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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 25 Dec 1919, p. 7

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y <; Cynthia Walmsloy sat at her drsk, gâ€"‘-",m kindly glowâ€"from a roseshaded h p lighting hor rother plain feaiures /. dinto positive prettiness. Belore her ? ; Awas an open rosewood box,. it« com C Pents sceattered in meagro array on the t wallesk leaft. Theore were two worn letâ€" _? Aters, which she had recdâ€"{or tho centh ) (time that evoning, as if she had not S ‘Known them by heart for years. Thep were just commonplace afairsâ€" â€"on» c s@Eâ€" regret for aot having replied to ) jome of hers sooner. thegothor a frank _ admission that writing letvers was not _ emne of his best accompiishments i Phere were no declarations of nnder + Ifing love or adimiraton in either of # #Bem, nor anything ol moment <to _ jemuse unbidden tears to shin» in Cvn (*Â¥hia‘s clear, gray eyos. aÂ¥2 / (The other souvenir v : paper fan, one which oad Aplace at a summer hoie! Swhich his autograph hat "daus beyond words. Sho ;m gathered the foolish Bakes together, placinz PMully ipside the littile box _/ *"You foolish old womzs P idlaman cnns 200000 iinctnnt‘. Aitn i Rosed to be for young people‘s diver | ive, all di /\ wilon are being shown in all manner of z with a re * f Bstructive dress and forms. We no | delight a hoi r ‘mee the oldfashioned array of ’ think of | i _ Raper dolls with wardrobes of gaudy | with a 1!t "s Bssre"paper prodigally trimmed with | directions . Mowers of ribbon and tinsel sashes. | _ There i i _Rewer and farther between are the wound on * ogran which we used to play with | cloth to } ;i{ htléess abamlon, but which had | sets have + oA more morals norâ€"instructive sides | ors have /( #han a snake has bips. It is probably ; all of the {)fime for the children that the toy | you are. ~ "imtakers have decided that they must ; Cunning "ABe instructed as well as amused, for ‘ blocks, wh o ud€ de & bit hard on fond parents to at | gine, make â€" tend to all these little details, when | furniture. _thére is so much about the high cost e] and a f &llvln‘ to be worried over. «mall girl & >Im one of the country‘s largest toy ful of furn i:'*’l they are making a specialty | finished, c â€" this year of numercus guames for girls | most dadd hfi of course, a few for boys who \ cunning lit wrP sit still long enough to bother | parchwork â€"~Then there was 20 hamikerchiet BShe smiled as she remembered the day he had loaned it to hor, when she had cut her finger on an olive hottle atâ€"a picnic. Dear derd days! Who ev er went on picnics and took olives these days? She assiyed a trembly ECE i _ [ s â€"p a o > acrtyn ~ _ 3 Eméat o. on .i t§ #27 . 2z%" : KAE } @0 ie t * is o C ; B CC ~â€"â€"f J 5n m ho .. § n «oo o wabye . Aoscl n [ dsn 'm.,.f\,l f a Fave 0. Wvvinbicantt) \ yeln t 1 4 'f‘}"f!;\\: & A"',:f""b | to herself, walking to the Jong mir P .%M%/i B eR -?J‘\‘fin w ror at the eud of the room. "Can‘t Deeeaes U W K t P s «> We you let bysanes be bygones? Are 2 o you going to keep those silly pleces There are the most adotrable boxes of clean, white wood, which when opened show an outfi for the small murse, including a cap, a brussard for with them Every thing is taking such practi turns nowadays) that even the 4 fumny things which are supâ€" much goud.*t 000 Hacking"s Heart and Nerve Remedy sells for 506 a bot 6 for $2.80. 1f your Drugzist does not haveit he will be gla i to got it for you or we will ba glad to send it to you by mail post paid. | Insist on lHacking‘s. HACKING‘S LIMITED, | Listowel, Ont. ns \ Hacking‘s Heart and Nerve Remedy Tt takes away "that tired feeling‘‘ and brings back the rosy cheeks of your younger days. 1 Health, Skrengt?und Vitality are yours if you desire them, getafew boxes of Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy from ‘{'our dealer today, and give them a Sair trial, It is the Master FTeuic and Builder that will succeed when others have failed. ,. Mre. H. Hincheliffe of Wingham writes as followsâ€" *Macking‘s Heart and Nerve Remedy has done wonders for me,1 was on the point of a Complete Nervous Breakdown, sould not slrep nor plan my household duties; for years I #affered with my Heart and my Nervas and the Aoctors cont 1 do little for mo. I took Hacking‘s Heart and Nerve Remely on the recommendation of one of my friends. After tiking the first box i improved so much in health that I took the full treatment of six boxes and am now feeling sa much betier that I am able to return to my.work with renewe i vigor. I an 'hd_lhatl_ have at last found a medicine that has done me so Don‘t give up; Don‘t Weaken, do not be discouraged beâ€" canse other medlicines bave failed to benefit you, here is one that will Build Up and Strengthen the Body so that yon will again be Strong and Vigorousâ€" When your gond health leaves you then you lose energy, ambition and the desire to succeed in fife. . Things that are worth while do notinterest you and you just drag on from day to day, WHEN YOUR HEALTH FAILS ALL IS LOST ! ‘mslcy sat at her dosk, | recfrom a rosesbaded| er rather plain feaitres prettiness, Belore her rosewood box, its con in meagre array on the cre were two worn In-t»' : bad reedâ€"for tho «enth t ing, as i she bad not | heart for years. Thep | imonplace afairsâ€" one j aot having replied to | as a cheap been at her dinner, and maile precâ€" nappei it to litte keepâ€" them careâ€" Timely Toys she said eagerhess Helo there, Aunt Cynthi his hrecey greeting. ‘"F imis this afternoon when 1 ran hor the office for a bite. 1 had t news to tell you, too. (Guess he elasped his strong, | youn about her waist. "Oh, ‘vell never miad. I‘m of, K, 1 can‘t take time for have three guesses. i have the job at the company‘s Im» 220. vei never miad. I‘m so full of, K, 1 can‘t take time for you to have three guesses. i bhave landed the job at the company‘s Jmaber mill in Louisiana. Leave in the morning. Wonderful chance, catest fittle quarâ€" olnernratinnt in hi 1821." Turni about to adn buke to her a ske heard h lock. you going to keep those silly pleces of sentimental rot forever? You are clinging to an idecl which will never amount to anything. You have gainâ€" ed a fairly successful niche in life, so be satisfied. Sce, your hair is grayâ€" ing at the temles already, and you wl soon be angular where, you are now slim. Because you had a" near love affair once, now grow old graceâ€" fully and Teaveloye for the young." Glancing at her Teft hand, Cynthia smiled removed from the fourth finâ€" 2 Cunous iwisted thing of dull gold suppor ing an ametbyst of quaint car ved design ger a ring which she aiwn)" A curious twisted thing of du Cunning are the little boxes of blocks, which when put together with kine, make the most adorable sets of furniture. With a little colored enamâ€" el and a few lessons in painting, a | «mall girl could evolve a whole house ; ful ol furniture which bought already | finished, costs a prettier penny than most daddies can afford. ‘Then lhe( cunning little dregser covers, r‘u;lilor:», , patchwork quilts, lamp shades) to fit ! one‘s finger, fancy pillows and the Lke can be male from scrap« of silk in ° mother‘s | basketâ€"\\ > little house furnisher 4 Enor s ~ qull‘ from ber ean@ry cide‘s o iw: «1 made an There are sewing séts, with silk wound on cards and scraps of gay cloth to practice on. Some of these sets have mottoes to be worked, othâ€" ers have designs in punch wo k, and all of them are instructive, sS there you are. her arm and primer On first aid for small comrades, as well as all the medâ€" Jcinal properties, bandages and adhesâ€" ive, all done up in neat, little bundles with a red cross on top. What could delight a little girl‘s heart more, and think of the real good she could do, with a little help in interpreting the herself at ithe let I esign. Inside was the inscrip You can usually tell Dec. 25, Turning to the mirror, she was to administer another stern reâ€" > her attractive reflection, when t nephew‘s kev Aunt Cynthia," was eting. ‘"I inissed you when 1 ran home from ivep those silly pieces rot forever? You are idecl which will never I had the good Guess!" And ancement an‘ in breathless mg arms 4 in the pleces T. M. C. A. welfare board. \_ "I liked her first when I tearned her name was Cynthia." he wrote. ‘"Then she does things like you do. and looks a little like you too. She is tall anÂ¥ alim and ber eyes twinkle. She un derstands everything 1 say, whether she answers or sot. She never lets me know every time 1 do something just a little off, that she knows, and knows I know she knows. Oh, by the way, her business down here is with the A hurried trip to New York helpe d piss the first ten days of the boy‘s ab sence. Upon her return she founi two letter® from him, one mos f ; shout the plant and the bungalow where he was to "hang ont" and the country ronnd ahout. The seconi was teore of the same, with an obserâ€" vation near the close that Southern Rirls were world eaters, which led his asture aunt to surmise that here must he one of the species right near. Her thoughts were confirmed within a few days, when a wildly enthusiastic, incoherent letter arrived. containing a description of said girl and pages in her praise. The next day a little rosewood box was placed in a safety vault, with a pledge from its owner never again to indulge in foolish retrospections, and to dismiss certain things from her mind. CAÂ¥1 of which was proof posâ€" itive that it could not be done. ‘"Yes, boy," she managei to say, "Do you fike it " |_ "Well, you heve worn it ever since ‘I can remember, and it you don‘t mind, , 1 should like it for a tatisman to start ‘out with. It is the nearest to you I . could have about me" A : _ With an effort he could not fathom : Cynthia removed the cirtlet and plaâ€" ; ced it on his finger. {_ "I will wish it on for luck, boy, dear. 1 had it made years ago. and there is | an inscription inside which I had just ’ 2s leave not explain. It is nothing of ‘ any moment, just a reminder of one of the silliest things I ever did. Not a word from yon, cear, and do not reâ€" move it now that 1 have wished it on, until your happiest dream â€" comes true." less nephe # has a toshy favor to ask of you. Do you mind ?" "Shoot, dear," answered his modern aunt, with a twinkle of her fine eyes. "That ring you wearâ€"" be stopped at the expression that crossed her lace. usnally "I reckon I am about grown, auntie, . old dear. But we musn‘t get, sentiâ€"‘ mental here, when Thave only a few , hours lef By the way, your worth Don straightened his shoulders and threw back his head ia a way that reâ€" minded Cynthia of his father, her only brother, whose untimely, death some years back had placed the boy in his aunt‘s care. â€" I um F Hebeen in PB Cb dcnnal nds ds hisina e M c3 00c3 Hege 1 do not often allow myself. l’~Don so dreadfully. am so glad I could dance a jig for you. 5 Only it is near Christmas, and I rathâ€"| _ She arose early on the day beforé er hate to lose you. It is different l Christmas and tied up some gifts for from the day you left for training j friends in the city. As she finished camp. ‘There was a pride and sort ot 4| the last knot and sat down to dash daze that helped that pariing along. ‘ Off some Christmas telegrams, she was But this scems so sort of permanent, | summoned to the telophong. Never mind, it isn‘t so far away, and , "Shreveport callinst Miss Walmsâ€" you can come home often. ley," chirped the operator. Soon Cym: ‘‘Forgive your old auntie boy. am just a bit mooney tonight, a priv His doting auntie‘s eyes filled with tears, a proceeding unfamiliar to her fond nephew. To him she had alâ€" ways been the personification of sue cess and womanliness combined; evâ€" er sympathctic and the best underâ€" stander a fellow could have. Seeing the consternation in his face she made quick to explain. | D‘ocks and may be put together in i lots of interesting ways. A fine game for a large family and one which makes lots of fun is "Creepâ€" Ing Bugs." You know the kind that seem to be alive, the way they keep going when yor start them That is enough to tell about the game, for to know too much to start with would . take all the fun away. It comes in a The Tinker family of toys continues to add to its personuel until there are more of the funny folks than would jfit into one‘s largest toy box. There are some new ones, similar to these, which are made of ‘"moving blocks" and may be nut im#aths« n 220 wP‘e pen to put on her doll‘s gesk. [ When ore has made all these atâ€" tractive articles, one has a perfect right to ask mother to Wwrite Santa for one of the pretty new doll houses which he has been painting this year. There are the cunningest ones with little‘ vines running up the side, and real awnings, and brick chimneys and a real porch and a telephone inside They are less than ten dollars, ard they last a long time There â€" are cheaper ones, lots of them, which could be painted at home and made different from those other people can‘l buy. adorable pen to Sug gestions You know the Eln&'-lul;;l; Fenue Je 2 T thing just 1 and | and knows | wom! ‘ the way, | about with the ]'lm She made | had ; 1 Cynthia took more than ber usual ood box | pains in freshening up, and the reâ€" with a ! sult wan/z\:‘nfyi‘\g even to her critâ€" t again ‘ fcal eye./" As she adjusted the ame ections, | thyst ribbon which encircled the waist om her ; of her newest French frock, there was of posâ€" ; a knock at the doot.‘ The bellboy handed her a card Her helped | first impulse was to laugh, the next to oy‘s abâ€" | cry, then she thought she must run found | away as fast as ever she conld What mosg ; | she did was to say quite cooly ngalow j "Ask him to come up, please." ind the | _ She rushed to the window, her back secom|i | ‘o the dbor. then to the mirror of the: dollars, ard | baby‘s bath C Cns m semny TT | covered dishes are added to the plates, continues "c'um and saucers which use to comâ€" ntil there | prise even the most protensious ser© olks than | vices. Tableg to hold t:x dishes, by _toy box./ the way, are too cunning \for words. similar to | We see them painted in dellcately‘ colâ€" ‘"moving | ored ename‘ls and on the bases are gether in | stenciled scenes from Mother Goose, or quaint little Lirls and Doys. { amily and A new fad in dishdom is the assemâ€" is "Creepâ€" [ bling of a breakfast kit, gayly Aawa» My dearest, don‘t you know? Your Don‘s Cynthir is my adopted daughter When my best friend died, be jJeft his motherless little baby in my care, and I gave her the name of the only woman 1| have ever cared a hang about. I would never have known where to find you,.after that flareup we dressing table, which gave back a reâ€" flxc!ion of flaming cheeks and bright eyrs. She took up the bouse teteâ€" ph~r>, thenâ€" _ "COynthia!" > turned to greet him, this man v ho had been but a dream for so many yoars. He was a bit heavier, a little bald, and there were a few lines across his forchead. But the same old look was in his eyes. Tears blinding her own, she held out her hands to him. "What, whyâ€"how did you know," she stammered. A "It fsn‘t all we have for you by a long shot," remarked Don. "But we must hurry out now for a minute auntâ€" ie. We have some urgent business. See you in twenty minutes, just give you time to freshen up a bit." . "You little beggars, to make so much ado over my coming," said Cynthia by way of masking how deeply she felt over it all, the meeting, the flowers and the very joy of being with them. Next morning she descended into the arms of a ronzed nephow and a radjant young Cynthia. who whisked her away to a â€"hotel and up to a room which was flooded with warm Southâ€" ern sunshine and fragrant with many flowers. In a daze Cynthia said she supposed she would, and as soon as she had disâ€" connected, reproached herself for hayâ€" ing been urged into a long journey at the behest of two impulsive youngsters Besides. she would be so unnecessary in their glorious young schemes. Noonâ€" time, however found her on the train, her mind busy with possible thoughts of her prospective niece and how they should get along. "Oh, Miss Walmsley, this is Cynâ€" thia Dent. Don wanted to talk to you, but I just had to. He is all right, so is everything. But we want you here for Christmas dinrer. If you hurry you can catch the noon train and get here toâ€"morrow. Please say you will." "Shreveport callingt Miss Walmsâ€" ley," chirped the operator. Soon Cym: thAiai heard a warm, girlish voice. Cynthia did .nore than her usual imount of writing for the next week, loath to admit evé@ to herself what a pang of lonliness, and jealousy the boy‘s new happinéss caused her. Ap Christmas grew nearer, she made enâ€" gagements feverisifly, for fear there might be an afternoon or evening wherein she would have time to miss Don so dreadfully. do. She never seems to tire, and pep, why,"â€"yAnd so the letter ran. uBPe olifiniatrad c ts 1. l i | faces of indestructible enamel Iust baby‘s teeth. And rubber with bright crocheted woolen ?tha( will not shrink when they od, in a cozy basket. pot cream and sugar inside, while the smz spoon, the cups and kins are tied to the bon bows. And dishes! Patterns which moth er cherishes among her nicest posses sions are being reproduced in tiny seta for daughter‘s tea table. Platters and covered dishes are added to the plates, rame ewa on co en LL ECV OT CTDWCOD cozy basket. ‘The Plates, tea. m and sugar are nestled down hile the small knife, fork and re cups and some small napâ€" Sad exconl 420000 Bs tied to the handle with bother ename! to re rubber dollies len skirts they share F. H. Delano, 1643 Griffin Square Bullding, Syracuse, N.Y., 1 can only send one Free Package to an address. The treatment first introduced -b‘p:‘ Mr. Delano Is so good that its owne wants everybody that suffers from rhenmatism or bas a friend so affiict lad. to get a free 75¢c. package from 'him to prove just what it will do in every.case before a penny is apent, ’Mr Dalano says: "To pfove that the Delano treatment will positively overâ€" come rheumatism, no matter how soâ€" vere, stubborn or long standing the case, and even after all other treatâ€" ments have failed, J will, if you have never previously used the treatment, send you a full size 75e package froe to you if you will just cut out this no tice and send it with your name and | address with 10¢ to help pay postane and distribution expense to me perâ€" sonally." rib 75c. BOX FREE TO ANY SUFFERER Up in Syracuse, N.Y., a treatment for rhenmatism has been found that hundreds of users say is a wonder reporting cases that seem little short of miraculous. Just a few treatments even in the very worst cases seem *o accomplish wonders even after other remedies havé failedâ€" entirely. It seems to neutralize the uric acid and: lime salt deposits in the blood, drivâ€" ing all the poisonous clogging waste from the system. Soreness, pain, atlfl»J ness, swelling just seem to melt :wayi and vanish. New Treatment That Knocks Rheumatism TH+ man who doesn‘t have the ser vices of that great teacher, experi ence, may live to a green old age. Occasionally when a man attempts to stand on his dignity some one spoile it ky sitting on it. The summer girl do the mountain scenery a man in it. Good thingswr‘n‘x\-y b; cheu.p. but cheap things are seldom good. meus c on n A ray of hope is capable of penetratâ€" ing the darkest despair. Lots of women do foolish things so they can snub those who don‘t. . The Society for the Suppression of Vice caused the arraignment +f Clinâ€" ton F. Brainard, president of Harper & Brothors, publishers, New York, on a complaint that took a book, "Madâ€" ‘ elene," issued from Harper press conâ€" * tains immoral passages. Mr. Braln-‘ !ard is a member * the Extraordinary <Grand Jury which is investigating civic vices. Through counsel he staâ€" ted that he was in Europe at the time ‘the book was published and knew | nothing about it. â€" D02 °CC easiest thing in the world for a man to forget the mean advantâ€" age he took of another. Don‘t wait until it begins to sprinkle before starting to lay in something for a rainy day. & Photographs are seldom true to naâ€" ture. No one ever saw a smail boy as clean as he appears in a picture. \ Thirtyâ€"four Percheron horses bred by George Lane, of Calgary, Alberta were sold at Easton, Suffolk, and realâ€" Jzed £7,018. Lerd Minto bought a mare for §50 guineas, and Perfection, a stallion, winner three times if Canâ€" ada this year,; brought 550 guineas. The old Chicago _ Herald building West Washington treet, Chicago, has been sol ews & Co., investâ€" ment bafkers for $200,000. Repairs costing£150,000 are to be made, after the building will be opened with offices on the second and third floors. ‘The building origiually cost $700,000 | New York beauty specialists are offering eyelashes by the yard, which can be stuck on so cleverly no ane would dream they were false, but if you cry the glue melts and they will come off. _ Physicians have. siated that the grade of liquor being manufactured in Hawaii is rank poison, as the pipes used in the homeâ€"made stills are of galvanized iron and the liquor takes from the metal certain chemical propâ€" erties which may cause blindness. W. A. Sherwood, the portrait paintâ€" er, who died in Toronto recently was a victim of bloodpoisoning. It is worth: noting as a warning that the origin of‘ Mr. Sherwood‘s trouble was a small blister on one of his feet, which was| éither neglected or injudiciousty treav.-] ed. It‘s the easiest tthg in the "L have a va a |Mram ns ay es a.n“ MLM”‘ this fl‘,‘lfi‘r‘ohnwmn! i What :s young fo sorrected you: to have known no better; in those Aays such ticklish things mesaht more to me than anyâ€" i one thing.~1 was trying to be such | a highbrow, and it lost me you. i _ "Â¥ »a surely know by now that what I started to say that night was someâ€" thing which was making me stutter Cobourg‘s medical health officer is now paid $350 a year, while the alâ€" lowance paid by Port Hope is $600. In Toronto a Russian has fined $500 for wearing a soldier‘s war service button, without.the right to do so. Budbury talks of building a $300, 000 school. Montreal‘s civic budget for 1919 totals over $20,000,000. Ohio farmers are hiring girls as machine hands on light work. Cyuthia put up her hand. "That you can usuaily tell," she said, and if you had been tooking into Cynthia‘s eyes, you could have. uth to mup®t s _ 00. 0sc 190 1 ‘4 . . _ CUAHMHBD _ EXQRS.J ... . : ) e P0 % *R "Well" said Cynthis, rather breathâ€" Halifax, N. 8., D‘"h:"" <Fortyâ€"three of )Zy: lessly for her, "Bnish it." ish steamer Manxman have been drowned it sea, "Not starting out that way, for I vkdeumhhtrqhdby&-m tion can‘t be sure but what 1 would uv",'l'hnuvlvmdthomwmuthw i again. But you do know, dearest, { New York on Monday. Ee *. thatâ€" es | CAPTAIN AMONG THE yICTIME yuthia put up her hand. "That + you can usuaily tell," she said, and Halifax, Dec. 19â€" Those among the wned if you had been tlooking into Cynthia‘s | tain, first mate, the fourth engineer, wireleas d eyes, you could have. nine of the crew. According to radio messages® nemamern : fmmmntuaces. tain Gore, of the British Isles, the Manxman four *Â¥ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" * | Atlantic on Thursday morning. _ Al the d.m | HERE AND THERE l and eleven of the crew are safe on board the % m~_____ _ 2000 _ n . ar 102 ‘ 8 POJINTED PARAGRAPHS. girl doesn‘t n‘bpreciate unless there is j UJubiin, Dec. 20.â€"Government police are engaged in tr _ down the man who yesterday attempted to assassinate |French,. Belief is expressed that evidence has been s« 6 may result in the arrest of several of those who planned an ried out the attack. Documents were secured by the author llast night when a store in the city was raided, the officers ha , been led to the place by papers found on man named Savage, | was killed while running from the scene of the attempted asga j ation. _ It was first said that police Louch"n ~4 been killed, | it developed he was only wounded. ; ' I] Dublin, Dec. 20.â€"In spite of strenuous extrtions on 1 [of the police and military authorities to discover the perpe ‘of the attempt to assassinate Viscount French yesterday | generally reported that no arrests had been made up till n ?day.' Officials are absolutely reticent regarding the prog | the investigation. Public feeling is calm and there have 1 demonstrations: & be interviewed. WRIGL POLICE AND MLLITARY FAL 1 TRACE ASSASSIN WHO TRIED l TAKE LIFE QF VISCOUNT FRE Public Feeling in Dublin Calm Following Drama tempt to Assassinate Lord Frenchâ€" No Demo tions Reportedâ€" Autho rities Reticent on PI Connection With ‘Tracin g of Criminal. the Manxman to port. D22 aaa 6 0. 00000 22 CCRPSC VPC / Hroo h The radiogram did not state how the men lost their it is presumed that they went down with the ship, a possibility that they may have had time to take to the these subsequently sank. o y STOOD BY FOR 24 HOURS. Loo# The "British Isles" sighted the distressed ship ..‘a d:y :'nd stood by for twentyâ€"four hours with a view to tha in in er eesoees d1 Survivors of Illâ€"fated Steam er on to Arrive in New York Mond: man is Drowned. Viscount French and Mr. Saunder: Sealed Tight / Kept Right s The Flavour Lasts WRIGLEYS Dublin, Dec. 20. Three flavours to suit all tastes. Be SURE to get ON TRAIL OF CRIMINAL. (Canadian Press.) son, his secrciary A}4 i

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