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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 11 Dec 1919, p. 5

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â€" § prompt, accurate and dependabie SERVICE CUT DOWN 100 H. P. In order to comply with instructions from the Hydro Electric Commission the local Commission is now obliged to go along on 100 h. p. less. At the present time no inconvenience is oc Casioned but no new power users can be taken on as long as the present order stands. _ One application is ‘mow in for more power, but it is not required until after the new year, when it is hoped the usual number of h. p. will be available. * ~ ‘The numerous frinds of Miss Salâ€" ome Moogk, who underwent an operaâ€" tion at the K. & W. Hospital last week, will be pleased to know _ that she is progressing satisfactorily. MARRIED AT HAMILTON. A quiet wedding took place at Hamâ€" jlton Thursday, Dec. 4th, when Mr. Will. Uffelmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Uffelmann and a popular Watâ€" erloo young man was quietly wedded to Miss Minnie Hagen of 260 Mill St., Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. UFMâ€" mann have returned from a _ short honeymoon trip and will reside _ in Waterloo. Many friends will extend best wishes for their happiness and prosperity. Prices remained about the same at the market on Saturday. _ Butter soid at 62 to 65c per Ib., and eggs at 70 to 75¢ per dozen. Fowl was plentiful, Chickens being disposed of at 35¢ per Tb., geese at 35¢ per Ib. and ducks at 40c per Tb. An abundance of vegeâ€" tables was offered at the usual pricâ€" es. \ The attendance and interest a the Sunday services at Emanuel chare i s very encouraging. The pastor conductâ€" ed the services, and delivered _ two earnest discourses, speaking _ in the morning on "The power of the Gospel" and in the evening on "The Call of Christ." The choir rendered approâ€" priate music at both services. _ Mr. Gus. Kunts, of Hamilton, is remewing acquaintances in town toâ€" UNDERWENT SUCCESSFUL OP. ERATION. Miss Lola Bruegeman underwent an operation for appendicitis at the K. & W. Hospital last week. Her friends will be glad to learn that she is makâ€" ing a satisfactory recovery. MRS. SPADY ILL. Mrs. Alma H. Spady, teacher of music and organist at the St. John‘s Lutheran church, is ill at her home on Duke street, and has been unable to attend to her duties as organist for the past two weeks. Her friends hope for he rspeedy recovery. Many friends will sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. John House, Albert St., in the loss of their five months‘ old son who passed away on Saturday afâ€" ternoon. Funcral was held Monday, morning from the residence to the R. C. church and cemetery. PLEASANTLY ENTERTAINED. The Oneâ€"Wonâ€"One Sunday _ School Class of Emanuel Evangelical Church were â€" very pleasantly â€" entertained Thursday evening at the home of Miss Mildred Dickman, president _ of the class, Mr. N. W. Shantz, teacher of the class, was also present, and helpâ€" ed to make the evening a very enjoy able one to every one present. Dainty refreshments were served. I Local News Notes f DEATH OF INFANT CHILD. THAT SONâ€"INâ€"LAW OF PA‘S. HELPFUL SERVICES. IMPROVING NICELY. pponts murgausl * 4 mmrgane| * Right at the Market, AT THE MARKET. \Best ing | Fifteen persons received holy bapâ€" tisfh and thirtyâ€"nine united in church fellowship on profession of faith and by certificate at the morning service in the Emmanuel Evangelical Church last Sunday morning. It was a day of special interest to the congregaâ€" tion. At the evening service the pasâ€" tor, Rev. Mr. Schrader, gave an earnâ€" est message of warning and invitaâ€" tion to such who had not accepted Christ taking as his text, Eph. 4: 17â€" 19. The series of special meetings held during the lakt few weeks, which resulted in much good in the congreâ€" gation, have concluded and the regu lar weekly meetings have been reâ€" sumed. The Sunday School Room of _ the Evangelical church was comfortably filled Friday evening, whesâ€"the S.P.L class repeated the play, "The Key of Jack Canuck‘s Treasure House." About 75 people participated in the play and the leading parts were well taken and greatly enjoyed by the audâ€" ience. Miss Hilda Hamel again exâ€" celled as Jack Canuck. The other characters were taken by Harry House Alma Shaniz, Nelda Damin, Adeen Bruegaman, Roy Turner, A. Urstadt, Fred. Gies, Walter Mickus, _ Albert Deer, Ed. House and Joe. Snyder. NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED INTO EMMANUEL CHURCH PLAY REPEATED SUCCESSFULLY BY 8. P. 1. CLASS The various members of the _ cast were appropriately attired to _ repreâ€" sent the different provinces _ of the Dominion. A number of musical numbers and recitations were rendered during the evening, which included a piano solo by Miss Evelyn Perschbacher, recitaâ€" tion by Miss Wilson, cello solo by Mr. Frizell, tenor solo, by. Mr. H. G. Misâ€" tele. All of which were well receivâ€" ed. The annual meeting of the Waterâ€" loo Rink Company was held on Friâ€" day evening. The reports presented showed the company hadagood year and all the old directors were reâ€"electâ€" ed. ‘The rink has been inspected by a competent architégt who reports that it is safe and not in danger of collapâ€" sing. There will therefore be skating and bockey at the rink as usual this winter. #+ . .\ § t 14 IMALS uP HERE AN‘ TH _ [| THCETION AGAINSY ROBâ€" |haw, core en pPROB1 SAY Rsted win M!-IP"_;‘_SJL?%â€"“ es |E: moGs eA Roggers, y00f = KnIFE W e Waterâ€" mIKE oF 1 on m-l BREAD BAKERS . In Grey, White, Black, Fawn, Cb Special $1.19. â€" ~ Also Silk and Lisle Gloves in all colors. LADIES CASHMERE GLOVES LADIES‘ PURE SILK HOSIHERY Messrs. E. F. Seagram and Wm. Hogg left Thursday on a business trip to New York. An important business transaction was made this week when the conâ€" trolling interest in the Harriston Furâ€" niture Company was bought by two well known men, Ezra L Ziegler, Vice President of the Waterloo Furniture Company, and < his brother, Lieut. George Ziegler, who since his return from overseas has, been manager of the Bank of Nova gcoth at Brigden. They have severed their connection at the Waterloo Furniture Company and Bank of Nova Scotia respectively and will leave shortly to take charge of their new business. The Harriston Furniture Company was organized about fifteen years ago and is a growing concern and at presâ€" ent time employs about forty hands. Judge Sputton, who is this week conâ€" ducting court at Guelph and Kitchenâ€" er, has an interest in the concern and has been acting as manager the for lier speedy recovery. A large circle ot friends of Messrs. Ezra and George Ziegler will wish them every success in their new unâ€" dertaking. HAVE BOUGHT FURNITURE BUSINESS 110 0B 3010008 oi on atnom s aiiais e per week. When O‘Donnell and Henâ€" derson were interviewed this mornâ€" ing they stated that their employees were apparen(ly quite satisfied and practically all were receiving the minimum scale. _ With the staff on hand they will be able to bake enough bread and cakes to meet the needs of their customers but may be obliged to discontinue some special lines of pastries, until conditions become norâ€" mal ‘The bakers of the Twinâ€"Cityâ€" went out on strike Saturday night. At the O‘Donnelf and Henderson bakery onâ€" ly four of a staff of nine ceased work. The union démands a 50 homr week, timg and one balf for overtime, the elimination of nightwork after May ist, and a minimum wage of $28.00 Do not fail to see "The Doctor" a play to ne given on Tuesday, Dec. 16th under the auspices of the _ W.M.S. Band. Proceeds for the purchase of benches at the park. Yeâ€"ah, Cedric‘s Well Atmed: BALL IN HARRISTON IN WATERLOO bxes, two, three and six â€" ~ ||tun® weyâ€"pPrr At the regular meeting of the Waâ€" ‘terloo Public School Board on Tuesâ€" day evening. the principal business under consideration was the matter of teachers‘ salaries, A communica tiou was read from the Waterina Teachers‘ Association pointing out the advance in the cost of living and asking for increases in salary to meet the same. The Board in acting upon the request grantes increases ranging from $50 to $125, according to the grade taught and the length of serâ€" vice, the minimum salary being fixed at »700. greatly appreciaied py fhoge presenL | _ A special meeting of the Waterl00 ‘ giyien _ ~â€" ~ / â€" _ Armmrne iesns mt mm ts â€"+ Water and Light Commission . was . ° REJECTS SUGGESTION. held on Monday, al. members being | zn ze zl a L _ Manchester, Dec. 5.â€"Premter Lioyd :;eoido('i :: c:,p‘:‘(};nfiaml::o:: 'o;::e'f:).r' Persons travelling from Toronto to George, spefking before the Reform transformers and other equipment in Montreal must show on arrival a cerâ€" Club toâ€"day, totally rejected the sugâ€" order to increase.the es;:cn f the tificate of successful vaccination withâ€" gestion that the time had arrived for Jant fr 1200 to 3000 h Â¥ 0 in seven years, or else be detained renewal of party distinctions by L4b %m. l;)lm atle inc Oree POW®!â€" at the station till vaccinated or sent erals and Conservatived. 1ly* * will ohn the management t0 pack to Toronto. take care of from 5,000 to 6,000 horse nrwrarwr.r._._nne ie aemgnies ;-omc time to:come. The switchboard Fourteen exâ€"officials of â€" various ‘ Panels which will be installed will Chairman Aloyes Bauer, Manager French Ministries haye been committâ€" ; take care of from5,000 to 6,000 horse C. W. Schiedel and Supt. Geo. Grosz ed for trial or charges of illicit trafâ€" | power. It is expected that it will be were appointed to attend the convenâ€" ficking in food depots and profiteer | about three months béfore the new tion of the Hydro Power Commission ing. equipment will arrive. in Toronto on Friday. ° REJECTS SUGGESTION. Manchester, Dec. 5.â€"Premter Lioyd George, spefking before the Reform Club toâ€"day, totally rejected the sugâ€" gestion that the time had arrived for renewal of party distinctions by Lib erals and Conservatived. e Pck Advances From $50 an $125 According to Grade and Service. . The Thiele Concert Company furâ€" nished the program at a banquet givâ€" en by the heads of the various deâ€" partments of the Dominion Tire Comâ€" pany at the Masonic Hall on Monday evening. The different numbers were greatly appreciated by those present. _ The caretakers at the Alexandra and Centralâ€"Schools were granted inâ€" creases of $50 each. ~Miss Delight Hilliard was engaged as a teacher at the Alexandra School. The Teachers‘ Reports togethcr with the Inspector‘s _ report, which was aâ€"very favorable. one was* re: ceived and. filed. The Schools wili close on December 19th for the Xma» holidays ‘The usual budget of acâ€" counts was passed. FURNISHED PROGRAM SALARIES INCREASED EWE > s f 4* ;ROR THE GENTLEMAN io 9o#e 8 ilze %. 207 ? m . Li r l S Haes is , =a> Make # 40e t P3 1 °â€" Wotkd ABpE 2 0o n ~ JA +Cl . t ma * terl A AAL 31 14 c a 6.A ° * ammiun [ We Ns 'l‘. * Â¥i5* s P A . f § 'i ‘â€" Amas ouggestions _ # _ ; the dlig k Sujuo w# TRANSFORMERS ORDERED FOR POWER PLANT WAS HONORED BY HER FRIENDS ON BIRTHDAY We want to assure you . of‘ our fri¢ndship apfl;/extend: our best wishes for your future happinéss. ~‘ Waterloo, Ont., Dec. 6th, 1919. Dear Mrs. Flemington,â€" We, a few of your friends have taken the privilege this evening af accepting your invitaâ€" tion to spend a few. sociable . hours with you on the oceasion _ of ,, ‘your birththday. _ . fas : e « 1 A most enjoyable time.was spent on Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. W. L. Flemington, Mary St., where a large number of friends gathered toâ€" gether on the occasion of her birthâ€" day. An address was read by .. Mr. Earl Harper. s We would not only express our feelâ€" ings in mere words but would ask you to accept this gift as a slight tokâ€" en of respect and an assurance of the sincerity of our love for you. May it be the means of strengthenâ€" ing the bonds of friendship betweer us. It is the sincere wish of every: one of your friendsâ€"present that you may have many happy returns of the day. Miss Leah Seitkie then made . the presentation. ‘The hours were spent in the ustal happy way, games, music and dancing, during which a dainty lunch was served. ®. * \% rane has had thrée yemrs‘ experience in municipal affairs, ‘the last two of â€"which he has been an energetic ind able chairman of the Finance Commitâ€" tee. With the icipal nominations only about two g eeks. away it looks , like a contest for the Mayoraity, | teeveships and founcil. A lively conâ€" ‘ .est is looked for. Councilior Sturm is out=of townâ€"and it could not be {learned definitely whether he will be a candidate and #hus make it a three ~cornered fight fot the Mayoralty. ~ TO CONMIESI ; MAYORALTY CGountillof :Gothrane Will Oppose mm : Bohlender. * A â€" LIVELY ‘This morning Councilior ‘Cochrane innounced his décision to ‘be & canâ€" didate for the Mayoralty | at : New Year‘s, and there will therefore be a contest as Reeve Bohléender is at ready in the field. Councilior Cochâ€" Persons travelling from Toronto to Montreal must show on arrival a cerâ€" tificate of successful vaccination withâ€" in seven years, or else be detained at the station till vaccinated or sent back to Toronto. ‘There was a la#ge attendance at the §t. John‘s Luthrn Church on Monâ€" day evening when an illustrated talk was given by Dr. F. J. Weidenhamâ€" mer on his trip to California. The Tecâ€" ture proved instructive and interestâ€" ing and was much appreciated by the large audience. A silver collection which was taken up amounted to a neat sum and will go towards the Parish Hall fund, Miss Gertrude Conâ€" rad rendered a piano solo in pleasing style." f ILLUSTRATED WELEL ATTENDED â€"By Wellington. lt‘,; charge it fully. 'itu;l mucHâ€" er to have it remov & _f | station andâ€" another maq m ‘ while it is being charged, - | 4. If your gravity ugdl_.j:n with distilled water. © . 000. 0 2. Your battery must be kept charged or it will deterforaté 3. If you battery i#â€"rum.dow you must crank your‘ca@ in: a ing do not attempt to bring it t running your car as‘#t requires. 15 to 20 hours of continwous ‘ru! means {your: batiory DOGGR and also means it will fre jected toâ€" cold. msg in l 6. . Any good battery wWill charge more than three mg not in use and shou}d. be service station where it is charged during the winter In an address, which .'lg structive and entertaining., ice Erb, of the Collegiste # a resume of the works ¢ Drummond, the well Infll the regular meetini@/of Epworth League on .m:] which was very . largely. & Miss Ruth Bechtol assisted > program, . giving . several from Drummond‘s work®»! â€" 6. Do not wait unt will not turn your eng you have it te-tdfi that your battery is in CARE OF STORAGE .BA CHRISTMAS ENT 1. Each cell must be starters use. Exide aE“l : Dobbin‘ea, Garage,le â€"7¢ Wite étationt‘ .~>==naq & King Street, Waterioo, will your battery and All it with tilled water free of charg®, will supply a rental bééter changed or repaired. < Thay also call for batteriés to We‘ in winter storage and. | stal them in yqr:!r”?h P at a reasonable charges, â€" THE EXIDE BATTERY: ' sERVICE 8T. At DOBBIN‘S GARAC Phone 1272 EPWORTH Lt 4 ¢ canaDpman, carAGE! Before yeu decide;}; . ‘Take a Briscoe . rid@.:~;> «l DisTRIBUTORS \© .« ho esduet e A7 0 an 6. x: ... "> . ~ ddnitile Lo i *A CE

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