*3 kE s Wege a fpIAS HALkMAN: .: > /. ns vid Deap & . 4 y ' “n'nm'dl ' # time. ~He leaves a widow,â€"one . son, Ryin B. Haliman,‘. two â€" danghters, Mrs.. Wm. â€" Richnond; Mrs. Bowman two ‘brothers, Josish Haliman, M.; 8. Hallmar.and two sistors, Mrs..George â€"<Mr. Hallman was 7}â€"years old and thadepjoyed gbod Bealith until about duties until) Sat y when h temained in bed. wgm-my i iwrstching over himhe pasesd so §Ty that thay. thought he He was a faithfi! Chrisâ€" 4 0 is early youth was ong it ‘thh. most : devoted max;lâ€"-ot the l 1 United Brethrem Church #ild, had been Superintendent> of the Bupday Behool, Bible Class teacher, , al}â€"that time, alwaybԤiling "AithBÂ¥ dfl6 or sereral of the abové ‘bfâ€" Sebe at the same time. In his C ian.or sécular duties no one ever Â¥x> ‘hini and fow were his equal in inithfulsess, always present and ‘vn time,..and: dischargedâ€"his dution with" w @ oin hi ++ gustes aud., had be sA e sn a ons s w 1 m‘ 4 :tsnderness. . Being a goo %:‘ knowing God‘s will r wothers e a ts € ’mf\lfl’ until there mre who have been heiped and se ~“}§F“¥!D,“Ml man of out fear or favorâ€" and in the utmost A‘The ~gemeral" fall <th the price "bf Butter penetrated to market Saturday mmm‘vmaum sblling for 35c and 300 a pound, alâ€" though a fow farmers . Htillâ€" asked 400 dens, and the proper methods pf!itario Llcense Doard will charge Â¥1 planting garders. Celéry plants were)ndÂ¥ance per bottle in apbther week 20¢ a dozen. Toniato plants were 25e | Or @n.. Anticipating. the sbudget. the a box or 10c a pot, boxes of cabbage | board. heavily stooked â€" the Ontario ma-mmmmm.ww*mm cabbages 4 dozen for 160. ‘â€" . . < | extrta $2.60) por bottle will not ‘be Parsicy, lettuce, onions: .and‘ ad. | charged until the pressit stooks are thes were 106 a buneh. . . _ _ | donsiderably depleted. (Tha adfition: tath :of. 74 is weore 80c aplecs, | 41 dollar 4s regarded as the proportion oghis, © 6, pars “ arrots I of Ancrease justifed under the‘ inâ€" a bu was o Whe a Beaket ies | ernased duty > 0) / :. varioty :at.the dish nibrket was Rot! ‘The discount of 10 pdt tent. of madâ€" e irgar ye s i0 y ol owiondig g i ol J it taime Waighes oit at Bit éin ut at $25 wit tny Whiie sc C uce For thhsers were going about with re the buying was exceptionaily good. ; Gream was still 20@ pint Saturday wornitig: ind there were" severaldr guments over this point between buyâ€" €re and sellers. However, the plant tables were the ‘wentre of iInterest and those who wizhâ€" ed to get near them Hadâ€"to prepare for a little scrimmage.~ ‘The conver: sation in this sectionwas all of garâ€" Aairemage Ths halg ‘WHs 8. CATHARINE WALPER, â€" of ‘Mré. Cathartse Waipet, Dehie to ber many friends in the or well known reaident of @burch . will donduct‘ the gragese v> 0 $ 4 0 prozch i"to Mount Hope cemée mans, Rev. _ Futhot May. 908 19| other, to on excited hy cold. HNer, 11 Albert | A small d #ood old Nervitine reâ€" * Â¥ #> d!h.-ul!yr:-' Mor, May 41 | bloten the Prouble, tory srompiy. it were . Mesars spiring es Luthors the > an ot the Semifary Ave euits ‘rece "Dr, Hotmay Pracdedts o6 the onl: byâ€" Dre. Little, the f Tamiet ce pnorbitel oiX sn te ~ Wor .. Mr Stockman. . of: Tavistock, n emniaie s i Jn i In a hglpful and m‘: mapner. he. encouraged the tor the battle of lifé Which is ‘m-;&mwflnw-m- deep impregsion on the largeaudience. . Graduates Jacobi and Bleuhdorn as representatives of the graduates then gare briet adgreases, Mr. Jacabi upake â€!m‘:&-’whm eity tor in the Hives.of bumanâ€" 4ty. â€" Me ‘declared that singp. earliest ‘:’â€"p@nflmmu‘d‘h:nw woralilp some Deity and then with wmm&.umm why . Jesus qhould. bes.the .@aviour .of the world ; J . was. given oi en n fpntledianteaghes sigtheny. and es lMflmmmd the work done at the Seminary; < ‘The principal spéaker of the evenâ€" ing was Rev. Dr. Laury of Bethlehem, Pa, He wasâ€"& former president of the college and iz a master speaker, so that his S4dress wias especially inter. mnml‘m he reminded his audiénce bf the former comnection with them. He then spoke particularly to the students and emphasised, that the word of God should be the basis of all their ‘ preaching and ministerial work. In: an impressive ~‘silence: the fAve graduates Messrs. ‘Albert Jacobi, ssncy Gartung, Paul Hl_u,ï¬t. Ferdinâ€" afld Howard and E. 0; Bleuhdorn were called to the aitar rail, Dr. Little then “13‘?]19(;" 6 is jof. ts connectâ€" opataet e bad recommehded them ‘Rev. J. Maut® ér, Pastor of the First English Luthâ€" oram church, lighetier; and president wt .the board. of governors ~conferred the diplomas.. ~_ â€" > Thisâ€" inibtésting : function â€" was ‘brought w.»thh congregaâ€" tion; graduater‘and apeakers repeating the Lord‘s Prafer in unison which inde a fitting ahd impressive concla: wion to ‘the eveniig. : _ > / ~.‘The interesting Seature: of this gradâ€" mation is that c . : already and are awaiting thod. w ana wl ; s in Perb â€"â€"ftér the dip a to Mr, est â€"ay sta . _An interesting feature of the pres entation was. the fact: that‘ a diploma ; Mess for the late Mr. H. year, ty Mr. Bechter for the best Gerâ€" man essyy and to Mr. Gardiner for the best ‘onâ€"missions. _ ~ . mits in Peribroke.. . ; esd â€"special~ money prizes were shdbd to Mr, Bleuhdorn for the highâ€" est standing throughout the ‘The chd{’mdmd excellent music throughout \ and a splendid soprano solo by th@. choir leader Mrs. G. Schmidt was Sepecially enjoyed. Govern% mfl o! Mare Exoh Bostie taking advantage of the$250 per bottle increase in‘the ot liquor UWuthorized by federal Updget, the Onâ€" tario . License Board wil charge, 31 E‘wn-«rt iFesorttionére will bo discouuwint May 20, after which date , *Js bor senk an of progent.. * Teniiigens mihag peagle ore in‘ it is due mpre P other, to excited fam" Soaih it nn - & c \ on A in he trouble yery pro there is pato, rt is almost ‘May â€"13.â€"Instoad â€" of H. Swith: * Af .. *‘* 1 â€" . Ohurch on Bunday ' # â€" 4-.“] age on Wedpesdary t 1.30 f youngs people. Rey. H. F. Schade per ‘Tilk â€"left:. for. . a ghort wedding. trip. bride of Fred. W. Sieveright, Phm. B., sou of the late Rer, JamesBieveâ€" right, BA., and Mrs. SBieveright, of Teronto. Rer. A. H,. Abrahart of 6t Andrew‘s church conducted the wereâ€" ed . by. the groom‘s. gousin, Migs K.~G. W w’» i)!†se S m 1or. Now. York.and Atidutic City, and :'ï¬w-oum The : Bome of Mrs. G. D. Pringle, Arthur . Street, Guelph,. was ° the nesday . afternoon, when her youngâ€" _ ‘That the beautifying and improve ment of the grounds opposite <the Alexander house .will be undertaken by the park board, if permftssion and fAnancial assistance will be ‘granted by the town council, was decided at ®.pecial . meeting of the ~board last td thic"rmories ‘or mt aate es‘ that ‘afforded by the| grandâ€" stand and terraces. ‘These seats will be arranged for in the centre of the athistic field, As a precautionary measure the board decideéed that no spectators ‘will ‘be allowed inbide the fence, with the exception of those In the centre of the field. ic 3 The cemetery committee were fitâ€" structed by the board‘ to prapare byâ€" Iaws, Séveral accounts were passed: All members were present except J. Will Beautify Grounds Opposite toh main street of Waterlo0. * flat races on May mh.ww,“gr"»1 ratified at Thursday‘s meet.>: ; decision was ‘reached when Mr. Mabâ€" ‘er agreed to erect a wire ‘fence around theâ€"entire track, the â€" average dis tince from the track to be about 50 teat: : s M purl. . : ~AW iwas turther decided to provide An_ agreement with Mr.. Miher TYor the, use of the park for amuseitments to consits of motorcycle, bicycléâ€"and Iiltlhflmo. 184,; Waterloo,. as~j Flight Cadetâ€"David:MWard Clement: "* sembled at lodge rooms ‘at: 6.30|~â€" As the tahlet was unveiled the sound o‘clock and marchedâ€"inâ€"a body to the| of "The Lastâ€"Post" rang out ~clearly church‘ accoplpanied by ‘a delégation | through the church, the bugle used beâ€" of Kitchener and Waterloo Oddfeilows|ing the same one. which had sounded where theâ€"pastor, Rev:â€" 8 L W.â€"H Post"â€"in Franceâ€"over the grave ton delivered ‘an appropriate and imâ€", of the late Pte: Ira: Diefenbecker,â€"anâ€" pressive address. _ > bther of the boys whose name appearâ€" The motto of the Order is Friendâ€"| ed o# the tablet. «hip, Lové and Tenth and the m;" Â¥eZ ) * in pereneliponclihicneinaduite beGncuacihn 102nd: annfiiversaryâ€"with ‘a special ser vice in the Waterico Methodist Church on Sunday evening in commemoration of the event. ‘The Oddfeliows of Gerâ€" The ‘choir ‘gave an effective rendiâ€" tion to the anthém "Art.Thou Weary® in which ‘the solos were taker by Mrs. Harold Dobbin, Mrs. Shants and L. R. Dmhï¬vm'm%vr‘uï¬ beck and H, Q. Mintolle gaya‘a aymipaâ€" meresnee fesmbansip, ths, sprieg wn \inpreasive character, s sald INFANT PASBES AWAY , _ ‘ru‘)r occurred: at :102 Queen St. Bunday night of the five weeks‘ ou“wq_t'n,;-n_nn;nnl: Borman. _ i1 was held .t lwflï¬m‘m ed family Much apmgathy is falt for the berearâ€" Miss Mary George acted as the brideg and Mr. Mike Sauchuk Alexander House the yex. Â¥nther Hog id n C hiG vioyone meet ioi the: we Wltian promotelp, K. Martin® Mahor & mï¬-nï¬muuw UThd : bent ‘Atulecio days ‘over: held "M Watérioo>innd : some. of tlhe>best proâ€" racers and »bigycle racers will be here for:the big mest on Victoria Day. will participate in the races are Cole, completed arrangments for the big meet wit hMayor Bohlender, chairman out awith buckets, how "ahd R#T‘Chas: Vetter, Ellen St. E.. we art ies reon amgantoc en se e es s ce sc t prpap TAF DATLY TELEGRAPH WANTL â€" 99s »agu- s :s \.’V’“â€w :; N yet ind ther al thd park in shape [ * E*ï¬:-;;.h:mw k inbduncement. : [ / L’l:ï¬.nu-hm-nu‘gm NA rison, Stap Brown, W. Pratt snd H Lewis, all holders of Canadian track recards, besides fifty other riders. : ‘Rev:â€"J..D/ Highson, D.D., pastor‘of the First_Methodist Church of. Hamilâ€" tom, deliverad the memorial sermon. Following the sermon, a.list of the Tourteen names on:the tablet: was réad by Dr. J. F.. Honsberger, after whica | ithe unveiling: was conducted.. by: Mrs. "KW. P. Clement, mother of. the Flight Cadetâ€"David:MWard: Ma& J ~â€"As the tahlet was unveiled the sound of "The Lastâ€"Post" rang out~clearly 'mmmmmw'n ing the same one. which had sounded â€""Lastâ€"_Post"â€"inâ€"Franceâ€"over‘ erick of Hanover, aro visiting at the boime ‘of her parenté,‘ Mr.‘ ind ‘Mrs, G. Â¥. Yungbtat, Â¥Youbg 8t /~| ., * The company which opéerates <siz|have beem in contactâ€" with_the opiâ€" ‘other: sloreé: in :Dnterio: and : {w9..i.[demic must stay in quarantine for 18 @uebec:;willâ€"open its Kitchener store|days. "In this way it. is hoped to pree initheneasfuigre, or as. so0n. as. the | vent further spread of the malady necessary, .power .connection is .Securâ€"|in, Waterio@s _: ~% â€":=i< 0 o0 > Cd.1 isnnz c c }. _ *‘ 43 The. quarantine : requierd for difâ€" ng y nnd "rir ® e 99k oreut disésesâ€"after; first exposure to es ;E RACE ABLAZE infectionâ€". is: ... Smallpor 14 days; ~â€" A.gAmll fSire pccurred at fhe Morley |chickempox 14 days; measles (Rubâ€" Terrace on Caroliie St., Monday.|cola) Lfl""“""'w’" feyer 10,days; l’d-hipdfh ‘from ‘a chimnéey falling élgly erim, lz“q"p; whooping cough â€"*he unveiling of the bronze tablet to the methory of.the fourteen boys Of Trinity Methodist Church who fel Buring the Great War, which took place at the evening service onâ€"Sun €ay, proved .ong of the most impres: sive memoria! services which has been held in this‘city. °C * £u% (1 Bronze Tablet Unveiled s > .1 (atTrinity Church â€"ot the skips of the Kiteh kh Hoonl Om o in hae i | ;Wâ€v:t%E Enhmww mpetitiom: ï¬â€"uâ€"; 3. Milhadsén,. J. D. MNler, 0. °H. Clarke, Oscar+Rby, F. 8. Routâ€" Yey, A. A. Rose, A. Foster, Sam Canâ€" g“.ï¬ n.mn-r. W. H." Calline, . C Whaitord and" A. J. Cundick. Life Assurance Co. for the past few rou.‘hl’lmmm»umm 28 manager, of the Nutâ€"Krust Bakery, ‘winks on Wednesday afternoon. â€" The exact nomber. of ‘rinks is not known yet: but enouigh are expected toproâ€" vide a good neasion of sport. _ _ . > -W Devitt, who has been a member ofâ€"the staff,of the Dominion _ _A.gammll fire qccurred at fhe, Morley Terrace on Carolinie ‘St.,~ Monday. Some*sparks ‘from a chimney falling on â€"the roof took fire and for a few minutes it seemed as if there would bes:really ‘big blaze, ©>= ~ | \/*Theâ€"dcoupantsâ€" of the terrace turnâ€" dd out awithâ€"buckets, however, aid t The following: skips»are requdsted to â€" Club activitios are â€" dpening â€" this week with the visit of sevéral Guelph The promoters of the big race were wy"to call out the firenien wling â€"Club ®. ._.. ‘As Drawn Up of , +HL 1t SPECIAL SALE [ * Dresscs g .. The school nurse is satill experien eing a great ot’tpnhlo with children wbo‘.t-n wuffered from mumps returning to schoolâ€"before the irmmwmmmm‘or ealth. \ f ‘“ w ~‘Iie sw S 6s Because of this, the length of tima those whi have had gnumps must remain in quarantine has been inâ€" 16 Taps: feritan mensles . (Rubslin) 16 ï¬ï¬‚:"iflflll‘lpq "Is q.fl;.. + &?‘ traok e ‘15.‘.‘.’.‘.%' ‘:." â€â€˜{. .T ll_r_l_ ‘BrickerGermannCo.L ._,_do;uu%-nsgtg'rfh" 2 a .l >R‘ 9 x;kâ€; !1 & i s u* «.: ts 3 - x ,,_‘ l-‘f ~¢ ';:t*. For this week only. ... This week.we invite the:Ladies to see our Special Sale ‘attractiohs in the ‘rémaining Sprihg Suits and ‘Sépariite Costs. Also our which ane marked Tor Guitk selling at most Suits at $19.50, $35 to 865 Coats at $16, $24.50 to $50 > Dresses at $12.50, $16.50 to e * 20 d is is S ies .o o n ves Mflntmmflï¬cwm*mw £ $ 1"â€â€™3;“ (a% "_".»-:_l -~ L / es h tpilg wm m w “ “J.’- uo’n-‘c a.‘;qo.v::“‘%&%ï¬w;‘oi‘.';’,:bgn toiaaq as" (4 .2 34| botaroogh, omcs . aaw _ sqie t Jy" /)) TBP 2. * bad § aint a 4 ho 85 cids of 6 It. Wide Oil Cioths in langtho from 1 to 314 yards are min hi lmag¢ A0t416)m wif d% BStrictly:Observed in the Homes a â€"" as in our‘ â€" _ Jratt® ie 3 > + TAKE NOTICE THAT j« °o0 s1 0 004 0 s > P Ro bes wgin â€"tl" e :;Na \A $ss 5 1. The Council of the %ï¬u‘nxfla : Toweo ; of Waterloo intends to grade, as a "Bocal Improvement, Charles Street, between William SM‘I%!’WWM d inâ€" tends to specially assess part Of Mgllnfl' hes Jan abutting directly on the work.~=*~~<_‘~ $# â€"~= ~4 0e h ABIE whilh 2+ : 26 mt c LoR 70 d BE > > & > ; t AFog+ 2. The estimated cost of the work is $801.00, 0: wb ich $35.90â€"is to ‘be paidâ€" by the:Corporation. ‘The â€" est mated special rate per foot froritage is$0.278.. The special. qssessâ€" ment is to be paid in five annual instalments; «4 . «<â€" + ~8.~ A petition against.the work will_ not, avail to preâ€" vent its construction. ‘ . â€"____,.\ _ . .0. . ;. :0 oasâ€" See oo e DATED 8rd May, 1921.© WATERLOO s 13 j T 6 AÂ¥ :. an 3 &3 TOWN OF WATERLOO * |, y * > -' ‘e':*‘» \;‘«' § "-’Y LOCAL IMPROVEMENTâ€"NONCE) 1 No 80e (MERION 3 t JAMESC. HAIGHT,;â€"Clerk aif sgh & 7125 & Yode 7 w