Wrï¬uwtï¬mnwnhy&m "The" . ins anid give a lot of mov&: i t * ' 1 uy hi anes enc t t 2 us conl: â€" eudialebdaniieaindetisosienie thi t o s C e C o. 5 " 5{"11'.45':.‘\ in . urnishirig Dept. Exie: _ / â€" â€"__._ & ies and counter solled high grade ‘Shirts; .made from e mi rh % 612 ‘Branches ï¬ T Bank m nada _ tabrice that will b give their ‘stayed, seats and e i show. z‘?‘bons AT $4.95 ¢ ‘Men‘s Coat Sweaters, effects in gray, maroon, navy blul Wwool rib Shirts or Drawers, reguiar $2.00, Sale Price $1.5( first day 6f~ every Pn ndndy tor 338 10 . your i Savings Abig regularly for g;%fi-" BuvkrRCoATS atT * 1t 22 â€"‘\C M . is n ra% 1 _â€" _ Speciab =s * Â¥< & Bargains _ m on all our ‘Felt Shoes <28~ and Slippers arid Rubâ€" C bersâ€"and broken lines 9 : of teather Shoes and lks ‘ Slippers are being ofâ€" c i e o t j THE NEXT 10 DAYS AT . \}«* lie aove e #ovs suirs m Vl‘l":, in medh.om weight.. sib, Aimom‘s us belt ali round and St. E. KITCHENER â€" Phone 671 ï¬m fly, corner Queen St, and. Margare! fubdre; & f goï¬mmummhun B % 4 thoir regular hour, and Held thetr full BR BROY [ | chor. practics, after which a most i A NC C nâ€":nm_&uspeunur:d Pek C We es, one C ng i0f sards beâ€" YÂ¥ #‘l "CÂ¥re M m. cï¬â€˜munz the M timon‘ [ apors mm s aprang WLY~ AMOU P nting a f&.,'- t8. to render thair fl:ul Mn reputarty for mu:{shmooa’n:c. us L. C ummmuhu:;n’o :E Will | en have B to h6 on sbuzat mifair in their Te‘ +3 ""The Home of Low Prices nsd ta rolg wer o o sate . * * Patbed to seuee. . .3 ~ ‘(an o "7\ + % meEen‘s ano young men‘s Trousens ¢5:00 > OH‘S SHOE STORE Farm whin â€"working for YOU WILL toâ€" $50.00. d mt forntnig Ariets auiin, uid 1919 Â¥ C i0 ce wiipal wl on Other Fine $18.00 to . : / walst find styles; thay go # ds We datn.. w !l.'l†i‘! «_" ho e sï¬zwm-iw;‘ï¬% 8 sKatiNG ewkaters #.00 tniasth > + . mAnbe . FURNISHINGE AND HEAOWEAR FOR: IOVO. ‘ _ Mittens, ‘Glova®, Gauntiets, Hocke Cape, vy.m Um y ‘We are. showing many néw. Sweatâ€" #ION CKURCKH On Friday evening last, the metuâ€" bers and friengs of Zion Ch cm . the,, nutber of s W1 i:‘pny ed At the ‘dbaâ€" #Wd hospitable. hort‘e of . Mr. Mrs. L. J. Breith@upt ahd famâ€" After: some briot addresses, inclux fll.“ of the host and Inï¬ ot Ottawa, an honored triend of the , Ale h &" es j to CHOLIR ROYALLY _ |* mounimg m this vionity is wetcom 4 ed by ho‘ al some have conâ€" ENTERTmn :“‘ f:%w Jn “.3 : mart i oi oo thon Churlh "i2ee, Fonatil uts "eollamlr Aolte tat from iss ut thoy 1R the | ht ther rinmcmes rave se tor | Roynity efitertained At the 6b4â€"|,;) 1a», four days. . _ _ C_ 008 , 4 band, â€"regula: 2 lavsev es §100 $3:50 to $10.00 perféect fitting in shades tw * oA ant in un | the Jas s % ty, = Ts y to AbFT sher. Post ‘Odjcestaff, . spont . NOW. e wage m the s > N?"’! . vv“"' & ‘ the ot the mnï¬u win ‘ Ks wile 6 * f ‘Alice t ‘Rey. H. A the ‘nuptifil kzot. ‘The young. ¢0 after: Péceiving : Congratuiations _ leff. tor Ha and Kitehener to spend their hok@ymber. They wUX ikely: reâ€" brig of New Haniburg takes the placé of, Miss: Hfifimed.~ â€"__ _ °. â€"._ . _ Â¥. 3 » J and 'm *l ) C PP e 5s w c 1ds -‘“fl ©LECE . MIEE wR P it is vacated." _ Mr: Fred Reidt will 1 o e aanl Peching wlth 190 7e i w good po f t Election E. e in n The op ‘ Police Trustoes ‘was . held ; Mo . when . the. }0!_0_' “&:‘dï¬mï¬k‘ Berdux_ fell the other iss the pavement â€œâ€œï¬ ::&‘.’i‘mm. but 18 m‘f‘&m& # _ Mr. and; Mrs. it. Schaub spent . _A woekmrow:u friends: / h. eimire and Ki s ’ cmd Mv‘fll ) ._Mï¬ the 23nd ‘Jan. by Jocal talent, which t ud scb anbtnet" c oninc s sat 3 Riht ing candidates ._ Were the 22nd ‘Jan. by Jocal [aient, " M will make a great hit. Remember the and News Notes. & ‘Theo. Ruggle, of Torofito, spent the holidays with his brother, A.: 5. 'Ruggle. â€" _ Miss Bertha Melitzer, of Weat Montâ€" rome, spent a few days with her aunt, | Mr. and Mrs. Wo: Tyler. Edwa&rd Schentz, of Detroit, spent a few days with bis brother, Louis Bchents. . . A. J. Ruggle and Theo Rugg!6, of ‘Toronto, spefit New Yéar‘s day with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Snyder, Glenallen. Miss Ada Bowman has returned to Stratford Normal College, @ftér spofidâ€" ing the holdays with ‘hor mother, Mrs. Silas Bowman. Y Mts: Edward Snyder is spendifg &| IQ!mfllh hor daughter Mr, and Mrs. Mohr, at Northeasthope. Kingnwuet Socknor left for Detroit ‘o}-"r}n:;day. where he has secured & f Mr. and Mrs. Ernost Brooks of Kitâ€" thener, spent a féw days with the former‘s brother, T. Brooks. © «e and Mes, John Lichty sPent friends. â€" Mr#. and Mrs, Jo New â€"Year‘s â€" day We are soffy to rrn L 10003 2si00 uts Mrs. Potert Gréger m'}: passed awiy on Sunday i ter a lingering "M.m ed by a sorrowing, f O and two dat@hters aâ€" n# of grand children. The fureral will take place on mfld†m k nait past one o'ck?ek'ï¬ house . to the MSW e A servicé and burial. < aymibathy to the boredvéd T@MIW, w . sns Snrnice < finke faal oiek In Mmoved into ths ~Ma i" j ‘thr hodse formerly owned By } Rickert. We wolcotmes Rim _ 404 & 1As 6 fser "'_,My Basr, who ‘Wid been Wiking . for. Mr. Gordon 6 Tast renn-no‘:: . Mill Tnot weék to: a ie oo 146C3 o Pramk io tha blie: w kf-. . '~~:‘I,\~ shat Min lith 1 f h omnaiiine o ho gan aen B "." oinmain spont a _ FLORADALE FREE FREE ‘m ANTNHIEM to Faport the ‘defth of J6hn Lichty apent Ay . with Waterloo ym ces Aaided ts â€" Pnb ads n i fiont â€""‘:‘ k »fli " ~ bel? € dark days,~â€"Sapper. 110y# Who: and Mre. vahfl and M T dtm& " Tuv. Licyaâ€"@by ot Totonts rank olll EC Loabks comsutedistaiat 4Byte P o irianget s in agaloy / .a"“ old‘ year under MMM( . A. A. Schuler, and Harvey Gingrich of KitoRener, boys with oyersons. exâ€" periences® were present at the recepâ€" tion ow New Year‘s night, _ "w~"¢ +. Mr. Josephus Martin® ‘of ~Toronto, was renewing old auso¢iations: during the ‘holiday. f 4 CC ie ): Chefyote on Hydro at the locat polb hgditnst the byâ€"law. > You surely haven‘t made a mistake in wiiting or saying 19,20â€" Who was around the last time we had such a combinationâ€"1819, and who expocts to be trying to reduce the HC. of L. in 20217 © $ o in d e o ie caet 2l iregheyien in | B ,. 14 7 dnt‘," Jean Snider 7f, Rthel Bribachbr. 66, Mar Sn a sn Jt U «Yhy ©60, ‘Maber * Steiier® 81. Good 15, Earl Oberboitzor <67, Helier 66, > Snyder _ %4, ap / Martin 57. 1 mggi- l * 1 * m- mï¬yu,i Datid 63, Anosttae Bor . K““â€â€˜_ . Sauder 81, _ Eari Stickdey $5, Norman Good 83, Marâ€" ;vln!mlg“-,, us ~ 4 | Why is your Rime not If this Iet is the question for 19207 . EM PCEC C+ 1 Rav. M. L. Wing is holding #$pecial services in Calvary Church _ for at :r! the net, two weeks. Come and ish up the spiritual side of your tife ‘ 9e ' )},r. William , Doerbecker !s having ‘an auction sale of his fArim stock, eto, on Thursday, Jan. 15, dne mile west of the village. V puexs i Gunner. Howard> Hurst. :â€"_â€".. Sergt. . Leander Wabl. Lance Corp.‘â€"John W.â€" Musger Pt6. Joase Puttock. ki s . Am n omerescempentmmencrmen es rangeserncomntr BPR d Four werb g If Canadaâ€"}~ Mr, and Mrs. Owon Snider; Meyâ€" Sergt. D; B..â€" e *‘ Wi#onne, Sask., and_Mr. Ezra Snider of Pté. Gordon Ribtter:: _ «> ~â€"*] Win#ipeg attended ‘the (golden wedâ€" Pto. Albert ~Plisthger.. ___° !'lw of t rpg:;l which was hetd Cart $0 > !flsfl“a ‘yere.Christmas..Day. 3 Do you know that &n elegaat va4p bt. Waterloo County mnu-x in m..l‘ m‘bï¬ will be j 16 Alt new becrtbers and all old gubscribers reâ€" [ncwins a Jon for nfl. Add ten gents to remittance !f map Is to be : uaitably ym Who and What‘s What. ; D. M. Gubet ibent‘ the holiday with ffletide in Chesloy. £ and " me" reept omith â€", of gtitoiienst R } Bmit f Wolu Suadsts of Mr. ant "~ ME Theo. Shhith over Christma®. _ _** _‘ * MWigs : Maric Heher â€" ‘of MooseJaw, MH' * uflvm Tnst FFiday to en JoY a zlov â€" #te. mï¬ J of m-.& _ Mr. Jatk Buchanah of the G. T, R. dcm:t wis folidsylarg at -ih*‘“‘i M ';':;'n':: of w.uï¬aq.‘ï¬\l' .‘ Mr. Jot Psn h to old J 2o io tares dopd io ie bredpes sn «ised to "bomb" our homies early N\ i-r’- morning and thyme off sorileé ditty suitable for the.occamion. . . giae with HMy. and Jire: Sohatheles in Kitchener. _ ie oA oi en a goate of e and s Wannturs dn _ Mr. Au-.rn Hanck And Grant Rich t ies fima i on‘ * *‘ Held â€"over from last week. fortival In : Calvary CRurch bn y "Hhke\ s 103 . for, mh’;,f: 66, ‘Mar .1,;, n Henrich 61, * = Steifier" B1 f [A ‘*@sn berboitzor ~6t.|[P _ =©/ f ANUARY s * gnyder . %4,| oa:s; f * f oo rnh Brubachâ€" h A : , CeéHl. Clemâ€" ; ce & k , Amwnottae Ber der 87, _ Eari : Good 83, Marâ€" : ‘ wot ‘th this Tet j M & + $ @ ec= in elegaat vap e Hintsi in thrae s »d ‘ _ 16 All new 4 $ ~gubscribers roâ€" ky :. 5> [ e . _. y 8 enjoyed by e WHite 0_ e i " r',‘ {»1 M . .’. e oi d ( s in Eptnesy .? } l:’?*] mt ies i t M‘ï¬' y 28008 â€.““ y at a meethis of tha‘ ratovayers m St ï¬" Mr. Coftins and and Mr. McKay appointed trustees., â€" (‘~ =â€"‘. _‘ ! â€"> M#. '?mr Runstedler .> of Detroit ?u # couple of days at‘ his : Rome ‘Near Hear.‘ £ to Siraspbure â€"Friday : aftor 2 Wint Detwaliet sto yning im Bunue ~~MZ. Shelby of Blenheim mhi'h.- he new proprietor of our store.â€" .. o har 2 W. Detwebor bud the mistorâ€" ting to fall and fracture one of his rHDBl, â€".. ts e s on Tt % i: Ernosat® 210 "Grant h ioant Unnimas aey mt Hiet homig m »: Mr. Lawrence Kaiser of Kitchener visitéd at his home here recently. * Master Elmer Stoltsvisited in Kitâ€" is Wary McCardio 160 ® ronâ€" Mareadig s fee m on io s i weeg us 6r. and Rd. Koobel h« ‘{':’;‘ C 'l‘c;rolli m o er ird ~mu.;,f ¢ m . B nd rs. JoG A e T‘; â€" B ""';'m ; Stratford after‘ spendif® ® Miss M»Aï¬nï¬mnt Christmas holidays at her home in Stratford.â€" . @Mico Heatia/Gingrich is spending a week in Resovilie.. _ _ * w Becker has returned to F m, Indiana, after visiting at his home here. â€" 0 _â€"Mr. Eimer Bicklé, who is‘attending calloge at Woodstock, holidayed at his home here, recently. _ _ a% â€"._.Mr, Lloy&,Bricker visited at . his homé io Kitchener during the Christâ€" mas â€"bolidays. f S mmenccioe w oi ie eocmrame Snunh . prm «i ~Waterloo and Rlmirs mwmmt:;@?“ News Notes. t . > +Rev:vBir.: Newbertry â€"â€"of. Sheffield, acten is opartng hervicg " leat *‘ 30 per cent. discount on our complete stock of Horse B Make your.seléection early. f 2Â¥ No. 6 Hofse Blankets, 72x60 inch lining, $7.50 for ..\ .. .4 .. No. 18 Horse Blankets, 72 in. full lined, $5.75 for ... . .. <;.‘. No: 28 Hothe Blankets, 72 in. full lirled, heavy, $8.00 for ; . .. . No. 21 Horse Blankets, 80 in. x 67 in lining,, $7.00 for:>s .:. WEST MONTROSE. 80 wallon Acime Feed Boilers, with Galy. iron covers, 8 ugeful and necessary boiler, Eorwnh dayit has no equal, “w t io. "mekag, pripe / to mt Suse nere ROSEVILLE. Price complete :. 402. s ..oys . > farmers‘" Feed Boilers Sunday.evening in tme church Mrs. Wilson resuamed her duties at the school on Monday morning‘ / atter two weeks‘ vacation, <,s .. â€" < o ) =_ .A number of young people %tï¬md at the homeâ€"of Mr: and Mrs: Wiliam .so:m last Tuenday ovwluts ;:dtw a very en evening together. _ > A reception ‘has siven lnst ‘Pecsday evening. a.tw.tome, otal!r- jand. Mrs: George 8. Miller in honor of their. son ‘Clayton and his bride, who have just 4 Jhva ‘ | f f u“ | tw 7 "King St. Rast « i .h.ev‘f ï¬â€˜ \Wlw Iresges, â€" ae,ï¬..“c"'"f““f““- been" marked * Clearing Prices, |_ . _ /.\ 0) . ) . * This Store Closes Saturdays at 9 p. m. . _ The baki ng. of geod s bru’\hll a. good healthy sign of yood mt T For the January Goudies Limited _ wl & h2 M x E. . 3 . i 2 M f sls ©. i coots \"#* o n ie wB 4 eB e 0 %v» x S Signs ons e 8 whin oo in >}4"« ‘2{%“ 1 ACCJ/IIAJ : . C <hs Highway _ _ /.k 35 2 E Ates 2t réturned from: their ; friends andrelatives tuous dinper at. 5 0‘ & ing was spent in music, | 8 ganies. $ T epp ut 3t A masked wman attempfted. u> robH Guelph buicher, Alvart Jacksoh, D the dl:mr Tefused : hold . en l ce es n onl aid sot ~eedim wound . hi Gorearor | _ @- BREAD }T % Kitchener, Ont, â€" 2F y$