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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Oct 1919, p. 5

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. "Dick" Grahlm. recognized us the Jonathon! authority in Poultry on the American continent -- Prof. W. R. Groin-In of the o. A. c, appeal-n In , -uoriettoe written by Cham C. Nixon. h RURAL CANADA October. Spool» , pen copies 10c., nnbocription 81.00 we! your. taken through this otheq. T neuronal-o pictorinl alshbpage Ieciion from RURAL CANADA, 0c- tobor. has been mailed to every tar. Inor in Ontorio. " you did not get youn. emuito tor a cow. ATTENDED ACTURIAL CONVEN- TION AT NEW YORK Mr. Arthur Hummers-rd of Omnho. Nah. in mum " Ms home here tor I for dun utter nondlnd the ngtttqttht meeting ot the Acturlnl Asloclluoll of Anette: held in New York. The funeral ot the lete George Koch took phce- this afternoon from the residence of his daughter Mrs. Ed. Knlrr. near St. Agatha, and was - attended by friends and rel» “We: of the deceased. Service was held at the Erbaville church. Dr. HSchBetter, professor at the Weierioo Seminnry occupied the pub pit at the St. John's Luther: n church both morning and evening on Sunday 1nd delivered splendid sernunn which were atttsttthelrrtiirtened to by lure congregations. PREACHED BPLENDID 8EBMCN8 A most enjoyable evening was spent. at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shunt; on Saturday evening. when a number of friends gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Shana, who were recently married. The evening was pleasantly spent in music and games after which a dainty lunch was serv- ATTENDED CONVENTION. Rev. and Mrs. B. E. Schrader and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. crewman have re- turned from Toronto where they at- tended the annual Sunday School cow ventlon of the Evangellcal church In- Ipirlnz addresses were delivered by well-known speakers at the different seaslons. A delightful danpe was held In the Orpheus hall on Tuesday evening. un- der the auspices ot the Bt. Quentin Clnpter I. 0. D. E. There was a large attendance of young people and a most enjoyable time was spent. Excellent music was furnished by an orchestra. A substantialv sum ot money was realized, half of which will he glven to the Navy League. New} Hamburg. Oct. 23.--gaco.b Ran. father ot Senator Valentine Rats, died here tonight In his ninety- pomnd year. He was one of the ear “out nettlcrs In Waterloo county, and carried on a Inge business " a saw mlller tor may yea”. m which he was very successful. He leaves three Iona: Valentine. John and David. and four daughters. and 1 large connec- tion of relatives. At the haterloo market Saturday there was a large attendance in |plte of the shower. There was I his dam-ml for produce, eggs selling at IOC to 650 per dozen and butter'at 60c per m. A good supply of choice fowl w“ offered, geese nelling at 35c per lb. and chickens at " to 35c per tb. Apptebutter sold at 82.00 a lugs» crock. pears a 81.25 per basket. and other vegetables including volumes. turnips. carrots. been: and celery, at the ”me price as Inst week. FUNERAL LARCELY ATTENDED m mount. and “We INN“? . ”who “I ENJOYABLY ENTERTAINED HELD SUCCESSFUL DANCE Local News: Notes I Arnold Jansen DEATH OF JACOB RATZ MOI.- - a the Mafia. JAM“! m THAT: SON-IN-LAW OF PAS. WEN" iNttL was f?EYote, ml. -- H‘SIEIJE: 'mer II GriJiiiiaL" Griirid a. . drrtlrtn8dth8esar. ‘m.t I..-.,.- Tn-sA-i ar, , I At the meeting ot the Young Peo. ple's Society held " the Prmmrterian 1Church on Monday evening In inter. [ eating address was ("on by Mrs, I. E. Schnder. au aaiir,GiirGi nu who mod the whiny. ot but 're'""".?.., The funeral ot the late Mrsrc. Kumpf was held from her late rest. dence, King Bt., on Friday afternoon Rev. P. N. Harding rector of St. Saviour‘s Church, conducted an impres- sive service. Many friends were pres- ent to pay their last tribute of respect to one who exemphilfied a high type of citizenship. Numerous beautiful floral offerings were received. Tho Old can unduly on Wed- My eve-Ins. she had been out motoring with be: son. Mr. lord Kumpt, during the evening out an: vented to be In her mull hum. About an o'clock. however. eh- oom- pmned of shortneu ot beqqth. uncer- intt unul eleven when eh. penned III]. In Pebrwy a! an. you we entered A night "who end hed been in mm balm tor none month. The low In. KEEN. who“ maiden name w;- Conn. we: ot Irhbtt birth, being torn In Byron Grove, Kllnnny, lrelerl. March 4th, 1835. She came to Cnnedn when nine yen-I old, Ile. In; at Preston tor sever-l you". Bee. enty you! no she come to Waterloo. which he. elncr‘ been her place of rmIdence. In 1862 she VII knurled 'o the Ink: curt-mu Kumpt, formerly Doe'wutor at Womloo, who died 'a 1915. In the course of a life of nearly eighty~nve years. the lute Mrs. Kumpt, who was a. woman of strong per- sonality and lovable character. was active in good works andvmsny s needy one found her ever sympathetic end ready to lend a helping hand. Possessed or a keen mind and a as- tive wit. she was also most compan- ionshie and she will be sadly missed both in the home circle and by many friends whose esteem she enjoyed in a high degree. in her death has pass- ed snother of those pioneer citizens who radiated an Ittttuettee tor what was truest and best in life. and the Telegraph extends its sympathy to the family which has been so sorely bereaved, if"! Four of u tath' ot nix children survive their mother, when you“ will be u lrnpunble uni doom: felt Ion to them. They are: Ane- (Mrs. A. B. McBrido). Arthur, George. Buttnto; Ind Ford B. Two sons. Willlam and Chlrlen ll. predecmod her. There also survive a tuubbrottr er, Geo. Holland. of Benchwood. 0nt., and a hnlhlater. Mrs. Mary Murray, ot Waterloo. town. The bearers were: Messrs. William Carthew. Charles Moodk. I. H. Runs, Geo. Diebel, Mrillfttm Hogtt and C. W. Weils. Interment was made In Mount Hope cemetery. RETURNED FROM EXTENDED VISIT To THE WEST Mr. and Mrs. Irvin C. Hellman re- turned this week trom a most. enjoy able trip to the West during which they visited relatives and friends in the prairie provinces. While In Bri. tish Columbia they also visited Prince Rupert in the Pacific Coast. and were within tirtoen houra' run ot the Alaska border. Is Mr. Hallman states that the cen- tral and southern parts of Saskatche- wan and Alberta Buttered from poor crops. the northern parts of the pro- vlnces however. faring better. In Manitoba, with the exception at parts affected by rust. the crops were good. CELEBRATED 30TH ANNIVERSARY or MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Halimari returned by way ot the United States, visiting Iowa. They were absent two months. On Saturday evening ghoul 1 score ot frlendn ot Mr. 3nd Mrs. Conrad Huehnerard gathered It thier home In honor ot the thirtieth nnnivenary 0 (their manage. A delightful even- ing wns spent and those present ex tended hearty congrunlluons nnd best wlshea to Mr. and Mrs. Huchnor- PM AWAY 'dlmnmww. . v v .23.. INTERESTING ADDIEOU. 7'3 TR 'dii'iri'j - ' w ... Ne%tf'B1et/R,m my 'MSGOTTSWOP! PLUM! Hm. Burn-m a! 8’9me Ft7itiiiieri'i' [smut-cert» MAN alum t 839111095" tti ";rGiii7kiittetr, .HWQ‘WW mama-00M '"IW‘Il-v‘wv- Ne"" - hm. who (".07 - a. N at.“ nodded M M In“. no In auto-I mar-mm W" on! by XIII". Oren-tn. . _ A n F---- --.-b- I Mrs. P. Thom“, Mrs. W. t Crowe and In. o. Groa- were Joint hone“- es ot the regular monthly meeting ot St. Paul's Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Society on Thur-d; utternoon. An the retool room ot the Church, Whig]: Wu bright and pretty with (MCQ- uonn or Myanmar! and all-PA Mrs. J. H. Webb la . visitor in Tor, onto mil week. Mr. Wntred Hilliard or, Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. w. L. Hilliard. By the passing away of Mrs. C Kampf, who died at her late residence on Wednesday evening. another pre- cious link in the chain that binds the present generation to an older one has been severed by death. Mrs. Kumpf was devoted to her family and all works of kindness and charity. and combined in a marked degree the wise, prudent and faraeeing mind with the warm heart. always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Here was the quiet undernou- strative life, a character without a blemish, a friendship without distrust, a Christian without display. The triumphant! faith of their beloved mother in the heat consolation to he! devoted family, to whom much aym. pathy is extended in their irreparable ion. Among the out at to“ - u nltonduoo won Liam. 001. Mm D.M.O., EC. um In. Brown - ly panama tron ovarian. It. all Mn. P. J. Wright " 0.1:, um um. choice musics! programme contribut- ed by Miss Florence and Mr. Lean Thomss and Mrs. Dalton Selene» was much spprecinted by the lsrge number of members and friends in Ittendsnco. The President, Mrs. A. H. Snyder presided at s short busi- ness session. after which refresh- ments were served by the hostesses. who were sbiy assisted st the tea hour by the young ladies ot the Bib- le close. Mr. W. C. Ream has returned to Toronto utter spending I month with his parents, Judge Heart: and Mrs. Hearn. Mr. and Mrs. a. B. Bricker left on Thursday morning for a tormlght's visit to Montreal triends. Miss Maggie Bowlby ot Waterford in the guest of her aunt, Mrs. M. E. Bowlby. this week. During his visit of several days at his home this week, Mr. Grant Har. per of Toronto, was the host of a happy reunion ot his soldier friends. when a moat enjoynble time was spent. The line. Mary and Clarion! Vulentlne of Toronto University won week-om! Hutton A. their homo Put Avonne‘ Mr. And Mn. Harry Binghun " Promo“. were donor- In Kitchener um week renewing old friend-Mp5. the [new at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kn“. Lt. Col. Beverly Browne and Mrs Browne left today tor Vancouver. Mra. John Bruce ot Toronto, P_rtssl dent of the Nationnl Executive of the. I.O,D.E., who delivered such an fur. pretuFt message on the great new. work ot the Daughters oft he Empire! in the days that Me just In front of us, was the guest ot honor at I hand. aomely appointed luncheon at the Grand River Country Club on Thurs-‘ day. tendered by the Executive cm- can of the Princess ot Wnlen Chev ter. . Mr. and Mrs. "nrry Dellon ot Preston were the guests over Sunday of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalian, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Will mu and Min McDonald of Woodstock, spent Sun- day It the home of Mr. nnd Mn. Wm. McDounll. Dr. B. P. Derttt, at "momma. III- return-d um I ma of mom dun with mum. In the Twin City . Mun Mary Meyer. Quota Bt. South. let: this morning on an extended trip to Saskntogn. Sum. whqro Inc will visit her bunker and shaft-“w. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mayor Pa Makes Matters Nam. ar-te-tters?.."'.:. a. a...“ “I: older one An enthusiastic and well attended' esth. Mrs. meeting of the Waterloo Curling Club‘ r family and was held in the Waterloo Club Rooms charity, and on Thursday evening. It was announ- degree the cad at the meeting that the Club trad in; mind purchase-J t'e' (my: bri:k l-Ir am: at W8” ready vile rear ot the Lewis Hotel. The to those in building is 138 E 45 feet. The Club it undemon- have given out the comma tor the without a erection ot an addition to the Build. out distrust, ing which is expected to be ready splay. The when the curling season opens. W'tr. ir beiovad the acquisition ot this new building tytiott to her 'Wsterloo will possess one of the but much "nt. curling rinks in western Ontario. and , irreparable will insure the curlers of ice tor cur . ling this winter every day during the week. President J. J. A. Weir sddress- .r.t',1t: Presb ed the meeting Ind referred to the nttiee ot ‘helsuccesstnl season hilt you and we tch 'd" itidietod that with the new rink the my: Emnf: {club this year would enjoy the most I trout. up“: successful year in its history. The t tb hand: membership of the club will also be -___ ,. .. incressedl and Persian! w Vilniu‘u-imlskl V In. 11. Ann. Mt. Ward "tter.ott_tt_ti-i- run-“duh". 'Vumm tr l V.""*‘ "s - __-rt""--"-'"""-'-" v l -"""'fr T writ!" Fe, --"'- 3;. may tl ,.ia,lil,_,i"iiliri,.' I. 3, luck. at M GAVIN mun THANKS SUPPORTERS h. m'h-cld M “than Wad-loo In.“ dmnhs m town on hm", srr$orto-tohut-tnWmim, I dean-e to express to the people at Kitchener and “Interim my " precietion at the Ipiendid support they are me in the election cout- paign. Had we had 1 little more time. I believe this would have been much larger. l trust that before In- other election the people in our urban centres will know that the {armors are not the wee email people that they have been represented to be. But are big enough and broad enough minded to look after the interests of all the people in the riding on well as a miller or a mason or n man of any other calling. Considering the despernte tactics used to save a party already broken, I feel we made a good thawing. We have no regrets. We curried on n straight. clean campaign and we would rather be deeteated than win by deception and misrepre- sentation. _ I desire also to convey my but thanks to the rural people vino so 110ny torsook their party ttttiliauotts to support a man of Independent thought. The reports ot the Province are gratifying indeed. My only ro- gret is that I am not there,to lend the boys I hand to make Onulrio bot. ter tor those that come after In. _ Yours tttitll/rv..:,, (1llll,lllil CLUB llllf BUILDING Mr, Bolton Road. of Ruth“. But, ll visiting It the home of MI mother. Mrs. W. M. nude. 030:” Bt. Mr, Rondo expect- to be Ihorlly (master. red to an eastern branch at the Bank ot Montreal. Will Have One of Beat Burl- ing Rinks in Province This Winter. ages.MnrttttmehtteU_i.%. “math. but ot In. M. In. Wm. manor and In; Maud my attuned to Ham " tor "mutinq A took at the hunt ot Mr. 3nd In. John Schondalmoyer. A resolution of condolence was passed out of respect for the Hon President of the club Mr. Jon. E. Sen- gnm who passed away this your and I copy ot nuns will be forwarded to the bereaved family. The Ontario Tunkard skip: upwin- ted were E. F. Seam-am and H. 3. Sims. The district ships are A. G. Haehnel and A. H. Devin. oftltMtrB Elected The otneerg elected for the en- suing year are " mi1owtr.--Hon. Pre- sidents. E. F. Semen. J. B. Hughes end Chen. Moogk; President. J. J. A. Welt; Vice Prom, C. 0. Hmphlll; Trees. L. no“; Sect-em. P. G. Hum. Executive Committee. I. P. Soul-em. A. a. Heehnel. w. "on. H, J. sum. F. Heine-d. C. tr. Hemphili. Represent-(Ives to Outlrio Tuna“! Association J. J. A. Weir and Wm. “on. 'Eaiiikimiigoux In the evening Rev. Hench need u . text Mark t.A1. Fen ceme to the dieclplee ot Josue Christ by wey ot the atom and the wevee. The die- clplee. however. were led to see In the norm and the mum which tailor- ed, the power ot Christ. This met is seen IM In nature. in IUht end datum, and In the have”. than teaching us lee-one Mu of mm In the: power to new]: In at timee of norm end calm. momma-“Chm Wham-slow“ I”. II. I. Matt" at (induce. MW muons-nun church m - - two -tatr_rtons all “In.” w Mud upon In. mlpndlc‘m. 16a. Re all! that MW] ml the Church but.” sou-Mend will". br “not you» (at gun. and --ttorhot.hratt0qtsrrsaa, tommuthmctuct'l‘lh VII . ”cognition of in Chad’- powor. The no my - door- tor the Church to enter. Thu In an!» tutod'hy prawn condition- In " torm. ot Christian notlvmu, and than doom In to In amend try unit- ed servlcc. try our maul. and by DI‘IIOP. Mr. Frizzell rendered I malt pleu- ing 'cello solo. and the choir under the nble leader-hip of Mr. J. Brusse- mtu with Ml" Vern Bmsemnn at the on“ rendered in their usual elect- lve manner two anthems, “Open Ye The Gates," and "sun Still With Thee." WELL KNOWN * ; OFFICER BACK INTERCHUMH FROM OVERSEAS CAMPAIGN orr Mr. Frank Wegenut of Brampton, inspired the audience with three IO- loe touchlns end effectively rendered, "I'll Enter the Open Door," “Only a Little Way." end “lmpetlent Heart Be Still." The whole day In one full of blessing and joy to thts congregation because ot being enabled ta worship In the Temple ot God, which has been so manly renovated and bummed. Sergeant Major Gellately who Is spending a short leave of absence with his Vite and two daughters u the home of her parents, Pro-ton, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Shlnn on Friday and renew- ed old acquaintances In town. Sergeant Major Gellntely was one " the first three soldiers to leave; Waterloo enlisting Oct. Mth, 1914. He proceeded overseas with the 18m Battalion. April 19th, 1915. but on his arrival in England we: found unfit tor general service and was placed on the staff of the second division headquar- ters. In 1916 he Joined the stall of the Deputy Judge Advocate General overseas. Military forces of Canada in which department he was appoint- ed superintending clerk with the rank of Serge-Major Warrant Othetsr, Close No. 1. He was mentioned in the despatches for services rendered on the stall and was recommended for the Military Service Medal. MUTUAL LIFE During his residence In England, he married Miss Pearl Eagle ot Pres- ltfn and In spending his furlough with h a family In that town. The Victory Lou: Campaign In " terloo got " to a. good start on Mon- day and the workers Bre eonttdant of reaching their o', '3cthe of 85,300.000. The Mutual Life Aunnnce Com- pany bu subscribeJ the mtttmMersnt sum of 86,000,000, the Dominion Life Aunrnnco Compnny 8750.000. the Waterloo Mutual Lite Fire Insurance Company $i00.000, Wnterloo County Loan & Savings Co.. 8150.000. and n number of other spec!“ subscriptions are still to come. The mnnseern’ objective la 8300.- 000. and the memben of the commit- tee made splendid progra- on Moa. dey receiving mnny tntttseriptiot" large end small. They n11 report be. ing wall received by the alumna who ere sled of the opportunity to invent their money In such e [In sand loc- um: " the Victory been. Alberta farmers no beginnlng to use 'tttttl-r need and null:- u I cattle food. building silos for tho food. [and In Cullfornln worth “00 In acre, In given over to grommr lun- lowen. F _ 'tt--rei-ytey.rt: “I ms tsmttatgttsat , Minna“ “in”!!! -v_-‘ _ ,7 , - 51 -I emu. Mmemsssva’i [ii'rqTiiti PLACE AT pass The" Brat ot 3 series ot ‘servloel in connection with the Inter-Church among: wu held In the Methodist Church on Manley evening. The n- tendlnee was etietruragirtgtr in", despite the Inclemency ot the weal:- er. The punter. Reg. s. L. W. Hutton. spoke impreulvely on “Kn igtfttgertut, at the with of truth lube t tn - heart. ' r COUNCIL AND l COMMISSION TO BE REPRESENTED Min Butler. s,cretarr'ot the Y.W. C.A., Kitchener, sang with her mun] effectiveness. The meet a will be continued every event of this week excepting Saturdu. The members of the Town Council and Light Commission have been not- ified ot 1 meeting of the Hydro Elec- tric Commission to be held at Town to on Wednesday. The Council and Commission are sending reprelentiv tlvea to attend the meeting. when matters of vital importance will be discussed. l WILLIAM BUCHLER DEAD The death occurred on Sgturdny of . well known and highly respected bu- siness man ot Preston in tho person? of Mr. William Bushlar alter tn m/ no” of I yen. The (mule ot his death was a cancer. of which the deceased ind Battered considenhiy. He was about 60 you- of use and conducted a ttour Ind food bin-inc" tor may yam. He VI: . mum. honest busi- ness Inn. and during " mun] your: human lite in Preston he endeared himself to hit may customers by ttin Harlin; upright chunctor Ed his Itrict attention to his cutomen' in- tern". [ All will regret to hear of " dentin. A wife and seven children survive him and the nymplthy of MI II ex- tended to the family. , MARKET WAS A IUOV PLACE Em lo” at r, on“: a dozen ind hatter 532:: rL so cum a pound at the mute: on sum-any. Ver,tsttttties Friday; ind 'rtiit'i Oct. 24th “at: The Cash Store .onc you By Wellington. as our: Ind took than celebnud Comm our. 0m poi , you will wear no other. Every palr Guaranteed tor 000 B l L L & 00."? PRESTON ow! t)it1?tfal"* .SIIpport. Ono ”dull" “W 'IN the ”can “Prom-Fur“ n the owning b-ttt tho I‘m vents placid». and allow. "ro" Mon In Inolng. _ Oped-l Reductlom In “M Cornet- for Friday and may Danny ht nnI-h and a a mum-u. an “on” b a " In. addition to m m ur-ru; ere any they think price- dow n e little but there vu_ cum today. There VII I . ket despite the down-pour all SURPRISE PARTY me? an HONOR OF KARL K. HQ A plenum surprlle pert, VI nut night on Mr. Kart K. , the member elect for South Sl, " Some of ill. - new luv-dad his home to epond e p ening together and $1.0 to W on winning we election. Ii ‘thinge were said to Mr. Home: is " your: old And will be my out member in Ontario to new Human: " Toronto. I "Dtbbr" Sen". II a bushel. lto the Queen City. -t'.'k MM. Joeephlne Littler ttii morale. It 8.30. She we. " respected end well-hum I .0! Heepeler. Deceased but I ie, some “no "not!“ In. I ‘aome time no. end he! Pd covered. The newe of her be e shock to e large cinle of: I an. m . [rut church i wu one of the no“ eat" of the Bungelicel clutch I Her many kindly ecu will I numbered. Her - . her come new use. That “fully who «who are, “but“ we I!” I.“ vesicle; " tilt none u t M T L ', ,2; s, meals 1nd other wtrdueti9l ume price In In; was; 80! I 1m. Peter Cotter, the new . we mlnhtor. will move an no.1 stNeta to Home!" shortly and Pt In charge n the Adam It. .9101). During the evening Chill-- 19's the piece orchestra of an: furnished delightful mute. Lunch wee served end the“ young people went home :11. happy titer thanking Mr. “i Homuth for a, very pleas-at“ together. . V. l Bray. A pretty church wedding hell (his afternoon at , o'clock. We ttlar Heapeler young - , made man and wife. The m: a short time ago returned M' slum and France. The “we. ceremony was performed in Btu}. church and was attended by the: the- and personal friend- 4‘. bride and groom. The details of the wedding.“ ttmowtr.--Mr. George - waa 1 ed In the holy bonds of mum 1M!“ Kate Bruce. daughter of MP. ‘Mn. James W. Bruce, od Rona-T _ Coma Flue can. "In”! flu 5 Mn. N. B. Tayior, who In. Milan; her mother for tt pat iweekn. left New: for man lEtkttart, Indium. - - I. _,_ olltretr--Br- Wodding. prove tho “m, The Farmen‘ Club chipped d tad-y to Toronto. 0.e bench d I tie shipped try Mr. Archie ”(II this morning were the tttttmt - the Btreeu of Kennel". The Ct graph was Informal there were N lot: which were of Just " all!“ ity shipped tad”. Price. will' quoted tomorrow on man's II menu. 7 Corseti HESPELIR Waterld

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