Ad | Phrsimamen Doy hemie in The Day mervice in St. C Beran church . yesterd %m.flnfl helw:i ; zmmm : t / | ; Notes of Interest ;MEMORIAL SERVICE FoRr 5 BECEASED sSTVPENT " .A mororial seryice for the late H. ;E.pbk.vabauumm A.utheran Seminary on Monday. last, 'wanhflummMmAm tional Committsd ‘of St. John‘s Lutherâ€" in church Friday. Reey. E. Hock@l mann pFfeached the very ‘Relpful ser z. and ‘ Mrk, Charles H. ‘Bechte! Bay, are â€" vinitorsâ€" at. the fothe:of his parents, Mr. and Mts. D. .'3 “'iAllln‘t-.hflf* A Mr. and Mts. â€"Bechtel motoréd to W Pribo,. a "El‘t‘“fl'ffl’ ‘. Am â€"address ‘The Road of ftrobg M"mm»m..ufl won and was much appreciated. Miss 5'-:""‘“""'!"--!“‘-% i Mrs. Thomas Hilliard was pleasantâ€" 1y surprised_at fer home on William t. yesterday when a number of her friends and relatives assembled to do ber homof, it being the occasion of her birth@day.â€". The house was ‘tasteâ€" ‘Tully arranged with flowers and Mrs. Hilllard: was the recipient of many beautiful ‘bouquets. A dainty buffet Tunch was served at six o‘clock and the evening was spent im a social way. Feliow _ citiséas â€" and numerous friends ‘will regret their removal from Waterloo ‘to‘which place they came twenty yeafs ago, but will be pleakied m that they will still remain residents of the Twinâ€"City. Mr. Feick m.;t ait years & yvalued member of te Waterloo: Public School Board. / L Mhu-ouyh residence, 89 l‘onndry;m., to Mrs. Swan of Carlsâ€" rube, Ont., who will take possession May 15th. Mr. Feick and family will move to Kitchen®r whereâ€" they wilt reside at 100 Water St. ' Â¥Wive motorists were fined Friday afternoon: for various oifences against thé trafi@â€"Jaws. Some were speeders, others had ‘neglected their lights ani the fines ranged from $1 and eosts to $55and cofts according to the gravity of the offepce. MRS. THOS. HILLIARD SURPRISEV ©, & 6. CLYB ENTERTAINED / The B.B C. clib were enjoyahly entertainéd at the ‘home of Mré. C. Scheifele, ~William street, last ‘night. An Inw evening was apent thore, * a fine attendance of EHEE or ALL contagious ws & ‘DI8EASES !ml"T MUMPS A .%l.m méasles, diphtheria and ther contagious diseases, which have been annoying Waterloo citizens for oine timé:â€"past have all been stamped otit and fiow only mumps remain. ft 18 Shat. it proper care is taken h;m&:twm also be controlled in the near fature. LABOR CLUB DANCE. 5 KEightyâ€"five couples attended th> dance in the Labor. Hall last. night. Kyug‘sicorchestra was in attendance 1:»@« éxcellent mubsic and a bst enjoyable time was gpent by all thode presont. * j P34 \d¢ F .. ) millki¢ PRhice Lowen ‘The price otf milkâ€"has been reduced by localiealers much to the joy of consy . The prices now in effect mm“tw $1.00 or 32 pints for ~aâ€" _3 Bight at the Markst, MOVING TO KITCHENER FINVE MOTORISTS FINED. MOTORED 300 miLEs Jansen ttention "The one great fault with our law is that while cars aro not supposed to be run faster than 25 miles an hour, even in country districts, there Tast as 75 miles per hour. ‘This ‘mmdmmm ~enfordament of: the trafic laws " / Through the energetic efforts of the Victorian Order of Nurses of Waâ€" terloo, which has shown itself to be a live, progressive organization, the resident nurse has been furnished with a motor car. A Ford coupe was recently purchased, the purchase beâ€" ‘Ing made possible by the aseistance of public spirited: citizens who augâ€" merted the amount raised by the orâ€" der b ygemerous subscriptions.â€" .. Kleven speeders will ~come up ln. Up b M the loealâ€"~court Thursday afternoon. your health Speaking â€"of the rigid enforcement Y ~â€"your best ot the trafie laws _ whicnjisâ€"bengs| Xâ€"OUK > asset for stated this morning that: in his in fl ; M cident ts by enforcing the law. "Good tionâ€" 4s all« dn-mn‘:‘nmmlmj gwtol-nre is /. directly . serpousible, â€"&s : there ~wourd |~ L1( *. > % y 9l * be no accidents 1t the laws were) proc f: TM porly maintaingd, . ©t« 0 /.0( *~dc . Reeseateeit When. # _ "Itt Whterido;*he stated, "with; 1W# | ;;0~ 8 ; “‘ exception. of : migior â€"â€" . there | 113 | / j fail, ‘md= ,.....2..».....;2.':‘ f-h-ml' 8 ! 'ï¬; and in niy estimation, this is due to s E* . nerves the way in which oftenders are paw |. > fer, headaches and Last evening a short â€"memorial gerâ€" vice was held in the, chapsl of the Seminary. Many beautiful floral trib utes accompanied the remains, among them being those received from the Luther League of St. John‘s church, the . Devotional Committee of St John‘s churchâ€"and from the Lutheraa churches of ‘Mannheim and New Dunâ€" dee. V. O. Nurse Has When‘ the business| was concluded dainty refreshments were served and an enjoyable time spent by the memâ€" The remdins of the late Herbert 88 thp result of a fall. ° B.Kohll.unmng_wmrlooso-!-i Tx & erunicce nary ‘student whose death took place‘ Jacob Detweiler of Hensall has purâ€" suddenly Monday evening, Were takâ€" chaged the coal business _ ofâ€" Allan en to Galt on Wednesday and shipped Bechtel, frb streot, and has taken from there by C. P. R. to his home possessio®..> .. . * *‘> in Pembroke. Rev. Prof: ‘Henkel and | + mm ul sn us Student Staniey Gartung accompanâ€" | Mr. and Mrs: W. Irwin of Peterboro, fed the remains and will assist at were visitors at the nome of Mr.and the service which was held in Mrs. W. H. Somerville for. several Pembroke on Fricay. _days during the past week. #~ Assist.. Organistâ€"Mre. G. Schmidt. Flower ~Committeoâ€"Mrs. H. Hass and “F“;“M.vunw me Laene B Correspondent . of Canadea Lutheran Prosidentâ€"Mre. J. Heorb. Smith .; Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Miss A. â€" C. Boraâ€" Bome of the finest Ceylon Teas that ever came to Canada are just arrivâ€" ingâ€"from ‘the tem gardens. Ceylon proâ€" duces it‘s choicest growths of tea in February and March and the qitality now arriving, according to the SALâ€" ADA‘ TEA COMPANY, is superbhâ€" really a Vintage Year for Ceylon. Memorial Service and found to be Nery gratifying after: which : the following . officers were elected. at the home of Mrs.°J. Herb. Swith, M. Dubritck ‘Assistant . Secretary â€" Mrs. H. Treasurerâ€"Mrs. A. A. Zinck. /+ . Organistâ€"Mrsa, F. J° Weidenbamâ€" Auditéreâ€"Mre.â€" K. Bockeimanna and LUTHERAN W. M. 8, ANNUAL ho ‘Whivush ice‘ing of St. John‘s Speeders Grace the ~~â€"_â€" _ Police Court Held on Tuesday; Buried on Wednesday 3;3} New Ford Cope Sp. Gravity. . % rpre: T9 34 $4 3% Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellis, Queen St., Sre the happy parents of @lovely lt te daughter, Margaret Rdithâ€"Conâ€" gratulations. ~% the people who make the place, conâ€" place of such, highly . esteemed.andâ€" useful citizens as Mr. and Mrs. Mcâ€" Brine and their family. s ~â€" Mr. and Mrs. L. McBrine and daugh: tor . Mrg.â€"Percival Walnd ‘and ‘ little son "Mac" are being accorded a very hearty welcome on their return from Long Beach, California, where they spent the winter months. The older we grow thé:. more . we realise) that / it 4# . Mre. W. M. Reade, George street, is Bpogding a fow days with Toronto _Mr. and Mrs. Tom â€"Seagram left last. Monday morning for a short holiâ€" day trip to Baltimore, Md. â€" thildrefi‘s library. there. The fmany friends‘of Mrs. Herman Woglfle, ‘Cedarâ€"<St., will be sorry to léarn that sheâ€"is>very ill at present as. the result of a fall ° : Jacob Detweiler of Hensall hag perâ€" chaged the coal business _ of Allan Bechtel, frb streot, and has taken Dr. J. W. Hoffman and two daugh ‘ters, of Detrolt, &re visiting at the ‘hoihe of Mr. C. W. Schiedel this week: be pleased to know . that.she is recovâ€" ering after her, regent. operation: and > My. J Huchnergard , and daughters n:;nv,_ ty Abr .thelr home in Detroit, Misses B. M. Dunbham B.A. andâ€"I«. Cameron of the local 1 are, in P. NO T O PE P PVNEIP Y 7 eV 4x able holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Lockis, William street. Gupiph . this â€"@fternoon : to..,8e0 .. the, sw fare with Whtarice repody dn wrnale " & » " P Mrs. Merb. @nyder has returned troin an énjoyable _trip through the Westarn Provinces. 3 C MrÂ¥. and Mrs; C. Ott have returaâ€" ed from an enjoyable visit to Welâ€" land, ~ Mr. Ott also attended the furâ€" niture exhibit in Jamestown. f . e o se tyA iz w d daugh . Mr gosen Maspnereart ts coagh n wl Li w Highy pugt | se poxta @% with; suffer, eadtcéo and minor multiply. A reliable cleanu:&. iuickl .fï¬,#@,., ditisfactory resuits is _ . and Mrs. B St., _/‘ i\ is t Oy apartmeate |__. OTTAWA, May 9. â€"_A fire which broke ont at mbout €30 inst night in hmemn,mg east of Ottawa, raged for four the . _v“‘:"_' h“. ho _. IFi w6 is of the op! y m'&:ï¬?&!l seabig s / the | municipality, j vanifime in The inithuina" ak sha paiting w y yoeippe giatelore of the ethetiny 259 Foricy pos im voace in “-:‘y. m:- ida-:r + dold r ":."‘ used â€"by bongestion P tmaly o nt h ntmies ueael red eigeal s ‘-?W.,u swaetened m:z lhlt."m ':‘!lll fix those awtat cramps "In a hurry, Kéep a 35 cent _.‘Nttlo‘d'flcrrlhlo, in handâ€"always. Â¥6. 1 .‘ i Wt w > be seenw on the Â¥Woodbine within. a feW } : ns . yer days time. On Wednésiay the string ( of elghtéen horees frdfa the Seagram | 0*°" 8°Cur< Statiles weve shipped‘"to ‘Toronto, preâ€"| !a ©xamine paratory to ‘the opanlliis dt/the meet. aucing .the ‘The horses were aÂ¥ Tilewa! â€" ... .‘;lg!“.i: > s Four Y aidhvli hz E rags 3 ‘ 1 f ® m‘ " ‘Crown of Gold, Swest Bouquet, Par. [ reported."bi islan Diamond, BrHliaiit S6ster, Ledy is . a. thoro: Meave and Mode. ° ~**~ ~‘ ‘!u'lnm a minutes, © during=@0 free Memonstraâ€" tion on Thursday, Friday and Saturâ€" day, May 12, 18 and 14, at H. Wolf ward & Co., $1 King W., Kitchener. sure erott@rrom ronm yav, Uenée i i :?,. :;:‘â€"7 ; Â¥j::‘\o CCC <â€" Three Yedh O186. ) : \GofdenSphoré. Kentish Boy, Wakeâ€" great stimailub‘ to the further study of.. B ~â€"â€"~â€"~â€" smm mm o mm mansimmmmmmnte | . the writings of this worthy : post. PLAIN COTTON‘& MERCERIZED °â€" us.uinlnvl‘a:ï¬mud m-i o o m and family motored "t" Torgate isat N. 1*___ All shades, 40 in. flnkï¬ Piraa) ‘ang: nil. take db onele sea |[f: maÂ¥y (black and white, Resilar up ï¬ i Sinky ts n e e DCA _ ce Park dvenue, arrived homa laat , Wedâ€" amasterly nddress‘on the Poset Long:{M \f. â€" In browns," Mn&.-*:‘xï¬m_wu ‘lup to $2.00, s the mas» dutersoiine Inoieate Sor +448 New: England ‘posts narrated by Mr.|M | In brown ar Grigg i his own‘ infmitable way, and tra special . . wan@?«n&nï¬â€vflp&wos ' o ePR mA s t woP . 1009 7.*\"‘:â€"7""'*‘ deddey: tor a Roll serust Tspt atter | shccesstuly completing herâ€" examina‘| tiops :at Toronto : University in â€"conâ€"" nection with the strenuous aund far| acdomplished in the clty under the: direction, "of St. Christopher Bonu.t at this _ Nrow( 35. ~ lile idns B§ 4) _ . 0P Touriiey Red the tater After a dolighiful week‘s vis FREE DEMONSTRaATIOn o i o . ce 4 "a ze * «t ym â€"_"'-"â€"""_"""‘-' % : P id f 0S _’v f « hm mieg + ? sw . Steiies . ies weft Today: for |1 _ o ies > s o agons rerend o. 2 â€" .. Meune e ) Toronto Race Track Semmmmmmmmomupnmamoone ermmmanicommmmmptopmermuntemmmommpenipettiiitiipnmme ‘Two Yearâ€"Oilds. YOU TRAVEL Demonâ€" "" _ _| / The vetinary â€" surgeon,> who has ce | bean secured sy'iubod»}u health . pre.| ta ‘examine the .cows which areâ€" proâ€" meet. dlc!n‘,g.he Waterloo milk ï¬;; ‘has . _ .. | pegun his visits through m.;g% ... ; (So far ao important results_havs bebn , Par. [ reported but it is thought, that this Lady‘; is . a. thoroughly: satisfactory «method i to ‘Insure pute milk supply and thus __*~â€"| prevent disease.. .. a y â€" ~d at m summer wear right. : â€" f ‘vETERINARY AT work"" ° â€"In browns, greys, navy and black, Reg. Iflph}lz.oo.lpdvg_l».f..,.fl.... skm ‘, ,‘ 4 ul ds t & o CC EP 9 P en oo de imake atacle o " ....,,'...»Tm O €Q In brown and blgek; sizes 814 to 10, Ex* DMES"LISLE COTION HOSE OUR:MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is showing m%mï¬ mer wear." We knowflm;uqfllmdflixhfliyh@!‘!l @.them and the; 25% to 50% F y hk Ni O son . 4 Ves | i f e e * ‘~ | 34%, & 6 ig% # vNAAP®> ty Â¥ #C, P l 8. on hrid Tw "s, , ‘k > ; t * l i 19 i < i; . Ta®G, 8 Â¥ % ‘?4-‘ & Mi} f W*-Lf ‘Map act in l /4 ,}: 1 e . oekininls ce valy ball ced rrarl 1t s 88: 40 . and 42 worbnt css ratitn S hndA nds APaglys â€" 1{; W o ies ts . uie e ~anheâ€"*" rOfeats. yirmiojacM oV prurnyre reduction on all our Spring models for the rest ofâ€"the week,;4 AO8E, . o( aM OK spomnegs» XA~+<ss<] 0 0 Doe PAE EO H.i{ ngligh " m T rednet al.: 2f pats "l'fli.ï¬ { ?“g‘ f ‘%s .‘the seault w-m Wï¬ite ‘the its. bane .18 releare ie aeeny: hame wish BW "Eoalich * Puick setigult S i mm"/‘ * 0 M oA c tf 54 CONRAD BROS,., Waterloo ...! 3 on h5 2e aadd ce i n ae o se ie o s e N o as N ie Pn Rfesgrmgh :.) [ ort af the. PC ies 1."“. .m‘*% ME@Aeh esns 4 to get into ‘the beats and were rescued from the sea."s2.2.o.s _ " 1.A M . 8 KILLED, 43 INJURE D, WHEN A JAP. _ | . WWW& DGE; â€". _ : CEXPLOSIONS DisaAstRoUs P30 00 C ®TOTE 37 SAROTTNZ : DEans S se Ne td 1AE ME 1y T o~ 40 is BC 27. Aai t “,;r;_ anese.freighter; Tokyo Maru,â€"which burngd, gb;m,,m,_"’ ‘_ enierday off â€" the Oregon Const. with_a. loss .of 'l'll!“,m-lm sut: °. ; is" < ho. aradley‘; ï¬w“‘ *B To: ul i * pv e ez ns /. ' Pee% e sack. model, ‘s6l8 ‘At $45.00, Speeial . ... in moss oi iney efoimant h "~*\~d fi?.!;y‘ "‘A ‘ :5 C '?.'T’*Y' cial ‘gmart model â€"as well‘asâ€"an. ordinar and sizes for, per pair.., ... > MEN‘S PURE WOOL SERCE sire SPECLIAL â€"CLEARING $1.00, Special â€";,... .. .. ... . ... .. Eï¬ g*â€" wgf- a Te 6 s k a) 4 +0 h carreaiiaraaney 3 s 4 We auy MEN‘3 ty uiL mt NC w ai goljors 1% 54