"\* . .BR Jeannerst has secured the Canâ€" adian rights from the American Arm to mantifacture "Wide" rubber heels and soles. ‘Mr. Jesuneret has associaâ€" ted with himself in this entorurise, anâ€" other former Kimirs boy, Dr, R. Stewâ€" art, alid their company has beev grantâ€" od a charter as "Wids of Canade, Ltd." Arrangements have been made by the new company with the Dunlop firm of Toronto to make the heels and soles for them. ‘The American owners of the patent then sent an exgert to the Dunlop factory and initiated it into the process. 4# SHIPPED HORSES TO TORONTO Thos. Williamson shipped a carlond of horses to Toronto Saturday. The horses were of the beavy stock and some of them were very good. Rev. G. F. and Mrs. Brown left on Thursday for their new bome at Tavistock. Mr. Isaac Williamson and Mr#. M. Williamson and son Gordon of Toâ€" ronto, were visiting friends in Elmira on Saturday. Mrs. Jack Busmer of Elors, and her brother, Mr. George Hornberger of 8t. Clair, Mich, were visiting friends in town on Saturday. Mrs. Jos. Amlinger and daughters spent Saturday afternoon with friends at Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Addison daugbter spent Saturday er. Mr. George Fenton is the sick lst. Mr. Charles Wilfong of Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Wilfong. Mrs. Cunningham and son spent Sunday with friends at West Mont rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nichol and child of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mrs. George Schierholtz. Mr. and Mrs. George Forwell spent Bunday with friends at St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt and children of Kitchener, and Mr. Oscur Echmidt of St. Catharines, spont the weekâ€"end with friends in town. Maoster Charles Brunck and Puj Ruii of 8t. Jerome‘s College, Kitch enor, spent the werkcend with their parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Heimbecher and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimbecher were visitors to Kitchener on Sunâ€" day. w.~C. QUICKFALL WILL Mr. Armo Manz of New Hamburg, apent the weekend with his chum, Mr. Harry Class at Floradale. Mr. and Mrs. Archle Baind of St Clements, spent Sunday with the latâ€" ter‘a mothor, Mrs. Erb. W. C. Quickfall will nave one of the most modern garages in the County. The Zilllax Hause barn, which he purâ€" chased from the Royal Bank will be completely changed in the very near future. On the inside he is romoving the stalls and lowering the floor about SHIPPED TWO CARS OF CATTLE. J. G. Hurst, of St. Jacobs, the U. F. (. shipper, shipped two carloads of choice cattle to Toronto from St Jacobs on Tuesday. From Monday the milk prices are ome cent lower. A quart of milk sells at 13¢. The Burkhard dairy is selling 16 half pint tickets for $1.00. ELMIRA BUYS TRUCK. Mr. The Woodstock Fire and Light. Sixty years of lc.dmhirâ€"d ving sod value, heaping satisfaction and real service! That‘s vh;. the CGilson name wins respect and conflidence from coast to coast. That‘s why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment. gineâ€"any size for any purposeâ€"can be purâ€" :l‘nud on the easy p:ym‘m plan. . Let it pay for itself. Its economy and dependâ€" abllity have made it the biggest selling enâ€" Tas in Crmnts Lt us Uewonltait ‘on G. L. SCHMIDT & CO., Heidelburg, Ont. THE GILSON ENGINE wonbzarrut Enson" GILSON MFG. CO., Limited â€" â€" GUELPH, ONT. Call and See Nearost Deater MAKE ALTERATIONS The Hylo Sylo insures indefinitely. . Exclusive tented features of deâ€" n- and construction explain why the Hylo is chosen by the discriminâ€" ll|1 farmer. _ Pays for L_b.el in lhflht scason. en year after year, pays 100 per cent. wo‘\ on your â€" investment. _ Can you beat it? aweet, fresh. succulent enâ€" e down to the last tkful. _ It is built to last iting, ete. Write for Catalog. _ Made in Canada and Gusranteed by reported on calor, below. l nd mak uid on uileen Inrechare. Disioâ€"hes Trasiass, Snyder and at Kitchenâ€" Percy DeKay, shorthorn â€" breeder, left on a business trip to Cleveland, Ohio. He was sccompanied by A. Ogzam of Linwood. YThéy motored to Port Stanigy and crossed Lake Erie by bost. They will be away a woek Hogs were selling at $10 per ewt. at the C. P. R..station on Wednesday, Butter dropped from 42 cenis to 27 cents and e@ge from, 27 cents to 24 cents, and there are prospects of dropping lower, HER MOTHER DEAD Mrs. Willlam Schedewitz and her husband attended the fumeral of her mother, Mrs. August Schiebel, at Hesâ€" son on Thursday. The late Mrs. Schiebel died TuesGay morning. Otto Schierholtz has completed the course in chemical engineering at the Bchool of Practical Bcience and bas successfully passed the fAnal examâ€" Ination. Otto is at present sojournâ€" ing in the city of Pork and Beans. Use it! ‘The best Manure Spreader made is the Gilson. Why? It has a wide ?md. It is low down. Tt has llrht draft. Tt will take a real load. It is free from clutches, gears and all complicated parts. Henry Habn, horse dealer, sold a horse to H. W. Martin, manager of the KitcHener House of Refuge, and on Wednesday evening delivered it ut Kitchener. ELMIRA PUBLIC 8CHOOL REPORT FOR APRIL Senior IVâ€"Honorsâ€"Margaret Runâ€" pel, Emima Brubacher, Emma Klinck. Passâ€"Mary Weber, Beatrice Les ter, Gertgude Schmidt, Edward Lewâ€" is, Philip Hammar, | Jack Woodull, Barbara Helker, Ella Schweitzor, Ex ther Klinck, Emma Eby, George Vice George Wilken. Manure is the best fertilizer. You bave it Jimior 111â€"Honorsâ€"Bldon Woodgt! and Toblas Brubacher equ®, Martha Brunk, Ros‘e Miller, Hazel steddick, Ezra â€" Brubacher, Esther â€" Schaefer, Clara Koerber, Jack MeCormick, El la Martinson, John Ludwig, Emanuel Murtin. Linda Martin. Passâ€" Cora Becrker, Adeline Belsel Clinton _ Keller, Elizabeth â€" Baum»n, Milton Borman,. Edwin Martin Eisie Payne, _ Annie Weber and _ Albert Schouf equal, Senfor 1â€"â€"Honorsâ€" Willte â€" Klinck. Gladys â€" Hahn, Helen â€" VanDeventer, Menno Martin, Claire Rudow, Mellsâ€" sa Brubacher, Wilma Anman, Selina Martin, Ruth Eby, Hazel Willoughby. Marita Bricker, Cora â€" Ertel, Laura Hemme, _ Marguerite â€" Steddick, . Al borta Rau, May Freeman. Pass â€"â€" Elva Se dewand, Wilbert Beisel, Lorne Bodley, Addison Snyâ€" der, Carl Class, Jacob Bauman, Charâ€" le Hemmerich, Anna Moyer, Arthur Franklin, Gordon Seiling, Menno Sadâ€" dler, Rella Dahmer, Alvin Webor, Ad: "The Wonderful_Gilson" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Fillers were sold in Canada last year than any other make. It is guarâ€" anterd to be the lightest running blowerâ€" cutter made. Re independentâ€"get a C:ilson Stlo Filler and fll your own siloâ€"with your own engine, 4 hp. or largerâ€"at the proper time, when your corn has the greatest feeding value. Junior 1Vâ€"Passâ€"â€" Plorence Kenney, Milton Rudow, Milton Moser. Ruby Ertel, Sylvester | Frey, Ivan Gerth, Ruby Bricker, Beatrice Ainsworth, Senior â€" Ti Honors=â€"Eiford Brent, jeorge Lowis, Fred Wagner, Bessic McCormick. Clarence Brubacher, Barâ€" Jara â€" Bownaim, George Echroer, Hilâ€" wert Musselman. Pas=eil â€"Donald _ Borkwood, .\1c]~i chior Cress» Bealrice Dunham and * Peddy _ Beckford â€" equal, Eilzabeth Lutz, May Hoffer, Ese Frey, Clarâ€" mce Kenney, Laura KRoerber, Gordon Fries, Ethel McGraw, Norman Hemâ€" ne and Walter Welgel equal, Eliza: rech Brabacher, _ Honry : Memmerich, dheta Wyatt, \\'Zlfrl‘d Hummar, Clea: son Baumar. soll fre donartment for the sum of | 24248 Carnochan equal, James Milker r‘ï¬nw&ï¬il-d[u-w b nave aone yo cueveramp . |_ _2 '-l-u-mm-:d. .‘.."" ..,I"i PRICES TUMBLING DOWN THE GILSON SPREADER ) of the department to the Inâ€" dre dppertment for the sum of Bernice Zlegler, Ira Brubacher, Kleon Beisel, Clara Wilson, Eimer Baumian, Dorothy Dunham, Veromica, Rau, Erâ€" Leonard Davey. First Classes, Class A.â€"Homorsâ€" Allce Stumpf, Edith Habp, Viols Brw bacher, _ Alice _ McCormick, Alice Hasack, Murle Steffier, Ruth Holling er, Charles Krupp, Russel Btroh, Cathâ€" erine Moser, Laura Klinck, Arnold Klinck and Fred Wilford equal. Passâ€"Toblas Bauman, Jerome We ber, Leavea Martin, Alison B. Cunâ€" Schwindt, Pearl Wilson, Dorothy Kelâ€" man, Earl Stumpf, Isobel Roth, Lydia Cressman, James Jury, Annie Cressâ€" man. Alson Bauman. eZne Merner, Sherman Miller, Kathâ€" iden Ertel, Howard Ziegler, Johnnie Bowman, Ruth Kehi, Irwin Goodwin. Bepior Primary Classâ€"Honorsâ€" Bessie Woodall, John O‘Ne!ill, Cathâ€" Ralph Fries, Willis Van Deventer, Edwin Reist. Mr. Albert Dumke, of Toronto, spent Thursday with his mother, Mrs. Heury Dunke. Fassâ€"Albert Rau, Robert Ziegler, Wilma Doerfler, â€" Hazel Shoemaker, Marjory O‘Neil. Junior _ Primary _ Classâ€"Honorsâ€" terborn, Edith Bechtel, Elmore Ruâ€" dow, Pearl Snider, Harvey Stumpf, sOLD DRY GOODS BUSINESS. Latona Brigham, general merchant, of Glenallen, sold bis business to R. Black, of Glenallen, the latter taking immediate possession. With the busâ€" inexs goes the post office which is loâ€" cated in the store. The store building itself is the property of Mrs. 6tinson. Mr. Brigham is undecided as to his future. HAVE NEW AUTO TRUCK. The new firm of Hennerly and Bruâ€" bacher, plumbers, etc. are keeping up with the times. They have purchased a new Ford service truck from the local Ford agent, O. 8. Smith. TORONTO, May 14.â€"It is unlikely thit the second indictment prurcrrcd‘ against Dr. Percy Faed, who was ac quitted on Wednesday of a charge ot mansluaughter, urising out of the deaths of Miss Monica Kenney and Mrs. Emily Bond, will be proceeded with. * J. M. Ferguson, counsel for the mc cused, gave it as his opinion today that as the evidence in the second case will be identical with that given ip the first, the crown will probably withdraw further proceedings. LIKELY TO DROP SECOND CASE MONDAY, MAY 30TH, commencing at 2 o‘clock, the property belonging to the late Mrs. Mary J. Stork, consisting of a 4 of an acre of land .a red brick dwelling house, containing 7 rooms and three clothes closets; hardwood flooring, frame barn, also fruit trees and water. ‘There will be sold by public aucâ€" tlon on the premises in the village of Winterbourne, on Terms of Sale: 159 on day of sale, balance within 30 days thereafter. FOR SALE.â€"Standard bred Stailion, Black _ Joeâ€"1675â€"Enrolment _ No. 5278, Form 1, certificata expires Deâ€" cember 3ist, 1921. For further parâ€" ticulars, apply to Mrs.. Lawrence Fried, New Dundee, R. R. 1â€"18â€"3t. COWS8 FOR SALE.â€"Several cows and â€" heifers for sale, . Holstein grades, from good milking strains. Ten head to choose from. Gilbert Bergey, New Dundee.â€"18â€"f. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer. 19â€"2t. NEAT APPEARING LADY OR GENâ€" tleman to act as our representative introducing useful line of fast sell ing article. Write Anderson Manuâ€" facturing and Rubber Company, 432 Wellington West, Toronto.â€"18â€"4t. FOR SALEâ€"Aimost new, 130 egg in cubator. Apply De Laval Agency, 23 Erb street, W., Waterloo. FOR SALE.â€"One Avery Tractor, new;one Waterloo cutting box ma:â€" chine, one Waterloo blower maâ€" chine, ome Waterloo 33x42 carrier. The above machines are fitted with Milverton feeder and chaff blower and are priced to sell. Apply Box 54. St. Clements.â€"18â€"f. WANTEDâ€"Live Poultry, delivered to my place, Wednesday or Thursday. Special prices for fat old hens, ducks, pigeons. E. M. Martin, 8t. Jacobs. 19â€"2 mos. PUBLIC SALE MRS. BERTHA HILLIARD, va Executrix. CGeneral Wants of Real Estate Double Tragedy The Borderâ€"Cities police are investâ€", igating s double tragedy, which o€â€". curred on the river front a mile east. of Walkerville at 9 o‘clock Tuesday, night when a Packard touring car beâ€", leved to have been driven by Lewis A., Koch of Detroit, got beyond control,, and leaving. the narrow rgadwuy,, plunged down a 20â€"foot éembankment, into the Detroit River. Both Koch, and a women who was with him were Qullty of Bigamy. Confessing to the St. Thomas magâ€" istrate that he was twice married, Homer Lambert, the 18â€"yearâ€"old lad of Bimcoe, was remanded for sentence. His second wife, a Miss Ethel Freeâ€" land, Hamilton, does not hold Homer in very bigh esteem. And the first, who laid the information, had been married to Lambert for 16 months and has a baby girl. It is alleged that the Hamilton lady has had other matriâ€" monlal adventures. Concerning these, an investigation will be made before Lambert will be sentenced. Taking advantage of legislation passed by the Proyincial Legislature, Galt city fathers have decided that they should receive some remuneraâ€" tion for the service they render citiâ€" zens as representatives and for the time they are required to take from their regular employment, and acâ€" cordingly have fixed a fee for attendâ€" ance at meetings at $5 a day, as alâ€" lowed by the act. Payments for a year must not exceed a total of $250. There is little doubt but that every alderman will draw $250 as they have more than 50 meetings a year, with 26 regular council meetings, besides the special and committee meotings. Pay For Gait Aldermen. Garfleld Cheerful Three weeks from yesterday, Jun: 2, is the date set for the hanging of Norman Jerome Garfleld at Wood stock for the murder of Ben Johr son. With only a few short days con: stituiing his remaining span of life the condemned man in his guarded gell at the jail, has never seemed lighter of heart. He whistles and hums cheerily and reads and smoker much. He shows much interest in a pet canary, which was brought to him by someone who evidently pitied his condition. | Meanwhile his wife, mother and spiritual adviser are still busily working for clemency. Their appeal is now in official hands at Otâ€" tawa. They have not yet given up hope. Young breeding stock, both soxes. Sevoral large March litters to choose from. Prices reasonable. P,. K. Weber. R. R. No. 4, Kitchener. 16â€"4t. Are you in need of a Ford car? If so, apply W. Sylander, German Milis. A 1918 model in good condition.â€"18â€"2t For those whp must be stylâ€" ish and wear straw hats these days, fur ear txiimmings might be suggested. ! T Prompt attention will be given n «) sales entrusted to me and satistac tlion fuarantedd. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, FARM FOR SALEâ€"containing 57!4 acres in Chalmers Block, Woolwich Township. Waterloo county; good bank barn with straw shed, brick house with stone kitchen, good well and orchard. About 5 acres fall wheat, 10 acres hay and spring seeding will be done. Terms easy for quick sale. Apply A. & G. Forbes, R. R. 2, West Montrose.â€"18â€"3t. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. NOui~2 Box 69. Phone 340J Maple Park Yorkshires Duering&Shantz LICENSED AUCTIONEERS for Counties of Waterloo, Perth 8 Oxford All sales entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention Anyone wishing to purchase farm lands or City Property will do well to call on us before buying. Large lists to choose E. J. SHANTZ, H. B. OUERING, Phone 136, MR. FARMER Waterloo Waterloo. 1tt IMPLEMENTS: Massoy _ Harris binder, 6ft. cut, ncarly new; Deering mower, 6t cut, nearly new; Massey Harris 13â€"hoe seed drill, nearly new; Massoy Harris spring tooth cultivatâ€" ar with sced box; Frost & Wood hay loader with truck, nearly new; Interâ€" mational side rake, Cockshutt manure spreador, nearly now; Frost & Wood 10(t dump rake, Oliver riding plow, 2â€"furrow Oxford plow, 2 Ayr walking plows, land roller, bâ€"section iron har-} rows, 8 horse power with speed jack, good 2â€"inch tire wagon, 2 truck wag: ons, wagon box, set bobsleighs, good @â€"seated carriage, open rubber tire buggy, good as new; steel tire top buggy, road cart, jumper cutter, 3 seated pleasure sleigh with boisters; wagon springs, 4,000 Tbs cap.; flat hay rack, hay and stock rack combinâ€" ed; wood rack, fanning mill, bag truck, scales, 1,000 Ths cap.; 20ft ladâ€" ter, stone boat, gcuffier, root pulper, #® sets gravel planks, 25 grain bags, neckyokes, doubletrees, logging chains, forks, shovels, hoes and many other articles too numerous to menâ€" tion. HOUSRHOLD EFFECTS: Admiral steel range, cooking sthve, kitchen table, glass cupboard, leaf table, 12 kitchen chairs, 3 arm chairs, 4 rockâ€" HARNESS: 2 sets team hbarness, set carriage harnes~ 2 sets single harness, plow harness, collars and bridles. HAY and GRAIN. 6 tons hay, 250 bushels mixed grain, 500 bushels oats, 25 bushels barley, 235 bushels buckâ€" wheat, about 15 bushels corn. PIGS and POULTRY: _ Berkshire sow, due to pig beginning of June; Yorkshire sow, supposed to be in pig; 16 shoats, 4 months old; 25 chickens. f Farm Stock, Implements, Grain and Household Effects. CATTLE: Red Durham grade cow, fresh 3 weeks; red Durham grade cow, fresh 4 weeks; red cow supposâ€" +d to calve middle of October; Jersey cow, supposed to calve middle of September; red Durham grade heifer, due by time of sale; Jersey helfer, due by time of sale; 2 fat cows, 4 young cattle rising 1 year old; 2 calves. 6 months old; 2 calves, 3 and 4 weeks old. HORSES: Bay hborse, 8 years old; chestnut horse, 9 years old; bay mare 11 years old; sorrel mare, 11 years old; bay mare, 8 years old; bay mare, 3 years old; both good drivers. W. W. Frickey, Auctioncer, has reâ€" cived instructions from the under «dJgned executors to sell by Public Auction the farm stock and implem: mts of the late Enoch Peppler, situâ€" ited 1%%& miles south of Heidelberg, 1‘%4 miles northwest of Erbsville and i% miles west of Waterloo, on TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1921. commencing at 12 o‘clock sharp, (standard time), the following valuâ€" able property: PUBLIC SALE The paint for wear and weather. It wears and wears beautifies and preâ€" serves Oil Cloth and Linoleum. "WOODâ€"LAC" STAIN Improves the new â€"renews the old. "NEUâ€"TONE" The sanitary, washâ€" able Flat Oil Paint for Interior Decorâ€" ation. "VARNOLEUM®* , The Hardâ€"Drying, Longâ€"Wearing t K Floor Finish «@aveithe. surface and them. Save the surface and you save all. MARBLEâ€"ITE Floor Finish is the treatment for floors of all kinds. lthtfl floor finish that has a moneyâ€"back guat attached to every can. hing adds so much beauty of a home n':“dou- thc.:h PN:':;'“ hr;:- the other hand, fbors that are not protected are ::sh-nttolpokn mlmdtoh-pw them. %:{M-wbmaudm-w.fl. We invite you to call and discuss this method of beautifying and protecting your floors. We can give you full details regarding this or any other painting or varnishing problem. We have other painting or varnishin blem. We have a complete stock of u.mï¬ï¬'fsmoun Paints and Varnishes. For every purposeâ€"For every Liphardt Bros. WATERLOO In the estate of Isaac Snider, Deâ€" ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutes of Ontario that all creditâ€" ors and others having claims against the ettate of Isaac Snider, late of the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, Farmer, who died on or about March 13th, 1921, are required to send by post prepaid, or delivered to John Snider, German Mills, one of the Executors of the will of the said deceased, their names in full, with ad-i dress and full particulars of their elaim and statement of their uocurlty.l if any, on or before the 21st day of‘ May, 1921, after which date the Exo-‘ cutors will proceed to distribute ï¬m‘ assots of the said deceased to the parties entitled thereto, having r&‘ gard to the claims of which they shall have then received notice and wlll‘ not be liable for the sald assets to any person of whose claim they shall mot have received notice. JOHN SNIDER, German Milis, JOHN KARCHER, ‘ Executors of !saac Snider. Dated at Waterloo, May 2. 1021, 1838t. ing _ chairs, 2 _ upholstered arm chairs, organ, 2 parlor tables, bed with springs and mattress, 2 bedâ€" steads, clothes cupboard, 2 large burâ€" eaus, small burean, lounge, sink, benâ€" ches, easy chair, water bench, wash stand, clothes chest, Dobbin drum, flour chest, sausage grinder, 3 irom kettles and mapy other ,articles. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FORâ€"SALEâ€"1 Acre and 32 Perches good land, lot No. 11, on the north side of Bleam‘s road in Wilmot with plastered frame house, good hard and sofe water. All kinds ot fruit. _ Apply Sarah Scibert, R. R. No. 2, Petersburg. 16â€"4t This weather may not help the gardens but it ought to be a boon to the coal business. Any one wanting good stock and implements, come to this sale. No reâ€" serve. TERMS OF SALE: Hay, grain, chickens, fat cows, and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months‘ credit will be givâ€" en on approved joint notes or 5% per annum off for cash on credit amounts. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer. MILTON PEPPLER, PERCY PEPPLER, AGENTSâ€"Be independent. Act in your city and county introducing 25 lines fast selling rubberized houseâ€" hold apparel. (Make $10 a day up. Write 432 Wellington West, Toronâ€" to. WANTEDâ€"To purchase between 25 and 50 acres of land within five miles of Waterloo. Please state kind of soil and buildings. Henry Schmidt, Margaret St., Preston. Executors. J. A. STEIS§. Clerk. 19â€"3t. | PUBLIC $ REAL ESTATE: The real m†consists of & good comfortable 9â€"r0084 ed white brick house with sumugt kitchen and woodshed attached, B ment cellar, good hard water well soft water in house, good barn agd driving shed, about three qmrtortp{ an acre of land, more or less, with & varlety of fruit trees and small fruit8, A nice home. TERMS OF SALE. Chattels, cash Terms of Real Estate: 10% of pMM chase price on day ®f sale, and bak ance within 30 days, . J. A. STEI88, Executor. EMELINE HAHN, Executrby WALTER W. FRICKEY, Auct.â€"188 There wil be sold by Public :f tion on the premises of the late ‘ Ellzahct/d Stciss, in the Village of Heidelberg, on commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m., sharp, (standard time), the following val able property: 2 cooking stoves, parior heater, :8 wood boxes, 2 whatnots, 2 rugs, air carpet, carpet for largé room, ho f‘f made carpet for 3 roems, number o€ homemade carpet strips,, linocleum f9# 3 rooms, number of mats and sm@p rugs, 4 chamber sets, pail stand, B chenille curtains, lace curtains, m# barrel, dinner set, plates, cup ‘.'p saucers, kitchen utensils, pilctures,, hanging lamps, parior lamp, 3 t lamps, Wanzer lamp, several dozer sealers, wash boiler, clothes horge, lawn chairs, O‘ Cedar mop, curtain poles, wringer, clock, hall lamp, waofk sench, iron kettle, 3 small fron k8t tles, 20ft. ladder, wheelbarrow, 3 feed boxes, 5 bags potatoes, lawn mwi‘. garden tools, and many other articlé@® too numcrous to mention. 6 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 4 plec® parlor sulte, piano, parior table, ug» holstered rocker, music stand, dining room extension table, sideboard, 6 dining room chairs, couch, 4 beds springs . and mattress, 3 bedro suites with springs and mat leatacr lounge, 2 other lounges, y small tables, 14 kitchen chairs, ’lsi tables, upholstered arm chair, 8ï¬ chair, 3 rocking chairs, sink, eor$ cupboard, _ side glass cupboard, | wash stands, sewing machine, cl / cupboard, washing machine, » churn, leather covered Morris air, Waliter W.Friokey i o2 Minfermens All Salee entrusted to me Experienced . Auctioneer . und THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921