâ€" into _ .,Cliry":' QGiven J.â€"P. Scully ement. ® Liphardt Bros. Public Utilities Commission eage or water can Clary‘s Protected Raspberries made their first apâ€" péarance at market on Saturday and many. small boys, and doubtless big ones too, will enjoy fuscious rasp berry pie tomorrow for the first time this season ae a result. Several tables were almost covere@ with the small boxes full of this ever popular fruit, and these tables were always the centre for large groups of eager housewives, as the berries . were ‘thought to be very reasonable at 25¢ a basket. But how about cggs and butfter ? I hear you inquire, those two very necessary parts of our daily BM of fare this morning sold, egxs for 38c and 40c and butter at 30c a pound. One lady declared ruefully that she had asked 40c for her eggs and not reveiving it she had let them go at 38c a dozen. Later she discovered that almost everywhere 40c was the established price. Cream was 20c and 25¢ a pint and there was a great deal ‘of haggling over the last mentioned price, howâ€" ever, when none of the 20¢ cream was available marketeers reluctantly pald the 25¢ for it. Rhubarb was 5c and 10c a bunch, and lettuce, onions and radishes were to be had at 5c a bunen. ‘Fisn were unchanged in price, white fish and salmon were 30c a pound, berring, perch and pickeral were *0c. Theese was ,25¢ a pound this thornmg and found ready sale. The flower prices were unchanged. _ There was . art abundance to ‘be had and .thay sold rapidly. The regular joint session of ths heads of the varfous utflity commise lons was held on Monday morning Discussion on work now under way and on the progranmime for the nex‘. tew Walke was taÂ¥en tip‘and working arrangements made between the. vatiâ€" o0 astmer LIFL LAE ButLWd wknbind ns PP O «* > ;Argu tew WeaUK§ was taÂ¥en tip‘ and ;ur!i::l A. B. LEARN‘, es\ ade between the. va o pe t § our bodieg conpeiey, . . _ . . â€" Druggist, â€" â€" Wateriag COMMISSIONS HOLDO~SE8810N Milady‘s Market Basket UoNk 4 Labes Miailn t und the paig is gane. Guntanteed Safe and Sure, Price 306. ,| _ _ _ interf ce with the wermal functions of the body.> It loc& tign :?;«Nq otdf'“':;d'lh Continue, causes iteelf still further disordersâ€",. ~. _ ul { § o ho SR n / 1. "g% e on ui abarnnin j ‘3 Dr. Miles‘ Antiâ€"Pain Pills ~| _: â€" Pain is an Indication © §nâ€" 4 i# us â€"~ 165 s ts P * Uold My, A Gâ€" Hachnel, WutbHoco. ad As/ 9 "_"or 10 ‘s. 2029 'm-omï¬kl:old%ifll the heat %t flï¬ï¬mm: of c::ént ‘Behind ~McClary‘s : Electric Range stands the reputation of EEg;gp t â€"â€"â€" * Furniture Men Make ; Last week the visiting firniture" manufacturers, travellers and retail: ers, forgot they were grown into men and remembered only that they were. boys, a little older than some hboys, but still with the same carefree spirjt. Fully 200 of these "boys" were royâ€" ally entertained by E. O. Weber at his home in the country. At 6.30 o‘clock ome of the most sumptuous suppers, & "boy" ever sat down to was seryed on the lawn in front of the house and was enjoyed to the utmost by every» one present. KILLED BY BOOTLEGGERS (Canadian Press.) ‘ UTICA, July 8. â€" Criminal Deputy Sheriff Charles Kammerlohr was shot and instantly killed by bootleggers im this city at an early bhour this mornâ€" ing. Both bootleggers were wonndid and ‘rre in the hospital. Alden Baynes, 14 yeurs old, drownéed at Windsor, i *n mucr B OP .ls 4 Merry,; Guests at _ E. O. Weber‘s Home MB acin K ut w $