fln â€" 0. s 0X C : He"Uaughter‘ of (Mr. and :Mvs.: ‘Binmypt, 86 Heins Ave ‘was C "A'-.\'*;‘ re: / on :\the‘ .w % 5; ~puiting her healt in i @ manner as to require severai pheb, | The Hittie@gint is ‘thougbt to i wilpfed off the boulevard, strikâ€" ‘Wer Bead in tha‘ {alt!** ng hcgï¬. He was stricken ten s mgo,Rpith meningitis, and. from fret hope was held for his v' Â¥ was 27 years of age Was bepn in St. Marys, where his reilde. He‘died on the tenth ï¬u‘ of his entering the emâ€" : of thi C. P. R. â€" Tuesday, â€" May 10, Miss ing of this city, ‘gradoâ€" Shighest honors and received & pin, given by <the ‘Training ot." |Wor her splendid work at orist Hospital in the past three , Milp@Atuebing has been offerâ€" vyery responmsible position on the s Longo and A. U. Berâ€"| x an carrying on a large it business under ahel Igo( i8 Longo Fruit Co. with ofâ€" s at the rear of Longo‘s Frult e, King and College Streets. The pagy. Which conducts a wholesale neas «makes shipments of frowi} "to thiibe carloads a week to af i# of tWe â€"province to meet the dn-' i4 for §hetr trade. Under the proâ€" igive gement of Messrs. Lonrl And Berberich the business will btless @ontinue to meet with an easing measure of sudcess. R. infman, at the meeting of €lty PlWning Commission, held on ?ï¬i iilfternoon, offered to. bear E the exgense of having the Burvay P city , as suggested by Towh ser Thos, Adams on s E’ t visiibto Kitchener." Asé a result h s offer the Commission »do alijp their power to have the en wï¬oded with at the earliont te d lcek. IieCfeady Company Wholé#dle Business. From. Meningitis & L. : Tamblyn, a wellâ€"known C. / @peÂ¥htor in Woodstock, died El- ‘ following ‘a brief illness. ._ p Mr. Tamblyn‘s only son and ever since he had been in e Ames Holdes McCready Conâ€" thented on *‘Tuesday at ‘Ames Holien Felt. Cgmpany, wop ivom ot the érnny m ‘Gures tb Halitarfaving: arrived e T .(M 3% ; thie â€"afi¢igls â€"attesiding ‘ aro E: (Pregident; W. M. Anâ€" , it; F. A. Richard: < N, M. Lyun, Ramonâ€" TOPAY HALF COST. e « graduating exercises [ of Iratea on "the © Watet! I i~Redlway went into forc: z“‘ new rates have a i not guite Te per thip with a of Yss than d¢, the new & thrge tickets for 200; uj I or $2.00; 47 for $4:00;° ita: °6 for 30 conts ahd 'enlfl in ‘under 12 years of olden old Convention .. a> wik cA m tGtreet â€"at in . post ibea!; L A. Poulin Queâ€" â€" Mikchell, @6 Johng: al ._W. B. Wiegand, : C, i9 uprontid womer j O,_ L.‘ M s tmone _and seversl¢0thâ€" Zavits, Ottawa; J.P spent t an inâ€" telt jplant and foit with in Mount plant It was thought at & y uit |a Murgica epereuin ‘woudd ve moren thaut |anry : but . it is hoped . thht Che ‘nand th & MV n roovie a a en o tain ic ane at a cost of $3,500, The:â€"other perinits «were a $25 barn, a $400 ver awdah and a $50 vesidenide altbration.‘ | A large and representative body of |Twin City music Tovers and musicians | weme present at the anuual fmeeting of: ; the | Kitchenerâ€"Waterioo Music Club 'h the Dominion | Rubber (System .rooms, Tuesday evening. i ons 8t t weene ot ie Aumers Tae 2t Fovape. (saly > watee‘( Atfvate, turned breaking the bottles, . For. a sbort time after the accident â€"ailk flowed| down ‘the street . in â€"rivulets. Dr. J. H. Radford, N. 0. H., was the complainant : ‘in the police . gourt at Galt Thursday againstâ€" Lyndburst Dairy, whom he charged with having milk intended for gate. Which was unBt tor hunian: consumption.© Te testifed that ‘a test of the milk revealed Ciat No: ghe cwas ‘hurt ‘as ‘fur as could be ascertained. ; it was dirty, ‘Magistrate Blake imposâ€" ed the minimaim ‘Abeâ€"under ‘the Pub lc Health Act, $10 and costs. Dr. Radford is determined that the public shal} receive pure milk. . ; Music Club Holds Annual Meeting The reports of the secretary, Miss Tillian Breith@upt and the treasurer| Mrs. Fred Schheidep showed the steady progress the Ctub ‘nad been making simce its formation last fall. ‘The fAnancial repore was especially encouraging, showing a balance in the treasury of about $185. Honorary Presidents, Prof. Theo. Zoellner, Carlo Bemer, Chas. Ruby. Presidentâ€"H. L. Staebler. 1st Vice President â€" Miss Anna Bean. ‘ 2nd â€" Vice â€" Presiflentâ€"Mrs. A. B Pollock. § _ Srd Vice Presidentâ€"Otto Smith. . Secretaryâ€"Miss: Lilllan Briethaupt. â€" ‘Treasurerâ€"Mrs. Fred Schneiger. Executive Committeeâ€"Misé 1 M. Bruce, Mrs. Fred Hughes, Mrs. H. M. Cook, Messrs. W. P. Clement, Fred Halstead, Nath. Stroh, W. W. Brietâ€" haupt, H. G. Mistele, G. Hamblin, P A. Samson. ce Attends Funeral of Brother of the Late Sir G. W. Ross Alex, A. Rosé and daughter Marjory have returned from East WillHams, near London, where they attefided the funeral of the late Andrew Ross, broâ€" ther of the late Sir Geo. W. Ross, forâ€" mer Prémier of this province Wwho was an uncle of Mr. Rose. The deceased was 94 years of age, and had resided on the foss homestedd since his youth . He was one of the ploneers of Middle: ‘sox County, and The funeral was: one of the largest ever witnessed in East Williams Tp. Mr. Rose statéd thile morning that the funeral was one of the most impressive he has ever atâ€" tended, and was a remarkable triw:le to the deceased. Half Dozen House } _ Permits Issued on _ ~Monday to €. Bruder _ Monday was the best day for build ing permits in s;ne time, no less than twelve having ‘been issued. Six of these were for residences heing erect: ed OA Bruder Ave. by ‘Chas. Bruder. The houses aré one and oneâ€"half storâ€" eys each and will cost $3,000._ A. Gatâ€" schene is named as architect ‘and Asâ€" mussen and Elliott as builders. . _ The remaining permits . were : all smail. : Two gatages will cost $75 and §$150 each, two ‘chicken coops $25 and §75 each, a temporary residence at $100 and a barn at $200. f . Bridgeworker May _ of Painful Accident Wallace Forbes, who is & native of Quobec provincs, met with ia paintul accident in Brostau in 12»@ Uo is employed ‘with‘ the bridgemen: who are eo:;nm.hl the â€" new . Brogian bridgo and in gome way whils workine with ‘a steam hammer had his hand Te m a E. He wan | ramoved to the x.-w.,m,é":‘m“‘u recetving attention. from Dr. Harty Lackney, 0. T.R ‘doctor. ‘ Lo :"â€â€˜ question is Hkely . to. nl-‘mi_ one‘s mind whek the prices of butter 'Q Kitchener and neighboring 1 learned: : Within shoipast day or two f ns oo C C d uin in l&uum’uumï¬ T o e aoaimg .o ie on o d stamtitn‘ the TALRNâ€" .ces sX G05 o :‘mm%m * groceriag Ands trom, 8%¢ to. 49c with dairy ranging i diniget the same Agures, Many of tho: merchants are selling their produce at a Toss. not Having ‘been able to dispocse of it fast enough to keep pace with the rapld Tall of the merket. ~ In Fimira butter is agid to be selling as low as 27c a pound, while from New Hamburg comes the word tBat butter mnâ€" be purchasedâ€"there for, 28¢ a pound. f ‘Other parts of the province report &: similarly chaotic condition of the mar ket, much to the delight of the donâ€" sumer. The reason @vn tor the drop being that of onr-wod,:’cuï¬. Just why it came at this time apd with such rapidity canniot be ‘ascertained. As‘dune consumer happily put it, "Why explain? It‘s happened. That‘s <0â€" ough." Engtish Lutherans j Enjoy Good Y ear The membership ‘of the First Engâ€" lish Lutheran Church has increased by about tventyï¬r cent. during: the past year, ace to the report: submitted ‘at the annual congregaâ€" tional meeting held on Wednesday evening. â€" All departments of the church has grown in proportion, the financial report being the hbest ever presented by the church, it being shown that nearly $10,000 had been Talsed during the year for ali purâ€" ‘poses. 1 ‘ by the Y. M. C. A year of progress and general acâ€" tivity was recorded in ‘the reports of the various standing committees <of the Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo Y.M.C.A., as subimitted at the first annual meeting of the Association, held in the Sunday Sehool of St. Andrew‘s<Church on Thursday eveniag. Chairman J. H. Baetz of the Bufl4 ing Committee gave a summary of the work of that committee since its organization and spoke of the conâ€" tracts for the new building having been let, the general contracting to Schultz Brothers of Brantford, the plumbing, beating and ventilating to Battler and Freiborger and the electric wiring to the Star Electric Company The total cost of the new buildiug, site furn‘shings and fixtures are estiâ€" mated to be $240,400. . In the absence of Chairman Otto Smith, the report of the Membership Committee was read by J. M. Newton. it showed 78 ugemhéi-‘-geelud during the year, the incoime from the fees being $1,339. The result of the work of this committee was exceptional al lso, as the association has no equip: ment or privileges to offer to the ’mmlum. wiio have joised purely on the Hervice ‘basis; ° ‘ Zion Ladies‘ Aid â€"_â€" Hold Unique and * * â€" Enjoyable Social The Ladies‘ Aid of Zlon Rvangeli c&Â¥# church held a uniqne social last night when the guests pard admission in ‘proportibn to their yéars. A denchiml programme was rendâ€" ered in the Bible School over which A. L. Breithanpt presided. . Rev. A. Y. Haist conducted the ‘devotional u-i ercises. A ladies‘ chorus and a ladâ€" tes‘ quartétte rendered pleasing ‘seâ€" tections. Interesting readings word gtven By Mrs. Hauch and Miss Mary ‘Good.: ‘A planc duet by Misses Reld« er und Eby was much appreciated: as. were ‘several musical selections by Laverit Kiéchtel: ©| o 4 4s <BV. . DR. . MALL. & TORONTO; May~18.â€"Rev. Dr. At fred hall, D.D., well known throughâ€" Ont Canada AIn connection with his work ah BenioÂ¥ OChaplain tor the Britâ€" ish and Forelgn Sailora‘ Society, and Dothinion Chaplain: of the, Naval Vetâ€" 980 Shedrake boulevard, yesterday morking, : after <an Allness o £â€"two Wmï¬mmhd w year ago. ©_ w 0. N. R. will try out troileyleas trie car on rum tb Believilic : the Casei _ ols SiG Doctore Joy a half hollday on :mm‘m ing the simmer months,.. This decisâ€". ion was reached a; a. meoting of the Kitchener and Waterloo. Medical .As« soolation ‘ Friday. _ Jt ~arill . begin. hext week and will contiaue through June, July, Augubt and . September. However.. Arrangement . have . been made that noue need suffer as a re, sult. Three doctore will be left on Auty in Kitchener and ons in Waterâ€" ‘loo each Wednesday afternoon, and they, will attend to: any emergency calls sent to ahy doctor‘s office. The following day they wil} then turn the patients over t6o the regular medical attendant;. This plan has been tried in several cities and has worked satâ€" isfactorily, it is said. t ‘ The ‘association also went on record #s willing to coâ€"operate with the proâ€" ‘Yincial health nurses who are to visâ€" it the city at an .early date. The folâ€" lowing resolution was adopted: "That in view of the ‘fact that the provincial board of ‘Weslfh are sending health nurses to Kitchener in June ‘this asâ€" sociation go on récord as being willâ€" ing and anxious to coâ€"perate with the health authorities in establishing a clinic for babies and expectant mothâ€" ers who are unable to pay fees to &A medical practitioner." .« j Power Cost to be . _ $1.00 H. P. Higher Kn'cheur is one city in the Niagaraq track. ) Systein that will bear an increase in | stock ,T Hydro rates under the ruling of thed May R. Hydro Power Commission. ‘ Superif!~ | promotet tentdent V. 8. Mcéintyre has‘been adâ€" this thr vised of this fact but ‘has @80 BBR | yousine notifed that the Increases Will b6 BUt! pventy. 41 a horse power which will be bOPB@} pyore ‘by adjustment . between thp Hydro, Alskand guthorities and the local Commis®10®| o 1e9q ’md will not affect the rates to conâ€" 1.30, thi FUmBn. â€"_segee) :‘ . hTu despatches this morning state that prices are being cut in §¢ munici: palifies, remain unchanged in 84 mu« nicipalities and are increased in one city and two towns. ‘The financial statement issued by thethe . Hydro Power Commission shows réserves of over thirteen milâ€" lion dollars, which is only short about one million of the total advanced By the Government. * The mediqalâ€"men gre going to. onâ€" . Aother of Perth County‘s pioneer residents passed away ‘Wednesday at his home in Sebringvillé in the person, of Theobald Litt, at‘ the advanted :{s of 9T years. ‘For several years he whs treasurer of Ellice Township. | Price of conféctionery has dropped 10¢ per pound since Budget. o on on roe trom fhe clibht to mauke the setâ€" ne#t and pay tie expenses of the THAT SUDDEN er had kept themoney and had no steps to secure yettlement of PERTH PIONEER DEAD y #t . Arace. Hucks aches, utrems spirits and general L2 feclings as times? Your x is not hopeless ana _ sold bf t dep oo o;i;d;;flel ief uhd promptly. uhd promptly, gupm you }! ave hoadâ€" Roud what : this you ex« effence at Pain wvhi‘ch + . liny "Anb! old "' merchants * Cmm jpâ€"sge 4 ,'u‘-“i‘xl' e .‘:‘ L L\ L J‘ ‘i e auy* B8 toiy o ; P ebding gi ty : P | ;»ffl’?‘:‘g»y -.ak%@ qÂ¥ * o o lain: 4st iot lournicved 4o Kikoh:, ener to take. advants ‘-gm«s ton/ extended by. «ue â€"merchasits ; to garticipa in the benefits of the s ‘OQver .a score of places. were F6 week from various points in the n ty. | Among the plaées were Galt, Preston, New Dundee, Hespeler, Rr mirh,~ St. Jucobs, Linwood, : Winterâ€" bourne, West Montrose, _ ‘Coneéstogo, Wallesley,â€" Bt. Clergents, New Hamâ€" burg, Baden, PlatteviHie, Ayt and other points. & : Buch was the. attractiveness of m‘ offérings of the merchants that shopâ€" pers could not fail to profit by their visit. and: generous purchases . were mmmotlvflrmhmq savings to the purchasers. All shoppers from qut of the city had their fares refunded.by the ©9â€"00â€" erating stores so that during . the ‘Tuesday, May 24th, promises to be a big day in the annais of racing in this district, when 23 events, includâ€" Ing motbreycle, pbicycle and flat races will be run at the Waterloo ‘ Rack track. Messrs. Roy ‘Martin of Wood: stock ,Témmy Maher of London and Maz R. Shinn of Waterloo are the promoters responsible for reviving lth}--lthrminx sport . and Aoubtiess ; thousandsg will gather to witness the week they were in theâ€"same favgred positionâ€" as city residents, . ..~ > . Kitchener is eachâ€" . year ,, becoming known to sn everâ€"increasing cirole of buyers and the importance of . this city as a shopping centre emphasized to a growing number , of residents throughout the surrounding territory. Bafety" Will be Alexander House at 1.16 p.m., with musical programme at the park at! 1.30, the Waterloo Musical Society Band having been engaged for.., Qel event. Races will start at 2,, pm. sharp, Daylight Saving time. .2,6001 feet of steel fencing is hbeing erected, completely surrounding . the race track, assuring complete safety to the lwbllc. Many of the most noted motor le.vcle and bicycle riders will take part, event. Races will start at 2,, p.m., * Market Report If, sharp, Daylight Saving ,glme. .2.000’ in these days when the: High 1 feet of steel fencing is being erected,‘ of Living gives one more e.....cg completely . surrounding . the _ racelstaying up nights arranging , ‘the; track, assuring complete safety to the family budget tham‘does thoe figtring public. Many of the most noted motor‘flllt of one‘sâ€" income tax, the qiarket eycle and bicycle riders will take part, report of sixtyâ€"there years agh makes and keenly contested events are u-im reading. 2/ .. sured. © > Butter sold at 12%e ;,“gpnd and bnnie: cngemyrermppireincircstemenars |eul at 12%c a dozen Pork was Ԥ5 â€" a hundredweight and j.gy‘â€_; Thos. Adams Advise_s |ton, aithough in anothet offtumn hay ~ Kitchener and Wauterlos are a step mearer having the tuture dpvelopâ€"' ment of the Twinâ€"City Tollew -ome! preâ€"arranged plan. Asa result ot.a‘ twoâ€"day . visit Thomas Adains, ‘town! planning adviser. of the Cpnnmlq‘ .6f Conservation,. paid the district, he has prepared a meinorandum remi‘d_-] ing the need of a comprebensive city plan. This report has been sent to W.{ H.Breithaupt, of the City Planning Commigision.. ... . _...__..__ ’_‘_j It Bad. been expected that Mr. Adams would ‘be able to visit the disâ€" trict to make & preliminary regional survey, but he states that this may be impossible now. (He suggosts that much of the work couldâ€"be dome Byâ€" the city engineer‘s staff, and the post mmemumm-mï¬- !nmmuum!fl““ probdnly $2,500 or $3.000. m;:»â€"-i dmiphasizes «the weed of ~66â€"operation pnetween the city enginger, the manuâ€" twdtwrers, the tailways and the real estate ‘holders for the fiture good of ot Now Watarford. NB > ~ * ~ !5' Otta%h coal drivers retura to in terms of 1918,.. ~_. _ _ T â€" Establishment of â€" |»s= Zones in Kitchener,"*"" Watchword at the May 24th Meet jÂ¥ B aity ers, YARM OU C PSS zm’ in cted,! of .L race! stayt o the‘ fam{l notor‘flllt l “n, repor e “!m Bu |em er urore." it ‘almost ceased h!ï¬ nionths ‘ago, but a tew ‘of the of a valiantly <dtrugeled :to "keep it\alive. ltmmhmduhm.cm ofâ€"Oommerce take its ‘place." Howerer. the campaign for that Thied as the Board ‘of Trade ‘had previously .done. . ent oficers have given Mp _\jobn They are turning m&o&cir Council everything held in t for the ‘bourd of directors, yand. are .re« questing the City Council to carry on the correspondence, etc. : ‘In ‘a :stateâ€" ‘Bhowers partly ‘Bundue forest Pesiacvertheeng‘ f "A copy of ‘‘The= Berlin "Ohromicle and ~Waterlco County Reformers‘ Guzette" ‘for March 23rd,‘ 1858, â€" has reached this office through the cour teay of Alex. Nafe ofâ€" Preston.© This ploneer of ‘Waterlco County‘s jour nalistic enterprises provides some inâ€" teresting data .to the ‘ presentâ€"day reader. A list of the convictions for the qu@rter is published above the sigâ€" witure ‘of Thomas Miller,~ Clerk of the Pesce for the county .of Waterloo, and contains but twentyâ€"seven names. Of this number. seventeen were cllarged with either insult or assault ind battery. Two of the were sentenced to a month apiece in. Jall while all ‘other cases wertedt posed of by the payment of flmi ‘Fhere were no liquor cases in those [M One. conviction was registered ugainst a man who refused to act as school trustee. His fine was £1, 5 [.mmu-. x £ore T 4 is said to have been:gellisg in some parts of the provined at $3 a ton. \ At that date, Kit Carson and his associates: were .not foilnd in paper. 5:7’) 4 n e ns m fon: contieallly, ‘on>. ty Oalghe ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, 3. Gteb, ~~reviews past twelye months "lm.ithe field . o6 ;Public Mlealth, the / 11b eHr®rpourN® ®rRRET, Troronto, 45 4. To act u9 a" Â¥oloatary musifiary, to * The "Ontaric | Goverimen g,g ul“h ï¬‚ï¬ f - it;é"‘_tj 2. To coâ€"opetate with Jochl Bonnds af tary organizations work ing for gg9d.; . healthy ) 3p) ljea . gey (an Bs O To : eniist ï¬l:wï¬'fl C : citizens in holping. to establish Omb .,} s. . ;‘ofl Hospitals and Nursing. Servic L‘i:* Â¥WB remote..parts: of the Provwinge~ .‘ un . ;o create Mmï¬llflï¬*}« %’i ‘; in o grganirgh enc T ald u_ To creale pubit bpintbn in rF DT To. promote better healdr wiohg Of HovA Cleewhere .*.; /)‘ . . ais metios is being uy > provines,. W indsor baringâ€" o ‘ed the system early in the < mm:n:gbf * M receat meeating of Council > Mayor mdn'_ advaceted the adeption of the & in that ‘town but fo action.. e sald to be going still lower; + Nassagaweya gots it al.20© 2 6h " 6 nl'l.' *vai Pmd e ® ts l mds ‘ l ! uo "s !“: h & beiet +# * 490 4( f s AAMbucae: 4 " R + } m rg=ri td : > .. daa y 26â€" .8 9 c\ oupeid " on â€" feet s oliabdite wl u.F i IP Â¥9 6 3 yourutd. 20. JUnaay Waad \. ~~ 37 f Â¥7# 7 Wls acsas s | 13,000 o0 covered : beoks : but > werk reit20ke beings as is evridenced fromâ€"an 5 in ahe. %%"3 the event :of issue ween.Abife: andâ€"the mz.d Any : to render it‘atl :the aid. they . egty ie m,mtï¬?u pebeltion in :Htgh.24% > uflns custom stAl (prevalent in Huglagd * adopting"\. some ~pl¢ h« Potter. â€" ‘Mail and mnï¬‚ï¬ oftices. ‘Horses ‘andâ€" carciages alwd on hand?* “’?.‘:3: ,‘;&'v ‘Another Item tells that "The‘ fever still eontinues i Now ‘ BÂ¥ wick. ‘Merchants ‘wro. closing ‘up businesses; M. D.‘s abandoning th pestle and mortar; . D; D.‘s doffing their "long rober ‘ane dountes His miner‘s attire, and with pickâ€"ate 284 }Mo. together his away to the 00g4 of ‘action." . _ e s t c o e red Cross amxillaries in #B&. ) i; | *&-* â€"r"“-vj*‘-vv-v » &# \ 4C3 994 (% CAd® Pia 14 2#3 wHa y YÂ¥ $Â¥ $