Shoes that se!l anywnere 8L $17.0W * WOWL, PHESE DC MMDd e e i pair, sale price............. . . .$6.95 SHOESs FOR MISSES, BOYS AND 4d Cb id o d c 214 anrals & 124206 .4A t in dscb ieï¬ in tu aiioato uie . Men‘s very fine High Grade Boois. CHILDREN w c us to mention, which will be sold on the same basis as ‘The new |H":AM brown;l; lomol'ilh H;snu‘ Scdlmoll S\mes.‘rl srx;d str.o‘;:l here The GoOd lOthes come From what we say here but the values them selves will should th Néolin soles. Men get here early as leather, solid soles and well made, sale. Save this ad isement. Te oi ao ie Tars price Pote 1| fate miize oo ns .l on o nn: .o n 2EW% 32 East King St. Kitchener w peming price, regular $9.00. sale price $6.50 sithe price .... .. .1 .........â€"9096 g if you cannot come on opening day, com + s ie w===m==1m«===m\==m====m==lm:== en 4 ‘A writer is theâ€"Philadelphia Bulletin r: ‘The subject of dancing has reâ€" Â¥ed some attention, but no im preonal discussion of its relative adâ€" MEN‘s SUITS FOR $14.90 Men‘s Suitsâ€" Broken lines of men‘s . hand tailored Suits, fine tweed and worsteds "!n the Conservative styles, for both men and young ‘men, regular $20.00, Sale Price it.. z*‘ $TCEI0 We have large stocks of younrg man will be able to find and the style he wants. MEN‘S SUITS $19.80 spen‘s Suits in the new single breasted models, made of stunning Canadian tweed and: ‘fanty worsteds, in the most popular patterns, colors and â€" weaves. all sizes, regular $27.00, Sale baidbadd:#+lieatiadotitilihsduinditiind â€"Mep‘s Sy.ts, the same as you see priced . all over at $35.00;. magnificent worsteds and ‘fancy tweeds, made in imen‘s or young men‘s styles, sizes 34 to 44, Sale Price .... .... â€">>> m.w MEN‘S SUITS $23.60 ‘Ss MANY EXERCISES ARE MUCH SUPERIOR TO DANCING. In this big Sale we have thro;n lines we never expected to let go at such a low price. They will score you a saving of $3 to $4 a pair. LADIES‘ FOOTWEAR A t:lE':;S :001‘8 t Ladies‘ Dongola Kid n exceptionally ne grade of Boxâ€" Foots, ein mo st‘!‘;.buttonm:?yl(::.n?)z;": l calf and Vici Kid will be cleared at miss this item. Come early and get Tess than manufacturer‘s prices, solid two or three pairs. Never again will lemhl"' ;e;:’ed '1°1“' sizes 6 to 10, you get highâ€"class goods for so little c c ENS anaimn. fonk so ':-""“ money, regular. $5.00, sale price $2.98 In a substantial :Iol‘l:lnl.;ther 1l:avy ° Ladies‘ High Grade Lace Boots. Work Boot, s plendid for fall and winâ€" This includes some of our finest lines | | ter wear. We couldn‘t replace . Mis T y boof today to sell for less than $6.00,, Ladies‘ High Grade Lace Boots. ‘This includes some of our finest lines certainly a wonderful opportunity to get an upâ€"todate shoe . for awhout half prite, regular $7.00, sale price erreveirates o2 qritrirasrecrnss ASGBD Ladies‘® very High Cut Boots. The very latest on the market. The wholeâ€" sale price is more than we ask reguâ€" lar $8.00, sale price. ..... ... . . .$5 96 Come and. see for yourself these tremendous bargains, high cut, long vamp, all leathers, perfect in styles, finish, material and workmanship. Shoes that sell anywhere at $10.00 a pair, sale price............. ... $6.95 'flflau be a harmless outlet for Py IORTC EO AAIDIGN en ewbcs Men‘s very fine High Grade Boois. The néw Havana brown; some with Néolin soles. Men get here early as these will not last long at the sale price, regular $9.00. sale price $6.50 :ch"f:'i.' d to be a healthy lee is wo hours of dancâ€" ty minutes OfCarmy setting up se is worth:four hours of dancâ€" Ask the men who haye been in I bpitits, and excess energy, mot that energy be directed into | éhannels instead of wasted? ‘ ahove advantazes being shown | than atated, leaves us but the smdvantages of dancing. These r‘a&w is a parazite and an They are not invited to parâ€" re in fact nearly ignored entirely | at In the majority of do not dandd by preference, waste of time and energy | eun convert into profitable | 4 is well to bear in mind that s and shortcomings has apâ€" Let us then ‘consider the folâ€" BRN S’I‘ ;S-'-X Suits That Anniversary Shoe Sale ocks of seasonable new Suits. to find a Suit that pmby ly s Men‘s Overcoats, convertable collar, made of heavy Canadian tweed, well tailored, sizes 34 to 44, regular price $20.00. Sale price .. 514 m Long Ulsters, shaw! and two way eollar, short Chesterfield with velvet collars. Here‘s where you save a big chunk of winter expenses, all sizes O 34 to 44, regular $25.00 to $27.00. 519.&) Sale price. ... English Milton Overcoats, everything! ' ed to make a stylish, goodâ€"lobking garment been put in the manufacture of this gartien have such a coat made would cost at 535 least $65.00. Sale price ........... * : * Qne might think that such crowds as were here durifig this Baleâ€"would deplete Stocks extremely... No% : i0, for" .. there are still thousandsâ€"of BaÂ¥gains for Sitiirday, the last day of the Sale. . Some Wiks were broken: : These we have * combined and marked‘at still lower prices for Saturday. . ‘Then there are Speécial Purchases that Were Delayed, and that have arrived just in time for Saturday‘s selling. ~ So yo usee there are plenty of good values to come for Saturdayâ€" _ > and by all means come early. 0 e e thas‘ e im B P es ' p $ 04 «paie t Will Precisely Suit Every Man $25.00 TO $27.00 MEN‘S OVEKCOATS $18.00 TO $20.00 MEN‘S OVERCOATS Of course it is not reasonable to exâ€" pect one to work all the time, but danâ€" cing is poor playing. . Get out into the open, walk, awim play baseball. They are all superior to dancing. Three evident reasons for dancing have been given, still there is some other cause for it having taken such a strong hold on, the countgy«, ‘ always talk of the um-ï¬mm:‘ and in a few cases do they realize the source ~of the soâ€"caled pjéakis! We one studies the succoscful plays, the magazine stands; the tendency of the styles, they will be struck by the one theme running through them all, nameâ€" At the bottom dancing is but ono] phase of the :1 wave sweeping the country. It‘s dnly pleasure, if it may beé called such, is the proximity of one of the opposite sex. Deny it, purist dancers; deny‘ it, moralist, esthetic,. dany it and ur see how much pleasâ€" ure there is dancing with one of the same sex. ‘Ask the girls who tried to dance while the boys were "Over There," ask th¢ returned soldiers how they liked the stags in France, then dony it with thuth, if you can. _ _ _ sale pMICB®.... .. .6 k crrna6g nAE YoU caN‘T BEAT THEM i 300 pair Youth Shoes in Box Calf and Gunmetal, in a good | stylish shape, solid leather throughout, Mcâ€" Kay sewn soles, sizes 1 to 5, regular $5.00,° sale price.... .. .. .. . .$8.95 350 pair Boys‘ Boots in all substanâ€" tial solid leather, splengd made, weight for school and rough wear as well as weights for best and Sunday wear, sizes 11 to 13, sale price..$2.98 SHOESs FOR MISSES, BOYS AND CHILODREN Misses‘ School Shoes, good strong leather, solid soles and well made, can‘t be bought Yor less than $4.00, is not necessarily the first FoR $14.90 Fo®R $19,.80 SUITS Hundreds of highâ€"grade Suits from â€" Canada‘s Famous Wholesale Tailor Shops, Society â€" and 20th Century Brands, new ‘Styles in waist seam, military typeé, béifers, .body fitters ‘with: plenty of regular nodelé for the‘ mdfé‘ tofservative dressers; . also. \Sulu for stout men,‘ semiâ€"stout longs and young men‘s stouts; the variety of fabrics, colors and patterns are so well assorted that we can satisfy all tastes and fancies, Sale Prige ..... .++. ++++ sm mm and w \ ‘Twoâ€"year.old contracts give‘ you~ two yearo‘0 prices; in scores of cases the makers ‘are asking more for the same ‘qualities now ;‘ twerity to thirty per cent. of a cleir saving. " Men‘s ‘Troagers Wworth §$2.00 for .....‘....; ...‘ .. .:.‘ QQA0 30000 PAIR MEN‘S TROUSERS * $19.80 .: sidered in its true light a poor exerâ€" cise, a waste of time and energy A_!ul a scrap thrown to l%unimal withins If a long list of acquaintances repays you in full, then truly, we mortals must be fools. floating spars pedo. The cover of r. hatchway flontâ€" Ing on the surface if seen at a distance of a few tundred yards looked much like the conning tower of a submarine while the uelm.o‘(h an mha“:.l whale gave a 1 mr-tfll of a Uboat awash, in so lifelike submarine chasers on the English const dropped depth charges on & whalo and killed it. give y6u~ twoâ€"yearâ€"old from â€" Canada‘s material Misses‘ Patent Leather, Gunmetai and Cloth top Boots, all high grade goods. We can‘t duplicate them again at the price we ask, regular $4.50, sate price price .1 io {kogs se drnef en 9 300 pair Children‘s Shoes in a lar#e and varied styles and sizes to select from, sizes 3 to 7, regular $2.00, sale pPFIG .. .n sz in an is sirl.. n M1MD h 3‘0‘6 .l"it'tievi}éï¬t'i Brown or Black leather Shoes, sizes 9 to 10%4, regular $3.75, sale price .. .. ....... . $249 RUBBERS RUBBERS RUBBERS All ‘kinds, including heavy lumberâ€" men‘s‘ at sale prices. ERNST‘S is not the hide Shoes for Misses, Boys and Children The Precise Overcoat for for Every Man JUST WHAT HE WANTS AND NEEDS We have splendid Winter Overcoats, made from: practically every material that is demanded or in vogue; we: have all kinds of e(:g in all desirable models; we have Ulsters &#A ~Great Coats, belted Coats, form fitting Coats, Waist Seam Coats, and every kind of a Coat that any man is likely to require; they are all reasonable priced for this sate. _ 618. $22, $25, $30, $35, $40 ~ One lot Men‘s Odd Trousers, belt loops, with or without, regular $4.00 quality, Sale Price regular $5.50 for ..... .. .e. k>>s ns k6 6+ s3.98 Good heavy quality stripe English Worsted finish, strong, durable and in good taste, regular §$6.00 fOr ... :.oscsslcoca se diilk a6n+ % Other very special lines at $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, nds t . s ue o e o o on paewae $7.50 FOR THE MAN WHO LABORS L C And no house values his patronage more highty than Ernst‘s. . Blue Stripe Overalls'and Smocks, regular $2.00, Sale PMIC@,...04 .066 k5 366 k6 66 «++kks 5148 Black Stripe Overalls, regular $2450, Sa‘e Exera lplcil’i’ heavy Black or Stifel‘s Blue Stripe Overalls or Smocks, regular $3.00, Sale PHIGB ..isk corse o skÂ¥kree beas rheg as s2w Men‘s Working Shirts, regular $1.25, PPIGG .222 cuuin mersl use uk se ns ns Men‘s heavy weight Chambry Work Shirts, regular $2.00, Sale Price .... .... <>>>>> 31.50 Special good weight hair line stripe Trousers, Men‘s Trousers tions To be what you are and not pre| tend to be what you are not. ‘To sayâ€"‘ ‘no‘" squarely and th'mly! when those around you say ‘"Yes". $(o qve honestly within your meang and hot dishonéstly upon the means of others. ... .; 1g1 To sperk the trith wheb by a lit the prevafica! ou can get some \ m'flï¬d‘mclh Yown tp( and bend the knee to the wealthy, even llhoq;ht you are poor. 9 _ When mortified and embarrassed by humiliating disaster, to seek in vour ruims the dlements of future silccoss. _ To refuse to do a thing which is wrong because others do it, or beâ€" cause it is customary and done in improve yourself when your comâ€" rades spend their evenings â€" having a good time,. To remain jh honest poverty while others grow yrich .by questionable To live according to your convicâ€" To stay homie evenings and try to IT TAKES COURAGE . whith you could eastly ase Men‘s Rubbers, our usual standard $1.50 quality, sale price........$1.19 Women‘s Rubbers, our regular $1.00 value, sizes 2% to 7, sale price..7%c Girls‘ or Misses‘ Rubbers, in sizes 11 to 2, regular 85c, sale price..69c Child‘s Rubbers, our regular 65¢, sizes 4 to 10, sale price .. ......59¢ Boys‘ Rubbers, size 1 u‘ 5, regular $1.00, ‘sile price .. .. .4 :.....flc Youths‘ Rubbers, . size pi to 13 regular 95¢, sale price.. ., 4. :. 706 <~~+~+~ S$1 Sale GETTING READY FOR CHRISTMAS Here‘s the old year slipping out of the And the kiddies all | talking . about | Christmas Day. ‘ Now the home‘s full of whispers and hints of the things joud | Thatâ€"rongt 411 n > } { '“guu Cï¬\!lw‘ M And the mother‘s P 1 $ And the mother‘e Lqzoileg , 5.. sho | ‘That shall come with the . happiest * day of the year.> * And I, when it‘s â€" Christmasâ€"well,| say this for meâ€" l I‘m just as contented as mortal can | I like nothing better than all of the| Lot some who will ffown at the | fuss fuss £ ] that fs made The coming of â€" Christmas . that | And grumble and grow! at the bills to shoulders on us ; | be paid, ‘There‘s something about it that ban | Let the Scrooges who practice the ishes care, | wisdom of thrift And cures discontentme;* and oo.-lcnltmm‘auythylmthr forts despair, ~_ a gift Just hearing them whisper \eir secâ€" | And picture the folly of scatte â€" rets at :.lrt * & 4 | _ * _ cheer, * And chhiekle siggloa cus @veryâ€"| I answer each sigh and 1 answer And chuckle and glgglos . <i. everyâ€"| I answer on *.. thing fight, . _ = |._ . . smont I puff on my pipe add.1 sit the <1d | By saying: A Gigantic Sale of Men‘s Furnishings: Shirts, â€" Neckwear, . Socks, Underwear, GI oves, Sweaters, Sweater Coats, etc. 3‘_: Men‘s Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Sale (A WAGON LOAD OF SWEATERS AND .. PPIG@ ....2 22222 2ll .. k68 2+ 66 ++ 9+ +0 ++ Oge SWEATER COATS AT REDUCED & "" Men‘s Merino Shirts and Drawers, regular $1.25, PRICES. n sc Sale Prige :c... .cocs rranusls es sil..l... gge Cash and quantity again on the warpath cap ; Men‘s Heavy Wool Rib Shirts and Drawers, ture the whole overmake of a big factory, ‘the ; regular $2.00, Sale Price ... ...... .0.>>> sl.w name of which alone would be a guarantee o'_. ; Men‘s Plain Knit Wool and Cotton Mixed | Satiffaction, special price for this sale ‘$2.50 ) P spatioulirdin ons wl 2 °" |g3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 and .... :... .... $800â€" Men‘s Merino Shirts and Drawers, regular $1.25,) Sale Prige :c... .cocs rranusls es sil..l... gge Men‘s Heavy Wool Rib Shirts and Drawers, regular $2.00, Sale Price ... ...... .0.>>> sl.w Men‘s Plain Knit Wool and Cotton . Mixed Shirts only, Sale Price .... ...... <>+y ++ slm Men‘s all wool rib Shirts and Drawers, reg ular $3:00, Sale AMice ..s.wl... .. .0 2. â€m Men‘s â€" $$.00 Natural > Shide Combinationé, Sale Prigg ... cilcst oc R2i%. .0. n.aa Men‘s $4.00 Natural Sha« eral lines to clear, per suit val regular 50¢, Sale Prite per Wiit‘...0 .0. 001 30° Men‘s Dark: Gray : All Wool Socks, regulat: 656 â€urm'_. Black Cashmere Socks, special; ‘Sa)e Price ..... .... .... .... $5¢, 50c, 75¢ and $1,00 Men‘s Heavy Gray Wool Socks, (not but it is our policy of merchandising,. These are beautiful rich garments of unusual merit, elegantâ€" ly styled and expertly tailored, regular $85.00 and MEN‘S FUR AND FUR COLLAR OVERCOATS y Men‘s black Beaver Cloth, Rubber Interlined, Fur Collar Overcoats, sizes 35 to 46, 322 50 regular $32.00. Sale price .......... * Men‘s British Milton Cloth, Fur Collar, Curl Lined Overcoats, Rubber Interlined, all sizes, reâ€" gular $32.00. Sale price ........... 527.‘» Canadian‘s Best and Ernst‘s Pride British Milton Overcoats, $40.00 quality, Fur Collar Coats, shells equal to most $90.00. Fur lined 332 w Coats, tailor made. Sale price ...... * $35.00 AND $40.00 MEN‘S OVERCOATS . It‘s a shame to put these Overcoats in a sale, Boys‘ $4.50 Sweater Coats for . .$3.78 Boys‘ $3:50 Sweater Coats for..%2.50 Boys $2.50 Sweater Coats for..$1.98 Boys‘ heavy Worsted Hose ......75¢ Boys‘ $1.00 Fleece lined Mitts ..T5e Boys‘ 75¢ Fleece lined Mitts ....50¢ Boys‘ Fleece Shirts and Drawers, special sale price....75¢ Boys‘ heavy Check Mackinaw Coats, made with belt and shawl collar. ‘Three specials: .... ... .$7.95, $10.50 and.. [eutiibs 2s is siss 1+919,00 Neat Serviceable Suits for Boysâ€"made from ail desirable good we&rtâ€" . ing materialsâ€"ail favored colorings and weaves. Mave all new features St ,4?-’ as waist seam, Goat siant, and patch pockets, well built, smart 3 Suits at sale prige.................. 0 ... .. .. .. $8, $10, $12, $14, $15, 3 THERE AREN‘T ANY OTHER WINTER OVERCOATS FOR . BOY§. _‘ Like these for the money. You simply can‘t begin "to touch" them in o&Q; stores for less than a third again as much. s * Winter Overcoats for small boys 2% to 8 years...‘.......$5.98 to ,* Winter Overcoats for medium size bo ys 9 to 14 years..... $7.50 to $ } Winter Overcoats for big boys age 15 to 18 years.. .. $10.98, $ & REMEMBERâ€"There are thousands of articles that space will not us to mention, which will be sold on the same basis as listed above. what we say here but the values them selives will should the loudest for sale. Save this advertisement. k + if you cannot come on opening day, come later. * Comfortable Winter Clothes for Boys ° | seems to run, i For it finds real‘ delight in the work ‘The scaniper of féet is a joy to my As they fiy with their treasures when I‘m drawing near, ‘The labor of trimming the home for * the day : Isn‘t labor at all, _ but â€" magnificent The planning surprises, Of the friends that we love, so «. mone shall be misged, pek Are tasks to which soméhow ‘my worth while. to be done. GREAT SHIRT SALE _ _ toâ€"y29) Men‘s High Grade Shifts, representing the â€" very tream of Canada‘s leading manufacturers, * all new patterng‘ and colors: ol Regular $1.75, Sale Price .,....... ...... $1.25â€" Regular $2.50, Sale Price ..... .........> $2.00 . Regular $3.00, Sale Price ......... ..... g280 © _ Men‘s Fleece lined . Wuile" Skin Mitts, re $1,00,° SatePrice 1..L ..... .006 k0 6l ++ +9# STYLISH GLOVESs _ _ Work Mitts, wool lined . or unlined," men‘®‘. heavy lined Mitts of extra quality, best $1.50, _ Sale Prics cs.. is .. S y At ‘less than présent makers‘ prices, , and . writing lt1d4} THE WORLD‘S BEST HATS MEN THE BORSALINO AND THE l CcABS CAPS Winter Caps, 600 Cloth Caps, K close and others in fancy Tweed plain colors, special sale price. ‘75e, $1.00, $150 _ to 1 that 4 200GS t\ S# At six motiths a baby eat 50 pounds of codjfish Matches have not y6t d tinderâ€"box ce of Ttaly lfldw 'F The Japanesg say "e stead 2 ‘"nofth east," south" instdag‘of "sou Man 1. 1y animal trils are Mflvu‘.l highest apes the nostrile . front. t.~ & Iceland hamoniy one his beat is the cap ‘The residents are s0 â€" has little to do. _( The little republic. o6f has the longest national China. To hear it from end would take several | Atu::.u-on omufce nofled ol wash day only two Y I know!" ‘wnd Bpaph. _ .*" Japan say "ous :2. "nofth east," . stdaghrot "southâ€" The4 1y animal curiosiTIiR®. ‘_